
Easter Basket Cupcakes

Mini Easter Basket Cupcakes

If you’ve followed the site for a while, you’ll remember these Easter basket cupcakes from a couple of years ago. If so, I hope you don’t mind seeing them again. If not, please enjoy them now. They are simple and oh so cute. And I know I’m putting them up last minute, but I didn’t want Easter to go by without something super cute on the site for you to look at.

Here is the original post for all the what nots and below are some pretty photos just for your viewing pleasure.

Easter Candy

Sour Punch Strawberry Straws

Sour Punch Straws

Lindt Chocolate Bunny Basket

Little chocolates and candies

Heidl Mini Candy Bars

Easy to put together in a hop, skip and a jump.

Candy Covered Cupcakes

Happy Easter Baskets

Kidney Update: We are still in the evaluation process. I wish I had something new, but no news is good news right?

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153 comments on “Easter Basket Cupcakes”

  1. Oh my gosh, these are adorable! Sour punch straws for an Easter basket handle … how clever!

  2. So Smart!!

  3. We are a group of volunteers and starting a brand new scheme in our society. Your website provided us helpful content to try. You’ve carried out a solid job and our entire community will be grateful to you.

  4. Hola me encanto todo, pero lamentablemente no hablo ingles, soy de chile ¿ no tienen pagina en español ? porfavor me avisan.


    Alejandra Alvarez

  5. I am praying for your surgery(s)–which includes your mom!! God is good and He has brought you this far, hon and He ain’t gonna dump ya now!!!! Love you lots! :-))

  6. God bless you and your mom, it will all work our just fine. You will be back baking soon than you can shake a stick! All the best!

  7. I just stumbled across your website and I love it!! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes.

    p.s. I’m a dialysis nurse and I want to wish you the very best. I hope your transplant happens soon and you’ll do well with dialysis in the meantime. God bless

  8. I made them this Easter for my first grade class party and a church bake sale. I was so happy to see that Fresh Market had everything on a display for them even still in 2011. I’m sure your Eye Candy cupcakes created a great demand for everything. Well, make class went crazy and tore into them so fast I didn’t take a single pic. Oh well, the memory still lingers on. The only little thing that went wrong was some of my pink sour straws broke in half overnight and had to be quickly replaced. (Kids freak over stuff like that!) Can’t wait until next Easter! Maybe Cake Pops!!

  9. Your San Francisco trip looked amazing. As did your boots that I couldn’t help but notice! Glad to hear it was fun, I can’t imagine that judging chocolate cupcakes wouldn’t be.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you…go kidneys!!!!!!

  10. Evaluation seems to take forever — my brother and I are going through the process now. Hang in there!

  11. Can’t wait till next Easter!!! those are adorable, great ideas for kids!!!

  12. Very cute those are good for Easter great idea I love your blog your a awesome women.

  13. Yum! These look incredible! I tried making some yummy Easter treats this year on my blog, but nothing as cute as these cupcakes – there’s always next year, right? :)

  14. Hi!
    I just found your website and I am reading about a transplant. Are you in need of one? Sorry, I’m just not sure as to what is going on w/ your health. Would love to talk to you as to about what I went thru. Double Transplant. Kidney & Pancreas. Just wanna give you hope if that is what you are going thru. Please let me know!!!

    All my love & prayers!!!!!


  16. where did you get the cupcake liners you used?

  17. WOW looks really cute! tnx for the ideas. —

  18. How adorable!! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. These are super cute! I hope that you had a wonderful Easter. So glad that you updated. I’ve been thinking about you and hoping that that you are doing well. I’m praying for you :)

  20. Soooo cute!! :)
    I hope everything works out with your health, I’ll keep you in my prayers.

  21. Good to hear from you, hope the Easter bunny brought you some good news. :o)

  22. These are so cute! I hope you had a great Easter!

    Valerie Elizabeth

  23. Hi! I have been following your blog for a while, and congrats on the book! What an accomplishment to be in print! I believe I will be getting your book as a gift from my mother soon enough to coordinate with my new store, Enchanted Wishes!

    When I was 18, my father ended up on dialysis, which was 30 years ago. Technology and medications have come a long way since then. My father was one of the lucky ones to receive a transplant at the age of 50, and at that time, he was told he was too old for a transplant. Again, how times have changed. Due to the generosity of a family, my father received 2 small donor kidneys, because the doctor said they would grow. My father lived 27 years with those donated kidneys, which gave him and my family 27 more precious years with him. He always stayed in the positive, which sounds exactly where you are…..believe, and it will come true! XOXO

  24. Good thoughts and many prayers still coming your way! Lovely Easter baskets :)

  25. Hi, Angie! You’re right . . . NO News is DEFINITELY GOOD NEWS!!! Hang in there :o)

  26. Wishing you the best and hoping you get results soon. On another note, I have your “Cake Pops” on order and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

  27. I check in all the time to see if you’ve posted. I send my best wishes to you, that this time passes quickly and has a great outcome for all concerned. Peace be with you.

  28. I made these for Easter this year! They are completely precious and so easy to do. Thanks so much for the idea!

  29. May I say that you are amazing? I discovered you through a newsletter around valentine’s day with the candy heart cake pops and they were a huge hit at work. I did the same thing for easter only I did eggs & bites. I used a clean plastic egg and used it as a mold. I guess you could have called it an interesting cupcake, because even using the smallest eggs, they were more than 1 bite, but delish & an even bigger hit. :) Thank you for doing what you do and being such an inspiration! Next up, Mickey Mouse Pops! Well, after the graduation pops! :D

  30. I hope you had a blessed Easter!! Take it easy and I’m sending prayers!

  31. Still praying for you!! Thanks for the post :)

  32. I do remember those and have done a few variations through the years! I *always* love seeing YOUR creations though—-they always are *way* better than my own. ;)

    Praying for your kidneys! And for you! Happy Easter!

  33. Super cute! Belated Easter blessings! In my thoughts and prayers.

  34. These look lovely and have given me great inspiration.
    no news is good news, i hope that you do get some good news soon. all my best wishes

  35. Happy Easter! Thanks for reposting. They deserve another time in the spotlight. They are super cute.
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  36. My family and I will be walking in the Boston Kidney walk next month in honor of my in-laws. One is a recipient, the other the donor.

  37. praying for you and your mom, lovely lady. my daughter gave my then 72 year old dad (her grandpa) one of her kidneys 11 years ago!

  38. Thanks for the post, Bakerella! My thoughts are with you!

  39. Love these. They just make me smile.

    Glad no news is good news!

  40. These are adorable and so creative!

  41. I just got your cake pops book and this is in there… I just love your book! I hope you are feeling better :]

  42. These are so cute! I hope you’re doing well, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  43. Happy Easter! I actually made these this year for our church’s bake sale. :) Made me happy!

  44. I think of you almost every day…sending you some strength from up North! We will still be here when you get better.

  45. Happy Easter!!! To you too (a little belated though :) ) Good luck with everything and hopefully soon we will see you in Southern California :D

  46. Those are adorable!!! I totally want to make them! Hope you had an amazing Easter! God bless you!

  47. 2 cute! Thanks for sharing! I hope you had a good Easter!

  48. Here’s to “hopping” that no news is indeed good news!

    Cute Easter cup cakes! I’m newish to your site so this wasn’t a re-post to me. Just a terrific inspiration:)

    Hope your Easter was a memorable one and that the Easter bunny was good to you!

  49. These are super cute Bakerella! I hope you had a wonderful Easter and Enjoyed family! My prayers are with you and wish you a speedy recovery! Thanks for the post as always…

    Take Care! =)

  50. Happy to have you back even for a re-post!!! Refreshers are always good!!! Good luck with the evaluation process. I remember that with my dad. All you can do is sit and wait and pray! Still keeping you in my prayers!!!

  51. All blessings to you. I hope you had a great Easter. They are not “days waiting for news”, they are just days, given to us to enjoy.
    You have helped so many of us to enjoy our days, I hope we can help you to enjoy yours as well.

  52. I love it! You are so darn creative!!

  53. Thanks for re-posting. My kids would love those!!

  54. Super cute!!! The Easter Bunny left my eight kids a letter this year explaining that because of all the bad weather we’re having, he would be coming back later in the week to give them all their Easter fun. I think I might just get some extra candy and let them all make their own cupcakes for dessert, just for some added fun. (And because they were all pretty good sports about postponing the egg hunt and stuff!!!!)

  55. happy easter to you too ! the cup cakes are gorgeous………..

  56. Thanks for this post! So cute! Hang in there, Bakerella! Thinking of you often and hoping for good health for you soon.

  57. How cute! I’m too late to make them this easter, but I will look for them next easter to make at home. I hope the kidney issues are going as well as possible.

  58. I wonder how you got so good. Ha-ha! This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your design is so perfect! You certainly know how to get a girls attention! I’m glad that your here. I feel like I’ve learned something new by being here. .

  59. I check your blog every day to see how you’re doing! I’m so happy you posted today! Happy easter!! You are in my prayers. You are amazing!

  60. Happy Easter Bakerella you are always in my prayers. I hope you post some good news very soon. Just know we are all routing for you!!!!!

  61. Happy Easter! Thanks for sharing your beautiful cupcakes with us! i will say a prayer tonight for your evaluation process to go well for you and your mom…. Your generosity of spirit shines through on your blog.

  62. Hope that you enjoyed the holiday! Thanks for sharing your beautiful post. Sincerely hope that you’re well soon.

  63. Hope you have a Happy Easter and thanks for the post. These cupcakes are darling.

  64. Thank you for the Easter treat. All the best to you – you have so many people thinking good thoughts for you!

  65. HAPPY EASTER!!!!!! Sending lots of BIG hugs & HAPPY thoughts your way!!!

  66. Happy resurrection day!!!
    You are always in my prayers.
    And yes, no news is good news!
    Sending you love.
    Those cupcakes are sugar loaded PRETTY!

  67. I remember these and I love them! Just last week I was scouring your site for some old Easter posts. They all look so yummy! Keeping you in my thoughts and sending best wishes your way!

  68. Thank you. Love them!

  69. I hope that all turns out well for you and that your mom is compatible. I think often about you and what you have been going thru. Happy Easter!

  70. Thinking about you. I hadn’t seen these before, so thanks for the repost, they are delightful. Hope you get the good news you’re waiting for soon!

  71. Greetings from Poland ;) I wish that someday I will see your books in our bookstores! I’m a big fan of your pops ;)

  72. Happy Easter! Praying for you! LOVE your site, book and all your fantastic, amazing super-creative ideas! God Bless You and Your family!

  73. I hope you get some good news soon. I’ve always done my poorest when I get anxious waiting and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody else!

  74. Your okay! Because you haven’t posted a post in a couple of days (11, I think), I thought something had happened. It’s a good thing that you’re getting better, right? (or at least I hope!)

  75. Happy Easter, Bakerella!!! Continued healing and much love from our home to yours!

  76. Happy Easter!!! I love these and will definitely make them next year. I’m so glad you posted…a holiday isn’t the same without the adorable goodies that you post. I know you have alot of people praying and pulling for you, me included and we all know the power of prayer. Hope you get some answers soon, we’ll all be waiting to hear.

  77. I have been thinking and wondering about you. Thank you for the update. And you are totally right, no news is good news!!
    Have a wonderful Easter and thanks for the cupcake replay.
    They are just darling!

  78. May your day, weeks, years be blessed. Please don’t worry about us—we will all be here waiting when you have cared for yourself and returned to healthier days.

  79. i’m glad to see that you are fine!! our prayers are with you and everyone yin my family sent you a big hug!!
    thanks for re-post this cute cupcakes they are so wonderfull!

    Happy Easter!!

  80. I made these adorable cupcakes yesterday, but when I went to look at them this morning, all of the sour patch straw handles had snapped in half!

  81. I remember these cupcakes and love them even more today! Keeping you in my prayers and wishing you a very joyous Easter! xoxo

  82. Thank you for thinking of us!! Happy Easter and we will continue to pray for you! Hugs!

  83. Happy easter and feel good

  84. Happy Easter !! You are in my daily thoughts and prayers !!!

  85. You are an amazing woman, thank you for thinking of us.
    I hope you have a Blessed Easter and am still praying for you <3

  86. Happy Easter! Thinking of you and praying you’ll get get answers soon.

  87. You are the best ever for posting these pics!!! You are really amazing for thinking of us this Easter!! Praying for u still!!!

  88. Hi
    Have a blessed Easter.Hope it isn’t hooked up to the machine.Please let me know if you get my emails. My offer still stands about the testing, etc.
    Tracey A.

  89. Darn. I should have checked this site BEFORE I started decorating my Easter cupcakes. I did the bunny butt cupcakes from Hello Cupcake!

  90. I made these that year! So cute. Happy Easter!

  91. The cupcakes are just as cute this year! I hope you get good news on the kidney front soon!

  92. Adorable! Happy Easter to you! Blessings to you and your family.

  93. Happy Easter Bakerella!!!

    Thank You for posting the super cute Easter cupcakes. My son is sitting beside me and became excited when he saw the photo’s. I’ll definitely keep this idea in my favorites!!!

    We’re praying that you get good news soon!

  94. Happy Easter! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for continuing to send us posts!! You really are an inspiration to me!

  95. happy easter to a very strong and thoughtful lady. You are an inspiration to us all and we all are pulling for you. Please keep us updated on your health. Your are in our thoughts and prayers.

  96. Love the cupcakes they are darling. Didn’t have time this year to make them, but there on my to do list for sure next year. Good news is coming I just know it. Have a blessed Easter. Hugs Paulette.

  97. Happy Easter Angie!

    If your mom’s kidney doesn’t seem to be a match please consider mine – I would love to share one with you. Just let me know.

    I hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy friends and family at Easter.

  98. these are so prettttyyy! I bet kids would have sooo much fun making these~

  99. Angie, hoping you have a wonderful Easter & that good news will be given to you soon!!!

  100. I love these. I especially love all the little candies you chose. I feel like this is just for me!

  101. Dear Angie, Wishing you and your mom a very happy Easter and hoping you have good news coming your way very, very soon!

  102. Wow! You’re bunny brings the good stuff, in a special package. (:

  103. So cute!

    I hope things look up for you soon!

  104. So cute.

    I hope things look up for you soon.

  105. Hi Dear,I remember those cute little baskets,I just love them.I wish you a happy easter and that everything will go well for you

  106. As always, SO creative and delicious-looking! Thanks for sharing :)

  107. Hello Bakerrella. You are amazing to think of us for Easter when you have your own problems to worry about. I hope for you the very best and speedy news and may you have a wonderful Easter. Thanks for all those amazing recipes and beautiful photos. I’m keeping you in my prayers.

  108. hi bakerrella its good to hear of you again hope you feel better really

  109. Happy Easter! God bless you with good news! :)
    Those cupcakes are really cute!

  110. Happy Easter Bakerella

    I hope you & your mom get approved soon!!

  111. I love these! I dug through the archives and made them last week for a Church get together. You are always inspiring. I hope you have a fabulous Easter! You’ll be in my prayers, and I hope you feel better.

  112. So great to see a post from you. We wish you a very Happy Easter. We hope to hear good news soon!

    Melissa and Rich

  113. How funny you reposted these today. i just made a them a few hours ago after seeing them last week while looking through your old posts. These are so adorable! Mine came out almost as cute! Happy Easter!

  114. Happy Easter Bakerella. May your kidney transplant happen soon…and may God bless.


  115. Thanks for posting these!! Just adorable! Happy Easter to you.

  116. WOW! These are so cute :)
    Take care and Happy Easter :))

  117. Thanks for the re-post and the update.
    You are in my thoughts. I hope you have great news soon. Happy Bunny Day!

  118. Thanks for the update! I check back every day to see… I hope you hear good news soon!

  119. I remember these adorable cupcakes from last year (I’ve been following your blog since the start) They are so cute! Don’t worry about getting this Easter post up a bit late – I’ve still got to get mine up tomorrow (ahem – Easter!) Hops your feeling better!

    Andrea {Made With Pink}

  120. Don’t mind at all!!! Just as cute and drool worthy as the first time!

    Praying that kidney gets on it and matches up!!! Geeeeez ;)

  121. we are still praying for you! much love from the south.

  122. Happy Easter to you and your family!! Take care!!!

  123. I made my own version of these today after searching your site for Easter ideas. Last year I made your chick and bunny pops! Thanks for all the fun and cute ideas!

  124. I’m pretty sure those are the cutest cupcakes ever. Thinking of you:)

  125. Thanks so much for the update. I come back daily hoping to hear good news! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

    Happy Easter!

  126. Super cute!! I made these for my little Brownies (Daisies in the U.S.) but I made them with mini-brownies instead of cupcakes. Worked just as well, but smaller!

  127. I never comment, but I want you to know – you need to stop worrying about us.

    You have your own fight ahead of you and we send good thoughts everyday – and wouldn’t mind if you didn’t post. Honestly – I think everyone would say the same. Take care of YOU.

    You are sweet to think of your blog and your readers, but please, you first.

    I hope you and yours are having a nice Easter. Take care our friend.
    We would be most happiest with that.

  128. I love these, they are so cute! Just finished making a carrot cake for tomorrow.

    Hope you are feeling better each day!

    Have a Happy Easter!

  129. These are SO CUTE! Happy Easter :) Hope you do not worry too much.

  130. Happy Easter!!! Keep strong fantastic cupcakes as always :)

  131. Happy Easter! Wishing you the best! Hang in there. :)

  132. Happy Easter, Bakerella! God’s Blessings to you!

  133. Hang in there! There are so many people pulling for you.

  134. These are so cute! Thanks for the pretty photos! :0)

  135. These cupcakes are one of my all-time favourite creations of yours. I’m so glad you posted them again! I was actually going to make these this year but life and other cakes got in the way. I’m definitely putting these on my “must make” list for next year, though.

    Happy Easter, Bakerella! I’ll continue to keep you in my thoughts and wish you good health. And thanks again for all the inspiration.


  136. They’re so cute and classic looking!

  137. Happy Easter to you and your mom. I continue to hope and pray for good news and improved health. God bless :)

  138. Yum! I’m making your spring chicks pops for Easter right this minute! :D

  139. Absolutely adorable!

    Happy Easter!

  140. Happy ester bakerella !!! hope you enjoy it! whit that cupcakes you will ,so pretty ^.^

  141. still sending you love! such an inspiration!

  142. Those look adorable and delicious.

  143. These are great! Thank you for sharing!

  144. I hope all is going well for you, just know you are in our thoughts and our prayers for a speedy recovery! Happy Easter

  145. Thank you! These are just precious. Still praying for your lack of kidney. Thanks for updating. I check just to see if you are still breathing. LOL! Get well soon Bakerella!

  146. I’m a college student away from home, and seeing these makes me want to eat chocolates with my family and go hunting for Easter eggs!! I think I’ll just have to make these for my suitemates. . .

  147. Still adorable. I so admire your strength and sunny attitude on life. Happy Easter!

  148. I wish you a very happy, peaceful and sweet Easter. You are a doll to post these when you have so much on your mind (I don’t mind if it’s a “rerun”; these are wonderful!). I hope you get good news very, very soon.

  149. These are adorable! I’m a new reader so it’s the first time I’ve seen them. I just wished I saw them a few hours ago before I started decorating my Easter cupcakes. Next year I will definitely make these instead- they are much cuter than mine.

  150. Very Cute! Take care and hope for the best!

  151. I hope you get some good news soon! Thanks for the re-post, love this.

  152. Very cute and we’re all really hoping for the best for you. Hopefully the process will get moving a bit quicker for you. Take care.

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