
I spy something sweet…

…it’s Cakespy! I recently came across her blog and etsy shop where she sells the cutest cupcake drawings. Cakespy sweetly creates cupcake artwork featuring her main character, lil cuppie, who goes on all kinds of delicious adventures. And as you can see, I made a few purchases. She creates custom art, too. See how cute I look in pink frosting and an apron. So, if you need a sweet fix, go check her out!


Thanks Cakespy – I love, love, love them! And keep your spy hat on, because I have another thank you coming soon.

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25 comments on “I spy something sweet…”


  2. aww those drawings are so adorable.

  3. Thanks Laurie – Hi to your friends and family, too!

  4. I have been following your blog for some time now. I really enjoy seeing what you will come up with next. I have added you to my blog, so that my friends and family can enjoy your posts as much as I do. These cupcakes are darling!

  5. nicole green – she also sells some mini paintings that are small enough for a desk or counter.

    anastasia – if you get one, you’ll probably want another. I did.

    serah – I can’t wait to try out cookies with it. Hopefully soon.

    thanks elle!

    mom to munchkinz – I didn’t know. Thanks for the heads up. I’m going to check it out.

    anonymous – thanks for the info.

  6. Hi there- Love your site and all the great ideas…here is a cute invitation that I used for my daughter’s b-day. So cute…

    And I bought some extra and used them as favor tags!

  7. Hi Bakerella!
    Did you see that your blog was featured on Goodyblog- by Parents Magazine?

  8. Aren’t those adorable?!?

    I love your blog, by the way–you have tons of great ideas!

  9. I just found your blog and I love it! You’re a girl after my own heart! Love the Carebears cupcakes.

    I also saw that you got a pink KitchenAid mixer for Christmas, I did, too, and I’m so in love with it. Everything is so easy now, especially cookies!

  10. So. Cute. I want one!

  11. how cute! i’ll have to remember these for whenever i get a bigger kitchen that i can actual decorate (apartment life is NOT fun!). :) i’m off to check out her blog! hopefully another i can stalk. ;)

  12. veggiegirl – yeah, she’s pretty awesome.

    Sarah – I’m glad to share.

    the southern hostess – cakespy is the cutest.

    amy – thank you!

    Julia – no problem. And glad to meet another Lost fan. Just finished watching.

    cakespy – wow, you wear many hats, or should I say disguises. Thanks for the cute haiku! I’m working on something else for you, but it’s not quite ready.

    Kristin – She has so many cute ideas.

    Hillary – she could totally do that for you!

    Banana-head Pancake – Thanks, no bakery for me, I’ve just been baking for fun.

    The Little Window Shoppe – thanks so much. I’ll go check it out.

    Isa – you’ll love it. I’m glad you liked the truffles.

    Elisa Morrison – thank you and glad you took the time to comment.

  13. I love your blog! This my first time here, and my favorites are the chocolate kiss and the roses cupcakes. Nice work.

  14. I also bought something from Cakespy, but it hasn’t arrived yet (I’m so anxious!)…
    I made you Oreo Truffles and post them on my blog =)! They turned out really nice. Thanks.

  15. Hi, I have been reading your blog and I really love it. You are so creative. I run a website called The Little Window Shoppe ( and I just wanted you to know that I highlighted one of your posts and referred my readers to you – since I thought it was so cute. Please let me know if you have any questions about the post. Thanks for sharing your great ideas.

  16. your work is amazing – do you own a bakery or do you bake for fun?

  17. Those are sooo cute! I’m getting married in Sept and having a cupcake wedding so maybe I need to have her make me a cupcake bride! :)

  18. They carry these at Renegade Homemade here in Chicago and I just love them! There’s an adorable set of cards with happy cupcakes and one grumpy apple that I just love!

  19. Bakerella, I am so thankful for this lovely post that I was inspired to write a haiku. YES, you do that to me!

    In Georgia, baking
    fondant, cupcakes, frosting joy
    So sweet, want to weep

    OK, so you can see why I pursued arts and not poetry ;-) . Thank you so much!! They look so sweet together, I am so happy you love them!

  20. Isn’t this cute?!?!?! Thanks for turning me onto to this.

  21. I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now and I love it. Your ideas for simple things that look amazing is very inspiring. I have 3 daughters and I’m sure I’ll be making some of these things for their birthday parties. Thanks!

    Love the cupcakes!

  22. I am a big fan of Cakespy and a newcomer to your blog. It’s great! What delicious and inspiring ideas!

  23. That’s a new one for me! Oh so cute. :)

  24. yes, the Cakespy blog and etsy shop are so brilliant and enjoyable – love ’em! :0)

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