I was in Columbus, Ohio last weekend visiting with some sweet friends that I’ve met through blogging… Wendy of Wenderly, Bridget of Bake at 350, and Amy of She Wears Many Hats. Hi guys! I mean girls.
Wendy lives in Ohio and invited us to spend a few days at her cabin in the woods. Has anyone seen that movie? And yes, I totally spent the weekend suggesting scary movie situations to them. What if this – and what if that. But mostly scaring myself. I definitely watch way too many SyFy Sunday movies. If you watch that channel, you know the ones I mean.
Anyway, we kicked off our fun cabining weekend with a straight from the airport pitstop for lunch and then Jeni’s ice cream. Yay!
Jeni’s is based in Ohio and I’ve been wanting to visit one of her scoop shops for some time now.
She has some incredible flavors. Or should I say splendid.
And yogurt too.
I love all the chalk writing and window words. So cute.
The inside of the store is perfect with the ceiling strung in little lights and paper garland.
You can buy ice cream by the scoop and by the pint. Whoohoo!
So many flavors. Signature and seasonal ones too.
Like this one for flu season. Influenza sorbet.
Soothing for the sickly. Made with cayenne pepper, ginger, bourbon, honey, orange and lemon juices.
Handwritten! Love it and love how the same flavors are written by different people. What a fun way to add that personal touch.
And now I have a strange desire get a job handwriting ice cream labels. I wonder if I could add hearts and smiley faces.
By the way, if you’re in Ohio, stop what you are doing right now and run and get some of that Maple Walnut ice cream. It’s fantastic. I think that container on the top right is actually mocking me right now with all of its maple amazingness. I even tried to order some more today online, but that flavor is seasonal and isn’t shipping. Wipes tear. So get it in stores while you can.
Sweet friends, ice cream and a great start to our winter weekend away.
You know what, you can also make your own Jeni’s ice cream. Check out her book: Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home.
The staff at Jeni’s was great. Super patient. They didn’t even mind the 571 samples we asked for. But I think that’s pretty smart of them, because then we ended up ordering 571 scoops to enjoy. You know … just to be absolutely sure they were good. : )
Okay not really 571 scoops, but several. Here’s a few of the flavors we all sampled.
Enjoyed and instagrammed. It’s a mandatory food blogging thing … to share when something is so so good.
My favorites right now: Dark Chocolate (of course) and that Maple Walnut. Goodness. Very goodness!
While we were laughing and sampling, we had a fun surprise. Jeni stopped in the location we were at. With several stores, we certainly weren’t expecting that. Wendy had met her before so she introduced us.
Hi Jeni! Your ice cream makes my tummy happy.
Such a great smile. It’s nice to see when people are doing something they love.
Visit Jeni’s Ice Cream for online ordering, scoop shop locations and where to buy by the pint in other states.
Had enough ice cream yet? Want more?
How about 17 of Jeni’s signature flavors?

That’s right. I’m giving away a complete set of Jeni’s Signature Collection including:
Enter for a chance to win Jeni’s Signature Collection (That’s 17 pints y’all!)
- To enter, just leave a comment on this blog post and answer the following question.
- Are you all about ice cream, serious for sorbet, or full on frozen yogurt? What’s your favorite frozen treat?
- Deadline to enter is
Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 9 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW. This giveaway is open to US residents only since Jeni’s ships in the United States. I’m sorry international friends. - One winner will be selected at random and announced sometime Sunday on this post.
- Note: The winner can choose the collection or a gift card for the equivalent. You know, in case 17 pints of ice cream won’t fit in your freezer. : )
Good luck guys!
Well. I’m happy to see so many of you are as fantacial about ice cream as I am. And now we have a winner.
YAY! Nicole G – Start getting your freezer ready! Congratulations.
Giveaway sponsored by me.
I love ice cream the best, even though I usually buy frozen yogurt in order to watch my waistline…
Oh my goodness, I have never heard of Jeni’s :) I love good old chocolate ice cream. Yummmmmm…. but I eat it all :)
All about Ice Cream!!! My favorite though is a Mickey bar, ’cause I have to be at Disney World to get it!!! LOL!!! I’m sure Jeni’s would taste even better at Disney too!! :)
I’m way into ice cream! It’s a little cold in MN to be eating it, but that doesn’t stop everyone. Sebastian Joe’s has cold weather discounts (the colder it is, the cheaper the ice cream!) Love it!
I REALLY dig homemade ice cream sandwiches too (my favorite so far was spumoni between butter cookies.)
ICE CREAM!! Of course!! Especially if it’s creamy…hand me another bucket, please! :o)
Best frozen treat can be improvized, by the way: Nutella + freezer = impromptu summer treat. :o)
What a fun giveaway! I love frozen yogurt, especially vanilla with hot fudge!
WOW! What an amazing time you ladies must have had, good friends and good ice cream, perfect combo. I love the person touch on the ice cream, gives it a “me to you” feeling that store bought ice cream can’t deliver.
Tart frozen yogurt with coconut! The tang of the yogurt with the sweetness of the coconut.
Ice cream!! Love ice cream, and I would LOVE to try some of those fantastic flavors that Jeni makes. Incredible combinations!!
I love ice cream and frozen yogurt! It’s impossible to decide which is better.
All about ice cream! My favorite frozen treat is Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter N Chocolate ice cream! Yum!!
Frozen Yogurt! And Ice Cream! I can’t decide…I love frozen treats! Cookies and Cream has to be an all time childhood favorite…strawberry too!
Ice cream! Always ice cream :)
I love chocolate ice cream with milk poured on top. The milk freezes and it is delish!
I love anything chocolate – rich ice cream is the best – but I also enjoy fro-yo! And if you add some caramel and fudge to it – even better!
Influenza Sorbet! What a great idea!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!! Chocolate, of course.
Ice cream for sure! And wow, those look awesome!
I love peppermint ice cream….I get so excited when I have my first annual spotting at the grocery store ;)
I always scream for ice cream !!!!!! Heaven on a spoon<3
Jeni's flavors look amazing :p
I love ice cream. My favorite is Rocky Road.
I’m not that big on ice cream except for the gourmet type. More like gratified for gelato. The Chew just featured Jeni’s Influenza Sorbet, too! How awesome!
Ice Cream all the way. Bought her ice cream cookbook and LOVE IT. Such great, creative flavors. Would love to try the real thing.
Ice cream, for sure!
Ice cream!! Anything chocolate. Add peanut butter and its even better! Yum. Now I want ice cream for breakfast. :)
I love ice cream! My favorite is actually a really good vanilla bean ice cream. All by itself it’s heaven but when I’m feeling crazy, I’ll add some yummy toppings like fudge or caramel……
Great giveaway!!
I love all frozen treats but ICE CREAM is definitely my favorite. My go-to flavors usually involve chocolate, but when it comes to ice cream, I’m not picky :)
I’m a sucker for sweet and salty. Love Ben and Jerry’s late night snack with jimmy Fallon it has salted caramel and chocolate covered potato chips. Yumm. That dark chocolate sounds divine: the inside of a truffle…oh boy…awesome giveaway!!
I love ice cream!! We always have some in the house (which is dangerous for my waistline… but whatever).
I *heart* ice cream!!! And my favorite frozen treat has got to be ice cream sammies. :)
I’m an ice cream kinda gal all the way!! My favorite is salted caramel!!
My favorite is ice cream… I love Jeni’s, but have never had the real thing. I have given the book as a gift and made a few of the recipes myself. So inventive with her flavor combinations.
Even though I love ice cream the best, I can confirm that the influenza sorbet rocks.
Ice Cream! Jeni’s is sooooo good. Although I really don’t discriminate and will eat just about any frozen concoction.
I like frozen custard best! I lived in Columbus, OH for 4 years while in undergrad but somehow never made it to Jeni’s. I don’t think I had even heard of it until after I left. I only had Graeters while I lived there, but next time I go back I have to go to Jeni’s!
Definitely all about ice cream! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I absolutely love chocolate ice cream. Gelato comes in close second.
I luv sorbet!
all about the ice cream, regardless of the weather outside.
Ice cream! Especially cookies and cream. Yuuum! We have a Jeni’s here in Nashville, and it’s delightful!
Those flavors look unbelievable!!
Count me in for ice cream!!
I am ALL about ice cream!!!!! I’m about as far away as you can get from Jeni’s, so getting a freezer full of her goodies would be such a treat!!!! My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is anything deep dark chocolate. Yummy……
How on earth are you supposed to choose?? Ice cream is wonderful, but sometimes a citrusy sorbet is just what you need.
Also, HOW DID I NOT KNOW THEY DELIVER? I’m from Ohio but living in Massachusetts, and this is BRAND NEW INFORMATION!
I typically go for fruity sorbets! And rainbow sprinkles whenever possible!
ICE CREAM–pretty much any flavor but chocolate is my #!! OMG! I have never heard of a anyone giving away ice cream! This is the best giveaway EVER! :)
I love any kind of ice cream that’s coffee flavored!!
I love them all, but ice cream always wins out for me. My very favorite is Richardson’s chocolate ice cream, which is a tiny chain that exists north of Boston. I buy gallons of it at the convenience store so often it shouldn’t be legal.
I love ice cream! I would eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could :)
Thanks for the great giveaway chance!
Ice cream all the way! I’ve very rarely met an ice cream I didn’t like! Right now, I’m loving Ben and Jerry’s Peanut Brittle. Also, whatacluster is yummy. Love banana split (both the desert and the flavor-Blue Bunny’s is really good!)….and now I’m hungry for ice cream! Great giveaway!
All about ice cream at this house! That influenza sorbet is calling me…sick boy all week. No fun! What a darling shop!
I must say that I am sincerely all about ice cream. I would love to say that I am healthy, and that I go with frozen yogurt when it comes to choosing my favorite frozen treat. It just is not so… Ice cream is heavenly!
Ooooh, ice cream! I can’t even narrow it down to one flavor. Cherry vanilla, mocha almond fudge, pistachio, you name it, I’ll eat it!
Though I love yogurt and sorbet, truth is…I’m all about ice cream. LOVE IT!! I wish I was able to drop in such a charming shop!
Ice Cream. I love it and it makes me Happy!!
ALL ABOUT Ice Cream!!! LOVE Ice Cream!!!
My favorite is ANYTHING from Jeni’s! ;) I think I lean towards ice cream over sorbet/yogurt. My fave flavor is her Sweet Potato with Torched Marshmallow. HEAVEN.
Ice cream is one of my favorite things on earth! I also have a soft spot for Dreyer’s Berry Rainbow Sherbet. Mmmm…
I love ice cream! especially chocolate, of course!
Ice cream for sure, although I welcome all kinds of frozen treats.
I love Raspberry sorbet and cookie dough ice cream.. it is a tie! Sorbet for summer and cookie dough for winter-time, YUM!
Ice cream is my favorite food! I could definitely find room in my freezer for 17 pints!
I’m all about icecream! I love Strawberry Cheesecake icecream, but I also love trying new flavors!
Ice Cream! But really it’s all good.
Ice cream! Chocolate ice cream! I love a warm brownie, slightly under-cooked, with a scoop of ice cream.
Love ice cream. Chocolate peanut butter is my favorite.
Ice Cream is my favorite – but a good sherbet comes in a close second.
I would love to try the salted caramel. I will have to remember to find this place if I am ever in OH.
oh, and has anyone ever told you that Jeni and you could be related – I think you look a lot alike – the eyes especially. And those great smiles!
Absolutely ice cream!! The real stuff without a lot of added ‘stuff’.
Ice Cream–specifically peppermint. Though the frozen yogurt sundae bars that are popping up all over the place these days are pretty great too!
I love ice cream! We have a local dairy nearby that does great ice cream, love their “Fudgy Wudgy” flavor.
I love ice cream… Moving to SoCal has increased my love of frozen yogurt aka FroYo
I normally prefer ice cream, but there is a frozen yogurt bar that I am obsessed with. I get dark chocolate, birthday cake, and red velvet cake yogurts with rainbow jimmies, gummi bears, and sometimes chocolate chip cookie dough on top. :)
*All About Ice Cream*…however, I neva’ meta’ a yogurt or sorbet I didn’t like ;) I wanna win!
Oh my! I have never EVER been more excited about a blog giveaway. I LOOOooooOOOve ice cream. Passionately. Intensely. Please oh please send me Jeni’s.
I lvoe chocolate ice cream with peanut butter!
Ice cream! I would love to try these. And I will MAKE room in my freezer ;)
Ice cream!!!! Discovered Jeni’s a few years back and have ordered it online for myself and as a gift. The salted caramel has to be my favorite…
If it wasn’t for my wasteline I’d pick coffee ice cream every time…..maybe some chocolate chunks added or heath bar – yum! I’d love to try Jeni’s. Coldstone Creamery is the best ice cream I’ve found in our area.
Wow, this post made my mouth water and Jeni’s store looks absolutely adorable! Ice cream and I have been close, old friends for a long time. It has gotten me through some bad days! Ice cream all the way!!!
Ice cream!
ICE CREAM! Love love love ice cream. I love all ice cream, especially butter pecan. Yum!
I’ m all about ice cream. And by the way maple walnut is my absolute favorite. We only have one place around here that carries it – Carvel – and they do a good job but the best maple walnut I’ve ever had was from an ice cream shop in Rhode Island.
I love ice cream! Especially mint chocolate chip, but only if it is green!
Well I don’t know of Jeni’s until now but I do know I love ice cream One of my favorite times was with my grandpa walking to the local ice shoppe and eating ice cream until full and then not eating dinner and keeping it a secret from my mom and grandma. We were always full from so much ice cream.
LOVE Jeni’s. Combo of brown butter almond brickle and milkiest chocolate is to die for. I miss my trips to Columbus.
Ice cream all the way. Even though I prefer chocolate over vanilla usually, my favorite is Haagen Dazs’s Vanilla Swiss Almond.
I love Jeni’s Ice Cream! any sorbet will do!
I LOVE Ice Cream. Jenni’s looks like a great stop to make sometime if we ever happen to be traveling in Ohio!
I am all about the ice cream!!!! We SCREAM for ice cream!
Ice Cream and I have never heard of Jeni’s so this is a treat, thanks.
Ice cream, sometimes sorbet in the summer!
Ice cream all the way!
Ice Cream!! Chocolate almond is one of my favs!
For me, nothing beats the creamy goodness of ice cream…you can’t go wrong with the full-on version :).
Ice cream all the way! I love anything with chocolate or peanut butter or nuts! Mmmmm! What a post! What flavors! Yummm!
Im all about ice cream and I love a drumstick for sure!
I am definitely all about ice cream! Baskin Robbins World Class Chocolate is my favorite. When I’m on a diet or watching what I eat, though, TCBY’s Vanilla Bean is really good too.
I am all for ice cream, although known to dablle in some frozen yogurt at times… anything with caramel and pecans is fantastic but nothing wrong with just homemade vanilla…!
Gelato!!! Okay, okay– ICE CREAM!!!! Full fat, smooth rich sinfully flavorful ice cream!!! Mocha ice cream topped with a smooth dark chocolate sauce and a shot of kahlua. Now that’s heaven in a bowl.
Ice Cream – anything with Chocolate and Peanutbutter!!!
We have a garage freezer that could hold all those yummy flavors.
Ice cream!!! I’m a sucker for anything with caramel in it, and one time I stumbled on an ice cream shop with a ginger ice cream that I still dream about…
Ice cream!! Especially on top of a hot dessert – brownie, crisp, pie, etc. Crazy delicious.
Ice cream all the way, baby, though sorbet is a must have in our house for the autistic child. When I was pregnant with him, I was hospitalized for a 3 weeks before delivery, and my husband ate 4 1/2 gallons of ice cream in that time frame. It is a rare day when there isn’t any in our house.
I’m a vanilla ice cream girl, but would definitely love to try all of those new flavors!
Hands down, my favorite frozen treat is GELATO!!! We have so many great local ice cream and “froyo” places here, but I just never reach the level of excitement that I do for gelato. I did buy a Jeni’s ice cream at our Whole Foods, as a hostess give. It was a bourbon pecan and my friend, who grew up in KY, LOVED it. We all had a sampling and thought it was superb! We have a local gelato place here, Splendora’s, that I love. One of their seasonal flavors is insanely good – – milk and cherries – – get it every summer!! Come visit Charlottesville, VA. So many “foodie” places to go!!
I *LOVE* ice cream! Mint chocolate chip is my favorite but I really haven’t met a flavor I haven’t liked! :)
I can’t choose between ice cream and sorbet! I like pistachio, coffee, blood orange, lemon ….
I’m all about ice cream, there is a serious addiction at our house. I’ve had Jeni’s before and it is fabulous. My daughter was 10 months old at the time and giving her a little lick was a bad idea…still addicted to this day.
I love ice cream! Pick me, pick me, my kids would go nuts! (And so would hubs and I!)
I love all frozen yummy goodness- ice cream, sorbet, yogurt etc. MMMMMMmmmmmm.
Nothing can ever beat ice cream, in my opinion. It’s my favorite dessert!
I can’t choose – if it’s delicious, I’ll eat it! These look yummy.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Omg…ice cream for sure.
Ice cream!
I love ice cream any frozen yogurt!!
Ice cream! Peanut butter and Chocolate! When I was pregnant that was my craving all the time!!!!
All of those frozen goodies have their time and place, but ice cream is probably my favorite. I love flavors with caramel or nuts. Or caramel and nuts. Second place: real fruit ice creams. Strawberry, mango, blueberry and banana!
Oh man I love all ice cream! The kind with a million add ins like bunny tracks, or plain dark chocolate. Just don’t put fruit in it and I’m happy!
Ohhh I love it all!! Mint Chocolate Chip is my fave ice cream. Chocolate is my fave frozen yogurt(with cheesecake on top). And raspberry sorbet is great!
Ice cream!!!! Love the richness, and Mint Chocolate Chip and Brownie sandwiches has to be my favorite treat!!! Love the warm brownie with the cold of the icecream. Can’t go wrong there!!!
Ice cream! I love a good maple. Or peanut butter. Or chocolate. Or maple/chocolate/peanut butter.
That is such a tough question :) I have Jenni’s book and have made things like her Cherry Lambic sorbet. But I guess at the end of the day there really is nothing like a scoop of really well crafted ice cream. I would be so excited to win!!!!
I love ice cream! When I was a kid my grandpa would always treat me to chocolate Ice cream after dinner. I love chocolate! Custard is one of my favorite types its so creamy. The specialty shop in my town has so many different flavors I’ve had almost all of them. They close down from Thanksgiving till the beginning of February but no one seems to o mind because its worth the wait.
I’m all about ice cream. The chocolatier the better.
Oh my goodness – all of the above!
i LOVE ice cream… And always willing to try new flavors! Pick me! We will serve it at our wedding!! :)
I love frozen yogurt. You can pig out without too many calories.
I love pistachio ice cream.
Our house is in love with ice cream personally I would prefer sorbet :)
I am serious about any and all frozen treats. :D
Best giveaway ever!! I literally eat ice cream every single day! I will try any kind but my favorites are anything with chunks of something good in it-like cheesecake or any kind of chocolate!
Definitely all about froyo if I had to choose… but this stuff looks unbelievable!!
i’m full on frozen yogurt, but my heart naturally lies with gelato. Goat cheese gelato is freakin’ ace.
Ice-cream…definitely; although frozen yogurt with fresh fruit mixed in is a close second!
Ice cream all the way. I actually live in Columbus and have loved Jenis for years. My all time favorite flavors are pistachio and honey, brown butter almond brittle, and salty caramel.
I used to live in Ohio and absolutely love Jeni’s!! I am an equal opportunity frozen treat lover… ice cream, sorbet, frozen yogurt.. I love it all!
Ice cream for sure! And the more chocolate, the better!
Ice Cream! :) Which is also one of my biggest pregnancy cravings right now! Haha. Just looking at the list reminds me of a gelato place near my neighborhood though that has so many unique flavors like Jeni’s. Now I’m just going to have to get a goat cheese cashew caramel tonight.
Being from Wisconsin, custard is definitely my favorite!!!
I love ice cream…dark chocolate with toasted sliced almonds.
So, I’m number 833…..how fun! Your pictures were so cute and I totally wanted to be right there with you. My husband and kids would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE some Jeni’s. And we definitely will have to make the trip to one of the shops the next time we go to Ohio. Looks like you had a fantastic time and thanks for the post!
All about ice cream!! Cherry Chocolate Chip is my favorite…yummm
oh dear! I’m from Ohio but this wasn’t there when I was…time for a trip back, for sure. This would be an amazing prize for an occasionally homesick transplant.
Ice cream all the way! And I would gladly empty out my freezer for 17 pints of ice cream!
I am an Ice Cream Fanatic, but starting to be a lover of the frozen yogurt. There are not a lot of Ice Cream shops in my small Oregon Neighborhood, so kind of have to follow the local trend to get my ice cold creamy sweet treat on. I cant wait to try the Salty Caramel!
What? Choose just one??? That’s crazy talk!
Ice cream! The more chocolate the better :)
Ahhh! I love Jeni’s — I went there while visiting a friend in Colombus and then found that they sold her ice cream in a local grocery store in Wisconsin. Of course, I then bought the cookbook (and an ice cream maker!) and haven’t turned back since! I am definitely an ice cream person over sorbet or yogurt — my favorite is probably something in the vein of toasted almond fudge or rocky road. I love all of Jeni’s flavors, too! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a stockpile :)
Wow! That place looks amazing, and so does the ice cream! Love ice cream, especially chocolate peanut butter, moose tracks, and cookies and cream, oh, and mint chocolate too! They are all good!
I love ice cream, but I could always go for some froyo as well!! I know this is a weird combination but I want to try honeydew flavor with peanut butter. Do you think someone could come up with this flavor combo? : )
ICE CREAM! If I am going to indulge, I’m jumping all in.
Bought her cookbook for my brother. Great investment in my ice cream eating future!
Ice cream – any day, any time, any season!!
Ice Cream! Smooth and seriously creamy ice cream. If calories didn’t count, I’d have a scoop of dark chocolate, vanilla bean, coffee, coconut, and pistachio – in a cup, not a cone – with homemade whipped cream and a few sprinkles on top just to make it pretty!
P.S. – I could fit 17 pints in my freezer.
Ice Cream!! As a kid my grandpa would always sit and have a bowl of Blue Bell chocolate Ice cream with me after dinner. Whenever I eat it now my childhood comes flooding back. I Iove any kind that’s chocolate. :)
Ice cream all the way…. could I get all 17 pints the same flavor… SALTY CARMEL.. I’ve got the freezer cleaned out and ready for them!!!!
I love ice cream, but I have really started to like frozen greek yogurt!
We are all about ice cream at our house!! The only setback is our location offers nothing more than Blue Bell as the premium ice cream. Now don’t get me wrong, I love some Blue Bell and always will but anytime we travel I hunt down the local unique eateries that are like a fantasy world for my family. We all just sit around and look at each other in awe like we can’t believe we are experiencing this. To experience something as unique as Jeni’s in our home would be amazing!! Yeah, it’s the little things lol!!
I love Blue Bell ice cream – their caramel turtle fudge actually has little chocolate turtles filled caramel. So yummy!
Thanks for sharing this sweet post and for the giveaway!
Ice Cream! I love ice cream – even if it is freezing outside I enjoy ice cream.
I’m definitely a frozen yogurt lover. I love the frozen yogurt shops where you can make your own cup and pay by the ounce. I feel a little less guilty about eating so much when it is low fat. Red velvet cake and cookies and cream are my favorites. :)
Hmmm decisions decisions! I love them ALL!! Ice Cream, Sorbet, Frozen Yogurt, you name it, I love it!! And ice cream in the winter is even better!!! I can devour a beautiful banana split, or induldge in a delicious concrete. Ice cream (and it’s family) makes me happy, happy, happy!!
I’m a fan of frozen yogurt with LOTS of toppings as a regular thing, but good old-fashioned ice cream as a rare treat :)
I love them all!!!!!
I love anything that is frozen!
I can’t imagine what life would be like if it didn’t include ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.
Love,Love ice cream! Little secret–hubby and I have it almost every night. My favorite–anything chocolate and Maple Nut.
wowwwewowwow……..what a deal…..Just love Ice cream, mostly any kind…..but the quilts always follow so now…I usually stick with frozen yogurts….with magic shell(I make my own) on top….yummmmy and satisfying….thanks for sharing what a prize to share with my friends and fam….
The older I get, I like sorbet more and more!
Influenza sorbet sounds interesting. Is it supposed to be healthy for you?
Oh, I’m crazy for sorbet!!!! But I really love anything with cayenne pepper, so I’m wanting to win for that Queen City Cayenne! :)
It’s a tie between mint chocolate chip ice cream and tart frozen yogurt!*
How fun to see this today! I have Jeni’s cookbook in my bag of reading right now. I’m a chocolate/mint girl, but I’m fully expecting to expand my horizons after trying a few of her recipes.
I adore ice cream! Chocolate Mint is a favorite!
I’m all about ice cream. I got an ice cream maker as a wedding gift, and everyone was all, “You’ll never use it.” I use it all.the.time. Love that sucker.
Definitely ice cream {gelato’s good, too}…and chocolate or coffee are musts. :)
Have a great weekend!
Love ice cream and looked like you guys were having the best time.
ice cream all the way!
and i love jeni’s!
Ice cream all the way!!! We have a local shop called Kaiser’s here in OKC that we just absolutely love. They make a kind called Salty Carmel that is just to die for.
What a fun time! What girl doesn’t enjoy a getaway with good friends and ice cream! The favors sound yummy! My favorite, chocolate!!! Slurp!
Either luscious vanilla bean or chocolate, pure lovely chocolate. I’ve been wanting to buy her book for my husband, the ice cream addict. Hmmm, Valentine’s Gift maybe?
It is all good to me!! Yum!
I love ice cream, but frozen custard may be my favorite.
I’m all about the ice cream! Salted caramel is definitely a favorite.
Ice cream all the way! The creamy velvety taste as it melts on your mouth is divine.
I am definitely an ice cream girl. I love the stuff and can’t get enough of it. I like frozen yogurt too but ice cream would have to be my go-to. My favorite flavors are cookies and creme and chocolate chip cookie dough.
Only Ice Cream for me…well, I’ve been known to eat the others, but really it’s all about ice cream! :)
I love your blog and your recipes! I want to go to Ohio and sit all day and eat ice cream!!!
Please let me win!!!
I have always maintained that ice cream is the perfect food! It contains fats, proteins, and carbs, sometimes fruit, AND it can be eaten without teeth!!!! :) When most days hover around 100, plus or minus a few, it is the only food that feels good!!!! :) I love ice cream…almost more than air.
Ice cream! I love anything with chocolate!
I’d have to say: ICE CREAM
and anything of the praline, peanut butter, or peanut brittle variety, and a little bit of fudge thrown in…. yum.
I just discovered I can get Jeni’s ice cream right here in New Braunfels, TX so I’m going to go check it out…so excited to try it! I’m a rocky road kinda girl. I like my ice cream with lots of “stuff” in it or on it. Also love a scoop of good shorbet. So refreshing!
Oh Yummy! The perfect dessert.
I’m in Michigan, but my daughter lives in Columbus. I’ll be checking with her later today to see why she has never taken me to Jeni’s!
I’m an ice cream lover – so much so, that I have a one-day-a-week (Sundays) rule. Otherwise, I would eat ice cream every day and not fit into my clothes.
My favorite flavor is Graeter’s Black Raspberry Chip. If you’re in the Cincinnati area, stop by a Graeter’s location for a yummy treat. You can also buy pints of their ice cream in most Kroger stores.
Definitely all about the ice cream!
I just love, Love, LOVE ice cream! We have a farmstand near where I live called Kimball’s that makes their own ice cream. It is so creamy and delicious. Sadly they close in the winter so I have to wait until April for another scoop.:-) Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Definitely ice cream. With homemade caramel sauce. Yep, awesome! I’ve spent many a Saturday night involved in a threesome – Me, Ben and Jerry. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love ice cream but enjoy fro yo to ease my occasional dessert guilt! My in-laws live in Columbus, need to plan a visit to them and Jeni’s :)
I am all about ice cream!!! The Maple walnut sounds so yummy!!! I would love to visit Jeni’s ice cream, such a fun and adorable place…
Definitely ice cream! Chocolate almond is my favorite.
I usually have a soft spot for sorbet but being pregnant right now I’m all about ice cream!
Ice cream or gellato I love a good quality mint and I like to put crushed oreos in it…otherwise chocolate chocolate is my favorite.