Last fall during the book tour, I visited a bunch of cupcake bakeries and sweet shops in just about every city I passed through. Miette was one of my favorites in San Francisco. If you get a chance, make sure to give them a visit.
They have two locations. One in the Ferry Building and one on Octavia Street. They also have one in Oakland and another opening later this year in Larkspur, California.
In San Francisco, the one on Octavia Street is bigger than the Ferry building location, but both are just as cute as can be.
I loved the colors and the display of sweets. So did Julie.
Everywhere you turn are the cutest treats with adorable packaging.
Lovely macarons.
Panna Cotta and Pots de Creme.
Little cakes.
Lots of little cakes. Miette is known for their sweets of smaller scale.
These are all 6 inch cakes which makes them even more charming.
And check out their cupcakes. Beautiful!
Miette recently released a cookbook filled with recipes of their signature sweets.
Pretty awesome.
And pretty cute. I love the scalloped pages.
It ties in beautifully with the shop accents.
See. Same cupcakes.
But that’s not all.
Marshmallows. I must make some soon.
Crackers and cookies.
Tarts and tartlettes. I just want to sink my teeth right in. Forget the fork.
And cakes.
I made the Tomboy Cake. So good. It’s made with chocolate and cocoa.
And I must say, it feels good to feel like baking again.
Here’s the Tomboy Cake Recipe straight from the book, courtesy of my and Miette’s publisher, Chronicle Books.
But that’s not all.
This book is just so cute that I thought I’d give you guys a chance to win a copy.
And because most people don’t already own 6 X 3 inch pans, I’m giving away two straight and two contour pans so you can make all the little Miette cakes you want. I’m also including some tartlet pans in case you don’t have any of those handy either.
To enter for a chance to win, just leave a comment on this post and answer the following question.
- What was the last cookbook you acquired or what is the next cookbook you can’t wait to get your hands on?
- Deadline to enter is Tuesday, July 12 at 7:00 pm ET. Sorry, time’s up. Winner announced below.
- One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.
Good Luck!
Giveaway sponsored by me.
Okay, time to announce the winner of this cute little cookbook and petite pans.
The winner is comment #2636
Congratulations Pat! And guess what. I’m going to throw in a copy of Cake Pops for you, too.
Hope you enjoy them both. – Bakerella
Miette book photography © 2011
The last cookbook I bought was Our Best Bites! I would love to get any new cookbook with Chocolate associated with it!
The last cookbook was The Happy Herbivore.
I don’t remember my last cookbook. I think it had something to do with cupcakes or fondue. The Miette cookbook looks great!
Hope you are feeling better! Glad you got a chance to bake and share this giveaway :)
I’ve been on an ice cream kick so I’m been waiting to get my hands on The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz!
The last cookbook I bought was Flour by Joanne Chang. Her bakery is just a short walk from my office and it takes a tremendous amount of will-power (which I do not have!) to not visit every day! The next cookbook I want is The Food of Spain by Claudia Roden. It looks beautiful.
The last cookbook I bought was either your’s or Pioneer Woman’s. I don’t really remember. Love them both though!!
The last cookbook I got and fell head over heals for was The Pioneer Woman’s, Ree is amazing!
Now seeing how adorable this one is, and how amazing some of these sweets look, I think this is a must have!
Last cookbook I bought was Guy Fieri’s new book, full of summertime grilling recipes! But now I gotta go get that Miette cookbook, los amazing!!!
I recently purchased America’s Test Kitchen for two and love it! I love that I don’t have to do math when trying to size down a recipe for 2.
i think the last cookbook i got was the beautiful Cake Pops book by the one and only Bakerella :) all of these creations look so beautiful, i’d love to get my hands on a copy of Miette!
Super Natural Every Day by Heidi Swanson
The last one I bought was Ree’s…..The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook!
I think the last one I got was a grilling one… would love a copy of this cookbook!! sooo cute.
Hungry Girl 200 recipes under 200!
(I am a VERY Hungry Girl).
My last cookbook was your Cake Pops book :)… Since I’m so passionate about cakes, my next purchase might be something related to baking or some cake decorating technique!!
Hello, Cupcake. The Miette Cookbook.
Last cookbook I bought was 101 Gourmet Cupcakes, but would love to win the Miette cookbook. Planning a trip to SF next year and will definitely stop by to check this place out–looks so charming and yummy!
The last cookbook I bought was an America’s Test Kitchen (love that show) cookbook.
I have 2 books on my Amazon wish list: Sara Moulton’s Everyday Family Dinners, and Miette. Glad you are feeling well enough to bake again!
Actually…I got your Cake Pop cookbook this weekend from my mom!!! Super cute! And my girls (3 year old twins) have asked for it as a bedtime story the last two nights :) They love the Halloween pops!
The last cookbook I bought was Sugarbaby and the next one is Miette!! I will going to SF this year and will DEFINITELY be stopping into this bakery :-) Thank you for emailing about it as it is now on the itinerary!!!!!
The last cookbook I bought was the Divvies Cookbook, because my daughter’s best friend has a long list of allergies and I want to be able to make treats they can both eat. The next one I’m buying is this one!!
I got Nigella Lawson’s Feast-Food to Celebrate Life for Christmas, and read it cover to cover this weekend! I really want to get the Cooking Light cookbook too…
The next cookbook I can’t wait to get my hands on? This one from miette :)
The last cookbook that I purchased was one of Giada DeLaurentis’ and the one before that was of course, Bakerella’s cakepop recipes. Your feature on Miette has me craving for their French macarons. I live 45 minutes from San Francisco, so any chance I get to go to their bakery I make sure I take home at least 2 dozen of these delicious delights. I especially love the hazelnut and strawberry.
I can not wait to get Pioneer Woman’s Cookbook. I have heard such good things about it.
I’m throwing my name in the hat :) I’ve only begun to bake and purchased your book. <3 your book.
Miette has to be the next one to get!!!
This cookbook is definitely on my list. But my next will probably be Tyler Florence’s Start Fresh!
Last cookbook was Chocolate and Vanilla by Gale Gand. Next one I wish for is this one!
The last cookbook I got was a freebie from Betty Crocker website. The next one I plan to purchase is Cake Pops! I’m glad you are doing better. That shop looks fantastic!
My last cookbook was Healthy Heart cookbook. I’d love to get a cookbook that uses the basics so I don’t have to go get special stuff.
The last cookbook I bought was Pioneer Woman’s. I absolutley love it, and now I might have to go get this one if I don’t win it. It is absolutley gorgeous.
The last cookbook I received was for my birthday titled Southern Cooking. The next cookbook I would like to have is called Zombie Cupcakes :)
I’m a bit of a cookbook hoarder and not ashamed to admit it! I think the last cookbook I bought was Pioneer Woman’s and I’m ready for the Miette cookbook! Thanks in advance :-)
My most recent cookbook was “The Professional Pastry Chef: Fundamentals of Baking and Pastry, 4th Edition”. My next cookbook that I can’t wait to get my hands on is the “Miette” cookbook!! I can’t wait, my credit card is so excited!!
My last cookbook was a Cupcake cookbook, from which I already tried every single recipe!! And the next one will be your Cake Pop Book which I hope to receive in my mail every day!!! You and your ideas are just awesome!!
My last cookbook was Healthy Bread in Five Minutes A Day. Cake Pops is right at the top of the next-to-buy list!
The last cookbook I got was for Christmas from my sister-in-law and it is the retro version of Betty Crockers cook book. I love the old recipes! Not sure what my next perchase will be :)
The last cookbook I bought was the hungry girls cookbook i haven’t gotten very far but so far I like it. I would love to win the Miette one it looks wonderful!
My most recent cookbook is the old standard Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. My Mom got it for me for Christmas. I wanted her 1960’s edition, but she won’t give it up. The pie crust recipe is killer.
I recently got PDub’s cookbook! It’s a-mazing!
The Cake Bible – so many wonderful cakes, but all full size. A petit gateau book would be a wonderful addition. I’ve always wanted to make individual cakes for a wedding or baby shower (and have one of each coming up soon!). How fun.
This one looks like a good one to add to my collection.
The last cookbook I acquired was a book called Bite Me by Julie Albert and Lisa Gnat. It is very hilarious and raunchy at times, but has very delicious food. The next book I want is Rachel Rays new cookbook that has over three hundred pictures I don’t know the name but I love the pictures. Thanks for the chance to win!!!
The last cookbook I acquired is all about Indian food (a recent rediscovered love), I havent made anything yet out of it, only because I have been too busy marking all the recipes I want to try!
Glad you are feeling better :-) And I loved Blake Lively’s shout out to you on Jay Leno recently, made me smile and I dont even know you personally!
So glad you are feeling up to baking! It has been a while since I have gotten a new cookbook and Pioneer Woman’s cookbooks is at the top of the list.
The last cookbook I purchased was “Le Cordon Bleu Dessert Techniques”
That last cookbook I bought was a cupcake cookbook that discusses designs and recipes. The next one I cannot wait to get is this one! Looks soooo delicious and easy! :)
I can’t wait for Amy Atlas’ new book!
Last xookbook I bought was “Sarabeth’s Bakery”.
Well, I don’t really have many cookbooks and the last one I got was from my Mom for Christmas…not sure of the name…but its from the Food & Wine peeps:) I would love to have the Miette book. Looks super fancy with the scalloped edges and would love for it to hangout in my kitchen:)
Can’t wait to get my hands on the Smitten Kitchen cookbook… once it’s published of course!
The last cookbook I recieved was Paula Deen’s Christmas cookbook. The next cookbook I get will be an all dessert cookbook.
I have not bought a cookbook for myself in ages, but I would love to get a hold of Oaxaca al Gusto: An Infinite Gastronomy (The William and Bettye Nowlin Series in Art, History, and Culture of the Western Hemisphere) by Diana Kennedy. It looks beautiful.
Glad to see you baking again too :)
The last cookbook I got was your Cake Pop Book, which I love! I really want to get a cupcake book, not sure which one, but I really want one.
This book is on my wish list at Amazon so it is the one I want to get next! The last cookbook I purchased was Paletas: Authentic Recipes for Mexican Ice Pops. You don’t have to cook them but I’m pretty sure it counts as a cookbook! I’d also like to get Alice’s Tea Cup.
I finally got your cake pop book for my birthday last month! That was the most recent addition to my collection. :)
The last cookbook I purchased was a Hershey’s Desserts cookbook. It was in binder form, little and adorable. I haven’t baked anything out of it yet, but I can’t wait!!
The next one… well I hope it’s the one you’re giving away!! SO CUTE!! I must have it!!
The last cookbook I bought was the Joy of Cooking, the next book I would love to buy is Everyday Italian. All the recipes I have tried from Giada are amazing! I don’t have a book just for baking yummy deserts like this one. I hope to win! :)
OMG, those pictures make me want to open my own little cute sweet shop.
As for cookbooks, I honestly have hardly any at all. This should be remedied, but I really need recommendations before I decide to buy a cookbook.
The last cook book I picked up was the Whoopie Pie book and it is amazing! I’ve made a lot of the recipes in it :)
The Miette book is on my “must pick up” list :)
Thanks for the contest! Hope you are doing well, Bakerella :)
The last cookbook I got was Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz.
The last one I bought was “Top 100 recipes for a healthy Lunchbox” by Nicola Graimes. My next one might just be Miette! :) I don’t always plan my book purchases – usually I see, I like, I buy!!
Thanks for the chance to win, and for sponsoring!
The last cookbook I got was Pioneer Women’s cookbook, and I’d really like to get this one! It looks adorable!
I’ve had my eye on ‘Market Vegetarian’ by Ross Dobson for a few weeks now. I’m not a vegetarian but the recipes look delicious. I definitely see this as my next purchase.
I just put this book on my Amazon wish list….Thanks for the chance to win one :)
The last cookbook I bought was Better Homes: Cupcakes 150 sweet recipes.
The last cookbook I purchased was Jaimie Oliver’s Food Revolution cookbook for my brother on his birthday. There are so many easy recipes and such a great variety, plus it wasn’t too frilly for a man!
My last cookbook purchase was actually two books: At Home with Madhur Jaffrey and Cupcakes, Cupcakes & More Cupcakes. Miette is waiting not so patiently on two of my wish lists!
I think the last cookbook I received was one a cookbook of family recipes my cousin put together for her senior design project. And the one I want: BAKED: NEW FRONTIERS IN BAKING.
The last cookbook I bought was Hungry girls 300 meals under 300 calories. The next purchase will be maybe another book from the hungry girl line or martha stewarts cupcakes!
And it is good to see you blogging again! I hope this means are feeling better and recovering well!
I haven’t bought any cookbooks lately, just because it’s so easy to get recipes online. BUT! The cookbook I’d like to have is probably Pioneer Woman’s or Yours!
I really would like to get my hands on the ‘Our Best Bites’ cookbook. Everything I’ve ever made from their site was delicious!
I do not remember what the last cookbook I purchased was because my cookbook buying was getting out of control. I love them. So I have layed of of it for a while. It hurts. So can I please win?
The last cookbook I bought was “Vij’s at Home”. Great Indian food. I think the next one I will buy will be an ice cream/sorbet one for summer!
The last cookbook I got was Cake Pops, by one Bakerella!! And I’ve actually been drooling over the Miette cookbook for the last couple weeks, I can’t wait to get it!
PS, glad you’re doing well!
Pioneer woman! Now looking for easy recipes for kids…
I just got the Sriracha cookbook and I can’t wait to test out the spicy recipes. Once I conquer that one, I’ll definitely be getting On a Stick.
The last cookbook I bought was the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook, but I think that this one looks great too! Thanks!
I just received notice that Ad Hoc at Home is waiting for me in the library to come pick up, so that’s exciting. I’m also about to purchase The Craft of Baking by Karen DeMasco and Mindy Fox. I’ve seen Miette featured a few times on various blogs and I really need to go! I’ll be there this weekend and just might stop by.
The last cookbok I got was “Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day”. I haven’t given it a try yet, but am looking forward to it!
The latest cookbook I acquired was Martha Stewart Cookies!! And the next one I hope to get is something with good Macaroon recipies!! I’ve had them but never baked them!!
I’ve always wanted to bake in miniature! I haven’t purchased any cook books but people love to give them to me! The most recent was the breakfast cookbook. It has the best oatmeal biscuits. The next one I want? That is a hard choose I want them all! But to be specific Alton Brown’s newest one.
The last cookbook I acquired was “Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home”. It is a fabulous book that guides you through the world of Ice cream making! I would love the Miette cookbook! How cute are those tiny desserts!!
The last cookbook that I bought was “First Meals” by Annabel Karmel – its all baby and toddler food, but my daughter and I have been enjoying all the yummy finger foods in it!
Bakerella’s cake pops of course was the last cookbook I got. But I so want the Pioneer’s woman.
Southern Seasons by Robert St. John it is a beautiful cookbook!
I’m really excited for the new cookbook by the authors of Hello, Cupcake! It’s got cupcakes, of course, but also pies and cakes and cookies! It comes out in January.
The last cookbook I got was a book on cake decorating but the book I would really like to get a copy of is your cakepops! I have been dying to try them!
The last cookbook I bought was a Cooking Light one but I am much more interested in ‘non-light’ cooking especially with all the delicious treats I could make with Miette cookbook! I’d like to buy the Pioneer Woman cookbook next.
The last cookbook was yours! cake pops! and the next I hope to get is one that has to do with pastries :)
I”m so glad you are feeling better! You’ve been in my prayers!
The last cookbook I bought was Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. Its wonderful! Especially since my daughter is allergic to dairy. Great cupcakes!
Tables of Content from the JL of Birmingham was that last one I got. LOVE it!
my last book was your cakepop book, which i loved and I’d love to get the Miette cookbook. What a great store to visit.
The last cookbook I bought was Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. And the next one will probably be Okashi Treats.
The last cookbook I bought was Betty Crocker’s Pie and Pastry Cookbook.
The last cook book I purchased was “The New Whole Grain Cookbook: Terrific Recipes Using Farro, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Barley, and Many Other Delicious and Nutritious Grains ” (which is FAB by the way!)
The next one I want is “The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels–A Love Story”
I plan on getting the Baked cookbooks hopefully soon. I love all of their recipes!!!
The latest cookbook added to my collection was Curry, classic and contemporary, by Vivek Singh. He’s the chef of London’s Cinnamon Club. The next one will probably be about baking, since I’ll be getting a new kitchen with better appliances soon!
Not a cook book but its was your Cake pops book love it. Would like to by the Pioneer woman cookbook.Have great day!!!!
Last cookbook I bought was Martha Stewarts Cooking school cookbook, I love to bake and i’m good at it but when it comes to cooking I’m just the opposite, still trying to figure it out!! lol.
The last cookbook I HAD to have was the Illustrated Quick Cook. Gourmet cooking at the speed of light. Recipes so good and so simple you’ll want to make every one in the book. Of course with something with cake…and Chocolate cake I might add…I think I must have the miette. =)
The last book I got was your cake pops book, which I love. I can’t wait to get my hands on this one next!
i bought a cooking light cookbook a few months ago. i am trying to eat healthier meals so that all of my calories can go towards cakes, brownies, cupcakes, etc;)
The last cookbook was Kim Boyce’s Good to the Grain. It’s a fantastic resource.
Those treat look scrumptious and the page edges are so cute!!!!
$5 dinners by Erin Chase. We love it around here…I’m thinking I need to pick up her $5 breakfast and lunches next.
The last cookbook I got was What’s New Cupcake? and I love it. Miette looks so amazing, I would love to visit. The cake pans would be perfect for the wedding that I am baking for in August as I don’t have any 6inch pans yet. Thanks for sharing!
My last cookbook was Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything Vegetarian.
The Miette cookbook is definitely going on my “to buy” list next.
The last cookbook I received was 101 cupcakes. The next one on my list is Pioneer Woman’s.
The Blue Willow Inn cookbook from a B&B in a small town where I grew up – traditional Southern food.
Great giveaway. I just bought “The Big Book of Cupcakes and Skinny Italian”
And the one I want next it “The Miette” Unless I win it!!!
So lovely! And it’s great to hear you are back in the kitchen! :)
The last cookbook I bought was Better Homes & Garden cookbook for a friend that was getting married and she’s not been much of a cook. Thinking about Pioneer Woman’s cookbook for myself. I enjoy your blog!
My last cookbook was on southern cooking. I really want to get the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook and the Miette one looks great too!!!
I just got Cookie Craft for my birthday and can’t wait to make some cookies :)
The last cookbook I got was ‘Our Best Bites’ and after seeing this post, I you know what I want my next one to be ;)
Last cookbook I bought was Americas Test Kitchen….love it. I hope to get this cookbook or Cakepops soon!
The last cook book I purchased was an The Barefoot Contessa.
The last cookbook I got was a Martha Stewart cupcake book. My next one for sure will be this Miette cookbook…already sent a link along to the hubs so he can “surprise” me with it ;)
last was pioneer woman’s :) & next hello, cupcake
The last cookbook I purchased was Mennonite Girls Can Cook.
I think the last one I picked up was a Cooking Light book at the grocery store… it might be a summer edition. I am not sure what the next one I want is
the last cookbook I got was the Martha Stewart Cupcake book, LOVE it!!!! I absolutely love the scalloped edges of this book, super cute.
My most latest cookbook was a gift from a girlfriend, The Pioneer Woman! I would love a copy of this cute lil’ dessert book! I’ve actually been to the Miette in the ferry building! LOVE the old-fashioned cupcake! ;)
The last cookbook was The Pioneer Woman, I would like to get the cake pop book next.
The last cookbook I bought was Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook. I really enjoyed reading her stories that accompanied each recipe and the recipes looked quite delicious. P.S. Nice to hear from you Bakerella. Hope all is continuing to go well with you and your mom.
First off I’d like to say so glad you and your mom are doing so well.
The last cookbokk I got was the Clinton Street baking book.
I would love to win this since my mom passed away it’sa just my dad and me, unless you count the two greyhounds Lucky And Allie. It would be nice to have a book that made small dessets, we just end up throwing most of whatever I make out, unless it’s cake pops, people line up for those.
The last cookbook I got was CAKE POPS, its thueth!!
The last cookbook I bought actually came in a cheese making kit. This cookbook looks wonderful I would need to get a treadmill first. Glad you are feeling like baking!!
Can’t remember the last cookbook I got…so any new cookbook would be great!
The last cookbook I bought was Cakepops!!! I had to think about it for a bit, but I’m sure thats the last one.
The last cookbook I got was actually bakerella’s cake pop book! It was a gift from my sister. =) The next book I cant wait to get my hands on is Cake Spy’s book coming out this fall!
the last cookbook I bought was a weight watchers cookbook
the last cookbook i bought was martha stewart’s cupcakes.
The last I acquired was “What to eat while you’re expecting” and the next one I want to get is … hmmm… probably any by Ina Garten- I’ve been eyeing them at Costco.
The last cookbook I bought was the second Baked book, which I love. The next one has to be the Miette!
My last cookbook: What’s New Cupcake It is sooo much fun! What I’d like next is a whoopie cakes cook book DS is off to college in Aug and those would be fun to make for his house mates.
The last cookbook I got was an old copy of THE SAUCIER’S COMPANION. I will probably get Miette’s scalloped cookbook next!
The Complete America’s Test Kitchen TV Show Cookbook, which I am absolutely in LOVE with. I’m on a bit of a health kick so I’ll prob grab the Skinny B*tch Cookbook over at my local library before deciding whether or not to buy.
The last cookbook I got was The Best of Thymes by Marge Clark. Great cookbook for cooking with herbs. I would love to make Miette’s my next cookbook :)
The last cookbook I purchased was The Pioneer Woman’s (who I found through your blog over 2 yrs ago…so thank you!) and the next one I am looking forward to purchasing is now Miette’s!
The last cookbook I got was about Indian Cooking, I made my Dad an Indian dinner for his birthday! It was really great!! I would LOVE the Miette cookbook, looks just too cute for words! The next big one is Ad Hoc in the Kitchen.
The last cookbook was 500 cupcakes ideas.
Last cookbook I purchased was your Cake Pops cookbook!!
The last cookbook I purchased was Macarons – chic and delicious French treats. I haven’t made anything out of it yet, but it is on my to-do list for the very near future! Thanks for the great giveaway!
The last cookbook I got was Martha Stewart’s Cupcakes. But I’ve been eyeing your cookbook and now I need to add this one to the list as well. I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling like your old self again!
I hadn’t bought a new cookbook for so long but then I just had to have Nigel Slater’s latest Tender, a cook and his vegetable patch.
The cook book looks so girly and cute!!! Miette has perfected the perfect portion of cuteness.
I think the last one I got was a cake book for my nook. And the next one? Maybe this one? :) Or Sky High Cakes
OH, MY! After looking at the images from Miette (the store and the book), THIS is the next cookbook I can’t wait to get my hands on! Just looking made my mouth water! Now that’s a cookbook!!!
the last cookbook i got was your cake pop book from my friend for my 14th birthday!
The last book I bought for me is one my daughter loves flipping through regularly… a little thing called Cake Pops! One that I want now is one I just bought for my soon to be sister in law for her shower… Clean Food!
My sister gave me PW’s cookbook for my birthday, which I absolutely love! Next I’m looking for a fantastic cupcake cookbook to add to my already too large collection ;)
The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook and I adore it! Would love to bake all these lovelies as well…how am I from the Bay Area and have never visited this place?
The last cook book I aquired was actually a gift that I got on Saturday. One of my friends bought me a baking book as a hosue warming gift. It was so sweet. She knows my love of baking all too well :)
I got Baking Kids Love… which they do.
Hi! The last cookbook I bought was from Cooks Illustrated, my “go-to” when I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing in the kitchen! My interest was recently piqued watching Giada DeLaurentis make some very yummy looking Italian food. So, I’ve been thinking about picking up her cookbook.
I want this cookbook! The pictures looks adorable and I love the decorative edge on the pages. The last cookbook I got was one from America’s Test Kitchens.
The last cookbook I bought was yours, Bakerella! If Ina Garten comes out with another cookbook, that one will be my next purchase. Hope you are feeling better each day!
For my birthday back in December I received from my wish list, Perfect one-Dish dinners!
I’m still anxious to use it. They’re large meals for get togethers and I haven’t had a chance yet. Boo :(
My last cookbook was actually….2 copies of Bakerella! And just before that, 2 copies of the Pioneer Woman! So happy to see you posting again!
The last cookbook I got was a cupcake one. I was hoping to be inspired by it, and sadly wasn’t. I would dearly love to win a copy of the miette cookbook!
I just got the Bouchon cookbook. I can’t wait to try some of the recipes! I would love to add the Miette cookbook to my collection.
Miette is so cute! And I’m so glad you’re feeling better. My latest cookbook acquisition was Pioneer Woman’s. Love it!
It was either a meat-grilling cookbook or an artisan bread cookbook-quite awhile ago! I’d love a pastry cookbook though :o)
Last cook book I got was at one of those church rummage sales- where everyone puts recipes in from the church. Has some real treasures in it! I would like my next book to be a quick meals cookbook!
This one is so cute though! Glad you are recovering well Bakerella!
Pioneer Woman Cooks
So glad you are feeling well enough to bake again! The last cookbook I bought was Chewy, Gooeoy, Crispy, Crunchy Melt-In-Your-Mouth Cookies by Alice Medrich. I love cookies as do my four sons. The next one will probably be that Miette if I don’t win!
The last cookbook I bought was Paletas…it’s wonderful! I’d like to get Miette next. SO sweet!
The last one I got was Pioneer Woman’s cookbook… I love it!
Porch parties. My mom surprised me with it!
The last cookbook I bought I happened to stumble upon. 100 Recipes Every Woman Should Know.
This is a really awesome giveaway, one of the best I have ever seen. I am going to cross my fingers until you pull the winner.
The last cookbook I was gifted with was from the Easter Bunny! Can you guess what it was? Your very own Cake Pop book! I have been playing and having loads of fun with it so far.
Thanks so much!
The last cookbook I got was the Pioneer Woman’s. I’ ve never been the same:)
The last cookbook I bought is called Food Nanny Rescues Dinner!
The last cookbook I got was the Gourmet Vegetarian Cookbook. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Miette cookbook! I love visiting Miette whenever I’m around the area!
The last cookbook I aquired was the Better Homes and Garden’s Breast Cancer Cookbook. I was given it as a gift and I love it.
I want to get Cake pops cookbook and a Paula Deen Cookbook next.
The last cookbook I bought was Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats for Kids. I have a 5 year old, and thought it would be something to do with him. Haven’t gotten used to letting him help me yet though. The next cookbook I want is your Cake pops book.
The last cookbook I purchased was Ming Tsai’s One Pot Meals…I actually had a friend take me to Sam’s for his book signing since I didn’t have a membership.
The next cookbook I’d like is Julia Child’s…I’ve been wanting that one for some time now.
The last cookbook I purchased was Annie Rigg’s Macarons, an impulse purchase during my last trip to Anthropologie (triggered, coincidentally, by your own macaron posts). The next one will likely be something about soups or casseroles, as the fall/winter potluck/random-family-gathering-not-requiring-a-grill season will be upon us soon. Thanks for the opportunity. (now, pick me, k?)
This bakery is just too much! I love it!
The last cookbook I received was the complete collection of Julia Child’s recipes. It was a birthday gift and I love it! The next one I hope to get is this Miette one. ;)
I always love your photos!
It’s so adorable! :) Thank you for always having awesome giveaways. :) I’m so glad you’re feeling better. The last cookbook I got was from my mother-in-law; it’s a collection of recipes from church ladies, about 30 years old – and I actually recognize some of the “grandma’s” names in there!
The last cookbook I bought was the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook, and I love it!
I’d like the Bread Baker’s Bible or the Cake Bible! Though this is now on my list too!!! Oh that looks so good!
Glad to see you posting again!
My first and last cook book was Julia Child’s book and am very open to adding any to the lonely collection!
The last one I bought was from your good friend the Pioneer Woman!
the last cook book i got was handed down to from my mom….. the pillsbury family cook book copy right 1963 its falling apart but I love it all the same…
The Last book I got my hands on was “Hello Cupcake” and the next one I want is your Cake Pops Book- it looks amazing!
The last cookbook I bought was one for the Girls Volleyball Team at my son’s high school. I love cookbooks and can never say no to one. I love this cookbook that it is going to be my next purchase…. I have to make that cake!!!! Thank you for all you do! Many Blessings… Tammy in Alabama
Glad you’re back! You were missed. The last cookbook I got was YOURS! Love it.
Rocco Dispirito book, Now Eat This….excellent
the next cookbook I am buying is going to be for my 14year old nephew, who wants a dutch oven for Christmas…he loves to cook…i am still looking…want it to be simple but not too simple…any suggestions anyone
glad you and your mom are on the mend
The last cookbook I received was your Cake Pops book!! My lovely friend bought it for my birthday and I love it!
The last cookbook was a cookie decorating book. Can’t remember the exact name. I’m on vacation so I can’t check. Would love to add this one and all the goodies to my collection. Thanks for the opportunity
Last one I got was Whoopie Pies for my birthday from my brother, next one I’m looking to get is Miette, hundo p (100%), even if I don’t win this!
For Christmas I asked for Rachael Ray’s new Look and Cook Cookbook, which I got! And my next purchase WILL be the Cake Pops book by you of course! Thank you Bakerella! =]
The last cook book I bought was “What’s Up, Cupcake?”. I like seeing all of the fun ways to decorate cupcakes. Glad you are feeling better!
The last cookbook I got was your Cake Pops book. The next cookbook I will purchase will be Miette’s book because I love making all sorts of desserts and look for new exciting cookbooks that other’s love.
May I just say that I LOVE your website first? I check it almost everyday, because I adore all your great ideas! The last cookbook that I bought was… ha ha, your cake pops book! I can’t wait to either get the new betty crocker cupcakes cookbook or the hummingbird bakery “cake days'” book. :)