

Christmas is over. But that doesn’t mean the giving is.

I did a little shopping yesterday… not to return anything, but to look around. It’s what I do after Christmas.

Shop. It’s much more fun to shop after Christmas than before. The stress is gone and the sales are still on.

And if something catches my eye like a towering stack of satin pink leopard print jewelry boxes…

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

… well, I’ll take a few extra minutes and look through all the designs.

And if there happens to be something like a super-cute cupcake necklace staring right back at me, then I guess you know what happens next.

Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Awwe…… How could I resist. It’s just the cutest little thing.

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

And it comes in the cutest little box.

Betsey Johnson Necklace

And then there’s all this cute dangly stuff to boot. Did I mention how cute this thing is?

But I didn’t get it for me. I thought I would give it to one of you. So who wants it?

Enter for a chance to win this cutie patootie
Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Just leave a comment on this post and finish the following sentence…

This New Year’s Eve, I …

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 29th at 5:00 p.m. ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck!

I didn’t expect to be so moved by the entries for this giveaway. These might just be some of my favorite ones to read to date. I usually don’t do anything on New Year’s Eve, so thank you for sharing a glimpse into your plans. The simple ones. The silly ones. The serious ones. You guys fill my heart with happiness.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And now for the winner…


Congrats anna p! It’s you!

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4,126 comments on “Gone.”

  1. This New Year’s Eve, I will be with my best friends watching Love Actually (or some other cheesy love story) and eating too much food, waiting for the countdown. =) Awh, traditions are cute.

  2. This New Year’s Eve I will entertain 25 adults and just as many kids at a family game night. I plan to serve, of course, cupcakes!

  3. This new years eve, I am looking forward to having some wine and relaxing!

  4. Will be sitting at my Grandmother’s house dog-sitting all by my lonesome :( . . . Well, I guess technically I have the dogs to keep me company.

  5. This New Year’s Eve, I …

    will be in bed by 9:30p. I have to b e at work at 5am.
    Dreaming about what I could be doing. :)

  6. this New Years Eve I will be glad I survived 2009

  7. This New Years Eve I… will jump on the couches with my brother and sister to drive out the bad spirits of 2009 and to help welcome the 2010.

  8. This New Years Eve I…will be hosting a party! The biggest party I’ve ever had too! My father and I will be the chefs for the night, making everything on the menu into bite sized appetizers. Cake pops will of course be one of the dessesrts. ^_^

  9. this new years eve, I hope to enjoy the presence of my almost-husband and his family. we might even stay up till midnight.

  10. This New Year’s Eve I will be snuggled down with my girls & I am planning on making resolutions this year!

  11. will be spending it with the hs besties in tahoe!

  12. BABYSITTING!!! keeping the grandkids for the kids

  13. This New Year’s Eve I am having friends over for Fondue and games!!! We get our families together every New Year’s Eve and just enjoy each other’s company!

  14. will be enjoying time with friends and family.

  15. hope my desk magically cleans itself off.


  16. This New Year’s Eve will be a quiet one spent at home because I am recovering from some medical issues. Luckily my hubby, kids and family want to come over and watch some movies with me. :)

    Happy New Year!

  17. This New Year Eve…. i decide to stay home with my husband and my kids eating and play with the toys that Santa brings to them….

  18. …I will be painting my mothers kitchen RED!

  19. …officially be old. I’m staying home with my 6 kids and husband to play board games (not video) and watch the Ball drop. I will also officially be happy. :)

  20. This New Years Eve I …. will be gladly saying goodbye to 2009 and hoping that 2010 is a better year !

  21. This New Year’s Eve I will be ringing in the New Year with my best friends from college days and 2 of their kids (my godchildren), playing games, snapping crackers, wearing crazy hats, watching the ball drop and toasting to a wonderful, bright, bakealicious 2010!

  22. … will have a great night with mit friends and hope that 2010 will be a great year with lots of new experiences and recipes!

  23. will make no resolutions. I will love and cherish each person I am around and hope for a Midnight kiss from my hubby. (I fall asleep easy, drat.) lol

  24. …will spend a quiet evening at home with family watching fireworks and feeling blessed for a great year past and the one ahead. God Bless everyone!

  25. this New Year’s Eve, i will be working and hopefully enjoying a movie or 2 with the kids, since DH works evenings.

    thanks! such a cute litte treasure!

  26. This New Years Eve I will be hanging out with my boys, eating good food, playing games and maybe having an adult bevvie or two :)

  27. This New Year’s Eve I will be attempting to make homemade sushi while my new hubby of 3 months sips champagne (who am I kidding, he’ll be sipping beer) and chuckles at me.

  28. will be partying in Las Vegas!

  29. This New Year’s Eve I … will finally buy myself a recipe book, all the ingredients and finally make some cupcakes myself! Inspired by some of your great pix. And why buy the recipe book? Because UK ingredients are not always the same as US ones, and the measurements are different too. For instance, I can’t get shortening for frosting – but am trying to find an equivalent over here.

    Happy New Year, and I have my fingers & toes crossed that I win. I love Betsey’s designs!

  30. This New Year’s Eve I will be with my boyfriend…but we don’t have plans yet!

  31. ….will try to stay up til midnight!

  32. This New Years Eve I will be with my little boo bear trying to get him to sit still and watch the ball drop on tv.

  33. This New Year’s Eve, I …will snuggle with my little girls on our big red couch while the ball drops.

  34. this new years eve, i will be probably be throwing cupcakes at people and smearing frosting over their faces to ring into the new years! :))))

  35. This New Years Eve, I will go out to dinner with husband and friends, then perhaps accompany said husband to a community square dance he is playing for. Auld lang syne and do-si-do!

  36. This new year’s eve I will be with great friends and a wonderful guy!

  37. This New Year’s Eve, I am going to stay up late and watch the ball drop!

  38. This New Year’s Eve I will happily go to bed early, only to wake up at 5 am for a long run on New Year’s Day!

  39. This New Year’s Eve, I will spend a wonderful and quiet night at home with my husband and my dog (praying that I win this give-away…LOVE)

  40. This New Years Eve I will be baking with my little girls!

  41. Home with my husband and kids.

  42. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be spending time at home with friends from out of town, watching my 5 year old daughter enjoy fireworks.

  43. spending with my family!!

  44. Hope to be home resting…

  45. This New Year’s Eve, we will follow our yearly tradition of having tamales for dinner and then watch some of the cheesy specials on TV. And of course, a champagne toast at midnight.

  46. This New Year’s Eve, I …will celebrate with my friends and enjoy being cancer FREE! :)

  47. will probably not remember much and wake up with a headache the next day!

  48. This New Year’s Eve I will celebrate with my husband, hopefully at Midnight Mass and then adoration before coming home and celebrating a little more.
    Oh, and Christmas is NOT over, it just started, can’t we at least have the 12 days of Christmas!

  49. This New Years Eve I will be spending time with friends and family!

  50. …..I look forward to a New year full of life!!!

  51. This New Years Eve I will be preparing for our annual New Years day run followed with a desert party

  52. hope to have something fun to do. No plans yet, I’m still waiting………

  53. This New Years Eve….I will not be making a New Years Eve resolution to loose weight…because it will not happen! haha!

  54. This New Years Eve I will not be starting a resolution that I know I will give up on a few months into 2010.

  55. This New Year’s Eve I will be having dinner with family and friends to celebrate a friend’s birthday! Pizza & pasta at Joe’s and then home to ring in the New Year! Thanks for the chance to win that darling necklace….my nickname is “cupcake” so it would be fitting if I happen to win!

    :0) Terri from Texas

  56. This New Years Eve, I will spend time with my family and get ready for another blessed year!!! :)

  57. will probably go to bed before it is New Years day.

  58. This New Year’s Eve I … will be brave enough to actually go out. All of my family who has died has died horrifically around Christmas, so it feel like spitting in the eye of God to go out on the most dangerous driving night of the year. Wow, do I sound nuts or what?

  59. I will be going to be early since I have to work the next day and the state trooper boyfriend will be out catching drunks.

  60. This New Years Eve I will be spending the night with my family and baking for my grandaughters 1st birthday party on Jan 1st!

  61. This New Years i will eat more cupcakes….hee hee…and that is one resolution i can stick too.

  62. This New Year’s Eve, I … have to work for a few hours, then I want to come home and bake a cake for my hubby. Nothing fancy, but it should be nice.

  63. This New Year’s Eve, I………………

    Will pull out some of my high school clothes and wear them to an 80’s party… Then explain to my kids that people actually DID dress like that.

  64. this new years eve i will be with my family at our cabin patiently waiting for my sweet husband to give me a new years kiss! cant wait!

  65. … will work for half a day, then go home to snuggle with my hubby and almost-two-year-old.

  66. …would really like to be out at a party, but will probably be stuck home with our 3 kids because of a lack of a babysitter. :(

  67. …will have packed up all of my Christmas stuff for another year of waiting in the storage room. Ahhhhhh, back to normal…

  68. This New Year’s Eve, I will enjoy several of Pioneer Woman’s bacon-wrapped jalepenos.

  69. This New Year’s Eve, I will be sipping champagne with my fiance!

  70. This New Years Eve I….will be spending the evening with close family and friends and anxiously waiting the birth of my first baby. 2010 is going to be a year of wonderful new things!

  71. This New Year’s Eve, I will be organizing my parents garage. Doesn’t that sound like fun?

  72. This New Year’s Eve I … sorry, I do not have any idea what I will do, I am still sad, because my little cat died this Christmas Eve

  73. …will be having a quiet dinner with the hubby and going to bed early. I have to work early (6AM) in the morning so will not be staying up to see the new year in. However, happy, happy New Year, Bakerella!!! I just love your blog.

  74. This New Year’s Eve I…am hanging out with my four boys that will be trying to make it to 2010 without falling asleep!

  75. will probably be doing the same thing I did last New Year’s Eve….stay home. Actually, we might have some bad weather, so staying home would probably be the best thing.

  76. This New Years Eve I….will start out the day sweet, working in sugar and chocolate and nothing is neat. I’ll finish the day cleaning up all the mess, so we can go out….no I’m not in a dress. We’ll say our farewells to 2009, it was stressful and busy and seemed short on MY time. We’ll toast with our friends to 2010, now..get ready for cakes, pops and cookies and start over again.

  77. This New Years Eve I will be going to a friend’s party with my brand new FIANCE!!!! <3

  78. This New Year’s Eve, I … will bring in the new year for the first time as a mommy! Wow :) oh also I’ll celebrate by eating a fantastic cheesecake courtesy of Bakerella’s recipe! mmmm

  79. This New Year’s Eve I will be up to my elbows in paint! Nothing like a house remodel to start the new year!

  80. This New Year’s Eve I will spend it with my loved ones, staying up to ring in the New Year with fireworks and lots of noise and good cheer.

  81. This New Year’s Eve I’m having dinner with 8 friends to ring in the new year! Dinner is not until 10:30 pm!! Midnight snack anyone?

  82. This New Year’s Eve I will be watching my husband drink while I enjoy the tiny little kids of our growing daughter in my belly :-)

  83. will be in Arkansas with family!!

  84. This New Years Eve I…will be eating leftover treats from Christmas with friends and singing Karaoke tunes till Midnight. :)

  85. This New Years Eve I will be having a champagne game night with the family and the hippie boyfriend :)

  86. This New Year’s Eve, I will be enjoying my mom’s chocolate fondue and celebrating with the love of my life. (:

  87. This New Year’s Eve I …. will hopefully not be alone.

  88. This New Years Eve I will be spending it with the people that matter most!! My husband and children…..

  89. This New Year’s eve…I will once and for all kick “resolutions” to the curb and eat another piece of fudge!

  90. am baking cookies and bringing them to my boyfriend on base, he deploys shortly after. :(

  91. …I will be with family eating good food and celebrating the New Year!

  92. This New Years Eve I will drink champagne and dress in some way resembling Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard.

  93. This New Years Eve, I am going to laugh until my belly hurts with my best friends :-)

  94. THis new year’s eve, I will be cuddling with my kids, cats, husband and catching up on all the missed sleep I had over the last year!

  95. Oh how cute. I love it! This New Year’s Eve I…will spend it with my husband and three children. We drink kids wine (sparkling grape juice) and have a meal that the kids choose. We play board games and try to ring in the new year.

  96. This New Years Eve I will being fonduing it up with close friends!

  97. will be spending some much needed family time.

  98. will be spending time with my family and friends and celebrating the many gifts of 2009, especially our 10 month old baby girl!

  99. This New Year’s Eve I… am being forced to make cake balls for the party I’m going to (but, secretly I’m really happy I was asked to do it)!!

  100. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be with my best friend and her new 4month old baby girl : )

  101. I will get to see my cute little nephew! Yeah!

  102. This New Year’s Eve I am going out and celebrating with good friends!

  103. …will be alone! Hubby is deployed so doing it on my own this year.

  104. will be surrounded by friends, bring the new year in right!!

  105. …. we plan to go to the Dallas Stars ice hockey game with some friends, enjoy the fireworks & bands at New Years! Yes, there is hockey in TEXAS!!! It’s a blast.

  106. This New Year’s Eve, I will be ridiculously grateful for all the wonderful things that happened to me in 2009 :)

  107. … I will have fun with the fam!=)

  108. I will snuggle in with my family of four!

  109. …am going to let each of my daughters (2) have a friend over to share snacks and sparkling cider, maybe play a game of scrabble or finish decorating a gingerbread log cabin while we see in the new year.

  110. … I will have fun with the fam!=)

  111. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be playing the great american challenge with all of my closest friends!

  112. This New Year’s Eve I will spend with my family and friends having dinner, attending a party, and then returning to our friends home to play poker and let the kids play while we wait for the ball to drop! How’s that for a run-on sentence?
    Happy New Year!

  113. This New Year’s Eve I will drink chocolate martinis with my hubby after we put the kids to bed.

  114. This New Year’s Eve I…will be hanging out with my hubby and good friends, and keeping my fingers crossed to win the adorable Betsey J. necklace!! =)

  115. This New Years Eve my husband & I are hosting a game night at our house. We were just married December 12th so we’re very excited to celebrate our 1st New Years Eve as a married couple w/ wonderful friends.

  116. This New Years Eve I… will be unveiling a cake with meeples and a game board based on a game called Carrcassonne since we’ll be playing European Board games to ring in the New Year.

  117. these are waaaay too cute!

  118. This New Years Eve, I will stay in my pajamas and drink champagne straight out of the bottle…and enjoy every moment of it.

  119. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be partying in two different cites with friends who’ve been all over the world! <3

  120. This New Years Eve I will be sitting at home with my lovely kids, hubby has to work.

  121. This New Years Eve I will be spending it wearing masks and using up my entire store of silly string.

  122. this new years I will go to bed early as usual!

  123. plan to make cupcakes… no seriously, I plan to make cupcakes :)

  124. this new year’s eve, i’ll be going out for the very first time!

  125. will be at home with my husband fighting to stay awake!

  126. This New Year’s Eve, I…have no clue what I’m doing. But it would be nice to figure it out soon, huh? :) lol Thanks for the giveaway!

  127. …will be having a relaxing evening at home with my hubby and good friends!

  128. This New Year’s Eve, I … will spend a cozy night in with my husband and son, and will remember how nine years ago, my then-boyfriend surprised me with a proposal.

  129. This New Years Eve, I solemnly swear I am up to no good ;o)

  130. will either have a cozy evening by the fire, or intense family ping-pong tournament. Maybe a little of both.

  131. I will be spending New years eve with my huband, now we just have to figure out which party to go to!

  132. This New Years Eve I..
    will be spending the entire day making buttercream cupcakes for the family while wishing I had a pretty little necklace to match them & spend the evening with my silly best friend/boyfriend by going to the movies & eating sushi:)

  133. …I will have dinner with friends and ring in the new year with my baby girl.

  134. This New Year’s Eve, I will be hanging out with my closest friends and family to watch 2010 come on in :D

  135. This New Year’s Eve I will be cuddling up with bf and making a yummy dinner.

  136. This new years eve I will make a resolution to head back to the gym, I swear!

  137. This New Year’s Eve..I plan to be cuddled on the couch with my husband and kids. Having a movie night with popcorn Nachos & lots of laughing~ Sipping some champagne when the clock strikes midnight, bringing in the new year with all the hopes and dreams that go with it ~ Thinking back on the glorious memories that we have made so far in the years past and being thankful for the wonderful life I am living ~ and being very much in love with those nearest and dearest to my heart.

  138. don’t know what I am doing yet. Supposed to go to my sister-in-law’s but now it looks like it may snow!

  139. This New Years Eve I…will be spending time with my family and decorating 48 cupcakes plus a smash cake for a cute little 1 year old.

  140. …will be working at Disneyland! never a holiday when you work there. ;)

  141. This New Years Eve I…will be sharing a kiss with the most wonderful boyfriend in the world and a cuddle with my two adorable basenji’s.

  142. This New Year’s Eve I will be at church celebrating & praising God… it’s a how my family always brings in the New Year.

  143. This New Years Eve I…will be working in my hell of a job, but when I get off, I’ll be spending the last few hours of the evening with my amazing boyfriend.

  144. This New Year’s Eve, I will be making PW’s Cinnamon Rolls!

  145. This New Year’s Eve, I …… I am just really looking forward to starting 2010.

  146. This New Year’s Eve I look forward to spending a quiet night at home with my husband and kids.

  147. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be celebrating a birthday!

  148. This New Year Eve I will be celebrating my dads birthday with him and my family at home!

  149. This New Year’s Eve, I will be cooking with my family!

  150. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be home with my husband just the two of us. We will have some wine and grapes and of course some sweet goodies.

  151. i will be relaxing! either with friends or by myself. woohoooo!!!

  152. This New Years Eve I will leave all the bad stuff of 2009 behind!

  153. This new year’s eve I..will be hosting a house full of people…including 2, 6 year olds and 4, 2 year olds. Bets on the kids making it to midnight and the parents falling asleep by 11? Maybe we’ll just ring in the new year with the east coast and call it a day.

  154. This New Years Eve, I’m going to propose to my girlfriend :) I hope she says yes and if I do win she’ll love the cupcake necklace as she loves your website

  155. … will be going to my brother’s for a family party a letting my sweet daughter stay up late. The baby will be with Grandma & Grandpa. :)

  156. This New Years Eve I … will be making New Years cupcakes and having martini’s with the girls!


  158. This New Years Eve I will be spending it with my girlfriends in San Francisco…..First time in 5 years I have been out for New Years :)

  159. will be with her wonderful boyfriend in Mobile hopefully dancing off all the wonderful Christmas treats (i.e. Caloric OVERLOAD :)!

  160. This New Year’s Eve, I vow to make only a realistic resolution like write letters instead of emails to friends.

  161. will probably be dousing someone with a fire extinguisher. This normally happens at my house when there are fireworks.

  162. This New Year’s Eve, I’m having a movie night and an Asian food fest.

  163. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be tucked in my house with my wonderful husband.

  164. This New Years Eve I . . . will be partying with the greatest family ever. Then enjoying an early breakfast at midnight!

  165. will be spending it in Costa Rica! YEA More specifically in one of the hot springs near the Arenal Volcano.

  166. Did you pick one up for your cupcake lady, too?


    Prospero año nuevoooooooooooooooooo!

  167. This New Years Eve I am going to eat A LOT of fondue, sit around a bonfire, and watch the ball drop on my computer because I don’t have TV :P

  168. I will be spending time with the family at home…probably with a fire in the fireplace, a good movie, some yummy snacks and my hubby and two boys! That’s my idea of heaven!

  169. This New Year’s Eve my husband & I are going to have a stay at home dance party, eat lots of sweet treats & ring in the brandy new year together banging pots & pans for all the neighbors to hear!!! Happy New Year to you & yours!!!


  170. I have no plans, This year has been a rollercoaster and although I should be hosting a party, I decided to not do it this year, and go into 2010 stress free.

  171. This New Years Eve I will be cooking up a surprise for when my boyfriend gets back! :) Happy New Year Bakerella!

  172. This New Years Eve I…..will be cuddling with my baby boy and missing my husband who is in Afghanistan.

  173. will be at the gym working off all the cupcakes i made for our wedding a couple weeks ago and then having drinks with my new family!

  174. This New Year’s Eve, I am hosting some friends at our new home and I can’t wait to start making some yummy treats!

  175. Will be celebrating the end of my 30’s (which have been great!) and looking forward to my 40’s (which will be fabulous!)…my birthday is on New Year’s Day :)

  176. am having a few friends over for a low-key night :)

  177. This New Year’s Eve… I could care less WHERE I am since I am spending it with 12 of the best people I know!

  178. This New Year’s Eve, I will get to see all my cousins!!

  179. have no idea what I am doing

  180. I will be hanging out at home in South Carolina with my four kids, missing my husband who is stationed out of Virginia and is deploying for 6 months on the 2nd.

  181. will be staying in, cooking yummy food and watching DVD’s.

    Happy New Year!!

  182. This New Years Eve I . . . will mentally prepare myself for the Penguin Plunge the next morning :-S

  183. My husband and I will go to bed early; get a good nights sleep; and start the new year refreshed whilst others are recovering from food & other hangovers:)

  184. This New Years Eve I …. will be partying to Robert Earl Keen and friends in Austin! Good riddance 2009, Hello 2010!

  185. This New Year’s Eve I am bringing brownies to my friend’s apartment party in Boston.

  186. …have dinner and deserts with family and friends. Happy New Year!

  187. Will be celebrating the end if my 30’s (which have been great!) and looking forward to my 40’s (which will be fabulous!)…my birthday is on New Year’s Day :)

  188. This New Year’s Eve I… will be celebrating with friends & family.

  189. This New Years Eve I’ll put on ladylike glam and glitz and toast off to a better decade with one of my dearest friends and lots of new people.

  190. going to a church party!

  191. will be gathering with some other families for a party at our church.

  192. I will be entertaining my family in my new house.

  193. This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending a lovely evening with my Husband and Daugther in downtown Toronto….

    All the best to you and yours. Thanks Bakerella for bringing sweet pleasure to our lives!

  194. This New Year’s Eve, I am going to pick my boyfriend up (who’s been away since Christmas) from Urbana, a Christian conference held in St. Louis and tell him that i’d very much like to spend the rest of my life with him.

  195. These are simply adorable!

  196. This New Year’s eve I am going to pray in the last hour of the year for a more peaceful new year.

  197. This New Year’s Eve I’m hostessing a party for 16 people. Call me crazy! I’m inspired daily by your website-puts me in the hostessing mood! : )

  198. This New Year’s Eve I…will spend with my hubby and son.

  199. This New Year’s Eve, I will probably just hang out with great friends!

  200. I will be up on the moutains skiing down the slopes :D

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