

Christmas is over. But that doesn’t mean the giving is.

I did a little shopping yesterday… not to return anything, but to look around. It’s what I do after Christmas.

Shop. It’s much more fun to shop after Christmas than before. The stress is gone and the sales are still on.

And if something catches my eye like a towering stack of satin pink leopard print jewelry boxes…

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

… well, I’ll take a few extra minutes and look through all the designs.

And if there happens to be something like a super-cute cupcake necklace staring right back at me, then I guess you know what happens next.

Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Awwe…… How could I resist. It’s just the cutest little thing.

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

And it comes in the cutest little box.

Betsey Johnson Necklace

And then there’s all this cute dangly stuff to boot. Did I mention how cute this thing is?

But I didn’t get it for me. I thought I would give it to one of you. So who wants it?

Enter for a chance to win this cutie patootie
Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Just leave a comment on this post and finish the following sentence…

This New Year’s Eve, I …

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 29th at 5:00 p.m. ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck!

I didn’t expect to be so moved by the entries for this giveaway. These might just be some of my favorite ones to read to date. I usually don’t do anything on New Year’s Eve, so thank you for sharing a glimpse into your plans. The simple ones. The silly ones. The serious ones. You guys fill my heart with happiness.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And now for the winner…


Congrats anna p! It’s you!

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4,126 comments on “Gone.”

  1. will spend the day shopping for any remaining bargains and spending the evening with my sweet hubby and two lil babes

  2. This New Year’s Eve I … will spend the afternoon with my family at a glow bowling party. After that, we’ll come back here and probably play the Wii and board games until it’s time for the kids to go to bed. After that, I plan on relaxing with my husband until Midnight! :)

  3. This New Year’s Eve, I …

    will be driving to Orlando FL from Baton Rouge LA, to watch our beloved LSU Tigers play in the Citrus Bowl!! Yay!!

    Geaux Tigers!!!

  4. will probably spend it at home w/ my Hubby enjoying our last few days before we become parents!

  5. have a lot of pink sprinkle gingerbread unicorns to make.

  6. will start a diet after baking a cake for my sun’s 8 weeks birthday! kisses to all =)

  7. ….will simplify

  8. This New Years Eve I will be opening as Lady Bracknell in “The Importance of Being Earnest” and giving beautifull homemade Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting as Opening Night gifts to cast and crew.

  9. will be dancing my butt off! :)

    It’s not every day my boyfriend and I get to go out!

  10. This New Years I… will be hanging out with my police officer brother and his police officer friends, yikes!

  11. This New Year’s Eve, I am on the emergency pager for work, so I will be sure to stay sober and hopefully hang out with some friends. I work at a Children’s Advocacy Center, and know that I need to keep my wits about me, just in case. :)

    And the cupcake? ADORABLE!

  12. too cute! this new year’s eve i will be celebrating the end of 2009 with all my favorite people and getting ready to begin another fantastic year!

  13. Nice peacful evening home with my family.

  14. will be celebrating the end of a tough 2009 with hopes for a better new year for everyone!

  15. This New Years Eve I…will be hanging out with friends to celebrate the beginning of a new year!

  16. This New Years Eve, I will hang out with my guy as we look forward to uncovering all that the coming year holds.

  17. This New Years Eve I will cook and Bake some yummy food, and i will share it with my family, we will stay home and bring in the new year together, husband , son, daugher and myself.

  18. This New Year’s Eve, I …
    … will be spending time with old friends and my husband of 4 months, and *not* drinking because I just found out that I’m pregnant. :-)

  19. my family and I will be spending it with good friends and eating lots of delicious food! Happy New Year to All!

  20. Hello Bakerella! Love your blog…This New Year’s Eve, I will… hopefully be going out for a bit with the DH, and coming home to see the ball drop and drink some champagne, and smooch! :)

  21. …will have crab for dinner, put the kids to bed, and fall asleep on the couch waiting for the ball to drop.

  22. that afternoon i will be busy baking treats for an evening of eating, laughing and friends…happy new years!!!

  23. This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending time with family and friends. It is how we ring in every new year!

  24. This New Year’s Eve I will be celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary! I hope to have time this week to make special cupcakes for it to share with everyone at the new years party. But I am thinking of sticking with the classic caramel apple cupcakes with vanilla glaze type of frosting. Hope you have a good New Year!

  25. This New Years Eve I will be snuggling with my honey all day long. :) Thanks!

  26. This new years eve I shall be making cake balls~

  27. This New Years Eve… I will spend it in NH with my boyfriend and his family :)

  28. OH MY!!! this is sooooo adorable!! yep Xmas shopping is always where we find the best thing…PLUS IT ON SALE!!

  29. This New Year’s Eve, I will be playing with my six-year old nephew and studying for the GREs.

  30. This New Years Eve I’m going to my friends 70’s themed New Year’s party. Always a lot of fun!

  31. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be watching movies and cracking jokes with the people I love most.

  32. This New Years Eve I will remain optimistic and hopeful in my Prada shoes.

  33. This New Years Eve..celebrating with my family and thinking
    how blessed I am..

  34. This new years eve i will eat chinese with my boys adn husband. and have agreat time!

  35. This New Years Eve I will be staying in; making a great surf and turf dinner for my boyfriend and snuggling by a fire while the snow storm passes by us.

  36. will be enjoying it with the hubby and my 3 girls…

  37. Cute! This New Years Eve, I will be spending time at home with my boyfriend and some friends…just a small get together, but staying inside where it’s safe! :)

  38. This New Years Eve I…..will be hanging out with my husband and our 5 month old daughter. Probably cooking and watching movies together!

  39. This New Years Eve I will be at my mother-in-laws with all of the family having a great time!

  40. crying, it is a rough day for me

  41. I’ll be celebrating with the new years babies in my family. It’s a tradition to ring in the new year with them while celebrating their birthdays. Oh. and i’ll also try to squeeze in some baking. :)

  42. This new year’s eve I will spend it with my two wonderful children and my husband. My daughter and I will bake cupcakes, cookies, and cupcake pops!! We will welcome in 2010!!!

  43. This New Year’s Eve, I will be eating lots and having fun with my family in Nashville.

  44. This New Years Eve , I… will be watching “I Love Lucy” on DVD until midnight. : )

  45. This New Year’s Eve, I’ll be working until 7pm, and then fight with thousands of tourists on Las Vegas Blvd, trying to leave work and go home to my family.

  46. This New Year’s Eve I have no plans beyond spending the evening with my husband and sweet little boys… let the games begin!

  47. stay at home eating cake balls!

  48. This New Year’s Eve I will be celebrating with friends and family!

  49. This New Years I’ll get to give my boyfriend of 5 years our first New Years Eve kiss ever :-)

  50. I will be with family at my Dad’s. . . .

  51. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be with my honey and some friends having great food and bubbly drinks!

  52. This New Year’s Eve I … am working, then going over to my parents’ house to celebrate with my family. We’ll be playing games, singing karaoke, and smoochin’ at midnight (um… our respective spouses, not each other. That’d be weird.)

  53. This New Year’s Eve, I …am hanging out with a couple of families for a family friendly new years playing rockband ;)
    Happy New years to you!!

  54. This New Years Eve, I will be ready for 2010. A whole decade has gone by since Y2K..WOW!

  55. this New Year’s Eve I will be snuggling with the family in front of a fire with some hot chocolate and a movie.

  56. This new years eve…. I will cook for my closest friends!

  57. …plan on watching Canada play hockey in the World Juniors tournament with my hubby and kids. GO CANADA!

  58. This New Years Eve I… am spending at home with the love of my life!

  59. will be staying home with husband and youngest because three oldest have plans. First time ever to have 3 teenagers and no babysitter!

  60. ….., i will party with my friends and family!
    i am sure its gonna be lots of fun!

  61. This New Year’s Eve, I’ll party my ass off ^^

  62. This New Year’s Eve, I …
    will stay home, in Finland, with the best people in the world: my husband and daughter, but missing the family in Brasil.
    I really need this cute cupcake necklace that comes in a so perfect box to make my New Year´s Eve happier.

  63. This New Years Eve I will be with my hubby, eating and watching TV, most likely.

  64. This New Year’s Eve…

    I will be spending time with my fiance and planning out law school applications…over champagne of course!

  65. This New Years Eve, I am starting a big challenge for myself and I am going to try to be brave!

  66. …will be at my first black tie formal party, with a sparkly party dress and girly heels! I am so excited! The cupcake necklace is absolutely adorable!

  67. This New Years Eve I will be spending it with my husband and kiddos. Prob watching football…..:)

  68. This New Year’s Eve, I …am going to a movie for the 1st time in over 6 months without kids!!! (then I’ll be going to bed early so I can get up at some ungodly hour with said kids on the 1st morning of 2010)

  69. This New Year’s Eve I will be at home with my son with my husband is at work.

  70. This New Years Eve I will be celebrating my daugther’s 10th birthday with my family. she has decided that bowling is the thing to do!

  71. This New Year’s Eve, I have no idea what I will be doing. Possibly sitting on a couch with my best friend, reflecting the last year, and possibly baking cupcakes with said friend.

  72. This New Year’s Eve, I will win the poker tournament!!

  73. This New Year’s Eve, I hope to make resolutions that I stick to…

  74. This New Year’s Eve, I will be celebrating my 38th birthday!!!

  75. This New Years Eve is the first one I will spend with my husband.

  76. I will be home with my two boys (6 and 4) and my wonderful husband. The boys are going to try and stay up til midnight to say Happy New Year.

    Cute necklace.

  77. This New Years Eve…. I will spend it at home with my new baby ( a rottie puppy) and family, while baking and sipping hot cider.

  78. This New Year’s Eve, I will have our traditional new year’s eve fondue feast! This year it will be cheese and chocolate with many dippers – strawberries, marshmallows, apples, bread, crackers, pound cake, etc…

    The husband also requested I make spinach artichoke dip too. Yum!

  79. CUTE! Love the necklace! This New Year’s Eve, I … will have the day off work and spend it relaxing with my hubby!

  80. This New Year’s Eve, I… will bake more and more and more AND MORE cupcakes! Yay!

  81. This New Year’s Eve I…will be celbrating my sister’s 24th birthday. ;)

  82. hope to be able to stay up until the New Year. LOL!

  83. Will be spending on the couch with my giant puppy watchign movies while the hubby works.

  84. This New Years Eve I…am driving up to San Francisco to celebrate the new decade in the city for the first time!

  85. ..will be my first year in many I won’t be working in a restaurant on NYE.. and I’m going to miss the hustle of plating desserts for the crowd!

    Also my first NY’s with my son!

  86. I stay home and go to bed early.

  87. I will probably be making a delicious dinner on my new pans and spend the night at home with the Man and a few friends- drinking and playing games.

  88. This New Years Eve I will be ending the hardest year of my life and beginning the happiest one.

  89. This New Year’s Eve I will be preparing for my family to visit. A bit of grocery shopping, menu planning, dusting, vacuuming…. and some late Christmas gift prepping. How fun!

    And what an adorable necklace! Thanks for the opportunity.

  90. deeply thinking and praying to my lord and savior on ending my marriage of 12 years, and a relationship of 18. We’ve had problems for the past 6 years that are only getting worst and I don’t know if I keep staying for they right reasons. Please keep me in your thoughts.

  91. will spend with my friends and husband having a great time and enjoying each others company before the craziness of school starts again.

  92. This New Year’s Eve…I hope I will be donning a new Betsy Johnson cupcake necklace…oh, my goodness… that is soooooo cute!

  93. This New Years Eve, I will be without my loving husband while he works for the Sheriffs Department. So, I will be spending it with his family. This way I won’t be alone and I will still get to have a little piece of him with me as we start this new year.

  94. This New Year’s Eve I hope to be holding my new granddaughter, due any day!

  95. This New Year’s Eve I hope all my friends and family are safe and happy!

  96. This New Year’s Eve, I … will spend it with my BFF and friends in LA! Hopefully gorging myself with a huge steak + cupcakes for dessert :)

  97. …will probably fall asleep at 10:30, but happy at home with my hubby and my babies.

  98. This New Years eve I … will make a promise to myself to give more to others. Give more time, more love, more joy.

    Thanks Bakerella!!


  99. … am hoping to stay awake to see the ball drop. That’s what pregnancy does to a girl…

  100. This New Years Eve I will be spending it with my husband, and 30 youth from our church as they do the Polar Bear Plunge in our unheated pool at the stroke of midnight. Also, celebrating the anniversary of our engagement!

  101. Go to bed early with my sweetie!

  102. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be staying up to kiss my boyfriend

  103. This New Years Eve I … will be on my honeymoon! Happy wedding day today for me!

  104. will be with my boyfriend and friends!

  105. …I’ll be warm and snug at home watching some sappy movie with my husband, and setting some goals for 2010!

  106. This New Years Eve .. I will be making “The Cake That Took Two Years to Bake but Only A Week to Eat” (it’s a tradition I have with my boyfriend that started when we could never finish our celebratory cake before midnight).

  107. This New Year’s Eve I… will be with my husband & friends! YEAH, it’s been a long time coming, and after the blizzard I am so ready to get out of the house!!

  108. still don’t have plans. Hopefully I will do something fun!

  109. This New Years Eve I …will make nibblies and cuddle with my almost too old to cuddle boy and try to figure out his new Clue game.

  110. This New Years Eve, I will probably be in bed by 10pm, but only so I can start 2010 out on the right foot….

  111. this newyears eve i will be a better cook… i promise. lol

  112. This New Years Eve, my husband and I will be going out on a double date with my brother and his wife while the grandparents watch all of the kiddos! It will be a lot of fun :)

  113. This New Year’s Eve, I am going to start doing all the things I said I was going to do Last New Year’s Eve!

  114. this new years eve, i will be working :(

  115. This New Years Eve…..I will be with my wonderful hubby as I have for the last 27 years

  116. This New Years Eve I …. will stay in and cook and bake!

  117. This New Year’s Eve I will be in Santa Barbara in my new little black dress with my cousins and friends.

  118. …will cuddle up with my hubby, watch the new Star Trek movie, and eat lots of yummy chips and dip!

  119. This New Year’s Eve, I …will stay home with my hubby and my two little cutie patooties.

    Happy New Year to you!!

  120. This New Year’s Eve, I … will go out to a couple of local festivities, be home by 10pm, try to stay up to watch the ball drop, but will inevitably fall asleep anyway. Happens most every year.

  121. This New Years Eve I will spend the day with my daughter, then go Downtown to watch the ball drop with my fiance. (Grandmas coming over to watch the baby)

  122. This New Years Eve I… will be cuddled up on my couch watching movies with my hubby and puppy!

  123. This New Year’s Eve, I … am going to go see my friends in Vermont!

  124. ….. stay up late playing monopoly with the kids. It’s a tradition.

  125. This New Years Eve I will enjoy a delicious dinner and wonderful night with my fiance´s family.

  126. This New Year’s Eve I will dance in the kitchen.

  127. This New Year’s Eve, I will be having a relaxing dinner at my mom’s house with my husband and 2 children. She is making lasagna – yum! I don’t think I will make it to see the ball at midnight because I turn into a pumpkin by 10pm but it will be nice to spend it with family. Happy New Year to you!! Thank you for making your blog so entertaining!

  128. This New Year’s Eve, I may just cook a delicious dinner and sit at home with my love! It’s supposed to be rainy/snowy, and I feel a cold coming on…

    Happy New Year, Bakerella!

  129. This New Year’s Eve, I …am moving to Arizona! (from Ohio)

  130. i have mix feeling about the new year, both happy and sad! but at this moment i dont want 2009 to end!

  131. . . . will be with my husbands family, friends and our daughter having a small get together at home

  132. This New Year’s Eve, I …

    Will take a deep breath and welcome the new year with open arms and a smile :)

  133. This New Year’s Eve, I …will put 2009 behind me and look forward to new opportunities in 2010.

  134. This New Year’s Eve I am looking forward to making cake pops and sharing them with my neighbors while we sit outside around a firepit. I will also be working on organizing my new craft/playroom/office earlier in the day!! Lots of fun and a great way to start off 2010. :) Happy New Year everyone!!

  135. will kiss and hug my kids and husband and give thanks for a
    wonderful year and welcoming a better one.

  136. will make a resolution to actually follow through with all the resolutions I make!

  137. We celebrate with the Chileans, as their New Year comes at a more convenient time for the kids in my Mom’s group. So our ball drops at 7pm California time, we count down, pop the bubbly, get the kids in jammies and get them home to bed before there are crazies out on the road. It’s perfect! 8)

  138. …. will be celebrating with friends!

  139. This New Years Eve I… Will be working into the new year.

  140. This New Year’s Eve I will be in church like every year before. It’s called a watch night service. It’s very long.

  141. This New Years Eve, I…..would LOVE to be wearing that necklace! :)

  142. This New Year’s Eve, I’m going to San Francisco!!!!!! Can’t wait

  143. This new year’s eve I hope to gather with my friends and loved ones and enjoy my cupcakes which i am making right now =)

  144. will be at home, with my three most favorite boys celebrating by drinking sparkling apple cider!

  145. This New Year’s Eve, I… will home alone (with 2 kids asleep) because my husband goes to his weekly D&D group.

  146. celebrating with my hunky husband and my three little wee ones. My little one just turned two so she will sleep through the activity! I tend to be a homebody and think it is best on night like this to be safe and snug at home.

    Did you see the panda necklace? That one was my second favorite.

  147. This New Year’s Eve, I will be attending a close friend’s annual classy Victorian/Steampunk soiree – and providing nearly a hundred homemade hors d’oueveres for it!

  148. This New Years Eve I will celebrate what a great year 2009 was and look forward to 2010 with hope!

  149. This New Years Eve I will be snugling on my couch with some festive cocktails and my sweety. I can’t wait!

  150. I will be staying home with the fam…probably eating chocolate of some sort…

  151. This New Years Eve I …. will be eating lot’s of yummy Colombian food and hopefully burning it off dancing all night with my family… that’s if I don’t go into a food coma. =)

  152. This New Year’s Eve, I will learn how to embrace change. Having a baby does that.

  153. “This New Year’s Eve”…. I still don’t have any plans for it!! Who know’s what the next couple of days is gonna bring!! I do know that I’ll stop by and see my mom, it is her Birthday on 12/31!

  154. This New Year’s Eve I will be spending time with family before the long road-trip back home the next day!

  155. This New Year’s Eve I…will celebrate my birthday (like I do every year)!

  156. will be celebrating my 16th wedding anniversary with my amazing husband and our wonderful friends.

  157. …I’ll bury money for luck, and uncover it the following morning to ring in prosperity.

  158. This New Years Eve I… still waiting to hear the plan from my best friend. :)

  159. This New Year’s Eve, I’m apparently going to be eating dinner from a “Chicago gyro takeaway”… in Phoenix. Sounds good to me!

  160. This New Year’s Eve, I …will ring it in with my wonderful boyfriend at The Flaming Lips concert! :)

  161. will spend the night with my husband, doing whatever HE wants. :) I hope it involves staying home.

  162. Will be spending time with my boyfriend for our third anniversary…and collecting money from friends who bet we wouldn’t last.

  163. This New Years Eve I will be 80’s dancing with my hubby and friends! :)

  164. Oooooh, me, me! Pick me please!

    This new years eve I…

    I want to stop worrying. I just want to have an enjoyable time with my friends and celebrate that another year has passed.

  165. this new year’s eve I will be with friends, breaking in my new kitchenaid mixer!

  166. This New Year’s Eve, I will be with my best friends. We will enjoy some champagne, fireworks, and hopefully I will have the pleasure of a midnight smooch!

  167. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be in a hotel in Dallas with my daughter & hubby waiting to see the Rebels play.

  168. This New Years Eve I will be driving across the border to land my husband as a permanent resident of Canada. Best New Years ever!!

  169. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be spending it with the ones I love and will probably be trapped inside due to the snow :)

  170. I will spend home w my hubby and a newborn…Hopefully sleeping!

  171. This New Years Eve, I will be in Downtown Dallas, ringing in the New Year with my boyfriend and 2 of my best friends.

  172. This new years eve…I will be assisting a chef as we prepare a gourmet dinner for 15 guests. Then I hope to get home right before midnight and kiss my new year’s sweetheart.

  173. Ooh, that is cute. The post-Christmas sales are the best part of Christmas shopping for me. Let’s see…

    This New Year’s Eve, I will remember to say thank you for the deer sausage but NOT eat it, give the men guests bottle rockets so they will not shoot off their pistols in the yard at midnight (the roof of my car has never forgiven me) and enjoy the fun of not only MY family but two of the kids’ friends sleeping over for food, blender drinks, and Wii games till we drop.

  174. This New Years Eve I will be spending it with my family and my brothers family… in the Netherlands. Greetings from a Dutch fan! I love your website and I already used some of your recipies. Really delicious! Thank you so much!

  175. I will be looking for a sign :)

  176. This New Years Eve I am going to keep my kids up late with me so they will sleep in.

  177. This New Years Eve, I plan to finally make my dreams a reality and bake so many goodies. I’ve always put it off and I can’t believe I let it get this far. So I WILL bake and make delicious treats that will capture the hearts of many with role models like Bakerellla and Pioneer Woman. Thank you for inviting me into the baking world. I know I will be at home here.

  178. This New Year’s Eve, I …will most likely fall asleep before midnight!! :( Two little girls under the age of 3 and I’m loving my sleep! Ha!!! We’ll see….

  179. …hope to get a good night’s sleep!

    (I know how lame that is…but I’m tired!) Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. …will be relaxing with my babies.

  181. This New Year’s Eve, I plan to go out for the first time in years!

  182. This New Years Eve I will ring in the new years by snuggling on the couch with my amazing husband.

  183. This New Year’s Eve, I will be thankful for my family safe and sound amidst all the snowstorms that kept us apart for the holidays.

  184. I’ll be waiting on my husband to come home from a trip out of state.

  185. This New Year’s eve, I have absolutely no plans. Its amazing! I am rather excited just to spend the evening with my hubby.

  186. YES! this is finally the first random drawing I ever entered with Bakerella. I always miss it. But that necklace is the cutest thing. I’ve recently started browsing for cupcake items, jewelry, decorations. I’m starting to get a fetish for them. Love you Bakerella!

  187. This New Year’s Eve I will spend it with my family and thanking God for the blessing he gave us in caring for my loved ones and bettering their health.

  188. This New Years Eve I will be spending it as the last one without a baby on board. Hope i can stay awake till Midnight.

  189. This New Year’s Eve… will be spent with my wonderful hubby and 3 terrific kids in the mountains. Then we will sled the day away on New Year’s Day! Great way to ring in the New Year with fun, fun, fun!

  190. This New Year’s Eve, I … am going to hang out with some friends (husbands and kids also invited).

  191. This New Years Eve I…..will be celebrating with my sister and her family and my family AT HOME

  192. This New Years Eve, I will be playing cards with my in-laws and ringing in 2010 with lots of homemade french silk pie!

  193. This New Year’s Eve….I will be partying at my house.

  194. This New Year’s Eve, I will be toasting life with my husband.

  195. This New Year’s Eve……I WILL stay up until midnight :)

  196. This New Year’s Eve, I will be entertaining two very good friends and their four dogs. Along with my own, so that makes five. My house isn’t that big – this should be fun!

  197. will be spending it with my new family (in-laws to-be) and friends, thinking of auld lang syne, and feeling glad to be through the first decade of the 21st century. Here’s to a fantastic second decade, and a wonderful 2010. :)

  198. This New Years Eve I will be wishing for an exciting and healthy 2010!

  199. This New Year’s Eve, I will FINALLY be going skiing!!! I ahve wanted to go skiing for 7 years since I first got married but I was pregnant and or nursing each new years for the past five years! This year I am not pregnant and I can go skiing! Hahaha!

    P.S. Love it! LOVE LOVE LOVE the necklace!

  200. …I will be spending a romantic evening with my husband and grilling up the Omaha Steaks we got for Christmas!

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