
Joy with friends and Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream

Wendy, Bridget and Amy

I was in Columbus, Ohio last weekend visiting with some sweet friends that I’ve met through blogging… Wendy of Wenderly, Bridget of Bake at 350, and Amy of She Wears Many Hats. Hi guys! I mean girls.

Wendy lives in Ohio and invited us to spend a few days at her cabin in the woods. Has anyone seen that movie? And yes, I totally spent the weekend suggesting scary movie situations to them. What if this – and what if that. But mostly scaring myself. I definitely watch way too many SyFy Sunday movies. If you watch that channel, you know the ones I mean.

Anyway, we kicked off our fun cabining weekend with a straight from the airport pitstop for lunch and then Jeni’s ice cream. Yay!

Jeni's Ice Cream

Jeni’s is based in Ohio and I’ve been wanting to visit one of her scoop shops for some time now.

Jeni's Signature Flavors

She has some incredible flavors. Or should I say splendid.


And yogurt too.

I love all the chalk writing and window words. So cute.

Jeni's Ice Cream

The inside of the store is perfect with the ceiling strung in little lights and paper garland.

Jeni's Ice Cream

You can buy ice cream by the scoop and by the pint. Whoohoo!

So many flavors. Signature and seasonal ones too.

Jeni's Ice Cream

Like this one for flu season. Influenza sorbet.

Soothing for the sickly. Made with cayenne pepper, ginger, bourbon, honey, orange and lemon juices.

Jeni's Ice Cream

Handwritten! Love it and love how the same flavors are written by different people. What a fun way to add that personal touch.

And now I have a strange desire get a job handwriting ice cream labels. I wonder if I could add hearts and smiley faces.

By the way, if you’re in Ohio, stop what you are doing right now and run and get some of that Maple Walnut ice cream. It’s fantastic. I think that container on the top right is actually mocking me right now with all of its maple amazingness. I even tried to order some more today online, but that flavor is seasonal and isn’t shipping. Wipes tear. So get it in stores while you can.

Jeni's Ice Cream

Sweet friends, ice cream and a great start to our winter weekend away.

You know what, you can also make your own Jeni’s ice cream. Check out her book: Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home.
Jeni's Ice Cream

The staff at Jeni’s was great. Super patient. They didn’t even mind the 571 samples we asked for. But I think that’s pretty smart of them, because then we ended up ordering 571 scoops to enjoy. You know … just to be absolutely sure they were good. : )

Jeni's Ice Cream

Okay not really 571 scoops, but several. Here’s a few of the flavors we all sampled.


Enjoyed and instagrammed. It’s a mandatory food blogging thing … to share when something is so so good.

Jeni's Ice Cream

My favorites right now: Dark Chocolate (of course) and that Maple Walnut. Goodness. Very goodness!

Amy, Wendy & Bridget

While we were laughing and sampling, we had a fun surprise. Jeni stopped in the location we were at. With several stores, we certainly weren’t expecting that. Wendy had met her before so she introduced us.

Me and Jeni

Hi Jeni! Your ice cream makes my tummy happy.

Jeni's Ice Cream

Such a great smile. It’s nice to see when people are doing something they love.

Visit Jeni’s Ice Cream for online ordering, scoop shop locations and where to buy by the pint in other states.


Had enough ice cream yet? Want more?

How about 17 of Jeni’s signature flavors?

That’s right. I’m giving away a complete set of Jeni’s Signature Collection including:


Enter for a chance to win Jeni’s Signature Collection (That’s 17 pints y’all!)

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this blog post and answer the following question.
  • Are you all about ice cream, serious for sorbet, or full on frozen yogurt? What’s your favorite frozen treat?
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 9 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW. This giveaway is open to US residents only since Jeni’s ships in the United States. I’m sorry international friends.
  • One winner will be selected at random and announced sometime Sunday on this post.
  • Note: The winner can choose the collection or a gift card for the equivalent. You know, in case 17 pints of ice cream won’t fit in your freezer. : )

Good luck guys!


Well. I’m happy to see so many of you are as fantacial about ice cream as I am. And now we have a winner.

YAY! Nicole G – Start getting your freezer ready! Congratulations.

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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2,782 comments on “Joy with friends and Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream”

  1. Love ice cream but enjoy the yogurt as well! All time fave? Rocky road:)

  2. Ice cream, all the way. Wishfully, every day!

    I love a homemade peach ice cream, or banana. I adore coffee ice cream, and oddly, really good, plain ole vanilla rates high on my list, too. Let me not forget peanut butter cup!

    All of Jeni’s flavors look to die for!

  3. Ice cream!! Brownie sundaes are the best!

  4. Ice cream is my muse. Ice cream brightens any rainy days and keeps the baddies away! Hooray for ice cream!

  5. Definitely ice cream!!! Even though I’m lactose intolerant, I suffer through for it! :)

  6. I love, Love, LOVE ice cream! My favorite flavors are lemon, maple, coconut, dark chocolate, coffee, and salted caramel.

  7. I love ice cream the most of all

  8. I like sorbet best, expecially orange. It is so yummy!

  9. I am definitely an ice cream lover, but lately I have been getting frozen yogurt for my kids, and I can’t help but have a bite or two….and it is so delicious!! I think I will just have to love them both!

  10. Well if I had to pick my all time favorite it’d be gelato. And I mean real gelato like the one you get from the street vendor on the streets of Rome. To. Die. For. But here in the states it’s Baskin Robbins Chocolate Peanut Butter all the way

  11. I love ICE CREAM! Sorbet is fine, frozen yogurt is icky. But ice cream is always perfect.

  12. oh…no question…ALL about ice cream…favorite frozen treat, a plain and simple bowl of ice frills…(chocolate)

  13. Ice cream! And Jeni’s, to be specific. My extended family lives in Ohio so fortunately I’ve tried the goodness, and I own the cookbook, but I’d love to win this giveaway since I live in California and won’t be making it to Ohio (or paying $$ for limited flavors here!). Thanks for the giveaway – Jeni’s is the best!! Beet mascarpone is one of my favorite flavors!

  14. I’m all about ice cream. My favorite is chocolate peanut butter from Tillamook. Yum!

  15. I love ice cream! And ice cream sandwiches are a hit with me too!

  16. ice cream!

  17. Ice cream all the way! And Jeni’s Salty caramel is my absolute favorite!

  18. Ice Cream…without question.

  19. I’m intrigued by the Influenza Sorbet, and, while all are good, I tend to lean more toward Frozen Yogurt. =)

  20. I keep hearing about Jeni’s! I soo want to try her ice cream! Mostly all about ice cream but sorbet is definitely up there and its growing on me because my son is allergic to dairy and so there’s been more around.

  21. Love ice cream. I am a rocky road person all the way.

  22. Oh my, ice cream all the way. What a dream this is … I have been wanting to try it, but can never decide on flavors. They all look so great. I’d definitely go for the 17 pints!

  23. I am always torn between ice cream and frozen yogurt! I can’t pick

  24. Vanilla ice cream with fresh sliced bananas and a caramel drizzle. YUM!

  25. I am all about ice cream, ice cream, ice cream. U Scream, I Scream, We all Scream for ice cream. Any kind any way!

  26. All about the ice cream. Loving Bourbon Burnt Sugar right now. Miss the days of Gorin’s and their Margarita Ice Cream.

  27. Depends on the day! I love them all! I think today it I would say sorbet!

  28. I’m all for ice cream – especially anything almond-y!

  29. I SCREAM for Ice Cream!!! Frozen custard is amazing sorbet is awesome and well homemade ice cream just brings back so many memories! Thank you for the post and oppurtunity for yet another “cool” giveaway!

  30. I have never been to Jeni’s! And I am completely green with envy! I feel like I need to stop what I am doing and go find one, RIGHT NOW! And by the way, I am totally an ice cream person, all the way…. although, frozen yogurt can do the job too!

  31. Ice Cream! Especially premium ice cream…especially chocolate premium ice cream.

  32. I am ALL ABOUT ICE CREAM. I’ve been on a soft serve kick (because I eat it EVERY SINGLE DAY, this lighter version is better on my waistline). But really, I love ice cream and it’s related friends more than anyone I’ve ever met.
    I’ve been itching to try Jeni’s ice cream!
    Yes please!

  33. FROZEN YOGURT . . . all day, every day.

  34. Ice cream? Did someone really say ice cream? I’m in all the way. The absolute best way to enjoy this sweet and creamy treat is as an ice cream sandwich. 17 pints of Jeni’s will surely keep me busy making ice cream sandwiches for me (and maybe some friends!) ;-)

  35. I LOVE ice cream! What an awesome giveaway!

  36. I’m all about ice cream!

    I love a classic ice cream sandwich, but also am capable of eating a pint (in one sitting) of anything with cookie dough in it.

  37. I am an ice cream fiend – super dark chocolate or coffee flavored. Though I am equally enamored of gelato. And I can’t say that I’ve ever turned down sorbet, sherbet, or frozen yogurt. I am very excited about Jeni’s whiskey and pecans flavor.

  38. I don’t care how cold it is in Northern Jersey! You just made my toes curl! lol! I HEART ICE CREAM !

    Looks like you ladies had lots of fun=)))

  39. Despite being on a froyo kick as of late, I will always be an ice cream fanatic!

  40. I definitely love frozen yogurt! My favorite treat flavors are lemon & blueberries and dark chocolate – delicious!

  41. I love fro-yo! Especially Orange Leaf! :)

  42. Any and all frozen treats will fix one of my cravings! Goodness, 17 flavors! That’s amazing!

  43. I’d love to try Jeni’s…heard so many good things about it! I’ve been heavy on the fro yo in recent years and I love a fruity sorbet but my first love will always be good ‘ole ice-cream, preferably chocolate or mint choc chip! Gelato ain’t bad either! : )

  44. I love frozen yogurt for fruitier flavors and ice cream for chocolate and dessert-type flavors. But I love most frozen treats! Thanks for this chance to win!

  45. I have never had Jeni’s but now I’m going to have to find the closest spot to get some. I’m definitely an ice cream girl.

  46. Ice cream and frozen yogurt are tied….rocky road and a tart raspberry froyo….yummmmmmmmm!

  47. I love ice cream best… mint chocolate chip is my all time favorite but I really love them all!

  48. Alllll about the ice cream. Rich, creamy, flavorful and complex or a simple vanilla. Slightly melted, topped with cinnamon toast crunch and warm marshmallow sauce. I like contrast.

  49. Love the ice cream! Every once I awhile a gelato, but that still just means ice cream to me!

  50. Ice cream!!!

  51. Ice cream all the way! The creamier the better!

  52. Ohhhhhh….. I’m all about ice cream. One summer when I was 16, I worked in an ice cream shoppe and ate a chocolate, fudge, caramel & snickers sundae every day for 3 months.

  53. I LOVE JENI’S!! And it’s a toss up between ice cream and sorbet. Really I love it all. And Jeni’s Goat Cheese ice cream is my jam.

  54. I love ice cream -sundaes, sandwiches, soft serve cones!

  55. I do love a big bowl of homemade blueberry cheesecake ice cream from one of our ice cream parlors – YUM!!

  56. Ice cream! The creamier the better!

  57. Frozen yogurt is my favorite. Especially homemade!

  58. I love them all–you can’t make me choose! ;)

  59. I was so hoping you would offer a chance to win Jeni’s ice-cream at the end of this post!

    I will always favor ice-cream over sorbet and frozen yogurt. Lately, my favorite frozen treat is the salted caramel Parisian macaron ice-cream sandwich served at a local sweet shop in Sacramento. Or, I’ll have an It’s-It.

  60. I love ice cream! especially chocolate-dipped! ;) my favorite flavor is definitely mad cow palace- who can resist giant chunks of chocolate?!

  61. All about ice cream!

  62. Ice cream! Plain old ice cream is my favorite – and I love ice cream sundaes. Something about the hot and cold and nuts. Yum!

  63. Ice cream’s the best! But froyo is good when you really want ice cream but are having a really bad diet week. :)

  64. I’ve been a frozen yogurt type lady but I’ve been turning to ice cream lately (just because frozen yogurt seems hard to find in Brooklyn!). I’d love to get this gift card so I can treat myself and gift some to my pregnant bff – that would be the ultimate pregnancy gift :) My favorite frozen treat it just plain old vanilla with some chocolate mixed in, preferably reeses peanut butter cups!

  65. I go through spurts where I love ice cream… then sherbet… summertime sherbet is amazing!!

  66. Im an ice cream lover!! My favorite changes all the time. Have you ever tried mochi ice cream? Little ice cream balls covered in mochi. Delish!

  67. I’m all about ice cream! In fact, I have changed much about my eating habits the last few months but ice cream is still on my list. Haven’t eliminated it and probably won’t. :)

  68. Definitely ice cream. Love fro yo too and sorbet but ice cream will forever be my favorite frozen treat. I really want to win but I kinda don’t since I joined weight watchers last night haha

  69. My husband and I had our first date at a restaurant that carries jeni’s. Later we got engaged near that restaurant and celebrated with jeni’s. I love ice cream especially jeni’s! It is the greatest and so many memories that I can think of.

  70. I love Ice Cream! My favorite is coffee mocha flavored. I craved it every day when I was pregnant and there was the best ice cream shop down the street.

  71. love ice cream!! we went to jeni’s for the first time last year. they had a flavor called sweet corn . it was really good. we loved all their flavors!

  72. It’s all about the ice cream, but its got to have something in it to chew on. Unless its raspberry sorbet, then it’s okay just being smooth. The salty caramel flavor sounds interesting, never had that in an ice cream. I do love how the labels are all hand written and different!

  73. Ice cream !!! No taste compares…creamy and cold!!!

  74. Ice cream. Luscious full-fat ice cream, all day every day.

  75. Oh my goodness! I am SO ALL ABOUT ice cream. And I love new and exciting flavors – I picked up a limited edition Tiramisu flavor today (complete with run-soaked ladyfinger bits), and my recent favorite is a milk chocolate flavor called Gelt by a jewish company….

    though I must say, gelato is really where it’s at. I love the traditional sweet milk flavor, fior di latte, nestled next to a super-dark cioccolatto oscuro… mmmm.

    and of course frozen fruit bars in the summer. Trader Joe’s makes a raspberry-lemon-strawberry layered one that’s just so refreshing and indulgent at the same time!

  76. You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream. There is nothing better than ice cream. Although I can substitute fro-yo every once in a while…

  77. I like all three depending on my mood… Ice cream when I want and deserve a real treat; frozen yogurt for an everyday kind of treat; and sorbet when I want a treat but missed a workout here or there. Buckeye State is my favorite Jeni’s flavor.

  78. Ice cream, the real deal, or gelato, please! I don’t think I could choose any one favorite or even one direction: I love dark chocolate and peanut butter, but a truly good vanilla…!

    I was born a Buckeye — Cincinnati — so I’ve been really happy to see Jeni’s in the spotlight! And I really enjoy her ice cream book, which is a fantastic reference. I’ve used her recipes as foundations for my own creations — I don’t think you can go wrong with it!

  79. Love ice cream sandwiches.

    We love Jeni’s! My favorite is lemon frozen yogurt and my daughter would kill for brambleberry crisp!

  80. I absolutely love ice cream especially since I just got a nifty ice cream maker for a graduation present (YAY!) but if I am buying it with friends then definitely frozen yogurt. I have discovered a cupcake flavored frozen yogurt that is out of this world! THANK YOU!!

  81. I scooped ice cream for 5 years – all through college and a year after too. So I’m all for the ice cream, but I’m picky about it. It’s just not worth the calories unless its really good, really fresh, really awesome ice cream!

  82. I’m all about the ice cream. Rich, creamy, sweet, cold ice cream!

  83. Ice cream is my favorite. And my favorite frozen treat, that’s asking a lot. Maybe vanilla ice cream plus caramel plus brownie plus sprinkles. Or ice cream cake. Or just a plain ole cone.

  84. Pistachio and Honey sounds amazing!

  85. All about ice cream! I could eat chocolate chip cookie dough every day!

  86. Ice cream! Ice cream, it’s the best!

  87. All about ice cream!

  88. I am ALL about ice cream! My hips don’t lie.

  89. Ice cream for sure, I’ll eat the others in a pinch but ice cream is my one true love.

  90. ICE CREAM…Jeni’s SALTY CARMEL! Mmmmmmmmmm!

  91. Such a tough question, since they are all so amazing, but I am feeling the sorbet right now! All of though sweet fruity flavors… yum!

  92. I lurve ice cream! I have been a little partial to the decadence of frozen custard lately though.

  93. My absolutely favorite is queen city cayenne with lavender! I like the change from bold, rich and spicy to smooth and calm at the end :)

  94. Ice cream for sure! Never had jeni’s but a local Seattle favorite is Molly Moon’s, salted caramel is the bomb!!

  95. I’m all about ice cream! Caramel is my absolute favorite, and I’d love to try the salty caramel from Jeni’s! I’ve been through Ohio a lot, but have never heard of this place!

  96. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream but fro yo works in a pinch (or when my pants pinch) lol :)

  97. i’m a huge fan of interesting flavors of ice cream. in the summer, i try to make my own sorbet using fresh fruits and herbs, but i doubt mine are any good compared to jeni’s!!

  98. yum…that looks so good right now. I’ll have a scoop of ice cream, please!

  99. I love,love,love ice cream – would like to try the black coffee flavor.

    I would clear out my freezer to fit all those pints of ice cream!

  100. Definitely ice cream. It’s my absolute favorite sweet treat!

  101. I love the tart frozen yogurt with some kind of topping-usually pb and choc.

  102. Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum! Ice cream allll the way! My favorites have brownie or cookie chunks floating around in the creamy goodness. Yum!

  103. Mango sorbet is my weakness! Followed closely by tart froyo!

  104. Both? If its stifling hot I enjoy the sorbets since they are usually fruity and don’t feel as heavy. When fall time is Around I don’t mind the extra guilt of the real stuff:)

  105. lemon sorbet!

  106. Ice cream!! That maple walnut sounds *right* up my alley.

  107. Ice cream is my favorite! Well, and frozen custard… I have her book and adore it!

    Ice cream all the way, and GOAT CHEESE WITH ROASTED CHERRIES takes the cake…er-cream. :)

  109. Ice Cream!!! Anything with Peanut Butter or just Chocolate Chip!!!

  110. I’m absolutely crazy about ice-cream. It’s the primary reason I have to go run 5 times a week, so that I can indulge on the weekends! I’d have to say my favorite flavors are the coffee based ones and salted caramel, with Morelli’s version of both flavors ranking very high.

  111. Mmmmm…gimme Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked any day!! :)

  112. Has to be ice cream, although I certainly wouldn’t say no to sorbet or yogurt! A local dairy makes Chocolate Buttercream and it is dangerously good. My mom even knows the schedule for the truck arriving to the store closest to her so that she can tell my dad when to run down and get a new tub.

    I’m planning to get my husband interested in going to Ohio just to visit Jeni’s. Given that he’s more interested in heading east to NJ or NY, that might be a hard sell. A free treat of 17 flavors MIT just tip the balance in my favor, though! (And if I don’t win, I’ll have to order some of that “The Milkiest Chocolate in the World” to see how it compares to my current favorite.

  113. Oh man sorbets are awesome, but if i’m in for a penny in for a pound I’ll take ice cream.

  114. Ice cream. Love it…all flavors basically anything frozen though….Yummy.

  115. All about the ice cream! We love anything chocolate! My husband loves it and is sharing that love with our grandson.

  116. The cherry lambic sorbet is so good – it’ll change your life! No joke, it’s that good =)

  117. Ice cream all the way!!!
    Except when I’m feeling sorbet-y… But always ice cream!

  118. I need to win this giveaway, but when I do don’t send sorbet. Fro-yo’s good on a sunny day, but I’ll take ice cream made Jeni’s way!

  119. Ice cream all the way!!! Omg yum!

  120. ICE CREAM!!! I’ll take a blackberry sundae. Yummy!

  121. Ice cream all the way! Jeni’s brambleberry crisp and goat cheese with red cherries are my absolute favorites.

  122. I love ice cream, specifically Jeni’s as I moved from C-bus 3 years ago. Roasted Cherries & Goat Cheese is heaven on a spoon! Love!

  123. ice cream! anything with chocolate or candy in it!

  124. I am allllllll about ice cream! Love it! I gotta give some props to gelato, too! If I’m out and about and see a boutique ice cream shop, I have no choice but to stop! For now, let me take a trip to my freezer and work on that last pint of Blue Bell. :)

  125. I love those new froyo places where you can serve yourself and smother your yogurt with toppings! The BEST ice cream I ever had was at a dairy in DE….unbelieveable black raspberry!

  126. I am an ice cream girl all the way. I love chocolate chip vanilla. I love cookie dough ice cream. I love caramel and peanut butter in anything. Delish.

  127. I LOVE ice cream. I enjoy it in ice cream sandwiches, milk shakes, sundaes, and ice cream cakes. It’s wonderful how ice cream has evolved in terms of flavour offerings. There is something for everyone, every day of the week!

  128. Ice cream for me :) Jeni’s especially! I recently moved to new jersey and really miss her ice creams. Always loved trying the new seasonal flavors every few months.

  129. Passion fruit yogurt is my passion

  130. I’ve cream all the way! Nothing better than salty caramel!!

  131. Ice cream for me : )

  132. right now my household is obsessed with Talenti gelato. It’s eating a hole in my budget! I’d like to replace that obsession with one for 17 pints of deliciousness ;)

  133. Ice Cream if it’s an indulgence day. Frozen yogurt on a regular day for a treat. Chocolate for the ice cream and tart original for the yogurt!!

  134. My pawpaw raised us with the belief that ice cream is the cure to all that ails you. Love, love, love Jeni’s Salty Carmel and Dark Milk Chocolate duo paring.

  135. I scream you scream, we all scream for ice cream! When I moved to columbus, it was love at first scoop. I have never loved something more than I love jeni’s. I would make multiple trips there a week..sampling each and every flavor. Hummingbird cake (a summer flavor that tastes like banana bread) won me sad to see it go! In the mean time, I will stick with brown butter almond brittle and bramble berry crisp. Now that you got me going about my love affair with ice cream, I think a stop at jeni’s is well deserved! Take care & best wishes xoxo!

  136. I scream for ice cream! Anything chocolatey is my fave!

  137. All about ice cream! The salty caramel is definitely my favorite frozen treat.

  138. ice cream all the time! i think it’s a treat to enjoy every once in awhile, not everyday, thats why you should splurge on full fat ice cream! no guilt!

  139. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!!! Seriously!

  140. Wow! The timing could really be spectacular! My big freezer just got cleaned out and defrosted! I love ice cream and now I have a freezer to fill!

  141. I love ice cream! Coffee and heath or cherry and chocolate are my favorites. I got spoiled living in Columbus for 4 years in college…every weekend was a run to either jeni’s or graeters :)

  142. I scream for ice cream every time. XD Frozen yogurt is a great summer treat, but I usually only get it unless I’m going inside one of those fun yogurt shops where you add your own toppings.
    My favorite frozen treat would have to be a Black and Tan or chocolate malt.
    All that ice cream would just give me the opportunity to host a massive ice cream party for my family.

  143. Actually, I’m all about frozen custard! Mmmmm mmm oh MY! :-p But when I’m trying to be “good” I definitely go for frozen yogurt! Love the fruit flavors!

  144. I’m usually not much for any of the frozen treats, but when I do get a craving I like the good stuff! Out here in Seattle that means Molly Moon or Cupcake Royale. Oh yeah, that rare craving is straight strawberry or balsamic strawberry ice cream.

  145. Girl, I do not turn down frozen treats of any kind. I always try to be semi-good at the local Orange Leaf and top off my froyo with some fruit, mainly strawberries.

  146. I love the decadence of ice cream-mmmm.

  147. I am all about ice cream. Any new place we go, we always try to find a place to get ice cream and we have found some fantastic places! No trip is complete without ice cream for us! :)

  148. I love ice cream! That dark chocolate is calling my name!

  149. I love ice cream, it is my favorite food. I’m all about ice cream :)

  150. I am a frozen yogurt gal, mostly because I can go nuts with toppings and feel less guilty. But my favorite frozen treat will always be chocolate and peanut butter ice cream.

  151. I love it all!

  152. definitely ice cream :)

  153. kinda like it all but sometimes I love sorbet!

  154. This shop is so cute!

    I’m all about the ice cream! Although, frrozen yogurt over pie isn’t too shabby either.

  155. I adore ice cream, but frozen yogurt works too!
    One of my faves is caramel icecream with cashews and caramel swirls.
    Amazing of you to sponser this giveaway!

  156. Ice cream forever and ever! I just had some of the coffee variety, as a matter of fact :)

  157. I love sorbet and I think Raspberry might be my favorite!

  158. I love salted caramel ice cream. Yum

  159. I love ice cream followed closely by gelato. Balsamic strawberry and salted caramel are my favorites.

  160. I love pistachio ice cream! Okinawan Ube ice cream is a close second!

  161. Ice cream!! Although on a hot summer day, a fresh sorbert can just hit the spot.

  162. ICE CREAM! I’ve never met a flavor I haven’t liked!

  163. I love Fro Yo. It is especially good when you make a cookie sammich with the frozen yogurt!

  164. I am seriously coo coo for sorbet! Thanks for the giveaway!

  165. I LOVE Jeni’s ice cream. I personally am all about frozen yogurt, but Jeni’s regular ice cream is awesome. My favorite is her Goat cheese with Roasted red cherries.

  166. All about the ice cream! Although I won’t turn down sorbet or fro yo… Favorite flavors are raspberry, peach (or raspberry-peach!) and caramel.

  167. Full on Fro-Yo lately… But all time fave hands down is a chocolate chip mint -hot fudge-wet walnut-sundae with whipped cream and cherry!

  168. My favorite is good old chocolate ice cream. If I had a choice I would eat homemade apple pie, warmed of course, and vanilla bean ice cream. Yummy

  169. I am a frozen custard girl, mmm..

  170. Ice cream all the way, any variation on chocolate, bonus points for coffee in there as well…

  171. Ice cream, sherbert, frozen yogurt – As long as it is yummy, I”m not picky!

  172. I am crazy for ice cream, particularly my mom’s homemade vanilla bean custard with chunks of fresh peaches, freshly grated cinnamon and nutmeg stirred in at the last minute.

  173. All about the ice cream. My all time fav is Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food. LOVE IT!

  174. Sorbet and Frozen yogurt are good, but Ice Cream is where it is at!!!! All those flavors sound so amazing!!!

  175. Ice Cream! Her flavors are amazing, next time I’m driving through Ohio I am visiting!

  176. Ice cream! But I’ll eat anything as long as someone else is buying!

  177. Ice cream! Yummm

  178. It’s all about the ice cream !! And there will always be room in my freezer for it.

  179. I love them all, especially from Jeni’s! I’m pretty frugal by nature, but Jeni’s is one of my few splurges. I work in the Arena District in Columbus, which is a short walk to their shop. Very dangerous during the summertime… Thanks for featuring one of Columbus’ best!

  180. ALL ABOUT ICE CREAM, the mooooore chocolatier, the better!

  181. Mint choco chip, strawberry, dark chocolate.

  182. full on frozen yogurt for sure! I absolutely loveeee dark chocolate frozen yogurt made by stonyfield <3

  183. When it comes to frozen treats, I don’t discriminate! I love them all ice cream, sorbet, yogurt, even sherbet.

  184. ice cream all the way!!!

  185. I am ALL about ICE CREAM!! I love almost ANYTHING for CHOCOLATE!! My favorite ice cream is Chocolate Chip. It’s amazing! : )

  186. My frozen treat mood tends to shift. Lately I’ve been loving frozen yogurt! Swoon!

  187. i LOVE ice cream!!!!! i bet dark chocolate would be my favorite flavor as well!

  188. I’m an ice cream gal all the way! I love new and interesting flavors although I’ll never turn down mint chocolate chip (my fav!)

  189. I am all about ice cream, soft serve chocolate is my weakness. I would love to try the Influenza Sorbet, though.

  190. Vanilla ice cream with caramel. Yum. Thanks for sharing!

  191. Ice cream! I adore it.

    I love Jeni’s, I was so excited to discover that a new, local gourmet food store carries pints! It’s definitely a splurge, but totally worth it. I’m now inspired to make some ice cream this weekend even though it’s currently 2 degrees outside.

    I will totally make room in my freezers for all that ice cream if I have to.

  192. Ice cream, always! And I love Jeni’s so much, I’ve been there twice and am in love with the buttermint!

  193. Ice cream (or gelato). Gotta love ben and jerry’s, the jimmy fallon ice cream with the potato chips in it :)

  194. ice cream all the way. no toppings. just ice cream… maybe in a nice sugar cone.

  195. Ice cream fo’ sho’!! Dulce de Leche and Coffee flavored help make life worth living.

  196. I’m all about ice cream! If you’re gonna do it, ya might as well do it right!! Awesome giveaway, Bakerella!

  197. Ice cream! But let’s be real, I’ll eat anything cold and smooth!

  198. I love Jenni’s. I bought her book and I am dying to make some ice cream which is my favorite treat!

  199. Gotta love ice cream, especially Jeni’s!

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