Christmas is over. But that doesn’t mean the giving is.
I did a little shopping yesterday… not to return anything, but to look around. It’s what I do after Christmas.
Shop. It’s much more fun to shop after Christmas than before. The stress is gone and the sales are still on.
And if something catches my eye like a towering stack of satin pink leopard print jewelry boxes…
… well, I’ll take a few extra minutes and look through all the designs.
And if there happens to be something like a super-cute cupcake necklace staring right back at me, then I guess you know what happens next.
Awwe…… How could I resist. It’s just the cutest little thing.
And it comes in the cutest little box.
And then there’s all this cute dangly stuff to boot. Did I mention how cute this thing is?
But I didn’t get it for me. I thought I would give it to one of you. So who wants it?
Enter for a chance to win this cutie patootie
Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace
Just leave a comment on this post and finish the following sentence…
This New Year’s Eve, I …
Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 29th at 5:00 p.m. ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.
Good luck!
I didn’t expect to be so moved by the entries for this giveaway. These might just be some of my favorite ones to read to date. I usually don’t do anything on New Year’s Eve, so thank you for sharing a glimpse into your plans. The simple ones. The silly ones. The serious ones. You guys fill my heart with happiness.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
And now for the winner…
Congrats anna p! It’s you!
This New Year’s Eve, I am actually going out! Ringing in the new year with a very good friend!
…..will probably fall asleep before midnight!
This New Years Eve I …. will be happily at home with a traditional seafood feast and bubbly, surrounded with my children and husband watching movies cuddled up on the couch and waiting to ring in the new year when the ball drops in Time Square.
will be hanging out with friends and family at the local bowling alley for Moonlight Madness!
This New Years Eve I will start watching the Ally McBeal DVD’s I got for Christmas! And eating sinful dips and chips.
This New Years Eve, I will be preparing to defend my title as ESPN’s Ultimate Couch Potato.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be at home, celebrating Christmas and my birthday (which is tomorrow, the 30th!) with my parents. My husband and three kids and I will probably be in bed by 9PM. We’re exciting like that.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be home in TN celebrating a late Christmas with my family.
This New Years Eve I will be making appearances at multiple get togethers!! :)
This New Years Eve, I plan to spend time with my husband and beautiful daughter. I work full time and don’t get to see either of them nearly enough!!!
This New Years Eve…I have no clue what I am doing – but I’m guessing its something at home because we are supposed to have another snow storm.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be hanging out with my husband’s family devouring appetizers and kicking butt at our annual 80s Edition Trivial Pursuit game!
….I will be spending it listening to a great band at a wine bar!
This New Year’s Eve I’ll be at home with my family playing games all night long.
This New Year’s Eve, I am going to put my 6 month old daughter to bed and then have a date night at home with my husband!
i will be waiting for contractions…….baby number 4 due any day :)
This New Year’s Eve I am going to spend a quiet evening with my husband.
This New Years Eve, I will be cuddling on the couch with hubby. Watching movies and eating lots of junk food!
This New Year’s Eve, I will eat (animal crackers), drink (apple juice), and be merry (watch The Wiggles) with my children!
This new years ever I … will start on a cupcake diet…
This New Year’s Eve, I . . . have no idea what I’m going to be doing. I guess we’d better figure it out!
will be sleeping!
This New Years Eve I will be spending it with my dear husband and close family.
This New Year’s Eve, I get to spend with good friends, good wine, good food, and a good husband.
This New Year’s Eve, I’ll be home watching tv, and doing homework. ):
This New Year’s Eve, I’m sure I’ll be with my boyfriend, but we’re really bad at planning in advance…
This New Years Eve I will be spending it by making a lovely pasta dinner and some yummy dessert for my boyfriend and i. Then possibly some cuddling and movie watching the rest of the night.
….. hope we won’t be shoveling snow! (Which is what we did for Christmas……)
I will be going to see Beauty and the Beast and then countdown at home with husband and kids :)!
I actually have no plans yet! Probably dinner with the BF, then maybe a small party or two.
will be enjoying the company of family and friends!
This year, I’ll be celebrating with my 2year old son, and husband. Having a nice dinner, then doing new year early so our little man can help, then off to bed, so mummy and daddy can have a cheeky glass of bubbly.
Can’t wait.
This New Year’s Eve, I hope to be chillaxing at home with the family.
This New Year’s Eve, I … will be celebrating my 10 months old first New Year (this celebration WILL include cupcakes!)
… am going to give my husband a big old smooch. :)
The New Year’s Eve I plan on making dinner for my sweet hub (who has to work until 7:00 and then work again New Year’s Day), have some sparkling grape juice and go to bed early. New Year’s Day we’ll have a fab dinner with black eyed peas for good luck!
This New Year’s Eve I…will ring in the new year with family. It’s going to be great!
will be celebrating with my family and, hopefully, going to bed as soon as the ball drops on NY.
am told that my husband wants to invite people over to our so that there would be 18 people. huh.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be with my family, enjoying what a gift they are to me and reflecting with them on 2009 and making plans for 2010.
This New Years Eve, I will be home with my wonderful husband awaiting 2010!
This New Years Ever I will be having my extended family over for a family get together.
This New Years Eve I will be enjoying the company of my dearest friends! It will be a great night!
….will be spending some time with good friends for game night.
…don’t really know what I’m doing yet….
…will be crossing the ocean to spend the holiday with my love in Amsterdam who I haven’t seen in six months!
This New Years Eve I’m staying home with my husband and daughter!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending my last night in Egypt with my mom & grandma, hoping to make this a tradition every year!
This New Year’s Eve I will be not sleeping threw it for once! For the past five years or so, we go to bed before the ball drops and its just another day. Not this year! This year Im actually visiting with my mom and brother in CT and will actually watch the ball drop! Unfortunately, the only ball dropping for my husband is a football. He had to fly out to Texas because Navy Football is playing yet another Bowl game. Yeah for the team, boo for making him be away from his family on a holiday.
Love the cupcake necklace, that is super cute!
And Happy Holidays to Bakerella and everyone! May 2010 be a great year for everyone!
will remember all the wonderful things that happened in 2009 and look forward to a happy and healthy 2010!
This New Years Eve, I will do a whole lot of nothing. How boring!
This New Year’s Eve I….will be making homemade pizzas and celebrating w/friends.
This New Year’s Eve I will make a delicious dinner for some dear friends, I hope!
This New Year’s Eve I will be spending a nice, quiet, romantic night alone with my boyfriend since neither of us drink and are not big partiers! <3
This new year’s eve I will be in NC with hubby and my sister and her family, and my mom!!! Wooo hoo!!
This New Years Eve I will be snuggled up next to my kidds, and my husband playing Bingo, High Ho Cherrio, and Operation. Bringing in the New Year with the four people who make every year special and worthwhile!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be missing my husband and looking forward to the new year when he returns from Iraq!
will go to bed early.
This New Years Eve, I hope to relax on the couch with my hubby and watch a good movie!
This New Years Eve I…..will be in the Big Dallas, TX celebrating the new year with my husband and great freinds. I can’t wait!!!
This New Year’s Eve, I will spend with, of course, my Husband and our girls! We have plans to go to my brothers house and ring in the new year with his family, my other two siblings and lots of friends! Happy New Year!!
…I will be celebrating the incoming of the new year with my family.
This New Years Eve, I hope to sit home and relax, but will probably be persuaded to go out with my best friend…then will dread being up for work at 8 on New Years Day. (Yes, can you believe some of us have to work?! So unfair.!)
For New Years eve I hope my hubby isn’t working. It’s his birthday and we have friends that we celebrate with every year. It’s his last birthday in his 30s so he should be with us and not at work!
This New Year’s Eve, I’m going to dinner with my husband while my mother watches the baby, and then we’ll have big intentions to stay out later, but will come home and be in bed watching tv by 9:00. Yippee!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending time with friends at our annual New Year’s party. Can’t wait!
This New Year’s Eve, I will struggle to stay up past 9:30 and give 2009 a swift kick out the door. Boo 2009!
am hanging out with friends!
will be home with my family. This will be the first time my baby goes to my parents house.
This New Year’s Eve I will be eating snacks on the couch surrounded by my family who just can’t make it to midnight.
This New Years Eve I……. will plant the sweetest kiss on my soul mates heart <3
This New Yera’s Eve, I will be going to dinner and a movie…Mexican food and Sherlock Holmes…Can life get any better?
This New Year’s Eve my husband and I will be taking our son to his first “fancy” dinner…
will be celebrating with my wonderful friends and trying to ignore the fact that the next day is my birthday :/
This New Years I…. will be with family enjoying some great treats made from recipes from the Bakerella site.
This New Years Eve, I will be drinking as little as possible because I have a lot of resolutions to start the next morning, and not one of them is to be hung over!
I heart Bakerella!
This New Year’s Eve, I will spend quality time with my fiance and I will make the resolution to not stress about our wedding!
This New Year’s Eve I will hope and pray there will be no acts of terror against my great city NY!
This New Years Eve I….will be looking forward to a fresh start.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be out for dinner at my brothers cottage and back to the hotel room early to relax with my husband and dogs. Whatever you are doing have fun and be safe.
This New Year’s Eve, I …wish to give birth to my first baby! He isn’t due until Jan. 18th but I’m already 37 weeks (and having contractions) and hope that he will be a New Year’s Baby! Plus, it would make a GREAT birthday present for my husband…his birthday is on NEW YEAR’S EVE!!!!!
This New Year’s Eve, I will go to bed at 11 just to spite the holiday
I will be spending the evening with my 1 year old. Although he isn’t allowed to stay up past regular bedtime ;-)
This New Years eve I will count my blesssing starting with a healthy daughter and plenty of Bakerella ideas in the new year! Cheers!
This new year’s eve I will be having Christmas with my in-laws.
will be driving to Georgia to visit my parents, whom I haven’t seen in 8 months.
This New Years Eve I will be hanging out at home with my hubby and my good friend. We will eat LOTS of food, play games on the Wii and then watch the fireworks that we bought.
This New Years Eve I will be having a party at my house …lotsa food, friends and family and guitar hero of course LOL. Have a Happy Healthy New Year Everyone! ~Pattti
This New Years Eve I will be spending it with my husband. Last year I had to be by myself and I am very excited to spend it with him and friends too!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
This New Year’s Eve, I am going to spend the time ushering out the old and ringing in the New Year with my family at my sister in laws house watching movies and playing WII with my family and friends , yeah!!.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be ushering in 2010 with a healthy slumber and a belly full of pizza.
This New Years Eve I…will stay home with my family. I will watch the ball drop on TV, while drinking some champagne…of course… ; P
This New Year’s Eve… We’re hosting an early party! We have invited guests to drop by on their way out to dinner or other parties early in the evening. That way we will be finished celebrating early, too!
This New Years Eve I will be at home with my husband and three daughters. We will cook something fancy for dinner (maybe scallops) and enjoy watching some movies.
This New Year’s Eve I…will be up in the mountains playing in the snow with my kids.
I will be heading to my parents house for heavy hors devours, dessert, and game night.
This New Years Eve I …. will be getting dolled up, hitting a friend’s party with the boyfriend and attempting not to drink too much because I have to go to a birthday party for a 2 year old the next day.
Is my sister’s birthday! I still have to work that day, so I’ll celebrate with her later. I’ll probably stay at home, curled up on the couch with my boyfriend watching our Netflix Queue. It’s too cold outside to go anywhere!
This New Year’s Eve, I … am going to Cleveland to meet my best friends new baby!!
This New Years Eve I … will be around people that I love and realize how truly fortunate I am!
…will spend the evening with my little bro–I haven’t seen him in a year!
This New Year’s Eve, I …I am going to Party like it’s 2009! I’m not sure what I’ll be doing but I know food will be involved!
Love ya Bakerella!
This New Years Eve, I…will be spending it on board the Spirit of Washington with my boyfriend of 2+ years and his best friend and his best friend’s girlfriend. Should be a night to remember. =)
am not going to do anything except relax! it’s going to be great.
… will be celebrating with my husband somewhere in St. Louis (we just moved here)…
Meant to add that I’ll be eating peppermint cupcakes celebrating my nephew’s birthday!
This New Year’s Eve I…will be spending yet more time with my family.
will be cooking a wonderful steak dinner with my husband and son. It’s nice to look in on our little boy at midnight and know how blessed we are.
I will spend a great time with family, put off some fireworks and look forward to another exciting year! And I would say there will probably be some cupcakes in the new year!
This New Year’s Eve, I am going to have a quiet, fun party with some of my closest friends, then top it off with a bunch of loud fireworks.
This New Years Eve, I am staying home, eating junk food, playing board games with my family.
Happy New Year’s Eve and here’s to many sweets in 2010!
Am spending with my lovely friends and family!
This New Year’s Eve, I will be working until 5pm, but then plan to go home and have a fun night ringing in the new year with my husband and 3 kids. They always try to stay up until “midnight’ (we do 11 Eastern time for them since they are little, and they don’t know the difference. =)
This New Years Eve I will be baking cupcakes and other yummies for my bible study ladies coming over the next day – of course letting my 2 year old be the taste tester:-) Happy 2010!!!
. . . will be spending the evening with our great friends and all of our kidlets welcoming 2010 with many, many laughs and too much food!
This New Years Eve I am looking forward to family time with my kiddos, watching movies and baking!
I will spend the evening with family and GREAT friends! Lots of food and yummy beverages.
Bakerella, I stumbled upon your website about a month ago and it instantly became my absolute favorite. Now that Christmas is over I have been busy looking at your archived posts. Love them all. This New Year Eve’s I will once again spend at home with my family and love every minute of it.
This New Year’s Eve, I….can I have a few days on this?! I mean, I know we are going to a friend’s house to celebrate. The kids will stay up way too late and be trainwrecks the following day but it is worth it, RIGHT?!?!?!
This New Year’s Eve I…will finally be reunited with my cousin.
…will be getting together with friends for dinner and fun staying up until after the new year! Maybe we will send off some fireworks, too, like we did last year!
play some games and watch a movie with my kids and husband
This New Year’s Eve, I will be thankful for all that the year has offered me and hope that next year is just as good.
will spend with my husband and two girls having a special dinner, playing games and watching a movie. My youngest & I will likely fall asleep on the couch before midnight….a perfect New Year’s Eve.
….. plan on doing something fun instead of sitting around in my living room.
this new years eve I plan to go out and enjoy myself :)
This New Year’s Eve, my fiance and I will be remembering all of the great moments we had last New Year’s Eve when we got engaged. Wedding is in 25 days and we couldn’t be more excited!
This New Years Eve I… will be enjoying my four boys!
will be spending time with my BIL and his girlfriend! :)
celebrating my birthday! That necklace is so freaking cute!
………… I’ll be at home with my family.
This New Years Eve, I…will be staying up to watch the ball drop and spending the first new years with my boyfriend.
This New Years Eve, I….. am going to be driving in a car up to visit my sister, bro-in-law, and nephews for Christmas/New Years Eve! :) I can’t wait!! I am a bit bummed though that I’ll be driving through midnight…. Oh well! Thanks for the sweet giveaway! Happy Holidays!
This New Year’s Eve, I will enjoy champagne and a lovely dinner at home with my new husband and will be happy that it’s just the two of us!
this new years eve i will NOT almost kiss my best friends parents because we snuck one too many drinks
This New Years Eve I am planning a night out with my hubby in chilly South Carolina!
This New Year’s Eve, I am going to Indianapolis for my friend’s wedding!!!
I will let my 3yr old stay up late and eat ice cream, or frosting. We’ll play silly games till she’s too tired and then my beloved and I will snuggle up on the couch and feel blessed that we all made it to another year.
This New Year’s Eve, I will spend time with my friends before they move to FL and my wonderful husband!
this new years eve i….will be having a few drinks amd playing wii with a few friends
celebrating at home with my family…..and not making ANY diet resolutions!
This New Year’s Eve, I will do the exact same thing I have done for the last ten years, which is to have dinner and watch television with my husband. We are not much on parties!
This new years eve…. I will be spending it with my amazing husband. It is our first New years eve as newly weds, and I am looking forward to staying warm on the couch together in PJs and eating take out, while watching the ball drop, and getting our first husband and wife new years kiss!
This New Years Eve, I will be going out to eat at a local Chinese place, that we go to every year. This year, I won’t be pregnant so hope to enjoy some champagne. That necklace is too cute!
This New Year’s Eve…I will be ringing in 2010 with my family, playing lots of board games, eating too much junk food, and watching movies.
New Years Eve will find me putting a puzzle together that has been calling my name for quite some time……husband in one room watching all the football games……me in the other room….IN SILENCE.
Love that necklace! This New Year’s Eve, I….will be spending time with some good friends i haven’t seen in months. We have alot of catching up to do..and the usual shenanegins of trading ‘white elephant’’s always hilarious!
I will sit home waiting to hear if I won
I will compile my own list of the best and worst of 2009, then toast to the new year.
I am hopeful that this New Years Eve I will be celebrating a Provincial Curling win with my two boys in St. John’s Newfoundland.
this new years eve i hope to make a yummy mutli-course dinner with my boyfriend and finish off all our christmas treats!
This New Years Eve I… hope my little one will sleep past 5:30 am New Year’s Day.
This New Year’s Eve, I … will not be shy. You only live once, so be the one to kiss the cute boy across the room when the ball drops.
This New Year’s Eve I’m taking part in a murder mystery dinner at my best friend’s house!
This New Years Eve I will be doing nothing because I have to be at work the next morning at 5:30 am. :(
This New Year’s Eve, I will actually write down some resolutions for 2010.
This New Year’s Eve, I will hopefully be finishing creating my 101 in 1001 days list. No real resolutions, but this list will be a great adventure!
will be low key at home… happy to be having my first baby in 2010… what a great year it will be!!!
I plan on being at home and playing playstation :)
will be at home with my husband and my boys. Couldn’t ask for anything better.
This New Years Eve, I am staying at home with my husband and two kids.
will be spending the evening with my wonderful hubby-no set plans yet, we’ll see where the night takes us!
This New Years Eve I…..will be hanging out with some of the best friends a girl could ever have (and hopefully wearing this cute Betsey Johnson cupcake necklace)!
New Year’s Eve I will be in bed sleeping, LOL. My husband always works New Year’s Eve, so it’s like a regular day for us and the kids.
This New Year Eve’s I will be spending it alone with my dbf of 8 years – love him! :)
This New Years Eve, I’m going to my family’s lake house with my new husband and all of my very best friends. perfect.
I will be relaxing, and looking forward to a day off!
will be partying with my friends for the last time before we all move to different states.
This New Year’s Eve I will begin my world domination! Muhahaha!
…will be staying in for the very first time in my adult life and will be ringing in the New Year with my family, my fiance…and Dick Clark…
This New Year’s Eve, I am giving the gift of free childcare to my really great friends so they can have a night together. They do foster care and work full time, so life is hectic. I think their kids and mine will have a cupcake decorating party! :-)
This New Years Eve I… will enjoy a night at home playing games with the family.
This New Years Eve I…will be enjoying a wonderful, romantic evening with my husband while my awesome in-laws keep the kids for the night! :)
I will be trying to go to sleep early to get up for work the next day!
This New Years Eve I will be sleeping. My husband has to work, so I won’t be anywhere. :)
Maybe a Star Wars marathon… Yeah. That sounds good.
will spend the evening on the rooftops of New Orleans to enjoy the fireworks and kissing my husband!!
am going to start a new tradition. We as a family are going to camp out in our living room.
I will be at a Balinese party to welcome the new year in, with my new family!!
i will be watching fireworks in our living room.. ;p
This New Years Eve, I will snuggle with my hubby and 2 little guys. We’ll likely get some take out, do a fake countdown with the little guys before bed. We likely won’t make it to midnight either!
This New Years Eve, I will be snuggling at home with my son and husband in front of a warm fire watching the “apple” in NYC….
This New Year’s Eve I am going to stay home with my husband and watch movies and eat Chinese food.
This New Year’s Eve I will most likely be fast asleep by 10:00, I never make it to midnight anymore.
This New Year’s Eve, I…will be home with my 3 year old while my husband is out partying. I’d much rather stay home than go out!
….will be eating breakfast at Waffle House with one of my best friends, and then my family and I will be having a fun mexican fiesta dinner at the end of the night(Complete with dessert, of course!)!
spending time at home with my pooch watching the ball drop or going to bed early.
This New Year’s Eve, I will be introducing my almost-two-year-old to fireworks.
This New Year’s Eve, I … hope to wear my new cupcake necklace. No, really :)
This New Years Eve I will be praying 2010 will be a better year for me.
This New Years Eve I hope to get a kiss from my husband at the stroke of midnight… we missed our chance last year. (The first New Year’s as a married couple.)
This New Year’s Eve I will be watching the ball drop with my hubby and then hitting the hay!
This New Years Eve, I plan on being home with my children and DH while my children have friends over to party.
This New Year’s Eve, I will spend the evening at home with my husband, even though I’d rather go see Avatar, because he wants a romantic night at home. Life is so hard :)
This New Year’s Eve, I … Will also be going to bed early we have all the kids so we will try and make it till 12 but i doubt it will happen lol!
This New Year’s Eve I plan to stay inside and watch movies. Maybe I’ll be munching on a sweet treat!
…am serving cake balls and having fun with friends and family!
will be bringing in the new year with my wonderful husband and children….being thankful for such a wonderful 2009 and looking forward to all the blessings of 2010!
This New Year’s Eve, I plan to push out the old and ring in the new with our best friends, all of our children and giving thanks for the new little life that is growing inside me.