

Christmas is over. But that doesn’t mean the giving is.

I did a little shopping yesterday… not to return anything, but to look around. It’s what I do after Christmas.

Shop. It’s much more fun to shop after Christmas than before. The stress is gone and the sales are still on.

And if something catches my eye like a towering stack of satin pink leopard print jewelry boxes…

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

… well, I’ll take a few extra minutes and look through all the designs.

And if there happens to be something like a super-cute cupcake necklace staring right back at me, then I guess you know what happens next.

Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Awwe…… How could I resist. It’s just the cutest little thing.

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

And it comes in the cutest little box.

Betsey Johnson Necklace

And then there’s all this cute dangly stuff to boot. Did I mention how cute this thing is?

But I didn’t get it for me. I thought I would give it to one of you. So who wants it?

Enter for a chance to win this cutie patootie
Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Just leave a comment on this post and finish the following sentence…

This New Year’s Eve, I …

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 29th at 5:00 p.m. ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck!

I didn’t expect to be so moved by the entries for this giveaway. These might just be some of my favorite ones to read to date. I usually don’t do anything on New Year’s Eve, so thank you for sharing a glimpse into your plans. The simple ones. The silly ones. The serious ones. You guys fill my heart with happiness.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And now for the winner…


Congrats anna p! It’s you!

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4,126 comments on “Gone.”

  1. This New Year’s Eve, I’ll be bringing cupcakes to a potluck. Mmmm.

  2. This New Years Eve I will be spending with my family! I am so blessed to have a wonderful family that LOVES LOVES LOVES to taste test my treats! Cake Pops are always a big hit!!

  3. I want to have my picture taken at the Beverly Hils SPRINKES Cupcake Emporium. I have to be here on the west coast to take care of some family business that s not so joyful, but a CUPCAKE would make my day. I am looking forward to a very yummy 2010 right here alongside of you Bakerella!

  4. This New Year’s Eve, I will be doing the traditional watching the ball drop from my living room TV with my dad, then run out to watch the fireworks with him. :)

  5. This New Years Eve, I will spend at home with my family and watch fireworks!

    I hope your New Years is great!

  6. …..will be having a party with the family

  7. This New Year’s Eve, I…will be watching Anderson Cooper and the ball drop on TV and cuddling with my kiddos.

  8. am going to the zoo with my family, putting the kids to bed early, and sipping hot chocolate by the fire.

  9. This New Year’s Eve………I will spend my first New Year’s Eve as a married lady and will spend it with my husband. It won’t matter where we’ll be as long as we are together :)

  10. will be camping out for the Rose parade!

  11. This New Years Eve I …. will be working a lunch shift and then waiting to see what the evening brings! :)

  12. This New Year’s Eve I’ll be spending time with my Sweetie, as we have every year together, quietly, alone. It’s perfect.

  13. I’ll be hanging around home with my hubby.

  14. This New Years Eve I will spend some good time with my family!

    It´s ok to coment if I live in Mexico???

  15. This New Year’s Eve I . . . will be relaxing. Working in retail over the holidays almost makes you wish there were no holidays, but hey I get the day off, so there’s that!

  16. This New Years Eve I……will be going to bed early with my hubby since we both work at 6am the next day. But we’ll celebrate at home before tucking in!

  17. gonna still celebrate my birthday with my family this time.

  18. …will “bleed blue” with my hubby at the St. Louis Blues hockey game and prepare for my New Year’s resolution…training for a 5K!

  19. This New Years Eve, I will…
    Be channeling my inner 90 year old and will have dinner by 4pm and in bed by 9pm!

    I’m only 36!!

  20. …will be all alone (spending the evening with my husband).

  21. This New Years Eve I will be with my family at the Westin Hotel in Scottsdale, AZ! I’m so excited!!!!

  22. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be very excited for my wedding on the 3rd!

  23. This New Year’s Eve I will be home with my husband and daughter relaxing.

  24. I will be spending it in Vail holed up with a group of good friends, cooking and playing games and drinking wine!

  25. This New Year’s Eve… I will be spending a quiet evening at home, possibly cooking a really yummy meal, and wishing I could see my family back East!

  26. will be spending time with family, but not at my house (that means I don’t have to cook and clean like I did at Christmas!)

  27. will be counting down to my 24th birthday! It’s 1/1! :)

  28. This New Years I will be going to my first murder mystery dinner party!! :)

    It would be lots of fun to wear that cupcake necklace. :)

  29. Happy New Year !

  30. This New Year’s Eve, I’m going to work out for the last time this year. Thank God! But I’ll get up on 1/2 and start again since the gym is closed on 1/1. :)

  31. will be staying at home with my husband and probably asleep by 11.

  32. This new years eve I.. will spend the evening quietly baking with my best friend, and making plans to help in my community in the upcoming year. I have decided that helping other people and giving in whatever ways I can is what truly makes me happy.

  33. This New Year’s Eve, I will spend a quiet evening at home with my fiancé.

  34. This New Years Eve I… am hoping my boyfriend will propose to me :)

  35. this new year’s eve I hope to be awake at midnight!!

  36. This New Years Eve I intend to be in bed by 10 at the latest!

  37. Will be skiing on Mt. Hood! Watching fireworks and being with family.

  38. this New Years Eve I….will see my daughter dance with the Phoenix Symphony, eat chinese with my parents and settle in with some great movies at home.

  39. This New Year’s Eve, I will be thinking of my countless blessings and be kissing one of them, my husband!

  40. will be spending it with my husband.

  41. I will be wishing for a new start in the New Year :-)
    -for happiness & love

  42. This New Years Eve.. I will have friends over for dinner and go to bed before midnight :)

  43. This New Years Eve I am going to enjoy the day with my little one and then head off to work to take care of others’ sick little ones. When I come home on New Years Day we are going to celebrate our little one’s 6 month birthday!

  44. This New Year’s Eve I will reminisce about my wedding reception that took place on NYE three years ago…and remember the yummy cake we ate…and wish I had another slice or two!

  45. …am having company over, and will try to stay awake until midnight for the first time in many years! :o)

  46. This New Years Eve I will be reflecting on all the great things that happened in 2009 and looking forward to all the opportunities that 2010 will bring!

  47. … will be cozy on the couch with my husband. We have a nine-month-old and no babysitter!

  48. plan on kicking my hubby’s a&& in a Wii tournament, right after we bust open the champagne

  49. This New Years Eve I…will be asleep by 1100 pm so I can be bright-eyed for my two year old who wakes at 6 am!

  50. this New Year’s Eve I will be snuggling up with my hubby who is being deployed soon. We’ll play Wii all night with the kids and then toast to a hopefully safe new year.

  51. At my big brother’s house eating tacos and then later bowling on his Wii with the whole family!!!

  52. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be relaxing at home with the family. And probably polishing off the rest of the holiday pie!

  53. This New Years Eve I plan on staying in with my husband and finishing up the appies I made for Christmas! Then I promise to never ever look at food again!! Thanks for sponsoring the give away even if I don’t win, it’s a kind and generous thing for you to do! I’m a real fan of your sight! Happy New Year! Sherri : )

  54. …am hanging out with my family!

  55. …will resolve to do more than what is expected of me.

  56. This New Year’s Eve I…hope I get to make s’mores in my fireplace!

  57. I will be thankful for the everyday moments I hope I get to spend with my dad and hope that god does not take him just yet.

  58. how cute! i think i saw that on sale at nordstroms!

  59. This new years eve I will be hopefully seeing snow.

  60. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be baby sitting my nephews. :)

  61. This New Years Eve I will be freezing my buns off in TIMES SQUARE!! Happy New Year!

  62. This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending time with my man and kids…just like every year…instead of going to parties and clubs. I’d much rather ring in the new year with people I love and not a bunch of strangers! :)

  63. will be spending the evening with my boyfriend and some wonderful friends.

  64. This New Year’s Eve, I am staying home with my son. :-)

    The cupcake necklace is SO adorable! LOVE it!

  65. This New Year’s Eve, I hope to be drinking profusely with my friend Mary and hopefully several others! (Without driving, of course.)

  66. This New Year’s Eve, I plan on spending it with my best friends and my sisters and our children singing karaoke andplaying board games.

  67. This New Year’s Eve, I’ll stuff my face with food. Spend time with the family and watch fireworks.

  68. will go to bed early and sleep late. Happy New Year, Bakerella!!

  69. …going to eat as much as I can until the clock hits midnight and my diet officially begins!!

    Btw, what store did you find this? So cute!

  70. will be spending it in the comfort of my own home with some dear friends. A perfect night!

  71. This New Year’s Eve, I will turn in early….but will probably be up nursing my 4.5 month old son when the clock strikes 2010.

  72. This New Years Eve, I am going to get my three kids in bed early and have a quiet dinner with my husband and probably miss the ball dropping *again*!

  73. This New Year’s Eve, I … will get over my fear of the dentist! lol!

  74. … will make some coffee toffee and spend time with my family!

  75. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be attending a party. I’m on appetizer duty…think cake pops count? ;)

  76. …will celebrate with friends!

  77. This New Year’s Eve, I am taking the train down to my boyfriend’s family’s house (where he’s spending part of winter break) to spend the New Year with him and his family.

  78. will quietly toast the new year and new decade with my hubby of 30 years at home with our traditional lobster dinner.

  79. this new years i…will count down to 9:00 pm (NY time…even tho we live on the west coast) and then put my 5 kiddos to bed at a reasonable hour :)

  80. I will be spending it with my beautiful children, husband and great friends enjoying a yummy fondue of meats/cheese and chocolate.
    Happy New Year to you!

  81. This New Years Eve I….will be celebrating with my family and preparing for my New Years Day baby’s ninth birthday party!

  82. this NYE I will be working!!

  83. This New Year’s Eve we will be babysitting our grandchildren and praying for peace as our son and his fiance are in Iraq right now and my other son and nephew will deploy for Afganistan in the Spring.

  84. This new years I will spend it for the first time married! Yay!!

  85. This is New Year’s Eve, I plan to spend it cuddling with my sweetie and maybe playing with our 7 month old granddaughter! What a way to bring in a brand new year!

  86. This New Year’s Eve, I will be in Vegas with my family, wondering where all the time has gone.

  87. Oops, didn’t read the instructions: “This New Year’s Eve I’ll be spending time with my loved ones!”

  88. This New Year’s Eve, I will be at home with my husband and kids, watching all the celebrations around the country on television, eating popcorn and acting goofy, dancing in our pj’s before we count down drop our very own ball on the Times Square tower in our Christmas village! It’s a New Year’s tradition!

  89. such a big fan of your treats — i can’t believe you’re not a professional!

  90. This New Years Eve I …….will be home enjoying a quiet night with my hubby and some take out Thai food and a couple of movies. Heaven.

  91. This New Year’s Eve, I … hope the traffic’s not too bad..

  92. will be with my wonderful husband!

  93. This New Years Eve, I will be having a party with my very best friends, just like we do every year! We find a house where we can be as loud as we want all night, stock up on sugar and sparkling grape juice, and watch movies and play games all night! It’s super fun :-)

  94. This New Year’s Eve, I will be traveling to Grand Rapids to celebrate with my boyfriend (whose mom, by the way, adores the cake balls I made for her this Christmas).

  95. I’ll be with my family enjoying the fireworks :D

  96. this new year’s eve I…will spend the evening with friends, games and fondue, then go to bed soon after midnight (if i make it that long).

  97. This New Year’s Eve, I …

    will be in Savannah (I live in PA) with some of my favorite friends, winding down a great year, and celebrating the new!

  98. this news years eve i….will start with a party at my sisters and then finish off by going out on the town!!!

  99. This New Years Eve I am going to put together a quilt

  100. … I will be glad that 2009 is ending!!! Bring on 2010!!! I’m hoping for a much better year.

  101. will be at home with my fiancee!

  102. Will be working 12 hours! :)

  103. WE are going on a cupcake tour to Seattle to celebrate the New Year! Should be fun, late nights and alcohol just aren’t my thing!

  104. This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending it up at a lodge with my in-laws. I’m really excited!

  105. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be in L.A with my husband very excited for the Rose Bowl the next day. Go Bucks!!!

  106. …will probably be up north (Northen Michigan) at my in-laws cottage.

  107. will be spending the evening with my handsome hubby and sweet little 19 month-old…overindulging in frozen appetizer-goodness and cuddling up in front of the fire! Might have to whip up some cake balls for the occassion too! :)

  108. will probably fall asleep at about 11:30 like usual!

  109. I am making a resolution to make no more resolutions that will, ultimately, be broken. Aside from that I will be spending the evening and wee morning hours with my three boys, husband, good friends and their children!

  110. This New Year’s Eve … I will watch the new year arrive with my husband, praying for a blessed 2010.

  111. This New Year’s Eve, I will be with my boyfriend and family watching the ball drop. :)

  112. This New Year’s Eve, I …will look forward and not behind.

  113. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be welcoming the new year for the first time as a 21 year old !

  114. This New Year’s Eve, I will be with my boyfriend and family watching the ball drop. :)

  115. This New Year’s Eve will mark the end of a crazily-tough year and the beginning of a happily inspired one (because I said so!)!


    Happy New Year to you!


  116. This New Years Eve I … will be spending the evening with close friends and family!

  117. this New Years Eve I will be at my sister’s for a little party and then will wish my hubby a happy 50th birthday shortly after the ball drops. Yep, he’s a NY Day baby.

    And that jewelry is definitely the CUTEST!

  118. This new years eve I will probly help my husband do inventory at our restaurant!!!! fun right??? lol

  119. This New Year’s Eve, we plan to celebrate our 4th Wedding Anniversary by snowshoeing under a blue moon! How romantical!

  120. This New Year’s Eve, I … want to spend a romantic night with my husband.

  121. hoping to spend a quiet and relaxing evening with hubby after daughter is in bed and maybe watching a movie together

  122. This New Years Eve I… WILL not drink too much! I hope… really… but WILL eat lots of yummy goodies! CHEERS!

  123. This new year’s eve I will be trying to stay awake til midnight :)

    This necklace is so perfect for you though; I think you should keep it!

  124. I love Betsy!!!! Love your cake creations too.

  125. this new years eve i’m staying in and having a pajama party with my best friend from high school (10 years later)

  126. This new years eve I will be in Utah visiting aunt’s uncle’s and cousins! And doing a little shopping… :)

  127. This New Years Eve hubby and I are taking daughter to go see Alvin and the Chipmunks, then we’ll buy some champagne, her some sparkling juice and ring in the new year w/ either 101 Dalmatians, Lilo and Stitch, or Dick Clark!

  128. This New Year’s I… am going to party like a rock star. Well if bowling with a 6 and 3 year old count.

  129. This new years eve I will enjoy a quiet evening with my husband and say cheers with our two year old around 8 pm before we put her to bed and then enjoy a movie on the couch with champange and popcorn!! Exotic, I know..:)

  130. hopefully will have a babysitter, so the hubby and I can go out to eat!

  131. this new years eve, i will likely have high hopes for a fun evening but will probably be let down as always..i have never had a fun nye in my life!..maybe this year will be different. :)

  132. This New Year’s Eve, I have no idea what I will be doing.

  133. I hope I can make it til midnight.

  134. This New Years Eve I will hopefully still be awake!!

  135. This New Year’s Eve I… will swear to kick 2010’s butt. The dog days are over m’dear.

  136. LOVE IT!

    this new years eve…i’ll be playing games with the in-laws! woohoo!

  137. This New Years Eve I will be at a house party with my friends and boyfriend.

  138. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be spending it with good friends and family. No better way to ring in the new year if you ask me!! <3

  139. This New Year’s Eve I will celebrate my 27th birthday with a masquerade party hosted by a friend in the evening and the day will be spent at the beach; which is one of the joys of spending winter in Australia for the first time. I just hope I don’t get stung by a Bluebottle jellyfish!!

  140. This New Year’s Eve, I will be staying up long enough to remind my boyfriend to call his mom and wish her a happy birthday and then going to bed, as I have to work on the first in the early morning.

  141. This New Year’s Eve I will be spending quality time with my family in the kitchen. :)

  142. This New Years Eve, I will be cuddling with my husband and boys as they try to make it to midnight!

  143. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be out barhopping in the North Beach district of San Francisco with friends, hopefully not paying any cover charges :)

  144. This New Years Eve we are staying home and playing board games.

  145. will be in a different state, hopefully snowboarding!

  146. This New years eve I plan on having a romantic evening with my husband in san francisco as we count down to another year of our happiness

  147. This New Year’s Eve, I’ll be partying it up with long-lost friends :)

  148. This New Year’s Eve I will be hosting our annual family fondue. We do it once a year and the kids can hardly wait!

  149. This New Year’s Eve I will be surrounded by my friends in San Diego, secretly wishing I was surrounded by my family back home in Colorado. Still looking cute in a black dress and sporting my Betsey Johnson Purse! I love her!

  150. This New Years Eve I will be snuggling up on the couch with my hubby enjoying his much deserved time off.

  151. This New Year’s Eve, I…will be spending it as a first time Mom!

  152. This New Year’s Eve, I hope that I get to dance on a table at a friend’s party and makeout with my fabulously good looking husband.

  153. This New Year’s Eve I will be spending time with my fiance and our families.

  154. This New Year’s Eve I am actually excited about my midnight kiss! :)

  155. This New Year’s Eve, I will be having a small party at my boyfriend’s house. We’ll also squash the giant gingerbread houses we made in early December– it’s tradition! =]

  156. This Christmas Eve, my family and i and my 2 sisters and their families are getting together for a small dinner and to let the little kiddos play a bit…catch up on our chit chat and maybe give the boys a little xbox time…maybe ;)

  157. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be frantically taking down a sale that ends at midnight from our 2 online stores….but first I will enjoy my first kiss of the year with my husband!

  158. …have to work! :( But hopefully I will get off early enough to make a dinner reservation.

  159. am heading to the philharmonic for a concert of “Broadway hits, light classics & swing tunes” and then heading to a friends for a party for the countdown!

  160. … will spend a nice quiet night at home with my boyfriend.

  161. This New Years Eve I will be spending it with my boyfriend for the first time in 3 years. He has worked every NYE since we started dating, this year he has off!

  162. This New Year’s Eve I…..will be working :(

  163. will be cooking my second turkey ever and wondering what flavor of cupcake will go best with it.

  164. This New Years Eve I…will be relaxing and bringing in the new year with all of my good friends.

  165. This New Year’s Eve I will be spending time with my family thinking about how grateful we all are to be healthy and happy and TOGETHER!!

  166. This New Year’s Eve, I will experiment with more cupcake recipes.

  167. This New Year’s Eve I will bring some cake pops to a party with friends!

  168. …will be surrounded by friends, Rock Band and sake!

  169. This New Year’s Eve, I will be at a local hotel with family and friends celebrating in a place where the kids can swim.

  170. This New Years Eve I will be toasting to apple cider with my family and friends!

  171. This New Years Eve I will bake gingerbread cupcakes and enjoy great family time.

  172. This New Years Eve, I will spend up at the local Elk’s Lodge with my wonderful husband!

  173. will be dropping my girls off at Grandma’s so my hubby and I can go out to dinner and a movie.

  174. will be missing my husband who is working in the oil fields in Wyoming. At least I have my 3 sweets of children to ring in the New Year with!

  175. This New Years Eve I will be be spending with my family… and supercute dog, Jade :)

  176. This new years eve I will either be super-cozy in my home or freezing cold at first night… either way i’ll be happy!

  177. hope I’m not sick :(

  178. This New Year’s Eve, I will be having fun with my boyfriend watching movies and eating popcorn and having fried pickles, once he gets off work at 11.

  179. This new years eve I will be packing to move, hopefully this will be a new and better year for my family without financial struggle =)

  180. This New Years Eve, I will be unpacking and hanging out with my hubby and my 3 month old :) :)

  181. vowing to have a better year.

  182. I will be doing date night with my boys since my hubby is working. Guarantee we won’t make it to midnight (they are 5 and 6), but man, I don’t think I would trade it for anything!

  183. This New Year’s Eve, I will be getting all doll up for Hubby as well as my kiddos. Getting a lil extra happy with some of my fav drinks, while we await 2010

  184. I will be having a family party and eating lots of yummy food!

  185. hope we can find a babysitter to attend a friend’s party. But if not, we’ll likely be in bed before the ball drops.

  186. … will make a yummy dinner full of my familys favorites, cuddle up on the couch and hope we are all asleep before the clock strikes 12 (have a 1yo, 3yo and 5mo PG, mommy needs sleep, lol)

  187. This new years eve I will be getting ready to celebrate my birthday which is on New Years!

  188. I will bake will bake 2 dozen chocolate chip toffee cookies and share them only with my husband!

  189. This New Years Eve I…will celebrate with friends, new and old!

  190. This New Years Eve I… will probably be in bed by 9. But maybe I will dream of cupcakes. And cute cupcake necklaces…

  191. I will… relax with my hubby in our newly renovated (first!) home!

  192. This New Years Eve I will enjoy yummy food with family and friends.

  193. will be at Stone Mountain Park with my husband, son, daughters and dog!

  194. This New years Eve I…will spend the day preparing to celebrate Christmas with my in-laws (who I adore!)Should be a long but great day!

  195. This New Years Eve I will be spending the evening with my husband but worrying about my grown kids while they are out with their friends at parties, and most likely I will bake something for the hubby and I to enjoy.

  196. hope to watch the ball drop with my husband and have the kids in bed!

  197. Have more fun than last New Year’s Eve!

  198. This new years Eve I will be staying up with my husband and friends playing a few games, watching the ball drop and getting giddy off martinelli’s. The next day we will be starting our new goals!

  199. will be working as a nurse in the ER at the hospital.

  200. This New Years Eve I will be in bed before midnight=)

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