
It’s a Spring Bake Giveaway!

YAY for Spring! I’m so happy to finally break away from all the cold weather and enjoy the warm outdoors. Wouldn’t it be nice if it could stay this way all year long. Minus the pollen.

Well, to celebrate the season, I’m having a super Spring Bake Giveaway for a KitchenAid Stand Mixer in one of the lovely colors shown below.  The winner gets to pick their favorite! Awesome.

Which color would you want to see on your kitchen counter? Aqua Sky? Ice? Pink? Majestic Yellow?

Enter the Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid 5-quart Artisan Series Stand Mixer:

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post answering the following question.
  • What’s your favorite outdoor activity? Oh and pick your favorite pastel mixer color, too.
  • Deadline to enter is Thursday, April 30th at 8:00 p.m. ET. Sorry. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Here’s to Happy Baking! Good luck!


 The winner of the Spring Bake Mixer picked Pistachio as their favorite color.

And that winner is Kara, Commenter 4286. Congratulations! Oh what fun you’ll have with this beauty in your kitchen with newly painted cabinets. ENJOY!

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5,395 comments on “It’s a Spring Bake Giveaway!”

  1. thanks for updating this article..

  2. I like pink super I want to buy but I have no more money because live in Philippines

  3. thank you for this kind of opportunity I am opening a new online bakeshop so please if you can read this comment I assure you that I can used the equipment so badly. I really need it. my favorite color is PINK.
    I hope I’ll tlbe the one to choose.
    thank you .Godbless

  4. Please let me win this!!!! PINK is my fav color

  5. My heard jumped into my throat when I saw Kara was the winner and then I realized it wasn’t me. LOL! Congratulations to the other Kara!

  6. pretty pretty pink!

  7. I love to be in my house instead of going out and love to play with my friend in ground for sometime!

  8. Outdoor sex. (Pistachio like the greek pistachios) thank you

  9. Thank you, thank you Bakerella!!!
    I can’t believe I won this. Your creative confections have inspired me for years. My old, wimpy hand-held mixer will have to step aside for my new pistachio Kitchen-aid!, ????

  10. My favourite outdoor activity is hiking. Being active and seeing something beautiful, with wonderful people and do a picnic lunch – does it get any better?
    If I would be so lucky to win, I would love to have the white version. Boring, I know… But I am gonna have it until I die so I might as well pick something neutral :) have a lovely weekend!

  11. Love to go camping, walking the dogs and walking on the beach. Love the pistachio color.

  12. my favourite outdoor activities is at the beach

  13. my favourite outdoor activities is racing

  14. My favorite outdoor activity is anywhere at the beach, anytime. I like the white mixer.

  15. Favorite outdoor activity is exploring with my 8 year old. We love hiking and riding our bikes to new spots around town.

    Majestic Yellow would look great in my kitchen :)

  16. I love hiking! The yellow is so cute!

  17. I love taking walks in the park with my friends during the summer months. Aqua Sky!

  18. i just love to get lost and wander around enjoying what God has provided through nature!
    His creations are amazingly pretty

    and also…pink pastel color is one of His amazing creation I hope I could win! <3

  19. My favorite outdoor activity is swimming and picnic. I love all the color and is hard to pick one. I decide pink my daughter color…..

  20. X that I like taking the kids out and play with sidewalk chalk and bubbles. .we like the pink one

  21. Swimming and the pink one

  22. I enjoy time with my two God daughter’s. All we need is sidewalk chalk and bubbles. They love my baking which I hand mix. I like the pink mixer…I was going to put a red one on lay away in a few months. Thk u

  23. My favourite outdoor activity is picnic!! :D
    I love the majestic yellow ! <3

  24. Love just being outside, enjoying the warm sun. I also love to garden camp, swim , bike…Love it all.
    I think my favorite color is Ice.

  25. I love to be at the baseball park watching my boys play ball.
    I love the pink mixer.

  26. Sitting in the sun! Can’t go wrong with any color, but silver is classy

  27. I love to be at the baseball park watching my boys playing ball

  28. My favorite outdoor activity is having a picnic outside with friends and family. My favorite is Aqua Sky or Ice!

  29. My favorite activity is walking. It is a wonderful way to clear your head. I love the silver mixer, beautiful!

  30. My favorite outdoor activity is walking. I love to walk, either by myself or with my dog and boyfriend. I i love the Ice color it matches my coffee pot

  31. my favourite outdoor activity is biking. i love the white

  32. I like taking the sun ! And I like pink color

  33. I love a picnic. That has to count as an outdoor activity right? Especially picnics with homemade cookies. Aqua Sky is my color of choice. :)

  34. I love going for a good run!

  35. Gardening with the grandchildren! White is my choice for mixer!

  36. I like swimming and having fun :) I love ice mixer

  37. Swimming and tanning!

    I love the pink one!

  38. I like skydiving! And white is my favorite

  39. Hi :) I like walking around the city and exercise, I love pink color

  40. Riding my motorcycle. I’m 62 and just bought my first one ever. ICE…PLEASE!

  41. I love going for walks-pink is my favorite color in the mixer-

  42. yoga on the beach!!
    pink :)

  43. My favorite outdoor activity is either reading on the hammock or biking! and the ice color is my favorite!!

  44. Playing soccer with my twin boys!! Love the color ICE!!

  45. favourite outdoor activity is just walking around.
    Favourite KA color is ICE.


  46. My favorite activity is walking and you could pick the color because I like them all.

  47. My favorite outdoor activity is camping and everything that goes along with it: hiking, swimming, BBQing, hanging out and enjoying nature with family and friends! There’s something for everyone! And my favorite is the pink one, naturally! Its my signature color! ;)

  48. Hanging out at the beach.

    And pink mixer, of course!

  49. My favorite outdoor activity is camping and everything that goes along with that: hiking, swimming, BBQing, spending time with those you love! Oh, and my favorite one is the pink one!

  50. Love both walking and gardening!
    Ice color is my choice (though the yellow is so sunny!)

  51. The beach! :) Aqua sky please.

  52. My favorite outdoor activity is probably sitting around fire pits with friends sharing good desserts!!! And I love the Aqua Sky color!!!

  53. I love to go for walks with my grandkids and their dog. I would be happy with any of the colors, but I’ll pick silver metallic as my choice.

  54. My favorite outdoor activity is picnics/cookouts. Love this time of the year! As for the mixer color – Ice!

  55. My favorite outdoor activity is watching my daughters play soccer. My favorite mixer is the silver metallic. Hope I win!!

  56. We love camping and fishing….I would love ICE! Thank you…

  57. Silver silver silver my favourite outdoor activity is swimming.

  58. Love working in the flowers. Pistachio is calling my name.

  59. Showing sheep at the fair!
    Aqua Sky is my fav!

  60. I love camping! love the classic white mixer too.

  61. Love the pistachio! Love walking the oceanfront boardwalk – all that ocean breeze!!!!!!!

  62. my favorite outdoor activity is walking or family picnics.. my favorite mixer color is MAJESTIC YELLOW or ICE ..

  63. My fave activity is walking at a lake!! My favorite is pink and I would love to one this for my mother for mothers day!!!

  64. I love going to the beach and boogie boarding!! Especially with my kids because they’re just as much of a water lover as I am! :0) and the Ice mixer is gorgeous!!! Thank you!

  65. My favourite outdoor activity is… walks. I love going for walks, even more so in the forest. We have so many where I live, so it’s great.

    I also enjoy Geocaching! So much fun!

    I also LOVE the Aqua colour.

  66. My favorite outdoor activity is walking my dog and I love the pistachio mixer.

  67. Sitting on my patio is my favorite outdoor activity and Majestic Yellow is my favorite mixer color!

  68. Taking the dogs out for a run, taking in the sunshine and eating ice cream to beat the heat. I love the Pistachio one!


  69. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening. And the prettiest Mixer is yellow!

  70. I love walking my dog and horse riding, basically anything outside with animals. My favourite mixer colour is crystal blue.

  71. I love to go for walks/runs with my son. My fave color is Ice.

  72. My fave outdoor activity is probably plane watching. AND water fights.

    Majestic yellow!

  73. Outdoors? Swimming!! Love all of them, but Ice is nice. Love the site!

  74. I love just hanging out with my 10 month old–his fresh eyes make me appreciate all that God has created. I love the white mixer because it’s so cool, and crisp on hot summer days!

  75. My favorite outdoor activity is biking around in Brooklyn or having a potluck bbq on the pier with my friends. I live in NYC so it is difficult to get out sometimes, but when the weather is nice, those are the things I love to do most.

    The mixer I’d love is the pistachio color. Beautiful!

  76. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking. I love the Pistachio-colored mixer.

  77. I like to collect leaves ! and I like ice color

  78. We have an amazing network of bike paths here, so my favorite outdoor activity is walking with my baby girl! And my favorite color mixer would have to be aqua sky. It’s beautiful!

  79. My favorite outdoor activity is going to the beach with some homemade sushi and a good book. I love the pink KitchenAid!

    Thank you!

  80. My favorite outdoor activity is going to the beach!! I like silver metallic!!

  81. I love a good cookout. Give me a steak, roasted veggies, and fresh fruit out by a pool or near the lake, anyday!

    The aqua sky mixer is a nice color.

  82. gardening and boating – love the aqua sky

  83. spring picnic-ing! and i would love a pink mixer :)

  84. I love to walk through parks in the spring. And I love the pink mixer!

  85. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking. I would love the Aqua Sky!

  86. Power Walking and love the Crystal Blue.

  87. My favorite outdoor activity is talking long walks with my husband. I love the Crystal Blue. Great summer color!

  88. riding bikes during the slow-roll in Detroit

  89. I love to go camping. Can’t decide between pink or ice. Hmmm ice.

  90. I like to run outside. I like the Aqua Sky

  91. I love being outdoors! Walking, biking, camping, relaxing! Crystal Blue!!

  92. My favorite activity outside is sitting around a fire playing music with my friends while the kids cook hotdogs and smores.
    I love the ice blue color.

  93. Working in the garden! I like the Aqua Sky color best.

  94. Outdoor activity: Kayaking – it can be a workout or it can be completely relaxing!
    Mixer color: Ice
    Thank you!

  95. Hiii, last hours!! I like to swim in the river! and i like pink color

  96. I absolutely love horseback riding! I love the pink one.. just like all the things I buy for my mare.. everything in pink. Poor thing.

  97. I love going on walks with my husband and our daughter! It’s so hard to pick a favorite color, but I think right now I like pistachio best! :)

  98. Literally my favorite outdoor activity is just sitting outside and taking as many deep breaths of fresh air as possible. Really clears the head! I really love the aqua sky mixer! It is beautiful.

  99. I love to sit on the boat and read a good book! My favorite color would be the light pink!

  100. I love cook out/BBQ, the zoo, family gatherings in the park and street festivals. I like the pistachio one.

  101. Frisbee in the park with the fam!
    Definitely would have to go with the Aqua Sky.

  102. my favorite outdoor activity is movies!!!
    I like silver metalic

  103. My favorite activity is take pictures of flowers and animals ^^ and the color is ice

  104. We like to go swimming to the river, and pink is great!

  105. I love to walk outside! I love the pink mixer, so pretty!

  106. I love to have picnics with my parents! and I like white mixer!

  107. Going on Picnics!! I love the Pistachio colored mixer

  108. Aqua Sky is awesome! I love to be at a baseball game in good weather.

  109. My favourite outdoor activity is going on picnics! And I am in love with the pastel pink!

  110. My favorite outdoor activities are walking and biking. I love sight seeing and looking at how beautiful everything is in the Spring it makes me soo happy! I honestly just love being outside honestly!! :)

    My favorite mixer color is Pink :) !

  111. I love walking outside. It’s a way to clear your mind and explore nature. I’ve always wanted a Kitchen Aid, but they’re so expensive! So if I win, I would love the pink one.

  112. I love having a picnic outside in the sun with my friends and my favorite color is ice! :)

  113. Watching my son play baseball. Pink is my favorite!

  114. I love gardening…I would love a white one!

  115. When it is sooo warm outside, I love to walk on the sand on the beach and enjoy the waves…

    Silver Metallic for me please!! I love to bake!!!

  116. Swimming and walking

    I could use a Silver Metallic….

  117. I like walking, specially on the beach.

    Can’t decide between pink or ice, they’re just too pretty!

  118. I love working in the yard (although weeding is low on the totem pole). I like the silver metallic mixer :)

  119. I enjoy taking my kids to the park and playing with them. I would feel very blessed to get the white one Please and thank you! Good luck to everyone and Congratulations to the one that gets it!

  120. On sundays I like to just take a walk throught a nice park, the forest, fields or vineyards.
    I would go for the pink one, it’s girly. Altought the other colors are also very nice.

  121. one of my favorite things to do outside is to ride my bicycle.
    I love the Crystal Blue.

  122. Walking! And pistachio!

  123. My favorite outdoor activity is taking my son to the park! I LOVE the Pistachio one! So beautiful!

  124. My favorite outdoor activity is riding bikes with the boys :)
    Color:I find the pistachio and ice stunning. Hard choices!!!

  125. I like birdwatching ! And I like ice mixer

  126. My favorite outdoor activity is swimming at the beach or pool, and I love the Crystal Blue one!!

  127. My favorite thing to do outdoors is to go camping!!! Setting up camp, s’mores, campfire games, hiking and waking up to the sounds of nature! I would choose the aqua sky colored mixer! ????

  128. family bbq’s & love to have the “spring” yellow

  129. My favorite thing to do outdoors is go camping!! Setting up camp, s’mores, campfire games, hiking and waking up to the sounds of nature! I would pick the aqua sky colored mixer! ????

  130. gardening! I like the crystal blue

  131. I love the silver metallic. My favorite outdoor activity is playing soccer with my kids!

  132. I just love the White Mixer!! It reminds me of watching clouds on a hot summer day!!

  133. Rocking on my new porch! I love the silver one!

  134. My favorite outdoor activity is going to the ocean….and relaxing by searching for shells and rocks.
    I love the Aqua Sky!

  135. my fav outdoors will be walking.
    my fav color for ths beauty will be Ice.

  136. I love walking with my dog and swimming.
    Ice is my favorite one.

  137. I love to garden and I love the Pistachio!

  138. We live in Las Vegas so there is a small window to enjoy the outdoors before it gets blazing hot so we go to Red Rock to hike I love so many of the colors but I would go with the ice

  139. I love to go biking outside on a nice summer day. My favorite pastel mixer is the ice color, so beautiful!

  140. Hello Everyone ! I love to ride my bike with my boyfriend, and yellow mixer

  141. I love being outside playing with my family!!! As long as we are together. I really love the Aqua sky mixer!!! its a beauty!!! Mine just broke so its is perfect timing!!!

  142. The ICE one is really amazing! My favourite outdoor activity is actually an under water activity, namely scuba diving. I’d love to bake even more cakes with this mixer!

  143. I love to go to the beach and ice mixer is cute

  144. Hello I love to take care of my dog and walk him :) and I like pink mixer

  145. I love to go the beach in summer or BBQ with friends. Color? i think metallic silver.

  146. Love do workout outdoor ; ) crystal blue is gorgeous!

  147. Hiking, and I love the Ice.

  148. I love biking with the kids. The trails are beautiful and I pick Aqua Sky! :)

  149. I love running. Thankfully, because I also love baking. :)

  150. Love gardening…and would love the white one!

  151. We recently moved to Florida, so my favorite outdoor activity is going to the beach every chance I get!!
    And I absolutely love the ICE mixer!!!!

  152. My favorite outdoor activity is walking, hiking, biking, swimming and running with my kids. So I guess my kids, lol. I love the Majestic Yellow!

  153. Hello, I like to write in my garden, and i like the white mixer

  154. I like to breathe in the fresh air outside. My favorite color is Crystal Blue.

  155. photography :) and I love the pistachio mixer <3 Thanks :)

  156. My favourite outdoor activity is rolar skating! The Ice one is just perfect!

  157. I like to pick fresh garden fruits and veggies. I also like the crystal blue mixer. Nice choices.

  158. I like the ICE color one!! I like riding my bike bc my knees hurt too much to jog.

  159. I like taking a smoke outside my house. My favorite color kitchen aid is probably Ice.

  160. My favorite outdoor activity is taking a jog outside. The Ice color kitchen aid is my favorite.

  161. My favorite outdoor activity is playing catch with the kids. And I like the majestic yellow. It reminds me of sunshine! :-)

  162. Outdoor activity: Playing football
    Color: Ice

  163. I enjoy walking around with my camera in hand. Majestic Yellow

  164. I love playing beach volleyball. The crystal blue kitchen aid is my favorite.

  165. Outdoor volleyball all the way! The ice kitchen-aid is perfect :3

  166. just lying outdoors on the grass! never really get the chance to do that these days anymore..
    my favpurite would have to be the ice one…although theyre all actually super awesome
    thanks for the giveaway opportunity…ive been wanting a kitchenaid for ages but it always seemed too extravagant :)

  167. Camping is my absolute favorite outdoor activity! To be able to unplug, spend time with family and friends and not worry about being dirty, is the ultimate release! My favorite mixer is Ice :)

  168. Ice! My favorite outdoor activity is relaxing on my porch with a good book or even better…a good friend.

  169. I love to walk my corgi Giuseppe; the majestic yellow kitchen aid is lovely!

  170. I love to kayak! My favorite is the crystal blue one

  171. going for a hike and crystal blue!

  172. Favorite outdoor activity is swimming and I love the pink mixer!

  173. my favourite outdoor activity would be a picnic or just having sometime alone by myself sitting on a huge patch of grass, reading and relaxing (: I would love to have the pink mixer!

  174. My favorite outdoor activity is having a picnic in the park on a beautiful day!
    I would love the ice colored kitchen aid <3

  175. Hii I love gardening and the white color is great! thanks for the chance, bakerella!

  176. Love gardening and hiking. I love the Silver Metallic :)

  177. I like to take photos of beautiful sceneries and also hanging out with my friends & family… <3 i like the white one.. :) thank you!

  178. I love walking my dog! and majestic yellow please

  179. My favorite activity is to swim :D and i like the pink color

  180. My favorite outdoor activity is push mowing my yard. I love for my lines to be straight. Oh and I love the Metallic Silver.

  181. Oh, I love to walk insode the woods or enjoy time with my tom-cats outside.
    Majestic Yellow or Pistachio – so had to decide, I think PISTACHIO <3

  182. My favorite outdoor activity is having a picnic in a park where my 1 year old son can crawl around in the grass and I can play catch with my dog.

  183. My favorite outdoor activity is walking. I like the Aqua Sky color, but Ice is nice, too :)

  184. Hiking around the Gorge in Oregon! And majestic yellow is my favorite color of mixer :)

  185. Playing soccer with my twin boys!! Love the color ICE!!

  186. Favorite Color Mixer: Majestic Yellow; Favorite Outdoor Activity: Golfing probably trumps all my favorite outdoor activities! However, I love everything outdoors!

  187. I love family BBQs :)

    Majestic yellow is my favorite!

  188. Beaching!! Though I don’t know if that counts as an “activity”!! :)

    Love the “ice” color!!

  189. Hiking with my dogs! All the colors are beautiful, but Ice is my favorite.

  190. Favorite outdoor activity? Definitely driving around with my car’s top down!

    Followed closely by visiting a farmer’s market and picking out fresh summer fruit for a yummy pie.:)

    And fresh summer pies would look awfully pretty next to that yellow mixer!

  191. I love biking around our neighborhood with my family. I’d have to pick the pink mixer. Pretty!

  192. I like taking the sun in the beach, ice color please !!

  193. I love to take my dogs for a walk, and the white mixer is great

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