
It’s a Spring Bake Giveaway!

YAY for Spring! I’m so happy to finally break away from all the cold weather and enjoy the warm outdoors. Wouldn’t it be nice if it could stay this way all year long. Minus the pollen.

Well, to celebrate the season, I’m having a super Spring Bake Giveaway for a KitchenAid Stand Mixer in one of the lovely colors shown below.  The winner gets to pick their favorite! Awesome.

Which color would you want to see on your kitchen counter? Aqua Sky? Ice? Pink? Majestic Yellow?

Enter the Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid 5-quart Artisan Series Stand Mixer:

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post answering the following question.
  • What’s your favorite outdoor activity? Oh and pick your favorite pastel mixer color, too.
  • Deadline to enter is Thursday, April 30th at 8:00 p.m. ET. Sorry. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Here’s to Happy Baking! Good luck!


 The winner of the Spring Bake Mixer picked Pistachio as their favorite color.

And that winner is Kara, Commenter 4286. Congratulations! Oh what fun you’ll have with this beauty in your kitchen with newly painted cabinets. ENJOY!

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5,395 comments on “It’s a Spring Bake Giveaway!”

  1. I love jogging & baseball….majestic yellow!!! I so need this

  2. My favorite outdoor activity is riding my bike. I love the ice colored mixer. So pretty.

  3. I love going to the lake !
    I would love Yellow and blue…. hard choice, i think the yellow would win. :-)

  4. Favorite outdoor activity is kayaking! And I LOVE the silver metallic….or the pistachio……decisions!!!! ????

  5. Just taking a leisurely stroll and enjoying the beautiful scenery. I like ALL the colors!

  6. Love to go walking in the woods. As for mixer color, the crystal blue is awesome!

  7. I like silver metallic. I love playing chalk with my daughter outside!

  8. I’ve always been partial to outdoor barbecues. The crystal blue is my favorite!

  9. Walking with the dog!
    That pink mixer! ohmygosh <3

  10. My favorite outdoor activity is anything as long as I am with family and friends. I like the crystal blue mixer because it reminds me of bright blue summer days.

  11. I love playing outside with my daughter. Love the yellow mixer, reminds me of sunshine!

  12. My favorite outdoor activity is kayaking! I like the white colored mixer

  13. Love to play with my dogs, run a round with them…cook outdoors… Enjoy swing in the chair and feel the breeze ….love all the colors…any color is OK with me

  14. Love reading outdoors

    Love the pistachio mixer

  15. My favorite outdoor activity is spending the day at the beach! The “Ice” mixer for me please.

  16. My favorite outdoor activity is swimming and the Aqua Sky mixer would look perfect in my teal kitchen!

  17. I love walking by the beach….so my favorite color in the kitchenaid mixer is Crystal Blue! Love reading your blog…get so many great ideas! Thank you!

  18. My favorite outdoor activity is going for a walk with good company and my dog. My favorite color for the mixer is ice.

  19. My favorite pass time is watching my two toddler boys romp and play with the water sprinkler. Who knew something so simple could be so fun for all of us. I would love to win the Silver Metallic for my sister who has recently caught the Bakerella bug thanks to her big sis, that’s me!

  20. My favorite outdoor activity is jogging. I’d love the white one!

  21. My favorite outdoor activity is walking with my dog at the local park. I love the pistachio color!

  22. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking. I love the pistachio color mixer.

  23. I love to go camping in the beautiful mountains near my home. It is a great way to spend time with my husband and daughter, away from the busyness of life. The Ice color is gorgeous!

  24. Spending time outside with the Grandkids. RVing is right up there to, as long as I have my camera and sketchbook. My color would be Pistachio.

  25. My favorite activity is walking with my husband.
    My favorite pastel color would be white.

  26. I love hiking with my boys esp. off the Blue Ridge Parkway! Love love the Aqua Sky or Ice!!!

  27. My favorite outdoor activity is watching my kids play on the slip and slide in the summer :) Any I love the white mixer!!

  28. I love to og for a walk in the springtime forrest. My favorite colour is aura sky.

  29. Sitting and reading in the park in nice weather
    Would love a purple mixer

  30. I love going for a walk on the park with my hubby, mostly when there are cucumber and tomato sandwiches (a japanese favorite!) included!
    And Magestic Yellow, please!

  31. Pistachio so gorgeous!

  32. My favorite out door activity is Biking and the Beach, and ANYTHING with my family!!! I love the Silver Metallic One!

  33. Hiking in the Columbia River Gorge! ….and I would love a pink mixer! Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. My favourite outdoor activity right now is jogging with my son in our awesome jogging stroller. If I win, I would love the ice mixer. Thanks

  35. BBQing with friends and family. And I’d have to go with silver metallic. :D

  36. The sunny yellow mixer would fit right into my just re-painted kitchen….and help me prepare the food for our favorite outdoor fun – PICNICS!

  37. My favorite outdoor activity is camping and my favorite mixer color would be Aqua Sky!

  38. There isn’t much I don’t love about being outdoors . I enjoy gardening and spending time on the river fishing. As far as mixer colors I am torn between the silver metallic and one of the bright colors like Ice.

  39. I look cooking out in the summer and I love the pink mixer.

  40. Majestic yellow- beautiful!

  41. We love watching our kids baseball games! And Aqua Sky is beautiful!

  42. Camping! Pink is my signature color.

  43. I’m not a huge fan of the outdoors but in the spring I love to walk in my neighborhood to see all the pretty flowered trees and daffodils. If I had to pick a color mixer, I’d pick crystal blue!

  44. majestic Yellow!, I love to Swim…

  45. My favorite outdoor activity is playing with my niece and nephew, and I really like the Ice model!

  46. I love playing basketball and I love the Ice and Aqua Sky mixer.

  47. My favorite outdoor activity would definitely be hanging out at the beach. Love the water! And I love all these colors! But ice definitely wins for me!

  48. My favorite outdoor activities are hiking, relaxing on my balcony & eating homemade cookies. And I definitely love the aqua sky colored mixer!

  49. My favorite outside activity is walking on a sandy beach with my feet in the water and the pastel color I love most is yellow!

  50. Gardening is my favorite outdoor activity. I love the pink mixer. It would be so cute on my counter!

  51. My favorite outdoor activity is shooting pictures. It connects me with the world and opens up some amazing sites. (I love all the new colors but if I had to pick, I love the sunny majestic yellow!)

  52. My favorite activity is gardening. I love the silver metallic

  53. I love to hike and I love that Ice colored mixer!

  54. I love to do anything and everything outside from hiking to enjoying my porch with a great book! I love that crystal blue color!

  55. Yay for Spring! !!
    I love the pink pastel color.
    My favorite outdoor activity is swinging at the park

  56. I love playing outside with the dogs! Ice!

  57. My favorite outdoor activity is walking. Love the pink one!!

  58. My favorite outdoor activity is probobly when I get to babysit kids and run around with them or swim with them. And my favorite color is ice, it’s just so pretty!

  59. Walking my dog outside is the best! And I like that Aqua Sky mixer.

  60. I would love a pink one!

  61. Going to the beach is my favorite outdoor activity and the Majestic Yellow my favorite mixer color.

  62. My favorite outdoor activity is tennis! Playing tennis outdoors is so much more fun than indoors!
    And I love the white mixer, that’s how boring I am! ;)

  63. My favorite outdoor activity is sitting around a campfire. I like the crystal blue.

  64. Hi!

    My favourite outdoor activity is to hiking and exploring.

    I’d love to see the ice blue mixer on my countertop :). I was whipping up a cheesecake this weekend and really could have used a stand mixer – my poor arms! Thanks for the exciting opportunity!


  65. My favorite outdoor activity is baseball! Watching or playing! My fave color is the Crystal Blue!

  66. My favorite outdoor activity has to be bird watching followed by hiking and snow shoeing during the long cold winters.
    color I love is aqua sky!

  67. Love Camping with my girls. Love the silver one!

  68. Oh Wow! First, I would love the aqua sky mixer. I have never had a kitchen appliance that cost more than $19.99. How amazing would that be?! My favorite outdoor activities right now are hiking and kayaking with my hubby and 4 kids. So. Much Fun.

  69. Taking the dogs for walks. The silver is my favorite!

  70. Favorite activity is gardening.
    I love the pistachio color. :^)

  71. My favorite outdoor activity is going to the park and BBQ!! I love the ICE ICE BABY!! (Vanilla~)

  72. I love sitting on the beach with my toes in the sand. Too bad I don’t live near a beach. . . yet. And I love that pistachio mixer!

  73. I love getting out in the mountains to hike in the beautiful spring weather! And I love, _love_ that Aqua Sky color!!

  74. Camping with my family! Tough to decide on just one color…how about majestic yellow?!

  75. Climbing! And the metallic is gorgeous.

  76. When I’m going outdoors I love to run. My favorite colors are pistachio and pink. It’s very hard to pick just one color!

  77. Hi Bakerella!! Love your giveaways. I would love the Pink one and if I win I will give it to my daughter because she is in love with pink! I have a nice Kitchenaid and would like to pass it on to her. Kitchenaids are the best ever and she deserves one, too!

  78. My favorite outdoor activity, is taking the grandkids to the park, that and drinking my coffee early in the morning, on my front porch, makes for an GREAT day. I love the Majestic Yellow.

  79. My favorite outdoor activity is camping. I like the ice color.

  80. i love the retro majestic yellow!

  81. My favorite outdoor activity is running.
    the Pink mixer is my favorite , I’ve been dreaming to get one
    for the longest time

  82. I love visiting old cemeteries – weird I know. I love the silver metallic mixer.

  83. Gardening is my fav outdoor activity. The Pistachio color is awesome!

  84. My favorite outdoor activity is walking, and I love the pistachio colored mixer.

  85. My favorite outdoor activity is admiring the nascent buds of a crocus; feeling the light tickle of a lady bug on my forearm; inhaling the crisp, clean, sun-warmed air as I stretch my muscles out of their wintered atrophy…in other words stepping out into SPRINGTIME after a long, arduous winter to admire Mother Nature’s rebirth. Which is why I love the “Aqua Sky” color mixer. It reminds me of a robin’s egg!!!!

  86. Really?! One outdoor activity? I guess camping because then it also includes hiking, eating outdoors, hitting the beach and stargazing :) if I should be so lucky as to win I would like the classic white mixer please! X

  87. My favorite outdoor activity is walking, and my favorite color is the Aqua Sky!

  88. watching my kids ride their bikes. Ice

  89. Walking. Pink.

  90. Swimming! (Or wake boarding, if I get the luxury!) I love the silver metallic :)

  91. I love to go swimming!
    And my favorite color mixer is pistachio

  92. Walking and PINK.

  93. My favorite outdoor activity is playing soccer with my kids

    and I LOVE Aqua Sky color!

  94. I live at the beach, so I spend a lot of time on the sand (but it’s Oregon, so beach activities involve sweaters and long pants!). I also spend a lot of time bird watching.

    The metallic silver would look nice in my kitchen, too bad persimmon isn’t on the list though, love the orangey red!

  95. Swimming and walking. Love being with my family taking a walk around the neighborhood or spending the day in the pool and having a lazy tired evening. Makes me happy, just like that yellow mixer! Been eyeing that thing for a while.

  96. Gardening and playing with my grandchildren are my favorite activities. I also love going to the beach. I like the ice one best. Thank you for the give away.

  97. My fav outdoor activity is going to the beach with my family back in South Africa. The smell of the ocean, the sand in between my toes and the massive smile on my kids faces makes this the most amazing and definately my favourite outdoor experience. Aqua Sky is my favourite – the color of the ocean ????

  98. I like riding my bicycle…. and I love the Crystal Blue color.

  99. camping. Pink

  100. Pistachio green ! I love it!

  101. my favorite outdoor activity is being at the beach. I adore that pink mixer!

  102. Sidewalk chalk and swinging with my kiddos!!!
    I love the Magestic Yellow!!!

  103. My favorite outdoor activity is anything that involves being with friends and family. I like the Crystal Blue mixer. It reminds me of bright blue skies.

  104. As a family we are really into going to baseball games! Perfect activity for the summer and spring!

    Favorite color for the mixers would have to be the Aqua one!!

  105. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking :)
    I love the Aqua sky color!

  106. I love playing soccer outdoors! Best activity ever! And I love the ice blue mixer! :D

  107. I love to garden and I love pink!

  108. I like to go for long hikes in the mountains with my family and then go to lunch after. My favorite mixer color is the Pink mixer.

  109. I enjoy cooking for friends and my favorite color is pistachio!

  110. I enjoy relaxing and watching my grandkids play outside! I think i like the yellow one best!

  111. Going to the beach! My favorite pastel color from above is pistachio :)

  112. We love going to the park and having a picnic! (We are actually going to the zoo and picnicking for my daughters birthday today!!) the pistachio would match my kitchen but I am swooning over the ice blue one!

  113. When i go outside for fun, my favorite spot is in Big Trees California. Its absolutely breathtaking!

  114. Early morning walks. Majestic Yellow is my favorite!

  115. I love to work in the garden…when I have time! Oh, and swing my daughter on the swings. Silver metalic please!

  116. My favorite outdoor activity is anything as along as I am with friends and family. I like the crystal blue. Reminds me of beautiful blue skies.

  117. My favorite outdoor activity is paddle boarding! And I love the pistachio mixer!

  118. Boating or beach. I would love the ice mixer.

  119. Picnics are my favorite outdoor activity.
    I love the silver mixer !!!

  120. I love the beach, going to the lake and star gazing. ?? the ice colored mixer.

  121. My favorite outdoor activity is going stand up paddle boarding at the lake! And my favorite pastel kitchen aid is the pistachio one!

  122. I love to swim. I love the silver metallic!

  123. I LOVE swimming in our pool. I like thePistachio color. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  124. Pistachio and I like hiking mountains!!

  125. I love to go work in the garden and my landscaping. The smell of dirt smells almost as good as the smell of cooking in the kitchen… :) Almost :)

    I would love to add the Silver Metallic or White one to my kitchen!

  126. I love walking outside….and that white one would look really nice on my counter!

  127. My favorite outdoor activity is…going back inside! No, seriously, hiking with my dogs to see all the hidden waterfalls in SC :) And Aqua Sky ftw!

  128. My favorite outdoor activity is sketching scenery and landscapes.

    It’s so difficult to decide between pistachio and silver metallic… but I think I’ll go with silver metallic!

  129. i love walking on the beach and the pink is my favorite. :)

  130. Love kayaking and hitting up our beautiful beaches!! Oh, and *ice ice* baby is my color of choice! :)

  131. My favorite outdoor activity is camping, which it’s still a little cold for. But I’d love the pink mixer so I can make up treats for when it does get warm enough for camping.

  132. Love hanging out and swimming outdoors! The Ice color is lovely.

  133. hiking…..
    <3 Pink

  134. Favorite outdoor activity- biking the country roads of VA!
    Pistachio is totes cute!!

  135. Walking & Aqua sky

  136. My favorite activity is riding bikes st the beach. I love the ice mixer.

  137. Ice ice baby! :)

  138. Too many activities to pick a favorite…swimming, watching my kiddos play at the park, leisurely bike rides, etc.

    Love the “ICE” mixer!

  139. I love to hike and I love the silver metallic mixer. Happy Spring in your Step! ;-)

  140. My favorite outdoor activity is walking/ hiking with my dogs.

    My favorite spring pastel color is pistachio. (Although all the colors are GREAT!)

  141. My favorite outdoor activity would have to be hiking with my family. It’s the best. And I am having a hard time choosing between the majestic yellow and crystal blue. They’re both so pretty!!

  142. Simple: ICE.

  143. Walking and Biking. I’d love the metallic one!

  144. I am so happy spring is here! Walking with my dog is great exercise for both of us! My favorite is the metallic, this is one product that looks great in any color!

  145. My favorite outdoor activity is drawing on the cement with sidewalk chalk. My daughter and I draw tic-tac-toe or flowers, or welcome home signs for my husband. I love the Crystal Blue one.

  146. My favorite outdoor activity is riding quads and I would love the Pink one please.

  147. My favorite outdoor activity is going to the pool with my little one. Hurry up summer! I love the majestic yellow!

  148. I love the beach, and the pistachio mixer!

  149. I love to walk around the lakes in Minnesota in the springtime! The pistachio mixed is very cute!

  150. My favorite outdoor activity is walking. I like the Silver Metallic color.

  151. My favorite outdoor activity has to be walking on the beach. If only I lived closer!! And my favorite color…. Oh geez… The pink!

  152. My favorite outdoor activity is paddle boarding on the river. I love the ice color!!

  153. I love to walk or just sit outside and read. I like the Pistachio mixer!

  154. My favorite outdoor activity is when my husband and I take omy our 2 dogs outaide to play and run in the backyard. Mixer color : ice

  155. I love camping with my husband and our girls in beautiful Colorado. The Aqua sky mixer is georgeous.

  156. I love gardening, and I love the Ice blue Kitchen aid mixer.

  157. Camping! We just bought our first travel camper and are renting a seasonal site in the Adirondacks. This would be a great addition to the camper – then I can still bake :) Silver Metallic for me!!

  158. Sitting on my porch with a glass of wine and judt watching everything around me. I like the Silver one.

  159. My favorite outdoor activity is walking down the street to my city’s botanical gardens, and I looove the Aqua Sky mixer!

  160. I love swimming. And as for the color, I’ll have to say Ice. It’s so pretty!

  161. I love the silver metallic mixer, and my dog says to tell you that my favorite activity is walking her!

  162. My favorite outdoor activity would be walking along the beach. I love the ice pastel color.

  163. I can’t wait to swim in my pool, it’s my favorite activity, and then lie in the sun to dry off. I love the ice colored mixer, so pretty.

  164. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking through the woods! And I love the crystal blue mixer!

  165. I cannot decide the colours are all so beautiful to just pick one! Yellow is my favourite colour so I will pick Majestic Yellow. :)
    Seriously still love all though lol!

  166. Gotta be gardening! Thanks for the giveaway!

  167. Walking and Majestic Yellow

  168. I love walking with my 6 month old. Pistachio is my favorite color.

  169. My favorite outdoor activity is working in my garden.
    I love the aqua sky color, or the pistachio color. Beautiful!

  170. favorte actiivty for outdoors is golf!
    Love love the majestic yellow

  171. I love to swim! And I love that crystal blue mixer!

  172. playing in the dirt watching nature unfold. Pink!!!!

  173. Going to the beach! Pink is my favorite, but I also love the crystal blue and the ice!

  174. I like swimming. My favorite one is pistachio.

  175. running! And I love Aqua sky!

  176. It would be a dream come true to have ‘ICE’ in my kitchen! Beautiful, elegant and much needed!

  177. i love playing outside with my kids! I LOVE the pink mixer

  178. white :D and i like to draw animals too

  179. I love Majectic yellow, it seems inspired by my favorite place in provence ! Where I can have my favorite activitie read in the garden

  180. My favorite outdoor activity is working in my rose/herb garden. I like the Ice color. So pretty!

  181. My favorite outdoor activity is swimming and my color would be the aqua sky. :)

  182. Favorite outdoor activity? Does finding the biggest shade tree, or a way back inside count? I don’t do sun! Oh, and I’d pick the pink. When I had to replace my KA, I picked a color that I don’t like as much as I thought I would. I’d love to go back to pink.

  183. I love camping at a lake, with showers! I can’t decide between the ice or the silver metallic.

  184. My favorite activity outdoors is to gather mushrooms too! i like the ice

  185. Eating on restaurant patios! Ice!

  186. Hiking . silver metallic is my favorite.

  187. This time of year I love to take my daughter to the park. It’s warm enough to enjoy being outside but not hot and humid yet. I absolutely love the crystal blue mixer color!

  188. Outdoor activity I love most is watching my 9 year old grand daughter play with her friends! I love the Metallic Silver mixer!

  189. I love Spring! I love going for walks with my camera and taking nice pics. I’m having a hard time deciding between majestic yellow or ice, they are all so pretty!

  190. I have a new appreciation for hiking, though as soon as I have a yard I want to do a little gardening :)
    Silver Metallic would look great in my kitchen!

  191. I like to walk and garden with my husband.
    I LOVE the Ice stand mixer

  192. I love, love to hike at Point Lobos State Natural Reserve here in CA. I love the Aqua Sky color…hope I win!

  193. Walking my precious dog gypsy. Aqua sky is my favorite.

  194. I love being out in the boat on the lake – wish I could be there all year.
    I’d love to see the Pistachio in my kitchen :)

  195. Gardening – love working in the yard and enjoying all the blooming flowers! A Majestic Yellow mixer would just be over the top for me.

  196. Anything outdoors is fun but I love playing/watching baseball. I like the silver metallic mixer

  197. My favorite outdoor activity is swimming. I love all the pretty colors but if picking a mixer that would go in my kitchen I’d go with silver metallic.

  198. I love hiking on a warm day… love the outdoors! That silver metallic would go beautifully in my kitchen.

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