
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …


Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell POP!

It’s the right time to dip the night away don’t you think.

Cake Pops Holidays Cover

It’s here! It’s here! And I’m super excited Cake Pops Holidays is available online and in stores and even at scholastic book fairs, too I hear.… just in time for some fun holiday cake popping!

And I know you guys are gonna bring some serious cuteness this Christmas. I’m constantly blown away by the cake pops you all share on the Bakerella Facebook page. I mean super, super, super stuff. I often find my jaw dropping.

I hope the book continues to inspire you to make lots of people happy this holiday season. Lots of sweet smiles.

Christmas Cake Pops

The book is full of cute winter holiday cake pop projects just like these.

Elves, Santas, stockings, presents … and  gingerbread houses, Christmas lights, dreidels, wreaths and more.

Cake Pops Holidays

It has a wiro-binding like the first book.

Cake Pops Holidays

So you can lay it flat while you dip.

And to celebrate I’m giving away five (5) copies of the book.… Signed if you’d like.

(The book is available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and Target, too.)

But that’s not all.

Each of the five winners will also be getting something else.

Something fun!

And something to have fun with!

The Cake Pops Toy that’s available at Toys R US…

Cake Pops by Bakerella Toy

Cake Pops Toy

It comes with all this cute stuff to play with. And help little ones make real cake pops with.

Cake Pops Toy

A toy for tiny treats.


Enter for a chance to win Cake Pops Holidays and the Cake Pops Toy

  • To enter the giveaway, just answer one of the following questions.
  • How do you usually spend Christmas Eve? Or What’s your favorite part of the holiday season?
  • The deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s up! Winners announced below.
  • Five (5) winners will be picked at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Please note: The toy manufacturer is currently only shipping to the US and Canada. If a winner is chosen outside those countries, the winner will receive two signed Cake Pops Holidays books instead.

Good Luck!

P.S. I had my first book signing earlier today in King of Prussia and I want to thank all of you that came out to say hi. It was so much fun and I hope you enjoy your books. The first two signings were supposed to be in New York and New Jersey, but with the devastation from Sandy, we are going to try and reschedule. I hope all of you in those areas affected are safe.

Here’s the remaining Cake Pops Holidays Book Signing Dates. I’d love to see you.

P.P.S. I know there’s been a lot of cake pops on the site lately, but I’ll be back to regular baking too soon. I need a brownie or a cookie or 12.


It’s time to pick winners from all the comments? These were some of the best, feel good responses and oh my goodness can I come over on Christmas Eve? So many wonderful memories are going to be happening this year too. Hope you all have happy holidays!

And now for the winners…

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3,590 comments on “Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …”

  1. My extended family all live far away so my parents, brother, and I always spend Christmas eve together. We have dinner, play games, and hang out around the fireplace until midnight. At midnight, we open presents, spend some more time together and, finally, head to bed.

  2. My favorite part of the holidays is shopping and then seeing everyone reaction to their gifts. I always spoil my little cousins and this year I have a special gift for the 3 yr old. I am turning him into a jr photobug. I am a photography student and he LOVES my camera so “Santa” has found him a little Cars one!!

  3. After living in tropical Okinawa and Hawai’i all of my life, we make the most of the holiday season here in the PNW spending Christmas Eve at a cabin in Leavenworth, a Bavarian town decked to the nines in lights and lots of snow. Spending quality time in front of the fire with fellow revelers the day before the Christmas dinner madness = priceless!

  4. My favorite part of the holidays is being with family and friends… Congrats on the new book and Cake Pop toy set. Can’t wait to see more products in stores, like sprinkles and colored and patterned cake pop sticks. I’m sure there is so much more to come :)

  5. My favorite part of the season is watching it through my daughter’s eyes. The spirit of the season is truly captured in the young and innocent. Her excitement at seeing her first lights on a hour is pure joy. I couldn’t ask for more than for those moments to last forever.

  6. Christmas Eve is always spent at my aunt’s house. The entire family and their families and friends gather for whole night of fun and food :) The house is bursting at the seams, but oh, so much fun!! Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday :)

  7. On Christmas Eve we first start with getting the house all set for the family dinner on Christmas day when all the family comes. Then we all go into hiding and wrap those last mintue gift and hope I don’t forget were I hide them (I alway miss one every year for I forget where I hide it). Then we wait for everyone go to bed, then and only then all the gifts put under the tree. For you see the rule has and always will be no present under the tree till Christmas Eve.

  8. Growing up, my family would always have our “big dinner” on Christmas Eve… maybe because it was easier than trying to do all the gift giving and cooking all in one day!

  9. Christmas Eve, we bake cookies to leave out and we open 1 present (yes the pajamas). We share with our kids what is really important about Christmas. Then we put the kids to bed and my husband and I spend the rest of the evening putting things together and preparing for Santa’s visit.

  10. My favorite part of the holidat season would be spending it with my family. Since our family is pretty big, it has become a 2 day event. my husband and I would spend christmas eve with my side of the family. We will have dinner, secret santa and a fun activity (play a game or watch a movie, etc..) and continue to his family’s house to continue the celebration. Once there we would open our gifts with the kids, have secret santa for the adults and a big breakfast. This year i will be making cake pops for the family. I really hope they enjoy it. I know my kids and husband do. lol

  11. We celebrate Christmas Eve every year at my Mom’s house. It’s Mom, Me, My Husband and our girls along with my siblings and their kids. We do the whole traditional meal followed by gift opening and merriment. My Mom always orders chocolates and candies from Swiss Colony. It’s been a long standing tradition and it makes Mom really happy. Seeing my Mom and the kids happy is my favorite part of Christmas.

  12. Christmas Eve since we moved is at our house….my husband’s family always had a dinner of salt fish and a sweet cake called Bang Belly…..and they would invite family and friends to share….now we do the same thing with our two boys and with friends who have become our new FAMILY.

  13. If I don’t have to work, I’m spending Christmas Eve with my family and attending the Candlelight service at church.

  14. We are a military family who always spends Chirsrmas eve driving around and looking at Christmas lights, then go home and do our gingerbread hunt. We read the gingerbread story. Then make gingerbread men. And they mysteriously “run away”. (Dad helps while we decorate first few cookies!) kids have a blast find them all over the house. Some run to play in the toy box, others try to go up the stairs!

  15. My favourite part of the holidays is definitely spending time with my family and having amazing food :)

  16. Christmas Eve is spent at my gradmother’s house with my HUGE family. We have a great evening filled with food, family, and the younger children open gifts at midnight – while the older cousins have a White Elephant gift exchange of liquour! I can’t even begin to narrow down my favorite part of the holiday season – I LOVE IT ALL :)

  17. Our extended family goes to a candlelight service together at one of our churches, and drive around and look at Christmas lights on the way home. We put out the milk and cookies, tuck in the kids, and then I put out stockings and wrap last minute gifts. :)

  18. My favorite thing about the holidays is buying presents! I love doing it and i’m really good at getting the perfect things! I’m like Leslie Knope!

  19. My favorite part about the holiday season is spending time with all of my family. Even though its a little hecktic running between all the houses I love it. Its a great time for us all (all 50ish of us)to be together since we dont get to do it very often. I love spending time with them all, just wish there were more hours in a day. And I love seeing my kids faces on Christmas Morning when they get to open their presents and we get to spend the morning together just relaxing and enjoying the day. And as they are getting older its getting more fun every year. Except I dont want my babies growing to old too fast so i like to be able to enjoy as much time with them as possible.

  20. Christmas eve is a movie and lunch with my husband’s parents and clam chowder with my family. I have no idea how we got that tradition since my parents are from South Dakota and our family has been landlocked for generations.

  21. Our one, never changing, Christmas Eve tradition is watching A Christmas Carol (1951, staring Alistair Sim as Scrooge) on television before going to bed.

    That sets the mood for the holidays.

  22. My favorite part of the holiday is the excitement and magic seen through my daughters eyes. It is so fun to experience everything with her and start new traditions.

  23. I love celebrating Christmas at our home with our children and grandchildren…but I also love the hush on the nights leading up to Christmas Eve when my husband and I sit quietly gazing at the beautiful lights on our tree, drinking a warm of tea, nibbling our favorite Christmas cookies.

  24. My family’s tradition is to order Chinese food and watch movies.

  25. My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with my family.

  26. My favorite part of the season is getting together with my mom and grandmother for our yearly cookie night to bake and package them up to hand as treat to family and friends.

    However, Christmas Eve is usually spent enjoying the quiet lights of the tree, enjoying hot chocolate & cookies and a movie before the hustle and bustle of the family gatherings the next day.

    Love the holiday pops, can’t wait to check them out in more detail!

  27. My favorite part of the holiday season is making treats for all my friends and family. I also love how beautiful all the houses look lit up for Christmas.

  28. Christmas Eve is family time! We have dinner together, go to church, then open a few gifts and usually watch White Christmas and stay up late talking! I just love it!

  29. My fave thing about the holiday season is being able to teach my daughter old traditions & new traditions this yr & for many yrs to come. Last yr she was only 1month old so this will be her 1st yr at having some fun with her family :)

    I typed my email wrong. Sorry :( I hope it’s alright that I reposted.

  30. my family and I usually spend our christmas eve on our parent’s home with food, drinks, gift giving and storytelling. My favorite part is that we make a theme on what we are going to prepare for the holidays. Last year we have mexican theme so we prepare all mexican-style foods!

  31. I love all the baking and anticipation of having the entire family together for Christmas.

  32. My husband is in the Marine Corps so we are stationed in Hawaii away from family. It’s always just the five of us. Usually I bake cookies with the kids. After spending many days with just me baking it’s fun to get in the kitchen and have fun with the kids. We are also starting a new tradition this Christmas Eve of opening pj’s, a Christmas movie and book and settling in with some hot chocolate!

  33. Unfortunately I’m usually petsitting christmas eve.

  34. On christmas eve all of my extended family comes over to my house and we have christmas dinner

  35. I love everything about the holiday season, I celebrate it all year, but my favorite part is just watching the joy on the faces of my children as we do our “traditional” things and also make new traditions.

    And Christmas Eve is generally spent quietly, just our little family of 4 spending time together and celebrating the birth of Jesus. We always read both the Christmas story out of the New Testament as well as ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas to the kiddos before putting out cookies and milk for Santa. It’s a precious, magical time for me.

  36. My favorite thing about the holiday is spending time with all my children & grandchildren, I make a yummy dinner on Christmas eve & we open all the presents from family & friends. I have 6 children & 12 grandchildren. This is usually the only time we are all together at one time due to everyones busy lives lol. I LOVE this time of yr all the laughter & smiles from my lil ones :D

  37. My favorite part of the holiday season is definitely the break from school. Because of that, I have so much more time to spend time with my family, who unfortunately have been neglected due to all the school work. We all get to sit down together, just chill out, and eat lots of yumm-o food! :D

  38. On Christmas Eve, my family has a traditional celebration at my Grandmother’s home. We talk, eat, open gifts, sing songs, and enjoy all types of desserts. When I was a kid, we always received a big pile of presents from each other’s families, but now that we are all grown (our youngest “kid” is 23!), we have a White Elephant or some sort of themed gift exchange. It’s so much fun! I am not married and I don’t have any children of my own yet, but I fully intend on continuing our family tradition sometime (HOPEFULLY!) soon.

    Bakerella, I’d love to hear YOUR holiday traditions! What do you and your family do for Christmas Eve or other occasion?

  39. Me and my family usually spend the day tracking Santa on the computer to see where he is at. We make cookies and decorate them. The little ones always make sure to make special one for santa!

  40. Christmas Eve is spent with my husband’s family. They do the 7 fishes meal because they are Italian. I think its pretty cool. BTW, the cake pop toy is so awesome I’m going to have to get it for my 5 year old son. He is my chef-in-training and loves the first cake pop book!

  41. My favorite part of the Holiday season is seeing decorations everywhere and hearing Christmas music on the radio!

  42. My favorite part of the holidays is probably the wrapped gifts – I hate unwrapping them!! When they’re wrapped they are just so full of mystery and excitement and make me feel warm and cuddly. (Then again, I love bullion cubes because they’re in sparkly red foil…) I also love the special foods, and the music. :)

  43. I love all the wonderful extra holiday activites. Teaching my students our fun Christmas program. The special decorations and Carol Sing at church. The Christmas parde downtown, and the Christmas music playing in stores. Those are all my favorite parts of the Christmas season.

  44. My favorite part of the holiday season is spending time with my family and making memories. I love all the decorations, lights, food and the reason behind Christmas.

  45. My favorite part is having fondue on Christmas Eve!

  46. We spend our Christmas Eve together with our family – it is a very special day! :)

  47. I usually spend Christmas Eve at home with my mom and my uncle. It’s just the three of us, but it’s so much fun! I help my mom cook dinner, we watch a few movies, and then we close all the lights–except for the tree lights–listen to the holiday station on the radio and wait for Santa! ;) Even though I’m 18, I still don’t manage to stay up past midnight!

  48. Christmas Eve we let the kids open one present and it’s usually new pj’s to sleep in that night and we stay up drinking hot cocoa and driving around looking at Christmas llights or playing games.

  49. My fave thing about the holiday season is being able to teach my daughter old traditions & new traditions this yr & for many yrs to come. Last yr she was only 1month old so this will be her 1st yr at having some fun with her family :)

  50. My favorite part of the holiday season is the decorating, the smell of x-mas in the air, that the temperature starts getting cooler, that my b-day is around the corner, and of course the FOOD, X-mas eve dinner, X-mas morning breakfast, hehehe

    But I think that for the past 4 years, (since I became a mom), my favorite part of the Holiday season is seeing my babies (4 and 2 yrs old), getting exited and watching their faces light up every time they see an x-mas tree and the twinkling lights everywhere :)

  51. How do you usually spend Christmas Eve? Or What’s your favorite part of the holiday season?

    Family, of course. I love Christmas though… Sentimental gifts, family, and great homemade comfort food by everyone.

  52. My favorite part of the holidays is all the great food! and seasonal goodies like pumpkin and egg nog! And getting to spend it with family and friends!

  53. My favorite part of the holiday season is spending time with family, especially now that I am on the other side of the country. Also, Christmas cookies!

  54. i love christmas time! my favourite part is seeing christmas lights at night! so beautiful!

  55. Christmas Eve we spend decorating cookies for Santa and eating dinner with family. Love this time of year! All of your cake pops are so cute!!

  56. We spend the evening with my in-laws, baking, playing games & watching movies.

  57. My favorite part of the holiday season is getting my Christmas baking under way. It’s something my sister, mom and myself would do together every Christmas. Dad would always sneak into the freezer and snag some treats, mom would pitch a fit and then my sis and I would snag our quota too. That is my favorite part of the holiday season because it helps me connect with the folks back home in Puerto Rico and reminisce on great memories and times.

  58. My favourite part is when the priority of the holiday season is to eat together, visit with relatives that we don’t get to connect with that often, play games and do puzzles. It can be pretty hectic but a break from the every day routine is lovely.

  59. My favorite part of the season is getting a boot-mug of glogg at Christkindlmarket in Chicago. Growing up my grandpa always made glogg on Chirstmas Eve and although I couldn’t drink it, the smell always reminds me of Christmas!

  60. I LOVE everything about Christmas season! Especially alll the songs, the lights, the smell of cinnamon spice…:P and the Christmas Spirit!! :D

  61. Christmas Eve is spent baking homemade cookies with our 5 kids for Santa. We pour some milk in a wine glass for Santa and water in a wine glass for the reindeer. We also cut up an apple…cuz reindeer gotta eat too! Makin’ memories!

  62. Christmas Eve used to be spent going to the matzoh ball but now I’m married so a new tradition begins this year!

  63. My favorite part of the holidays is getting to celebrate el dia de Reyes with my family.

  64. There is a candle night service held in our church every Christmas Eve and I would attend it every year. I’ve been going for more than 10+ years. First alone, then with my boyfriend who is now my husband, and now with my children. It’s a little crazy to bring young children to service but it warms my heart knowing my whole family is there. It’s especially beautiful when everyone is holding a lit candle in the sanctuary. After service, I would go home and bake a cake to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.

    I love the holidays because it means family gatherings–and it also means FOOD! I love the smell of fresh bake goods in the oven. I love cookie exchanges with family and friends. It’s the time of year where I indulge in bake goods and later regretting gaining the extra pounds.

  65. My Favorite part of Christmas is being with my family. My nephew comes to town and my nieces come as well and it just feels complete. On Christmas Eve we usually eat tamales we’ve made ahead of time and then go to midnight mass. After mass we come home and open gifts then head to bed. Now I’m excited and can’t wait for the holidays!!!

  66. I spend Christmas eve at my mother in law’s with her and her brother. They are the only ones left on either side of our families. We lost both father’s a year ago and now we make it a huge point to enjoy all the time we can with the family. This year will be hard because my son is leaving to work in the Cayman Islands and he will not be home for Christmas. I am having a Christmas for him the end of November so he won’t miss out on our family gathering. I love Christmas eve because it is quiet and I usually make some fancy treats to take and we all sit in front of the fire and talk, laugh and eat.

  67. On Christmas Eve, we have a big surf n’ turf dinner for just the six of us, and then hop into the car and drive around looking at Christmas lights. Once we get back we open family gifts and then end up watching a Christmas movie. Seriously can’t wait because I moved away and entered the real world this year!

  68. On Christmas Eve, we usually go to a service at our church – there is an outdoor one in a pole barn, with a bonfire nearby; or there is an evening service with jazz music or midnight with traditional carols. With two kids that are musicians, sometimes we go to more than one! Dinner is always an appetizer extravaganza – everyone gets to choose a favorite.

  69. Usually spend my Christmas eve at church then get home and have traditional Christmas cake, made of dried fruits a family recipe, and some coffee, crackers and cheese and some quality time with the rest of the family :)

  70. Hi! I absolutely looooove you! My favorite part of winter is definitely making tasty treats like these! Nothing better than having freshly baked cupcakes or gingerbread men in the holidays! (: can’t wait to get baking!

  71. Christmas eve dinner with great friends and family!
    Love ur work!! Awesome as ever!

  72. Christmas Eve is generally spent with extended family, eating delicious food and opening gifts. Love it

  73. My favorite part of the holidays is being able to spend time with my family. Even though we talk everyday, it is different when you go home and sleep in your old bed and smelling momma’s cooking.

  74. My favourite part of Christmas is all the the good food. Mum makes a Tiramisu to die for :)

  75. I usually spend christmas eve with my immediate family and just have a great time. Its one of the rare occasion the whole family is together and I love it.

  76. Growing up we spent Christmas Eve with my grandparents. We got to open one gift and then had dinner with them and tried to stay up until the midnight church service. Now they’re gone and I live thousands of miles from my family so on Christmas Eve we spend time together (just the 3 of us). Once our son goes to sleep we get to play Santa. He’s getting older so that’s getting more tricky. Last year he stayed up most of the night and so we barely got any sleep before he got up to see if Santa made it. Then he reprimanded US for not going to bed earlier because “…Santa doesn’t come until EVERYONE is asleep!”. Little did he know that Santa was waiting for HIM to go to sleep!

  77. i don even celebrate Chrismas but im gonna have to try to make some of those pops! im jewish so i celebrate chanukah. i love playing dreidel and i really appreciate you mentioning them in the book. im really excited to celebrate chanukah and beat my family at dreidel and win the chocolate. the book looks amazing! congrats!

  78. Christmas Eve is spent with my husband’s family: we go to mass, then have dinner, then open presents under the huge XMas tree. It’s a great night with family.

  79. Since I started dating my boyfriend four years ago, we’ve begun splitting Christmas Eve between our families. Usually dinner at my house, followed by opening gifts at midnight with my family and then going over to his house for more gift opening with his family. I don’t get home until two or three in the morning, but it’s worth it, because being with family is my favourite part of the holidays!

  80. In California, we go out for a relaxing dinner before the craziness of present unwrapping on Christmas Day. In Arizona, we have a family dinner and then go to the Christmas Eve service at church.

  81. Our big Christmas Eve tradition carried over from my mom’s side of the family is everyone opening ONE present. It helped a lot when my brother and I were little and now it’s simply a wonderful tradition!

  82. My favorite part of preparing for the Christmas holiday are the days I spend baking a plethora of goodies for our friends and loved ones. I love the hunt for new packaging every year, choosing which new recipes I will try, then baking like a mad woman from morning til night. The happy faces upon delivery are worth it!

  83. I usually spend Christmas Eve with my son opening up Christmas gifts and watching scary movies.. Then eating tamales and junk food.

  84. Love all the cakepops, hope you reschedule the NY signing. Every Christmas Eve we have our traditional seafood dinner.

  85. My fave part of the holiday season is getting to do so much fun stuff with my nieces. Like looking at lights, visiting Santa, going to a light parade, doing arts/crafts & making LOTS of yummy things.

  86. Christmas is absolutely my favorite holiday! On Christmas Eve, we eat dinner with my mom’s family. Once we get home, we read Christmas stories to the little boys. After they’re really asleep, my husband and I get all of their “Santa” presents open and arranged under the tree.

  87. My favorite part about the holiday season is the peppermint hot chocolate and Christmas music!

  88. One of my favourite parts of the holiday season is that everyone is usually in a brighter mood and they just seem happier. Also I love getting together with family and friends for some well needed quality time.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  89. the festive mood everyone is in! From the supermarket to the mall, everyone is full of holiday excitement!

  90. The whole family get’s in their pj’s and we head out to drive around and look at christmas lights. We bring some warm cocoa along too…so we don’t burn ourselves ;)

  91. by the way, I would really like to win this competition please!!!!!

  92. I have spent Christmas Eve at my parents house for 46 years! Now that I am married, I will be having Christmas Eve with my husband. It’s going to be hard to change tradition! Would love to win your goodies!

    Thanks, Lori

  93. I love getting together with the whole family over the Holidays. We are all spread out across the country o its nice to be together with everyone! And of course there is food. A lot of it. And its good!

  94. We normally go to the Candle Light service at Church and bake cookies for Santa. My kids also say good by to their elf, Elffie! :) We also like to go out and look at lights while listening to Christmas music.

  95. My favorite part of Christmas is spending time with family and watching the younger kids open their presents. This year will be extra special since my first grandchild was born in September.

  96. Our Christmas traditions are a range of Australian and German from both sides of the family. On christmas Eve we always open gifts from the family and have a light dinner with the highlight desert! Trifle!!! Then on Christmas Day, we have a heavy lunch with christmas presents from outside the family in the morning. Singing carols is always the highlight for the older ones, but for the little ones… the PRESENTS!!! Christmas morning is a love/hate relationship. Love it because of the siblings joy and hate because of the early mornings!!!

  97. I Love Christmas eve at my house,the kids come over and open their new PJ’s,I always get them new PJ’s. I make their favorite snacks and we watch Christmas movies.Love it!!!

  98. I watch the midnight Vatican Mass with my mom and finish wrapping presents for my nieces and nephew. This Christmas Eve, I’ll be wrapping presents for my newborn.

  99. Ok so this is strange. Even though my family loves Christmas, we are so busy around the holidays we usually end up leaving decorating the tree until Christmas eve. And since nothing is really open to eat we usually end up having chinese food.

  100. My favourite part of the holidays is coming up with an alternative dessert for the guests that don’t like christmas pudding. This year I’m working on a christmas cheesecake! It’s also my 8 month olds first Xmas this year so I can’t wait to get the decorations up and see his face!

  101. My favorite part is the food and decorations :)

  102. Christmas Eve is spent making tamales and waiting till midnight to open presents!

  103. I spend Christmas Eve with my family, we always read the nativity story together and wear new Christmas pajamas to bed. Thank you for all you do!

  104. we spend xmas eve having a few drinks and nibbles with our neighbourhood while the kidlets wear themselves out running around together.once we are inside the kids put out santas cookies and milk ( or pretzels and beer as its hot in australia) then its story and bed time for them and santa time for hubby and myself we put all the gifts under the tree make sure the reindeer have eaten there carrots and santa has his snacks then off to bed because its sure to be an early morning <3

  105. My favorite part of Christmas Eve is when my boyfriend and I come home after our family celebrations and spend a few precious moments relaxing and admiring how festive our home looks- full of presents, cheer, and especially treats!

  106. Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the holiday. It’s our big day to spend with family, and full of stories and food and love.

  107. We go to church on Christmas eve and bake cookies for Santa. It’s pretty low-key with just our immediate family. My favorite part of the holiday season is seeing my kids get so excited for all of the holiday events. I host a cookie decorating party for the kids in my Mom’s group and we usually drive around to see all of the Christmas lights and decorations.

  108. Well, in the past I’ve always spent Christmas Eve with family. We’d go to my family for dinner, go see some Christmas lights, and then head over to my husband’s family. This year we live in another state though, and are due to have a baby right before Christmas, so we’ll likely spend the night in, just the three of us. Fingers crossed that the little one arrives before Christmas!

  109. I make tourtière for dinner, and we watch A Muppet Family Christmas. “Careful of the icy patch!”

  110. The holidays are all about great company, good food and lots of fun, hanging with the family. Teaching the kids to give to those who are less fortunate and letting them make their own choices on how to give.

  111. I spend Christmas Eve with just my husband – it’s our quiet time before the family explosion that starts the next day and lasts for several days afterward.

    My favorite moment of the season is just after the tree is up and decorated. (a) because it’s DONE, and (b) because I love to turn off all the lights in the living room and enjoy just the twinkling tree.

  112. We usually spend it wrapping all the presents, and a bit of prepping for Christmas dinner. If time allows we will also through in a good old Christmas movie. Thanks, very excited for the release of your new book. you do inspire so many of us. Kim

  113. On Christmas Eve, my girls and I bake shortbread cookies for Santa Claus so we can leave him a plate of fresh warm cookies. (That just happens to be daddy’s favorite cookie too!)

    I love all the traditions we have during this season!!!

  114. I spend christmas ever with my hubby’s family. They are loud and fun and its a party, its the total opposite way that we spent christmas day with my family. I love that we get the best of both worlds!

  115. We have been living away from family for a few years so our Christmas Eve has been just the two of us watching movies and enjoying time off work. This is our first year back home for the holidays so it will be nice to see everyone again!

  116. mine would be just before we all go to bed we set out the cookies and milk for Santa and for the Reindeer they get carrots and a bowl of water, we have been doing that since i was a little wee one.
    I hope we win Santa will get a nice cake pop for his snack!

  117. On Christmas Eve we go to a church service, then come home and everyone gets to open one gift! Then usually I go somewhere secret to finish that last present or wrap the last presents for morning! I might start a tradition this year with our daughter of leaving cookies (maybe cake pops!) for Santa =)

  118. I spend every Christmas Eve playing the piano for the 10 p.m. church service. This year I am still undecided as to whether I will do this, however, because my dad recently passed away. Not wanting to leave mom home alone, I may change my plans. Whatever happens, we will have a FABULOUS night to celebrate the reason for the season.

  119. Christmas Eve was always spent at my grandma’s house for the first wave of presents. As kids we were always very restless during 5pm Christmas Eve Mass, knowing we were going to grandma’s next.

  120. We have adopted some new Swedish traditions in recent years as my brother is engaged to a Swedish girl. They prepare a traditional Swedish Christmas Eve feast of lax, pickled herring, meatballs and schnapps! We sit back and try to imagine the cold and snow as we enjoy the warm (Australian) summer evening.

  121. Christmas Eve is spent reading the story of Christ’s birth, decorating cookies, listening to carols, and spending time with family. It’s my favorite holiday by far!

  122. The best part of the season, is decorating the house and of course seeing the face of my daughter opening her presents in the morning :)

  123. I love watching Christmas through the eyes of my children. Their excitement over the holiday decorations, tree lights and ornaments, Christmas cookies and our annual reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” are priceless memories.

  124. We always have Christmas Eve at our house. My mom comes over, we enjoy a good meal (my daughter is in charge of dreaming up the menu…it ranges from Mexican food, to ribs, to soup and sandwiches to tenderloin…to whatever else she is hungry for). Then we open our gifts for each other. Then Christmas day is spent with my dad and on occasion my in-laws….depends on my husband’s work schedule.

  125. Christmas eve is spent with my parents, eating shrimp =) And opening gifts. Our little ones always get jammies, and where them home afterwards =)

  126. The best part of the holiday season is spending time with family and friends. The snow falling, the smell of gingerbread, Christmas carols playing and a Baileys Hot Chocolate makes the perfect evening for me :)

  127. My favorite part of the holiday season is definitely baking and making treats. Watching Christmas movies is a very close second!

  128. We usually spend Christmas Eve with my husband’s family – eating lots of yummy food.

  129. We spend Christmas Eve walking the Luminaries in our neighborhood. Our neighbors give out hot apple cider to people walking the neighborhood. It is such a wonderful peaceful tradition :)

  130. My favorite part of the holiday season is the smell of Christmas! & This year we’re going to cut our own tree :)

  131. My favorite part of the holiday season is the baking :) My daughter is at the age where she loves to help. My oldest son and youngest son enjoy eating what we make. My daughter loves when I make cakepops and even helps me roll them. My kids are excited to help me decorate adn can’t wait for the tree to go up in 3 weeks.

  132. My favorite part of Christmas IS Christmas Eve. I love having the kids be part of making sure everything is decorated and ready for Santa. We open one special present that night (their special Christmas jammies). Then we put out some cookies (usually homemade with the kids) and some milk and the kids head to bed. After they’re asleep, my husband and I get all the Santa gifts out and put them under the Santa tree (we have two trees every year, a real one for family gifts and a fake one for Santa). I just LOVE getting everything ready for my kids to have the best Christmas ever every year!!! :)

  133. Christmas eve we celebrate by having family over. Everyone brings food, Santa visits with presents for the kids (and a small present for the adults as well) and we just enjoy each others company. It’s also now a time for us to remember my brother who took his own life 2.5 years ago. He played santa every year since I was 5 years old.

    My favourite part of the holidays is seeing the joy my children experience. Reliving the magic I remember from my own childhood.

  134. we spend it together with family playing board games, singing songs and watching movies to stay up till midnight to open one present :) so much fun

  135. We spend Christmas Eve just hanging out, watching Christmas movies and baking cookies. We open one present which is ALWAYS pajamas. Kids hate not being able to open the present they want, mom loves it! ;)

  136. We always spend Christmas Eve as a family…a whole, large family! Church and then dinner…all of us together. It is one of my most favorite nights of the year!

  137. My favorite part of the holiday season is having time off from work to spend with my family!

  138. On Christmas Eve when my kids were little I had an evil plan. They wanted to open something and I gave them something I wanted for them to open. I would buy them a brand new pair of PJs prewashed and ready to wear and a really cool book they’d been wanting. They would put on their photo ready PJs and read themselves to sleep. Next morning they looked great in the photos in their darling pajamas.

  139. Christmas Eve this year will mean a little get together with co-workers, last-minute wrapping (with my 19-month-old “helping”), and baking! Family time, too, of course!

  140. My favorite part of the holidays is the yummy food! Can’t wait!

  141. Christmas eve is spent with my family and Christmas day with my hubby’s

  142. Christmas Eve is also my dad’s birthday, so we usually have a mega feast and double the presents!

  143. My family spends christmas eve making fresh goodies for Santa while we track him across the globe and watch holiday movies.
    We also get to open one present on christmas eve :D

  144. On Christmas Eve we put out a bunch of snacks, non alcoholic drinks, cookies, chips, brownies, and have an open door policy for anyone who wants to stop by and hang out for an hour or two. People come and go all evening and we have a great time.

  145. Our Christmas Eve tradition includes hot cocoa, reading The Night Before Christmas and everyone opening new Christmas jammies! One memorable year we took the kiddos for a ride on the Polar Express on Christmas Eve. The looks on their faces were absolutely PRICELESS when Santa came and gave them a bell that only they could hear. :) Of course it took FOREVER to settle them in to bed so Santa could come to our….. yes a year to remember for so many reasons! ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

  146. My favorite thing about the Holiday is to design a new and creative Christmas Card each year.

  147. Once all of our children got to be adults, we began a tradition of all getting in the kitchen together on Christmas Eve morning and preparing our formal Christmas Eve dinner together. Then we get ready for and go to a Christmas Eve service at our church, and come home to our fabulous meal. A sweet family time.

  148. Having breakfast at my inlaws. Been a tradition for years. Love it. The elf brings PJs to the kids and Grandpa reads a Christmas story.

  149. It is usually just my children and myself. Sometimes they bring a stray friend or two who do not have family close by. I like cooking the foods the kids like most for Christmas, to keep the good memories going and to bring a bit of happiness all around.

  150. We spend the evening with family, and as kids we always got to open one present!

  151. we usually spend christmas eve with my in laws which consist of a family potluck dinner, all the kids would open their gifts from the grandparents and the adults would chat. i love chirstmas time because it is during this times my boys and i would do lots of crafts and baking, and decorate a gingerbread house! :)

  152. Favorite part of the holiday season is doing our annual cookie exchange and just making homemade sweet treats as gifts. And getting to spend time with family and friends!

  153. I LOVE all of your stuff!! You are just so amazing and inspirational to me:)!!

  154. I love spending Christmas Eve with my kids, putting out cookies then reading “Twas the Night Before Christmas” followed by our “Christmas Story” book about the birth of Jesus!

  155. My favorite thing about the holidays is being able to cook, watch movies, and spend time with friends and family.

  156. My favorite part of the season is all the lights and decorations!

  157. Christmas Eve is with my in-laws :-) We celebrate with a nice dinner and allow each of the children to open a gift which is always new pajamas as a family tradition. It is so much fun. My husband and I always read The Night Before Christmas with our daughter and set out cookies and milk for Santa.

  158. My favorite part of the holidays is decorating. My grandma loved Christmas to the point that she would enter her town’s decoration contest. She instilled the love of decorating in us.

  159. We spend Christmas Eve by going to see lights around town. Then we head back home and drink hot chocolate while everyone opens one gift.

  160. We go to the children’s Christmas Eve mass. Then come home and unwrap one gift. We then get everything ready for Santa to come and change into our Christmas pajamas. We eat a nice big meal, too!

  161. My favorite part of the holiday season is sitting in the living room and relaxing while the lights are off and the tree is lit up!

  162. On Christmas Eve we have a birthday party for Jesus!

  163. On Christmas Eve we have a birthday party for Jesus!

  164. We usually celebrate Christmas Eve at my MIL house for dinner and it’s quite possible some presents may be opened as well ;)

  165. My second child was born two years ago this Christmas Eve, so we try to celebrate her birthday without getting too wrapped up about Christmas. However, growing up we always put out luminaries, walked the neighborhood, ordered in pizza, and got to open one gift.

  166. We usually go to family parties, but this year we’ll be traveling!

  167. My hubby’s family always celebrated their Christmas on the Eve so that they could drive hours south to spend Christmas day with relatives. So now our Christmas with their side of the family is always on Christmas Eve, then in the morning we do it again with our kids, and then later that afternoon we do it a third time with my family. It’s a very busy two days, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. :-)

  168. Where I am from we celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve, so dinner, family, presents and a lot of Christmas cookies with the coffe.

  169. I always love Christmas Eve at grandmas. She makes the most fantastic treats and all the grandkids get to wet their Christmas present whistle with a present too! ^_^

  170. Christmas is my birthday, so we usually celebrate my birthday on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day!

  171. My favorite part about the holiday season is making gifts for all our friends and family. The kids and I will bake cookies and yummy goodies then box them up and give them out. It is a fun tradition we have.

  172. Christmas eve we host an open house after church for any friends or family to stop by. Everyone brings an appetizer and we have a “signature cocktail” for the evening. It is sooo fun!

  173. On Christmas Eve we have Christmas dinner and a program where we read Luke 2 and the kids dress up in their nativity costumes. After that we sing Christmas carols and open a present of pajamas and go to bed.

  174. We spend Christmas Eve at church– then put out cookies & milk.

  175. Christmas Eve is my family’s chill out time after surviving all the build-up to the holiday season.

  176. We go to church and then have dinner at the same Italian restaurant. It’s nice to spend quiet time with my family before the craziness of Christmas day.

  177. I can hardly pick one thing that I love best about Christmas. Between the treats, family, meals, trees, songs, cheesey yet much adored Lifetime, Hallmart, and WE movies, lights, decorations, aromas, nostalgia, spirit, giving gifts.. I could go on and on… I just love Christmas!

    And since I wasn’t able to exactly answer that question… normally my family has a quiet evening at home with the occasional board game, sometimes we are scrambling to finish our tree, and in more recent years we started going to a relative’s for a non-traditional dinner. It varies but it’s usually a wonderful time wherever we are.

  178. Christmas Eve tamales are a Texan tradition in my family!

  179. my favorite part about the holidays is spending lots of time with family, and seeing old friends and catching up.

  180. My favorite part of the season is busting out the Christmas music!

  181. My favorite thing to do before Christmas is to drive around with my family and look at Christmas lights.

  182. Christmas Eve is spent with family at either my aunt’s and uncle’s home or at my parent’s home. We have a big dinner and spend time together. Oh…and Santa never forgets to deliver our Christmas Eve pajama’s by the time we are ready to go to bed. ;-)

  183. My mom always worked late on christmas eve so we would go out to the only restaurant open, olive garden. Now everything is open but its not christmas without chicken parmesan!

  184. here in Peru we celebrate “nochebuena” that is the night before dec 25. Peruvians usually cook turkey or pork but what we always eat is PANETON that its an ULTRAdelicious dessert for speciall occasions. We wait untill 12 o clock and then we open our gifts. there are many traditions here but this one is what i do in “nochebuena”

  185. i usually spend christmas eve baking up a storm!

  186. We take turns spending Christmas with my fam and my husbands. This year it’s his turn, so we’ll have a big Christmas Eve meal and then home to put the kiddos to bed and let Santa do his business!!

  187. My favorite part about the holiday season is all of the fun baking I get to do. I bake with friends and family, try out old recipes and new, and it’s always so much fun :)
    Fun fact: I work at Michael’s and host birthday parties, and yesterday I hosted a 9 yr. old girls birthday party, and one of the gifts she received was your CAKE POPS TOY KIT! Now, I haven’t been in a toy shop in a while, so I never actually saw your product, but when the girl opened the gift I squealed in excitement! Long story (comment?) short… even if I don’t win the contest, I’m going out to purchase it anyways :D Merry Christmas to me!

  188. We have a “finger foods” dinner and get matching pajamas.

  189. Christmas eve has always been spent with my moms extended side of the family. We eat too many cookies, my uncles play with the kids toys, and there’s always lots of laughter and fun. :) My cousin had a baby this year so this will be our first christmas in about 7 years having a baby around. Should be fun!

    I love the new book and the cake pop making toy! : )

  190. If we’re visiting my parents, Christmas Eve is church, then a bit of a nosh before bed (for the adults). If we stay at our place, it’s usually just hot chocolate, stories with our son, and early bed :-)

  191. I just love the spirit! The cold and the snow and the going inside to get warmed up! It makes me happy.

  192. We have a big dinner of prime rib on Christmas Eve, followed by baths/showers for all and everyone opens the first present of Christmas, which is new pajamas. Then my husband reads the Night before Christmas and we go to bed!

  193. My family has gone out for Chinese food every year since I was a kid on Christmas Eve. It’s turned into a very fun tradition! :)

  194. We’ve never really had big Christmas Eve traditions, but this year my husband and I are starting a new one: stockings with just the two of us and a bottle of wine by the fire. It will be a nice cozy quiet moment before all the crazy fun family times we’ll have the next day.

  195. We have a special dinner on Christmas Eve, read a Christmas story, open a gift (always new pjs), and then go to bed and wait for Santa to come. :)

  196. Christmas Eve is always the kid’s Christmas Eve service at church. Then we open a few gifts that evening and save the rest for the next day. After the kids are tucked into bed, my husband and I enjoy a few appetizers and a glass of wine before heading to bed ourselves.

  197. We usually have a special meal on Christmas Eve – the food doesn’t matter. The act of having the meal and the company is important. We leave homemade decorated sugar cookies for Santa as well as carrots and/or Chex Mix for the reindeer. The kids each get to open one present that night. The kids don special Christmas pajamas. And then everyone is eagerly anticipating Santa’s visit and the Christmas morning fun!

  198. After a long day of skiing in the mountains – curl up next to a fireplace decked in wool socks and a hot cup of cocoa, sit and watch the snow sparkle as it hits the ground

  199. My favorite part of the holiday season is the music, hot cider and decorations.

  200. Christmas Eve is always spent at my aunt’s house for appetizers, and then on to my Granny’s church for midnight Candlelit Christmas services. It’s my favorite part of Christmas.

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