I used these cards today and it reminded me of a bunch of cute cupcake stuff that’s crossed my path recently. These are letterpress cards from Dingbat Press. If you’ve been following the site for a while, you’ll remember these she made for me a while back. I love letterpress. Love it. It’s so substantial and makes writing much more fun. Check out her site and you’ll find a ton of other gorgeous designs.
Want to see more?
See this bag. It’s a camera bag that was offered to me by Tracy Joy Designs. She had one cupcake design left and gave it to me for the price of shipping. Now, I usually don’t like pattern stuff. I’m a solids kind of girl, but I thought what the heck… that’s a pretty good deal… and maybe I’ll do a giveaway with it or something.
It arrived the day before I went to Oklahoma to visit the Pioneer Woman and as it would happen, I needed a carry on bag for the flight. How convenient! It was perfect. Lots of pockets for lenses that I used for stuff and a long strap to hang over my shoulder so I could lug two other bags full of cake pop supplies.… Kinda smooshable so I could stuff it under the seat in front of me. Needless to say, I’m not using it for my camera and I’m not giving it away. It’s my new travel companion. (sorry)
And, here’s the best part – that I didn’t even notice until I was on the way home. The flap is removable. You can switch it up with different designs. Cute, huh! I don’t think this style is available in her store, but I bet you could do a special order. And if not, she has other cute bags.
Oh no. I was wrong. I just went to their site to get the link for you and it turns out they are closing shop. Serves me right for waiting so long to post this. But, the good news is they are having a BIG sale on all their remaining inventory. Maybe you can score a deal.
Now, control yourself. These are really adorable.
Heavy metal cupcake measuring spoons. Look at the inside and the handles. Eeeeeeeek! Keeeeeuuute!
Look at their bottoms. And look at the handles, they have tiny hearts on them.
My new friend, Pioneer Woman Cake Pop Demonstration Winner, and blogger… Starwoodgal, gave them to me. She found them at a charming little store in Arkansas called Signed Sealed Delivered. I looked on their site and couldn’t find them, so here’s another place to get them.
Recognize these little guys? They’re from Cakespy. You know how much I love Cakespy and her L’il Cuppie character. I have several of her paintings and now I can spread the sweetness with these little cute note cards. She also has buttons, magnets and a bunch of fun paintings.
How could you be blue with this hanging around your neck. I bought this vintage necklace with plastic cupcake pendant recently from Very Happy Everything. They just got started on etsy, but have tons of cute necklaces. I’ll warn you, though. You need to have a little whimsy in your bones for some of the designs… like the Hammerhead sharks with bow ties. Oh, to be in their brain for a few minutes.
Crocheted cupcakes! A reader sent me these the other day. Hi Jackie from New York. How are you? Thank you so much for these and all the time it took to make them. I’ve never crocheted anything, so I have to say, I’m super-impressed.
Cupcake Pops! Nope. They’re actually cupcake soaps on sticks. LoveLeeSoaps gave me these. They look pretty real, huh? You should see some of the other stuff she makes. It’s all crazy cute! I promise.
I also found this in my pantry today. Sprinkles cupcake mix. Sprinkles was very thoughtful to start selling a mix version of their fabulous cupcakes at Williams-Sonoma. Especially since I have been waiting FOREVER for them to open a store anywhere within a day’s drive from me. I had the real things once, and I’ve been thinking about them ever since.
But, here’s the problem with this mix and things like it. If you notice the expiration date on the right, you’ll see that I’ve had it for quite a while… way before that date even. It’s a quirk of mine. I find it extremely difficult to open cute packaging. I would rather just look at it contained, than open it. Quirky, right?
Here’s another example of really cute packaging from Chronicle Books. Take a look at this Cupcake Kit! It’s so cute, I haven’t even opened the box to hold and look at all the fun stuff inside.
But, guess what?! I have two of them.
So, maybe you can help me out. If I give one away, will you open it and tell me how fun everything inside is?
Please, because I’m going to put the other one on a shelf and stare at it.
Okay, it’s settled. One of these kits is up for grabs. But which one of you wants it? Let me know.
- Just leave a comment on this post and let me if you want to tear into this box. Easy.
- Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win (either a blog link or email)
- Deadline to enter is
Friday, May 29th at 9 p.m.Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner below. (recorded by the time stamp of your comment) - One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Saturday morning on this post.
* One winner will be chosen at random, using random.org’s integer generator.
Time to reveal the winner.
It’s comment number…
Congratulations eRika! The goodies will be in your hands soon. I hope you have fun with it.
Now, guess what?! I’ve decided to go ahead and give the second one away also. That’s right. Two winners. Why? Because you guys are always so great and I know I will just be staring at mine on the shelf. I think I would feel guilty knowing how badly so many of you wanted one.
And the second winner is comment number 40. Ooooh, a low number this time. Who’s it gonna be?Jenni, of course. And, I’d love to see any results from your new cupcake kit.
Thanks everyone who entered and graciously agreed to tear into this box for me. Some of you even have the same packaging problem as I do. (Yay, I’m not alone.) And, some of you… well, let’s just say I wouldn’t want to come between you and any sort of wrapped gift. But, it would be fun to watch. There were a total of exactly 2,800 entries for this giveaway and it was one I really enjoyed reading. Made me laugh, smile and wish I had even more kits to give. And Carissa, even though you didn’t win, and you were “number two-thousand-four hundred and fifty,” I did read your comment. Hi!
In my mind, I’ve already won! And I can’t wait to get my hands on all those goodies!
heathernc at hotmail dot com
I’d love to make some cute cupcakes with my 5 year old daughter, we’d have lots of fun!!!
Of course I would love to tear into that package..you’ve inspired my inner need to make more cupcakes!
I have no problem opening anything :-)
Except sweetened condensed milk, for some reason there are three cans of it, expired, in my pantry. There must have been a sale at some point…
How cute, I’ll take it!
my mouth is watering at the thought already!!!
brenda.r.davenport at gmail
OOOOO this is awsome i want one!!!!!
So cute! I would love to have it!
Heck yeah! I’d love to tear into it!
I would tear into it and dance around and bake some cupcakes!
kimbercakes (at) ymail (dot)com
I bake a lot from scratch, but I’m not adverse to checking out that box and seeing what goodies are inside!
I made your cake pops a month ago (homemade jelly-roll recipe adapted to cake form, homemade icing) and they were DELICIOUS!
Oh cupcakes, I love thee! I would most definitely enjoy that box!
I would love to be the one to rip into it (no matter how cute it is in the pkg!)
Fun fun!
mindy.strauss @ gmail.com
OMG I LUV CUPCAKES!!! Please let it be me the winner
I love it! I would rip into it and get baking!
I would love to tear it open for you!!! Looks so cute!!
i would love that! i definitely have a great spot in my kitchen for that :)
am i too late? hope not! I would love to have it (^_^) awesomeness!!
Oh my that would be super nice!! I am soo hooked on your blog..
Looks YUMMY!!
I can’t begin to imagine the coolness in that box – let me at it! ;)
Those measuring spoons are beyond awesome BTW…
I love all the cupcake stuff, I’m obsessed, ever since I found your blog and my sweet little girl was born. She is my little cupcake, for her 1st birthday I’m going cupcake crazy so if you have any more cute cupcake finds I would love to see them. Thanks so much for sharing and thanks for the chance to win.
So fun! I would love one!
What a cute kit! I always want to make cuter looking cupcakes but default to just piping a mound or smearing. I’d like to graduate from my “rustic” look :)
I would like the box of mix, but I would LOVE to have them made, then proceed to eat them.
I’ll open it carefully, then give the box to my kids to play with!
raspell at verizon dot net
That looks like so much fun! And the packaging is really cute!
Oh My goodness… YES! I’d love to tear into a box!!
Who wouldn’t love to tear into that?!!!!!
I would certainly put this to good use!! :)
I would love to tear into it!
I am addicted to this blog and making cupcakes! My friends and family are also quite fond of my frequent cakepops and cakebites! Thanks for the blog!
I will tear it up! :)
I would LOVE <3<3 LOVE LOVE to tear into that box! Cupcakes are so much fun and soooooo CUTE! AND, you can put whatever decoration on them you want! Thats the best part…well, besides eating them of course! :)
Yes! I would love to tear this open and start baking!!! =)
I would absolutely and positively love to tear into that box!! it has some cute stuff!!
Ohh… and those soap cupcake pops are adorable!!!
Been a fan of cupcakes since I served them at our wedding four years ago. I’d love that!!
I love making cupcakes pick me!
I must admit I also have trouble opening cute packaging but this one has may curiosity up. So yes, yes I would tear it open if that would make you happy….hehe.
How cute! It would be so fun to have it :)
*tear tear tear tear! see all the mess?! yay!
I would rip into it!
cupycake, cupycake… how I love to eat, look at, and generally think about cupycakes. That’s what my kids call them. I would also love to win this!
Love all the “cupcake stuff!” My daughter and her friend would have a blast with the kit (well, I would too…!)
Oh, I would love to tear into the box. My 4 1/2 year old son & I would have so much fun
I would love it!
OOOOOoooo! Pick me! Pick ME! I’d love to play with this kit!!!
My daughter and I would have so much fun making and decorating cupcakes!
It looks like a cute project to do with my grandson. Open it please!!
I’d tear into it in an instant! I love making cc’s :) pcirame@hotmail.com
I love all the stuff you showed today!
i love baking and your site is amazing! i’d love to have a cupcake kit :)
I love all the stuff you posted today!
I have a different problem, I LOVE tearing open cute adorable things to see all the stuff and so on, but I never use it. I like to keep them together and then open it up and look at all the matchy things and stuff. But for you, I’d use this. ;)
Pick me, Pick me!
I love looking at cute packaging, but fortunately not as much as I love tearing into it!
Ohhh please please please!!!
Oh my gosh, that kit is too cute!!!! I would love to tear into it. =oD
Wow, I’d love to have that and stare at it for a few hours. Then tear it open. -Mems
That is such cute stuff! I love the cupcake pop soap on a stick!
I would gently open the box as if to not disturb it….take out all the goodies inside and keep, seal th box back up. Keep the box and eat the goodies :)
Mmm. Cupcakes for my tummy!
andrea . n . rodriguez @ gmail . com
I want it! I’ll open it! give it to me… Please!
I’m going to make my first set of “fancy” cupcakes for my daughter’s 5th birthday. Any kit that can help would be great!
Thanks for your blog — I love it!
michelle.rajotte at gmail.com
Such a great idea. Cupcakes in a box! I would definitely tear into it!
I’d love to try the cupcake kit!
So cute!! Thanks for your darling give aways. I totally love your posts and have a list of things to make. I tried the cupcake pops and can’t wait to make them again for a baby shower next month. You are awesome! Keep posting.
would love to win it!!! :) :)
I’d love a cup cake kit. So cute, so deliciuos.
I would definitely tear into it!!! Love it!
Debra Graybeal
Would love to tear into it!!
OMG how much would i LOVE THAT???!!!! I HEART your site!!! tishahardee@yahoo.com
Whoa. Over 1900 comments. Ok, so I doubt I’ll win, but I really do looove the cuppy cake soaps and the crocheted cuppies! So sweet.
Oh I love cupcakes. I think I’d have a party just to have an excuse to make everything in the kit at once :o)
Yes, my girls and I would apron-up and make them right away! Too cute:)
It looks so fun! I have the sprinkles mix… I haven’t opened mine either. But I promise you if I win I will definitely take LOTS of photos to show you what’s inside!
i would def. tear into that box! love to bake, and love to eat =)
YAY! I’m dying to rib, tear, and split that box open! Fun, fun, fun!
I would love, no LOVE to have that box!!
I would even take pictures of the contents for you!
I would love to tear into that kit with my kids. They both LOVE to help me bake in the kitchen.
I’ll use it…give it to me! Please.
Oooh I would have no problem opening that sucker >:}
I would have a blast with that kit! Then, after baking with it, I would repackage it neatly to look at. :)
I would go nuts baking cupcakes all afternoon!!!! Really want it! :)
Oh I want it!! I would tear into it immediately. I am for immediate gratification!
love the liners in that kit!
I very much want to tear into that for you!
jonboy_nellie at yahoo.com
i would love that! moreover, my kids would love for me to have it too!
I’d tear into it in a heartbeat!
I would love to tear into this & bake up some super cute & yummy cuppycakes!!! Thanks for the chance!
Fingers crossed,
Love it! Want it! Would gladly tear it open!!
Some more stuff to make cupcake. I would like to win this pack.
What a cute box; and cupcakes my twins and hubby would love to eat those “yummies.” Those items would be put to good use in this home. s_stpetery@yahoo.com
I would love playing with this kit!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
You’ve got me totally wanting to bake cupcakes. I would love the kit! Thanks!
I would looove to have this!Im pregnant and would love to make tons of cupcakes,just dont tell my doc!
Cupcake are my fav!!! Cute, Cute, Cute! Thanks.
Yeah! Cupcakes! Yumm! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity!
I have no patience for cute packaging! I would rip into that bad boy and whip me up some cupcakey goodness!
I would love it! My sister calls my youngest daughter “Cupcake!” She would think it would be so fun.
I would love to play with the kit with my daughter!
Totally adorable — I would love to tear into that box!!
I’m definetly thinking my daughter and I would enjoy tearing into it…..once I took in all the cuteness of the packaging!! Jendue@hotmail.com
My daughter and niece would love to get their hands on this!
Gotta have it…sure hope i win!!
Of course I would tear into that! So cute!!! My girls would squeal with delight.
I am a new lover of baking, but I am a terrible cake decorator! This kit would do me some good! P.S The red velvet cake balls were a HUGE hit on Mother’s day!!!!! Thanks for making me look so good!
I’d give it a good home, and by that I mean I’d make them and eat them, :)
I would love to have that. i love doing new things that contain cooking! hope i win!!! jamiforcum@yahoo.com
Mama Like!!
Love to bake and eat cupcakes!
I’m the cupcake mom at my sons school!
May 29, 2009 11:41am
I so want to win this. My family loves cupcakes. What a cute kit!
OMG I would love to tear into that box and tell you about all the goodies. I love to make cupcakes. This would be a great kit for me and my family. Thanks for the chance.
That is so cute! It would be so much fun to open that box and make the cupcakes with my daughter!
I’d even send you pics of me playing with it!
Oh boy…my daughter and I would love to tear into the box!!! So much fun!
Super cute! I would totally tear into that box! :)
that’s darling.
malialittlefield at gmail dot com
I would love to tear into it….especially since I’m going to be making a ton of cupcakes for my daughter’s second birthday party soon.
I want to rip into that box! =)
Oh, I would love that to death (and the new boyfriend would love the results!).
samantha (at) subtend (dot) net
I’ll give you all the details, plus I need a new idea for a 18th birthday party!
Heck yeah I want to win!
I LOVE the cupcake stuff! I’m going to get a cupcake tattoo soon, I can’t wait!
SO cute! I would definitely use it!
I would so love to have it! I’m slowly getting obsessed with all things cupcake! :D
This would be so much fun for my family to start of summer vacation!
I would LOVE to take a peek inside that box. I am making cupcakes this weekend as a matter of fact. Good luck everyone!
You bet I’d tear into it. Looks super.
My 3 year old daughter and I would be happy to tear into that for you!
I definitely would love to tear into that – and I’ll keep it’s cuteness by only ripping the seams. :D
Must. Open. Kit!
I tell you what, I will open it gently, then play with all the goodies then sit the box back on my shelf and stare at it! =)
Oh yes, I want it. I dreamt about making cupcakes last night.
woot that would be an awfully fun thing to try!
I love cute packagint too, but my two teenage daughters are less impressed so I know it would make a fun rainy day thing to do.
too cute – I want it, but just to put on a kitchen shelf and look sweet
I want it! I want it! Would love to tear into it. :)
oh man, i want some of that cupcake mix!
I will take one for the team and open up the cute box and let you know what’s inside!
Yes!It would be so fun to tear into it!
yep, tear into it oh so carefully and then tape it back up so you can admire it for always ;)
I’m guilty of buying b/c an item is so tiny, clever, unique, retro-fab, etc and letting said item hand out in my pantry until it’s way past it’s prime. Dh is used to it, but not any less irriated by the behavior, lol.
If you pick me, I promise to open it and enjoy it. And probably keep the adorable packaging.
thats way to cute
Ooooh–that would make a fabulous gift.
Love cupcakes? Check out this link to Taylored Expressions. She has lots of cupcake stamps etc. Be sure to look at both pages!
Me want cupcakes! :)
I too am a sucker for cute packaging. I would open it up ever so carefully :)
oh i love cupcakes. that box definitely won’t last.
How fun! Oh the mess my munchkins and I could make ;)
Anna :)
I would be happy to tear into it and give you detailed descriptions of what’s inside. :)
I’d love to see what’s inside…
I would SO love to tear into that and start creating! All the cupcake things are so cute!
I would love that and to share with you the contents. Also, I love the crocheted cupcakes. Are they available to purchase anywhere?
I’d love to tear open the box and get baking!
I’ve been baking and consuming an insane quantity of cupcakes lately…but I’m nowhere near my limit and would very much love to break into there :)
How did you NOT tear into it? Great self control! Very cute!
Not only would I love to tear into the box, I’d love to eat the cupcakes right off the cover.
Of course I would love to tear into it. Who wouldnt when its cup cake goodies :D.
I would love a cupcake kit!
I’d be more than honored to see what’s inside!
You can count on me to tear into the box! I am so hungry now…
Love the crochet cupcakes! Are they pin cushions??
I would love to win this so that my daughter and I could make cupcakes together. Thanks!
OMG with all those bright, happy cupcakes, you just have to be happy all the time too.
Love, love, LOVE your blog. I’ve shared with many and am planning to perfect my cake pop skills for my daughter’s 6th birthday in August.
sharedcomp [at] yahoo [dot] com
(hand waving in air) PICK ME, PICK ME!!!! Please!!!!
That is SO CUTE! I’ve definitely eyed that in the stores before.
oooOOOO, the ideas are already popping up in my head!!
me me me!! Jill- wams352@aol.com
Oh my son and I could have fun fun fun baking with that kit!!
I have 5 daughters that LOVE being my shadow in the kitchen. My 2 yr old would rip this open the minute it arrived:)
I would tear into it!!! My kids would love to help me with it as well!
kristine @ incentre.net
I’d stare at it. Actually, I’d only stare at it if there wasn’t stuff inside that I really need (well, OK, want). I faithfully promise that if I win this, I’ll open it.
I would love it. :) I LOVE baking ANYTHING!
Heck yea I wanna tear into it!!
I have absolutely no problem with tearing into cute packaging, LOL! I’d love the kit.
caet [AT] bonen [DOT] com
I woul love that! I have been on a cupcake making binge lately & that would be superly duperly fun! I have been training so I can make my daughter's first birthday cupcake cake, we will see how it goes…
I would love to see what’s in that box!
Looks like fun! Sign me up! tsn816{at}gmail{dot}com
Beautiful Box! If I couldn’t open it, I bet my daughter could!
Iwant this kit very very bad, in BrazilI can not find this and this will be the only chance to I get it.
I hope I am allowed to participate.
Aline Horta
I’d stop my diet if I had a cup cake kit!
Luuuv anything cupcake and a kit makes it fun w/ me and the boys.
Comes w/ liners too!
Those are the cutest. It makes me think that I should start collecting all things “cupcake”!!
I would tear into that box ASAP! I am dying to know what goodies await….
I’m here and I want it!! ;)
I love the cards form Dingbat Press. And, yes, I do want to tear into that box. :D
I’m praying to the random gods that be that I win this giveaway. :)
I LOVE Sprinkles cupcake mix!! They’re too cute :) I love baking, that would be so much fun for me and my roommates!
Nearly 2,000 comments? Wow…. I don’t stand a chance, but I’m going to try anyway! I LOVE cupcakes! And my 4-year old daughter does, too….. we like making them together.
e-mail: jenlapierre@gmail.com
I would love to tear into that :)
Ok Bakerella girlie…you and I have the same sickness. I love to buy cute things and look at them however, I end up with wayyy too many cute things. Soooo, I guess if I win, it will be like free therapy for me! I will HAVE to tear into that lovely box and get over my sickness. LOL
I not only want that kit; I NEED that kit. My youngest son’s birthday is coming up and I always appreciate new inspiration.
I would love it! My email address is:
yummy!!!! this would be great to have
My daughter and i would love to give it a try.
Thanks again for sharing all of you wonderful ideas.
We are off to the mall to buy some sprinkes mix!!!!
I love cute package’s too! Thanks for the cutest blog EVER! I loved all the cute cupcake stuff. Your so adorable! I just quit my job, and I’m going to be a full time mommy!! Hooray! So now I actually have time to finally make the cake pops! My kids are going to just die. Thanks so much for the amazing ideas!
Tami Madsen
i would love to get that box!!!! yummyyy
Yes please!