
Hey Everybunny…

…hippity hoppity, Easter’s on its way. Last night I made two bunny cupcakes and when I woke up, I found all these itty-bitty baby bunnies hopping around my kitchen. You do the math.

Hey Everybunny!

Innocent-looking, aren’t they…
Bunny Cupcakes

Bunny Cupcakes

Cupcakes: I used a Rose Berenbaum recipe for Yellow Downy Butter Cake from her book, The Cake Bible, which, by the way is a fantastic resource. Lots of recipes, tips and explanations. I however, need a few more lessons in “cake chemistry” to get mine to come out exactly the way it’s supposed to.

Frosting: Basic Buttercream (from an earlier post)

Decorations: Fondant for the ears. I used some bunny cookie cutters to shape the fondant the night before. I cut off the bunny face (see pic below) to make it easier to stick the ears into the cupcakes. Then I left them out on the counter to dry out so they would stand up straight. For the curved ears, I placed in the bottom of a shallow bowl so they would form to that shape while they dried. You could even lay them over a glass, or something round like that. Also, I needed something for the whiskers, so I came across these Japanese somen noodles that worked out pretty good. And then, just m&ms and different sprinkles for the faces. Bunny Fun!

Bunny Cupcakes

Bunny Ears

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121 comments on “Hey Everybunny…”

  1. I love your vanilla marshmallow melts, which I used to get at A C Moore, but they don’t carry them anymore. Are they available on line or any other store?

  2. I just wanted the directions forthe Bunny cupcake. Not all the respondes.

  3. This post has helped me for an article which I am writing. Thank you for giving me another point of view on this topic. Now I can easily complete my article. Cheers

  4. I really be grateful for your blog, you have completed the great job. Thanks for the bunch of excellent resourceful site.

  5. Excellent information on your blog, thank you for taking the time to share with us.

  6. These look amazing. Looks hard to do but actually they’re not.

  7. I am drowning in cute.

  8. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  9. Can you bake macarrons???

  10. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cute overload! These could quite possibly be the cutest thing i have ever seen!

  11. Please look above and once you are done click on the first link or my name.

  12. Someone posted this on facebook… I’m trying to bake them rightaway!! They are awesome!

  13. OMG! Sloop cute! I must make these for Easter this year. Thanks for sharing. Love your blog:)

  14. One word- ADORABLE

  15. those bunny cupcakes were so cute i want to know how to make them

  16. These bunnies just look wonderful, simple, but really sweet. A great easter treat.

  17. OMGGGG Lovelyyy!! Im a student and i guess i wont study ill try every recipe you had posted ;P

  18. do you sell your cake pop’s on line, I see all the books but the product themselves?? I have spent an hour trying to e-mail you, your e-mail adress does not work well at all. thanks

  19. I had a question about your absolutely adorable bunny cupcakes! How do you get them to become so tall, because usually when I make cupcakes, they’re not necessarily flat, but they don’t become that tall? thanks so much!

  20. Just want to offer my prayers and thoughts to Bakerella on your recent posts. I pray for your healing and recovery on this road and thank you for all the joy and gifts you have given us all from being who you are. God bless you and your family.

  21. Where can you find those noodles? I want to make these for my niece so bad!

  22. they look so good

  23. soooooooo cute

  24. These are so cute. I love making cupcakes but no one around here eats them except for the kids. :(

  25. Same questions as Crissy, how did you make the heads come up and be so rounded? I love your blog! I love these bunnies and the cake pops! I tried to bake them but to no avail. I am a bit sad that I was not able to duplicate your master piece. :-D

  26. i luv the bunnies!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. These are AMAZING!! Your work is truly inspirational. I have attempted several of your creations and they came out quite well…thanks for excellent instructions. Quick question…How did u get the bunny head to come out perfectly shaped like a dome? I’d love to try these, but can’t figure out how they all came out so perfectly domed for the head.

  28. Where did you find the cookie cutters for the ears? These are the cutest cupcakes I’ve ever seen!

  29. I could make that with my eyes closed :)

  30. I really love these. I love rabbits and if i had had these on a birthday as a kid i would have died. I posted about these on my blog and linked in the text back to this page. Thanks so much for the cute creative ideas. People seem to think that to tops of cupcakes are flat and cant be built upon but you sure showed us that that though is wrong.

  31. hi how are you i am lo0olo from kuwait

  32. I’m so gonna make these but as pops!!!

  33. Hi Man-D from Hong Kong – Glad you like the little bunnies.

  34. those bunnies are the cutest things!!! it’s my first time on your blog and i’m so amazed! i like baking cupcakes too but i’m definitely not at that level.

    a holler from Hong Kong.

  35. Erika – thank you!

    hiphostess – thank you for thinking of me and k. – thanks for seconding hiphostess. Check back soon. I have some news to share.

  36. I second that Hiphostess! I was just watching Martha and when she mentioned the contest I thought immediately of your adorable cupcakes. You really do need to enter!

  37. Hi there –
    Nice work – these are adorable!

    I just got an email about a cupcake contest Martha Stewart is having and thought of you. You creations are so cute – you should enter!

    Here’s the link:
    cupcake contest

    Jenn :)

  38. I love all of work, the bunnies are just too cute!

  39. kika – thank you so much. Glad you’re baking. I love to hear things like that.

    Amy – thank you. I’ll certainly try.

    Thanks Ashley. Leave a link next time, so I can check it out.

  40. I absolutely love your creations! I borrowed some of your pics and put a link to your page. I hope that is ok!! I want to share your creations!

  41. Very cute blog! I love the bunny cupcakes! Very creative! Keep up the yummy work!

  42. all your creations are wonderful..gorgeous! I found your blog few months ago..and I’m your fan…you inspire me to made my own creations!!

  43. Thanks VeggieGirl, birdilimdus and tiffany!

  44. Very cute bunnies. I seen them to late for easter but I did make the oreo truffles and sprinkled them with easter sprinkles. I am so glad I found you!

  45. ohhhh these are so nice and lovely :)
    Happy Easter from Turkey

  46. too incredibly fun and festive for proper articulation – love it!! happy Easter!! :0)

  47. bridal bar – thank you!

    heather at outstanding occasions – thanks for the info. I’ll check it out.

    cerulean – I’m really no expert, but I can try to help.
    bakerella at earthlink dot net

    mother of madness – You’ve been eating a lot of the goodies, so I’m glad you like the site too. Love ya.

    spectator – no problem!

    melissa lewis-off the wall – they didn’t mind.

    cb – Oh. I just saw it. Thanks. That’s so cool!

    otter – you definitely should

    amy – baking is just as good. I’ll take some cookies.

    kat – funny. yeah, my niece loves the red velvet cake balls the best.

    yoonie at home – those are so cute. And figure friendly.

  48. That is so so so cute! Love your blog. Come visit mine. I’ve cupcakes too, but they’re fat free yarn crocheted ones.

  49. Bunnies do *it* better! I would love to be a child in the Bakerella household!

  50. i may just be inspired to do some baking myself tonight! not that i have the patience to decorate my goodies like yours, but i could definitely do some baking!

  51. I do not bake, but so love reading your blog!! What cute ideas you have! Maybe someday i’ll try!! LOL!

  52. Your cupcake has been chosen for ATC’s Weekly Cupcake Collection! Click the link to see more. Looking forward to your next cupcake creation!

  53. You just never cease to amaze me. Those are too adorable, but I would feel awful taking a bite out of one of those cute little things:(

  54. I love this. It’s just amazing, cute and edible! Thanks for sharing.

  55. I absolutely LOVE your website!!! This is the first time I logged on. You are incredible. I’m super proud of you. I love you so much! Your sister.

  56. Hello Bakerella,

    Wasn’t sure if this was the best place to leave a post, but I was wondering if you had an email address that I could send you a couple of questions regarding some of your cupcakes and techniques in general as I am trying to improve mine and would greatly appreciate your help. I hope you don’t mind!

    Thank you :)

  57. These are just too cute. I was posting about a Easter table, so I had to add your blog to my post. Just adorable:)

  58. you have the most creative ideas! I love your blog!!

  59. nicole green – thanks, I try.

    marq – thank you.

    jenny – that’s right, you should get in your kitchen right now and bake up a storm.

    aran – thanks

    megan – thanks somebunny!

    sarah – they would have been perfect.

    mary ann – bunnies and babies … pretty much cute by default.

    robyn – love the colors. I am going to add some sites to mine soon, so I’ll be sure to add yours.

    jessy, kristin, laura – thanks, thanks, thanks.

    susan – You might be on to something.

    bullknitter – thank you

    robyn – I know, but I think I would have pulled my hair out with all those bunnies running around.

    carol – Hey! I’m glad you like my stuff. Come on over anytime. I’m coming to visit you right now.

    holly – thank you. Can’t wait to see it.

    cupcakelady – thank you.

  60. Those cupcakes are too cute!

  61. These are just too perfect! I wanted to let you know that we featured them on our blog for all things baby and child, tutus & turtles ( Let me know if that is a problem. Your creativity amazes me!

  62. Okay, I had no idea you were such a baker!! Alan told me all about your blog and I had to come check it out myself! I am definitely sending your link to some girlfriends. These are TOO CUTE! I think I’m going to link to you from my blog so I can get back and check out the latest sensation! ~ Carol

  63. Too Cute! What…?No video! Oh that would have been cute!

  64. What a cute post!

  65. Did you leave an open bottle of champagne on the counter too? That could account for the multiplication of bunnies. ;)

  66. those are so cute! yummy yummy.

  67. just delightful!

  68. That is so cute!

  69. Hey girl,
    I just wanted to let you know that my new website/blog has launched. I have LOTS of sites I subscribe to, but for now I only have listed on my blogroll the ones that personally inspire me, especially in getting my own site up and running. BAKERELLA is one of those sites. Just wanted you to know, and if you have time to wipe the buttercream from your creative little fingers, I’d love for you to stop by and check it out. If you are so inclined, I would be honored to have your site link back to mine.
    We are in two different industries but even so, you inspire me as an wedding/event planner, wanna-be kitchen goddess and mom to 3 little girls who LOVE what you teach me! :)
    Your Number One Fan

  70. Those are pretty much the cutest things I have ever seen! Great story too.

  71. You are so fantastic! I wish I would have had this when my daughter turned one…we did a snow bunny theme, and these would have been so cute!!! I especially love the lips.

  72. All I can say is, your brilliant.
    Somebunny loves you!!!

  73. These are adorable… so cute… I love how you photographed them as a family. That is genius!

  74. these cupcakes are adorable! i love visiting your site and look forward to each entry. now if only i could stop drooling over your masterpieces and start doing some baking!

  75. How cute are these!

  76. “you do the math” haha! you are too funny. :) very cute!!

  77. Thank you so much everyone for taking the time to comment. I guess people like bunnies.

    morgana – hi everybunny in Spain

    helen – thanks, it was fun to make so many of them

    noskos, sarah, patricia scarpin, stef, bonnie, dana, amy, whatever dee-dee wants – thank you

    meg – I hope your daughter loved them.

    erin – that one was my fave, too. hmmmm – not liquidy enough – maybe you need to heat a little longer? Also, try tapping it really good on the side of your bowl and let them dry. And then dip them again, the second time, it should go on smoother. You’ll just have thicker chocolate.

    robyn – “MY NUMBER ONE FAN” who knew my baking would kick start an exercise regimen. I guess I’ll have to keep it up for fitness sake.

    nucmed is hot – go for it.

    brooke – in oregon – My cupcakes were actually kinda flat. That’s all buttercream. Yummy!

    pumpkin pink cottage – stop by anytime.

    handi dandi mandi – thanks, you would think so, but whenit comes to sweets around here, even bunnies are at risk.

    anonymous – I’ll try to help. I’m still learning about all this baking business myself. (bakerella at earthlink dot net) – I’ve seen people list their email this way. I guess it’s to help avoid spamming.

    my sweet & saucy – thanks. They would have been nothing without the ears. So, I’m glad they turned out alright.

    elle and zara – thank you.

    ryley – I wish… I just piled on the buttercream for these.

    jo – That’s ok, thanks, thank you, and sincerest appreciation.

    pixie – sounds interesting. I’ll look that up.

    jules, shephalli, the southern hostess, mandy, banana-head pancake, diva, dolcedeluca, momto munchkinz, and r khooks – glad you all liked them.

    nikki – Glad to cause a giggle.

    we are not martha, makes and takes, nicole, rachel, jillytacy, jennifer ramos, and kami – thanks again so much.

    Cakespy – Funny. I’m just trying to keep up with all your cute cupcake drawings.

    Wow, I think I got everyone. And one more time, thanks!!!!!!!!!!

  78. Oh SHUT UP! I can only barely stand this. Only when I have banged my head against the wall to ward off the cuteness overload. :-)

  79. I think I am in love! Those are the cutest!!

  80. SERIOUSLY, you ROCK!!!!

    Jen Ramos
    ‘100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards’

  81. Sooo cute!!! You are just so creative! I love popping by to see what you’ll come up with next. The cupcake video was amazing and your truffles look very yummy. I love your blog!

  82. I love your bunnies. Actually, I love everything you make!

  83. Those are adorable! I love that you only made two and ended up with more. I think I’ll start making brownies and cookies shaped like bunnies then. :)

  84. I love your site. I love to see what fun creations are made. Your noodle has quite the imagination!

  85. omg need to make these!! SO adorable…you are very very talented :)


  86. You are SO creative and SO funny! Thanks for entertaining me today! I laughed out loud. :)

  87. I don’t know how you could eat these after they’re just sooooooooo adorable!

  88. Super Cute! What talent you have!

  89. The cutest!!

  90. these are the cutest things ever!

  91. adorable!

  92. you are just the most creative baker I have ever known! These easter bunnies are lovely!

  93. Adorable! They almost look too cute to eat.

  94. How Cute! I love evrything that you do and you do inspire me a lot! To eat!! Just kidding.

  95. Amazingly cute!

  96. These are brilliant!!! You should really enter them in Julia’s (a slice of cherry pie) easter event. :)

  97. I am not going to be original. Those are marvelous. Adorable. Cute

    Bravo!!! Bravissimo!!!

  98. Are your cupcakes really that perfectly rounded???? How on earth did you do that??????? :)

  99. Hi Bakerella! These bunnies are too much!!!So, so cute! And congratulations for your sharing your creations, they are so inspiring!

  100. Oh my gosh, those are the cutest little things!

  101. These turned out great! Love the ears!

  102. Hi Bakerella, I just love your work, it inspires me so much! I have a blog, it’s not about cookery, but about fashion, lifestyle, room styling and others, but I am gonna make a category about cookery & recipes!
    I just wanted to know if I can contact you on an email adres, so I can ask you some questions about recipes and cookery?

    Thank you so much!
    Everything I wanna do now is just eaaaat!

  103. Oh my goodness they are so cute! I love the little heart mouths! I bet it’s hard for the recipients of your goodies to actually eat them since they’re all so pretty!

  104. I just love your Blog you are so creative, I’m adding a link to you so I can stop by more often, my daughter seen these bunny cupcakes and was so excited..they are so cute…awesome blog…

  105. Once again, amazing!

  106. These are totally adorable! I am not much of a baker but I sure love seeing what ever it is you are up to! :)

    I just might have to try these, just to see the look on my grandaughters face when she sees them (she is only 1 1/2)

    Any tips on how to get my cupcakes so nice and round????

  107. Great idea! I must copy you again, only my stuff doesn’t quite look like yours, and I have no photo skills. You rock!

  108. Well Miss Bakerella, I want to thank you for being the motivation I have needed for a couple of years now. I keep thinking, “Gosh I really should start working out”. However, after making the amazingly-wonderfully-sinfully-deliciously-beautiful St. Patty’s Day mint oreas truffles this weekend, I woke up on Monday and realized that if I am going to stay your NUMBER ONE FAN, a brisk morning walk is in order every day! So thank you my baking buddy! After all, if my idea of sharing your yummy goodies with others is “one for you, two for me”, something had to happen in the exercise department! Now I am indebted even more! Mwaaahh!

  109. Too cute!! I love the little baby bunny peakin’ out from behind his momma! I have question regarding cake balls, my milk chocolate bark ones always turn out great, but the white chocolate ones…not so great. The chocolate doesn’t get liquidy enough and lumps onto the balls. Any suggestions?

  110. I can’t stand it–those bunnies are so cute! You are a genius! And I made the cupcakes-on-a-stick for my daughter’s birthday. They were delicious–we couldn’t get enough of them. Thank you for the idea!

  111. Those are too cute!

  112. These are so great!! You are so creative.

  113. You’re too funny! I love your humor! Great job on the bunnies!

  114. wonderful~
    you are such an amazing artist.

  115. I love your blog! I am always excited to see what your next creation will be. This one, as always, is so creative and cute!

  116. Wow! These are the cutest little things ever!

  117. Those are adorable! Oh how I wish I was creative like that!

  118. Nice!!!!!! :-)

  119. How cute! I love the idea of them multiplying! Happy Easter!

  120. OMG, what a cute thing… I must post it here, in Spain, “everybunny” must know your work…

    Thank you!

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