Christmas is over. But that doesn’t mean the giving is.
I did a little shopping yesterday… not to return anything, but to look around. It’s what I do after Christmas.
Shop. It’s much more fun to shop after Christmas than before. The stress is gone and the sales are still on.
And if something catches my eye like a towering stack of satin pink leopard print jewelry boxes…
… well, I’ll take a few extra minutes and look through all the designs.
And if there happens to be something like a super-cute cupcake necklace staring right back at me, then I guess you know what happens next.
Awwe…… How could I resist. It’s just the cutest little thing.
And it comes in the cutest little box.
And then there’s all this cute dangly stuff to boot. Did I mention how cute this thing is?
But I didn’t get it for me. I thought I would give it to one of you. So who wants it?
Enter for a chance to win this cutie patootie
Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace
Just leave a comment on this post and finish the following sentence…
This New Year’s Eve, I …
Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 29th at 5:00 p.m. ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.
Good luck!
I didn’t expect to be so moved by the entries for this giveaway. These might just be some of my favorite ones to read to date. I usually don’t do anything on New Year’s Eve, so thank you for sharing a glimpse into your plans. The simple ones. The silly ones. The serious ones. You guys fill my heart with happiness.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
And now for the winner…
Congrats anna p! It’s you!
This New Years Eve I…will spend time with my precious husband of 40 years & good friends and look back on the past year and look forward to 2010.
plan on making Chinese food and having my parents over for supper.
Stay home with my family,and play games with the kids.
…we’re hosting an early evening open house where the kids attending outnumber the adults!
This New Years I will be celebrating my 1 year wedding anniversary!
play fast, quick-paced,and fun games that will keep me awake until midnight!!
Thank You.!
This New Year’s Eve, will be my first one celebrating the New Year as a married couple.
… will be having pot luck w/ friends.
Will stay home with my husband, and relax and toast the New Year.
This New Year’s Eve…I will be heading to bed early so I can drive home (MN to KS).
This New Year’s Eve I am doing something different and taking the family to Legoland where the countdown to New Year’s is at 6pm.
This New Years Eve I…will be spending the evening with the most wonderful husband in the world and any of my wonderful children that are available to do dinner and play games. I love my family!!!
This New Year’s Eve, I will kiss my husband and check on my 7 month old daughter asleep in her crib!
This New Year’s Eve, I …will be going out with my best friends to a party and then spending the night at a hotel together.
….have no plans, and LOVE it! I’m thinking my husband and I will call it an early night with some take-out and movies.
…recuperating from all the holiday events and shopping.
This New Year I
Plan to relax!
will be spending time with my family!
This New Year’s Eve I have no plans–we aren’t sure how to work it with our toddler!
This new years eve will be spent with people that I love.
will be playing a board game with my high school daughter, worrying about my high school son who probably will not be playing the board game, and toasting the New Year and my myriad of resolutions (lose weight, work out, floss, stop swearing)….
This new year’s eve I plan to hold by baby longer and enjoy him….not worry about getting him to bed quickly so that I can do the millions of things I need to do around the house. He’s growing so fast and I need to just enjoy his snuggliness right now.
I will be with my family at 2 different parties…But I am waiting for you to do some type of fun New Years cupcake or cake pops!!
This New Year’s Eve, I will dance as if my life depended on it!
This New Years Eve I … will enjoy a wonderful evening at home with my family by cooking a nice dinner, enjoying some bubbly, and cuddling on the couch with some new movies!
This New Year’s Eve, I … will be spending with my family and party it up with my cousins!
This New Year’s Eve will be spent with friends as we welcome a promising 2010!!!
This New Year’s Eve, I …Will be spending time with my family making my first baby blanket for our soon to come son!
This New Year’s Eve, I…will be spending it with some great friends.
This New Years Eve I… will hopefuly be with my family at home!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be working until 10 pm at a hospital then I will go home and go to bed after setting my alarm for 11:55 so I can watch the ball drop with my husband and dog. :)
This New Year’s Eve, I will be sitting in my apartment, wishing I was with my husband and puppy. Due to work, we are separated by 10 hours. However, baking and cooking are what keeps me sane.
…will be spending the night with my new husband, and our wonderful friends – hopefully enjoying some old traditions, and starting some new ones…
…. I will be having a little fondue party with my 4 kids and husband, and probably a sleepover in our living room!
This New Year’s Eve, I hope to just chill and relax at home with my best friend while eating homemade cookies (which I plan on making Thursday)!
I’m not big on going out and partying ;o)
This New Years Eve, I will be celebrating with my friends with some wine! Maybe even wine in a box :) Classy.
This New Years eve I will……be sleeping!
This New Year’s Eve I will be spending time with my lovely cousin who I never get to see. It doesn’t matter if we go out or stay home, crash early or stay up all night – I’m just excited to be spending time with her.
I hope to stay home and cuddle with my 4- and 3-year-old kids. I’m not into the parties. I may send DH out to represent the family while we stay home.
This New Year Eve I…will be passing an anwsome night with a lots of my friends and my wonderful boyfriend, we are preparing that night for also 4 months now. I will go shopping to get a beautiful outfit for that special night, with the hope that 2010 will be more wonderful than 2009. I will also call my other friends to wish them a good year and I will also call my parents. And I will be drinking champagne a 12:00 :)
I think the necklace would fit extreamly well with a new outfit!!! it is way too cute!!!
xox – Love ya Bakerella – Élise
Will be cuddling up at home, with my boyfriend and a freshly baked apple pie! Happy New Year, Bakerella!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be dreaming about the New Year’s of past when I was not pregnant and able to enjoy a few drinks. Sigh.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be making champagne cupcakes and partying with old friends at a comic book store!
This New Years Eve I… will be celebrating with long missed friends!
This New Year’s Eve, I wanted to go out and celebrate at Melting Pot. We’re not though. We’re opting to save money so we can buy a house in 2010. I think that’s an acceptable alternative! =]
… will be spending it with my husband! we got a hotel room downtown to watch the fireworks over the city!! :)
This New Years Eve I will spend with girl friends as our significant others, all firefighters, will be on duty. Lots of food, wine and gossip. :)
I will be at a party with good friends.
“New Years Eve, I” will be relaxing with some family and friends, just the way I want to bring in a new year!
This New Years Eve I plan on being with my boyfriend and hoping 2010 is just as good as 2009 was for us.
This New Year’s Eve, I …will spending the evening with my boyfriend and best friend and maybe a few others enjoying a cocktail and uno! :)
This New Year’s I… will be snuggling up with my hunny and our puppy in our new house!
This New Years’ Eve, my best friend and I will be watching movies and eating cheap Chinese food :) I can’t imagine doing it any other way!
This New Years Eve, we will have friends and their kids over for games and food and fun! We don’t like to go out on NYE so we just have everyone here.
don’t have any plans! We normally host a party for college students (my hubby is a college minister), but this year it will be at someone else’s house and I’ll take our kiddos home early.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be grateful for all the blessings and experiences of the past year, while so excited for all that’s yet to come! Happy Baking Everyone!
will spend with my favorite people, my son and husband.
This NYE I plan to celebrate the end of the year with my husband and close friends! Hello 2010!
no plans yet :(
will be spending new years eve with a few close friends, and home early to bed.
This New Year’s Eve, I am going to make cookies with my two daughters. We never got around to making cut-out Christmas cookies, so we are going to make New Year’s ones instead!
This New Year’s Eve I… will be spending with the best husband ever and a huge bottle of champagne!
This New Year’s Eve…I will be hanging with my husband and son!
i hope a much better year begins!!
This New Year’s Eve, I… will be spending time with my 3 year old grand daughter, who should be asleep by 8, and I will probably follow soon there after…No doubt, I will be awakened by the upstairs neighbour kids when they ring in the New Year…teenagers…lol
…will be watching the ball drop in Bricktown in OKC with my sweet husband!
This New Years I am going to do the same thing I did last year,
ring in the new year in my cozy bed with my hunk of a husband! and count my blessings,
I will be home with my husband relaxing. He just had surgery. I love Betsy Johnson watches, too!!! Necklace is tooooo Cute!!!
New Yar’s Eve I will most likely be prepping food for our New Year brunch & re-gift exchange the following day!
will go to dinner and a movie with my hubby, close friends and their children :)
This NYE I invited my parents over for dinner/appetizers. Because I am THAT cool.
will be spending it with the love of my life in Surf City, North Carolina! :-)
This New Year´s Eve… I´m off vacationing in Europe!
This New Years Eve I… will be enjoying champaign wishes and caviar dreams! can’t wait for a new decade to begin!
On new years eve I will be struggling to stay awake till midnight.
This NYE I will be on a road trip with my 2 granddaughters, exploring the states around us.
this new year’s eve I will enjoy being with my husband! we have had such a hectic year – this holiday will be just for us! quiet, romantic, just hanging with my best friend!
Thanks for the chance to win!
will be with my boyfriend, sister and my cousins getttin crazy at Boogie Nights in AC LETS PARTY !!!
I will be at the neighbors and then home early to put the kids to bed. :)
This New Years Eve…I really have no idea what I’ll be doing. Yeah, it’s just a couple days away, but as of right now…no plans. We may invite a couple friends over, or they might invite us over, who knows! But, hubs works 3rd shift and will be working that night, and he’ll be leavingfor work around 9 pm, so one thing is for sure – I won’t be getting a “New Years Kiss” at midnight this year. :(
This New Year’s Eve, I want to spend some nice time with my husband
I’ll be jamming with my family and friends to Beatles Rock Band!
This New Years Eve I will be doing something I have never done before….spending NYE alone. My hubby is out of town on a church trip so it will just be me and our chihuahua (okay so not completely alone). Though it sounds crazy, I am pretty excited about this. Not too many years ago I was completely codependent and would have been super sad at this thought…but not anymore. I’m actually kind of proud of myself!
Hope you have a great New Year!
…will be spending time with my family and friends to play al kinds of funny games
I will enjoy a good cheeseball.
Wow…this is a LOT of comments! This New Years Eve…I will be at home, with the little ones asleep by 10:00 (at 4 yrs and 9 months they dont really get the midnight thing anyway), watching all the New Years Eve shows on TV, thinking about how blessed I’ve been and making my plans for 2010.
am hoping for a start to a wonderful new year that will bring emplyoment to my husband and health to my children. Here’s to hoping that 2010 will be a new beginning.
This New Year’s Eve, I planned on being with my family and friends to celebrate!
To spend more time with my family and a little less time in my office
This New Year’s Eve I will decide my plans last minute and, hopefully, still have a wonderful night!
This New Years Eve, I will happily take the night off work and spend it with my beautiful children and wonderful husband!
Oh WOW !!! How stinking cute is that and I just love Betsey Johnson….what a wonderful giveaway !!!
This New Year’s Eve I will be snuggled up with my dogs watching all the others on tv having fun! I never go out on NYE…too many drunks on the road!
This New Year’s Eve, I’ll be ringing it in with my family and watching movies and eating snacks. Cheers!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be working at the bakery that I am a seasonal employee at when I am not away at school… And after that, I will be packing and getting ready to go to my best friend’s wedding, which I leave for on the 1st. Her wedding was supposed to be the 20th of December, but the blizzard on the east coast forced her to cancel her wedding, and I ended up being stuck in St. Louis for 12 hours because my connecting flight to Richmond was cancelled!
get to chaperone a church youth New Year’s Eve dance. I’m making my husband come with me. I will finally get to dance in the new year!
This New Year will be spent with my grandchildren out of Stste that I have not seen in 4 months
This new years eve I… will be spending the holidays in key west and escaping the cold weather in the wash, dc area. Visiting my friends in the coast guard, who are lucky enough to be stationed in a place where margaritas and beach are plentiful. What a holiday?!?!? ;)
This New Year’s Eve, I … Will be taking Chocolate and Italian Creme cupcakes over to the VanLeer’s with Dawn & my mom yeah! Getting ready to start my Simple Abundance book a gift from my dear Friend Elena!! I’m going to rock 2010
This New Year’s Eve, I will be watching the Chick-fil-a bowl with friends, eating homemade chili, and hanging with my son as he attempts to make it to midnight for the first time.
will enjoy a date night with the hubby while grandma watches the babies!!
This New Year’s Eve, I hopefully will be at home, cuddled up on the couch with my boyfriend and a good movie! :)
This New Years Eve i will be with my family, and dear friends, at a party. We are kissing this year (that has been so hard, for so many) goodbye and greeting the new one with genuine enthusiasm.
This New Years Eve, I will be bringing in the new year with my husband & kids & our closest friends! Bring on 2010! :)
This New Years Eve I will be making cake bites with my 8 year old and 4 years old! It should be a blast! They are so excited. We have everything together and ready!
This New Year’s Eve I will be relaxing at home with my family sipping champagne :)
This New Year’s Eve I want to snoodle on the couch with my hubby and actually stay awake until midnight!
This New Years Eve I will… be the designated driver, and not mind at all! Three more months ’til my baby comes! 2010 is bound to be a great year!!
… Will watch movies, eat yummy food, and not leave my apartment!
that is one SWEET necklace! Right now we are thinking a low key NYE with some friends… Last year I was pregnant so I at least want to do something to bring in the New Year~
will not go into labor
Will be ringing in the New Year with my sister before she returns to Germany.
I will be happily spending the evening on the couch with my wonderful husband and children…who I will wake at 11:55 and put back to bed a 12:05!!! Looking forward to a quiet evening this year. Wow, I wonder when I got to be a little old lady!! Must be when I turned 33 this year!
This New Year’s Eve, I …have to work. Sadly, I will work a 12hr shift New Year’s eve day and New Year’s Day. But then I’m off for the weekend so it’s ok. I plan to spend it with my family. So all is good.
This New Year’s Eve I….will be spending the night at the in-laws where we will all fight to stay awake until midnight and try to not be too loud so the kids can sleep…then at midnight I’ll kiss my husband, say a silent prayer that in the new year we won’t see the inside of another hospital and then curl up with a blanket on the couch and try to sleep for a few hours.
Oh, and hopefully I’ll be wearing a new cupcake necklace =)
This New Years Eve I will be spending time with family, and hoping that things get even better in 2010.
This NYE I am going to the Belmont Hotel in Dallas with my husband and closest friends!
This New Year’s Eve, I … will put my son to bed early so he wakes up refreshed for 2010! And me too!
This New Year’s Eve, I’m visiting friends in the Windy City. It’s the first year in 5 that I’m not hosting my own party and I can’t deny that I’m looking forward to it!
…will be spending with my husband and two boys. We might have some fondue as our special New Year treat.
This New Year’s Eve we’ll be spending the evening with our daughter and son-in-law. It’ll be the first time to ring in the new year with her since they got married nine years ago! We are blessed!
This New Years Eve I will be going to bed as early as I can just like any other day! Yep, lame, but gotta do what I can when you got twin infants!! :)
This New Years Eve I will be spending it with my wife who just moved home after a month at her mum’s house! We will be eating scrummy food, catching up on movies and playing with our new pup Fudge! I hope you enjoy whatever you get up to Bakerella!
I’m going to be hanging out with my girlfriends!
…my family and I will be giving God thanks for a great past year and a wonderful one to come, wish the best for all of you too, may your wishes come true!
This New Year’s Eve I will once again probably be in bed shortly after my toddler’s 7pm bedtime.
This New Year’s Eve is my son’s 11th birthday. We will celebrate with him pretty much all day and then ring in the New Year quietly with just the hubby and the kids.
plan to sleep in!
try not to drink too much champagne (but will probably fail, as usual!)
am so excited about staying home and relaxing with the husby
This New Years Eve….I will hopefully stay awake until midnight!!!
will be hoping for a happy and healthy 2010!
….i plan on relaxing with my husband, a few friends, cook some food and ring in the new year.
This New Years Eve I … HOPE not to be snowed in and running around Baltimore in a cute cocktail dress instead!
This New Year’s Eve, I will sit in front of the fire with my husband and we will read poetry and reminisce and listen to our favorite music, and maybe sing along, and maybe dance.
This New Years Eve, I . . . will be celebrating with my Mom, 5 siblings, and their families from all over the country. The first time in 4 years we all have been together. I cannot wait!
This New Year’s Eve, I …will make a nice cake for everyone!!
It ‘s mean I have to work. eiei
this new years eve, i will be working retail!! hope it’s not a full moon!!! people are sooooo silly when there is a full moon!
This New Year’s eve, I will be spending it at home with my fiance. We always have so much fun =).
This New Year’s Eve I will be snuggled up on the couch with my husband, son, and our adorable pup.
resolve to make time to do fun, sporadic things.
This New Year’s Eve I will be having dinner with my parents and watching old movies until 12.
This New Years I will make a toast to Bakerella and all of her wonderful, creative baking ideas!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending it with my husband and children- the most important people in my life. I am hoping for a quiet evening, but we’ll probably end up at a relatives house celebrating with more family.
This New Year’s Eve, I’ll get engaged!
will spend time with my family at home unwinding from the busy holidays.
celebrating the New Year with a little fondue party!
…spending the evening in with my husband, relaxing after a particularly draining holiday season!
…..will try to stay up until midnight but odd are it won’t happen!!!!
This New Year’s eve I’ll be enjoying a nice and not so quite evening with my mother, my sister and my daughter…
This New Year’s Eve I will be spending time with the family doing nothing. Ohh I hand an idea… maybe I can talk my husband into taking us bowling! Probably jsut sitting aorund watching T.V.
I submitted that before I proofread it…. sleep deprivation!
This New Year’s Eve, I will get up at 2:30 a.m. to feed my newborn and hope that he smiles at me for the first time!! Wouldn’t that be a great way to start 2010??
I am going to enjoy the company of my friends.
will be spending it with friends and family
This New Year’s Eve I doubt I will be able to stay up till midnight, but I will do my best. :)
will be sewing until my eyes cross!
OMG! The cutest ever!! I want one!!!!
This New Years Eve…….I will enjoy with my kids, and have much hope for the new year.
This New Year’s Eve, I …will bake a 3-tiered to cake to take to my best friend’s house, where our families will celebrate Christmas AND New Year’s Eve together. Our kids love the annual sleep over and we adults enjoy an evening together to mark the start of another year of friendship and family. Happy New Year!
This New Year Eve I will be painting my garage…AND BAKING!
This New Year’s Eve I hope I don’t wake up with walking pneumonia again!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending time snuggling with my adorable husband!
will be spent with great new friends!
I will be spending it at home with my daughter and husband playing silly games and hoping we don’t HAVE to stay up to midnight, but if we do….great!
This New Year’s Eve I…will be with my family in Puerto Rico!
This new year’s eve I’ll be home, snuggled with my hubby, my 4-year old daughter, and 14 year old cat. I can’t imagine a better way to ring in the new year!
This New Year’s Eve I am going to be dancing the night away with friends.
Will try my best,my very best to look at the beauty of nature more often and to be a bit more patient. All the best of Happy New Years wishes to all !
will spend it with my husband, my 4 year old, my 2 year old and my brand new baby boy. and I couldn’t imagine any place else I would want to start a new year!!
will be baking and cooking for my wonderful friends and playing hostess to ring in the new year!
go to bed!
This New Year’s Eve I think we’ll be keeping it quiet, just the 6 of us. . .appetizers for dinner, a family movie, maybe some games too. It’s the best way to spend the evening!!!
I will be spending New Year’s Eve watching Star Trek with my boyfriend – but of course, switching over to Dick Clark when it’s almost midnight! :)
This New Year’s Eve I will be going out to an early dinner with my hubby and some good friends. This will be our first New Year’s Eve as parents (of twins), so we’ll probably be in bed waaaaaay before midnight :)
This New Years Eve, I will be at home with my kids and husband enjoying the festivities on TV.
will be snowmobiling in Wisconsin
This New Year’s Eve I will go to the movies and dinner with family.
This New Year’s Eve, I plan to stay home with my husband and children. We will probably watch movies and eat some good food!
Oh my, I love Betsy Johnson. I had a magazine article that she was in for the longest time. I had it when I was a teenager. I just loved her style. Coming from a small town in IA, she was so different, I loved it!
This New Year’s Eve…I will be spending safe at home with my amazing husband and kids. We’ll snuggle up in front of the fireplace and watch movies!
This New Year’s Eve, I will keep up at 2:30 to feed my newborn and hope that he smiles at the for the first time!! Wouldn’t that be a great way to start 2010??
am going to stay home and watch it on tv.
This New Year’s Eve, I …want to spend relaxing w/ my hubby and hanging out with friends we love and that is how I want the rest of the year to resemble.
…will stay home with my husband where it is safe and warm!!
This New Year’s Eve, I….will be working, Boo!! And it’s not even somewhere fun where I can celebrate the new year! My husband will be home with our son “ringing in the new year”, haha…which means hopefully they’ll both be in bed!
OMG! I love it!
This New Years Eve I will be spending time with my family at my mom’s house and ringing in the new year with my little girl and husband!! :)
This new years eve I…. am going to be throwing a party at my own place for the very first time I am going to bake my first turkey and pray that it turns out, and be with my son for his first new years.
will stay home and play WII and make homemade deep dish pizza!
. . . will be reflecting on how blessed I am and spend time with my 10-month old.
will be baking and decorating 200 wedding cupcakes in beautiful shades of tangerine and peony. I’ll also be decorating another small wedding cake.
will enjoy an evening with friends…but return home early to relieve the babysitter.
…will be celebrating an East Coast New Years with my husband and five kids…ringing it in at 9p,m, CA time …kids to bed… then hoping to snuggle up with my hubby and watch a movie :o)
…hope to spend some time with my husband and beautiful daughter. I work full time so I don’t get to see nearly enough of either of them!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be ringing in the new year with my lovely husband and 2 wonderful boys. And we are really boring so we will probably all be asleep by midnight anyway…. =)
Oh how sweeeeeeet!!!! This New Year’s Eve I’m spending time with family.
This New Years Eve I will be with my family. I am going to look back on the past. Look forward to the New Year and Thank God for all he has given me. 2010 the next step in life, should be fun! Life is a journey!
This New Year’s Eve, I’ll be in bed asleep at 9 o’clock because I am the mother of a toddler:-)
PS: The cupcake necklace is TOO CUTE!
will hit up the flea market during the day and then hang out at my friend’s house to ring in the new year.
This New Year’s Eve I will be in Las Vegas celebrating with all the people I love most in the world
….will be hosting a party with AWESOME food and games.
This New Years Eve, I hope to snuggle with my hubby, drink pinot noir, play wii & watch movies.