
Hello again

I can’t believe I’m writing another post without a single picture in it, but I wanted to take a moment to tell you how completely overwhelmed I’ve been reading all your prayers and beautiful words of encouragement. It’s taken me a few days but I have read them all … all 4,400+ of them. Wow!!! I’ve smiled and cried and felt so lucky to have this blog that connects us all. Thank you.

While reading, I was moved by so many of you that share similar stories. And even more overwhelmed by offers to be tested to see if you could be a kidney donor for me. That is so amazing. I don’t even know how to process it yet. Asking that of anyone is something that does not come naturally to me. It’s very difficult to even accept that gift from my mom if she turns out to be able to donate. And hopefully she will. But your offers are so special and kind and generous of heart that I had to make sure you all knew that I did read them and whether or not I could ask that of anyone, I wanted you all to know how honored I am.

There were an overwhelming number of comments from people that know someone with kidney failure or on dialysis or with a transplant or even their second or third transplant. Too, too many. My love goes out to all of you and your family and friends as well. It’s a tough thing.

March is National Kidney Month and I believe April is National Donate Life Month. With everything going on with me lately, I find it hard not to mention that. Please take a minute to think about organ donation. So many people are on waiting lists and will be for a long time.

Okay, the good news is I came home from the hospital Tuesday night after 18 days. Finally. Yay! I’ll be on a different journey for a while, but one that I’ve been on before. Dialysis. I won’t go into all the details, but basically I will get four-hour treatments, three days a week. Kind of a bummer. But hopefully it won’t be for too long.

I also wanted to let you know that I still plan on posting as I go through everything. I want to keep things as close to normal as possible. It may not be on a schedule, but it will be when I can. And of course … cute.

P.S. – I want to say hi to all the first time commenters. Hi there! Big hugs. I’m so happy to hear from all of you.

And now I’m off to read 18 days of emails that I wasn’t able to check while I was in the hospital. Help.

P.S.S. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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753 comments on “Hello again”

  1. So glad to read your post. I hope that all works out, you have brightened so many people’s lives, made them sweeter in more ways than the blog. Looking forward to seeing more shots of your book tours, and the side wave. Be well.

  2. Hi Bakerella! I’ve been saying prayers for you and will continue to do so. I’m so glad you’re home. I just wanted to tell you that I wish you the Very BEST!!!!!!!! Organ donation is such a wonderful thing. My Mom has her eyesight today because someone donated. ?

  3. omg get well soon.. i hope everything to go ok and you to be back in track again!Cyprus love you!

  4. praising that you are home. Organ donation is a amazing thing to both the reciever and the donor

  5. I am so happy you are going to be able to come home soon. I would never know that you had an illness–you are upbeat and positive.

    I went through a tough time this past year, with an illness that slowly festered into a huge, well, let’s just call it, emergency, this past June. I was hospitalized for five days. It is getting better, but apparently I have had this for all my life, but it didn’t get bad till I was in my 20s. Our bodies sometimes do not change for the better, but I know that apart of my recovery has been a good attitude!

    Happy healing.


  6. Is good to know you are at home now, keep strong, God never gave us more than we are capable to deal with it, things like that make you a special and more strong person. You are a very blessed woman that have so much people praying for you, so keep your faith and keep positive that all this is just going to pass and its going to be a beautiful future for you.

  7. I’ve been a follower for a year now, but never comment. I just wanted to say that I’m sending many prayers up for you. My husband lost an aunt to kidney failure, since her family was not a match and the waiting list was too long. I pray all goes well with your 2nd transplant and that you come through this a stronger woman. Thanks so much for bringing a smile to our faces with all your cute and amazing creations!!

    Take care~Cindy

  8. Aww, so pleased to see that your home.
    Take as long a break as you need from blogdom, I think we’ll all just be happy to know you’re on the mend! xx

  9. Hugs and many warm wishes. When our mother passed away we were able to only donate her liver. That allowed a 33 yr old woman with 2 children to live a more normal life. That being said I also have the organ donors label marked on my drivers license.

  10. hugz sweetie…………… good to hear you are home. your positive attitude and all the support you have at home and around the world will pull you through this faster. thanx for sharing your story and keeping us updated………i’m sure everyone checks your blog every day to see how you are doing.

    keep happy and know we are all here for you………prayers, thoughts and well wishes are always with you. you are a true inspiration and a person we can all call a friend ! a friend we all want to get well soon.


  11. Olá, acompanho voce desde sempre, e não sabia do que está acontecendo, sou do Brasil e sempre que posso apareço por aqui para ver suas coisas lindas!!!! Tomara que voce consiga o que deseja, estarei rezando por voce!!!! muitos beijos e abraços, força que eu sei que voce tem!!!!

  12. Wish you the best. You have touched many lives and have brought so……many people joy.

  13. Glad you’re doing better Bakerella! We’re still praying for you!

  14. So glad you are home! Know that all 4,400+ of us are thinking of you everytime we sit down to the computer and sending good ‘match’ vibes and hugs your way!

  15. thanks for writing and congratulations on your attitude, is an admirable person keep the faith and move on, I really miss you!!

  16. Our prayers are with you!!! I’m so glad to hear you are home and doing better. I wish you all the luck with your recovery. You are an amazing talented woman and I’m sorry to hear you are going through this.

  17. We are here if you need us! A big hug!

  18. Glad your home from the hospital. I just love your blog and all the yummy treats. God bless!

  19. First time commenter here. Guess I was always just too shy before. I have been reading your blog for a long time now and it always brightens my day. I am sending you all kinds of warm, fuzzy, lovey feelings! You are such a lovely lady and we all hope the best for you! :)

  20. Hi, I really hope you get better soon, and you find an new donor. I hope this doesn’t cause you anymore stress than necessary.
    I love your cakes and other cute sweet things.
    Get well soon, best wishes all the way from the UK, H

  21. most importantly, take care of you! don’t worry about us, we will be here when you are ready. :) just do what you can, but rest when you need to. you’re one talented person!

  22. Hooray, you’re home! Wishing you all the best, and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  23. I´m very happy to hear you are back home and I hope you get a donor as soon as possible, and I know you will get one, either your Mom or somebody else, but you´ll get one, because when you´re such a great person as yourself, all the good things you do for others come back to you, and I really think this is the kind of time they pay off. :D Stay positive and brave. You´ll be in my prayers.

    From Mexico

  24. Bakerella you are in my thoughts and prayers. Yours is the only blog that I read every week and I have missed you so much! I hope your feeling better and I wish you luck and God’s blessings as you search for a kidney!!

  25. You are so adorable. I am praying for you!

  26. I’ve taken a few week hiatus from my fav. food blogs and just read this today. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. While I am not very religious, I firmly believe in the power of good thoughts/prayers, and know that for every person writing, there are tens of others who will read this and think of you, healthy and on the other side of this. Thank you for all of the fun you’ve brought to my family’s life – my kids and their friends love cake pops, even if they don’t hold a candle to yours. Be well.

  27. So glad to hear that you are at least home…
    will keep you in my thoughts and prayers …
    Thank you for what you have done for so many.

  28. So glad you are home! I will keep praying for a speedy recovery during this journey you are taking!

  29. I am so happy to hear that you are home. :)

  30. I’m glad to hear that you are feeling slightly better or at least well enough to be at home. I’ll continue to send good vibes your way. Thinking of you!

  31. In this sugar-y world, I am so happy to hear from you. I read your blog since a few months and was worried. I really hope that you’ll find a donor and be able to get better, without any worries.
    Lots of love from a 21 year old, from the south of France <3

  32. Welcome back home!

  33. So glad to see your writing again!!!
    I was so sad about reading your last post, all I could think is what is it that we can do to help.
    You were always in my prayers and still are, sure we’re gonna miss the postings but I think we all want you to get better fisrt.
    Hang in there, all my thoughts and prayers with you and your family =)

  34. Yay! So glad you’re home!

    By the way, I love seeing your books in places like Target!! I walk by and just want to yell, “HEY! I KNOW her!!” But I don’t really “know” you, so I don’t yell! But I do get happy and excited for you!

    Will be praying that your Mom is a match for you and that everything goes smoothly!

  35. So glad to hear that you’re able to come home! I have a friend who dialyzes and is also in need of her 2nd kidney. I will keep you both in my thoughts while you travel along similar journeys!

  36. Just wondered if you have considered home dialysis? I am a home therapies RN, and teach patients how to do home dialysis (both peritoneal and home hemodialysis). There are many great treatments out there that you can do at home. And, some companies offer staff asssited home hemodialysis (where you get your own personal nurse or dialysis tech who comes to your home).

    Just thought I would put the word out there in case no one has talked to you about this yet. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you!

  37. It’s great that you’re home.. I know that those 4 hours 3 times a week are tedious… Can you take a laptop? or do you just ‘zone out’… If it’s laptop time — let us know!! We can entertain you!!! Best wishes for good health!!

  38. GET WELL!!!!

  39. So wonderful to hear that you are home again :-))

    As a person with two family members with kidney problems, I wish you a short wait for a new kidney and a speedy recovery.

    Happy St Pat’s Day to you too :-))

  40. I have been a follower of you blog for over a year and enjoy your positive, cute, outlook as well as your recipes. I can’t imagine what you are going through, but will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  41. I am sorry to hear about your recent hospital stay but glad you are back home. I read your blog frequently but never posted. I pray you make a speedy recovery and that a donor is found.

  42. Go get girl. So glad you are home!!

  43. you are a very inspiring and strong woman!

  44. Bakerella,
    I am so happy you got to go home. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.

  45. Great to hear from you!
    I might even have to make some cake pops in honor of you going home!
    Nope, no pictures!
    They NEVER turn out like the picture!
    Thinking of you!

  46. Best of luck to you…you’re in my prayers!

  47. God be with you at this time of trial. Remember he does not give you more than you can handle. It’s Lent and suffering is what he did for us. Have strength, courage and hope. Love, love your website!!! Hurry Back! Hugs, B

  48. I am praying for you and sending warm wishes your way!!! Xoxoxo ~Ashley

  49. Hi, I just wanted to send thoughts and prayers and some hugs your way. Your blog was one of the first blogs that I really started to follow when I was looking at starting a blog of my own and I have loved it from day one!!! I’m amazed at your cake pops so much that I bought three of your books, one to keep and two to give away to some friends. I have yet to try them. It’s a balance of finding the time and really just going for it. But I wanted to say thanks for helping to inspire my baking side and that I wish you a speedy recovery and that I hope there are brighter days ahead for you. Take care.

  50. You go girl, don’t let anything stop your dreams. Your beautiful website is full of love and girly attitude. We all will be waiting for your return. You are a steel magnolia.

  51. I’m glad you’re home & feeling better. I’ve gone through a similar situation with a family member so I can definitely relate to what you’re facing. Your strength and optimism is inspiring & I pray that you continue to stay strong & have a quick recovery. I wish there was more I could do besides leave a comment, but just know you’re in my thoughts & prayers. Feel better!

  52. Lit our prayer candle for you today. Lifting your name up in prayer of good health. May you be bathed in Grace as you walk through this journey.

  53. So happy to see your new post! We are all still praying for you. Hugs to you and your Mom..with all these prayers i’ve seen going up for ya’ll, you’re bound to be as good as new really SOON :)

  54. I pray God’s healing for you, that He will work a miracle in your life and all will be well. You are a wonderful woman and a beautiful inspiration. Keep holding on and know that all things are possible with God, if we can just believe.

  55. Glad to hear that you’re almost “Back in the Saddle Again” and back home on “your range”. Take it easy and we’re all thinking of you!!! Hope you had a Happy St. Patrick’s Day too!!!

  56. I wish you the best and admire your strength =)

    Best wishes,
    -A reader of your blog

  57. God Bless you and keep you safe.. keeping you in my prayers

  58. I am so happy you are feeling better! I look forward to your posts.

  59. I’m so glad to hear you got to go home! Definitely was worried about you, dunno what I’d do without my creative influence!

    I wrote on your facebook about my aunt being in a similar situation as you. She’s on her second transplanted kidney after her body rejected the first one. Two years strong though on this one. I hope your next transplant is the one that lasts forever.

    Everything will work out for you! Thanks for being such an amazing creative inspiration and even more so now as just an inspiration.

  60. I’m so glad to hear you’re able to go home! Doctors discovered kidney cancer in my Mom last year, and (thankfully) we caught it early enough that nothing other than kidney removal was needed!

    Prayers for your health!

  61. yay! you’re home, rest and take care of yourself, if you have time for us then great! Otherwise focus on getting back to feeling like you as much as you can. We love you!

  62. Glad you are home. I’m sure the dialysis is a bummer but hopefully a kidney will become available soon. Hang in there and think positive….my Dad lost 1 kidney to cancer and 3/4 of the other kidney to cancer. He lived for many years with only 1/4 of a kidney, and I think it was his “PMA” (positive mental attitude as he called it) that kept him alive for so long. So stay strong and know that our prayers are with you and your family.

  63. You are inspiring, your courage and steadfast is truly admiring,
    Our meditations are with you from costa rica.

  64. just reading your post today…
    stay strong and as positive as you can
    i will keep you in my prayers

  65. Great to hear that you are home!! Wishing you a great outcome, and of course praying for you and your family! You are one amazing woman :)

  66. So glad your home. Feet up, rest, take in this time to be with and enjoy your family. :)

  67. I’m so glad to hear that you are finally home. I know it must be heaven to sleep in your own bed! I am keeping you in my prayers. Hope that you don’t have to be on dialysis to long, please take care of yourself. We love hearing from you and seeing all the fun things that you have come up with, but you are far more important!

  68. I visit your site all the time but I hadn’t been by for a while – which is why I just saw this. I am hoping and wishing and praying for a full and fast recovery for you. You bring so much joy to others with this site and I hope that you are back to your strong and amazing self soon!

  69. Bakerella – it’s so good to hear from you again! I’ve kept you in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so. You trully are an inspiration to me on so many levels. May God answer your prayers. Hugs!

  70. So happy and thrilled you are now at the comfort of your own home!!
    Praying that each day gets easier for you! Hang in there sweets!!

    Sending you a big {{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}!!!!!

  71. So glad you are home! Big hugs from another of your devoted followers and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!


  72. Oh my Goodness you are a gem of a girl! I am thankful you are home in the comforts of your own cozy. I know that God never wastes a hurt and I am certain you were a shining star in the hospital, such a strong person going through it with such grace is a true inspiration. You are that for me. Thank you for all you have shared with us in your website. You are incredible and special person. You are uplifted in prayer.

  73. Glad to hear that you’re home. Love and prayers are coming from Kentucky to you!

  74. hi there! i am new to your site & i live in atlanta…you are an absolute creative master & i am in love with your sight! i can’t wait to blog about it today on my own blog {}. you are in my prayers, thoughts & i know god has an amazing plan for you!!! look forward to joining your journey through your blog!

  75. god never closes a door that he dont open a window somewhere> we pray for you daily >-down on our knees and we know he hears love you so=====================much

  76. So glad for the update and glad to know that you are home. I wish you all the best as you await a transplant. All the best to you and your family!!!

  77. I am so happy to hear that you are home. I hope this phase of your journey is as easy as it possibly can be. I will continue with my prayers. Get well soon sweet Bakerella.
    You are missed!

  78. I am so happy to hear that you returned home; a prayer has been answered! Now I ask God to wrap his arms around you and pray for a new donor soon. I am an organ donor and tell everyone I know to do so also…there are too many people out there who need it. I always check your site to see if there is an update and I am happy that you’re keeping us up to date, however you need to take of yourself and get some rest. You know we’ll all be here waiting for your healthy return! May God Bless You!

  79. I’m so happy to hear that you’re home. I’m sure it’s much more relaxing being at home than stuck in a hospital bed. I’m going to continue to pray that you find your donor soon. Get well!!

  80. It is wonderful news to hear that you are home. I’m sure we all feel the same way, if we have a “part” that you need, its yours. Its just a way to pass things forward. You are always in my prayers. Stay safe!

    hugs <3

  81. Happy to hear that you are home!

  82. There are also the legions of us out here who are praying but don’t write very often- SO glad you are home again and OK and wishing you ALL the best- YOU ROCK SWEETIE!!


  83. So happy you’re home! I know you can make it through dialysis! Just hang in there bakerella :) Praying your mom is a match and that the process goes smoothly and safely for both of you. Please keep your blogging family updated!

  84. You are amazing!!

    I do not and can not fully understand what you are going through and I don’t know what to say–but you have been in my thoughts and prayers faithfully over the past weeks.

    God bless you and keep you; I pray your mother is a match and if not that you receive a match soon. I have not personally needed an organ transplant, but I have several friends and relatives that have needed one or another transplant–I know it is a hard process physically and emotionally, all the way through. I pray that you will have the strength to endure through it all and come out smiling on the other side of this.

  85. Prayers with you Bakerella… God will see you through this. I just feel it!!!



  86. Welcome Home!! So glad you are feeling better. You really are an amazing person- wishing you all the best.

  87. Prayers for this next chapter in your story. I am thrilled to hear you are home. Thank you for continuing to keep us informed and also for sharing this journey with us too. I know others will be blessed through it. Hugs to you.

  88. Yay! so glad you are home. Hope you get well quickly and also get a new kidney quickly! LOVE your blog!

  89. Bless your heart! I am amazed at your faith and courage. Stay strong. You will be in my prayers.

  90. I am so happy to hear that you are home! I hope everything will get better for you soon! I will keep praying for you! BIG HUGS!! Know that you are so loved!!

  91. It was nice to read that you have made it home finally! Hopefully you will get good news shortly about a donor (mom or not). Concentrate on getting better, I am sure I speak for all of us when I say that we can’t wait to see what wonderful things you start creating when you are back at baking again :-)

    Hope to see your smiling face and fun posts very soon!

  92. Welcome home! With all the meanings of that word! Lots of prayers for your continued journey.

  93. It’s so nice to hear from you! I’m glad you got to come home, and I hope that everything works out as well as it possibly can.

  94. Glad you”re home. You continue to be in my prayers. Think SPRING!!

  95. Glad you were able to come home. Hugs and prayers from KY!

  96. I am so glad you are finally home! We have all been so worried about you. Please stay strong and focus on getting well! I know how draining dialysis can be, and I pray you do not have to do it for too long.

    Sending hugs and prayers your way, Bakerella!

    Thanks for keeping us updated. :)

    Get Well!

  97. Sending positive vibes!
    Take care

  98. So glad to know that you are home. Doesn’t it feel good to be where you belong!

    Your stregnth may take awhile to return after being that ill–don’t be downhearted if it takes longer than you expected, even if everyone sort of forgets that you are still not as you were before. Just go easy on yourself. Be proud to be you.

  99. Your journey is in my heart. I will be praying with positive thoughts for your health and well being. Thank you for all you do daily to keep your readers entertained and in good spirits during our own trials and triumphs :) Blessings, Peggy Garcia and Family

  100. Hi Angie:

    If there is anything that you need please let me know I would be more than happy to help in anyway. I love following your success and will continue to follow, I am thinking and sending postive karma that a donar is found quickly and that your recover is also. Remember you have o many friends all of who wish you well that you might never meet but will be for you even thousdands of miles away.


  101. Happy to hear that you are out of the hospital. Praying for your continuing recovery.

  102. Great to hear you are able to rest at home! Your presence is missed, but like always, I will look forward to your next post whenever it is. Sending lots of love and prayers :)

  103. Sometimes the road takes us on a different journey than we had planned. But that is not a bad thing. Its just different. When we look back we see why this happened but as were going through it we are blessed with people in our lives that write and keep you in their prayers. I wish you a speedy recovery and one that blesses you in this journey.

  104. Yay on being home!! Yuck to dialysis but it has to be done…great way to catch up on reading :-))

    I just renewed my driver’s license and became an organ donor…don’t need it where ever I’m off to in my next life ;-)

    Be well!

  105. Angie, I am not kidding when I say one of the best days of my life was when I found your blog and saw the limitless possibilities in baking. Baking is my passion and it has never ceased to amaze me the ideas you come up with. Just when I think I have seen it all…HERE YOU COME with something new and over the top. You have been blessed so much with a creativity that I have never seen before. You are in my prayers, Bakerella. You are touching so many lives and we are all praying for you. May God richly bless you and give you all you need to get through this period of your life. It is amazing that I have never met you but I feel we have know each other forever. I am praying for you, ANgie.
    Love ya…Michelle :-)

  106. I wish you the best on getting a donor. If you ever need a laugh from sick humor or uplifting stories check out Great site for invisible illnesses, it has helped me a lot over the years. There is even a forum section if you just have to vent but don’t want to take it out on family and friends.

  107. Prayers and peace to you as you begin your wait and the treatments that will sustain you.
    May God bless you every day with a smile, many laughs and the knowledge that you are loved deeply.

  108. I can bet it’s a relief to be back home! I’m happy you’re feeling better, and while the road ahead is long, you have lots of people here that are praying for you! (myself included) :o)

    Good luck!!

  109. I’m so happy your going home!!
    Stay possitive, you are on my prayers, you are a strong woman, i know God will help you…
    I wish you the best!!

  110. the offer stands… if you need to do a chain for a transplant let me know. really. glad you are home. And our prayers will continue with all the others… :)

  111. Offering up prayers for you Bakerella.

  112. Wishing you the best.
    Hang in there.

  113. Bakerella–

    I am a new reader and already love your blog, and I just want you to know I’m praying for you. This is such an inspiring post and you have a beautiful positive attitude. I know this can’t be easy, but you’re taking it with grace and a great spirit. I will be thinking about you!

  114. Im so happy to hear your at home….You and your family are still in my prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =0)

  115. Glad to hear that you are home. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. My sister and I made cake balls last weekend and shared your story with her.

  116. Thank goodness you are home. You started the cakepop revolution and need to keep things going. Get better soon.

  117. Bakerella – in honor of you and National Kidney Month I will be adorning my mini cupcakes with fondant shaped kidney beans and ureters this weekend!!! Everyone has a story here is mine – I came to know you by way of my own medical conundrum – I started chemo for my brain tumor last fall after several years of stable scans. I was depressed (ya no duh!) and needed a diversion. On a whim I bought a cake decorating kit (it was either that or start some serous meeds :). Having no clue I turned to the internet and found YOUR SITE and fell in love and bought your book. Your site turned me to so many wonderful things and installed such JOY and HAPPINESS were it was dwindling. I will continue to pray for a safe journey for you. Thank you so much.

  118. You have just been through so much. Kudos to you for trying to stay positive when things are tough. I hope your Mom is a match for you. I love your work and I just recently made my first set of cake balls! :) Hang in there…prayers for you!

  119. I’m so happy to hear that you are out of the hospital.
    Firstly I want to mention that I’m an RN of 30 + years and also a patient with several auto immune diseases. For this I have to take an immuno suppressant and steroids and have been on very high dose IV steroids about 5 times over the past 8 yrs.
    I don’t want you to take this wrong but after being on steroids and Cellcept, I have your cheeks now, but have to say that they look so much better on you, my dear. You have always looked mahvelous!!
    I used to care for heart transplant patients and understand a little of what a transplant entails. Wow, pretty amazing!
    I am sending you my best wishes, prayers and hopes for the journey you are on. With your upbeat attitude you will do well!
    You take care and know that a nurse in Indiana is sending you love and prayers!

  120. Glad to hear you are able to come home. I hope everything works out for you. Stay positive and take good care of yourself.

  121. Angie,

    Sending you warm wishes and prayers for this next step of this journey that for some unexplained reason, you have been sent on. You have brought so much joy and happiness to so, so many and even though I have not met you in person, I can always feel your incredible warmth and glowing personality through your posts and pictures. I look forward to your next post in which you proclaim that all is well and that this is behind you. Will be thinking good thoughts for you daily.

  122. So glad you’re home from the hospital! I’ve never commented here before, but I wanted you to know I’m thinking of you! I’m planning on making your Cake Pops for the first time today, and will be thinking about you while I make them:)

  123. Glad that you are out of the hospital! I pray that your mom is a donor for you or that you will receive a kidney soon. My uncle currently needs a transplant and my parents and I have been talking about one of us becoming a donor. Good luck with everything. Best of wishes!

  124. So glad to hear you are home again and feeling better. Techonology is a wonderful thing when it brings virtual friends together and gathers needed prayers on your behalf. I have also seen the cake pops at Starbucks and think of you each time although have managed so far to avoid them. Hugs and prayers continue and so glad to see you back.

  125. I am so happy to hear that you are out of hospital. You are a strong person and this will only make you stronger.
    I wish you the very very best wishes with the next stage and send you love and prayers for a comfortable and speedy recovery.
    Take good care and lots of love xxxxxx

  126. I am thrilled to hear you’ve come home. There is so much comfort about being in one’s own space.
    My thoughts are with you and wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Hopefully you find a match soon and can put this all behind you.
    There is so much cute to look forward to.

  127. So glad you are home and so positive. Will continue to remember you in my prayers and send love your way.

  128. So glad to hear you are home!! Hugs and prayers continue to go your way, continue to be strong and hopefully you won’t have to wait too long for your transplant!

  129. Hi , I’m from Brazil and I love your blog. I even bought your book beyond Amazon and I already received…gorgeous!!!
    I’m glad that you are home…my best wishes for you!!!

  130. Take good care!

  131. So glad to hear that you are home from the hospital. Keep your positive outlook through the next part of your journey, and we will keep you in our prayers for your continued recovery.

  132. Glad to hear that your home!! Sending you and your family prayers and lots of positive energy!

  133. I am so glad to hear that you are out of the hospital. I was thinking about you yesterday and was hoping that you were feeling better. Sending hugs your way as you start dialysis. I hope your treatment goes smoothly and quickly.

  134. So glad you are home! I hope the treatments go great and the testing swift. You don’t know me but I feel like I know you a little bit. I am thinking about you and praying for a quick full recovery. I was telling my husband about you and your cake pops. He thought they sounded terrific. He is a super taste tester of my recipes and never complains. Hang in there – we all love ya!

  135. I’m so glad you are home now. You have such a positive outllook, which will surely help you through this joruney. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  136. So happy to hear the good news, and I hope it keeps getting better!

    I changed my license to ORGAN DONOR…

  137. And big hugs right back to ya!!!!!



  138. Yay for going home! If you didn’t live so far away from me (up in Boston!), I’d make you cupcakes or cookie dough pops and deliver them to you! I hope you can get right back to where you were. You are truly an inspiration and we are all rootin for you!

    <3 Marie
    Chocolate & Wine

  139. Je suis en France et je ne connais pas trop l’impact que vous avez là-haut, mais ici, en France, je parlè de vous à toutes mes amis qui sont fascinées par votre travail et votre combat…
    Je vous souhaite tout le courage possible pour ce combat à mener !
    À très vite dans de nouveaux post j’espère !

  140. So glad you are home! Praying for you!

  141. Praying for you. Thank you for not only sharing your talent and eye for beauty but your real life too. I appreciate you.

  142. Hey Bakerella :) Most definitely prayers and hugs to you!! Loved hearing of you first on Pioneer Woman’s site and seeing your book! Blessings to you as you go down this road again. Our close friends have a 6 year old daughter that is in the kindey transplant process right now so we have a little idea of what you are going through. God bless you and make His face shine upon you!!

  143. I’m SO, SO happy to hear you’re home! Continued prayers as you take this long and overwhelming journey. Thank you for everything you do! Lots of love and good vibes coming your way.

  144. I understand what you’re going through, sort of. My husband has been on dialysis for eleven years. I pray for your health. I pray you receive a transplant.

  145. Wishing you all the best. Dialysis is not fun. I really hope your mom turns out to be a match. Medicine has improved tremendously since my dad’s first transplant – it’s easier to make matches now, plus the surgery is SO much easier on the donor and recipient! Hugs.

  146. You are so amazing and positive! Good luck on this scary journey – you have thousands of people here to support you! :)

  147. Im so happy that you are home now thats the first great step to a fast recovery, when I hear about your case i thought about my brother who has a kidney transplant and the donator was his daughter and Thanks God they both are in perfect health and my niece recently have her first baby and its a beautiful girl.. so miracles exist all days around us.. keep positive and dont loose your faith, the donator would come pretty soon. My priest for you and God bless you with good health and happiness. And happy St Patricks day to you also .

  148. So Glad to hear you are home safely! You are an amazing woman and have a lovely positive attitude! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of it. Best Wishes!!!

  149. Bakerella, I just started reading your blog recently and first I must say, I am absolutely in love with all of your recipes and goodies. They look fab and I can’t wait to try out some of them, especially the Valentine lip pops!

    Second, I must say you are one brave woman. You are going through something incredibly difficult, yet remaining ultra positive and sincere. It gives hope to those of us who have trouble dealing with hard times. I don’t know much about the kidneys, but I do know that I will pray for you and wish you nothing but good thoughts!!!!!

  150. So glad you’re home again! We’ll keep the prayers comin’ your way.

  151. So good to see you back!

  152. I’m truly happy that u r home and feeling better!!! I’m sending positive thoughts to you!! You are such a inspiration to a lot of people, including myself!!! Feel better soon ;)

  153. Dear Bakerella,

    Please know that we all are on this journey together with you. Inspired by you, I am off today to bring my Boston Cream Cupcakes to my 94 year old aunt for her birthday. You have no idea as to how universally you have spread your joy. It has been paid forward in great abundance; and the tide of kindness and good karma is surely on its way back to you.

  154. You’ve inspired me to actually get up and do something I’ve been considering for a while. I’m already registered as an organ donor and donate blood regularly. Now I’ve joined a living donor registry as well. It struck me that if, after reading about your kidney troubles, I was willing to go out and get tested, that I shouldn’t stop myself just because you have a possibility. I wish I could do more to help, but that’s probably why I chose a career in nursing. I rock the minimum pain I.V. insertion!

    This means, of course, that my O negative organs and I are now on a list and willing to rush out your way if need be :)

  155. Thanks for taking the time to update us, I know people around the world are keeping you in their thoughts and prayers.

    Something seems to be wrong with the donation link on the National Kidney Month site, I hope it’s because it’s overwhelmed with so many people going threre thru your link. The link works, it’s only after initiating the donation that the error comes up, repeatedly….but I’m betting there’s more than one place out there to make a donation so I’m off to find it! Best to you always Angie!

  156. It’s good to hear that you’ve finally gotten to go home. I don’t usually post comments but just wanted you to know that you are an inspiring woman. Continue to get well.

  157. So glad that you are home! Thank you for such a lovely post. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope a donor will be found quickly and that you will be on your way to recovery soon!


  158. That is good news, you have to keep on going and being cute <3

  159. I am happy to hear that you are at home! Thoughts and prayers continue your way!

  160. You are special to many people. Cooking and baking are a means to show and give love ,and you have provided us the means to honor that gift. You will be back soon to continue, I am sure. I bet you spent some time in the hospital designing new little pops. I am a cancer survivor, and while times will be tough for you know that many, many are praying for you. Worked for me.

  161. Thanks god , I’m so happy to hear that you get home .
    Big ( hug )!! Love you ,


  162. So good to have you back home!
    We are rooting for you sweetie!
    Have the best Friday ever and a lovely weekend!
    Lots of hugs from accross the ocean!

  163. So good to hear from you and glad you are home! Continuing prayers and good wishes for you. Hugs & love to you!!

  164. So glad you’re able to be at home – so much nicer than being at hospital. I’ll keep praying for you and that you know God and His strength through this and also for it all to be sorted soon.

  165. I only just found your site the other week, was happy buzzing around looking at all the delightful things!

    Have put a link up under my “Distractions” header on my wee bloggy :D i have been coming back quite a bit! You inspire me to continue what i am starting.

    I wish you the best of luck since i’m not a religious and do not pray. I hope you become well again, and find time enough to be able to put some of your cute pics up.

    Peace <3

  166. bakerella
    I just met you and your site 2 days ago. And guess what ? fell in love. I can feel the passion and love when I read. I also have health issues, and that is the secret for you to be such a special and happy person. do you have any idea on how you motivate people?you are a winner! so dont be surprise to receive this love back. people will love be a donor for you! dont worry a bit .God is with you. From Flavia Brazil/USA

  167. i’m so happy that your home, being stuck in a hospital for a long period of time is very hard. i was staying at the children’s hospital for 9 months while my daughter recovered from her illness. i will be sending u prayers for good news and good health.

    And i wanted to say that i won my family’s first cupcake wars!! we are having another one and it’s gonna be cake pops!!!

    PS. i made your peanut butter cake but in cupcake form and they were a HIT!! can’t wait for the new ideas!


  168. I wish I could help you with all those e-mails. I’ve been lighting two candles to the Virgin of Guadalupes every day, one for you and one for my aunt who is very ill. I hope that you recover soon! ;)

  169. It is nice to have you home and I hope you get some normality :) best wishes

  170. Glad that you are home & that you are feeling a bit better : ) Sending BIG hugs and many HAPPY thoughts your way : )

  171. Glad to hear you were feeling good enough to be sent home. There’s nothing like being home. It’s the comfort of our family that just make you feel better & of course our own bed!
    Love reading your blog & trying your recipes…

  172. Good to read that you are home and feeling better! I hope you won’t be long on dialysis.

    Best wishes from Holland!

  173. i’m so happy to hear that you’re finally home! Good luck with everything :)

  174. Oh, B. What a good new to know that you are again at home !!!

    Home is always better, no matter if you have to go to the hospital again 3 days a week for dialisis.

    I pray for a new kidney for yoy. Since as fas away as Spain, you know you have a lot of fans, and we all wish you the best.


  175. WELCOME HOME!!!! Even with having to go through the dialysis regularly I know it must be great for you to be in your own space! Still holding you close to my heart!
    BTW – was trying to figure out how to make “cute kidney pops” – LOL. This is such a serious issue and it’s great to make people aware!!!
    Lotsaluv from Australia

  176. Hi!
    First of all: get well soon. I am glad to hear you are home again.
    Second: I was walking in a bookstore here in Belgium yesterday, checking out all the culinary stuff whe all of a sudden… I saw your cake pop book! Here! In Belgium! I was very very surprised.
    I added it to my wish-list for my birthday :)
    Keep up the good work!

  177. So glad to hear another update. I’ve been thinking of you, praying for you, and worried for you (is that weird since I don’t “know” you?). Well, I feel like I do in some small way, since I have been following you on this blog since Feb. 2008.

    The one thing I’ve been really wondering is why would a person your age have a “bad” kidney? Is this something you were born with?

    Sending lots of love and positive thoughts your way. Rest for now. Bake when you can… we’ll be waiting. =)

  178. Home sweet home! Please take care and remember that everyday is a new day…and things get better! My thoughts & prayers are with you…

  179. Well please add me to the list of people who would be more then happy to give you one of my kidneys if you need it. I almost gave another blogger friend one of mine to her daughter but just as I was ready to get tested they found one of her neighbors was a match. Since he was much closer to her they went with him.

    I have always wanted to be a donor. I think it would be such an honor. So please, ask me.

    I’m happy you are finally home. Please do not over do it and rest as much as you can.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  180. I am so glad to hear you are back home!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily and I just know that God is holding you right now through all of this. You have given so many people inspiration and true joy through your blog and book and I hate that we can’t just make this go away with a snap of the fingers. Thanks for keeping us all posted!!!! We LOVE you!!!!

  181. I just saw Ree mention you were ill so I came here to check. Wow, I’m so sorry to be late in wishing you well. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God’s blessings and please let your mom know that I’m sending our best too. I will certainly let Kaye know as I’m sure she would like to wish you well too.
    ~ from both of us at Clout & About.

  182. I am not normally one to comment on blog sites. I am obsessed with what you do—and am envious of your extreme talent…but, I’ve never really been one to post, for whatever reason.

    But, I feel compelled to tell you that I’ve thought about you a lot over the last three weeks. I’m deeply saddened by your situation and I am praying that you will come through this okay. I’m a baker who bakes most often when I am sad or frustrated because it makes me happy—and I have turned to your site for inspiration on many different occasions. And, although I have not mastered the art of cake pops—I am determined to not give up. :)

    I hope that you will use your passion for baking as an outlet as well…and I pray that your treats bring joy to not only others…but, to yourself as well.

    Be well. There are obviously thousands of people praying for you. That matters. And, it will help. I am sure of it.

  183. I recently found your site and have fallen in love. I have always loved baking but this sure really brought it back and with so much creativity and cuteness! I just read your post and really wish you the best. Things might get rough but always know you have a whole lotta fans cheering you on! Get well and come back stronger!!

  184. Glad you are home. Praying for you to have a donor. Thank you so much for sharing your life and being an inspiration that allows us all to, “dream big” :)

  185. Love to you. You brought tears to my eyes and chills through my body. I cannot imagine going through something like this at all, and especially not with such a sweet, positive attitude. Thank you for being you. You are such an inspiration, both in the kitchen and in life. Looking forward to many more wonderful *cute* posts.

    Sarah in Utah

  186. Glad you’re home.

    It’s amazing to me that others, like myself, shared kidney stories with you. What a crazy thing!

    Wishing you to best!!!

  187. Happy to hear you are home, hope you start feeling better soon.

    Will keep praying for you.

    Sending many hugs and hearts…

  188. Bakerella!

    I’m so glad you’re doing better and I wish you all the best. I’m glad you’re still so peppy and making the best of everything; that’s one of the best things about your website: you’re optimism and excitedness about life and everything. All of your posts were always so cheerful, not to mention incredibly creative and adorable! You’re website always brightened my day and I hope that you can continue doing what you obviously really love!

    Just keep swimming!

  189. I have not commented very often – maybe once when you had a give-away but I have lovingly followed your site when time permitted and I bought your book even though the only cake pops I have made have been in my head. LOL. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. My mom has dialysis twice a week and is not a candidate for a transplant due to her almost 8 year battle with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Be blessed and know that you are loved and prayed for by many. <3

  190. I found your blog just today and am amazed at all the delish things I found. I am sorry to hear about your kidneys, and I hope you are well very soon.
    I think I may try to make your 14 layer cake. Whew, it looks amazing and omg I love cake.
    Keep up the amazng blog.

  191. So glad you’re home! That will hopefully make you feel at least 50 times better already! From visiting my friend there, I know dialysis sucks (quite literally) but i’m keeping you in my thoughts for a donor, your mom or otherwise, very soon!

  192. Wishing you the best! I hope that a kidney is found quickly. Good luck!

  193. I love you Bakerella!!!!! You bring such joy to all of us in the blogging/baking world!! I will continue to pray for you and will wait expectantly for your new posts as they come. I want you to know that I am an organ donor, and always have been. :) xoxxoxoo

  194. Heard Ree was coming to see you. I’m sure that raised your spirits even more. Hopefully she cooked you something fantastic…like chocolate sheet cake. :)

    (((((((Hugs to you))))))))

  195. Bakerella,
    So sorry to hear about this! I just came over today after thinking that I hadn’t seen anything from you in awhile. I will definitely be praying for you in this next stage of your life. I am so glad to hear you are out of the hospital though!

  196. Welcome home!! It’s always wonderful to be home:)! You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Take care of yourself.

  197. I’m so glad you’re home! It must feel good to be able to sleep in your own bed :)

  198. I haven’t had a chance to hop on your site for a while now and was very sad to hear you are not well. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. The ideas & recipes here are a little spot of sunshine every time I log on.
    Much love from Sydney, Australia.

  199. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. You are such a strong person. I am praying for you.

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