


Last fall during the book tour, I visited a bunch of cupcake bakeries and sweet shops in just about every city I passed through. Miette was one of my favorites in San Francisco. If you get a chance, make sure to give them a visit.

They have two locations. One in the Ferry Building and one on Octavia Street. They also have one in Oakland and another opening later this year in Larkspur, California.


In San Francisco, the one on Octavia Street is bigger than the Ferry building location, but both are just as cute as can be.


I loved the colors and the display of sweets. So did Julie.


Everywhere you turn are the cutest treats with adorable packaging.


Lovely macarons.


Panna Cotta and Pots de Creme.


Little cakes.


Lots of little cakes. Miette is known for their sweets of smaller scale.

These are all 6 inch cakes which makes them even more charming.


And check out their cupcakes. Beautiful!


Miette recently released a cookbook filled with recipes of their signature sweets.

Pretty awesome.


And pretty cute. I love the scalloped pages.


It ties in beautifully with the shop accents.


See. Same cupcakes.

But that’s not all.


Marshmallows. I must make some soon.


Crackers and cookies.


Tarts and tartlettes. I just want to sink my teeth right in. Forget the fork.



And cakes.


I made the Tomboy Cake. So good. It’s made with chocolate and cocoa.

And I must say, it feels good to feel like baking again.

Here’s the Tomboy Cake Recipe straight from the book, courtesy of my and Miette’s publisher, Chronicle Books.

But that’s not all.


This book is just so cute that I thought I’d give you guys a chance to win a copy.

And because most people don’t already own 6 X 3 inch pans, I’m giving away two straight and two contour pans so you can make all the little Miette cakes you want. I’m also including some tartlet pans in case you don’t have any of those handy either.

To enter for a chance to win, just leave a comment on this post and answer the following question.

  • What was the last cookbook you acquired or what is the next cookbook you can’t wait to get your hands on?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, July 12 at 7:00 pm ET. Sorry, time’s up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good Luck!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

Okay, time to announce the winner of this cute little cookbook and petite pans.

The winner is comment #2636

miette-winnerCongratulations Pat! And guess what. I’m going to throw in a copy of Cake Pops for you, too.

Hope you enjoy them both. – Bakerella

Miette book photography © 2011

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7,497 comments on “Miette”

  1. I haven’t had a new cookbook in a while, I can’t even remember the last one! I’d really love to get an indian food cookbook next, but I’m a sucker for baking books and this one looks adorable!

  2. The last cookbook I got was a book called Under Pressure- due to my new found love of the pressure cooker (although 90% of my cookbooks are for sweets :) I actually just read a write up of the Miette cookbook and it was already on my list!!! Beautiful little edibles make me sooo happy.

  3. The last cookbook I bought was “Pretty Party Cakes” by Peggy Porschen. . . I just couldn’t resist. It’s one of my favorites. I can stare at the pictures all day. I can’t wait to try making her birthday cake cookies. So cute!

  4. the last cookbook i bought was actually your cakepops book. but i’m sad i missed your signing!

  5. ha! actually, my most recent cookbook is Cake Pops! if I don’t win…my next one may just have to be Miette-it looks fantastic!!!

  6. Cake Pops is in my amazon cart – have never made a cake pop before, but yours are sooo cute I just have to try. I just bought the children’s Shrek cookbook because my 3yo loves baking with me and we want to expand on that!

  7. last one i got was called ‘holy smoke!’ not only is it a super cool cookbook, but a really interesting read too!

  8. I can’t wait to get my hands on the cookbook featured! I haven’t bought a cookbook in a while.

  9. The last cookbook was a cupcake book. I love baking so the next cookbook will probably be another cupcake book or similar. I would like The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook also.=)

  10. The last cookbook I got was the Pioneer Woman’s- all the way back in January! Guess it’s time for me to buy another…

  11. a book on soups and stews….

  12. This cookbook looks awesome! The last cookbook I received was home-made by my mother for Christmas. She spent all year writing out recipes that I grew up with and inserted them in a 4×5 photo album. :o)

  13. The last cookbook that I got was for my new bread machine. I’ve made awesome things from that. I would love an awesome dessert cookbook!!! I would love to try the marshmallow and graham crackers!!!! Thanks!

  14. The last cookbook I got was a replacement for my mom’s 1970s era Betty Crocker. We’d looked at several updated versions, but none were quite the same and then one day we found the exact same version at a thrift store. It’s awesome!

  15. Thanks so much for this post – I had picked San Francisco as my destination for my 40th next year but have been chickening out – travelling half way round the world by myself seems so daunting but you’ve reminded me of at least one good thing I’d miss out on if I succumbed to fear and ahem…the last cookbook I bought was this little number called Cake Pops…I know, a little late to the party but there you go.

  16. The last cookbook I bought was America’s Test Kitchen Family Baking. Lots of great recipes.

  17. ahh, i recently got my hands on eva longoria’s cookbook, but the next cookbook i hope to get is tastefully small finger sandwiches by ken hendrickson! thank you for the giveaway!!!! i hope you feel better soon!!!<3<3<3

  18. I just got The Boozy Baker for my birthday and am so excited to try out ALL of the recipes! I think I want a Cook’s Illustrated one for my next purchase, I love their Baker’s Illustrated book.

  19. I think the last one I got was The Kind Life by Alicia Silverstone. I was on a healthy eating quest that didn’t last long. But I did make my own peanut butter cups from that that were pretty good!

  20. The last cookbook I received was a gift from my Nana. It’s The Complete Cookbook of Greek Cooking (The Recipe Club of Saint Paul’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral). I would love the Miette cookbook since I have a cat named Miette, and I’ve been wanting to learn how to make tartlets! ;)

  21. The last book I got was the 5 minute artisan breads…I would love The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz

  22. The last cookbook I bought was Martha Stewarts cupcake book :)

  23. The last cookbook I purchased was Pioneer Woman’s! The Miette cookbook looks fabulous. That may be my next!

  24. I actually want to get the Miette book soon! I’m from the Bay Area and their graham crackers are delicious, I’d love to try recipes for anything they make!
    Unfortunately I go to school over an hour away so I can’t visit so frequently. But my aunt gifts them to me whenever I go back home :3

  25. i just bought “If it makes you healthy”
    but I also love to bake.

  26. I’m embarrassed to say this… but the cookbook I really, really want (and haven’t bought for myself yet) is CAKE POPS!!! I really need to get it soon :)

  27. The last cookbook I bought was Cake Pops! My daughter’s love making the cake pops and coming up with their own creations!

  28. Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan…definitely next on my list!

  29. The last cookbook I received was the Four Ingredient Cookbook. The next one I would like is Miette’s!!

  30. The Miette cookbook is officially next on my list! Here’s hoping I can win one for myself!

  31. Actually just recently bought your Cake Pops book! :) Miette’s cookbook looks amazing – I love the scalloped edges on the pages.

  32. The last cookbook I bought was the Pioneer Woman Cooks. And I love it!

  33. The last cook book I bought was The Bread Bible by Beth Hensperger.

  34. When I looked at my cookbooks, I realized I had couldn’t remember which one was bought last. It must have been my Cake Bible. I would really like to win a new cookbook or off to the store I must go!

  35. The last cookbook I got was a Weight Watchers one….(thanks for introducing me to oreo truffles and cake pops!)
    The next cookbook I want is the Miette one….love the scalloped pages!

  36. Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World!

    Yummy vegan treats! (Good heavens no, I’m not vegan :-P)

  37. Isn’t the little cupcakes the cutest little things?

  38. The last cookbook I bought was the nestle toll house cookies. Simple, and yummy cookies. Love these ideas!

  39. My most recent cookbook purchase was a local church cookbook.

    I must say-it’s so good to hear that you feel like baking again.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  40. The last cookbook I received was probably “Eating Forward,” though I keep drooling over displays of dessert cookbooks!

  41. The last cookbook I recieved was a E-Book from Betty Crocker.

  42. This cookbook looks wonderful. The last one I purchased was actually today. I just order the new book from babycakes. Thank you for the chance to win some great items.

  43. I want to get Martha Stewart’s book of Pies and Tarts. This book looks great.

  44. I am waiting (not very patiently!) for Bobby Flay’s Burgers, Fries, and Shakes to come off my wait list at Paperbackswap.

  45. The last cookbook I received was Martha Stewart’s Cupcake Cookbook. I love Miette and was so excited to hear their cookbook is now available. I definitely would love a copy so I can start baking some of their yummy treats at home!

  46. The last Cookbook I got was actually yours!! For my birthday and a bakerella shirt!!

  47. The last cookbook I received was Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook. It has been very helpful as I am just beginning to love to bake!

  48. The last cookbook I bought was the Slow-Cookery Cookbook by Debbie G. Harman. Thanks for the chance to win!

  49. I can’t wait to get my hands on this little jewel of a cookbook. Everything looks so cute and so delicious!

  50. Actually… the last cookbook I bought was “Dr. Suess’s Green Eggs and Ham” – seriously adorable cookbook. My kids want everything in it, just because it looks funny! The internet is my favorite tool at the moment.. I have to improvise for my youngest who has a slew of allergies. Coconut, banana, chocolate chip birthday cake yesterday. Free of dairy, wheat, corn, soy and eggs. And any additional sugar. Must say,… not bad. I’d love to get my hands on this book though, and those pans. OK, now you’ve done and made me want to bake again.

  51. This shop looks too cute. Very happy that you are feeling well enough to bake wishes

  52. The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook!! I love it :)

  53. The last cookbook I bought was yours! :) I included it with lots of fun sprinkles, lollipop sticks, colored chocolate wafers and put it all in a basket for a shower present! My next cookbook will be the Miette one if I don’t win one! :) Hope you are feeling better and better! :)

  54. My last cookbook was actually your cake pop book, which i love!! This book looks adorable and i would love this!!!! <3

  55. I’m glad you’re feeling up to baking again! The last cookbook I bought was Betty Crocker’s Big Book of Cupcakes. Thanks for the chance to win!

  56. I just purchased the Hummingbird Bakery cookbook, both of them actually. I’m in desperate need of more cupcake recipes. Can never get enough!! :)

  57. Well…my last one was PW Cooks. And, since I already have yours, I’d say Miette HAS to be my next one! I love the photography… Fun!!

  58. The last cookbook I bought was the Annabell Langbein one (she’s a NZ cook and food show host who cooks with lovely home grown ingredients) And next up I want something full of delicious sweets… I’m not fussy haha

  59. The last cook book I bought was Macarons by Cecile Cannone. I would love to make Miete’s Caramel Panna Cotta.


  60. Wow, that looks incredible!
    The last cookbook I purchased was a tiny spanish book with vegetarian recipes, since my ex boyfriend (like pretty much all of my past boyfriends for some reason) did not eat meat, and the next on my wishlist is definitely, DEFINITELY this one!

  61. The last cookbook I was given was Bakerella’s new book on cake pops. I am a collector of books and love them all.

  62. I got the Ad Hoc cookbook last– I’ve mastered the chocolate chip cookies. The next one on my list is the Tartine cookbook. The Miette book would perfect my Bay area cookbook trifecta.

    thanks for hosting!!

  63. The last cookbook I bought was The Pioneer Woman’s!! Debating getting your cake pop book, my auntie bought it this weekend after I showed her your blog and she made the cutest little chicks and roosters! Thanks for the chance to win, how awesome!!

  64. The last cookbook I received was an original 1925 edition of the Boston Cooking School Cook Book by Fannie Merrill Farmer. Such fun! I would LOVE this cook of delectable and adorable Miette sweets and a copy of Gale Gand’s Butter, Flour, Sugar and Eggs.

  65. Well according to most of the above posts, I need “The Pioneer Woman’s Cookbook”, so that would make it my next cookbook purchase. As for my last purchase, it was “100 Best Health Foods”. Glad you are doing better!

  66. I am planning a trip to the bay area in early August and now am excited to have a new place to explore. There are sooo many goodies to choose from-where do I start? I am also planning on purchasing the book for myself and my two daughters….yummy!! Hope I win!

  67. The last cookbook I purchased was your cookbook. I love making cake pops. I also love to make minatures, so, the Miette cookbook may be my next purchase ! Glad you are feeling better…

  68. The last cook book I got was your cakepop book @ the Tigard Oregon book signing : )

  69. Last cookbook> Martha Stewarts Pies and Tarts……my next will be Miette cookbook! Thanks for sharing…

  70. The next book I want to get is Martha Stewart Cookies since I don’t have it and need new cookie recipes…I just want to say good luck everyone and can’t wait till’ tomorrow evening! Happy Monday everyone!

  71. My lovely friends gave me the Flour Bakery book (by the amazing Joanne Chang). It is my new go-to sweets book. Sticky buns, chocolate cream pies and some of the most delightful cookies ever!

  72. I haven’t tried out a new sweets cookbook in ages, so I’s have to say I’m looking forward to getting this one! (Whether I win it or not, though also getting the pans would be awesome). I’ve been recently re-inspired by meeting a friend of a friend who’s a baker and loves to talk about it.

    My favorite cookbook right now is my trusty frame-by-frame baking one, still working on my goal to try out every recipe in it.

  73. THe last cookbook I bought was your cake pop book…love it~! I’d love the Miette, it would be perfect for bake sale treats at our school and church. Thanks!

  74. My last cookbook that I added to my collection was the Bakesale cookbook with all sorts of delicious sweet treats! I might have to add a low calorie cookbook next!!!

  75. Seriously, my last cookbook purchase was Cake Pops!

  76. The last cookbook I received was in my Easter basket and was the Bakerella Cake Pops book!

  77. The last cookbook I bought for myself was either Jamie Oliver’s “Jamie at Home” or a random cookbook on Thai cooking. I bought them both because of the gorgeous photos. I don’t have nearly enough dessert books though.

  78. The last cookbook I received was Taste of Home Busy Family for a graduation present. The next cookbook? Cake Pops of course! :)

  79. The last cookbooks I bought were the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook, and also a crockpot cookbook. I would LOVE to win this one, thanks!!

  80. I bought a cookbook in Newfoundland, Canada called Cookin’ Up A Scoff.

  81. The last cookbook I bought was the CakePop book!!! I’m slowly working my way through the entire thing :) I don’t know when I’ll have time for the next one, but this one is darling!

  82. The last cookbook is one I received as a baby shower gift – The Baby & Toddler Cookbook. My cousin threw the shower and said if anyone she knew was going to make their own baby food it would be me! :-) My daughter has LOVED every recipe I’ve made from it too!

  83. My last cookbook was “Whoopie Pies” and I am still in search for my next book …

  84. The last cookbook I bought was for my son–a Cook’s Illustrated Skillet Cookbook. I think my next one will be this one! It looks great.

  85. Last one was a church cookbook. Would love to acquire this one next! Love love love the scalloped pages!

  86. Last book I picked up was the Martha Stewart pie book…

  87. Last cookbook, PW Cooks…next cookbook Peas & Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love…I’m not vegetarian, but also don’t need meat for every meal :) So very glad you (and your Mom) are feeling better!

  88. We just received your Cake Pops book! Does that count as a cookbook? And, the next cookbook I want, believe it or not – is the Luby’s Cookbook. Just heard today that Luby’s has a cookbook and my daughter loves their macaroni & cheese so I’m going to find out how to make it just like Luby’s!

  89. Wow! Her show is adorable! I wish I lived in CA to visit it… The last cookbook I bought was Tate’s Bakery cookbook by Kathleen King. They make such delicious chocolate chip cookies here on the East coast. I can’t wait for it to be cooler so I can bake a batch. Thanks for the chance to win the Miette cookbook and goodies.

  90. Last one – Betty Crocker. Would like any Italian cookbook. Hope to win this to give to my daughter. Thanks!

  91. I am dying to get Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home

  92. The last cookbook for me was yours! And I’m not sure what I want next–I’ve been eyeing a “Southern Biscuits” cookbook by Nathalie Dupree.

  93. I just bought the Flour cookbook and made some fantastic stuff last weekend.

  94. The last cookbook I bought was Bakerella’s Cake Pops book!! I love it!!

  95. must. have. your. cookbook! cheers to cakepops!

  96. The last cookbook I purchased was yours!! Cake Pops has such great ideas and tips to make cakeballin’ even more fun that it was already!

  97. I own a cookbook from a little Bake Shoppe from back home. Found some great recipes there.

  98. My latest cookbook is The Pioneer Woman Cooks!

  99. Last one was the newlywed cookbook I received for my wedding! The next one I want is that miette one! I make cupcakes and baked goods for everything, gifts, parties, fun, whatever…and that one looks lie one I need! Looking for it now!

  100. The last cookbook i acquired was the Jewish Mama’s Kitchen. My boyfriend is a big fan of home cookin’. And all my baked goods, of course.

  101. The last cookbook I bought was the bakerella cake pops book. I was so inspired by what I saw that I am going to make some for my best friends baby shower.

  102. I can’t wait to make something from this beautiful and very cute cookbook! I love cute pastries!

  103. The last cookbook I got was a Star Wars cookie one for work! And of course the next one I was is this one!!!

  104. The last cookbook I bought was Yum Yum Bento Box

  105. The last cookbook I bought was Nigella Lawson’s “How to be a Domestic Goddess” and I believe it taught me well! :P

  106. My most recent cookbook Around the World in 450 Recipes….everything from Ethiopian to French recipes. I love it but my heart lies with sweets…I gotta have Miette’s book next!

  107. I can’t remember the last cookbook I bought, but I really want to get the Pioneer Woman’s. I tried her cinnamon roll recipe and I’ve been dying to try some others.

  108. How wonderful! The last cookbook I got was Lindy Smith’s Bake Me I’m Yours Cupcakes. I hope my next will be her decorating bible if not Miette :D thanks for another great giveaway!

  109. The last cook book I purchased was the weight watcher’s cookbook..made a lot of yummy recipes, but now I am ready to bake some sweet treats!

  110. The last cookbook I got was What to Cook and How to Cook it! It’s great with tons of how-to pictures along the way in each recipe! (I need to make sure what I’m doing along the way looks right.) The next cookbook I can’t wait to get my hands on is The Pioneer Woman one (The Pioneer Woman Cooks…I think that’s what it’s called)! This would be a great addition, though! :) Glad you’re healing and feeling better, Bakerella!

  111. I can’t remember the last cookbook that I purchased was!

    I “think” it might have been Miss Mary Bobo’s Boarding House Cookbook, but that might not be right…

    I collect cookbooks, and I’m a librarian, and when we discard old books, I generally end up bringing some of them home, so that they don’t end up in the local dump.

  112. I would like to get The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook.

  113. The last cookbook I purchased was the “confetti cakes cookbook” by Alissa Strauss next I can’t wait to get my hands on Miette cookbook!!! :)

  114. I think the most recent cookbook I have is a Southern Living book! The Gooseberry Patch books look yummy so I may get one of those next.

  115. Last cookbook was Cooks Illustrated.

  116. I last cook book I brought was yours! There are way too many that are on my list to get.

  117. The last cookbook I received was an autographed Martha Stewart from my sweet brother in law.

  118. The last cookbook I bought was the bread bible. I haven’t done much bread baking and wanted to give it a try. The book I covet the most and will, hopefully, be getting soon is Chocolate and Confections.

  119. The last cookbook I bought was the Pioneer Woman’s!

  120. i just today picked up the sweet potato queens big ass cookbook. I’m kindof excited to go home and peruse it! :)

    thanks for the chance..happy cooking!!

  121. The last one I bought was Sticky, Messy, Chewy, Gooey – recommended by you!

  122. The last cookbook I bought was Rocco DiSpirito’s Now Eat This because I am ALWAYS looking for comfort foods without a million calories! Making the Eggplant “Manicotti” tonight! (Plus, he’s rather adorable and there are pictures of him in the book!)

  123. Ha, my last cookbook was yours, cakepops. Have yet to make any yet. Need to do peanut butter ones for a shower on saturday, so here I go! Love this little book and the photos of their adorable shop.

  124. The last cookbook I got was a Mac and cheese book and the next one I want is The Pioneer Woman Cooks!

  125. The last cookbook I received was at Christmas and it was a cookbook put together by my sister in law that held all of the famous family recipes from over the years. Loved it!

  126. hopefully this will be the next cook book i get. before that i got a nigella lawson book.

  127. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get this. My 12 year old is at Scout Camp this week and requested something homemade when we go see him Friday night! Thought about cookies, but this would have been way cooler!

  128. This is my first time commenting on your site even tho I watch it daily for a new post! I am so glad to know you are feeling better! I actually just purchased this cookbook, it was my most recent cookbook purchase!! It is sooo awesome, I have made the cheesecake, (YUM!) which was the whole reason for my purchase…I am a cheesecake junkie and hers just looked divine on her Miette website! And just made her natural version of macaron…also good. Anyhoo, don’t need the book, but wanted to tell everyone… If you don’t win, but love new cookbooks (anyone??), BUY this book…it is the cute-est. cookbook. Ever. Sorry Bakerella…it’s just those scalloped pages…so cute!

  129. my lastest cookbook was macarons ?

  130. The last cookbook I got was Pioneer Woman’s… which was over a year ago. The next cookbook? Another copy of the Pioneer Woman’s for my friend. :)

  131. The last one I got was a cookbook of recipes contributed by parents @ an elementary school in Kula, Hawaii….a fundraiser! I would love this Miette cookbook though. Scalloped pages are too cute! I would also love to get my authentic Mexico cookbook out of storage…..oh, and I would also love to get the Mitsitam Cafe cookbook from the Smithsonian. Ok, so I have a couple I want!!!

  132. Martha Stewarts Pies and Tarts…The next I’m hoping for “miette”…PLEASE!!!

  133. The last cookbook I got was an Italian Pasta cookbook, and now I want this one!

  134. The last cookbook I was given was One Bite At a Time. It’s a great cookbook for healthy eating! My next one definitely needs to be something about baking, so this one is right up my alley!

  135. Last cookbook was CakePops! So fun :)

  136. It was a cookbook magazine… I’m going to be doing the desserts and cupcakes for my friends wedding so I bought the better homes and gardens cupcake magazine… the trial run of cupcakes went very well… :)

  137. Bobby Flay’s Mesa Grill cookbook was that last I purchased. Wanting to buy Martha Stewart’s Pies and Tarts.
    Too funny Miette keeps showing up on my recommendations from Amazon :) Looks like I need to check it out!

  138. My last cookbo

    On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:08 AM, Lillian Little wrote:

    The last cookbook I bought was ” All For The Love Of Traci-2″. The author is a 25 year old woman who is a quadriplegic. She was on our local news and asked people to send in recipes to her for the book. One of my favorite recipes is in the book and I also bought 2 books, one for me and one for my granddaughter who got married in January. I would love for my next book to be the Miette cookbook. Thanks

  139. The last cookbook was Rocco’s “Now Eat This” the next one will be Bakerella’s book. I am so happy to hear that you are doing well and I will keep praying for you and your incredible mother.

  140. The latest one I’ve bought is called Mini Cupcakes by Leslie Fiet. The one I can”t wait to get my hands on are the woopie pie recipe book! Delicious and cute!

  141. Such a fun giveaway! The last cookbook that I acquired was Cake Pops, and it was given to me for Mother’s Day.

  142. The last book I got (as a gift for my birthday in March) was Cake Pops. The next one I am looking to get is Julia’s Kitchen Wisdom … can’t wait for Christmas.


  143. Last: Curries 500 – lovin’ it
    Next: High Altitude Baking (I live at 10,500ft – I’ve borrowed my friend’s copy but she must be wanting it back by now). Although this one looks divine. Might have to change my mind.

  144. Fabulous, fabulous pics from this little shop. So now I have to say that I want this cookbook. Actually, I want yours too! I’m glad you are feeling better and your life is getting back to normal. Hope this kidney lasts much longer than the last one, it should, it’s full of motherly love!!

    The last cookbook I acquired was actually a gift from my ex-roommate: dressed to grill. My roommate used to do all the grilling when she lived here and I can’t grill worth a d@mn!! Thanks in advance for such a great giveaway!

  145. Last cookbook was Bakerella’s Cake Pops. Next one I want to buy is Whoopie Pies :)

  146. the last cookbook “the bread bible”. the next cookbook…. it has to be Miette cookbook. thanks!

  147. I got three cookbooks for my birthday: Martha Stewart’s Cupcakes, Betty Crocker Big Book of Cupcakes, and Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Book.

  148. The last cookbook I recieved was Sarah’s Bakery in Chicago’s cookbook and I am looking foward to DC Cupcakes one in November.

  149. The last cookbook I got was Hungry Girl 300 under 300, can’t wait to get this one it looks awesome!

  150. i don’t have any cookbooks!! but i really want hello cupcakes and other cupcake books!

  151. I’m really looking forward to purchasing the gwyneth paltrow cookbook and now I can’t wait too get my hands on this inspiring little book. :)

  152. Barefoot Contessa, How Easy Is That

  153. I purchased The Pioneer Women’s Cookbook recently!

  154. el ultimo libro que compré fue uno de cupcakes , de una autora Argentina y el que muero por tener es el popcakes de bakerella en español..ojalá salga pronto, me avisan y lo compro “altiro”, es decir de inmediato. Soy de Santiago de Chile

  155. My birthday is coming up, so I’m really hoping to get Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Love Julia Child!

  156. Actually, the last cookbook I bought was your Cake Pop book!! I would love to add this Miette book to my collection!!

  157. My next cookbook purchase will be this one!!

  158. I think the last cookbook my family bought was Pioneer Woman’s cookbook. I love her sheet cake!!! I was introduced to her through you, so thank you!!! :)

  159. I received Southern Plate: Classic Comfort Food That Makes Everyone Feel Like Family by Christy Jordan as a gift .Which was great because I wanted it but wouldn’t purchase it for myself.

  160. The last cookbook I got was a Tapas book from Spain, and my next cookbook will probably be a slow cooker cookbook!

  161. I have a picky 3 year old so the last cookbook I bought was Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld :)

  162. The last cookbook that I received was a Paula Deen cookbook. I’m a southern girl!

  163. I am really coveting Good to the Grain, I have been working my way through Craft of Baking and I just love it!

  164. What a lovely giveaway! The last cookbook I bought was Guy
    Fieri’s new book with all the awesome tattoo art in it. It is now hanging on my wall with all my other favorite cookbooks (and my picture with him as well. :) )

  165. I go to the Ferry Building all the time during for lunch on Farmer’s Market days. My sweet tooth brings me to Miette all the time :)

    My last cookbook was one of the Barefoot Contessa’s… I really want Bakerella! My roommate is pretty excited for cakepops to start overflowing the kitchen.

  166. The last cookbook I got was the Women’s Weekly Afternoon Tea cookbook. It’s full of super adorable and absolutely delicious treats, and I love it! My next cookbook will probably be another Women’s Weekly.

  167. Alton Brown’s I’m just here for more food (baking). I want to get Pioneer Womans cookbook!

  168. Martha Stewart Cupcakes! It sits right next to my cake pops book, of course.

  169. CAKE POPS was the last cookbook I purchased (one for me, and one for my bestow) I swear I am not trying to brown-nose! ;) I really want this cookbook, too, now!

  170. The last cookbook I got was the Cupcake Bible, and now i want this one to add to my collection! :)

  171. I just ordered the Miette cookbook, so if I win this one, it will to to my daughter in law.

  172. Hello, so nice you are back and hopefully feeling better? My last two books (yeah I know two!) were Pioneer woman’s and your Bakerella Cake pops! I love them both, I love cookbooks!

  173. The last cookbook I bought was Joy of Cooking. My bff has been telling me for years that I NEED this cookbook. I finally gave in and bought it!

  174. Honest- the last cookbook I bought was yours!! And I want to get Our Best Bites. Thanks!!!

  175. im sooo excited because i had added this book to my amazon wishlist a few days ago…so definitely the Miette book!!!

  176. last cookbook was Double Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld and the next one I want is Cook it Together by Annabel Karmel

  177. Last cookbook I acquired was the Grand Central Bakery cookbook. I’ve been making the rhubarb crisp this summer and it is AMAZING. simple ingredients, delicious results.

  178. love your post -my fav-would love to win a cook book on your cake pops… your followers forever-DEbbie do and my girl crew

  179. I just bought three different chocolate books for a friend’s going-away present. We’ll have plenty of chocolate recipes to choose from when we see each other again. My next purchase will be this Miette book if I don’t win it :) I totally love this store — I always take pictures whenever I visit. So happy to hear that you are doing better!

  180. The last cookbook I bought was a Hershey’s book. I am a chocolate lover! The next book I would like to buy would be your cakepop book. :) Thank you!

  181. The last cookbook I bought was the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook and the next book I hope to get is the Miette cookbook!! :-] I’m soooo happy that you’re feeling well enough to bake again!!

  182. How adorable and trendy is that shop!! Hope I win the cookbook, its lovely!

  183. The last cookbook I got was your cake pops book! My boyfriend went out and surprised me with it.!

  184. I don’t remember what the last cookbook I got was because it’s been so long…the next book i’ll get is Martha Stewart’s book of cupcakes.

  185. I just found my latest cookbook addition at a rummage sale – a Betty Crocker cookbook from the 1960s. For $1, I would say it’s a good buy!

  186. The last cookbook I bought was one by Nigella Lawson. I would probably buy this one next – looks awesome.

  187. Last one was The Pioneer Woman Cookbook and the next one will be Thomas Keller’s Ad Hoc

  188. I don’t buy many cookbooks, but I’ve had a Dorie Greenspan book on my wishlist for ages now.

    And this one looks like some fabulous eye candy!

  189. Straight from Paris!
    Last cook book I bought was Barefoot Contessa how easy was that!
    Next one: Maybe Miette’s!

  190. The Betty Crocker Big Book of Cupcakes! The recipes are so yummy! Glad you’re back to baking again! =)

  191. The last book I received was Ready for Dessert by David Lebovitz. Awesome one! Now I think I would love to get my hands on this one you’re featuring! The treats are so gorgeous to look at. Thanks!

  192. The last cookbook I got was Pioneer Woman. I have the cakepop cookbook on my list of must haves!

  193. Oooh! Thanks for sharing! I think I’m going to buy this book ASAP, so adorable!

  194. The last cookbook I bought was The Pioneer Woman Cooks and I’m still in love with it.

  195. The last cookbook I bought was The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook and I love it!

    So glad that your up to baking again. We’ve missed you!

  196. The last cookbook I bought was how to make sushi.

  197. The last cookbook I purchased was “simply chocolate” from the editors of Southern Living. I love it!

  198. I purchased Baking: From My Home to Yours, by Dorie Greenspan.

  199. My next purchase will have to be “Miette” now, unless I win the random drawing. Last was “Zoku Quick Pops;” my five year-old daughter and I are having fun making quick pops this summer. : )

  200. The last cookbook I bought was my Cake Pops Book-this one looks like a lot of fun, too!

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