
Give Books

My publisher, Chronicle Books launched a fun Give Books campaign yesterday. They are partnering with authors, artists and blogs to encourage people to give books for the holidays and I’m helping them spread the word. Books are a perfect gift don’t you think. There’s one for everyone. For every age, for every interest. They are personal and the right one can really show the recipient how much you care. They feel good to hold and they make you feel good to give.

I know because I’m giving away 10 books courtesy of Chronicle Books.

I stuck with all cookbooks and I tried to find a good mix for keeping or gift giving. It’s up to you.

Want to see which ones I picked from their website?

Good… let’s check out some sweet reads! I think these would all come in pretty handy for holiday baking.


Now since I’m an equal opportunity eater,
here’s another set of 10 books you might want more.

These are less sweet and much more savory.


Want a chance to win one of these groups of ten?

You choose which one.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog and let me know which group of ten you’d like to win. Sweet or savory?
  • The deadline to enter is 6:00 pm ET on Thursday, November 15, 2012 SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Good luck guys!

P.S. Here’s a post on Chronicle’s blog if you’d like to try and win one of the other sets of ten books chosen by others.

And now through December 31, enjoy 30% off + free ground shipping on all holiday orders at! Just enter discount code GIVEBOOKS at checkout.

Give Books artwork created by the amazing Julia Rothman!


We have a winner!

Yay Redheadwriter! I think I might have picked savory, too. Those covers all look amazing. Enjoy!

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4,336 comments on “Give Books”

  1. I already have a couple of the Sweet picks so I’d go Savory this time!

  2. ahh i missed this! but thanks for the suggestions bakerella! im so excited to see my friend’s faces when i give these to them! :)

  3. I missed this one. Crud! My husband would have been thrilled with the Cheesemongers Book and most of the rest would have been perfect gifts for friends and family.

  4. I think savory since I already have a lot of sweet :)

  5. Sweet. That’s why I’m here :).

  6. Sweet! My daughter and I love baking together, and we send out baked goods to our relatives every year! :) Thanks, Bakerella!

  7. Sweet! Three are already on my Christmas wish list! Love!

  8. I should pick savory but I can resist the sweet. Yes, sweet it is.

  9. What a great set of books, so interesting and inspiring!

  10. If I’m being honest with myself, I can’t cook to save my life so definitely SWEET. At least I can bake.. :)

  11. What a great idea! The Gift of Giving. I would love to win the Sweet set.

  12. Sweet!!!

  13. Oh gosh, I would love to have both of these sets…what a fabulous cookbook collection that would be! But, if I had to choose only one, I think I would use the SWEETS collection more. I’m much more of a baker than a cooker. Thanks!

  14. sweet !! <3 i love baking !!!

  15. So many good books here! I would pick savory.

  16. Sweet OR savory! I have a passion for both! But based on my mood lately, SWEET!

  17. savory! i have so many sweet books and not enough savory!

  18. I’m up for sweet please!!!!!! :)

  19. Sweet I do a whole lot of bakeing so it would be perfec for me

  20. What an incredible giveaway! Because of my love of baking, I’d have to say sweet – which is what you are Bakerella! Happy Holidays to you and thanks for making my holidays a little bit sweeter. Janet

  21. Sweet please…….thanks!

  22. SWEET! Er… SAVORY! Ah, I can’t decide!

    Okay, sweet.

  23. Sweet!!!

  24. love, love, love the sweets!

  25. Ooh so hard to choose! Sweet set..definately the sweet set…

  26. Sweets! (and I just barely made the deadline lol)

  27. Oh, my! What an AWESOME collection of books! Like most, i’m going for sweet! =D

  28. I cook for my family all the time and am always looking for new recipes, so the savory sounds right for me.

  29. Savory-I love those booksI

  30. I would love either…but I’m sweet all the way through. Sweet, please! Thank you so much for all the fantastic giveaways!!!

  31. Sweet please!

  32. OOOOH i’d looooove something sweet :) im a total sweet tooth … and i embrace it :D

  33. Sweet! All of these books look fantastic! Like I need another reason to make/binge eat desserts around the holidays :)

  34. I would usually say savoury, but looking at some of the covers in the sweet section has changed my mind!

    So I choose Sweet! :)

  35. Thanks. Both sets would be great to add to the bookcase. But like to have SWEET !!

  36. Savory looks great.

  37. Well… this is a hard one…
    Spontaneously I’ll go for savory!

    Greetings from Greece!!!

  38. Definitely the sweet books! :)

  39. I love savory foods but I have to go for the sweets!

  40. sweet of course :)

  41. sweet, sweet, sweet!

  42. Ooh, ooh! SWEET for sure. Some for me and some to give away … <3

  43. I’d love the sweet set!!!

  44. i’m definetly a sweets kinda girl :) it would make a nice addition to my current library of dessert books and magazine

  45. Awesome collection! I would have to choose sweets!

  46. My Mom would just love the savory books!

  47. Savory! No, sweet! No, savory! Tough call!

  48. Definitely sweet!!

  49. Such a tough choice…..I’m going to go with sweet!

  50. That is a tough choice……Savory.

  51. Sweet is my favorite. I love dessert and would much rather have that instead of dinner. My son is just like me. He could eat cakes, donuts and candy all day. He also runs it off. The kid never stops.

  52. Oh, I’d have to have the sweet collection!! WOW!

  53. Both sets look absolutely amazing and are making me hungry just looking at them! I can’t decide between them. I have a sweet tooth but these savory treats look wonderful.:) I would love either!


  55. Hello, i never win. But i hope i win this time i go for sweets!

  56. SAVORY!!!! Savory por vida!!!!!

  57. Savory all the way!

  58. I love sweet!!!!

  59. Sweeeeeeeeet <3

  60. I would love the Sweet set! Perfect for the holidays coming up.

  61. Sweet would be soooo sweet! xx

  62. Wow, love all of them but savory i must say:) fit me better :)

  63. Oh, tough choice! Savory?

  64. Those are some amazing books. I would go sweet.

  65. Tough choice, but I’d say Sweet. I’d love to give my mom the gluten free one!

  66. Sweeeet! x

  67. I’m not going to lie, I’m a sweets girl all the way!

  68. Sweet please!

  69. Sweet! What an awesome collection!

  70. The sweet – Great Christmas gift for my new wife!

  71. Savory please! That pasta one looks delicious!

  72. The Savory — Yumm

  73. Ohh the sweet — need to back some new things for Christmas

  74. Savory! Oh that would be such a relief and would take care of so many presents at once :)

  75. whether I win or not, several of these sweet books are being given as gifts this year.

  76. I love desserts! The Sweet set looks fantastic!

  77. Savory for sure! I read cookbooks like novels!

  78. I should really get the savory set since I have so many sweets cookbooks, but who am I kidding? Sweet, please! :)

  79. Oh golly the sweetness! I would love to be the winner of such a fine prize! YES!!


  81. Savory! Boy do I need help with my cooking in that department…

  82. Savory please

  83. I love both sets but Sweets it would be for me.

  84. i would love the savory!thank you

  85. so tough to choose! i guess savory because i have a lot of sweet books…

  86. I’d love the Savory set!!!!!!!!!

  87. last night my bf told me our wedding is off just because I own a catering business, but I never cook for him :p
    I’d love cooking for him, only problem is I’m out ideas!!!
    I’d definitely go for the savory set!
    I hope you you ship to Tel Aviv! :)

  88. Oh, I feel so much more confident baking than cooking. Sweet for sure! And I can think of several people right away who would be perfect to receive some of those books.

  89. Sweet would be perfect…

  90. Yummy. Oh my…would love the sweet, but it goes straight to my thighs and hips, so I’ll have to go with savory, instead. :)

  91. It’s a tough choice! But I would have to say Savory, as much as I would love the sweet for myself I would love to gift some in the Savory selection!

  92. The SWEET set. So lovely.

  93. Sweet please!

  94. Hmmm, the responsible part of me says I should want savory…..but no, I really WANT the sweet!

  95. I’m gonna have to go with savory on this one.

  96. Oh yummy! The sweet set!!

  97. Oh shoot… what a hard choice!!!I think I will go with savory. Yum!

  98. Sweet. It’s like they say “Life is short, eat dessert first”

  99. Definitely SWEET for me!

  100. Sweet for my Sweetie! <3

  101. Sweet.. I love to make sweet holiday treats for all my friends and family! :)

  102. I’ll have to go with sweets. Though I’m sure my waist line would not approve. :)

  103. Savory set for sure, but wouldn’t pass up the sweet either. Thanks so much!

  104. Savory :D. Great books :D

  105. SWEET of course : )

  106. savory, without a doubt!!

  107. Oh, I’d love the Savory cook books!

  108. Never can pass up the sweet!

  109. SWEET! But you know, I have at least one in each category already . . . will just have to gift it away!

  110. I would love the sweets one!

  111. Wow! Sweet!

  112. They all look great ….but I do have to stick with the sweet

  113. I would enjoy the sweet set.

  114. Is “yes” an option here? Given that particular selection, I’d probably choose sweet, but I do love a savory cookbook, too!

  115. Great selections! I’d love to win the “sweet” set — thank you. =)

  116. Since I have pretty much every one of the sweet books (except for the Flour one, which is on my wish list), i’m going to have to say SAVORY!

  117. I would have to go SWEET all the way!! I have lots of cookbooks but not many that are just SWEET!!

  118. Sweet please! :)

  119. It has to be the Sweet!!!!

  120. sweeeeeeet plz :)!!!!!

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