
It’s a Spring Bake Giveaway!

YAY for Spring! I’m so happy to finally break away from all the cold weather and enjoy the warm outdoors. Wouldn’t it be nice if it could stay this way all year long. Minus the pollen.

Well, to celebrate the season, I’m having a super Spring Bake Giveaway for a KitchenAid Stand Mixer in one of the lovely colors shown below.  The winner gets to pick their favorite! Awesome.

Which color would you want to see on your kitchen counter? Aqua Sky? Ice? Pink? Majestic Yellow?

Enter the Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid 5-quart Artisan Series Stand Mixer:

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post answering the following question.
  • What’s your favorite outdoor activity? Oh and pick your favorite pastel mixer color, too.
  • Deadline to enter is Thursday, April 30th at 8:00 p.m. ET. Sorry. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Here’s to Happy Baking! Good luck!


 The winner of the Spring Bake Mixer picked Pistachio as their favorite color.

And that winner is Kara, Commenter 4286. Congratulations! Oh what fun you’ll have with this beauty in your kitchen with newly painted cabinets. ENJOY!

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5,395 comments on “It’s a Spring Bake Giveaway!”

  1. My favourite outdoor activity is walking barefoot in the grass.
    I kind of like the yellow one!

  2. my favorite outdoor activity is going to concert festivals – being outside with friends in the sun for days on end, listening to great music and camping together.
    I love the vintage look of the Pistachio mixer – Thank you! :)

  3. Love to garden outside and hike the trails with my family! I love the silver metallic!

  4. Outdoor activity…gardening…fresh veggies! White to go with my kitchen. :)

  5. love to walk and ride bike! Love the Aqua sky color but I would take any of them and not complain!!!

  6. Gardening is my favorite outdoor activity. I love them all. Majestic yellow would be my choice.

  7. My favorite thing about being outside is my grandmother’s garden. She’s been gone for almost 5 years now, but her legacy lives on.

    And I love the aqua sky mixer. It looks like a beautiful spring sky!

  8. i love hiking with my girls and the Aqua sky mixer.

  9. I love to do a little container gardening. I’d pick the silver metallic, it would be for my son who’s just getting into cooking!

  10. My favorite activity is walking my cute dog, Bailey. And my favorite color is majestic yellow.

  11. Having a nice BBQ in the garden, or just sitting in the sun, listening to the birds chirping and singing. The Ice Colour is really beautiful :)

  12. Running on the local trail system.
    I like the silver Metallica mixer.

  13. Favorite outdoor activity: swimming! And I love the majestic Yellow!

  14. I love playing outdoors with my kids. My favorite color is the Crystal Blue.

  15. Being outdoors is an activity in itself! But I like gardening and exploring and the beach! A beautiful Ice Kitchenaid miixer would be beautiful enough to stay out on my counter all the time.

  16. I love going to the beach. And it’s a tough call – either pink or aqua sky

  17. I love surfing! As much as the ice colored mixer :)

  18. i love to run :) my favorite is the pink with the blue coming in second!

  19. Sitting on the beach reading a great book! Aqua Sky is gorgeous!

  20. Running and I love the silver metallic!

  21. Long-time reader of your blog – you’re the best! So creative and fun.

    My favourite outdoor activity is camping! And love the pistachio mixer :)

    x Liz

  22. Running on the local trail system.
    Favorite mixer color; silver metallica.

  23. I love walking in our neighborhood…and the silver metallic is so sleek!

  24. My favorite outdoor activity is making s’mores at a camping trip!! I love the Ice color <3

  25. I love gardening an walking the dog and i love the pistachio one :)

  26. My favourite outdoor activity is playing with my twin boys at the park! I love theo Pistachio coloured mixer! Thank you!

  27. Do I really have to go outside?! Ok sitting by the fire eating s’mores! And pink, love the pink one!

  28. Biking on the amazing trails in VA!
    Has to be crystal blue for my new kitchen design in my head…this would get me going!!

  29. I love mountain biking along the forest paths around my hometown, it’s just beautiful and I have lots of fun!! I absolutely love the ice color Kitchen Aid!

  30. Love being at the beach in the french Riviera..!

    Woow and this pink kitchen aid is STUNNING!
    What a wonderful toy for my 25th…. (a)

  31. HI!
    My favorite thing to do outside is tend to my garden! They are all beautiful colors, however, my favorite is the ice one!

  32. I love walking my dog Linus through the shady, tree lined green belt. The Crystal Blue is fabulous!

  33. My favorite outdoor activity is making smores after hiking! I love the aqua sky color.

  34. Love going to the beach with friends. And Loving that pistachio color.

  35. i love walking on the beach and my favorite color mixer is pink

  36. My favorite outdoor activity is Surfing! And as I love the ocean, i choose the Aqua Sky!

  37. Favorite spring activity is hiking in pergatory chasm in MA. Love the crystal blue mixer!

  38. My favorite outdoor activity would be cutting out flowers from my garden. Favorite pastel color would be aqua sky.

  39. My favorite outdoor activity is tennis and favorite mixer color is Pistachio!

  40. Gardening … Pink!

  41. Long walks on the beach and BBQs with family. Love the metallic silver!!!!!

  42. taking pictures of nature & aqua sky

  43. I love gardening, watching my chickens walk with their chicks, listening to the birds, observing nature and being grateful for everything and everyone that I know. I love the Pistachio colour, as green is just wonderful with any other colour, just like in nature. Thank you for this chance. <3

  44. My favorite outdoor activity is watching baseball and I love the crystal blue mixer.

  45. I love the beach and the pool! There’s just something about the water when it’s a nice warm day! I absolutely love the ice mixer.

  46. Swimming is fun! I like white.

  47. BBQ in the garden and playing with the dogs
    colour: silver metallic

  48. My favorite outdoor activity is watching thunderstorms from my back deck. The cool breeze, the booming thunder, the dancing lightening…oy vey! The only way it could be better is if I could enjoy it with some fresh baked cookies I whipped up in my new pink kitchen aid. =D

  49. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking. I would love the silver metallic.

  50. I absolutely love hiking in the mountains. I am a huge fan of the crystal blue mixer.

  51. I like walking around exploring new towns and places! And I love the pistachio colored mixer!

  52. My favorite outdoor activity is camping with my family because there is endless amount of time spent together soaking up the sun! My favorite color is Silver Metallic!! :)

  53. Going for a walk. Love the aqua sky

  54. Pistachio, please! :) I love sitting outside hanging out with my family or grillin.

  55. I love hiking! I think ice would be nice.

  56. My favourite activity would have to be playing at the park with my kids. I would love the silver metallic or crystal blue ????

  57. My Favourite outdoor activity is ice skating on natural ponds! :)
    I’d pink the pink mixer to give to my daughter who is setting up her kitchen in her new apartment.

  58. When I am outdoors I love to sit in the sun and knit with my doggies playing in the yard. Total relaxation. I love the sunny Magestic Yellow! Thank you!

  59. Love going for hikes outside…especially near the beach! The Crystal Blue is sooo pretty!

  60. My favorite outdoor activity is working in my flower beds. I love tending to them and watching all the beautiful things grow. My favorite color is Ice.

  61. i love to sit out in the sun drinking an iced tea!!! And I NEED the pink mixer! :) Lia

  62. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking. Love the pistachio.

  63. Love to take my little dog on long walks…..and I love that silver metallic mixer!

  64. My favorite Activity is paddle Boarding! And I like the White one:)

  65. My favorite outdoor activity is definitily just chilling with my family in the garden eating watermelons! ? love the pistachio color :)

  66. My favotite outdoor activity is enjoying thunderstorms from my back deck. The cool breeze, the booming thunder, the dancing lightening…oy vey! The only way it could be better is if I could enjoy it with some fresh baked cookies that I made in my new pink kitchen aid. =D

  67. Yellow! Riding bike

  68. my favorite activity is Paddle Boarding:) and I love the Metallic Silver!!!!

  69. Love to soak up the sun with a walk along the beach. Would LOVE majestic yellow.

  70. Love to hike in our beautiful National Parks! Also love the silver metallic

  71. my all time favorite outdoor activity is grilling!!! Good steaks, some sausages, a few beer.. and i can stay out all night long ;)
    With the kitchen aid I’d love to stay classic so i prefere the white one

    Melanie from Germany :)

  72. I love making daisy chains with my daughter. ???? Aqua sky is beautiful.

  73. The Aqua Sky is most lovely! And walking would be my favorite outdoor activity. Thanks!

  74. I love to SUP (stand up paddle board)!!! :D Since that involves being at the lake, and super good weather, my go-to outside activity is running!
    I’d grab the ICE or PINK mixer!! :D

  75. I love hiking in the mountains when the weather is nice! The second question is a little harder as I have 2 favorite mixer colors: pink AND ice.

  76. There’s nothing better than relaxing at the beach, or even a lake.
    <3 Crystal Blue!

  77. I love hiking in my local park. The silver one is pretty.
    Thanks for sharing!

  78. My favourite outside activity is… you guessed it …walking. I try to get out 5 days a week to lift my fitness level. (It’s very low currently) but enjoy it most when I walk with a friend or 2.
    I love the pink color most.

  79. My favorite outdoor activity is camping and my favorite pastel colored mixer is ice.

  80. I love to walk around in one of the manys park. And I love the pistachio one

  81. Love walking by the lake in Chicago!! Crystal blue is my fav!!

  82. My favorite outdoor activity is Yoga in the morging and barbecue in the evening ;)
    I like the Silver one *. *

  83. I love to go for walks or watch the kids play sports.

    Aqua Ice

  84. Oops my color is Aqua sky.

  85. Taking my children to the playground. Majestic yellow!

  86. Kayaking – love the cool pistachio color

  87. After the long Michigan winter, gardening is my favorite activity…and pistachio is my color!

  88. I would have to say gardening, it re-energizes my soul…

  89. We love going to the beach here in Naples! And the Aqua Sky color is my favorite!

  90. I love going on hikes with my husband and our dogs. The white one is my favorite!

  91. Picnic in the park with family. Love Pistachio color.

  92. Taking long walks at the park! I love the pink one! :)

  93. My favorite activities are playing with the kids. My favorite color from the mixers above is ice. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

  94. My favourite outdoor activity is walking. And i love the ice colour mixer!

  95. My favorite outdoor activity is sitting out on the porch at twilight, watching the kids chase fireflies. I like the white mixer. :)

  96. My favorite outdoor activity is yoga outdoors either in a park, on a beach, or even on a paddle board! The color I’d pick would be silver metallic.

  97. I love hoop dancing!! Love going down by the beach with my hoop and some tunes! I would love to own an ICE colored kitchenaid mixer!

  98. walking, drinking coffee watching the sunrise,bbq’ing with my 2 lil people..
    Pistachio is a cool color or Ice… love’em

  99. I love to garden, and sit on the deck with a book. I love all the spring colors, but would choose the metallic grey or yellow

  100. My favorite summer activity is Sunday afternoons at my Mom’s pool with my family. What a blast! And…..majestic yellow!!

  101. Spending time outside with my family. Love the Aqua sky!

  102. My favorite outdoor activity is tennis! Love the majestic yellow color :)

  103. I love being out on our boat, and the Majestic Yellow

  104. My fav out doors activity is diffo playing cops n robbers with my wee boys…. their imaginations are wild and fresh…. love it and i love the ICE COLOUR

  105. My favorite activitu outside is sitting in the sun ;) I like the pistachio. No not like …. I adore that one ;)

  106. Favourite outdoor activity is walking or cycling. I’d have to go with Pistachio! :)

  107. I love walking on the lake in spring! Loving the crystal blue mixer!! It’s so pretty!!

  108. Having a pic-nic with my boys! And I just LOVE that Silver Metallic. It would look fabulous in my kitchen! :)

  109. I love taking long walks on the beach with my family. PINK

  110. My favorite outdoor activity is walking my dog. I love the aqua sky mixer.

  111. My favorite outdoor activity is running. I love how I feel after a good run, energized and accomplished. My favorite mixer pastel color is the pistachio, I love the color green. I hope I win ????

  112. My fave outdoor activity is walking
    I really like the ice colour mixer

  113. My favorite outdoor activity is veggie gardening & BBQ’s with family. Love the Pistachio!!

  114. I love going for long walks; pistachio is the color Kitchen Aid I like !

  115. My favorite outdoor activity is just sitting on the patio, sipping on some lemonade, enjoying the sun.

    Majestic Yellow of course!!

  116. My favorite outdoor activity is playing tennis! The Aqua sky would look fabulous in my kitchen!

  117. My favorite outdoor activity is being outdoors with the grandkids and doing whatever they want. I luv the crystal blue…

  118. I love going to the beach and pool with my kids. We go every week several times and have fun. We also collect shells and have them from over the years.

    I love the Pistachio!!

  119. My favorite outdoor activity is dining with friends on my deck and swimming in our pool. What’s better than good flood and good friends? I love the Crystal Blue color!

  120. My favorite outdoor activity is walking.

  121. Gardening and playing at the beach with my little girls. I’d probably pick Aqua Sky! Happy Spring!

  122. I love summer parties and spending time with my family cooking feasts for everyone.


  123. I like to picnic in the Spring. My fav color is Aqua sky.

  124. My favorite outdoor activity is walking. I like the aqua sky color!

  125. Favorite activity would have to be hanging out at the beach.
    I love the silver metallic one!

  126. Gardening and watching my kiddos run around!!

    ICE mixer!!

  127. My favorite outdoor activity is dining Al fresco! I live to entertain and have people over and serve them in my outdoor space. I love all of those colors, but my favorite is the silver :)

  128. I love grilling out. My favorite mixer color is the Ice.

  129. One? Pick one? I can’t. We love to hike, camp, backpack, work in the yard, hang out on the deck, fish, go to the beach, tour Manassas battlefields, etc. I can’t really pick just one. But I can pick one color mixer; crystal blue!!

  130. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening! And I like the silver metallic.

  131. I love going to the beach with my son! The best spring color is the best color is the crystal blue!!

  132. Camping and ice!

  133. So looking forward to working on my summer veggie garden. Crystal blue is like the beautiful summer sky.

  134. My favourite outdoor activity is walking on the beach. I love masjectic yellow.

  135. I love being outdoors once the weather starts to warm up – walking, gardening, being at the beach, or reading a great book under an umbrella on the deck; most any outdoor activity makes me happy.

    I am torn between the crystal blue and aqua sky mixers!

  136. Looking up and seeing the crystal blue sky, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, hearing the birds sing and the kids laughing while soaking each other. My favourite colour is crystal blue. ????

  137. Hiking :) And I love the pink mixer!

  138. Walking, especially exploring places I’ve not had a chance to check out before.

    & Crystal Blue! =)

  139. My favorite thing to go outdoors is hanging with my boys & family. Favorite color silver metallic.

  140. Shopping.
    Favourite mixer colour is white <3

  141. I know this is going to sound corny but I just love being outside watching my kids’ ballgames. I really love the classic colors of either white or the silver metallic. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  142. My favorite outdoor activity is taking my grandchildren to the park! And that Aqua Sky color is gorgeous!

  143. My favorite activity is hiking and i love the pistachio color

  144. I love walking by the ea with my family.
    I would love the pistachio green mixer.

  145. My favourite outside activity has to be exploring and having picnics in the great outdoors!

    My favourite colour has to be that gorgeous ice coloured mixer…<3!

  146. I love the majestic yellow! And I love biking outdoors

  147. My favorite outdoor activity is walking. I love the Silver Metallic one.

  148. My favorite has to be MAJESTIC YELLOW! Reminds me of Spring sunshine.

  149. I love going for a run around the lake especially in the early morning with the fresh air… I’m not a good runner but I enjoy the 20 minutes anyway ;) and the main color in my life is blue so I very much like the crystal blue mixer :)

  150. I love the beach. My fav color is ice.

  151. Favorite outdoor activity is bicycle riding with my family. Adore the pistachio color!

    P.s Love your blog bakerella! Been visiting and reading it for three years now!

  152. Walking and running with my dog :)
    My favouriye colour is …all, i love all, but ice or pistachio are so cool!

  153. Play with my kids! And I love the color Ice!

  154. Pretty much anything with my daughter. ..which usually involves running and the playground. ..Aqua Sky.

  155. Cycle along the coast near my house! And the Aqua Sky color :)

  156. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening. I love the crystal blue color

  157. My favorite outdoor acitivty is hiking. I love the majcestic yellow mixer!

  158. I like to relax with friends around a campfire and go walking or hiking.

    I like the metallic silver color!

  159. watching my children play – listening to them laugh
    silver metallic

  160. my favorite outdoor activity is hitting the beach and just walking in the sea. My favorit color is pink <3

  161. You are just too awesome!! Thank you for doing another giveaway!
    It’s so hard to pick from all the pretty colors! =P If Ai have to narrow it down, I’d have to pick Ice! :)

  162. My favourite Outdoor activity is walking along the beach. lying in the sun then going for a swim or snorkel. Hence my favourite colour would be Aqua Sky!!

  163. I love playing with my kiddos outside!!! I love that Majestic Yellow!

  164. i love the pistachio. A happy color. My fav outdoor activity is running, especially when my husband and 3 yo son ride their bikes with me!

  165. Boating and paddling on the lake! Love the silver colour.

  166. Bike riding and pink!

  167. Tennis and lounging in the sun- pistachio or classic white

  168. oh… beauty!
    my favorite activity outdoors is… picnics! of course. no brainer.
    and i love all the colors! maybe the white a bit more…?

    xo to you, baker pro!

  169. gardening….Pink!!

  170. enjoying an firepit with family! Aqua color mixer would be awesome!

  171. Walking – hands down. I miss the fresh air walking on my treadmill in the winter. I’m leaning toward aqua sky – though they all look pretty clustered together!

  172. My favourite outdoors activity is walking and having ice cream. I really love the Ice one :)

  173. My favourite outdoor activity is def sports! Volleyball, soccer, ball hockey, tennis , swimming, can’t wait :) the colour for me would have to be crystal blue

  174. Gardening and crystal blue!

  175. My favorite outdoor activity is collecting “treasures” from the creek bank with my kids! I would choose Aqua Sky :)

  176. I love taking a bike ride with my family through our neighborhood. The Majestic Yellow mixer is my favorite! Thanks and happy spring

  177. A day at the beach…pistachio.

  178. My favorite outdoor activity is Horseback riding with my daughter! My fave color is PINK!!

  179. My Favourite outdoor activity is hanging out with my Grand dog at the dog beach early in the morning. Blue skies, sparkling water and the morning chorus – kookaburra’s and all of the other birds – beautiful !
    My favourite colour would be Majestic Yellow – gorgeous!
    Thank you

  180. I love playing sports outdoor! Volleyball, soccer, ball hockey, swimming, it’s all good :) Crystal blue is the color for me

  181. I love mountain biking along the forest paths around my hometown, it’s just beautiful and I have lots of fun!!!
    I absolutely the ice color Kitchen Aid!

  182. I’ve always enjoyed walking early in the morning.
    My favorite color would be the crystal blue.

  183. I love to swim and i like the aqua blue color. Thank you:)

  184. My favorite outdoor activity is walking in the park or any place that is green! My favourite is the only one green – pistachio!

  185. In the summer, I tend to do a lot of kayaking, and it’s my fave! My favorite pastel mixer color is Ice.

  186. Does having a few adult beverages on a patio count as an outdoor activity???
    Metallic silver is my pick????

  187. Love bike riding :-) Pink one would be so cute in out kitchen,althought I’m not sure if this giveaway is international :-)

  188. My fav outdoor activity is BBQ!! I like the pistachio or aqua sky.

  189. Playing ball with my dogs. Pistachio is pretty.

  190. My favourite outdoor activity is croquette (whenever we get some rare sunshine in old England!).

    Pistachio mixer is definitely my favourite :)

  191. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening.
    I just love it to have butterflies in my garden and other visitors .
    Color: ice


  193. My favorite outdoor activity is sitting around the campfire with family and friends! My favorite color is pink!

  194. I love walking and sitting on the beach early morning before
    it gets too hot.
    My favorite is the white.

  195. Camping!! I love the silver metallic mixer

  196. My favorite outdoor activity is sitting on the beach in the
    early morning before it gets too hot.

  197. Sunbathing and majestic yellow ????

  198. I love to make a pignição with chocolate cake! I love the pink one!

  199. I love to boat in the summer months! Ice would be my color pick!!

  200. I Love to make a picnic with chocolate cake, fresh fruits and juice! I love the pink one.

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