
Give Books

My publisher, Chronicle Books launched a fun Give Books campaign yesterday. They are partnering with authors, artists and blogs to encourage people to give books for the holidays and I’m helping them spread the word. Books are a perfect gift don’t you think. There’s one for everyone. For every age, for every interest. They are personal and the right one can really show the recipient how much you care. They feel good to hold and they make you feel good to give.

I know because I’m giving away 10 books courtesy of Chronicle Books.

I stuck with all cookbooks and I tried to find a good mix for keeping or gift giving. It’s up to you.

Want to see which ones I picked from their website?

Good… let’s check out some sweet reads! I think these would all come in pretty handy for holiday baking.


Now since I’m an equal opportunity eater,
here’s another set of 10 books you might want more.

These are less sweet and much more savory.


Want a chance to win one of these groups of ten?

You choose which one.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog and let me know which group of ten you’d like to win. Sweet or savory?
  • The deadline to enter is 6:00 pm ET on Thursday, November 15, 2012 SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Good luck guys!

P.S. Here’s a post on Chronicle’s blog if you’d like to try and win one of the other sets of ten books chosen by others.

And now through December 31, enjoy 30% off + free ground shipping on all holiday orders at! Just enter discount code GIVEBOOKS at checkout.

Give Books artwork created by the amazing Julia Rothman!


We have a winner!

Yay Redheadwriter! I think I might have picked savory, too. Those covers all look amazing. Enjoy!

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4,336 comments on “Give Books”

  1. Savory, please. In particular, I’m fascinated by that book, “Plenty”. ANYTHING that makes vegetables more appealing is a winner with me!

  2. Definitely savory! I love the sweets too, but we lack savory recipes in our place, so that would definitely help!!

  3. Definitely… sweet! :)

  4. Sweet, sweet, sweet PLEASE! The savory looks good but I’m all about the sweets.

  5. sweet sweet sweet books ^^

  6. Oh gosh, they both look so good! Sweet! No, Savory! No, Sweet! Ack!

  7. A sweet giveaway! And I would definitely love (and use!) the sweet set. As much as I would like to learn to cook other things, I’m still a baker girl at heart.

  8. Think I’ll go with sweet :)

  9. How fun! Both look fantastic, but I would prefer the sweet set. Thank you, girl!

  10. Sweet please!!! I want to bake for every occasion…and I am so inspired by everything you make that every time you post something new I am looking for an excuse to make it :-)

  11. Def sweet! thanks!

  12. Ah both are such great collections!! It’s a tough choice, but I’d have to go with the savory set!

  13. I have to go with the Chicken and the Egg — what a great title!

  14. Thank you for the chance! I would prefer sweet!

  15. I would soooooo love the sweet of course!. who doesn’t love getting a book for christmas. If I won it would mean I wouldn’t have to do ANY christmas shopping! oh bliss. I would just have to do the fun part and that’s wrap them and try some of the recipes of course to give as gifts too.

  16. Ahhhh!!! BOTH! :) I’ve been drooling over so many of those books every time hubby and I pop into a Barnes and Noble. I guess if I had to choose, either half from each side (smile) or the savory side, since I have been trying to increase my recipes for dinners.

  17. I’d love The Sweets set!

  18. Sweet all the way!

  19. Oh, sweeet please! I want the “flour” cookbook for Christmas!

  20. I’m going to have to stick with SWEET, but I’ll definitely take a look at those other cookbooks.

  21. Wow! Such great cookbooks… and such a hard choice!!! I have a majorrr sweet tooth & sweets are pretty much all I fix buuut one day I’ll need to make “real” food lol so I’m gonna go with the savory! :)

  22. I love the sweet set !!

  23. Sweet! I love sweet things!

  24. I like them both! But. . . I choose savory. Urban homesteading, cheese, and good eatin’!

  25. Definitely sweet!!! I’m a sweet girl at heart! :)

  26. The savory collection looks incredible.

  27. Sweet of course ;-)

  28. Sweet please

  29. Sweet!! Although they all look amazing!

  30. I would love the savory set!

  31. Ooooh, those sweet ones would be divine! And I already know some friends who would like some of them too.

  32. mmmm tough call…but Sweet!

  33. definitely sweet!! amazing books :-)

  34. Oh man! Id love either one. But lets go with sweet!

  35. Both sets look so appealing, but I’ll have to go with savory.

  36. I’m a lazy commenter, but books make me speak :D I shouldn’t… but I’m for the sweet books ;)

    Thank you so much for the recipes and the give away!

  37. Hi :) My family can feed by all kinds of sweet stuff, therefore – sweet ten)))

  38. I would love the Sweet!! yummy

  39. The holidays are all about the SWEETS for me! :)
    Cool giveaway!

  40. Savory!

  41. Love the sweet books. can think of so many people to give those to for Christmas!

  42. Sweet, please!

  43. i already own a lot of the sweet ones, so i’d like the savory one!

  44. I’m thinking the SWEET!

  45. Savory–based solely on the vegetable book. I would love some ideas for vegetables! Otherwise I’d do sweet! :)

  46. Definitely sweet! :)

  47. This was hard, i would have to go with ?*Sweet* ?

  48. As much as I love dinner, I always look forward to dessert more. So I would have to go with sweet!

  49. Kudos to both you and Chronicles!!! Books are a great gift any time of the year! Now for your question… I’d have to go with sweet of course =)

  50. I would love the sweet books!

  51. I’d love either, but sweet would be my first choice!

  52. great books! i’d chose the savory set!
    thanks for the chance at this fun giveaway!

  53. Would love the sweets book FOR SURE!!

  54. Definitely sweet!

  55. what a great giveaway! i’d love the sweet set !

  56. I would love the sweet set.

  57. All the books look wonderful!! But I always choose sweet over savory!!

  58. Sweet all the way! That is one awesome arrangement of cookbooks.

  59. Very cool giveaway! I’m for savory. Actually, ‘savoury’ is how we spell t in Canada. :)

  60. While the sweet looks amazing, I think I would have to go with the savory.

  61. How can you choose one?! It is such a hard choice. I think I would have to go with a coin flip to figure it out. Heads – Sweet and tails – Savory. The coin says. . . heads – sweet it is.

  62. I’d like the Sweet books!! Though any book is fine by me, I’m building my library, slowly but surely!! Yay for holiday baking!!

  63. the sweet one :)

  64. By all means sweet, please!
    Thank you very much for the giveaway.

  65. I just love cookbooks! I would have to say sweet for sure!

  66. I will choose the savory. We are an extended family of some vegetarian, some non, so I think we could find a good mix of recipes among those cookbooks you show. Yeah!

  67. definetly the sweet one!

  68. They both sound good to me =D

  69. Sweet :)

  70. I’d have to go with the sweet books. I love to bake and give sweets around the holidays!

  71. Sweets please!

  72. Sweet!! Though I need more help in the savory direction…how could you pass on those cookbooks?!?!

  73. Sweet, please!
    I’ve been wanting to try some of the Handheld Pies recipes.

  74. Hard choice, but savory, simply because I already own a few of the sweets…

  75. I love baking and therefore have a lot of sweet cookbooks already. So I’d love the savory group to spice up my dinner routine!

  76. SWEET!!
    Thank you so much for this giveaway! would truly be a holiday dream come true!

  77. sweet :)))

  78. Oh, this is a tough decision…… Sweet!!!

  79. the savoury one for me…the set looks great :)

  80. I would normally say the savory since I can always use new recipes for dinner…but my mother-in-law has Celiac Disease and could really benefit from that gluten free baking for the holidays book…so I’m going to say SWEET!

  81. Uhhh … I think I’d go for the savoury.

  82. Definately the sweet set. My sister is gluten -free, and it’s always nice to find another book of gluten free desserts.

  83. I am definitely for the sweets!

  84. Such a hard decision…but I’m going with sweet ;D

  85. I would love the savory books!

  86. Oddly enough, savory. Normally I’m a “sweets” girl. But those savory cookbooks look phenomenal.

  87. The sweets for sure! I love cooking sweets and love reading cookbooks!!

  88. Sweet all the way!

  89. SWEET Please, all the way SWEET :-)

  90. Sweet, definitely!

  91. WOW! what a great selection of books you made there! You rock! I choose Sweets all the way. Even though I should start feeding more savory dishes to my loving family. LOL, maybe not just yet. ;)

  92. Books do make amazing gifts! I love the sweet set (the books are well-chosen)!

  93. I’m sure myself and my family would love the Sweets!

  94. The Sweet Set!

  95. Definitely Sweet!

  96. I have a sweet tooth so I choose SWEET! So fun!

  97. I would love to win the Sweets set of 10 =)

  98. SWEET!!! they look amazing

  99. Normally I would choose sweet, but that pasta cover just makes me want to run and get a fork, also the true blood cover has me intrigued to see what else is inside. I’m thinking it would be fun to host a vampire party using that book.
    Hats off to your publisher, all the book covers look fantastic, especially yours of course!


  100. Books ARE such a great gift, no matter the age of the recipient! I would love the sweet books, some to keep and some to give!

  101. Oh man, I think I would pass out if I won the SWEET set! Tartine, Handheld Pies, and Flour?! Oh, what a merry Christmas that would be for my belly, boyfriend, and coworkers!

  102. Sweet, definitely! Happy Thanksgiving….

  103. Having way to much sweet book now, so savory ^ – ^

  104. SWEEET!!! Hands downs :)

  105. Sweet, baby,… just sweet …. that is my one and only choice!

  106. Savory, please!

  107. Sweets, of course!

  108. Sweet! I could spend hours with the cake pops and cookie party alone!

  109. Savory set for sure!

  110. Definately savory!!

  111. Sweet please :)

  112. Def the sweet set! =)

  113. Definitely the sweet!

  114. They are all so great! I would have to say savory though. The Sweet ones look so great too! So hard to choose…..

  115. Savory!! Please!! That wouldbe perfect since I’m getting married next year!!!

  116. Definitely the sweet…I leave the cooking to my husband and concentrate on the baking!

  117. The Sweet Set would be a fabulous addition to my and/or my sweets-loving daughter-in-laws collection! All of the books look heavenly.

  118. SWEETs for me! :)

  119. i’d love both, but if i have to choose…savory, please!

  120. That’s a tough decision, how about savory! :o)

  121. thanks so much for the opportunity to win. They both look great but I would choose savory.

  122. I would love the savory set! Love your blog!

  123. Definitely the Sweet!! They absolutely would look great with my collection!

  124. The sweet set of cookbooks of course!

  125. Wow!!! Wonderful books and a lot of entries!!!! I definitely choose sweet,cake pops and cupcakes!!!Thank you for the chance to participate!!!

  126. Sweet set for sure!!!

  127. Great choices….I would love the sweet collection if I were to win.

  128. Oh, tough call. I probably need the savory collection more but I WANT the sweet one! Can I just say either one and let you decide? Thanks for the chance to win!

  129. Would love the sweet collection! Though would not be disappointed with the savoury either! Really want to go baking now :)

  130. Savory! It’s lunch time

  131. Yes Please! Sweet of course :)

  132. I would have to pick the savory books. Because my wife tells me I need the cook book for men.

  133. I really want to say the sweet set because they look so pretty but in all honesty, I am not the best at baking so I will say savory. LOL!

  134. Sweet pls! Thanks for the opportunity!

  135. Can’t help myself!!! SWEET!

  136. Sweet!! I would love to have Joanne Chang’s book simply for her sticky buns. :)

  137. Normally I would say sweet all the way, but I like challenges, so let’s go Savory. Although they all look amazing.

  138. I go for the Savory this time! :)

  139. SWEET!!

  140. Oh my goodness! I would love to win all of course, but only being able to choose one, I’d choose the sweet.

  141. Sweet, of course! :) I’d love to own your new Holidays book as I met you last year while in the Bay Area on the tour of your first book!

  142. Although I really should learn to actually cook better, I prefer baking so please the sweet ones for me!

  143. Sweet Please Love the title selections!!!!!

  144. Definitely SWEET!

  145. I’m a cookbook worm and a sugar addict…so SWEET all the waaaaaaay!!! Thank you:)

  146. Savory! I’m in such a rut and there would be so much to share!

  147. Not sure if my comment will make it on here, but I love the sweet set!

  148. I’m a dessert gal! So, definitely the sweet. Thanks!

  149. The Sweet Set for me!

  150. SWEET! So many books!

  151. I love the sweet set! They look fabulous!

  152. Definitely SWEET! :)

  153. Ooh, that sweet stack looks awesome!

  154. OMG these books look amazing ! I go with the SWEEET ! :)

  155. Sweet. Thnx

  156. the sweet set please!

  157. Savory for me please!

  158. Sweet of course!!! Thanks!


  159. My sweet tooth has spoken! The sweet books!

  160. Definitely savory …

  161. Oh wow, such a hard decision!! The sweet calls to me and would be so pretty to look at (and the flour cookbook is my FAVORITE for baking and I’d love to gift it). But, I think I gotta go savory to mix up my collection a bit.

  162. Tough choice, but I think savory.

  163. The sweet set! I love baking and new a few new recipes as do the other women in my life this Christmas.

  164. I’d choose the savory set.

  165. Sweet, please! xoxo

  166. Sweet, please!

  167. I would choose the Sweet set!

  168. Sweet all the way for me, please.

  169. I thought sweet, definitely – but the savory ones look really interesting and hpnestly, I have one too many dessert cookbooks. So SAVORY it is!

  170. The very first book you listed has me sold on the sweet books. Those treats look super tasty! You picked out such a variety and I had no idea books for some of those things existed! Guess there’s a book for everything.

  171. Savory please!

  172. That’s one hard choice, but I’d have to go for SWEET!

  173. Sweet for me! I was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease and i have to come up with new recipes for the holidays. I would lve to use that gluten free baking book!

  174. i am going to have to contradict everyone who’s posting… and go with savory!

  175. Sweet the most, but either one would be awesome! Thanks!

  176. Sweet Set Please.?

  177. You can never have to many sweet books!!!

  178. Definitely sweet, and definitely chocolate, so Desserts for the Serious Sweet Tooth please!

  179. Aww, that is so sweet of you! (: I love baking and would love to have the sweet set!

  180. You can never have to many sweet books!

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