
Give Books

My publisher, Chronicle Books launched a fun Give Books campaign yesterday. They are partnering with authors, artists and blogs to encourage people to give books for the holidays and I’m helping them spread the word. Books are a perfect gift don’t you think. There’s one for everyone. For every age, for every interest. They are personal and the right one can really show the recipient how much you care. They feel good to hold and they make you feel good to give.

I know because I’m giving away 10 books courtesy of Chronicle Books.

I stuck with all cookbooks and I tried to find a good mix for keeping or gift giving. It’s up to you.

Want to see which ones I picked from their website?

Good… let’s check out some sweet reads! I think these would all come in pretty handy for holiday baking.


Now since I’m an equal opportunity eater,
here’s another set of 10 books you might want more.

These are less sweet and much more savory.


Want a chance to win one of these groups of ten?

You choose which one.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog and let me know which group of ten you’d like to win. Sweet or savory?
  • The deadline to enter is 6:00 pm ET on Thursday, November 15, 2012 SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Good luck guys!

P.S. Here’s a post on Chronicle’s blog if you’d like to try and win one of the other sets of ten books chosen by others.

And now through December 31, enjoy 30% off + free ground shipping on all holiday orders at! Just enter discount code GIVEBOOKS at checkout.

Give Books artwork created by the amazing Julia Rothman!


We have a winner!

Yay Redheadwriter! I think I might have picked savory, too. Those covers all look amazing. Enjoy!

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4,336 comments on “Give Books”

  1. SSSavory! What a great gift idea!

  2. I’ve had too much sweets, so savory it is =)

  3. the sweet would be sweet please :)

  4. Sweet! I’ve been eying a bunch of those for awhile!

  5. Sweet please. Thanks for the chance!

  6. Sweet please!! Desserts for the serious sweet tooth looks amazing. Yum.

  7. Sweet, definitely! I love, love, love to bake things that make people smile! :)

  8. SWEET please!

  9. Would absolutely love the Sweets.

  10. I know I should start cooking more real meals, but I cannot resist…Sweet, please! :)

  11. I’d love the sweet set!

  12. mmmmmmmm I would love sweets! I’m a sucker for baked goods!

  13. WOW! What a great selection of interesting boolks

  14. I would love the sweet ones!

  15. I’d take both but if I really really had to choose… Sweet it’d be!

  16. Definitely sweet!

  17. SWEET! Hands down.

  18. Definately savory!

  19. Great blog! Excited to try your recipes! I think I would pick the sweet!

  20. I’d have to say savory! but the sweet set looks amazing too!

  21. SAVORY!!!!!! Yum. :)

  22. Savory :) I tend to need more ideas there — I already have more sweets ideas than I know what to do with!

  23. I’d definitely love the sweet books, but the savory are nice too!

  24. Set of Sweet it is! Would definetly use it immediately once I got it! Eyegasm on the book and soon foodgasm after trying the recipe!

  25. All the books look pretty, but I would have to go with SAVORY!

  26. Savory Please. The Holidays are coming.

  27. sweet would be my choice…

  28. savory since I mainly bake sweet

  29. LOVE cookbooks!!
    Sweet for me please :)

  30. I definitely have to say SWEET!

  31. obviously the SWEET! that would be… well… SWEET!

  32. Savory! I need more dinner ideas.

  33. Holy Moly! What a choice! Every single one looks like you could make some delicious food from the recipes! But maybe “savory” since I shouldn’t indulge my sweet tooth all the time?

  34. Sweet! yum yum yum. I ordered christmas cake pops waiting for it to arrive!

  35. Sweets! Thank you for the give-away.

  36. Sweet!!!!! So many of these books are on my “want” list already.

  37. Oooh! Sweets all the way…!

  38. So excited about this contest! I got into this blog about a year ago and I have been keeping up with all of the cookbooks blogged about. My favorite so far was Flour, hopefully I will be skilled enough to make the homemade poptarts! I was excited to see all the books being given away, but I have to say I really want the sweet ones!

  39. Hmm…so hard to choose! They all look beautiful, but I think I’d choose savory. :)

  40. Oh my!! I have a soft spot for cheese and pasta, I for sure would love to have the Savory set.

  41. Savory!
    Wonderful selection. Thank you! (:

  42. I really want the Sweet set please :)

  43. I am loving all of the Sweet Books.

  44. books got me where I am today…lovev all of your picks!

  45. Sweet is what I’d like to eat!

  46. we’re all about the sweet in this house!

    thanks for the opportunity!

  47. Oh definitely sweet!

  48. Savory! My mom is the baker in the family so I think our library of cookbooks needs more savory books on our shelves!

  49. has to be sweet c:

  50. Sweets fo sho!! :D

  51. Both look great, but savory please!

  52. Sweet, please! Thank you so much for the giveaway and for your inspiring blog. I love what you do!

  53. I would pick sweet! I love sweets. Those little pies make perfect desserts for two!

  54. SWEET. of course. I have lusted after all these books for so long… yum!

  55. Wow! What a choice… I love reading sweet cookbooks, but actually cook much more than bake. So I should probably choose savory! Thanks for the opportunity. I love all books!!

  56. Sweet! I’d love to have that Gluten Free Holiday Baking book. Thank you for the heads up on the ChronicleBooks discount and free shipping. Awesome!

  57. Both set makes my mouth water…but savory please!

  58. Sweet for me please!

  59. Sweet :) I just loooove baking, especially in the winter~

  60. Sweet, Always Sweet.

  61. I would love set of the sweet books!

  62. It’s a tough choice, but I think I have to go with sweet!!

  63. I agree with most others, it’s difficult to choose, but I think I’d most like SAVORY.

  64. Savory since I already get all the baking instruction/tips/references from you!

  65. I would love the sweet.

  66. SWEET!!!

  67. The sweet set for sure!

  68. The Sweet set looks wonderful!!!!

  69. I would definitely choose the SWEET set – you can never be too sweet :) (hopefully you can post to New Zealand!)
    Love you Bakerella!

  70. Sweet or savory?! Its so hard to choose!!!
    I guess I would have to choose sweet because everybody likes to bake! ;D

  71. Tough choice! My heart votes sweet, but my head votes savory.

    I guess…. savory!

  72. How cool…Sweet, all the way!

  73. Sweet! Looks so good :)

  74. Savoury…….

    no sweet……

    no savoury…. Yeah Savoury… I love the sweet but the savoury is something i can eat at the moment… Sweet just isnt going to help me fit into those new jeans :) mind you neither will too much of the savoury :P

  75. I would love the sweet set!

  76. Great idea, just in time for the holidays!! I would love the sweet ..I think because I love to bake!!! Well I hope I win…because the ideas will be in my dessert…happy holidays everyone!!! ;)

  77. I am sure my girlfriend will love the sweet set!

  78. Oh my!!!! I think books could be a pretty good idea for gifts, there’s some people that can be so picky. I don’t really think I could part with any of the books if I were to win! Really!! I collect books! I have so many sweet books, I think I would rather spice it up this holiday and pick up the savory :) Btw, my first cake pops were a hit last holiday season, all thanks to you. Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

  79. Sweets!!! I love sweets!

  80. Savory! Would love to expand on my knowlefge of cooking and give my fiance the man cooking one ;)

  81. Really either, but if I had to choose…..sweet of course!!!

  82. Eeek! What a decision….I guess I’ll go for the savory flare.

  83. I’d LOVE the savory set! :D

  84. Definitely sweet!

  85. Savory, please. I love cookbooks and this collection would be heaven!

  86. sweeet !!!!!

  87. sweet please!

  88. Sweet, sweet, sweet! Sweet please!!

  89. sweet, sweet ,sweet, please !

  90. Sweet! :)

  91. Oh, the treats I would make with those cookbooks!!! Sweet, Sweet, SWEEEET!

  92. the savory ones! i would love to give some of these away, they would be perfect! :)

  93. The sweet set includes your new holiday cookbook. Of course that’s the set for me! (Though the savory set has its merits, a cake pops book is irresistible :) ) Thanks.


  95. It’s probably for the best to go for the savory. ;o)

  96. I bake all the time, so the Sweets would be so much fun for me, but I would be so happy to win either set. Both sets look awesome.

  97. Definetly Savory – I need some ideas for dinners.

  98. Savory…I trust Bakerella for all my sweet recipes :)

  99. Sweet, definitely!

  100. Sweet! Always sweet!!!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  101. Cupcakes of course!

  102. CUPCAKES!!!!

  103. Cupcakes!

  104. CUPCAKES!! I love to decorate them and make them anything about cupcakes are amazing

  105. I can’t help it. I am all about the sweets.

  106. the savory set

  107. Sweet for my sweet tooth :)

  108. SWEET all the way!

  109. the sweet!

  110. Wow, amazing giveaway – sweet, svp!!!

  111. Definitely more of the Sweet book personality type. Thanks for the fun :)

  112. Sweet please! :)

  113. omIGOD sweet fo sho~~ i cant cook for my life srsly once i burnt box-rice whoops so ya but the gluten free baking book looks awesome!! my uncle is gluten-intolerant so ya that might convince him to try my baked treats!! i never win these things honestly if i win i will screech

  114. What a hard choice! I would have to go with the sweet set!

  115. These all look incredible! I think I will go for sweet :)

  116. My mouth is watering!….It’s dinner time and I’m feeling savory!

  117. savory!

  118. sweet all the way!!!

  119. I love the idea of the Tartine Box Set. I keep meaning to write a cookbook review for Tartine Bread, I love that book. The photography is awesome.

  120. the sweet set

  121. As yummy as the Sweet set sounds, I could really use the help of the Savory set – so SAVORY it is! (crossing my fingers!)

  122. My life feels complete when baking… I would choose the sweet(est) group!!

  123. sweet !!!! all the way!!!

  124. What a choice?! I would go with savory…at the moment.

  125. Absolutely no doubt I’m a sweet girl all the way! I am already drooling! :)

  126. me gustarian los libros dulces
    the sweet set

  127. Love to win sweets! So cute!!

  128. Savory Cravory!

  129. The wonderful world of SWEETS! The gluten free book would be a perfect gift for my grandmother. We both love to bake! :)

  130. oh my gosh!! that is such a hard decision! to have to choose between sweet and savory is like choosing between two very good looking RICH men….. LOL i am gonna go with savory on this. i would choose: savory.

  131. SWEETS! Those cupcakes have my mouth watering!

  132. The sweet set, no doubt about it. I’ve already got one of the books on the savory list! :)

  133. I love the sweet books, especially the cupcake one. Plus I am a much better baker than a cook:).

  134. Tough choice, but SWEET!

  135. Sweet, please! Thank you!

  136. I make a lot of handheld pies, and bundt cakes for my new business as a caterer on the side. I will really love to have the book on bundt cake, handheld pies, cookies and the boston one. This is my Christmas wish!!! Oh I can’t wait

  137. Sweet set please! :)

  138. Oh, do I have to choose? :) I’d take sweet over savory!

  139. I would go with Sweet. Thanks!

  140. I have sooo many sweet cookbooks that I am going to have to pick the savory! Thanks for the giveaway!

  141. Savory. Sweet looks great but I think Savory.

  142. Sweet giveaway!! <3

  143. Sweet set of cause!

  144. I would love the sweet set!

  145. Sweets for me! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  146. Some of those treats look so yummy!

  147. I have an in home baking business, so of course I would LOVE the sweet! More recipes to try! :)

  148. Great selection! I would choose savory.

  149. It has to be sweet. Although I do like the savory selection…hmm…nope…SWEET!

  150. Sweet cookbooks just make me happy!!

  151. Oh my goodness! There is nothing more about Christmas that I love than making tons of delicious treats! Sweets, please!

  152. That’s an easy question: I would love to win the sweet set!:D

  153. I want both, but I think I’ll go with savory. Because I have too many sweet cookbooks, but nothing that will help me cook dinner…

  154. sweet set, please:)

  155. Sweet, definitely! They all look so so amazing!

  156. I would love either set but… savory would be good.

  157. Savory for myself. If I were to win Sweet, I would have to give it to my daughter.

  158. If I have to choose, I would have to go with the sweet set!!

  159. Wow! Savory :)

  160. Sweet! I just got a Kitchen Aid mixer (long overdue) so sweet is a perfect fit!

  161. I just got a Kitchen Aid mixer….so SWEET please!

  162. Lovin’ some sweets!!

  163. I just got a Kitchen Aid mixer….so SWEET please!

  164. Definitely sweet.

  165. since I have been to FLOUR and have her cookbook, I have to go with savory…still wiping the drool off my chin after seeing the cheese book :)

  166. The sweet side.

  167. Definitely the sweet!

  168. I’m more interested in Sweet – but both sets look great! :)

  169. Sweet giveaway. And, I’d love the sweet books all the way. Wow. So many of my coveted ones on there. Just wow!

  170. Definately the savory bunch!

  171. I’d have to go for savory…although that gluten free baking book looke AWESOME!!! Thanks for another great giveaway dear!

  172. Hi Bakerella: I would love to win from the SAVORY category. I’m justing “dying” to try receipes from the True Blood cookbook…lol

    Thanks for sharing!

  173. Oooh, hard choices! I think I would rather have the savory, as I already have lots of sweets books. Great giveaway!

  174. I would love the savory books as getting my sweet recipes come from here anyhow :)

  175. Savory, Yes that is it!!!!

  176. I love cookbooks! Both sets look awesome, but I’d have to go with the Sweet set!

  177. I think Sweet!!! Thanks.

  178. sweet set. to go with my sweet tooth!

  179. I would pick sweet for sure!

  180. Wow. They are both great selections, but I would go for the sweet set.

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