
Flower Power

Sugar Cookie Flowers

I did it. I’m sooooooo excited. I have been wanting to learn how to make homemade decorated sugar cookies since I started this website. But, I’ve been putting it off because they really intimidated me. The whole homemade dough thing. (As far as sugar cookies go, I grew up making the refrigerated Pillsbury kind. You know what I’m talking about.) Not to mention, I didn’t have a rolling pin. That’s right. Me. No rolling pin. Never owned one. Then, there’s the whole royal icing issue, in two consistencies, and making sure it doesn’t dry out. It just always seemed like too much. Then I came across the book, Cookie Craft. And, wow, everything just seemed possible. My dreams of smooth sugar-coated cookies could come true. So, I bought the book and then, went a couple of stores over to Williams-Sonoma and bought my very own rolling pin… a silicone one… look how pretty it is. (Yes, I probably overpaid, but I was in the moment and had to have one.)

Ready to roll

It worked wonderfully with some very helpful tips and tricks from the book.

Cookie Cutters

Now, I don’t really own that many cookie cutters, so I used this set of Ateco daisy cutters that I had on hand to do most of my experimenting. Thought they would be a great way to practice flowers.

Cookies Cutouts

So far, so good. Guess this might not be so hard after all.

Now, skip ahead the several bowls of icing color, squeeze bottles, sugar crystals, and toothpicks that covered my kitchen table and ta-dah… beautiful sugary flowers.

Flower Sugar Cookies

I’m really excited about how they came out. Not too shabby for my first go at it. Especially since I have a really hard time piping. Now, all you veteran cookie bakers, cut me a little slack here. I know I can improve a lot on the look of these, but, oh how much fun it will be to practice getting better. Think of all the poor cookies I’ll have to sacrifice as test subjects. Yay!!!

Flower Sugar Cookies

I also made some teddy bears with this batch. They’re so cute. I think I’m in love with them.

A Pair of Bears

And, after all that work, this is what makes it so worth while.

Thumbs Up

Cookie Craft

Thanks Cookie Craft, for giving me the guts to go for it. I love it when things work out like you hope. And, your recipe and directions were perfect. I guess it’s true, you never know what you’re capable of until you try.

Now, for the good news. I liked this book so much, I went and bought another one just for you.

Want your very own copy of Cookie Craft?

Just leave a comment below with an answer to these cookie questions.

What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?

  • Make sure to leave your email or a link back to your blog with your comment so I can contact you if you win.
  • Cutoff to enter is Friday, September 26th at midnight.
  • The winner will be announced sometime Saturday.


The Giveaway is over. Commenter #419, Amylouwho wins a copy of the book.
Thanks for playing everyone!

Note: The winner will be chosen using the integer generator.

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1,461 comments on “Flower Power”

  1. Dude, I wanna learn how to do that!!

    My favorite homemade cookie are Peanut butter cookies!

    My favorite store bought cookies are the fudge stripe shortbread cookies. OR if girl scout cookies count then its Samoa’s/caramel delites.

  2. My fave homemade cookies are Chewy Choc Chip Cookies… the batter is seriousy addictive!

    Favourite store bought cookie changes… choc chip, white choc and macadamia, jam fancies, caramel crowns. Oh dear. I’m a store-bought cookie junkie.

  3. My favorite homemade cookie? I think it is a toss-up between plain old peanut butter cookies (with the fork criss-cross imprint on top) and “ranger” cookies – oatmeal/cornflake/coconut/butterscotch chip cookies. Yummy!

    Store bought? There is a cookie place in American Fork, UT that makes a lemon drop sugar cookie…they crush up lemon drops and mix them into the dough, then frost with cream cheese frosting and top that with crushed up lemon drops…..oh my! They are SOOOOOOO good.

  4. My fave homemade: Oatmeal raisin

    My fave storebought: Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies

    Wonderful cookies. Thanks for sharing!

  5. my favorite homemade cookie….no way i can choose. i am a cookie FAN! probably something with walnuts and oatmeal and chocolate. or snickerdoodles.

    store bought? double stuff oreos!

  6. These look fabulous! I wish all my first tries turned out this great…

    Homemade: My mom’s snickerdoodles, or my favorite ginger cookies.

    Store Bought: Those taffy ones. They remind me of my granny. And the shortbread chocoalte striped ones.

    Sorry I couldn’t pick one!!

  7. My sister-in-law makes AWESOME chocolate chocolate chip cookies. My favorite storebought are the sugar cookies from Hagermann’s bakery in Sandy, Utah. If you’re ever in Sandy, stop by. They’re to DIE for.


  8. My Favorite Cookie(s): I Love cookies way too much to list just one!

    For Homemade: CHOCOLATE CHIP & SUGAR–but only make the sugar during the holidays! Mmmm….Yours look delicious wish I could reach through the screen and eat one!

    My Favorite Store Bought: Girl Scout Cookies Count??? Chocolate Mint and the Lemonade! YUM-O!

  9. First of all – kudos on those cookies. That’s much better than my first attempt would have been. I think they turned out SO cute!!

    My favorite homemade cookie would have to be my sister’s peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.

    Favorite storebought cookie (is there a good one?) I guess if I ever buy them from the store it’s the keebler frosted animal crackers.

  10. Great job with the cookies! I really can’t believe this was your first try…simply amazing!

  11. My favorite homemade cookie are Italian pizzelles, they’re thin, lace-like waffle cookies

    And my fav store bought has got to be, yup, Oreos. hehe!


  12. favorite home-made cookie is oatmeal-nut-chocolatechip-cranberries. (we call them “Joel’s favorite cookies, because they are my husband’s favorite.. heh)

    store bought cookies? BLASPHEMY!! hmm, no. I really dig these “healthy” cookies by papa giki, I think there’s a website out there for them.. But I also LOVE me some biscotti, namely gingerbread biscotti from Starbucks in the fall/winter.

    I can not WAIT to have time to perfect the art of cookie decoration, it is one of my aspirations as well!

  13. Favorite HOmemade – My sister-in-law’s chocolate chip cookies.

    Favorite Store Bought – Mint Milanos (Peppridge Farm.

  14. my favorite homemade cookies are oreos ( and favorite store bought cookies are uncle seth’s pink frosted cookies that are ubiquitous in seattle (

  15. For your 1st try at homemade decorated sugar cookies, Id say you did far better than I could have! You have a much steadier hand than I do, my piping skills would not be as pretty as yours :)

    Can I enter too? hehe the 26th is my oldest daughter’s Bday, what a great gift this would be!

    What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
    Perhaps snickerdoodles, or the ginger cookies I have blogged about. :)

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    Eeek! ok, ok for pre packaged, Oreos or maybe something from the bakery counter…chocolate chocolate chip.

    Off, to share the excitement!

  16. Beautiful cookies :)

    Let’s see, favorite store bought – Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies (does that count as ‘store bought’?)

    Homemade – Lemon bars I made with my mom every years at Christmas time as I was growing up

  17. My favorite homemade cookie is snickerdoodles, and my favorite store-bought cookie is Biscos wafers. Yumm!

  18. My favorite homeade cookies are chocolate chip cookies. Storebought? I love Oreos!

  19. homemade: just about anything warm out of the oven (and made w/ real butter!) I have to say warm oatmeal chocolate chip can’t be beat.
    store bought: I’m going to give a shout out to the girl scouts… Thin mints are my fav!

  20. My favorite homemade cookies are Lemonade cookies. My favorite store bought cookies are (shhh, don’t tell) those sugar cookies with the pink frosting… so bad for you, but I love them.

  21. Molasses cookies are my favorite homemade cookies. I’m going to have to go with RMCF’s mint chocolate covered oreos as my fav store cookies.

  22. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sugar cookies but I have never made anything that beautiful. I need Cookie Craft.

  23. My favorite homemade cookies are my Aunty Sharon’s Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.

    My favorite store-bought are Oreos!

    tamara (at)

  24. Your cookies look fantastic! Great job! See, it wasn’t so bad, now was it?

    My favorite homemade cookie is probably plain chocolate chip. As long as their soft and don’t come out hard as a rock.

    My favorite store bought cookie? Okay, this isn’t popular, but I LOVE a brand of chocolate chip cookie Aldi carries…”Homemade” or “Home Baked,” something like that. They are so soft and chunky and are delicious!

  25. I LOVE cookies… so this is really hard!
    I think my favorite home-made kind are Peanut Butter Blossoms… The ones with the Hershey Kiss in the middle of the Peanut Butter Cookie. Chocolate and Peanut Butter… Such a match made in Heaven!
    And my favorite Store Bought cookie is Probable the Mint Milano cookies, or the Keebler Elf ones with the Chocolate frosting in the middle.
    (Talking about cookies when you’re pregnant isn’t the smartest thing to do at 10:56 at night!!) :)

  26. Your cookies look lovely!

    My favourite homemade cookies are krum kake,

    and my favourite bought cookies are stem ginger biscuits by Walkers made with chunks of candied ginger.

  27. love your cookies! they turned out sooooooooo cute!!

    my favorite homemade cookies are chocolate mint marvels (made with andes mint chocolates…yum!)

    my favorite store-bought cookies are betty crocker peanut butter (the kind you buy in the baking aisle and add eggs and oil).

    sara {saraseeton at hotmail dot com}

  28. You did a great job! Especially for the first time with cookies!

    Hmmmm – my favorite homemade is either ‘crisp’ ginger snaps or chocolate chip with raisins – yum!

    My favorite store bought is the lemon cookie that looks like a mexican wedding cookie – yum, yum!

  29. I’d have to say my favorite homemade are from the “Stars Desserts” Cookbook that was my moms. They were snickerdoodles, however I always made shape cookies out of them. I used that recipe so much in high school that the spine BROKE in a year.

    Store bought had to be Chessman Shortbread. Well I guess if it was bakery bought then it would have to be a little local place in Salt Lake called Granny B’s. They had the BEST ginger snap ever. I’ve never been able to replicate it in all my years of trying.

    Keep up the amazing artistry, I love seeing what’s new with you!

  30. beautiful!

    fav homemade cookies are from the Williams and Sonoma cookies cookbook – butterscotch coconut cookies

    store bought – Trader Joe’s – Ginger cookies

  31. My favorite home made cookies are: Skinerdoodles. Yum!!
    My favorite store bought cookies are:Milano mint cookies! Double Yum!

  32. Oh wow I’d like to have that book! So here’s mine:

    Favourite home-made cookies: tiny coffee and chocolate chip nuggets

    Favourite store-bought: Famous Amos butterscotch pecan cookies

    Oh and I cant believe you find that making these cookies are harder/more tedious than making the cupcake pops! ;p


  33. count me in! i can never resist a homemade chocolate chip cookie.
    oreos are where it’s at!!

  34. What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
    – snickerdoodle
    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    – white chocolate macadamia nut nibblers from Mrs. Fields

    Man! Now I am really craving a cookie! Thanks for hosting this cookie-rific giveaway. I hope I win. ;)

  35. homemade is…lemon whippersnappers. Storebought…marshmallow pinwheels? Girl Scout thin mints? I can’t decide!

  36. My favorite homemade cookie is white chocolate chip macademia nut. I’m a a fan of white chocolate and nuts together. :)

    And my favorite store-bought cookies are Milano cookies! They’re sooooo delicious!

  37. My fav homemade – Snickerdoodles :P

    Store bought – Thick sugar cookies with that same icing type you had on your post. If I see them in their cute designs (esp holiday ones) I HAVE to buy them, even when they’re a buck a piece!! They’re so good.

  38. These look terrific!!!

    My favorite homemade cookie would have to be a good ol’ chocolate chip cookie!

    My favorite store bought cookies are OREOS! Who doesn’t love an Oreo!!!

  39. My favorite home made cookies are ginger sparklers and my favorite store bought cookies are mr. christie's soft & chewy chocolate chip.

    Great job on the sugar cookies – they are beautiful!

  40. OMG your cookies are adorable. And now I want sugar cookies after spending the afternoon making chocolate chip cookies. Sugar cookies are my favorite.
    And my store bought favorites are Nutter Butters. Right up there with Oreos.

  41. your cookies look lovely. sometimes intimidating things turn out to be not so intimidating. my favorite homemade cookie is of course the chocolate chip with pecans or walnuts. my favorite store cookies are mother’s circus animals because they make you smile. they are so cute!

  42. Homemade: Espresso shortbread
    Store bought:nutter butters :)

  43. Those turned out so cute! Great job.

    My favorite homemade cookie are the Mexican Wedding Cakes that my father and I make every year for Christmas.

    My favorite store bought cookie is Mother’s Animal Cookies. I can eat a whole bag in one sitting.

  44. my favorite homemade cookies are fluffy sugar cookies with just a little frosting.

    my favorite store bought are a tie oreo, but they have to be from canada…yes they are different there is no waxy middle it is more creamy, or black and white cookies.

  45. my favorite homeade cookie is peanut butter and my favorite store bought would be MOTHERS animal cookies…YUM… and yours looked just as YUMMY!

  46. Cute cute!! Great job!!

    My favorite would have to be some that my step-mom makes. They are oatmeal chocolate chip and she makes them every year at Christmas! mmmm

    Store bought would be the ones from Wal-mart’s bakery, the thick sugar cookies with the sweet sugar icing. mmmm

  47. Pretty traditional…I love oatmeal chocolate chip.

    Store bought-probably Oreo’s. Can’t seem to each just one!!

  48. You look liked a seasoned pro!

    Favorite homemade cookie – No-Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

    Favorite store bought – Sugar cookies with the pink/green/white frosting and sprinkles found in the bakery. Yum!

  49. My favorite homemade cookie is good old chocolate chip, but my favorite store bought has GOT to be PB Sandwich cookie from Bouchon Bakery in NYC. (Think really awesome soft nutter butter) Thanks Bakerella, you may inspire me to break out my sugar cookie recipe. Maybe I can find space in my heart for rolled cookies again – ugh!!! :D

  50. Beautiful cookies. I want to try my hand at those! My favorite homeade cookie… pineapple cookies. They’re super soft and gooey and great! My favorite bought cookie would have to be Paradise Bakery’s sugar cookie– yum!

  51. Homemade: I love white chocolate macadamia nut! Yum!

    Store bought: Girl Scout Thin Mints or Strawberry Oreos!

  52. Your cookies are beautiful!

    My favorite homemade cookie is the classic Chocolate chip cookie, and my favorite store-bought cookies is the Mint Milano from Pepperidge Farms. Yum!

  53. I’m an avid cookie-baker but the royal icing scares me too.

    Homemade cookie–lemon bars

    Store bought– Raspberry Galettes from the Harry and David catalog (they have them at the outlet stores too.) Out of this world fantastic!!!

  54. Homemade: Chocolate chunk cookies

    Store: anything Milano double chocolate

    Thanks for the blog – you’re awesome.

  55. For your first time these were perfection!

    Favorite homemade cookie: Frosted cut-outs tied with Mexican Wedding Cakes

    Favorite storebought: Lofthouse frosted sugar cookies


  56. Homemade fave: It’s a tie between pupmkin and date-filled cookies.

    Storebought fave: Oreo

    LOVE the beautiful cookies! I make some pretty sugar cookies that we paint for the holidays. When we bake them for Halloween and blog it, I’ll leave you a note. :) You’d love to play around with them, I know it! :)

  57. I love my homemade chocolate chip cookies! And do Little Debbie cookies count as store bought cookies? If so, the Swiss Cake Rolls are mine!

    tinajewel at gmail dot com

  58. Wow, I'm in shock you haven't made cut outs before! Excellent job! Wasn't it easy, I love doing it!

    Favorite cookie: Black & White. Both to make and buy.

  59. My fav. homemade is Cowboy Cookies
    Store Bought: well I have to admit Oreo’s

  60. My favorite homemade cookies are Cream Wafers. Page 40 in the first edition of the Betty Crocker’s Cooky Book (1963). They are a flaky sandwich cookie with a creamy center. yummy!

    Favorite store bought are Double Dark Chocolate Milano Cookies.

    I guess I have a think for sandwich cookies…hmm never realized that before.

    BTW Love the blog, your sugar cookies are gorgeous!

  61. First off, your cookies look simply amazing for your first try. I have only ever been brave enough to bake sugar cookies from scratch…I’m still afraid to do the icing, but yours turned out so nice I just might have to try it.

    As for my favorite homemade cookies, I’d have to say either my toffee or my friend’s molasses cookies. Both are addicting. As for the store bought…if I don’t have time to bake and I have a craving I usually go for something from the Milano family. Yumm.

  62. My favorite homemade cookies are the chocolate chip cookies my husband makes (yep — my husband! they’re better than the ones I make!); My favorite store-bought cookies are definately Oreo’s! Mmm gotta love em!

  63. Oh, I just love cookies! One of my favorite homemade recipes is Ginger Molasses.

    I usually go for the soft cookies with the pink frosting and sprinkles if I buy them from the store.

  64. Homemade:
    My great grandmother’s tea cakes with icing.
    Oreos….hands down….

  65. My favorite homemade cookie is Chewy Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies. My favorite store-bought is Grasshoppers!

  66. Your flower cookies look scrumptious as always!

    favorite homemade: crispy oatmeal cookies with few chocolate chips
    storebought: le petit ecolier dark chocolate cookies.

  67. My Favorite homemade is definitely Pumpkin Chocolate Chip. Favorite store bought…Chips Ahoy, only if there is milk :)

  68. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chocolate-chip pudding cookies. My favorite store bought cookies are any gingerbread cookies!

  69. my favorite homemade cookie is PB&J cookies, in my blog.

    my favorite store bought cookie is the madelyns at Star Bucks

    For a first time cookie decorater…yours are beautiful! Way better than most beginners!

  70. oops, forgot to leave my email.

  71. the cookies look just so amazing, I especially love the little bears. I have been eyeing this book for awhile now!
    My favorite homemade cookies would have to be monster oatmeal cookies (with M&Ms that melt a bit and make the cookies look monstery)

    My favorite store bought have to be those thick sugar cookies with pink frosting!

  72. My favorite homemade cookie is white chocolate macadamia nut. I made them once really successfully and my mom loved them :]

    Also my favorite store-bought cookie (if we’re not counting girl scout cookies) are Keebler Fudge Shoppe Grasshoppers.

  73. My favorite homemade cookie is the Nieman Marcus Chocolate chip cookie recipe because it has coffee in it. My favorite store bought are the thin min girl scout cookies. Frozen.

  74. How funny! I JUST barely read that book and started off on my own adventure in cookie land. So exciting. You are just going to love it. And now when I go to kitchen stores, I can spend hours looking at cookie cutters as well. Ooh, and I found a recipe that makes homemade sugar cookies that taste like store sugar cookies. So, I guess, I would say those are my favorite. The homemade ones that taste like store ones.

  75. I love sugar cookies with royal icing. My favorite store bought ones are the really soft sugar cookies with frosting. Hmmm. Sooo good!


  76. I most definitely love a good homemade oatmeal raisin cookie. Nice and warm and slightly gooey.

    Grasshoppers are my favorite store boughts. Would say Girl’s Scout thin mints but those aren’t at a store. Grasshoppers are the next best thing!

  77. My favorite homemade cookie is probably my mom’s snickerdoodles!

    Store bought would have to be chewy chocolate chip. Or fudge covered oreos. Mmmm

  78. My Fav. homemade cookie has to be oatmeal raisin.

    and my fav. storebought cookie has to be rainbow chip deluxe!

  79. my favorite homemade cookies are my grandma’s date filled cookie. my favorite store cookies are the archway dark molasses one. mmm! :)

  80. Your cookies look GREAT!

    My favorite homemade cookies are pizzelles flavored with anise.

    Store bought — Hmmmm, I do love those Pepperidge Farm Milanos with a good cup of coffee. :-)

  81. you did a great job…i too have always been a little intimidated to make teh frosted cookies. i have an entire Martha cookie decorating set but have yet to try. i think you have inspired me to give it a try too!!!

    favorite homemade….chocolate chip pecan

    favorite store bought…pecan sandies with dark chocolate and almonds yum!

  82. Those cookies look amazing, especially for a first try. I usually give up halfway through since the cookies never keep their shape after baking and the icing just makes it look worse. I'll have to check out that book for the key.

    My favorite homemade cookie's are my own creation: peanut butter & jelly thumbprints. They are so good… My husband can eat an entire batch of them in one sitting.

    I rarely buy cookies anymore, but I will buy Berger cookies when we are in Baltimore. They are little cake cookies covered in fudge. Kind of like a cupcake cookie. Very rich though, so I can only ever eat one.

  83. I love those cookie cutters! And those cookies sure look great.

    My favourite homemade cookies are peanut butter chocolate chip.

    My all-time favourite store bought cookies are Lofthouse sugar cookies. (
    They’re the most amazing sugar cookies I think I’ve ever had.

  84. This is awesome! Great work!

    My favorite homemade cookie is definitely Chocolate Chip Cookies – there is nothing like a warm gooey cookie straight out of the oven!

    Favorite Store bought would have to the be the pepperidge farms Milan Cookies

  85. store bought: entenmann’s chocolate chip

    homemade: that’s hard…peanut butter and oatmeal with chocolate chips

    and your pictures are gorgeous

  86. A tie between Chocolate Chip Cookies and Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies

    My current store-bought favorite are Keebler’s Chocolate Chip Deluxe Cookies.Yum-o!

  87. My favorite homemade cookie is my oatmeal chocolate chip and oatmeal cream pie cookies. As far as store bought….some oreos and a cup of ice cold milk, yummy!!

  88. homemade chocolate chip

    my local bakery has the most wonderful, large, soft, ginger cookie

  89. Homemade cookie: oatmeal chocolate chip
    Store bought cookie: nothing can compare with homemade. Ever. So I’ll list another homemade favorite: oatmeal gingersnap.

  90. Your frosting is amazingly smooth!

    My favorite homemade cookie is from a recipe my mom got from a magazine when she was a girl. Very nutmeggy cutout cookies that we make for Christmas and call Betsy cookies.

    Bought cookies – Girl Scout Tagalongs. Mmm!

  91. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip and my favorite store bought cookie is the keebler fugde stripes cookies.

  92. It is definitely a toss up between the Nestle Chocolate chip cookie dough recipe (the one on the choco. chip bag!) or a classic sugar cookie with powder sugar icing. Please don’t make me choose!!!

    As far as store bought, I LOVE Oreos! I like to dunk them in milk until all the air bubbles are gone and you don’t have to use to teeth to chew and swallow! So yummy!

  93. My favorite homemade cookie is a crispy on the outside, soft on the inside snickerdoodle.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Costco’s white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Yum!

  94. My favorite homemade cookie is oatmeal with chocolate chips and toffee! Yum!

    Store bought would have to be Oreo!

  95. Homemade: probably Big Soft Ginger Cookies. ESPECIALLY once we hit fall.

    Bought: Girls Scout tagalongs

  96. My favorite homemade is Quaker Oats Best oatmeal cookies. i amke them about once a week!
    My favorite storebought is either Oreos or nutter Butters……..

  97. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip (the gooey kind), and my favorite store bought (or sort of store bought) are GIRL SCOUT Samoas. Yummm! Makes me glad cookie sales are just around the corner.

  98. Oooohhhhh -my favorite homemade cookie is my double chocolate chewy brownie bites!

    My favorite store brand – good old oreos and milk!

    Please pick me – I want to learn how to improve my sugar cookies, too!!!! :)

  99. oh my goshhhhh This is great! thanks for this!!!

    What's your favorite homemade cookie? Chocolate chip cookies.. Just like how grandma use to do them. ohhh I want some now! lol

    What's your favorite store-bought cookie? I like those M&M Sugar cookies.. Yummy!

    THANKS again!!

  100. My favorite homemade cookie is an orange chocolate chip cookie and my favorite store bought cookie is from keebler their grasshoppers are amazing. Your cookies look great.

  101. Ok i have serious stress over sugar cookies!!
    My fave homemade ones are peanut butter with hersheys kisses and store bought are pirouette!
    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  102. Beautiful Cookies! Mine never turn out that good!

    My Favorite homemade – Chocolate chip
    Storebought – Nutter Butters

  103. My favorite homemade cookies are Biscochitos. I love them so much I only make them a couple of times a year, and then give them away as fast as I can.

    My favorite store bought cookies are probably chewy Snickerdoodles. I’m currently tying to make a homemade batch that stays as chewy as the store bought. My usually crisp up within a few hours.

  104. Ooo, ooo, ooo, I hope I win!

    My fav homemade is probably chocolate peanut butter chip – or mint chip cowboy cookies.

    My fav store bought – too hard to choose because it depends on my mood. Today maybe it would be taffy cookies (by Mother’s I think) because they go AWESOME with hot tea.

    Beautiful cookies BTW!

  105. My favorite cookies are my mom’s sugar cookies that are super thing and frosted if course. As for store bought…oreos of course!

  106. Favorite Homemade cookie is definitely chocolate chip…oooh soo good!

    But from a store, nothing beats and Oreo and a glass of milk! Yum!

  107. My favorite homemade cookies have to be oatmeal, because i can add all the extra cinnamon and raisins I want to haha.

    My favorite store bought are Kambly, they’re from Switzerland so I don’t even know where you can buy them but they’re amazing.

  108. My favorite homemade cookie is a chocolate cake like cookie with a marshmallow on top and then covered in chocolate frosting–to die for! They melt in your mouth.

    My favorite store bought is hands down OREOS!

  109. First the flowers cookies are motivating-ly cute…I so want to get out a cookie recipe and bake something now!

    Fav homemade has to be the famous sugar cookie, followed closely by the easier to make chocolate chip!

    Store bought, years ago (can’t find any now- waaah!) Ideal Cookie Bars, holy cow those were great! Now probably a frozen mint Milano!

  110. These cookies are beautiful!

    My favorite homemade cookie is triple chocolate chip – so many chips there’s just a little dough to hold them together.

    And my favorite store bought cookies are oreos and a big glass of milk for dunking.

  111. Your cookies are great!
    My favorite homemade is Winkler’s Sugar Cookies. My mom always made them. Yum!
    Store bought — I guess Vienna Fingers. do they still sell them?

  112. My fav cookies to make at home is the one on my blog
    and my favorite to buy is either peanut butter patties from the girl scouts, or lofthouse cookies from walmart or krogers…yummo.

  113. Oooh! Cookies ofa ny kind just make me all happy inside! :)

    My favorite homemade cookie is probably plain old chocolate chip cookies, unless it happens to be autumn, at which point pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are my favorite. You know, come to think of it, if its Christmastime, I love caramel filled chocolate cookies. Mmmm…cookies.

    As for my favorite store bought cookie…I like Great Harvest’s Oatmeal cookies.

  114. Fav homemade are snickerdoodles
    Fav store bought are banana split oreo’s-WHY are these limited edition?! LOL!

  115. my faavvvvvorite homemade cookies are probably oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

    and my favv store bought cookies are milanos!!! :D

    PS the cookies look awesome!!!

  116. Good job – your cookies are beautiful. I have also been intimidated by decorated sugar cookies too until I watched some youtube tutorials. I made some really cute onesies and baby carriages for a baby shower I co-hosted.

    My favorite homemade cookies are oatmeal cranberry, and my favorite store bought cookies are Trader Joe’s Joe-Joes with the peppermint candy cane filling.

  117. My fav homemade cookie is the Neimann Marcus recipe. Fav storebought – probably Lofthouse sugar cookies.

    And I think you did a TERRIFIC job on your first try with the sugar cookies. Very cute!

  118. My favorite homemade are Russian Tea Cakes (do those count as cookies?) or coconut macaroons.

    Store bought are Pink and White Animal cookies. Mmmmm…

    Your cookies look fabulous and you have given me some great ideas of stuff to make for my husband. Thanks!

  119. These look AWESOME!! GREAT JOB! I’m totally intimidated by royal icing.

    My favorite homemade cookie, Christmas Butter Cookies. The Spritz kind. I could eat THOUSANDS of them!!

    My favorite store bought cookie, Nestle Toll House slice and bake! Or if they are already made, Oreo Double Stuffs! OH MY GOODNESS! SO GOOD!

  120. Homemade- No Bakes
    Bought- Mother’s Taffy

    But I love Oatmeal Raisin either way.

  121. They turned out so wonderfully. I’m a whimp for royal icing too… but count me in your giveaway.

    My favorite homemade cookie is oatmeal raisin.

    My favorite store bought cookie is Chewy Chips Ahoy! I love them microwaved for a few seconds

  122. Your cookies turned out so beautiful, it looks like you wrote the book!!! Thanks for having this giveaway, my fav homemade cookies are any straight from the oven with a glass of cold milk and store bought, I’d have to say those really thick soft sugar cookies with heavy pink icing, around these parts, they are made by lighthouse. (don’t let the name fool ya though, they pack a whopping 200 plus calories into each one!)

  123. Cut you some slack? You don’t need any slack – those cookies are beautifully adorable! That’s wonderful for a first try!

    My favorite homemade cookies are chocolate chip – always have been, always will be.

    My favorite storebought cookies are a toss-up between fudge-dipped graham crackers and Lofthouse Sugar Cookies. Yum!

  124. wowie! you never fail to impress!

    my fav. homemade cookie is peanut butter blossoms and my fav. store bought cookie is soft batch chocolate chip cookies-yum!

  125. My favorite homemade cookies are pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. My favorite store-bought cookies would have to be Granny B’s sugar cookies (the ones with an inch of pink frosting)!!! yummmmy!!!

  126. mmm favorite homemade cookie is either homemade oreos, or chocolate chip…favorite store bought cookie, lofthouse sugar cookies….mmmmm

  127. My fav homemade cookie is Paula Deans Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cookies

    And my fav store bought cookies are Dad’s Goodie Rings…I can only buy these when I go home to Canada though.

  128. My fav homemade cookie is the Oatmeal Craisin Pecan cookie and my fav store bought is the Oreo Cookie. With an icey cold glass of milk! ~ Robyn

  129. My favorite homemade cookie is an Oatmeal Scotchie.

    My favorite store bought cookie is Girl Scout Thin Mints – which aren’t really store bought, but I think they count, because they are bought.

  130. Your cookies look awesome! Even if I don’t win the book I am going to buy it. I feel like I am in the same boat as you with cookies. Cakes I can handle and have even done a tiered wedding cake but the big cut out cookies with the royal icing scare the crap out of me.

    I have the same type of rolling pin (but in black) and it is one of my favs. I want to buy the french version of that particular type of rolling pin.

    Okay, now for the questions:
    What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
    Oatmeal Cinnamon Chip

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    Without a doubt, Paradise Bakery’s Sugar Cookie

  131. Your cookies look amazing!!! :) I would LOVE to get this book! My DD loves sugar cookies and I’ve always wanted to decorate them like this!! So cool! My fav homemade are soft sugar cookies with lots of yummy icing. Favorite store bought – simple Chips Deluxe Choc Chip! LOL!

  132. Favorite homemade – soft spiced molasses ginger cookies

    Favorite store bought – I can’t think of any store bought cookies I like, unless it’s Oreo Mint Ice Cream. Does that count?

  133. What a fun post! My favorite homemade cookie would probably have to be molasses. Store-bought? Oreos for sure. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  134. Wow! Those cookies are amazing!

    My favorite homemade cookies are choc. chip (with mini chips). Delish!

    And my favorite store-bought cookies are oreos…or double-stuffed EL Fudge…or Lorna Doones…or…somebody stop me!!!

  135. Favorite Homemade-Chocolate Chip Dough WITHOUT the chocolate chips, add LOTS of pecans.

    Favorite Storebought-Milanos, I can eat a whole bag in one sitting.

  136. Very cute cOoKiEs! I think you did a great job, if you hadn’t told us you were just beginning, I never would have guessed!

    My favorite homemade cookies are sugar cookies, though mine aren’t as fancy as yours, but I still LOVE how they taste; and my favorite store bought cookies are Costco’s white chocolate macadamia cookeis, to die for!


  137. My favorite homemade cookies are chocolate chip…nothing beats them!

    My favorite store bought cookies are Girl Scout Thin Mints. (Not technically store bought, but you get the idea)

  138. Beautiful! I love making sugar cookies and glazing them. They are time consuming, though! Such a hit with the adults as well as the kiddos when they are so pretty!

    My favorite homemade cookie, after trying 25 of Martha’s from her Cookie cookbook, is currently the malted milk sandwich cookies. They are filled with chocolate malted milk and marscarpone cream and are amazing! I generally do not like store bought cookies, but I can live with the chocolate chocolate multi chip ones they sell at Costco.

    Thanks for sharing all your beautiful ideas!

  139. Your cookies are too cute!

    Fav homemade- Choc Chip Oatmeal Walnut Drop (ate them at a party last night)

    Fav store bought- Anything Peppridge Farm especially the new apple cookie

  140. Those look wonderful!

    My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip. Just made some with the kiddos today, in fact. Part of my love for them might be that I always made them with my childhood best friend on sleepovers. We never baked them, just ate the dough! So I always think of her when we make them.

    My favorite store bought are these cinnimon chip ones that I was able to get at Dierbergs grocery store when we lived in MO. They were made and packaged by a local lady – yum!

  141. Those cookies are amazing!

    I would give this book to my step-sister. I’ve been buying her and my niece cookie cutters for every holiday for two years… I even got them matching mother/daughter aprons. Super cute!

    My favorite homemade cookie is oatmeal raisin. LOVE THEM!

    I have not had store bought cookies in years, but I love soft ones.

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  142. Favorite homemade: Little creme-filled Christmas flaky butter sandwich cookies with almond extract in the frosting. (I can provide you with a recipe if you want to see it.)

    Favorite storebought: Pirouette cookies–chocolate outside with dark chocolate inside.

  143. My Favorite Homemade Cookie is my Great Grandmother’s Molasses cookies- Melt in your mouth good!

    My Favorite Storebought cookies- Pepperidge Farm Brussels. Delicious!

  144. Those cookies look yummy. My favorite homemade any kind someone else makes. Favorite bought lemon bar. I hope a dozen cookies come with the book.

  145. I think you gave me the confidence to try decorating cookies. Just like you, I doubted my abilities. Yours turned out lovely.

    My favorite homemade cookies are peanut butter ones with the fork tine print in the top. I like Girl Scout peanut butters best out of all the store bought types out there.

  146. my favorite homemade cookie is the chocolate chip cookie using the baking illustrated recipe (its delish)
    My favorite store bought cookie is Wegman’s half moon cookie. Luckily I only indulge in those babies a few times a year.

  147. Favorite home made cookie is the butter cookies sandwiches with jam in the middle and a cut out on the the top cookie.. yum!
    Favorite store bought cookies…nutter butters

  148. First of all- beautiful little flowers!!

    ok, my favorite homemade cookie is probably a super dense, somewhat raw chocolate chip cookie with a spattering of white choc. chips thrown in there…
    and my favorite store bought cookie ties: trader joes ‘joe-joe’s’ and el fudge- double stuff.

    wow. i am a pig :D

  149. Your cookies look amazing. I love coming to your site to be inspired!

    My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chocolate chip, and my favorite store bought cookie is a pumpkin cookie.

  150. I have the same book for almost a year now (please count me out from the lucky draw!) but haven’t made anything from it yet! Your cookies look pretty, as always. My favorite homemade cookies has to be Dorie Greenspan’s World peace cookies, as for store bought- it’s Pepperidge Farm’s Milano! (it’s on sale at Kroger this week!I go crazy and buy 10 packs!!)

  151. Those are gorgeous! Wow!

    My favorite homemade cookie is my double-chocolate pudding cookies, and I’m all about the Oreos. :)

  152. My favorite homemade cookie would have to be my chocolate cherry thumbprint cookies that I make every year for Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

    From the store, I am partial to Archway’s Lemon cookies. :)

  153. You make the cutest (and tastiest) treats!!!

    My favorite homemade cookie is the “big fat chewy chocolate chip cookie” recipe from

    My favorite storebought cookies are definitely OREOS.

  154. Favorite Homemade: chocolate chip
    Favorite Store Bought: Oreos

  155. For homemade, it’s a toss up between chocolate chip and frosted sugar cookies. (your flowers look adorable, btw!)

    Storebought: Pecan Sandies

  156. My fav is oatmeal raisin cookies.

    I too, been putting this off because the icing portions really intimidated me. I believe there are two stages.

    The only time I tried was on a gingerbread man a couple of years back. It was a cool project that I done with my kids but the result was less presentable but we had fun.

    I am now very motivated by you. Keep your ideas coming. Love your blog.

  157. My favorite homemade cookies are Mexican Wedding Cookies: Buttery, Flakey, Lots of Powdered Suger….MMMM!!!

    My favorite store bought cookies are E.L. Fudge. You know, the ones that look like Elfs…They’re cute and delicious!

  158. Ok, for your first time at sugar cookies, they look amazing! I don’t think you have “beginner” in you – you go right to “professional.”

    As for my favorite homemade cookie, it would definitely be double chocolate chip cookies (chocolate batter with chocolate chips – too delicious). And storebought? Well, don’t judge me, but Oreos take it for sure.

  159. They look wonderful – the talent that you exhibit is freakin off the charts – I am blown away everytime I see and admire one of your new yummy creations. I admit that I am pretty much jealous – I own it :)
    My favorite store bought cookie is from Trader Joes – their version of the oreo – vanilla bean center Joe Joe’s – so tasty. Cannot stop at just one row :)

    My favorite home made cookie is the Nestle Toll House Choc chip cookies – they have been a family favorite since I was 4 and 37 years later that has not changed

  160. My favorite homemade cookies (this week) are Chocolate Surprise Cookies. They’re made with a peppermint patty hidden in the middle.

    Store bought are chocolate covered oreos.

  161. Nothing beats a homemade chocolate chip cookie made by my daughter as my favorite homemade cookie.

    My favorite store bought cookie would probably be the archway chocolate chip cookies with heath bits.

  162. My favorite home made cookies are chocolate chip….my favorite store bought cookies are Chips Ahoy….I just love chocolate chip cookies!

  163. Homemade- Peanut Butter
    Storebought- Soft Batch Chocolate Chip

  164. mmMmMm, what beautiful cookies! My favorite homemade cookies are what my sister teasingly calls my “signature cookies.” They’re a recipe I made up, changing things from the Oatmeal cookie recipe on the back of a quaker oats container. They’re cherry oatmeal cookies and they’re amazing, if I do say so myself :P

    My favorite store-bought cookies? Hands-down, nutter butter patties! They’re a sheet of crispy, wafery layers with pockets of peanut buttery goodness inside, sort of like a sheet of ravioli before cutting them up. Yum :)

  165. My favorite homemade cookies are warm sugar cookies

    My favorite store bought cookies are Iced Molasses


  166. It may be simple, but my favorite homemade cookies are oatmeal raisin- hands down. No bakes and my great-grandma’s sourdough cookies are close seconds.

    Store bought favorites are Grasshoppers.

  167. Fav homemade: peanut butter cookies with mini reese’s cups inside… peanut butter and chocolate are best friends in my book!

    Fav store bought: milano double chocolate (ditto!)

    I NEED that book, I try to make and decorate sugar cookies around the holidays, but they are always too embarassing to give away…

  168. Favorite Homemade cookie, our tried-and-true family chocolate chip cookie recipe. Be precise in measurements;they are to die-for!

    PERFECT Chocolate Chip Cookies
    2 sticks Butter
    1 tsp. Baking Soda
    ¾ C. Granulated Sugar
    1 tsp. Salt
    ¾ C. Brown Sugar
    1 ½ C. Chocolate Chips
    1 Egg
    1 Tbs. Vanilla
    2 ¼ C. Flour

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Whip butter until creamy, then add sugar and beat. Add Salt, vanilla & egg. Sift flour and soda then add to mixture. Bake 8-11 minutes until edges are barely brown.

    Favorite store bought cookie…Raspberry Fig Newtons….or are they fruit and cake….? :)

  169. Those look much better than any cut-out cookies I’ve made. One year for Christmas, I helped my aunt make gingerbread men. Unfortunately, heads and limbs came off and it turned into a rather gruesome (but delicious) dessert. We stitched them back together with frosting.

    In order to play along:
    favorite home-made cookie: orange-cranberry oatmeal
    favorite store-bought cookie: fudge stripe, but wow are they horrible for me

  170. Your cookies are beautiful! I can’t decorate sugar cookies that well. They usually just end up with sugar sprinkled on top! :-)

    What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
    I’m going to pick 2! Toffee Squares and Cowboy Cookies. :-)

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    I don’t buy a lot of store-bought cookies, but I do splurge somethings on Trader Joe’s Vanilla Joe-Joes. Yum!

    email: anniedanko at gmail dot com

  171. Hi Bakerella,
    My favorite homemade cookie is gingerbread and my favorite store bought cookies are oreos. Thanks for the chance to win.

  172. homemade: snickerdoodles.
    store-bought: butter crunch cookies. the kind they sell in elementary school cafeterias. and no where else, so i haven’t had them in quite a while.

  173. My favorite home made cookie is probably chocolate chip. Its a classic.

    Store bought is fudgeshop fudge stripes! One of the few cookies I can eat without milk. But I of course prefer it with milk.

  174. Homemade: Snicker doodles, or chocolate chip, or molasses, or oatmeal butterscotch, or peanut butter, or…
    Store bought: OREOS…Mint ones…yum!

  175. My favorite homemade cookies are sugar cookies.
    My favorite store bought cookies are definitely Oreos. Oh how I love cookies!

  176. I think your cookies look wonderful! I can’t wait to see what all you create in the future.

    My favorite store bought cookies are EL Fudge. My favorite homemade cookies are snickerdoodles :)

  177. I love your sugar cookies! I would like to be able to make some just as fancy as those!

    My favorite homemade cookies are Chocolate Snowcaps.

    My favorite store bought are Milano double chocolate.

  178. Favorite homemade cookie: Chocolate-chip pecan coconut cookies (my own special recipe)

    Favorite bought cookie: Chocolate Chews from Rockwell’s bakery in Villa Park, California. They are the best cookies ever. I have never found a recipe that duplicates them.

  179. my favorite homemade cookies are my step-mother’s oatmeal cookies.

    my fav. store bought are the SUPER sugary grocery store ones that are extra soft and sweet with lots of icing and sprinkles. no idea what they’re called…

  180. Uh wow. If this is your first time making decorated sugar cookies, you get an A+++++!! Your royal icing looks fantastic! I think you did a great job with the flooding!

    My favorite homemade cookie is plain old Snickerdoodles.

    I guess my favorite storebought cookie would have to be Oreos because they are near to impossible to recreate. Otherwise, I’m a bit of a homemade cookie snob.

    p.s. Can’t remember where I found you, but I LOVE your blog!

  181. Favorite homemade cookie: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip. Yummy.

    Favorite store bought would be Knott’s Berry Farm, the shortbread with fruit in the middle. Never buy them, but I love them.

    These cookies look fantastic! I hope I win this book, but if not, I’m going to have to buy it!

  182. I love your sugar cookies. I like to make them too but would like to learn to make them as fancy as yours!

    My favorite homemade cookie: Chocolate Snowcaps

    My favorite store bought cookie: Milano double chocolate.

  183. My favorite homemade cookies are definitely chocolate chip. I am old fashioned like that.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Oreos. Such a rare treat, but so worth the wait when I finally get one!

  184. so this year i finally learned how to make homemade cherry pie…and you know what? it turns out i'm really good at it! kudos to you for doing something scary…and surprising yourself.

    fav. homemade cookie: chocolate chip. hands down.

    fav. store-bought cookie: oreo. because they are fun to eat & delicious!

  185. Favorite homemade cookie: French macarons

    Favorite store bought cookie: Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies (especially the ones filled with milk chocolate yum!!)

  186. Those were your first iced sugar cookies? Wow, good job! Really!

    I think my favorite store-bought would be Black and White cookies. Also known as Half-Moons, and not technically a cookie but more of a cupcake-top.

    My favorite homemade would have to be chocolate chip cokies from scratch. Yum!

  187. My favorite homemade cookie is my husband’s Chocolate Chip (he adds pudding and almond extra! yummy!)
    My favorite store bought is Milano mints cookies! yummy!

  188. My favorite homemade cookie are chewy Snickerdoodles! My favorite store bought cookies are definitely Oreos!

    Your decorated sugar cookies are awesome! I remember being just as excited the first time I made mine. Next time, try using Marshmallow Fondant on top of the cookie and royal icing just for outlining and decorating. It’s yummy!


  189. my favorite homemade cookie is either plain old chocolate chip, straight out of the oven or molasses. my favorite store bought are anything e.l. fudge!

  190. What’s your favorite homemade cookie? Suagr cookies w/ a hershey kiss in the middle

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie? Keeblers Chip Deluxe

  191. My favorite homemade cookie is the chewy by Alton Brown. Only I make a gluten free version!

    Favorite store bought is a gluten free shortbread cookie by Pamela’s!

  192. Favorite homemade cookies? Definitely pumpkin chocolate chip. Storebought? Oreos.

  193. Those are just beautiful and look yummy!

    My favorite cookie is the oatmeal cookies from the recipe my mom got off the back of the Quaker Oats box years and years ago.

  194. Fav homemade are chocolate chip.
    Fav storebought are those round sugar cookies with the white (or colored) frosting and usually sprinkles. I don’t know how else to describe them but most grocery stores have them and they’re so soft and sweet. Love ’em.

  195. My favorite homemade cookie is the classic Nestle Toll House chocolate chip. That is of course paired with a big glass of milk!

    My favorite store brand cookies are the Keebler EL fudge ones. Yummmm….

  196. My favorite homemade cookie is one that my mom makes during christmas. It has dyed green and red shaved coconut, rice crispies, and chocolate chips. It’s amazing. :] I’ll blog about it when Christmas gets closer! :]

    My favorite store bought cookies are at kroger or tom thumb. I think they both have them. They are just plain cakey sugar cookies with a massive amount of frosting and sprinkles on top. I love them.

  197. These cookies are beautiful!

    Favorite Homemade – Biscotti
    Favorite Store Bought – Pepperridge Farm’s Bordeaux Cookies

  198. My favorite homemaid cookie is my mother’s oatmeal walnut chocolate chip cookie!

    My favorite store bought cookies are Milano cookies!! mmm (mint flavor is so good)

  199. My fav. Homemade cookie has to be chocolate chip cookies.

    My fav. store bought cookies are Oreos. I just can’t seem to make those at home!

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