
It’s a Spring Bake Giveaway!

YAY for Spring! I’m so happy to finally break away from all the cold weather and enjoy the warm outdoors. Wouldn’t it be nice if it could stay this way all year long. Minus the pollen.

Well, to celebrate the season, I’m having a super Spring Bake Giveaway for a KitchenAid Stand Mixer in one of the lovely colors shown below.  The winner gets to pick their favorite! Awesome.

Which color would you want to see on your kitchen counter? Aqua Sky? Ice? Pink? Majestic Yellow?

Enter the Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid 5-quart Artisan Series Stand Mixer:

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post answering the following question.
  • What’s your favorite outdoor activity? Oh and pick your favorite pastel mixer color, too.
  • Deadline to enter is Thursday, April 30th at 8:00 p.m. ET. Sorry. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Here’s to Happy Baking! Good luck!


 The winner of the Spring Bake Mixer picked Pistachio as their favorite color.

And that winner is Kara, Commenter 4286. Congratulations! Oh what fun you’ll have with this beauty in your kitchen with newly painted cabinets. ENJOY!

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5,395 comments on “It’s a Spring Bake Giveaway!”

  1. I love my springtime gardening, and the Pistachio mixer would look divine in my kitchen, to replace a 25+ yr old Oster mixer that is on its last leg…

  2. my favourite thing to do outdoors is have a lovely with my dog, coco! We just love the outdoors!!

    Favourite pastel colour is pink!!!!!

  3. My favorite outdoor activity is jumping on the trampoline with my 3 boys. All of the colors are amazing but I love the pink. I love pink.

  4. I love to walk on the beach in the summer! My favorite color is mixer is the ice color ; )

  5. My favourite outdoor activity is Skiing!!! Love it!

    Silver Please!!!

  6. My favorite outdoor activity is bicycling and I love the pink mixer <3

  7. My favorite outside activity is simply lounging in a hammock reading Pride & Prejudice for the umpteenth time! The pink is absolutely gorgeous.

  8. My favorite activity is beach yoga! And I love the aqua sky mixer!! I’ve wanted one for sooooo long.

  9. My favorite outdoor activity is camping with my family. I like the silver metallic color.

  10. Favourite outdoor activity: enjoying coffee &cake and chatting. Fav colour: blue :)

  11. My favorite outdoor activity is caving (technically inside a cave but I still think its an outdoor activity) and my favorite mixer color is silver because it would match anything. My moms mixer is still going strong after 35 years, so you need one that can last a few decor changes!

  12. Hm outsude activity? Definitely enjoying coffee and cake on my terrace. My fav colour is bluee :)

  13. My favorite outdoor activity is swimming, and I love the ‘ice’ color!

  14. My favorite outdoor activity is horseback riding. My favorite color mixer is Aqua Sky!

  15. I like to bbq

  16. My favorite outdoor activity is walking on the beach! And although Aqua is my favorite color, I am loving that mixer in pistachio!

  17. Making s’mores around the bonfire.

  18. I like to go to concerts out door ones

  19. My favorite outdoor activity is playing beach volleyball and my favorite color mixer is ice!

  20. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening and hosting brunch/dinner parties in the yard. Love the pistachio Kitchen aid!

  21. What a lovely giveaway!
    Love the yellow!

  22. my favorite outdoor activity is going to the beach with my husband or friends. I love the Ice colored mixer

  23. I enjoy cooking out, having a beer or glass of wine on the back porch in the hot sun!! Just enjoying some rest & relaxation in the few months we get good weather here in CNY :)
    What color Kitchen Aid would I like to see in my kitchen??
    Ice :) Or Pink :) Love them both!!

  24. I love walking and hiking and enjoying the sunshine. My favorite color is yellow, just like the sun and spring flowers.

  25. My favorite Iowa outdoor activity is WALKING! Very much appreciated after COLD WINTER DAYS. I select the Kitchen Aid Silver Metallic for the Spring Bake giveaway.

  26. I like to go swimming

  27. My favorite outdoor activity is watching my son in track. I love walking though, that is always nice. My favorite color of the mixers has to be Yellow…or White!

  28. My favorite outdoor activity is cycling! I love te majestic yellow mixer :)

  29. My favorite outdoor activity is Yoga. My favorite pastel mixer color is Aqua Sky!!!

  30. Love the ice!!

  31. My favorite activity is hunting for beach glass on deserted beaches. I would pick the yellow one. So happy!

  32. I love hiking in the woods and the White mixer reminds me of dreamy puffy clouds!

  33. My favorite activity? Walking in the forest.
    The colour? I like the Crystal blue and love the pink ;-)

  34. My very favorite outdoor activity is relaxing on the beach with a good book and my family. I love the silver metallic mixer.

  35. I like to walk and sing! i like the ice one

  36. I love Pink, and my favorite outdoor activity is enjoying the fresh air and the wind in my hair while I walk my dog.

  37. Taking a walk around town. And Ice.

  38. Anything involving water! Pool, beach, lake, water park. Love the pink mixer!

  39. White. Thank you!!!!

  40. I love the Ice mixer!!!

    But to answer the question: swimming! It’s not quite warm enough for it yet, but we’re getting there…

  41. My favorite outdoor activity has to be walking with friends and my cat. The pistachio mixer is adorable!

  42. i love to lay in the sun and read and I would love the pistachio mixer!

  43. I love spending time with my girls outside! Playing at the park, gardening, playing at the splash pad. I love watching them play. They are my world! :)

    I am loving the majestic yellow!

  44. My favorite outdoor activity is reading by the pool. These days aren’t as leisurely though, I have to swim with my two year old. Still fun, less relaxing! I love that aqua sky mixer! No, pistachio. No, aqua sky…

  45. I love to go hiking, or off-roading! I’m going to be super boring and pick the silver metallic.

  46. walking our dog and definitely ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. My favorite outside activity is going to the beach. I would love the pistachio color.

  48. I like gardening, and touring gardens. My favorite color mixer is Crystal Blue.

  49. My favorite activity is sun bathing and cloud shape watching. I’d love to rock out in my kitchen with the ICE KitchenAid

  50. I love going on walks. It’s so calming and relaxing!
    I’d pick the Crystal Blue color! :)

  51. I simply love being outside. So much rain here in the PNW that a sunny day is a day to celebrate! Love all the colors!

  52. i love to take the dogs for a walk in the neighborhood. My favorite color would be….Aqua Sky. ????

  53. I love going on walks. I think it’s so calming and relaxing!
    I’d pick the Crystal Blue color. :)

  54. Ice, Ice, Baby!
    going for a run outside is it for me….

  55. I love going on walks. I think it’s so calming and relaxing!
    I’d pick the Crystal Blue color. :)

  56. My favorite activity is going to band concerts in the parks. We have a lot of parks near us that do band concerts and love to take a picnic and enjoy a few hours outdoors listening to music. I would love the Aqua Sky mixer.

  57. I love blowing bubbles outside with my kids! My favorite color would have to be pink!

  58. Playing with my Fuzzy Baby (Golden Retriever, She’s 2) outside when the weather gets nice – It’s awesome when we can take her in the boat and she can go swimming with us! A picnic with friends so I have an excuse to bake during the summer LOL! I would have to say my favorite color is the Silver Metallic.

  59. I love the ice!

  60. My favourite outdoor activity is taking my dog on walks! :) I really like the ice coloured mixer!

  61. I love sitting on the riverbank to enjoy the sun with delicious ice cream an I like the majestic yellow mixer.

  62. Favorite activity is going for walks with my 1 year old daughter. I cannot decode between the pink or ice so if I win surprise me!!

  63. Well, I’m outdoorsy in that I like getting drunk on patios! :)

    My favorite color is the Aqua Sky.

  64. Playing with my toddler… And pink <3

  65. I love going camping and eating S’MORES :)
    And I would choose the ICE KitchenAid

  66. Getting my garden ready to plant and taking walks in the fresh air.

  67. My favorite outdoor activity is going to the beach to sunbathe.
    I like the ice color mixer!!

  68. I love gardening, spring to fall.
    The Majestic Yellow is too fun!

  69. I love playing outside with my dog and sometimes the cats will grace us with their presence! I love the pistachio color.

  70. My favorite outdoor activity is anything involving my daughter + softball! My favorite color is Aqua Sky.

  71. I love walking around the neighborhood with the kids. I love the metallic gray one!

  72. How awesome is this! I love the pink and ice color. I Also love my garden.

  73. My favorite outdoor activity is having picnics! They’re so relaxing and lovely in the sun!
    The mixer I like most is the crystal blue

  74. My favorite outdoor activity is anything involving my daughter + softball! My favorite color is Aqua Sky.

  75. My Favoriten outdoor activity is doing some Sport together with my dog. I would love to win the pink one. I want one for three years now but they are too expensive to buy

  76. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening! I love the Aqua sky color!!!

  77. I love hiking with my boyfriend in the mountains and hanging out at the beach :) Ice is my favorite!!!

  78. I love to make bubbles outside for my granddaughter to pop!!
    All the colors are wonderful!

  79. Outdoors at the park with the grands. And pink for sure!

  80. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening & my favorite color is ice – Oh please pick me! ;)

  81. I love camping

  82. My daughter and I love looking for 4 leaf clovers! And I love the Aqua Sky mixer.

  83. my favourite outdoor activity is hiking and lake swimming! and picnicking!
    i love that pistachio colour! xxx

  84. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening. I love the Aqua sky!!!

  85. my favorite outdoor activity is taking my son on a stroller ride to the park! Love love Aqua sky ????

  86. I like to hang out on the patio

  87. My favorite out door activity is having family and friends over for a simple bar b q, always ended with some great cupcakes. My 12 year old granddaughter, who is really into baking and wanting to open her own bakery some day, would squeal if I got the pink one!

  88. I play outside with my daughter

  89. My favorite outdoor activity is horse riding. I love the silver one! Thank you!

  90. I love going for walks with my dog. The pink is gorgeous! But so is the Ice one! All so pretty!

  91. I love sitting outside around a fire in the evening. I love the aqua sky color btw!

  92. I love to go rollerblading with my little girl :)
    And the Crystal Blue one is just to die for!

  93. I love lying on a park blanket outside looking at the stars above.

    Love the crystal blue!

  94. We are enjoying playing Frisbee with our kids. I like the crystal blue. Thanks for a fun giveaway! :-)

  95. My favourite outdoor activity is walking or cycling with my family. I love the aqua sky color mixer.

  96. Playing pro kadima paddle ball on the beach. I love the pistachio colour.

  97. My favorite outdoor activity is Muggle Quidditch (a game from the Harry Potter universe yes I’m a nerd) and i would love the Ice one! :)

  98. Favorite outdoor activity is picnicking, I love to eat in the sunshine! I would love the Pistachio mixer to experiment with some new outdoor food :)

  99. Riding my beach cruiser by the beach/bay! Crystal Blue

  100. I enjoy hunting and fishing the most. My wife would love the Aqua Sky color

  101. I LOVE the ice color!!!

    I like to run and ride my bike.

  102. My favorite outdoor activity is running, and I would choose the majestic yellow mixer!

  103. Hello! I have so many favorite outdoor activities, it’s hard to choose just one, but I would say that watching the sunset at the beach is always enjoyable. Each sunset being so unique. :)
    My favorite color for the Kitchen Aide Stand Mixer would be Ice.

  104. My favorite outdoor activity is swimming! I could do it all day every day! And I would LOVE to see that pistachio colored mixer on my counter!

  105. My favorite color is ICE and I love walking and swimming!

  106. I love being outdoors, can’t decide! I love hiking in Norway’s beautiful mountains, and picnics, and skating around town. So much fun to do! I love the white one.

  107. Picnics are always fun, whether at a park or your own backyard. I love the majestic yellow color!

  108. I love hiking. the fresh air and the scenery. I always enjoyed the sound of walking on a trail. And the sence of satisfaction when you reach your destination. Pistachio is a nice color.

  109. Walking.

    Majestic Yellow please. :)

  110. My favorite outdoor activity is gardening with my five children! Loving the pistachio color!

  111. Sitting outside, the color pistachio.

  112. My fave outdoor activity is walking my dogs and I love the pistachio mixer!

  113. Aqua Sky

    I love feeding the birds and planting flowers with my grandkids????

  114. My fave outdoor activity is walking my dogs and I love the pistachio mixer!

  115. my favourite outdoor activity is walking and skateboarding! the colour that i would love is ice:)

  116. I love going for walks. I like the Silver Metallic!

  117. I love going to the beach!! My favorite color of the mixer is Pistacio.

  118. My favorite outdoor activity is working in my gardens (flower and vegetable). Being one with nature is so relaxing. My favorite mixer color is the ICE – it would match my kitchen perfectly!

  119. Swimming!! Oh, and Aqua sky (which is funny, since they go together!)

  120. We love to camp out and roast marshmallows at the beach during Summer! And if I am lucky enough to win, I love love love the Aqua Sky mixer :)

  121. My favorite activity is taking the sun! haha and i like the pink one

  122. Since I was diagnosed with breast cancer 18 mos ago my favorite color is absolutely Pink! So of course I would wish to win the Pink Mixer.

  123. My favorite outdoor activity is reading a book under the shade of a tree while munching on homemade chocolate chip cookies. The white mixer for me. Thank you and happy baking!

  124. I like yellow its like a sweet Juice!

  125. Day hikes! I love all the colors, but especially aqua sky.

  126. I love gardening and silver metallic ????

  127. Summer BBQ with the family followed by an evening stroll! Tough choice on the colors! At this moment Aqua sky :)

  128. Walking is my favorite. Oh……I love the Crystal Blue!

  129. Love going to beach !

    Pretty in PINK , please!

  130. Going to the beach and I love the ice color mixer!!!!!

  131. I love going on afternoon walks with my family and enjoying the bliss of nature.
    I would love a majestic yellow mixer in my kitchen. LOVE yellow…and love baking.

  132. My favorite activity outdoors is playing soccer with my dad. Quality father-daughter bonding time! I LOVE the ice colored mixer!!

  133. Taking the kids fishing is a favorite here. The Ice Kitchen Aid is sooooo pretty!

  134. My favorite outdoor activity is camping.
    Favorite mixer color is ice.

  135. my fave outdoor activity is hiking!! and i love that majestic yellow :)

  136. My favorite outdoor activity is walking my dog. The pistachio mixer is beautiful!

  137. Camping and majestic yellow!

  138. Bicycling! I love getting out on our greenways. And pistachio, it would match my kitchen perfectly…

  139. I LOVE the beach! I enjoy a good picnick also.

    And my favourite colour would be pink! Wauw so cute….

    Would be like baking on a pastel cloud…

  140. My fav outdoor activity is gardening! Either the ice or pistachio is my favorite.

    Thanks for the great giveaway. So fun.

  141. Living in New braunfels we love the lazy days toobin the river or playing at Schliterbahn. The Aqua sky is dreamy!

  142. Going to the beach is my favorite outdoor activity.
    I like the aqua sky color.

  143. My Favorite outdoor activity is camping, canoeing and swimming. I’d love the Silver Metallic.

  144. My favorito outdoor activity is sitting down a tree and see the birds singing.

  145. Lately my favority outdoor activity is walking 5ks with my friends. I would like the pink one.

  146. I love bike riding! And I love the Ice and Aqua Sky mixers :)

  147. My favourite outdoor activity… so hard to choose! I guess it would be running with my friend–get some exercise in AND some girl time! ;)

    And I absolutely ADORE the ICE coloured mixer. What a beaut!

  148. My favorite outdoor activity is playing badminton! I love the ice colored mixer!

  149. Favorite outdoor activity would have to be hiking! I go hiking with my mom every weekend. It’s nice to wake up early once a week (at least) and enjoy the birds, the rising sun, and have a nice, full brunch after an invigorating hike! PINK is my favorite color, by the way. :)

  150. I love to garden and I would love the yellow mixer! Thanks for the give-a way.

  151. I love the beach and going to the ballfield with my kids. The Ice mixer is gorgeous.

  152. My favorite outdoor activity is light hiking in the woods and my favorite color mis=xer if the grey metallic

  153. My favorite outdoor activity is walking in the park exploring nature with my 11 year old son. I love the pistachio colored mixer.

  154. I LOVE the beach! I enjoy a good picnick also.

    And my favourite colour would be pink! Wauw so cute….

  155. Even though I have terrible allergies I love gardening. The Ice color is my favorite!

  156. My favorite outdoor activity is star gazing, especially on a clear, cold night – amazing. My favorite of the KitchenAid Stand Mixer colors is Pistachio.

  157. Since there isn’t a beach nearby, I would say our favorite activity is going to a park and having a picnic with the kids. Majestic yellow matches my blender!

  158. Going to an outdoor movie is a great color

  159. I’m feeling incredibly sentimental so the retro “Aqua Sky” seems to be pulling me to its core. It is yelling “50’s Retro!!!” therefore I will be listening to these voices! ;) As for the favorite outdoor activity,I love to go to the Botanical Gardens with my hubby, and walk for hours just soaking in the amazing works of Mother Nature. JMJ!

  160. favorite outdoor activity is walking or playing soccer with the kids outside. Love the crystal blue :)

  161. My favorite outdoor activity is playing with my daughter, be it on the beach, at the playground, where ever she wants to play! And I love the Aqua Sky color – very 50’s retro!

  162. Hello! I like to ride my bike ! I like the yellow mixer

  163. We love going swimming! I love the Aqua sky!

  164. Hanging out by the pool! Love the Ice color!

  165. Bike riding with my boys!
    I LOVE all the colours but would pick Pistachio! I love the vintage vibe from the colour!

  166. I love playing in the sandbox with my almost 4 year old. He likes to bake “pies” for me. And my favourite colour is aqua sky although pistachio is really nice too. ;)

  167. Oooohh I really do love cycling so much. It is such a nice activity to do as I can cherish the scenery and feel the air hitting my face. As for the gorgeous mixer, that Majestic Yellow really catches my eyes.

  168. I love to go walking! If I’m wearing a comfortable pair of shoes and it’s warm outside I think I would be happy to just walk around all day. Ice is really pretty and the Majestic Yellow is cute, too!

  169. I loving doing outdoor yoga! The crisp morning air is wonderfully invigorating…but now that I have a very active toddler, I love walking around the zoo or playing at the park with him. And as for the mixer…I need the Pistachio mixer in my life!

  170. My favorite outdoor activity would have to be being a spectator at all my children’s softball and baseball games!! My favorite mixer color would be the Ice one, but with my kitchen I’d have to choose the silver metallic????

  171. Running! Love the pistachio :-)

  172. I love BBQ with family. Ice is my favorite color!

  173. I love to play in the sandbox with my almost 4 year old. He likes to bake “pies” for me. And my favourite colour is aqua sky!! (Although pistachio is really nice too ;) )

  174. My favourite outdoor activity has to be taking my two little girls to feed the ducks at our local pond. I love the pink kitchen aid.

  175. My favorite outdoor activity is wine tasting with friends! I favorite color is aqua sky. YAY! :)

  176. Favorite outdoor activity: Spring – fishing from a boat in the middle of the lake, so relaxing…
    Favorite mixer color: Ice, love it!

  177. Gardening! And pistachio!

  178. Outdoor activity is walking. I like aqua sky and Ice.

  179. I love going on walks with the boyfriend and I love the Pistachio mixer!

  180. Hi! I like to run with my girlfriend. I like the ice mixer!

  181. Favorite outdoor activity is watching my boys fish! They love it and it really shows how mature they have become!

  182. My favourite outdoor activity has to be sunbathing! With cocktails! And I love love love the ICE mixer :) x

  183. My favorite outdoor activity is riding my bike with my family and i like the ice colored mixer!

  184. My favorite outdoor activity is riding my bike with my three kids, and have fun with them eating a home made ice cream :-). I’m in love with aqua sky one!!

  185. I like to run saturday mornings :p i would love the pink one

  186. Enjoying picnics and playing with the kids…
    Aqua Sky is my favorite pastel mixer color!

  187. Our favorite outdoor activity is hiking and we love the crystal blue mixer!

  188. photography; pistachio

  189. I absolutely adore having picnics outdoors with the family. A basket of homemade fried chicken, a cool drink and rhubarb crisp. I’m drooling over the idea and also the pistachio kitchenAid!

  190. Cycling has quickly become my favorite activity this year before I broke my hand and foot :) Majestic Yellow is my fav!

  191. I love hiking. the fresh air and the scenery. I always enjoyed the sound of walking on a trail. And the sence of satisfaction when you reach your destination. Pistachio is a nice color.

  192. My favorite outdoor activity is planting flowers and starting a garden(: My favorite mixer color is the pink one(:

  193. My favorite outdoor activity is playing at the park with my kids!!! And Bakerella I LOVE PINK!! :)

  194. I think I enjoy tennis and gardening the most. But sitting on the deck with a nice glass of wine isn’t too bad either (sitting and drinking is an activity, right)? I think I love the pink the most. I would give it to my friend who just finished treating for breast cancer.

  195. Swimming, for the win! And definitely the ice… so clear and bright.

  196. Now that the New York winter is (hopefully) over, I’m a big fan of playgrounds and picnics in central park with my niece and nephew!

    And I love the ice color :)

  197. I love taking hikes through the mountains and canyons!, then just taking some time to find a place to read before heading home. There’s nothing quite like it! And I love the silver metallic mixer!

  198. Walking with my dog. Ice blue, please.

  199. Ice is beautiful!

  200. I love swimming! Either it be in the pool or at the beach (just not a lake lol) I love the ice mixer! It’s so pretty!

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