
Give Books

My publisher, Chronicle Books launched a fun Give Books campaign yesterday. They are partnering with authors, artists and blogs to encourage people to give books for the holidays and I’m helping them spread the word. Books are a perfect gift don’t you think. There’s one for everyone. For every age, for every interest. They are personal and the right one can really show the recipient how much you care. They feel good to hold and they make you feel good to give.

I know because I’m giving away 10 books courtesy of Chronicle Books.

I stuck with all cookbooks and I tried to find a good mix for keeping or gift giving. It’s up to you.

Want to see which ones I picked from their website?

Good… let’s check out some sweet reads! I think these would all come in pretty handy for holiday baking.


Now since I’m an equal opportunity eater,
here’s another set of 10 books you might want more.

These are less sweet and much more savory.


Want a chance to win one of these groups of ten?

You choose which one.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog and let me know which group of ten you’d like to win. Sweet or savory?
  • The deadline to enter is 6:00 pm ET on Thursday, November 15, 2012 SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Good luck guys!

P.S. Here’s a post on Chronicle’s blog if you’d like to try and win one of the other sets of ten books chosen by others.

And now through December 31, enjoy 30% off + free ground shipping on all holiday orders at! Just enter discount code GIVEBOOKS at checkout.

Give Books artwork created by the amazing Julia Rothman!


We have a winner!

Yay Redheadwriter! I think I might have picked savory, too. Those covers all look amazing. Enjoy!

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4,336 comments on “Give Books”

  1. Sweet sweet sweets please!

  2. I would love the True Blood book for my fan-sister, but for *me*, I would love “Flour.”

  3. Oh I would LOVE both, but if I am pressed to choose- Savory would win! All the books need to go on my wishlist for sure!

  4. These all look amazing….I think I would want to go the savory route (2nd group)….even though I love SWEETS…..gotta get out of my comfort zone :)

  5. Sweet, definitely sweet!

  6. The savory set looks amazing! Thank you for a great giveaway and such an inspiring blog.

  7. The sweet ones would be great!

  8. Sweet is a must!!! Thank you so much for the fun giveaways!

  9. Sweet please!

  10. Wow! Thanks for the give aways, they are all great. So much to choose from but I will go for gluten free or flour

  11. sweeeeeet~

  12. My heart immediately said “SWEET”, but my head says “SAVORY”. I’ll go with savory since I know my husband will get more enjoyment from that side of the kitchen!

  13. Sweet please!!! :)

  14. Ooohh! They all look amazing! But I think I would have to go with sweet!!!

  15. The Sweet set. Hand down! Spoons up!

  16. Wow! Thanks for the give aways, they are all great. So much to choose from but I will go for gluten free or flour

  17. Oh I would love the sweets! Thank you.

  18. Ohhh, they both look so good! I think I’ll have to give into my sweet tooth though, seems to be easier to come up with excuses to make (and give away) sweets!

  19. Definitely sweet!! Although some of those savory cookbooks look very appealing too, but my sweet tooth won out! Thanks for the chance to win.

  20. I love sweets but I love the look of the savory choices you have- I think I’d have to choose savory this time!

  21. Savory is the choice for me. I love love LOVE cookbooks of all types but I would definitely choose savory over sweet.

  22. I would love the savory set!! Both look great, though!

  23. Sweet sweet sweets please!

  24. Serious sweet tooth over here would love the sweet set!
    Your book looks like so much fun, Xmas gift for budding 5 yr old sweet tooth…

  25. That’s a tough decision – sweet set for me!

  26. this is a tough decision! but the tartine box set clinches it… sweet for me, please!

  27. Sweet! …please.

  28. The Sweet set is the one I’m drooling over!!!

  29. Sweet! Those books look *amazing* – I love to bake and can’t believe I don’t have any of them yet…!

  30. Sweet! Thank you.

  31. Sweet! I really want that Tartine set (along with the others of course!)

  32. Sweet! Hello gluten free treats!

  33. Sweet, definitely!

  34. I’d wish for the savory collection :)

  35. Fantastic giveaway! Let’s see, although the savory choices look amazing, I’d have to go with sweet!

  36. Well…….I love cooking either way, but I’m gonna have to go with sweets. I am a “bakaholic”!!!!!! I just can’t stay away! :o) :o)

  37. Savory. I prefer to bake but I need more help on savory

  38. Savory… I would try a new recipe every night with those, yum!

  39. Savory. I am already well-stocked with sweet stuff! Although I would like to say ALL THE BOOKS!

  40. Both look delish! I’d love to have the savory set!

  41. I would really love the sweet set :-))

  42. Definitely the sweet!

  43. All I am thinking about these days is holiday baking…so sweet all the way!

  44. I would love the sweet ones- and promise to share the ones I already own :)

  45. I choose savory! I’m especially eyeing that true blood cookbook- it would be awesome for several on my list!

  46. Sweeeeeettttttttt!!!!!!

  47. Sweet sweet sweet sweet! I particularly love the look of the Tartine set and the Cake Simple book.

  48. Ohhh…I’d love Sweets please. Thanks for a chance.

  49. Usually I’d say sweet, but this time I want savory! Just looking at those cookbooks make me hungry!

  50. Sweet please love! Thank you

  51. Both groups of books look wonderful, but I am leaning towards the savory group! :)

  52. Although the Savory looks good, my sweet tooth is yelling, “Pick the the Sweets!” So, who am I to argue? Sweets it is!

  53. So I did leave a comment on there site but then I checked and people left one here as well so I would pick the sweet due to my son’s allergies and would love the gluten free one so sweet it is for me!

  54. I love them all so any would be a welcomed gift! :)

  55. I choose savory! Im especially eyeing the True Blood cookbook- that would be an awesome gift for several on my list!

  56. Sweet! Thank you for such an awesome giveaway!! I’ve always preferred books for the holidays (and the past few years, cookbooks!). It’s the gift that keeps giving! I love preparing something from them, for the gift giver as soon as possible! :)

  57. I think the sweet set would be great.

  58. I would love the sweet, but anyone would make me really happy :)

  59. Although the savory looks very tempting, I think it will have to be the sweet!!

  60. Savory! Thanks for the giveaway!

  61. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! What an amazing list of books. Decisions, decisions!! I would have to say sweet set! Thank you again for this giveaway!!

  62. Awesome collection! I would love to win a savory book :)

  63. Not so long ago, I would have definitely chosen sweet….but now I way more interested in the savory. I choose Savory.

  64. SWEET!!!! :)

  65. Sweet for sure!

  66. I would love the sweet ones. I love to bake. Thanks for the great give away!

  67. I love cookbooks and would love to get one. I do have a problem sweet tooth that I try to keep satisfied.

  68. Savory gets my vote!

  69. Sweet please!

  70. May I go for both?!?!If I have to choose I’ll go for savory!!

  71. SWEET! Can’t go wrong with 10 cookbooks all about sweets and treats! I’m especially interested in the gluten free one!

  72. savoury books please!

  73. I love to give books and receive them! I’d keep some of those sweet ones. Great picks!!

  74. let’s go with savory…I have most of the sweet books :)

  75. The Sweets win! I’ve been baking more than ever this year. Love that discount offer as well!

  76. That is a hard one, but I would have to go savory!

  77. OOOHHH i love the sweet ones but i would love to say its great to a choice of both not everyone has a sweet tooth like me lol.

  78. i’m going with savory as my husband doesn’t like sweets. side note: what is wrong with him!?

  79. I think I would enjoy winning the savory book set. I love baking and love my sweets but maybe it’s time I explore the other side of cooking as well! (Although the sweet set is might tempting…, savory it is!)

  80. Such a difficult choice, but think I had to choose it would be sweet!

  81. I have such a sweet tooth, would love the sweet set, but am very intrigued by the savory set!

  82. Sweet! (: I love how baking helps to amalgamate cooking and art & design :D

  83. Amazing books! The savory ones peak my interest…

  84. All of them look wonderful, but I’m going to go with sweet.

  85. Savory please :) What a great idea. Thank you.

  86. Sweet without a doubt!

  87. Sweet! Though both categories have very tempting-looking books!

  88. Yes, sweets if you please.

  89. sweet pleasee…>.<

  90. SWEET! Sweet over savory every time. Thanks for yet another wonderful giveaway!

  91. Savory!!!

  92. I would love the sweet set of books. Thank you!

  93. Sweet please!
    Great giveaway!!

  94. Gotta go with the sweet.

  95. I love books! Especially cooking and baking books. I’d go for the sweet.

  96. OH MY, sweet!!

  97. I love the sweet choices for me, but having the savory to give as gifts would be even better!

  98. Sweet! :)

  99. Sweet!
    What. Great giveaway:)

  100. It was a hard choice, but given my already large collection of sweet books, I will have to balance it out by saying: savoury. :)

  101. I’d love to win the savory!

  102. Sweet!
    What a great giveaway!!

  103. I would love to win those sweet books! :D

  104. SWEET all the way SWEET. Put anything with sugar in front of me and :D :D :D

  105. I would love the savory set!

  106. Sweet please!

  107. OOH, OOH!!! Definitely the Sweet set… thanks for such a great give away!

  108. Thats a hard choice. I think I would pick savory because I have several of those books on my Christmas list!

  109. I’d be thrilled to win either but I can’t deny my sweet tooth! :)

  110. SWEET mother of cupcakes! What a SWEET giveaway! You are so SWEET, Ang! It would be SWEET to win the SWEET set!

  111. Savory! Thanks a bunch!

  112. Wow! Sweet all the way!

  113. I need to feed my sweet tooth!!!

  114. Definitely Sweet!

  115. The SWEET-set please! But I’d love either set. Great selections. Thanks for the chance to win them!

  116. Thank you for sponsoring “The Give the Books Campaign”.
    I will share this on my feeds. And thank you for sharing.
    I am better at cooking Savory, than Baking. I would have to pick SAVORY!

  117. You make the decision tough, but I’ll have to go with sweet.

  118. What a great giveaway. Thank you so much! Sweet, please :)

  119. can i say sweet AND savoury??! OMG this is hard!!

    OK, savoury please!


  120. Sweet, always sweet…

  121. Sweet for sure! All the books look amazing. Thank you for sharing a fun giveaway!

  122. Sweet please! :)

  123. Awesome books! Such a difficult decision…but I have to go with Savory on this one!

  124. Wow, i’m usually a sweets person so i’d choose sweet, but there are some great books in that savory section too!

  125. Do I have to pick?? Ok…. sweet!!!

  126. Since I have so much to learn when it comes to preparing savory dishes – I’d really like to win the Savory group of ten books. :)

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  127. I think I would go with the savory set if I won because I already have a rather sweet-heavy collection :)

  128. Definately the sweet set.
    thanks for the chance to win this

  129. Definitely Sweet!

  130. Sweet, please!

  131. Can’t…stop…drooling. Need…sweets…now. But wait! Need wicked sweet books first! Thank you for the contest. Just made my morning :)

  132. s-s-sweet!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  133. Books and food, sweet and savory… lovely combination. Savory for me as i get so much sweetness out of your blog regularly.
    Thanks for your joy and creativity you share with us all.

  134. Meh, hard decision.. but I’ll go with sweet! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  135. Is there any question….? SWEET, please!

  136. Chicken and Egg!

  137. Tough choice. Everything looks yummy.
    I guess my choice would be sweet.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  138. I would love the sweet :)

  139. So hard to choose! But I think my choice would be sweet, please!

  140. Amazing books! I think I will go for savory – but its a hard choice.

  141. Definitely SWEET!

  142. Savory would be my choice!

  143. Books and food, sweet and savory… lovely combination. Savory for me as i get so much sweetness out of your blog regularly. Thanks for you joy and the creativity you share with us all.

  144. I always give books, so this is perfect and savory all the way, so I can give my boyfriend the Eat Like a Man Book ;-)

  145. Golly, I would be happy with sweet or savory. How can you make us choose?!? It’s like you are asking do you like your mom or your dad better! Lol

  146. Sweet please!

  147. Savory! I would give the newlywed book to my sister!

  148. Sweet, please!!! Thanks Bakerella!

  149. Sweet Gluten Free. It is my first year trying to recreate my favorite treats Gluten Free

  150. I’m a sweets person but I think I’d want the savory ones here.

  151. Life is short. . . Sweet!

  152. Althought I am a “sweet tooth” I have more a Savory hand…
    So the Savory books would be often used at my home…

  153. Sweet! YUM!

  154. I can’t say both? Oh no! Um. Sweet. Yep. Sweet.

  155. Sweet, sweet, sweet!

  156. Awesome giveaway!! I would love to win the sweet books :)

  157. Savory! You had me with the James Beard book!

  158. Sweet!!!!!

  159. They all look great. Sweet for me please!

  160. Sweet! Both sets look amazing though!

  161. I would have to say sweet. Yummy.

  162. I would have to go with the sweet books! Great giveaway!

  163. Oh my goodness! It’s so hard to choose! But I think I’ll have to go with sweet :) that Flour book looks absolutely amazing!!! Thanks for this super wonderful giveaway!!!


  164. Sweet, of course! Love to bake for family and friends, no matter what time of year!

  165. Sweet for me! The hand pie book looks awesome. Thanks for the givaway.

  166. Sweet, please

  167. I love baking and would definitely choose the sweet books!! They all look fabulous

  168. I love both sets, but I will have to go with sweet!

  169. While I would enjoy the sweet more, I think the savory is more practical. I still have 10 more pounds to lose since having my 5th baby. :-)

  170. I would love to win the savory collection! Though the sweet collection is very yummy to look at too!

  171. Sweet please! Always sweet! :)

  172. I have yet to lose my sweet tooth! I’m all for the sweets!

  173. Hmmmm, I think I would go for sweet.

  174. Love the book idea! Simple and personal gift for anyone. I can’t wait to get your new cake pop book, how exciting! If I had to pick a set, I would go sweet. :)

  175. so many great book..! how can i chose only one?! ;) but… savory, please! ;)

  176. Truth be told, I want them both :) but I would be really happy with the sweet!

  177. SWEET!!! Yummm!!

  178. Savoury please!

  179. Definitely sweet!!!

  180. I really hope this giveaway is international! I live in England and would loveee to win the sweet set those books look amazing! :)

  181. Both look great! But, I would prefer Savory.

  182. Sweet please!
    Thank you xox

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