
Easter Bonnets


I’ll just call them Cookie Hats since Easter is now over. I made these this weekend but you can certainly do them for other occasions like Mothers Day. Showers, too. You can change the colors for different themes. Any Red Hat Society peeps out there? These would be fun. I can also see these for a Kentucky Derby party – you could get really creative with them. Or forget the flowers, paint them with silver luster dust and turn them into flying saucers.

I found the instructions for these cuties in a book called Cookie Swap.



Here’s what they are supposed to look like. Gorgeous, huh! These are made using royal icing to coat the hat and pipe the perfect little dots. Fondant is used for the flowers and the bands.

Now, I didn’t have extra hours to wait for royal icing to dry when I made these, so I improvised. But, if time weren’t an issue, I’d go royal.


Instead, I covered the sugar cookie hats in tinted and rolled fondant…


And used sugar pearls to add detail. To help them stay in place, I used the pearls to press indentations around the hat. Then, I put a tiny amount of water on the sugar pearl and placed it in position.


Here they are with and without the pearls.

The base of the sugar cookie hats should be rolled thin before baking and the top part of the hat should be thicker to accommodate the fondant band. I used the shortbread sugar cookie recipe in the book, but feel free to use your own recipe and decorate.

Note: To get the fondant and cookie shapes to match in size, I re-cut the cookies with the cutter when I took them out of the oven and while they were still warm because they had spread a little.

You can attach the fondant to the cookies with a little bit of icing and you can attach the fondant flowers with a little dab of water.

Fondant Flowers.

All I can say is I heart my flower blossom plunger cutter. Say that fast three times.


I bought it a while ago and this is the first time I’ve used it.


You can cut shapes out of fondant and by pressing down on the plunger, you can make center indentations… or not.

You can also press the plunger into the fondant and remove the flower shape to then press and release onto a sponge.

This will give the flowers a curved shape.

But, without a sponge handy I had to improvise again.

So I grabbed the paper towel roll nearby and laid it on its side.


See how they curve when you press them into a soft surface and release? If you wanted, you could also add sugar pearls to the centers or pipe with icing.


These were fun to use. Now I need to get my hands on a little leaf plunger cutter to round out the look.



Cookie Swap is full of recipes, decorating and displaying ideas.

Like these….


Yes, this is a cookie. A ridiculously beautiful cookie. Seriously, who does that? Amazing!


And these are in the book, too. Love them! Looooooove them. But, I’d have to find someone to pipe those dots on for me. Mine would never look that perfect.

In addition to really pretty sweets, the book also has cute cookies to make you swoon.


Like these hamburger and hotdog shaped macarons. Dying.


And these watermelon cookies. Oh and umm, the lemons? Those are cookies, too. I know. Craziness.

Want to try your hand at some spectacular cookies?

Or just want to look at pretty pictures?

Enter for a chance to win a copy of the book.

Just leave a comment on this post and tell me if you’re an adventurous cookie maker or content taste tester.

Deadline to enter is Monday, April 5th at 5:00 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced Monday evening on this post.

Good luck!

Okay, we have a winner. But first, I’d like to say how glad I am that so many of you lean towards the adventurous side. It’s fun to challenge yourself and this book will do just that.

Alright, let’s see who won.


YAY for Sarah the Adventurer! This book has plenty of projects to keep you busy. Have fun.

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3,222 comments on “Easter Bonnets”

  1. I think I’m an adventurous cookie maker:)

  2. Can I be both – I am an avid and adventurous cookie MAKER and a really really great Taste Tester too!


  3. I LOVE to bake and decorate cookies for all occasions. I recently had surgery and am so ready to get back to baking!!!

  4. I love those sugar pearls. They are so handy for decorating cakes.

  5. beautiful!!!

  6. I haven’t made cookies in a long time because I haven’t had a big enough audience to help us eat them all…so for now I’m a content taster. But I’d love to try cooking some again!

  7. i love to bake!!!!!
    This weekend i made some peanut chocolate cookies! :)

  8. content test taster working on becoming an adventorous cookie maker

  9. Adventuress cookie maker here. This book looks awesome.

  10. I would love to be the adventurous cookie maker but I do better at eating the masterpieces :0)

  11. I’m a content taste tester. :)

  12. I’m an adventurous cookie maker as longas I can taste them! Love the little hats!!

  13. Usually a content taste tester, unless I’m inspired to dive in and create something. Your cookies are just lovely!

  14. I’m definitely a taster, but I love to bake too!

  15. I’d say I’m somewhere between adventurous and taste tester… I love to make cookies, but I’m still making the “easy” ones!!

  16. I tend to be adventurous…and I would LOVE to win that book! I can only imagine the fun I’d have trying those recipes out!

  17. I’m an adventurous cookie maker, but like all the others, eating them is part of the adventure!

  18. Adventurous cookie maker!

  19. Tooooo cute! I have 6 grand children to bake for. Since I am unemployed now this book would be perfect! I could bake all sorts of treats for them! pick me!!!!!!

  20. I am an adventurous cookie maker – I make my family eat all my disasters, but there haven’t been any complaints from them!

  21. stop it stop it stop it, you make me want to stay home all day and make cookie hats. just when you think things could not be cuter here ya go. thanks for the happy photos. love it all!

  22. I’m adventurous with cake and cupcakes. I’d love to start trying cookies like these too. Too cute!

  23. I like to think about making adventurous cookies but rarely actually get around to doing it. This is good because I also only really like to think about eating cookies and usually end up throwing out most of the ones I make.

  24. Definitely adventurous when it comes to baking! And I love those flower plumgers! I cut fondant flowers out by hand when I made cupcakes for my mom’s 50th birthday party because I didn’t have a cookie cutter that was the size or shape that I wanted. It took hours but they were really cute. Those would have really helped speed things up a little.

  25. Hi!
    This IS fabulous, gorgeous, stunning! I love this!

  26. I’m adventurous in my decorating (but pretty boring in my recipes)!!!! I make cookies to raise money for a cause I feel strongly about, so I’ll take ANY order that will earn money. That’s landed me quite a few adventures :-)

  27. I generally think of myself as a pretty adventuous cookie maker, at least when it come to royal icing.

  28. Can I be both a adventurer cookie baker and tester? I find that aspire to be a cookie baker but, lo and behold I usually end up just being a tester because my aspirations didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to be.

  29. I really want to be an adventurous cookiebaker, but I don’t know, maybe I have to stay with tasting them :) It’s a wonderful book and your copies are terrific too!!!

  30. I wish I could make cookies that pretty – so I’ll just stick to eating them :)

  31. I’m adventurous! I love trying new awesome cookie recipes – especially when they’re so super cute!

  32. Oh, I would say I love to be adventurous when making cookies or cakes. Your little hat cookies are beautiful!

  33. I like making cookies for kids, especially cookie pops. Kids seem to love them almost as much as I enjoy making them.

  34. I WANT to be an adventurous cookie maker!

  35. OMGosh!! I am a papercrafter but this post could easily sway me to become a cookie crafter!! My cookie baking is mostly at Christmas and the run of the mill standard fare. I could definitely get adventurous!

  36. I’m a little bit of both.

  37. I’m a taste tester, this book seems a great way to get a little adventurous.

  38. Adventurous cookie maker for sure! I teach cookie bouquet classes and my kids would LOVE some of these projects!

  39. i like to make any thing ppl cannot make easily, so u can call me an adventurous…

  40. The hardest I’ve tried is candy cane cookies at christmas, but I’m always up for a challenge!

  41. Adventurous! Or at least I like to think so!

  42. I’ve always been an adventurous baker…but haven’t done cookies in years. Have been following your blog for inspiration, I want to be the adventurous baker in cookie-land again! The book looks wonderful, I can see how you were so inspired. Thanks for sharing with us every week. :-)

  43. I would have to say… Taster!

  44. An adventurously content maker/taster. Good to see you up and adventurous again.

  45. I would say Im becoming adventurous. I love baking new things!

  46. Wow, what stunning cookies and what a gorgeous cookbook! Actually, I’m quite a cookie baker, but usually go for the cookies that are much simpler, but must be very tasty. I transform into an adventurous baker around holiday time.

  47. I would have to say that I am more of a taste tester…although I do have dreams of having lots of time one day to experiment with cooking and baking when my new kitchen is done!

  48. Better taster than maker but love to at least attempt! I’m originally from Louisville (home of Kentucky Derby) and would have to try the hats :)

  49. I’d like to think of myself as an adventurous cookie maker, but when it really comes down to it I am more of a taster! I would love the book to look at the pictures though!

  50. I would have to say that I am an adventurous cookie maker……..
    and taste tester! I love and enjoy both!

  51. I’m definitely in the adventurous baker category. And my adventures have gotten even more extreme now that I let my two-year-old help. :)

  52. Content taste tester here!! Maybe I could sucker a friend into making them and then I’ll eat them up!

  53. Love the hats! I’d like to be an adventurous cookie maker, but seem to fall more into the taste tester side. : ( Someday…

  54. Adventurous cookie maker!

  55. Simply amazing!! II am BOTH an adventurous baker/decorator AND taste tester. Thanks!

  56. i’d definitely consider myself an adventurous cookie maker. and that book would help me to be more adventurous and creative.

  57. How about a little of both? Gee,I think these hats would be so sweet for a shower. I plan on giving a baby shower in the summer. Any ideas for a charming cookie for that?Perhaps a carriage, pacifiers, little bears or ducks??? You know I’ll need help with this!

  58. Love the cookie pictures! I don’t have the time or space to make such elaborate cookies…but I would love to taste them :)

  59. How cute! I’m loving the idea of these cookies for my Derby Party this year. Thanks for sharing!

  60. Usually content to taste – but those recipes look fun – if they’re not too complicated I’d definitely try em!

  61. WOW! I love, love, love to make cookies–but WOW! They are something special! Love your hats…might have to give those a try.

  62. taster. I make some darn good cookies, but they aren’t the pretty, fancy kind!

  63. Definitely a content taste tester here.

    If I ever get around to trying out macrons, I have got to make those burgers and hotdogs!

  64. I love cute cookies, but have never taken the plunge and tried to make them.

  65. Just getting into cookie making but this cookbook could push me over!

  66. Oh I love these! I love to bake and ice cookies. What a great book to learn from! Your bonnets look great!

  67. I love making and baking. Hard to say how adventurous I currently am – but these photos are inspiring!

  68. I’m an adventurous cookie maker :)

  69. I cant wait to try those lemon slice cookies!!!!

  70. I like to be somewhat adventurous, but with a book like this I’d happily go out of my comfort zone!

  71. I’ve been wanting to become more creative in my cookie making. This would be perfect!

  72. Hello I love bake cookies, and I want this book..
    thanks, sorry my english is very elemental

  73. adventurous and taster! I LOVE this book! I’ve not been to the book store in a little while to see it… tooo much temptation …. would love to have the book so thank you for offering one for someone to have great amounts of fun with it! Deborah

  74. Mmmm cookies!! Any size, shape, or flavour. I love baking cookies. This book looks absolutely incredible! Yum! =)

  75. Give me adventure! I love to make cookies. My husband (but not my sons) says I have a problem and I need intervention :)

  76. I’d say adventurous only if I have a model! Can’t do it from my head!

  77. My mind is spinning at the thought of all the adventure Cookie Swap would bring me.

  78. This book looks AMAZING!!!! You have totally inspired me to start baking creatively again and I can’t wait to try the ideas in this lovely book!! Definitely an adventurous baker!!!

  79. I am definitely just a taste tester as well as a cookie-making dreamer! Love the hats!

  80. I love trying new things and wish I had half the talent to make these cookies! My husband is my taste tester :)

  81. I love making fancy cookies. It’s therapeutic in a way. I’m making little lamb cookies for a shower. Would love to get the book for more ideas!

  82. I love coming up with new cookies, and this book looks awesome! Thanks, Bakerella, for inspiring me again and again and again……

  83. I’m an adventurous cookie maker, but also love to eat them

  84. When I have time, I like to be an adventurous cookie maker, but I’m always willing to taste them. :)

  85. Adventurous baker here! I would love to try making some of those cookies. Love your site!!

  86. I am both,I love to make cookies and also eat them, At Christmas I give cookie baskets as gifts.I make thousands of cookies for these baskets. I start making the cookies in begining of October. So I do love to make cookies.

  87. Definitely an adventurous cookie maker!

  88. Adventurous and content! What an amazing book. Thanks for the inspiration…and for the giveaway!

  89. I am the tester one…
    I wish I could just taste one and share the rest of. but I can eat all of them. So now I need a diet, of course.
    anyway; although I need a diet, I would love to have this book. of course to share with my family, friends and guests !

  90. Wow, what an awesome cookie book! I would love to try making some of their creations! So fun!

  91. When I have extra time, I’m an adventurous cookie baker…I always want to try new kinds of cookies, but my family always wants the “old favorites!” Of course, to create anything close to these beautiful bonnets, I would have to buy some specialized baking supplies–they are amazing :)

  92. I am an eater, but my boys are getting older and like to “help” make cookies so I make more than I did before. Mine look like they’ve been through warfare and then decorated by a 3 yr old (literally).

  93. I’m happy to taste any cookie.

  94. Adventurous. I like trying new things.

  95. Wow, I am so impressed! I’m definitely into taking on baking tasks that require WAY to much time and too many steps. However, I’m also a fan of the consistently delish chewy chocolate chip cookie! Always a winner to me! Whether I win the random draw or not, I’m definitely getting this book… here I come!

  96. Currently I am a taste tester but would love to try making beautiful cookies!!

  97. Into adventure with cookie creations ;)

  98. I am a not so good adventurous cookie maker…my family of taste testers is happy!

  99. Bakerella…………these look amazing! I am an Adventurous Baker. Finding and trying out new cookies is a passion.
    Hope you had a great Easter. Looking forward to more posts.

  100. I love to bake. I doubt my cookies would come out that pretty however.

  101. I like to try new/different things, but when it comes to cookies, I’d have to say I’m a content taster. Not sure I have the patience for a lot of the decorating.

  102. Love trying new things, so I you can say I’m an adventurous baker. Would love this book my daughter and I would have loads of fun baking these cookies.

  103. I love to make AND eat cookies!!! Thanks for all of the inspiration!!

  104. Definitely a taste tester. Been making a lot of your pops lately, but this book is so cute, I’d try cookie decorating too!

  105. Love them Bakerella! I’d have problems piping those tine dots as well. That book looks amazing – and so do your cookies!

  106. I need some wedding favor ideas…this would be great!

  107. Beautiful! I’d love to try these and would love the book too!

  108. I would love to win this book! I loved the hats, but when I scrolled down and saw the wedding ones, my heart went pitter patter. My daughter’s wedding is soon approaching and I would love to make them.

  109. I like trying new cookie recipes, but I’m more about taste than looks. Though that’s only because I’m not very artistic; I would love to make pretty cookies!

  110. OMG, those cookies in that book are amazing. I would love to be that adventurous but I am a follow the recipe type girl. So, I guess I need this type of recipe book.LOL.

    I love your Easter bonnets. That is a great shade of blue!

  111. I’m pretty adventurous…and love to bake.

  112. I guess I’m more of a taste tester. But I certainly admire my friend who can do these beautiful cookies. Incredible talent and patience!

  113. I love making cookies. I usually make rolled sugar cookies with a rolled buttercream.

  114. I’m adventurous when it comes to the flavors of cookies, but not so much the decorating part. Would love to learn better decorating tips.

  115. Ofcourse i would so very much love to win this book…………..very much…and im very muc into adventure cookies…love the dressing ’em up part and cookie swap will sure help me thru that………

  116. I love the book, and the cookie hats are adorable. They would be perfect for a Birthday Tea!! I am the adventurer, and have just about crowded myself out of my kitchen with cookie equipment!

    I hope you are feeling well.

  117. I would say I am an adventurous cookie maker but I never say no to tasting any cookie!

  118. I am definitely an adventurous baker! I LOVE to make hand-decorated sugar cookies. They take so much time, but the reaction they get is always worth it. I’d love to learn how to make the watermelon and lemon slices! So cute!

  119. Very cute hats! I love those wedding cakes too. I’d totally make those lemons. They are so sweet!

  120. You did a great job on your cookies! I walked by that book on the way out of a store one day, didn’t have time to stop and look, but told myself I’d go back later. Now I really will have to remember to check it out. Thanks for the sneak preview!

  121. Your cookies are amazing! And I’m definitely adventurous with cakes, so I’d like to try it with cookies too!

  122. I can be adventurous when it comes to my baking, and in my tasting. I always enjoy trying new recipes!

  123. I am both! Love cookies and decorating! :)

  124. Always so impressed with your work – such patience! Love those watermelon cookes – would love to know how to make them!

  125. Adventurious, having found a cookie cutter I didn’t like.

  126. Wow, those are beautiful cookies. my heart is an adventurous cookie maker, who then must taste test. I love trying to make things look as beautiful as the picture. Not always as successful, but it’s worth a try. Sadly, my job keeps taking up so much of my time. ;-) But I’d love to have the book to keep luring me into my kitchen.

    Hope you had a great Easter and that you are feeling better.

  127. Adorable! I’m a cookie taster, trying to be a cookie maker. I can imagine everyone swooning over the hamburger and hotdog macaroons at our family barbque this summer- awsome!

  128. I’m more of a taste tester but only because I haven’t really started experimenting yet- I hope to soon!

  129. looks like a amazing book!… il buy it anyway….:)

  130. Hmmm… Adventurous bakes! Of course I taste test the cookies after, but everyone does that! Right? :D

  131. I ‘m a beginner adventurous cookie maker!
    Those hats are so CUTE!I
    Thanks Dona P

  132. I’d say both, for sure!

  133. I would love to try baking some of these!

  134. I love to bake cookies, but I usually stay on the safe side. I make lots of drop cookies and bars! I’m always up for taste testing, though.

  135. Adventurous baker!

  136. my cookies never work out, I don’t know why! I stick to cakes and cupcakes because I always end up frustrated by making cookies! but that book might inspire me to try something new!

  137. I’m more of a taster now, interestingly, b/c my kids are older. When they were little, I seemed to have more time to make a jello pool in a birthday cake and decorate teddy grahams with frosting swimsuits….

  138. I love baking fun things! this book reminds me of the cookie version of hello cupcake… which i love!

  139. I love trying flavor combos with cookies, and I want to start with fondant. So I guess I am both an adventurous baker and a taste tester! :D

  140. I’d have to say I’m an adventurous cookie maker, though I still need lots of practice! Your hat cookies look great!

  141. Your ideas are so inspiring!! I love to be creative with anything i bake. Your cake balls inspired me to make a peanut butter & chocolate covered pretzel ball dipped in chocolate. Mmmmm! Thank you for being here!

  142. Beautifull, I love your cookies! I am more an adventurous cookie maker.

  143. I have become way more adventurous since finding your site! You inspire me :)

  144. Wow, >.< there all so beautiful!…

  145. Taste tester! I think if I had this cookbook, I’d become an adventurous cookie maker. :)

  146. I’m an adventure baker.

  147. I’ve been more into cakes, but I am always willing to branch out! I love cookies! That plunger set is awesome too, btw!

  148. I love make cookies, but sometimes don’t work! hehehe…
    These cookies are so cute!!!

  149. A little bit of both. It’s always fun to bake, but I want to know its good too.

  150. i am definitely and adventurous cookie maker! :D

  151. I would say I am both. I like to try new recipes, though I must say I am not as adventurous as you. You make wonderful cookies.

  152. I’m both! This book will help the adventurer in me become more of a reality.

  153. i would buy that book, even if i do not win… I love cookies…I have a 5 inch Eiffel tower i m trying to perfect!

  154. i’m adventurous when it comes to taste but the ones you put up are crazyyyy, if im going to make a decorative cookie i want it to be perfect in every way or i will go nuts over it so i usually try new things in the taste department — so imadventurous

  155. Adventurous Cookie Maker!! I love baking cookies, and lucky for me I have a lot of friends and family willing to try my creations!
    Totally LOVE the bonnets, and the Lemon slices! amazing! what a fabulous book!

  156. With a house full of testers, someone has to be the decorator! I guess that’s me.

  157. I’m definitely more on the adventurous side but I’ve been known to eat my fair share too!

  158. Absolutley Adventurous! One never knows when you might need some crazy type of treat!!!

  159. I’d give the adventurous cookie part a try! Mostly I’ve decorated cookies with my young children, but to make beautiful ones like in that book would be fun. Not to say that kids decorated cookies aren’t beautiful in their own right ;)

  160. I am an adventurous cookie maker! Bless your sweet heart!

  161. I LOVE to make cookies but I’m not so great at being “adventurous” :0) My favorite part is the sampling, of course!

  162. for the most part, i’m a content taste tester. but given the right occasion, i can get quite adventurous! :)

  163. I would really like to be adventurous cookie maker, but I don’t have the guts to just try something new. I love when I know a reciepe by heart. To try something new is scary. Especially without reciepes. I wouldn’t mind tasting good-looking cookies, though.

  164. I wish I was an adventurous cookie maker.

  165. i’m a taste tester!!! but i would love to start decorating :]

  166. Yummo & beautiful! I’d say cookie maker, but of course, you have to test them too! That book looks great! Reminds me of Hello Cupcake book.

    Thanks for sharing it!

  167. Both!

  168. I am an adventurous cookie baker (and tester). Cookies are THE perfect dessert in my opinion. Your bonnets looked awesome, and the book looks wonderful! My son would love those watermelon cookies!

  169. I would love this book. I usually make many different kinds of cookies at Christmas but due to illness I didn’t do everything I wanted this past December. So I want to really ramp it up next Winter!

  170. Sign me up to taste! Some of those cookies are quite intimidating looking!

  171. I get more satisfaction out of eating cookies than I do baking them so i’m a taste tester:)

  172. would love to learn how to make adorable cookies likes these, they are absolutely amazing!

  173. I try to be an adventurous cookie maker, but sometimes fail miserably LOL You still get to eat the benefits of your baking, whether they are pretty or not! :-)

  174. wow. my girls would love these ideas!

  175. I would say I’m an adventurous cookie maker, although half the time my experiments don’t go well. :/

  176. I am a taste tester – wonderful book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  177. Those swap cookies are all works of art! But on yours, I love how you left a bit of the cookie exposed on your hats…. makes them look straw! Glad you’re feeling better!

  178. I love to eat cookies! They are my favorite treat! Taste testing is for me!

  179. Those lemon cookies are amazing!

  180. Adorable cookies! I’d love to win and make some of my own!

  181. I am an adventurous cookie baker and those are the most darling bonnets! I would love to give them a try. :-)

  182. I would love to make those cookies!!! I love to bake and make my baking funky!!! I would love to win!!

  183. I am a little bit of both I love 2 make cookies and eat them 2

  184. Taste them!! They’re fun to make too though :)

  185. Wow-those cookies are AMAZING! How do people come up with this stuff! I’m tellin ya-if I didn’t have a job I think I would live in the kitchen trying to do stuff like that!
    And that plunger cookie is pretty awesome too!

  186. Cookie maker!! And these are the most adorable things I;ve ever seen!

  187. I sooo need that book! Adorable cookies. I would like to say that I am an adventurous cookie maker, but I can’t seem to get them to look as good as my cakes. I sure can make a mean cake though! Well, not really mean, but I think you get the pictue…

  188. Content taste tester! haha

  189. I’m adventurous to the point where I usually ruin things! I think I could really use this book as a guide!

  190. ooo by the way i’m adventurous cookie maker…

  191. I have mostly been a content cookie taster, but after spending any amount of time reading your blog, I’m becoming more of an adventurer. This book would be perfect for ideas!

  192. I am both!! Your cookies are too precious.

  193. Your blog and also this cookies are amazing… thanks for sharing… =)

  194. Those are truly beautiful, I’d like to think I’m an adventerous cookie maker. :)

  195. I LOVE SUGAR COOKIES! not to eat.. to make. my ‘website’ link is actually the photos of all my creations. so fun! i adore cookie craft.. so i definitely want to get my hands on this one at some point. yay!

  196. I looove making cookies, so I guess I’m adventurous, although I fail more often than not. xD

  197. I’m learning to become an adventurous cookie maker and am definitely a content taste tester. The hats are incredible. I’d definitely going to invest in the book if I’m not the lucky winner here!

  198. Sometimes I’m up for cookie decorating….but moreso a taster. So much so that I rarely have cookies in the house because I’m “that good” at tasting them LOL!

  199. I’ve been looking through countless cook books/dessert books but could never find a decent one entirely devoted to cookies! The ones displayed in your post look simply gorgeous and they are just my style – my baby nephew’s birthday is coming up and I am wondering what I should bake for him.
    Thanks for all the wonderful posts, Bakerella!

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