


Last fall during the book tour, I visited a bunch of cupcake bakeries and sweet shops in just about every city I passed through. Miette was one of my favorites in San Francisco. If you get a chance, make sure to give them a visit.

They have two locations. One in the Ferry Building and one on Octavia Street. They also have one in Oakland and another opening later this year in Larkspur, California.


In San Francisco, the one on Octavia Street is bigger than the Ferry building location, but both are just as cute as can be.


I loved the colors and the display of sweets. So did Julie.


Everywhere you turn are the cutest treats with adorable packaging.


Lovely macarons.


Panna Cotta and Pots de Creme.


Little cakes.


Lots of little cakes. Miette is known for their sweets of smaller scale.

These are all 6 inch cakes which makes them even more charming.


And check out their cupcakes. Beautiful!


Miette recently released a cookbook filled with recipes of their signature sweets.

Pretty awesome.


And pretty cute. I love the scalloped pages.


It ties in beautifully with the shop accents.


See. Same cupcakes.

But that’s not all.


Marshmallows. I must make some soon.


Crackers and cookies.


Tarts and tartlettes. I just want to sink my teeth right in. Forget the fork.



And cakes.


I made the Tomboy Cake. So good. It’s made with chocolate and cocoa.

And I must say, it feels good to feel like baking again.

Here’s the Tomboy Cake Recipe straight from the book, courtesy of my and Miette’s publisher, Chronicle Books.

But that’s not all.


This book is just so cute that I thought I’d give you guys a chance to win a copy.

And because most people don’t already own 6 X 3 inch pans, I’m giving away two straight and two contour pans so you can make all the little Miette cakes you want. I’m also including some tartlet pans in case you don’t have any of those handy either.

To enter for a chance to win, just leave a comment on this post and answer the following question.

  • What was the last cookbook you acquired or what is the next cookbook you can’t wait to get your hands on?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, July 12 at 7:00 pm ET. Sorry, time’s up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good Luck!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

Okay, time to announce the winner of this cute little cookbook and petite pans.

The winner is comment #2636

miette-winnerCongratulations Pat! And guess what. I’m going to throw in a copy of Cake Pops for you, too.

Hope you enjoy them both. – Bakerella

Miette book photography © 2011

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7,497 comments on “Miette”

  1. The last cookbook I ordered was from America’s Test Kitchens- The Best One-Dish Suppers. Yum!

  2. I just bought an old Better Homes and Gardens at a garage sale. I think it is the third one I own. Would love to get my hands on this cookbook though. What a great giveaway.

  3. I don’t know which book was the last cook book I added to my collection. I am not what the next one will be. I love cook books and I love to share them.

  4. The last cookbook I bought was Sandra Lee’s Semi-Homemade Baking and I cant wait to get my hand on any cookbook that has sweets :).

  5. I just got “175 best babycakes cupcake maker recipes.” I LOVE making tiny desserts so, of course, I have your cookbook “Cake Pops, too.

  6. For christmas, my mother gave me a Julia Child cookbook filled with recipes, but also notes from her notebooks over the years. So all her little tricks and shortcuts are in the cookbook as well. I love it!

  7. My last cookbook purchase was Bobby Flay’s Throwdown!

  8. My in-laws gave me four taste of home cookbooks earlier this year. I enjoy making things from them as much as I enjoy reading them and looking at the pictures.

  9. I was given Bon Appetit Desserts for Christmas!

  10. The last cookbook I purchased was a Quick Dinners for Two one. I really want the one you are giving away! :)

  11. Great giveaway! :)
    The last cookbook I received was The Taste of Home Cookbook.

  12. The last one was ‘Cake Days’ from The Hummingbird Bakery and I love it ! ^^

  13. Peggy Porschen’s Pretty Party Cakes; on your recommendation!

  14. Around My French Table or Stir will be my next cookbook

  15. The last cookbook I bought was the Pioneer Woman Cooks and the next book I was looking at acquiring was Artisan Breads in Five Minutes a Day until I saw this post and now I really want this Miette book!

  16. The last cookbook I bought was from The United Methodist Church in Zanesfield, Ohio. I love the tried
    and true recipes from people who cook for their friends and families!

  17. The last cookbook I got was the one the school I work for put together as a fund raiser. The next one I pick up will probably be one from cook’s illustrated. Don’t know which one but I love the ones I already have and would like to add to my collection.

  18. The last bookbook I received was Cake Pops by the FABulous Bakerella….yes your book was the book I couldn’t wait to get my hands on!! Now I would LOVE to get my hands on this book too:) I just want to put it up fo display next to yours:))

  19. I own so many cookbooks that I don’t buy any for myself anymore, but the last one I bought was Bakerellas for my niece for Christmas She just loved it.

  20. The last cookbook i’ve received was a japanese one!

  21. The Vegetables Dishes I Can’t Live Without by Mollie Katzen. Great book for a vegetarian like me. The next one I want will be centered around chocolate though for sure!

  22. The last cookbook I bought was Hello, Cupcake! I really want the Sugar Baby cookbook and now I really, really want this one! My cousin and I are starting our own bakery and we want to do cupcakes and mini cakes and pies so this cookbook would be a wonderful help!

  23. Last cookbook- Martha Stewart Baking, next ?? There are so many amazing ones out.

  24. The last cookbook I received was What’s New, Cupcake?

  25. The last I bought was Keeping Good Company and the next I want to buy is this one you are giving away!! So please count me in on the giveaway!

  26. Bakerella or Our Best Bites is the next cookbook I want. I really want the Miette cookbook now, so it is a toss up.

  27. My most recent aquisition was “A Homemade Life” by Molly Wizenberg. I love the combination of a story and food!

  28. I must have pioneer woman’s and cake pops. Those snowglobe ones you posted on the blog last week are on my shortlist for christmas presents!

  29. The next cookbook I can’t wait to get my hands on is Tartine Bread (I’m ordering it from Amazon soon)! Great giveaway!

  30. The last cookbook I bought was “The Good Neighbor Cookbook” by Suzanne Schlosberg and Sara Quessenberry. I love to bake, but wanted to add some new things to the “what to take to the party/shower/bookclub/etc.” repertoire.

  31. I have a cookbook addiction that I am trying to curb. the last cookbook I bought was cakepops! I was gifted a cookbook after that from a lovely vendor I work with that is the Augusta National cookbook. Both are fabulous!

  32. Glad you are baking again I love to see what you come up with thank for the chance to win such a cool prize. The last cook book I bought was a eat clean cook book which is funny because I love my sweets.

  33. Wow! I can’t even remember the last cookbook I bought. It was probably a Betty Crocker cook book. I need to get PW’s book.

  34. The last cookbook bought wasn’t for me, it was for my Sister-in-law in England who likes to cook with my 11 year old niece. The book? Cake Pops! They loved it as my niece loves the decorating part more than the baking part!
    The next cookbook will be something on bread making.

  35. Bakerella’s cookbook and Simply Organic both for Christmas!!

  36. The last cookbook I acquired was “chocolate” from Maxine Clark. I just love the pictures. My next purchase will be “The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook”.

  37. The last cookbook I bought was Ree Drummond’s
    The Pioneer Woman Cooks
    So many good recipes :)

  38. My last cookbook was the Sneaky Chef so I could hide veggies in my son’s food. My next may be one from Pioneer Woman, but this one is so cute I may have to go get it. (if I don’t win it, that is)!

  39. The last cookbook I got was the Hershey’s chocolate cookbook (yum) and your Cake Pop’s book! The next one I want is The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook and this one!

    And I am so glad you’re feeling better and back to baking! I’ve missed it!

  40. My last cookbook was a homemade one from my mother-in-law filled with recipes from family and friends.

    I honestly can’t wait to get my hands on your Cakepops book, my b-day is coming up and it’s on my list!

  41. Not a word of a lie- the last cookbook I bought was YOURS! I made a whole cake pops gift basket for a friend of mine who has recently found your site and become a cake pop addict.

    I helped her make owls for her daughter’s last day of class and Hello Kitty for her other daughter’s birthday this past weekend. We’re tackling the cupcake cake pops next.

    I am planning to pick up a copy of your book and the Pioneer Woman’s book on my next payday.

  42. my last cookbook purchased was a thai food cookbook (can’t recall the name)…still LOVE IT!!!

  43. The last cookbook I purchased was YOURS! :) I love my new cakepop book :D thank youuu…

  44. The last cookbook I purchased was Hello! Cupcake. It is full of fun and excited Cupakes!

  45. My last “real” cookbook purchase was The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook! Absolutely love it. I buy magazines and get recipes online all the time.

  46. I think the last cookbook I got was the Pioneer Woman’s!

  47. The last cakebook I got was from my grandparents garage….good and greasy southern food recipes!

  48. The last cookbook that I bought was the Cake Pop Book. I think that the next will be a bread cookbook. Not sure just which one that will be

  49. The last I got was Deep Dark Chocolate, not sure what will be next!

  50. Hi I love you’r ideas!!!! Well the next books I WOULD LIKE TO BUY IS YOUR Bakerella book and this one I’m very interested in it! Im from Puerto Rico

  51. The last book I got was the Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook. It has some of the yummiest recipes in there! I love it! :)

  52. The last cookbook I bought was your Cake Pop book. It has so many great ideas in it. I love it :)

  53. The next one I will buy will be yours! I have been wanting it since it came out.

  54. Everything in this post looks YUMMY! I haven’t purchased a cookbook in YEARS – I tend to be more of a digital person, but I intend to grab a copy of The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook sometime soon!

  55. The last cookbook I purchased was: “Cake Pops” by Bakerella and at the same time “Gorgeous and Gruesome Cakes” by Debbie Brown. The cookbook I can’t wait to get my hands on is: Miette Recipes from San Francisco’s most Charming Pastry Shop.

  56. The last book I acquired was Martha Stewart’s Pies and Tarts. I have been eyeballing the Miette just recently as well:)

  57. I haven’t bought a cookbook. They have all been given to me and I do a lot of printing off the internet. The last cookbook I received was Betty Crocker from my late mother-in-law. I cherish that cookbook and use it all the time.

  58. The last cookbook I bought was Miette, but I have friends that I could give the extra copy to. Can’t wait to make something from it. Thinking of brownies since we have some financier pans.

  59. I’d so love to win, even tho I don’t think my little heart can take all that cuteness. I die.

  60. My first cookbook was Better Homes and Garden New Cook Book. I received it as a wedding gift 29 years ago. Oh my! I still use it on occasion.

  61. I am so glad that you feel up to baking again! I think my latest cookbook is from the Baked Boys.

  62. The last cookbook I bought was YOUR cookbook … Cake Pops by Bakerella! I saw this cookbook you’re giving away at Borders yesterday and thought it looked good so I hope I win!

    I’m so happy you’re feeling better!

  63. Hee, the last one I got was your Cake Pops book. The one I’ve had my eye on is Pioneer Woman’s next!

  64. Oh gosh. The last cook book I bought was the Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook. My mother had one, so it was my first (and only) cook book purchase. I get most of my recipes online right now… but I would LOVE to have this book! I’ve been wanting one for baking, and the recipes in this one look so delicious!

  65. My last cookbook was either yours or the Pioneer Woman’s and I LOVE them both!!! Would love this one! Glad you are feeling good enough to bake!

  66. I don’t even remember the last cookbook I purchased. I would however know exactly which cookbook I would love to get and that would be Pioneer Woman.

  67. I just bought a Better Homes and Gardens, tons of basic recipes. I think the next one I want to get is Pioneer Woman’s book!

  68. I actually bought the Miette cookbook most recently! So far I have made the Chocolate Chip Cookies and the Chocolate Sables, both were delicious. I would love to win the pans so I could make a cake!

  69. The last cookbook I bought was Fresh From the Farmer’s Market that I got from a used bookstore. It’s organized by season so you can choose recipes that include ingredients that are fresh and available at the market!

  70. my father just ordered the food & wine cookbook :) can’t wait to look through it!
    and… july 10th was my birthday~

  71. The last book I bought was a Tapas cookbook, I made some for New Years appetizers and everyone love them.

  72. Gorgeous post!!!!

    The last book I bought was ‘Bake me I´m yours, cookies’ and I´m looking forward buying your book!!! :-)

    I hope I have luck to win that great book!

  73. the last book i got was a crockpot cookbook with some really great recipes. second to last was your cake pop book. i would love my next one to be about sweets and cakes.
    Glad you are feeling better!

  74. My most recent purchase was “Chicken and Egg.” I love, love, love it! It’s been a while since I’ve read a cookbook cover to cover and wanted to make almost every single recipe.

  75. The last cookbook I added was a gift of a collection of recipes from my friend’s family reunion and the next one I will buy will be one on Whoopie Pies because I have become addicted to my whoopie pie pans! Glad you are back to posting cause you give me such great inspiration!

  76. I’ve been wanting THIS book! It’s on my Amazon wishlist, and I am dying to have it!

  77. The last cookbook I purchased was Pioneer Woman’s. Love it. The next one will be Bakerella’s because my daughter loves to bake!

  78. My neighbor was just clearing off her cookbook shelf and I scored The Bread Bible. I’d love to check out the Miette cookbook.

  79. Most recent? Cake Pops!

  80. The last cookbook I recieved was Fresh, Fast & Fabulous, which was used for a giveaway at Sam’s Club. I haven’t used it yet because it’s mostly grilling recipes and that’s my hubby’s area of expertise, not mine.

    The next book on my wishlist is YOUR Cakepops book! I am dying to get my hands on it so I can be the cool mom when it comes to school treats for my kids :)

  81. The last cookbook I received was the Barefoot Contessa ‘How Easy is That?’

  82. I bought a used Fullmann /Culinaria/Konnemann Spain cookbook. I got their Greece one for a friend. The last I bought at a proper bookshop was DK Ingredients ( not really a cookbook but encyclopaedia). Also got myself a Donna Hay Seasons cookbook. I wish I could visit this place – and San Fransisco as whole.I just want the pans if that was another possibility. I saw your Toronto tour on tv and various websites. I suppose Montreal would be on your tour if Chronicle Books translate in French but if we get Starbucks cakepops…

  83. Last one purchased was for my husband. The Barbeque Bible. Next one, well this one looks pretty awesome!

  84. its been a long time on such an indulgence…long over due for a treat

  85. I can’t remember what the last cookbook I bought was, but I have been dying to get my hands on Tyler Florence’s “Tyler Florence Family Meal” ~ I hear its fantastic!

  86. the last cook book i bought was the taste of home award winners and the next one I will probably get will be the holiday goose berry patch. I just love to read them.

  87. The last book I purchased was Bakerella’s Cake Pops (January 2011) I would like to get Miette’s next. Thank you for all the wonderful reciepes. I cant wait to try the Tomboy Cake reciepe.

  88. I don’t recall the last cookbook, but I know I want a Miette cookbook! Amazing!

  89. The last cookbook I got was yours…Cake Pops! I tried the basic pops, but they didn’t turn out as pretty as yours. My family didn’t seem to mind, because they didn’t last too long! I went to the Miette bakery in Oakland. I had no idea they published a cookbook!

  90. I would love to have the Our Best Bites cookbook. But this one looks fabulous too! Now I can’t decide.

  91. The last cookbook I acquired was a gift and fund raising project “Cooking for the Cure”. I love cookbooks and can not narrow the list down to just one that I would look forward to obtaining.

  92. The last cookbook was “Sushi” from Kimiko Barber and Hiroki Takemura. For my little Sushi obsession.
    The next will be a book that I still have to find. I am looking for a book for haute cuisine cake with the idea of very special recipes for cake and decoration.

    Love your blog,

  93. The last cookbook I bought was a cup cake one for a sweet girl heading off to college…a must have for every girl heading out on her own. Hopefully this will be my next one.

  94. After seeing this, I think my next cookbook with be this Miette one!

  95. The last cookbook I got was a 50’s vintage Texas Junior League. The next one I’d like is the Treebeard’s cookbook, Southern cooking at it’s best.

  96. This one! It looks amazing!

  97. Spread a little joy- a cookbook of Philadelphia cream cheese recipes

  98. I am thrilled to be hopefully receiving The Barefoot Contessa How Easy Is That? Cookbook.
    Thanks for the chance to win this one- would love to dabble in a little sweetery!

  99. The last cookbook I purchased (for myself, that is) was The Pioneer Woman Cooks. Can’t wait to purchase The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz.

  100. The last cook book I got was your AMAZING cake pop book my next will be the Laduree cookbook then the Miette one if I don’t win it ;-)

  101. This book is adorable! I love Miette! The last cookbook that I acquired was The Perfect Scoop from David Lebovitz. A friend gave it to me with my ice cream maker and it’s been awesome!

  102. The last cookbook I bought was Skinny Bitch in the Kitch. The Miette cookbook is definitely a contender for the next book that I want to purchase!

  103. The last book I bought was the Hummingbird bakery book! Yum! :)

  104. The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum was the last cookbook I purchased. I’m trying to learn how to make better tasting frosting.

    The next cookbook I want to purchase is Confetti Cakes by Elisa Strauss. It’s on my wish list.

    Bakerella, I hope you and your mother are recouperating well. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you .

  105. The last cookbook I bought was Martha Stewart Cooking School and I love it. Those cake pans are super cool, where did you get them, can they be ordered online?

  106. I’m not allowed to buy any more cookbooks (as per orders of my husband, daughter and son), so I hope I win this one! Glad you are doing better. Praying for your complete recovery.

  107. Last cookbook…just borrowed it from the library -Rocco Despirito “Now Eat This”. Some good desserts in there, but none compared to the ones in this cookbook! Hope you are feeling better!

  108. The last cookbook I got was “season’s best spring/summer 2011” from pampered chef.
    My next one will probably be Our Best Bites cookbook.

  109. Matha Stewart Baking….thanks for the opportunity! Hope you are feeling better every day….

  110. The last cookbook I got was Chocolate Cake Doctor. I just ordered chocolate Sensations, Can’t wait to try the recipe’s

  111. The last one was Pioneer Woman’s and the next one I would like would be something about Southern cooking.

  112. The most recent cookbook I bought was “Wilton’s Cake pops”since I just started making them, my next purchase will probably be “500 Cupcakes!

  113. I got the Williams Sonoma Asian Food Made Fast as a gift after I returned home from teaching English in China. Such good recipes!!

  114. The last cookbook was Cake Pops of course. Used it to help my daughter make chick pops to ask a cute boy to the Spring Fling dance. My next cookbook I think needs to be this one. Too cute!!

  115. The last cookbook I bought was Cake Pops and I gave it to a friend to enjoy!

  116. The last cookbook I got was your cake pop book, which I simply love! Next purchase…not sure, but the Miette cookbook looks might fine!

  117. Last Cook Book I purchased was yours :) and I LOVE it!! Would really love to get my hands on this book too!!

  118. My last cookbook was Skinny Bitch in the Kitch (an effort to balance out my love of sweets). I think my next will likely be the Miette as well (I’m a sucker for baked goods)!

  119. So glad you’re feeling better! I just purchased the Deep Covered Baker by Pampered Chef

  120. “In the Green Kitchen” by Alice Waters
    LOVE IT.

  121. The last cookbook I got was Bakerella’s Cake Pops! My kiddos got it for me for Mother’s day. Next on my list is Pioneer Woman! <3 I just read her novel! Awesome!!

  122. The last cookbook I got was a cookbook that my child’s school put together for a fundraiser.
    I hope the next cookbook I get is the Miette one! Looks fabulous.

  123. I have actually never bought a cookbook! There is a cupcake recipes book I’ve been wanting to buy for a long time, but its always been too expensive for me! For now I’ll have to do with the internet :)

  124. The last book I bought was “HELLO CUPCAKE”! SOO practical! And the fact you can buy the fun decorating stuff at a 7-11 is SOO GREAT! lol !! The next book I want to get is ..Mad About Macarons!: Make Macarons Like the French ! I totally want to try these cute lil cookies!!!!

  125. The last cookbook I bought was the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook. I’m thinking my next cookbook to purchase will be this one!

  126. I have never bought a cookbook (I borrow them from the library) but I would really like to get the Le Cordon Bleu at Home cookbook.

  127. The last cookbook I bought was a local cookbook and all proceeds went to the Breast Cancer Society!

  128. I am DYING to get my hands on a copy of Martha Stewert’s Cupcakes. I love Martha and I LOVE cupcakes! :)

  129. The last cookbook I bought was the cake pop book! This one looks wonderful might have to get it next.

  130. The last one was Ellie Krieger’s The Food You Crave. And yay! I am so glad you are up and baking again!!!

  131. the last cookbook I bought was Pioneer Womans cookbook…and this is one I would llove to get my hands on too!

  132. I would love to aquire THIS cookbook! I had not heard of it until now and simply must have it!

  133. I can’t remember the last cookbook I bought, I don’t buy many. I really would like to get the Pioneer Woman’s though…and this one of course!

  134. My last cookbook was yours and I love it. My next one might need to be Miette!

  135. Hi! The last cookbook I purchased was “Cake Pops” (I’m not kidding) and the next one I’d like to get my hands on is “Miette”!
    I’m glad you are doing well!

  136. The last cookbook I purchased was Cupcakes! from the Cake Mix Doctor by Anne Byrn. I want Pioneer Womans as well. I would love a copy of these beautiful cookbook!!

  137. I have to have the Miette Cookbook! I love that little choc cake with the pink frosting!

  138. I got the book–Dessert University: More Than 300 Spectacular Recipes and Essential Lessons from White House Pastry Chef Roland Mesnier… is awesome!

  139. The cookbook I received was Ina Garten’s Barefoot Contessa Cookbook. Love her recipes.

    Think the Miette cookbook is going to put on the top of the list of future purchases.

  140. Guh. So cute. Last cookbook for me was Baked: New Frontiers in Baking. Hubby got it for me as a Mother’s Day gift. I’m thinking maybe an ice cream/gelato/frozen dessert book next.

  141. The last cookbook I got was a Cypriot cookbook my godmother sent me from Cyprus, and the next one I want to aquire is the Miette one! It looks amazing!!

  142. Oh so good to hear from you again. Hope you are doing great and your Mom as well. Last cookbook I got was a surprise from my hubby. It was the new one by Guy Fieri, titled: Food. Guy is a crazy person, always smiling so I think that’s a good thing! You are offering such sweet goodies and hope I am one of the lucky ones this time.Thanks ever soooo much.

  143. the last cookbook I bought was “The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen”

  144. Actually one of the best cookbooks i have bought recently was a food network magazine. It has some of the best summer recipes and ideas!

  145. My next purchase will definetely be “miette” ! Looks like a wonderful and inspiring cookbook. Heading to the bookstore right after dinner . . .
    Thanks for the wonderful source.

  146. The last cookbook I acquired was Elana Amsterdam’s Gluten-free Cupcake book!!

    Thanks for running this contest!

  147. The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook. Cake Pops is next.

  148. I just got Pioneer Woman’s cookbook for my birthday. :)

  149. My hubby bought me “Sunday Soup” by Mike Wallace’s wife, but I am seriously craving this cook book….I think it’s the scalloped pages. Too cute!

  150. I just received a great local cookbook called Plants 2 Plates. It was published by the Perry Madison Green Industry and promotes local, fresh produce from Lake County, Ohio.

  151. I love tiny cake pans!!!!! My last purchase was the latest Barefoot Contessa book, I can’t resist her recipes. Next up is one of Dorie Greenspan’s books.

  152. The last cookbook was a gift from a friend and it was actually the Cakepops Book! :)

  153. The last cokkbook i bought was How to be a domestic godess by Nigella Lawson and the one I am planning to buy next is probably I know how to cook:) I really love both cooking and reading cookery blogs. Greetings from Estonia!

  154. I still desperately want Pioneer Woman’s cookbook but it is going to have to wait until finances are better. I love to bake and this would be so fun to use with my girls! With money so tight these are the things we do for fun. Just about better than a day at Disneyland don’t you think? We love to make homemade marshmallows and then cover them in homemade caramel. Mmmmm, delicious! Thank you so much for the great opportunity to win. My fingers are duly crossed!

  155. YOURS!

  156. Last cookbook I got was from my mother, very old with yellow pages but great recipes. The one I can’t wait to get is my own!
    I’ve been dying to have my own cookbook, not even to sell but to have all my recipes in a book would be such an achievement for me.

  157. The next cookbook I want is the Herbfarm Cookbook.

  158. Just bought a cupcakes cupbook to take on vacation – but I can’t remember the name and I am at work! My next purchase will probably be the Miette cookbook – way too cute!

  159. the last cookbook I got was on vacation at disney world and it was called Delicious Disney by Pam Brandon. The next cookbook I really want is the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook (although this Miette book looks very good!)

  160. I recieved Pioneer Woman’s cookbook for Xmas!

  161. The last cookbook I purchased was called “The Practical Produce Cookbook”. I hope it will help me learn how to grow more of my own fruits and vegetables. Fresh strawberries of my own would be a lovely touch to a wonderful cake.

  162. I wanna eat Everything!!!

  163. I can’t remember the last time I got a cookbook. I mostly get my recipes offline. I would love to get Pioneer Woman’s cookbook. Thanks

  164. My last cookbook I bought was yours Cake Pops. My next purchase will be the one you suggested unless I win!

  165. Yikes. I had to ban myself from cookbooks because I got so many, but winning doesn’t break the ban, right? I think the last one I got was Pioneer Woman’s.

    Great giveaway!

  166. The last book I bought was maccaroons galore very nice book

  167. The last cookbook I bought was Pionner Woman Cooks! It has some great stuff in it. I keep meaning to get my hands on a copy of Cake Pops, but haven’t acquired one yet. I need to get on that!

  168. The last cookbook I received was a Pampered Chef Cool Kitchen cooking, a necessity in Arizona! My next cookbook I will most likely be for desserts haven’t really scouted any out though.

  169. The last cookbook I bought was a Spanish tapas one!

  170. The last cookbook I bought was Baked Explorations. I’ve been trying to limit my cookbook “consumption”!

  171. I’m a Paula Deen Junkie! Got her lastest and greatest cookbook “Paula Deen Celebrates”. It’s just amazing!

  172. I received the Williams-Sonoma Gingerbread cookbook for Christmas. I can’t believe it’s been that long since I’ve gotten a new cookbook!

  173. Adorable!! The last cookbook I bought was “Cooking for kids & kids party foods.” Always looking for more great ideas!

  174. I would love to get my hands on this cookbook because it’s just so darn cute! I would also love your Cake Pops cookbook!

  175. Pioneer woman’s cookbook. I love making all the food she makes.

  176. My last cookbook I purchased was Favorite Recipes With Herbs. I have a small herb garden in my back yard and I love to use them in my cooking!

  177. The last cookbook I got was The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz and the one I am wishing for is Sugar Baby by Guisine Bullock. This Miette one looks fabulous too!

  178. The last cookbook I acquired was Pioneer Woman’s. It was given to me as a gift, after I have given away several since hers came out! If I don’t win this one, I’m still going to buy one to give to my twin sister for our upcoming birthday. She’s just as fabulous as this cute cookbook is!

  179. funny…cake pops was the last book i got a few weeks ago :)

  180. I know it sounds like i am kissing butt, but I know this is random. The last cookbook I purchased was yours. LOL. I can’t WAIT TO GET IT!!

  181. My aunt made the last cookbook I received – complete with family recipes from generations back. It was an incredible gift and some of the oldest recipes are the most delicious!

  182. I so hope I win….I simply adore this shop and their lemon debutante cake, I want so much to own this book and the lovely pans!! My latest cookbook was a vintage pillsbury desserts cookbook that I bought at Goodwill and I love it! Thank you so much for this chance to win! Xoxoxo

  183. I purchased Cooking Light Way to Cook about a month ago. Not sure what book I must have next.

  184. the last one we bought was your cake pops book!!

  185. The last cookbook I got was Pioneer Woman’s cookbook that I absolutely LOVE (especially her cinnamon roll recipe)!

  186. Last cookbook I got was the Now Eat This cookbook!

  187. I have heard “Our Best Bites” is a great one.

  188. I can’t remember the last cookbook I bought for some reason I’m really picky about my cookbooks there has to be things I want to make, new things to learn, good ideas and, great pictures. I NEED the Miette cookbook when I saw it I suddenly found there was a hole in my life one that needed to be filled wit miniture baked goods.

  189. The last cook book I bought was Iron Chef Morimoto’s book. My next book will definitely be a baking book as I need to up my baking skills!

  190. The last cookbook I received was an allergen free cookbook- can’t remember the name, but it has been handy dealing with my children’s food allergies. And I have been eyeing the Whoopie Pie book for quite some time and the husband just didn’t get the hint at Christmas or Mother’s Day.

  191. The last cookbook I received was a vegan cookbook that was given to me by a family member, but I can’t remember what it is called. Thanks!

  192. This is amazing! I saw this cookbook somewhere else the other day and wanted it SOOO badly! The last cookbook I bought was Bobby Flay’s throwdown cookbook.

  193. the last cookbook i bought, was 101 cupcakes

  194. Cake Pops by Bakerella was the last cookbook I purchased. LOVE IT!!

  195. The last cookbook I acquired was The Well-Decorated Cake by Toba Garrett and the next one I’d like to get is Cake Bible.

  196. The last cookbook I bought was yours! :)

  197. The last cookbook that I purchased was a cookbook that my daughter’s 3rd grade class put together as a fundraiser. It featured healthy recipes that were submitted by the students. I’d love the Miette cookbook so that I can try to prepare many mini sweet treats!! Thanks, and I hope you’re doing well.

  198. The last cookbook I bought was America’s Test Kitchen Cookbook… and one that I CAN’T WAIT to get my hands on???? Besides this Miette one? Bakerella’s Cakepops! I bought it for my sister-in-law and can’t wait to get it for myself!

  199. The last cookbook I got was 100 best cupcakes recupes. Next one coming in a couple of weeks is Naughty cakes. Thank you.

  200. the next cookbook I can’t wait to get my hands on is the
    Pioneer Woman’s cookbook

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