
Make Your Cupcakes Pop!

Cupcake Pops

Cupcake Pops and Cupcake Bites
(Video Instructions from the Martha Stewart Show)

1 13X9 baked cake (from a box cake mix or from scratch … any flavor)
1 can cream cheese frosting (or about 2 cups equivalent from scratch)
1 flower shaped cookie cutter (1.25″ wide X .75″ tall)
1 package chocolate bark
1 package pink candy melts or white chocolate bark
bowls for dipping
wax paper
aluminum foil
lollipop sticks
sprinkles, m&ms or something similar for top of cupcake
small plastic treat bags and ribbon to package the Cupcake Pops
candy cups and truffle boxes to individually package the Cupcake Bites
styrofoam block

    1. Bake a cake from a mix or from scratch and cool completely.
    2. Crumble cake into a fine consistency into a large bowl.TIP: If the texture is too coarse, you can run it through a food processor.
    3. Add can of cream cheese frosting or homemade frosting and blend together using the back of a large spoon. Blend thoroughly.
    4. Roll mixture into 1.25″ – 1.5″ size balls and lay on wax paper covered cookie sheet. You may want to periodically rinse and dry your hands off in between.
    5. Cover with aluminum foil or plastic wrap and chill in refrigerator for several hours.TIP: You can speed this up by placing in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
    6. Remove. Begin to shape into cupcakes using a small flower-shaped cookie cutter. (see below) Take the chilled ball and roll it into more of an oval and then slide into cookie cutter. Push it into cutter until about half fills the cutter and the rest sticks out of the top in the shape of a mound. Then push the shaped cupcake carefully out of the cookie cutter from the bottom. Set right side up on a wax paper covered cookie sheet. Continue with remaining balls.

    7. Once shaped, cover and return to freezer. (5-10 minutes)TIP: You can leave them covered in the refrigerator overnight if you want to do the dipping on the following day.
    8. While cupcake shapes are chilling, begin to heat up your chocolate bark.
    9. Brown chocolate bark for the bottoms. Pink or white chocolate for the tops.
    10. Follow the instructions on the package for melting. Most recommend heating for 30 second intervals at a time and stirring in between. You can also do the double boiler method.
    11. When you are ready to dip, remove from freezer and set up another wax paper covered cookie sheet.
    12. Take the cupcake shaped mixture and dip bottoms into the melted chocolate – just to the point where the mounded shape starts. Remove from chocolate, turn upside down and wiggle so that the excess starts to slide down slightly. Then lay on the wax paper upside down. If you want them to be lollipops, then go ahead and insert the lollipop sticks while the chocolate is still wet. Continue with rest of the cupcakes. You can also leave some without the sticks. They’re just as cute as Cupcake Bites.TIP: Dip end of your lollipop stick in the melted chocolate before inserting into chocolate bottoms. Not sure if this helps a lot, but it couldn’t hurt.

      DON’T – get water in the chocolate. Make sure your hands are completely dry. Water will cause the chocolate to separate and mess up all your hard work.

    13. Dry completely. (15-20 minutes)
    14. Once dry, dip the tops of the cupcakes in the pink or white chocolate. You may need to move it around a little to cover all the exposed areas.

      TIP: Let the pink chocolate sit for a few minutes after heating to thicken. This will help it from dripping down the sides of the cupcake.

    15. Remove from the pink/white chocolate and turn right side up. You may need to hold and rotate it if there is any excess so that it doesn’t drip down too far.TIP: You can use a toothpick to help cover any areas the melted chocolate didn’t cover.
    16. For the Cupcake Bites – just turn right side up and rest on the wax paper. Then go ahead and put a m&m on the top and add sprinkles while wet.

    1. For the lollipops, Continue holding and place an m&m on the top and add sprinkles. Let them dry in a styrofoam block that you have already poked holes into.
    2. When completely dry, cover the lollipops with small plastic treat bags and tie with a ribbon.

  1. For the Cupcake Bites, place in a candy cup and package in small candy truffle boxes to present individually.

Makes about 50.
You can store these in an airtight container and they will last for several days. You can also store in the refrigerator if you would like them cold.


Chocolate Bark
Kroger Grocery Store Brand works great for me

Chocolate and Colored Candy Coatings
Make ‘n Mold
Mercken’s Candy Coatings
Wilton Candy Melts

Paper Lollipop Sticks
Make ‘n Mold – 6 inch
Make ‘n Mold – 4.5 inch

Lollipop Sticks In Various Lengths

Mini Cookie Cutter
Crinkle Cutter – Wilton
Flower Cutter – Wilton

Mr. Sprinkles I find these at Kroger, near the ice cream condiments

First Choice – this size (1.25″ wide), mine was made by Williams-Sonoma. Not available online anymore, but you might get lucky and find one in their stores. I’d call first. I’m sure another brand makes one this size, too.

Second ChoiceCrinkle Cutter – Wilton (1.25″ wide) Works really good.

Third ChoiceFlower Cutter – Wilton (1.5″ wide) You can use this one, but you will probably want to roll your balls a little larger and use the thicker lollipop/cookie sticks for support.

Here they are side-by-side for comparison

Cupcake Bites
Instructions illustrated with a Red Velvet Cake. This photo is with a chocolate cake.

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472 comments on “Make Your Cupcakes Pop!”

  1. I just wanna eat the screen! The cupcake pops look DELICIOUS!! I will definitely be making myself heaps of cupcake pops!
    Thank you for the awesome recipe! :D

  2. Hi bakerella, I love you cupcake pops! I have two questions
    1) What is the shelf life of the cupcake pops?
    2) Can I use buttercream instead of cheese frosting?
    3) If I don’t use egg in the cake base, do you think the shelf life could be longer?
    Congratulations for your new book!


  4. I can try to answer some questions from my experiences with these pops.

    Aimalive, it’s perfectly fine to make a half batch and save the rest.

    Mani, it sounds like your dough is too warm. Try freezing for 15 minutes before dipping into the chocolate. Also, the chocolate itself might be too thick. A little vegetable shortening or corn syrup will thin it out a bit and make it easier to coat the cake.

    Alecia, do you mean melted chocolate as in candy bars? I don’t think that will work. It’s my understanding that candy bars have additives that chocolate bark or melts do not. I could be wrong. Do you have chocolate chips, though? Or white chocolate chips? Those should work just fine.

    Joyce, is your dough too warm maybe? You could try freezing for 15-20 minutes to see if it hardens up enough. Or maybe the stick is just stuck in too far. It doesn’t need to go through the whole bite. Try dipping the stick into the chocolate first and then poking it into the dough about halfway?

    Emma, there are eight ounces in a cup.

    Lauren, I have no experience with almond bark. Maybe corn syrup or vegetable shortening would thin it out a bit and make it easier to dip.

    Amber and Amy, I froze my pops for a week before serving them at my party. They were still amazing. In fact, I ate the last one three weeks later and it was STILL amazing.

    karinalovesyouu and Anonymous, I think Bakerella used cream cheese frosting because that is what usually goes with red velvet cake. I’m sure other frostings would be just fine, though I used cream cheese, so I couldn’t tell you 100%.

    Amity, they stay great in the freezer after all put together – but I made mine with candy melts. I don’t know if that would change using chocolate bark. Try looking for Candy Melts for an alternative. Once you remove the finished product from the freezer, the chocolate should always stay solid. Unless the climate is really hot, the chocolate shouldn’t melt.

  5. i’m going to make them today .. am excited!!!

  6. Questions… I’m doing a test run a making these for my daughter first birthday party in a few weeks. Wondering if after shaping them with the flower cookie cutter and putting them back in the freezer if possibly I could leave half of this batch frozen until I need them in a few weeks. Seems silly for me to make a whole batch now. Thanks!

  7. Hi!
    love love loove this idea and i just got back from 3 hours worth of trying to make them.. unfortunately mine turned out to look more like balls/ random shapes of cake covered in chocolate and pink candy coatings…they still taste great but i have the same concern as Lauren. They dont seem to mix well in the toppings, either the topping become too hard too soon or breaks off the cake ball. Plus, i even found the mini flower shape but i couldn’t make it into a muffin shape. The rolled cake wouldn’t come out through the shape and would break off. please help because im definitely trying this again!


  8. Hi Bakerella. Love your site! These are adorable and I’ve been wanting to try them for a while but I’m in England and we don’t have chocolate bark or candy melts – would melted chocolate work ok? Sorry if someone ahs asked this already, I’ve tried reading through all the commets but there are just so many!! THANKS! Alecia

  9. Bakerella!!! Thanks for this recipe! Its sooo cute!!!

    I have a problem though…My lollipop sticks are not working..They keep piercing a hole through the cupcake bites when I hold them right side up. Theres a hole on the top of almost every one of my cupcake bites now.

    What should I do to keep the lollipop sticks stable/prevent them from going through the cupcake bites? D:

  10. Hi. I’m based in the UK and have just had a go at making the cupcake pops for my niece’s 3rd birthday party. I’m quite please with them however i think I may have got the quantities wrong as in the UK we don’t use cups as a measuring guide. Would it be possible for you to let me know how many grammes or ounces equals a cup? Thanks.

    p.s have pre ordered your book as it looks fab x

  11. if you can’t find Bark’s chocolate will Almond Bark chocolate work just as well?

  12. first of all, this recipe is amazing. Before now i never new such things existed but i love cooking and this recipe is going to college with me! Soooo THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZINGNESS!
    second, umm.. fo you use different frosting for different cakes or do you still use cream cheese frosting for like the chocolate cake recipe?

  13. I loved this idea the second I saw it! I am doing a bridal shower this weekend and thought these would be the perfect treat….. well I guess I need more practice with dipping before I graduate to this project. I am not sure where my problem began, but when I would go to dip the bottom of my cupcakes… well they would get stuck in the chocolate and pull apart. Some turned out adorable and the rest will not be leaving my house. I used almond bark… is this to thick of a chocolate? I also left them in the fridge overnight before dipping… should I have used the freezer?

  14. Wondering the same thing, I want to make them for my daughter’s birthday next weekend, but I have tons to do b/w now and then. How long will they keep? Can you just do the cake and frosting part and then put them in bags in the freezer and defrost and do the chocolate coating? Thanks so much!

  15. I made these for a baby shower for this sunday. Just wondering how long I can freeze/refrigerate the cupcake pops?

  16. Very cute ideas! An adult version could be adapted with using the crumbled cake, a few ounces of apricot jam, and a favorite liquor. (Jean Pare has an easy recipe for rum balls) If you use a less sweet liquor like rum, add 1/4 cup of brown sugar. Mix it so that it is the same consistency as the cake and icing. I can’t wait to try making these… “on a stick!” Thank you!

  17. your cupcake pops are a great idea! i tried to make them to practice for my daughter’s one year birthday party. i wanted to put them in a vase as someone else mentioned like a bouquet for the tables. I was wondering how far ahead of time can i make them (i want to make the full 50 and hard to do with a close to one year old! ) and do they stay well in the freezer after all put together? also, once i take them out of the freezer or fridge and place them at room temp for the party how long before the chocolate starts to get too soft? i also am not able to find the chocolate bark. anything else i could use?

  18. hola!!
    espero que puedan traducir mi escrito.
    Estoy encantada y he probado hacer los cupcake y otras delicias de Bakarella me facina todo lo que hacen!!
    Lastima que en Argentina no puedo conseguir mucho de las herramientas que utilizan, como moldes, fibrones de tinta comestibles… me gustaria saber si se pueden comprar por correo electronico y cuanto deberia comprar para que me lo envien
    Gracias y adelante!!

  19. Hi , My name`s Miryan i`m from Såo Paulo Brazil .
    Here in Brazil i made Cup Cakes , but i never see cup cake beautiful like yours …. I`m your Fan right now…
    Congratulation …

  20. I thought it said, “Make your cupcakes poop!” which didn’t sound very good at all.

  21. I love these!! I love making goodies on lollipop sticks, though I am not this talented. I want to try them though. I was wondering, does the candy coating melt??? I am traveling and thought they might be fun to take with me but obviously not if they were going to melt on me. Thanks!

  22. These are adorable and turned out so much better than I thought they would but I am so disappointed That I am unable to find any candy melts without Hydrogenated Oil. Is there anything that you or anyone knows of that I can try. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

  23. On your first picture, you have the pops in what looks like milk. I know that it is NOT milk b/c that would not hold them in place. What is it?? I am wanting to make these for my daughters 1st bday around the corner and would love to display these pops in “fake milk”. Thanks a lot!!!

  24. hi! i have a couple of questions. I was wondering why do you have to use cream cheese frosting and also can you substitute the cream cheese frosting for a different frosting.. thanks :D

  25. Does anyone know where I can find the smaller cookie cutters? I used the big ones and I think my cupcake pops are too large.

    Also, how did you all get the cake out of the cookie cutter? Mine wanted to lose the shape or crack in places? Did I need to cool it longer?

    Thanks…love the site

  26. This is simply amazing! I havent baked in a while. And your page and these cupcake pops have just gotten me superduper excited and inspired!!! Grocery store here i come! THANKS.

  27. it’s me again…i know your busy but I have read I can use shortening to help thin it out from the other replies.

    lesson learned…=) I’ll try that next time.

  28. Hi Bakerella! I made these today for the first time. My did not come out as nice but they are edible.=)

    I wanted to know how you get that smooth consistency in the candy melts. Mine was thick when I would dip them in. Also we do not carry any bark around the grocery here on base. Do you think i can use morsels instead?
    If you give me any tips I would really appreciate it?

    My kids and I love your website….I love the creativity…The next on my list is your Oreo truffles…

  29. I wanted to let everyone know that I was having problems finding the flower cookie cutters….and today I found a 3 piece flower clay cutter set made by Makin’s at Hobby Lobby….it works perfect!!

  30. Bakerella, in case you ever read this at some point, I wanted to tell you about my experience.

    I ended up making the pops last Saturday and freezing them. On the following Friday I put them in the fridge, and on Saturday morning (a week later), I took them out let them sit on the counter for a few hours before the birthday party.

    I had been worried about the quality of the candy and cake after a week. I needn’t have worried. They. were. amazing. People gave them rave reviews.

    Thanks for a great recipe!

  31. Bakerella, Help!

    I’m sure this question may have been asked before, but I can’t find it in the responses.

    My sister-in-law is visiting tomorrow to help me make these pops. I’m going to have them for my daughter’s birthday party next Saturday. Is a week too long? How long with these last? I was thinking about freezing them for a few days, and refrigerator maybe on Thursday, then serve them on Saturday for the party.

    I have to make them tomorrow – it’s the only time I’ll have help! I just don’t know what to do with them after they’re made. Fridge? Freezer? Help please!

  32. I was wondering if you’ve tried making these with rice krispies? I was planning on making rice krispie treat cupcakes and thought it would be great if I could make rice krispie treat cupcake lollipops. Any advice?? My daughter’s 1st birthday is next Friday and I’m going to try doing a trial run this week!!

  33. I tried this a while ago and the cake started to sweat nder the choc in the fridge? What did I do wrong?

  34. hi bakerella,

    i’m new here and i’m in loove! i made these for mother’s day and they were loved! some of us did find though that they were a little sweet. then i realized that i may have used the wrong dip for the chocolate part! i used mercken’s for both parts. is that bad? is that why they were too sweet for some? thanks again for all your ingenious ideas. i’m going to attempt the moist yellow cake for my son’s first birthday next! glad i tried this but it was a lot of work. also, going to try cake balls!!!

  35. You are so clever! I love cupcakes and I just adore your cake ball recipe. I will be trying this one for sure!!!

  36. Found a ‘shoutout’ on today from another bride about your cake pops and then followed here to see your awesome awesome tutorial and great pics! :) Love love this idea! I just hope I can get these to work for me so I can have them at my wedding! :)

  37. These are the cutest thing ever!!! I’am gonna try to make them!
    Thank you for sharing
    Love from the netherlands

  38. Can you make these up ahead of time and freeze them? I freeze my cake sometimes up ahead of time before a birthday.

  39. Boy did I mess these puppies up!
    They look so cute in your photos and the directions seem moron proof–but…
    I got as far as cooling the little balls overnight in fridge, ready to roll them into cilinders and then cupcakes–the balls were not the right size though, either too big or too small for the cutters I got. Also when I tried to reshape and cut the cutters just got stuck because the balls were too mushy.
    I was on a time crunch for my daughters cupcake party so now I have 50 odd balls in my fridge–looks like i’ll just be covering them in chocolate icing and making them best of it!

  40. Sorry, I don’t see a way to delete a post, but you can ignore my last one. We were out of town in Des Moines, so I stopped by their Williams Sonoma & they had your cookie cutters for $10. So anyone near Des Moines, Iowa, they have plenty there! = )

  41. Oops, the second question… I was wondering if you have tried the bigger cutter with the regular sticks? I got the sticks & the cutter, then realized it was the 1.5″, I’m having trouble finding the 1.25″. I am worried about the cupcakes falling through the pops. Have you tried it? Maybe I can return my sticks. I didn’t notice bigger sticks just the different lengths though. Sorry for rambling, thanks again!

  42. Hi Bakerella, I am so excited to make your cupcake pops for my daughter’s first birthday in a week & half! I just have a couple questions. I am new to candy making, so I’m sorry if this is a dumb question, I wish I still lived near Kroger, but we don’t have one in this area. I have found almond bark, chocolate flavored in our area, is that the same as the chocolate bark coating you use? If not, I did find make’n’molds pink candy melts, so I could get the chocolate. I don’t know how you find time tokeep up with all these comments and think up all the great things you do! (these questions must get pretty old!) But thank you!

  43. I live in Brazil and I´m wondered with your job. Congratulations!

  44. This are GORGEOUS!

    You mention that they last several days…. If I made them 1 or 2 weeks in advance and kept them in the fridge, would they still be ok???

  45. I’m wondering if I can make the cake balls ahead of time and stick in the freezer until I’m ready to dip into the chocolate and candy melts?

  46. Hi Bakerella,

    I tried making the cake pops but for some reason I can’t get the stick to stay on when I’m dipping the cake into the candy melt. It breaks the cake off the stick. Any tips? Thanks!

  47. Those are so cute. Did i mention how creative you are?

  48. These are the cutest things I have EVER seen! I have a couple of questions…I will be making these for a 25th wedding anniversary party and wanted to know how could I make them black and silver? Or how I could tie them in with the “Silver” color theme? Any suggestions would be appreciated and helpful!

  49. website has the same cookie cutter daisy flower size 1.25″ x .75 on their website for sale. I just ordered them the other day and it works perfectly.

  50. Oh, for the lollipop sticks, I meant to ask what store can I get them at? Not online. Thanks.

  51. Where can I get lollipop sticks? I was also wondering if I need the cookie cutter or if I can just leave it in a ball shape?

  52. just wondering how long these last for??? They are so cute!! How long can you keep them before they will go bad. I would like to make them up ahead of time before a party.

  53. U R genius – I am in love with your website…

  54. Thanks for this adorable idea! I’m making them for my daughter’s first birthday party, and so far so good. Luckily, I know how they’re supposed to turn out in the end (cake balls) since I’ve had them before. These are a bit time consuming, but it’s all good. I found if I keep my double boiler on the lowest setting, I have no problem keeping the chocolate thin enough. I stir every so often. Only question: where do you get the Red M&Ms without buying multiple packages? And if I can’t find them, can I use rolled and dyed fondant for cherries instead? Or red hots?

  55. Carolyn sent this link to me. I love them!! What do you think?

  56. hi! I love these,gonna try and make them next week.I was hping someone would know if it is possible to mail these to someone.Has anyone ever done that?Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.Thanks

  57. I just think every single recipe is amazinnnnnnnnnnng.

  58. These are fantastic! I’m going to rip this idea and make these for a bake sale at my work. Thanks!

  59. I was wondering what kind of frosting is best. They make the whipped and regular frosting and what size can should I use?Thanks

  60. It’s the latest, cake pops

  61. WOWSERS! I made these for my daughter’s class for Valentine’s Day….messed up the first batch, but nailed the second and I ended up missing valentine’s day but giving them out at the playground. What a hit! People thought I had bought them from a fancy bakery! Thank you! Keep more cool stuff coming….going to try your oreo truffle kisses next!

  62. When people say they take too long to make, how long are we talking?? I supposed to make these for Sat but tomorrow is my only free night so i had planned to make them after work.
    Will this have me up all night?

  63. What recipe of chocolate cake to you use to make these? I really wanna make them! :)

  64. hey, i was just wondering if you could replace the cream cheese frosting with buttercream instead? thankyouuu !

  65. Hello! I am going to make these today! I love them..your work is adorable. thanks for the info how to make them!

  66. These are adorable! I made some and posted them on my blog today…thought I would share!

  67. I am going to make these for my daugher’s Daisy (youngest version of Girl Scouts) ceremony! The girls are going to love them.

  68. so so so love your work!!!!! I’m going to attempt to make these for a shower.

  69. I was just wondering what your thoughts were on an idea I am tossing around for my daughters 1st birthday. Do you think it would work to make the balls flower shaped by using a flower shaped cookie cutter? I’m thinking I will put them on a green stick and then in flower pots with the styrofoam in the base of the pot. I can tell you for sure that this recipe will be used somehow, whether it’s flower shaped, cupcake shaped, or just cake balls!

  70. Hi! I came across your website while searching for ideas for my daughter’s candy shoppe themed birthday. I absolutely love your cupcake pop idea and can’t wait to try it. My question is though, do you have to use cream cheese frosting? or can I use any kind of frosting? also can I use candy melts? I can’t find chocolate bark here on GUAM. Thanks so much for your time :)

  71. these are good!

  72. Hi and greetings from Finland! Thank you for this amazing idea and recipe. Here in Finland youre blog is very popular and admired ! :)


  73. Missmag – 1. nope, 2. not frozen. just firm. Keep them in the freezer for about 15 and then you can transfer them to the fridge while you work

    Linda – Look in craft stores for candy melts

    Julie – the melts have already been tempered and are better for coating.

  74. I am going to put my baking skills to test and make these cupcake pops tomorrow!!! (:

  75. Hi Bakerella,

    Don’t worry about the chocolate question. I think I just figured it out. Thanks again for all your great ideas!


  76. Hi Bakerella,

    I made these pops for the first time and they were amazing. Everyone loved them so thank you for the recipe. I did have a problem but it was a mistake on my part. I made the cream cheese frosting recipe from scratch using Martha’s recipe. On her website it says it makes enough for 50 balls. I start to mix everything together when I realized I made WAY too much frosting. I know your recipe says two cups but I just assumed that since the recipe made enough for 50 that I wouldn’t have to measure. I ended up baking another cake because I was determined to make it work! Just incase others have this problem I thought I’d mention it. Though other people would probably pay attention :)

    I also tried using chocolate chips. I know many people said it didnt work and a few said it did. I’m not sure why this is but the candy melts work better. Do you know why the chocolate chips don’t melt correctly?

    Thanks again,


  77. OMG! THis is sooooo awesome. After seeing this website I’m just so amazed! I’m so speechless at this very moment. It’s just soo. Great. I’m also very into baking but I never knew how great it can go to. To be Honest, nothing has ever inspired me so much than this! Now I’m going to really do good in school now and get my buissness degree spring of 2010 so that I can start my baking buissness. I’d Love to get some tips from you about baking. So excitings. I’m gonna try making some lollipop cake for thankgiving dinner.Hehehe.THanks!

  78. Hi!!! I would LOVE to make this, but I dont know where to find chocolate bark near me. Is it ok to just buy a regular chocolate candy bar and melt it? Would it be comparable??

  79. So if I premake the shaped forms ahead of time and freeze:
    1. Do u need sticks inserted before freezing?
    2. Can I dip from frozen or do u need to let them thaw slightly first?

  80. Thanks! Do you think actual mini cupcakes made with a mini cupcake pan would work too?

  81. Janie – they are supposed to be super moist. If you think they are too moist, then try adding less frosting next time.

    You can also add more cake to balance it out – just through some storebought in and mix it up for a quick fix.

  82. I love these and I was super excited to make them, but when I take them out of the freezer they’re really sticky. The cake seems wet almost. What do I do?

  83. Thanks Bakerella……..the shortening worked like a charm……..they came out super cute……next I want to tackle the Christmas pops for my husbands holiday shopping night next…hopefully they come out just as good!!

  84. LuAnn – you can thin the chocolate by adding vegetable oil or shortening.

  85. Hi Bakerella……love this idea…….actually in the process of making them right now, having some trouble with the chocolate melts……….it is not thinning enough for me to dip the cupcake bites……..any suggestions?? I am using the candy melts from ac moore/michaels. I think I am going to freeze them and try to dip again tomorrow……..any help would be apprecaited! Tahnk you!

  86. Kellie – Try adding less frosting. Don’t gt the whipped kind. It will be very moist and you can expect to have to rinse your hands several times in between with water.

    Karoline – I have done that with success. If you don’t they’ll still last for several days.

    jennifer – they’re small treat bags. you can find them in craft stores.

  87. your website is pretty cool! i love all your baking ideas! I can’t wait to try the cake pops and cupcake pops! what a great idea!

  88. hello, i love ur cupcake pops. can u tell me what size plastic bags do u use for the packaging? thank u!

  89. Bakerella,

    I was wondering if you can freeze the finished product in an airtight container? Want to make them in advance and not sure how FAR in advance I can make them ? Thanks so much!

  90. All this is so amazing I just had to try and master it for holidays and my niece’s bridal shower next year. My first try was white cake with the cream cheese frosting. Very sticky. But chilled and it all dipped well in cups but not stick at all since so gooey. Tasted okay. I got the HOMESTYLE frosting though because I didnt see the post about WHIPPED. I think maybe the White cake just isn’t dense enough. There was more cake in video than I had. My thought to save it is bake another cake and add to it till it is like the video and not sticking to my hands.

  91. Demi – I wouldn’t used whipped. Just any regular frosting will do.

  92. Hi Bakerella!
    Can you use instead of that cheese cream frosting some whipped cream?
    Love, x

  93. Karen – sounds like your chocolate is too thick. try adding some shortening to thin it out.

  94. Wow…you take the cake!!!!!!!! :-)


  96. They’re so cute! I’m going to make them for my best friend’s birthday! Or at least I’ll try, I hope I can find all the ingredients.


  97. Just use it at room temperature.

  98. Love, love, love your site! I've already tried out a handful of recipes and they've been complete sucesses. Sad to say though, these cupcake pops are givin me a really hard time. They were way too sticky when I rolled them, and putting them in the freezer just made them 'sweat' when it came time to cover them. Lots of laughs on my end, and the 'finished' product would make you laugh too. Thank goodness for test runs! My question is, do you use refrigerated frosting or is it just room temp? I had some sitting in the fridge and warmed it up a bit, which is what I think my downfall was. Any advice? Thanks so much!

  99. You can thin it with shortening or a product called paramount crystals.

  100. I'm new to the baking scene and tried making the cupcake bites yesterday and it was a very long process, although totally delicious! Do you have any advice on how to melt the chocolate thin enough to make the dipping process easier? it was thick and sometimes the cake could break off while dipping. And the choc. wouldn't run down correctly. I appreciate any tips u have. THX bunches.

  101. Yes, in the tropics like in Singapore where humility is high, it tends to be quite difficult to keep the ball in place as the frosting tends to "melt" and the ball crumbles as it is being inserted into the lolli-sticks. The chocolate doesn't seems to stick/harden "fast" enough and those every coated ball tends to be "melting" away. Keep a fan or do so in air-conditioned condition may help; but after the chocolate seems to have harden enough, quickly pop them into the fridge (still standing in a cup or some way to seperate them… otherwise, they may stick together as the coating hardens). After which, you may store them into a container in the fridge.

  102. Anonymous – close, start small and add only what you need. It should be moist enough to roll and still hold it's shape. you can always add more.

    Dakota Soda – the better thing to do would be add some plain cupcakes bought from the store, not dry mix. That way you can offset the frosting. It's all about proportions. You want the cake to be cooked. Next time, just add less frosting. Also, try putting them in the freezer.

  103. I just started to read your blog from the beginning and it makes me wanna take a whole month off from work and make your cakes…my first obstacle comes when I realize that I have no clue where to get popsicle sticks in Budapest…This won't stop me though . i just need to figure out some stuff. You are great!

  104. um.. a can of cheese cream frosting, is that still equivalent to 2 cups?

  105. Ok, so I finished them!
    The consistency was an issue. Should they be more like cake or more like cookie dough? Mine were like cookie dough…it was weird.
    I can see the potential, and may attempt the balls over the pops next.
    Thanks again for the super cute recipe though. Beyond adorable :)

  106. They look sooo cute!
    Can´t wait to make some of these myself. I´m sure my little cousins would love them! Thanks alot!

  107. Bakerella! These are adorable. I am thrilled to have found your website. You do amazing work! And to be on Martha……. ahhhhhh….
    I attempted the cupcake pops. To be honest, I'm midway right now. My issue is that after adding the frosting to the cake, it's SUPER moist. There was NO way they were rolling into anything. I added some dry mix (from the box), hoping that would help. But I found washing my hands after EACH roll, and keeping a little moisture on my hands was beneficial. Am I doing something wrong here? Is it not supposed to be a standard 16 oz can of frosting? Should I not use SUPER MOIST cake mix? They are chilling from the initial roll, I hope they turn out well. Any tips regarding this would be extremely helpful.
    Again, love the site, love the designs, fabulous work.

  108. I don't have a way of knowing which cutters people use, but what I can tell you is that the crinkle cutters will have less defined ridges when coated because they are so small.

  109. Hi Bakerella,
    I don't know if you still check the comments on your old posts anymore, but I was wondering if you could post a couple links to people who have successfully made the cupcake bites/pops with the Wilton crinkle cutter? I actually have it already and I want to know how it will look. Thanks!

  110. You are so kind and generous to post your directions for creating these cupcakes! I'm sure they'll be a hit as treats for the teachers and staff at my son's school.

  111. Casey – just try less frosting next time.

  112. You can use whatever flavor you like.

  113. while I admit I am new to baking (I lean towards regular cooking and "a-little-of-this-a-little-of-that" style) but I think something outside my skills went wrong… Either too moist of cake or too much frosting? I used the Moist brand white cake and Pilsbury cream cheese frosting. I will have to try this again after my ego recovers… :(

  114. Bakerella,

    I LOVE your cupcake pops. I was wondering if the cream cheese frosting could be substituted for a basic butercream frosting, or will it affect the recipe?
    i plan on making them this weekend- thanks so much for the step by step guide!

  115. I just heard about these pops over the weekend and I am so excited to make them. Thank you so much for the detailed instructions!

    Regards, Marcia Brisson

  116. I just tried to make these using chocolate chips for the coating. I would NOT recommend it! I put vegetable oil in them as recommended by you, Bakerella, and it just did not work. I tried two, quickly decided not to go further and I'm going tomorrow to buy the proper chocolate.

    All to save a few cents! I did end up making chocolate covered marshmallows so I guess it's not a huge loss. But if anyone is thinking about using chocolate chips instead of the discs or bark, don't! It is not worth it!

    Hope this helps because these are too adorable not to make! Thanks for the idea!!!

  117. See….now here is the problem. I made some….for work, for the neighbours…now I am on order for a grad party…and yikes…I am hooked. I am spending my work lunch hours in aisles of strange stores I never even knew existed! Look what you have turned me into! Grin…..Love it. Next…little cakes…I love the look of those. But can I master it?!

  118. Thank you so much! These were a huge hit at my daughter's 1st birthday party.

    I'm excited to make them for my eldest daughter's birthday…any thoughts on how to do a dinosaur version?
    Thanks again!

  119. I did it!! and it actually looks right…and not only does it it look right…IT TASTE DEEEELICIOUS.
    I made them for my Godchilds last day of school to pass out to her classmates. HUGE HIT.
    Here is a picture:
    I also gave you credit with a link to your blog. I can tell by how many favorite'd it, they'll be making them too.

  120. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cake pops! We had our son's 1st Birthday party this past weekend and I made tiki-faced cake pops to match our theme. There's a picture of them here- I would love to see how you would have done them :0) Thanks for the great inspiration!

  121. Total heating time – about two minutes.

  122. Hello,

    I am using the wilton candy melts and I am doing the 30 second intervals and stirring. I am using ceramic microwave dishes to do this could this possibly be the problem, as the bowl heats up too much? I see that you use those tupperware type little bowls, maybe I should try that instead? Could you tell me the total time it takes you to get the chocolate to melt to where you need it to?


  123. What kind of chocolate are you using?
    And are you melting it in 30 sec intervals, stirring in between. Don't overheat it.

  124. Hi there!

    I have been trying to get these to work so I can do them for my baby shower next week, but am having trouble. Shaping them with the cutter has turned out to be harder than I expected, any tips? I found on my trial today that the bottoms shape out into the flower shape better when I push the cake with my finger to spread it out, is this what you do? The cake is supposed to be super moist to the touch, due to the cream cheese frosting right? Also when I melt the chocolate in the microwave it doesnt seem to melt enough for me and then I end up burning the chocolate. So frustrating, please help. =)

  125. How about plastic wrap. Tape it down, though. Aluminum foil would work, too.

  126. Hihi, I can’t find waxed paper here, what can I use as a substitute??? Please help. Thanks!

  127. MikkiBean – candy coating, candy melts, bark works best, but you can try regular chocolate, too. You’ll probably need to add some shortening to the melted chocolate to make it work for you.

    Brittany and Julia – great work.

  128. These things are brilliant. You prevented me from throwing away the cake I made the other day. I used it to make cheesecake cupcake pops and amaretto almond cake ball pops.
    Thank you so much, you saved the day.
    You can see my pops here:

  129. MMMM The Cupcake Pops Are GENIOUS!!! They were a hit at the Baby Shower yesterday, I should have doubled the recipe. They were tedious to make though, it was hard to keep them from going gooey before i dipped them in Chocolate. Luckly my husband was there to help me rotate them in and out of the freezer while I dipped. I will definatley be doing this again!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING SO AWESOME!!!

  130. This looks so fun! I’m definitely going to try, but excuse this question, but does it specifically have to be chocolate bark and/or melts? Can it be any type of chocolate?

  131. OMG! I am drooling just looking at these super cute cupcakes. Am sure gonna come again here once I got an oven! =)

  132. I tried coloring the Kroger white melting stuff with Wilton’s Golden Yellow gel food coloring, IT WORKED! At first, the colors separated (red and yellow streaks) because the white melty stuff was hot, but after a minute (probably less) of stirring it all incorporated. Unfortunately the light orange I was going for ended up to be kind of flesh colored and the corn dogs I was trying to make ended up looking like fingers or other small appendages…. Quite amusing for my friend’s 25th birthday party, but not very, um, family friendly. A tube of red frosting with a narrow tip that was supposed to look like catsup saved the day.

  133. Hey guys. These are so cute. We have an online toy store and wanted to give you another option for your cutters. We carry the Bella Bistro Mini Cookie Cutters and I think they would work perfectly. Here is a link:
    Steph with Town Square Toys LLC

  134. Monica – It would be better if you could do them on say wednesday

    Kathryn – Fabo! Excellent!

  135. Bakerella – you and your blog are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your creative and inspiring ideas with the world.

    I just wanted to share the cupcake pops I made for my godson’s birthday. I put a slight twist on them and made them into mushroom-shaped cake pops, inspired by Mario Kart. (my godson LOVES Mario Kart…)

    Here’s a couple of photos of how they turned out:

    They were a huge hit at his birthday party! Thanks so much again for your amazing ideas! =)

  136. Can I make them tomorrow on Mother’s Day for my daughters bierthday party on the following Saturday? Will they be fresh enough if bag them with a bow?

  137. I don’t think that will give the best results. Shortening or veg oil works.

  138. Hi!
    If I’m using regular chocolate, can I thin it out with milk? You have suggested thinning it with veg oil, but I would like to try it with milk.

    Thanks for your help!

    (Sorry for my bad english)

  139. styrofoam blocks work well or sugar filled dishes

  140. What is the best way to display/serve the cupcake pops?

  141. These are the best! I have made them several times and always get huge compliments! Everyone I know now has the recipe. My only problem has been that after I dip them, the cake starts to crack the chocolate and squeeze out. I am not sure what to do to fix this?

  142. I made these last night as a test run for a hotair ballon festival party I have each year. I wanted to try to make a hot air balloon…it still needs some work but you can check out the first attempt here along with some other examples of the fun. Thanks for sharing!

  143. Yes, but not sure how long. I usually don’t freeze mine.

  144. Can you freeze these for a later date, if so how long can they be frozen for and still taste delicious!?

    They are the sweetest idea ever, we are doing them for our sorority, for formal recruitment!!! I am so excited!!

  145. rihab – if you use regular chocolate, try adding some shortening or veg oil to thin it out.

  146. I finally made some of these cupcake bites and they turned out pretty well!

    Thank you so much for the detailed instructions and for all of the great tips you put on your site!

    Here is a link to pics of my bites:

  147. Thank you so much for the detailed instructions of those lovely pops. I have one problem though. I live in Kuwait and cannot find chocolate bark. Can I use chocolate chip instead? Do I need to thin it out? and what can I color white chocolate with? Thank you Loads. :)

  148. hi! let me just say I am totally addicted to your blog!! And I am in LOVE with your cupcake pops!!! My daughter’s 2nd birthday is Tuesday and I have been practicing making these in preparation to make them for her party…the girls at work are LOVIN being my guinea pigs with these! They are turning out fantastic!!! They are very easy to make–they take a little time, and effort, but all good things do! Everyone is impressed! Thanks for posting them and the tutorial! It was most helpful! Keep on baking! I LOVE YOUR SITE!!!! I have linked you on my facebook and told everyone they just had to visit the site!

  149. YAY! Glad you guys are having success.

  150. I made your cookie pops for Easter!! Thank you thank you thank you! I used white chocolate chips instead of the candy coating and it was hard to work with. I’ll by the coating next time.

    I took a short cut for the shape because i didn’t have a cookie cutter and it worked really well. when I rolled them into balls, I made an “O” with my thumb and forefinger and put the ball there and then patted the top into a mushroom shape. I stood them up on the wax and chilled them like that. Here’s my results:

  151. Ooops forgot the blog link:

    Please check out my friend’s blog, she recently made your wonderful cupcake pops for her son’s entire class! They came out so amazing. She posted step by step photos! Now, I am inspired to try my hand at it! Thanks for a great recipe!!!

  152. Please check out my friend’s blog, she recently made your wonderful cupcake pops for her son’s entire class! They came out so amazing. She posted step by step photos! Now, I am inspired to try my hand at it! Thanks for a great recipe!!!

  153. Hi Angie

    Just made my post of the photos and juz wanted to share with all the rest.

    Click here:


    Great recipe ideas!! Bravo!
    My kids and those at church L…OVE them!!

  154. I made these for my daughter’s third birthday party and they were a HIT!

    They were hard to make, but I practiced beforehand and they turned out cute. Not as cute as Bakerella’s, but still cute.


  155. Sam – Yay and I’m not surprised. They have that effect.

    … and you are welcome

    BanginFood – it gets easier each time.

    AmyAnne – I hope so.

    Jeanne – good luck when you do

  156. These are absolutely the cutest pops that i have ever seen. Thanks for your step by step tutorial….I can’t wait to try these.

  157. Holy shit. I have found heaven! Via Domestic Deep Thought.
    Thank you for taking the time to write about these little babies. Your karma meeter is probably over flowing!

  158. I’m late too! I found your site from Pioneer Woman’s site. I love it! I made the basic cake balls for my kids school classes. I must say it wasn’t that easy at first. But once I got a technique down it got easier. Thanks for your recipes. I posted my attempt on my site too. :)

  159. I forgot to add a BIG THANK YOU for posting the recipe, your instructions were really easy to follow and well illustrated. :)

  160. Insanely late to the party here, but I just found this site last week and I HAD to make these for my birthday get-together. I ended up using cherry chip vanilla cake with whipped cream cheese frosting and they turned out awesome!

    Not as beautiful as yours, of course, but my friends really dug them (all were eaten within about an hour and a half between only about 15 people)! I posted a picture of my efforts on my blog at

  161. Way to Go Rollerscrapper

    Good luck Charlette

  162. Bakerella! Woo Hoo! I just found your blog from LeAnne these lollipop cupcakes are just the greatest. I will be making them for my garndbabies! And a bridal shower I have coming up. You are just so wonderful to share all your goodies with all of us. Thanks you.

  163. Dearest Bakerella,
    I not only garnered the admiration of my fellow scrapbookers at an event this weekend, I was literally crowned (with a Tiara) for making your delighful little pops! I can’t thank you enough for the inspiration and the incredible instructions. Photos here:

    I also wanted to note for those of you who can’t find red velvet cake that you can use german chocolate cake mix and red dye. I personally used one bottle of red dye (1 oz) but most recipes I saw called for 2 oz…yup 2 whole bottles! This is the liquidy dye and not the paste…I read about how your blue ones tasted odd to you and these tasted great…to prove it I won first prize from at least 25 other delicious and beautiful desserts!


  164. Kameron – glad you liked them

    Anonymous – you can try it. But if you do, you amy need to add a few drops of veg oil to help thin it out.

    Mrs. Fish – YAY! Glad they went easier the second time.

  165. I made these for a baby shower last weekend and they were a hit! I did red velvet and followed the lower fat recipe (subst. applesauce for the oil) – not a good idea. Still workable but more sticky. I did a second batch of chocolate cake and used the original instructions and they were much easier to work with. I dipped the tops in pink and blue candy melts (thinned a little with oil) and topped with a brown m&m. Very cute and festive! It took some time but was much simpler the second time around once I knew what I was doing. Thanks! I posted pics and a link to your blog on my Facebook page. I will definitely make these again!


  166. Hi! Can I just melt normal chocolate (white and milk chocolate) for the dipping part? around here, we only have small packages of “baking chocolate”, which is veeeeeery expensive. and i think it’s almost the same chocolate as normal.

  167. Okay, I *finally* made the cupcake pops today. I’ve been eyeing them since shortly before Bakerella was on Martha, but haven’t really had the guts to make them until now. My daugher turned 7 this week, and had her friend party tonight – cupcake theme. So this was a no-brainer. Took oodles more time than I anticipated, they were – as stated many times over – worth it! Pictures will be up soon on my blog. Chocolate Fudge cake and Cream Cheese frosting. Mmmm mmmm good! Ü

  168. It’s canned frosting. You can just make homemade in the flavor you like and substitute.

  169. Hey, Bakerella!
    I’m a finnish girl and just about to finish my junior high, and I would like to make these as a “goodbye”-present for everyone on (or at? sorry, i’m not so good in english) my class. I just started wondering, what IS that frosting-thing that you put on the crumbled cake at the start? we don’t have any of those packages here in Finland… how could I replace it? Cream cheese, whipped cream or something…?

    By the way-these are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m so glad I found this recipe, because first I thought of giving my classmates store-bought lollipops or something like that…Blah. Thanks for inventing these. :)

  170. Cass & icook – glad you went for it!

  171. Yeah!! I made the pops- and they weren’t terrible! They tasted great, and they were kindof cute. The decorating and making pretty part is definitely NOT my specialty, but it turned out good enough…
    Thanks so much- I gave you all the credit and linked to your blog and to the specific cupcake pop post.

  172. Hi Bakerella…I successful made your cupcake pops! Thank you so much for the great tutorial. I will be giving them away for St. Patty’s day to my team of sweet tooths at work.

    Thanks for making me laugh too! I think anyone who makes these needs to be able to laugh at themselves when they make them the first time.


  173. Way to go rollersrapper and rosalie!

  174. Just made these yesterday, I used homemade devils food cake and creamcheese frosting (I just can’t use store bought stuff and love my kitchenaid-look for any chance to break it out!) I also had a 4 year old helper and everything turned out great! Yes, they were time consuming but I’m sure I’ll get quicker evertime I do it, and I’ll definality be making these again!

  175. Thanks for the inspiration! I did a practice run on some dog biscuits tonight and had lots of fun making mini cupcakes! I can’t wait to try it with real cake later in the week! Here are some photos of the results and a description of what I did:


  176. cely – Kroger is a grocery store chain in the south. You can use candy melts instead. No problem.

    Make n mold, Merckens and wilton are some brands.

  177. ive tried looking or the kroger chocolate bark and cant find any. i live in calfiornia is there another chocolate bark i can use instead?? what can i use if i cant find any chocolate bark? could i just use candy melts? would it taste the same? please help =]

  178. Colleen – Fabulous!

    RowansMomma – Yay? glad you found them.

    Jennifer – sorry, I don’t even have a scale. But they are truffle-size… small.

  179. Hi Angie

    I had done a couple myself – the smileys and also the rainbow one but I had totally forgotten about the M&Ms…ha……!
    I'll post the photos once I downloaded them from the camera.

    Also, can you let me know how heavy is the balls. You mentioned size 1.25 – 1.5". But I would better with weights…. in grams. Thanks!

  180. I came across these searching for ideas for my son’s first birthday party in April. I just called my local Williams-Sonoma store and they have the tin of 12-ct cookie cutters available in store for $10! I have a set on hold (although they have 9 in stock.. you never know who else will find this recipe before I can get there!) and can’t wait to do a trial run this week! I just subscribed to your blog. I love, love, love how you make baking accessible to those not brave enough to leave the cake mix aisle! I CANNOT believe you don’t have a book deal yet!

  181. I just made some to bring into work for valentines day and they were a huge hit!

    here's a not so great picture, but you get the idea. :)

  182. Reesha – I love hearing that kind of stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  183. These were a hit at my daughter’s preschool. Thank you for posting the directions. It was also fun to make them with my preschooler (who sprinkled) and teenager (who put the sweetheart on and put them in the box that we cut holes in to hold them).

  184. Congrats Smith Family!

  185. I made these for a shower and they turned out adorable! We actually just made mini cupcakes and used your dipping frosting and sprinkles ideas. They were a big hit! Thanks!

  186. Anonymous – tell him I said HI!

    Lauren Magee – Great find. But I found them for $9 at the Williams-Sonoma near me. Guess I should have bought more.

  187. Great news! I found the same decorative cutters that are no longer available through Williams-Sonoma. I found them at a cute site called Mermaid Hut. The link is here:

    And they’re even cheaper here than they were through Williams-Sonoma.

  188. I am so excited to have found your blog! You’re a baking inspiration. I can’t wait to try these cupcake pops (perfect for my daughter’s 2nd grade Valentine’s party) and so many other things I’ve seen. My 3 year old son and I have had fun perusing your blog all afternoon! He really loved the Martha video.

    Great job!! Instant added bookmark…
    heidi in Oakland, CA

  189. Better luck on the next go-round!

  190. I just tried to make these for my daughters 2nd birthday and I didn’t let them cool after shaping them. Boo!
    I should have printed the directions. They are still cute, but I can’t wait to try them again so that I can get it totally right!

  191. Jesakuh – thanks!

  192. These are SUPER cute and I can’t wait to try and make some!

  193. Daisy – You could dip the entire heart shape in one color. Let it dry and then dip the other side.

    You’ll probably want to use a shallow dish for the second part so that you can lay the pop horizontally in the chocolate.

  194. I want to try to make these for Valentine’s Day for hubby’s office. I’ve made the Red Velvet balls – and they were a hit. BUT I want to do hearts instead of the cupcake shape – and still have them on the sticks. The kicker is I want to have half the heart one color of coating and the other side another color (such as chocolate on one side and red or pink on the other). Can you give me tips as to how I could actually pull that off?? I would REALLY appreciate it!! Thanks so much! I love your blog – so many neat things you make!


    Here is where I posted about the balls I made, in case you’re interested:

  195. Kitty – You did an wonderful job on these.

    Puanani503 – you’re welcome.

    Colleen – You’re not late. It’s never too late for sweets.

  196. I just posted these (I know, i am always a little late to the party!) and was so happy with the results! Thanks!

  197. Totally adore your cupcakes pops..
    definitely will be on my
    “make it” list:)Thank you for

  198. Thanks you very much for this recipe, I made some yesterday you can see them on my blog :

    your blog is awesome!!!!!!

  199. I finally tried these today but with french vanilla icing (two grocery stores both sold out of the cream cheese icing!) and chocolate cake. They’re yummy!

    My chocolate wasn’t thin enough, so I probably should have added a bit of oil. Otherwise they worked just fine, but look a bit messy. Maybe no one will notice ;).

  200. Dear Angie

    Can I use food coloring or paste into the melted white chocolate (as adviced, to add a few drops of veg oil) to create the various colors I may want to explore?


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