No, I haven’t taken up sewing. (Not yet anyway.) These adorable little buttons are all candy.
And, umm… they are like handmade.
Not by me, but remember my crazy talented, cupcake fanatic friend, Julie?
She made them for a friend’s baby shower using a fab tutorial from Bake it Pretty.
They are just about the cutest things I’ve ever seen.
The tutorial even includes a pdf for the labels so you can print them out at home and make your own packaging.
Julie made yellow, pink, green, orange and blue buttons with colored candy melts.
Just melt the candy and pour into a button mold. Let them dry and pop them right out.
Place them in small plastic bags and attach the labels. Just fold them in half and staple them together.
Or, if you’re crazy like Julie, then you make the labels work with your own wooden custom candy button display that your awesomely talented husband built for you.
Yeah, I’m sucking up in case he reads this and wants to make one for me, too.
So, instead of folding the labels in half, you can fold them in thirds. Two-thirds in front and one-third in the back so you have enough room to use a hole punch on the labels without messing up the graphics. And then just use a little double-sided tape to attach the labels to the bags.
Easy and like I said… cute as a button.
Julie also made these onesie sugar cookies for the shower. I’m gonna work on her to get this recipe because they were really good.
Okay, back to buttons…
Here is the Candy Button Tutorial from
Check out the site when you have some time. Cute stuff for baking AND for decorating!
Guess what else…?
The guys that run the site gave me a gift voucher code to shop at their store last year. I forgot I had it until Julie showed me these buttons and I remembered the email they sent me. I decided that since I had not used it yet, I wanted to give it away to one of you guys. Hopefully it still works. And if not, I’ll buy a new one for you. K?
Enter to win a $100 Gift Voucher to
Leave a comment on this post and let me know what you enjoy more…
Baking sweets or making them look pretty?
Deadline to enter is Monday, February 1st at 6:00 PM ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Announced Below.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.
Good luck!
And the winner is… comment #1326.
That’s you, chakins! I’m glad you love to bake. Now, get shopping and start decorating.
LOVE IT…it’s amazing how real they look.
I’m still mastering the whole “make them look pretty thing”, so I guess I would say baking the treats.
I love baking treats! I’m not so good at making them look pretty…
Sooooo cute. I think I would love making them look cute if I wasn’t still trying to master making them TASTE good :) One step at a time, right? :)
I like the baking part better. My best description of most sweets that I make is, “It may not be pretty, but it tastes good!” I’m usually right on both counts! :o)
I love to bake them, because I have so much fun in the kitchen making yummy stuff. :)
I prefer the decorating :)
I love coming to your site to be inspired by how beautiful your treats are!!!!!
With fun stuff like those little buttons, definitely making them look pretty! :)
I’m so looking forward to trying to make these myself. They are so cute!!!!!
I love to bake. My favorite thing to bake is cupcakes. I try to make them pretty, but I would rather have them taste good.
Making them look pretty all the way! While I like baking new things the funnest part is decorating and coloring and all that jazz!
I like learning how to bake new things AND making them prettty! These buttons are a fantastic idea for an upcoming baby shower I am throwing. Thank you!
I definitely like making them look pretty. I’m a bit of a perfectionist that… I think presentation is key. You have to lure them in with how wonderful the sweets look :)
Definitely baking sweets and eating them! Decorating is still not my strong suit.
I love making things pretty over baking the goodies! Sometimes the “ooh’s” and “ahh’s” are better than the goodies!
making them look pretty ;)
I like making them. The patience to decorate them is slowly (emphasis on “slowly”) taking hold.
Oh, tough decision! I like both, but I enjoy decorating more I think! ;D I love sprinkles and glitter and and adding that “final touch” to make it look just right! :) Although without the perfect cookie/brownie/cupcake underneath, what good would the “pretty” be right? ;)
I would LOVE this! I checked out the site..l.they have so much great items I’d love to have! :D
~Miss Rachel~
I love baking the sweets but I am working on making them look pretty.
Honestly, I don’t enjoy one more than the other. I love the baking because it’s like science lab, then I love the decorating because I get to be creative. I love them both!
making sweets look pretty of course~ ! because if it taste bad BUT look pretty, people wont have the heart to eat them! because they are TOO pretty TO eat! phew saved! :P
Mmmm… it’s a tough one, but I’d have to say baking sweets and EATING them! =)
I love to bake, but making things look pretty is so much more fun!
I love making things look pretty. Usually I’m so pushed for time that it’s more stressful then enjoyable.
I love making sweets look pretty, because even if I fail at making them pretty, they still taste awesome, but if you fail at making them, then you have to throw them away and get no sugar. Boo!
Since I still am working on making my sweets look pretty, I would have to say baking! They usually always taste good! :)
I love making sweet treats look pretty!! It’s all about presentation for me… Especially for special occasions like birthdays and baby showers etc. My second favorite is seeing how happy it makes people!! :o) Spreading love one cupcake at a time. :o)
Baking, so I could use the help on making it pretty. Thanks for sharing!
Definitely baking them (which is second to eating them, of course). Making them look pretty is a neverending battle for me!
I love baking sweets more than making them look pretty!
I definitely enjoy baking sweets more. I have never developed a special talent for creative decorating (the easier the better), but I love to bake something that tastes delicious and know that people will enjoy eating it.
I love making them look pretty–I think everything tastes better when it’s gorgeous.
I like baking! Mostly because I haven’t yet mastered the making things pretty yet.
I try to make things look pretty, but I never do as well as I’d like. So I’d much rather just bake the goodies, and that’s more my passion. Those buttons are cute as can be!
These buttons are just way too cute!! I think I like making sweets more to look pretty. However, eating them is always fun too! Thanks for the chance to win!
i really like making my sweets look pretty!
What? Eating them is not an option? Then I’ll vote for making them pretty! ; O LOVE these cute buttons!
I love baking things and making them look super cute :) When people are in awe over your work you know you “baked it pretty”
I love to bake. I like looking at how pretty other people make their treats, but I’m more of a basic homestyle baker…buttercream only, no fondant, etc.
i love the packaging for the candy buttons. what a great idea! :-) -angie
So adorable. I wouldn’t even begin to dream up something as cute. :)
So cute! I wish I was having a baby shower to make some of these things! thanks for the opportunity to win the voucher!
baking sweets
That’s a toughie, since the baking is easier, and the decorating is more challenging, but the decorating is more rewarding… i’ll choose the latter
Definitely baking. Making things look pretty takes a whole other skill set.
It really depends on my mood. Sometimes the baking is relaxing and the making it pretty is frustrating. Other times I want to get right to making it pretty!
Making them look pretty! I like to putz with stuff like that.
If I HAD to choose, it might be making them look pretty. Presentation is everything, and it also brings out my inner crafter:)
It is hard to say- some days I just love making sweets just for the sake of making them. Other days, I love to make them pretty because it gives me a sense of accomplishment- and there is NEVER a time that I don’t love EATING sweets!
I like to make them look pretty, though I rarely get to since I have three boys and they like me to make it look ‘cool.’ :)
Baking them! I usually don’t mess that part up.
It is a hard choice, but I will have to go with making them pretty!
Baking is my favorite! I bake to vent, I bake to relax, I bake to make others smile.
Wow, that’s a tough choice! I guess I would have to say baking, because it doesn’t matter how pretty my cookies/cupcakes/pies are if nobody ever wants to eat them! I love messing with recipes until they taste perfect.
Baking sweets… I’m really not the best at decorating them!
These are adorable. We are expecting a granddaughter in April and I would love to make these as well as the cookies for gifts at the shower. I love your site and all that you offer us in great things to make, eat and share. Sandy
Eating them of course…. oh but wait – that was not an option….
I would say baking them.
While I really appreciate when my decorating turns out well, it just doesn’t happen that often so…I definitely enjoy the baking and eating part the most!
I love baking and am working on the making the baked goods pretty.
I enjoy baking over decorating, but only because I don’t know how to make them look pretty! :)
I like making things look pretty. Doesn’t mean I’m any good at it, but I like it!
I’m all about making them pretty. The detail, the colors, the “right touch”, and even the orginiality that can be shown with different types of sweets is my FAVORITE! These buttons are PRECIOUS by the way!!
I’d say making them look pretty….Presentation is Everything. And no one wants to eat something that isn’t pretty (well, except my kids…and the dogs…they like anything that contains butter and sugar, no matter how unattractive it may turn out).
Baking the sweets. I love the scent it fills the house with, and I love munching atleast one straight from the oven!
Baking them – I usually run out of time to make them look too pretty! I do try though. It’s all fun.
I love baking sweets. To me it’s a way to relax! And on the rare occasion when I have time I love to make them look pretty!
I like baking them and making them pretty.
I definitely like baking them best as I still can’t get the hang of making them look nice. My motto for now is “as long as it tastes good.” lol
Oh, really, what I love the most is EATING the sweets after I bake them! But I love baking… only because I haven’t yet overcome my fear of making baked goods pretty!
I’ll have to go with making them look pretty!! I LOVE decorating cakes and cookies. Eating and baking are close seconds and thirds :-) Ok, maybe eating is first, but you didn’t ask about that!! I hope I win!!!!!! Thanks!
Baking sweets!!! I made TWO of your recipes this weekend for group parties…the “best chocolate sheet cake ever,” which absolutely was true to its name, and the peach crisp cake, which was super easy, and oh so yummy. So making the delicious sweets (and eating them) were WAY more fun that making them look pretty. =)
Baking, definitely! There’s something about seeing everything come together that makes me happy!
That IS a hard one! Of course I love eating sweet, tasty morsels, but, really do enjoy making them look pretty. So, I’m leaning a smidgen to ‘bake it pretty’!
Right now it is baking them. Once I perfect (or at least improve) that side of it, I’ll be able to focus on the pretty part :)
Making sweets gorgeous makes everything look better, and hence psychologically, better tasting. More personally, it just makes me feel fuzzy and happy! Those buttons are so gorgeous.
I love doing both. Baking something deliscious and then having the swoon factor over it’s appearance……doesn’t get any better than that.
I like baking them the best. My 5 year old son loves to help me and the house smells so great! I’m getting better at making them pretty, but let’s just say it’s not my strong suit.
I think it is just the best thing to make things look pretty. My problem is that than I don;t want to eat them.
I can never make it to the decorating part because they get eaten too fast!
Decorating! Hands down! I love holidays because it gives me an excuse to make sugar cookies and then decorate for hours.
So fun!
I am about both but a good lookin’ cookie better be great tastin’ too!!!!! Which is a bitg of a problem because I think I’m better at bakin’ that prettyin’ but I am getting better!
i like baking sweets more than decorating them! They should ALWAYS taste good and if they’re decorated pretty, that is another plus. i usually let my boyfriend do the decorating so i can point the finger at him when it turns out bad, haha.
Those are adorable. I do like making sweet treats pretty, but I find just baking them as much fun, especially when the kids pitch in.
I enjoy baking sweets. They almost NEVER end up looking pretty, but they always taste good. And that’s what really matters…right?
I love baking sweets although I am learning how to make them cute.
Those are adorable!!! I don’t know… I really love baking, but I also love making what I bake look pretty. But I think it’d have to be making it look pretty.
MMM, that’s a taoss up, but I would have to say I like making them look pretty a bit more.
Thanks for the giveaway – Jamie
I love to bake AND make it pretty – if you’re gonna do it, why not go all the way? But, if I had to choose one over the other, I’d choose baking over making it pretty…taste trumps appearance for me!
Hard to say…I like making things look pretty, but then I get to eat all the rejects so always hope for some that fall thru the cracks!
I love to make them look pretty, that is the fun part!
I honestly love BOTH – They are equally important to me!! We do eat with our eyes….:D
Your ideas are always so great and inspiring. But I never have the time, so I prefer the baking. Some day I hope to have your creativity.
Definitely baking them! I like making sweets look pretty too, but even when things don’t turn out looking exactly how they thought you would, the taste is usually delicious.
I like both the baking and decorating part, but what really matters in the end is how it tastes. No one’s really going to care if your baked goods look a mess if they’re delicious!
If I could make things look as cute as you do, then I certainly would say ‘decorating’ them! But, I’d have to agree with so many others…eating is the best part! Thanks for all of the wonderful ideas, Bakerella!
I mostly like baking them, but when I’ve got some extra energy, I like to spend time on the presentation. Thanks, Bakerella!
I love baking, but I love when they look pretty!
I love to make them look pretty :) especially for holidays-I love to have a theme and coordinate the decorated baked goods to the theme :) Your site has provided wonderful inspiration for this-thank you!
Since I have no artistic ability it would definitely be baking them and eating them.
Both! :) …but when they look pretty, your friends are always really impressed ;)
making them look pretty!
baking – mainly because i don’t have a lot of luck with making anything look pretty
I love making the sweets most. I then just hope that I can make them look as pretty as I want without getting too stressed about it.
Both! But making them pretty is just a little funner! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love baking sweets. I try my best to make them look pretty, too.
Love to bake goodies. It’s fun to embellish them, but I’m still learning.
I like making sweets but making them pretty is the real fun. I figure almost anyone can follow a recipe and make a tasty treat, making them pretty – that’s where you can show how much you care.
Oooooh, definitely making them pretty! (And also eating them…)
I love to bake, and make them pretty… I have done several custom cakes — but my favorite is still Jack Skellington made with modeling chocolate and fondant… :)
I could never ever chose between the two. I love putting together a recipe and having it come out perfect, but if they don’t look pretty no one would want to eat them.
These are perfect for a cake I have coming up!! Thanks so much for all that you share! :)
I love both! But if doesn’t taste good…
BTW I Love your blog!!
I enjoy making baking them more than making them look pretty.
Decorating, with inspiration from Bakerella!
I like all of it. Baking is my therapy. ;)
100% sure on this one. making them look pretty is number 1, making them 2nd and a VERY distant 3rd is the CLEAN UP! I really disike that part!
The crafty side of me loves to make things look pretty…I’m still working on perfecting the baking part. :) Like how on earth did you friend make those onesie cookies look so perfect…all my sugar cookies always look like a blob when I’m done!
I love to do both, but I usually don’t have time to make it pretty.
The buttons are adorable! I like to trying to make my sweets look pretty. I’m a work in progress!
That is a really tough call. I enjoy mixing ingredients very much. Making them look pretty is always hard work, but incredibly satisfying. Um….I have to say making them look pretty.
baking sweets for sure, running to keep them off it just way more work and not nearly as much fun :)
Those buttons are soooo darn cute! And a new website for me to check out, what a bonus, Thank you.
Making things look pretty after the baking is my favorite!
I love making things pretty. I am a sap for perfection. Thanks for the cute idea. I have a baby shower coming up for a friend. It will be perfect now.
I like baking the best because I am not great at making them look pretty! :) These little buttons would be great for the baby shower cake I am getting ready to make! Thanks!
Can I say both? And eating them too!! I guess I just love the whole process.
Love making them pretty! Baking is important, but it’s fun to give friends food that has been “decorated!”
With two kids and a hubby that are consumed with the consuming, it’s more about just baking sweets in this house. The kids can hardly wait for anything to cool…it’s like the end of the world, God forbid, that something must cool before it can be eaten :)
Oh, my gosh, I want someone to have a baby so they can have a baby shower so that I can make the onesie cookies for it!!! Those buttons are adorable. I would normally say I like the baking part best, but with those, the decorating would *have* to be!!
HOW CUTE! I love how easy that is. I definitely have to get a button mold now. That is a really super hard question. They’re pretty equal in my book but right now I’d have to say making them pretty because I’m new at that part and am having a blast trying out new things.
Hand in hand. I think of baking as therapy. I don’t know why, but there’s something so satisfying about creating in the kitchen. And although I like making them look pretty, I MUCH prefer blowing people away by their good taste. What’s the point of pretty if it doesn’t taste good?
Love decorating and making treats and yummies look pretty. I REALLY hope I win, I went to this site and they have the cutest things.
I love doing both and I love – I’ve ordered from them before – they make everything look pretty – their wrapping and packaging – so cute!
I prefer baking by far, but if I had these awesome tools for inspiration? I think decorating might be a MUCH closer second! Maybe even a tie.
Oh my goodness, I never knew the Bake It Pretty site existed! How fantastic!
And to answer your question… I think I like both! Sometimes it’s really great to get messy in the kitchen, baking. But I definitely love to sit down and figure out how I want to decorate, too. I love it all! The eating too!
I enjoy making them pretty more than baking them. Although, I love to eat them too and it is hard for me to eat something I made pretty! But making them pretty is by far my favorite!!
Well, that depends. Decorating is awesome for the first 5 cookies or so, but then it can be a bit tedious, not to mention, I sort of get distracted and end up with a half a bag of frosting running down my apron. So answer = baking. Not to mention baking requires taste testing…lots of taste testing. :)
When my kids were small I liked to make cute cupcakes or decorated cookies. And now that they are grown not so much. However with a grandchild on the way I think I will get back to making fun looking treats.
Making them look pretty! but the baking them is a close second. ;)
I would love to be more talented at “making them pretty”, so I guess I’ll have to say baking!
For me, both are equally my goal. If I bake something that doesn’t look pretty then it isn’t as appealing. At the same time if it looks good, but doesn’t taste yummy then making them pretty wasn’t worth it.
That’s a tough choice. I think it all depends on my mood… the day… the weather. lol I love baking and I love making everything pretty.
Baking. I’m not very good at the pretty. :/
I love baking them, trying new recipes all the time. I can’t decorate all that well, but it is so fun to try.
That’s a tough one, but I think I like baking the treats best because I’m still working on making them always look pretty! Plus I let my kids who are 7, 4, and 2 help, so their help usually results in messy baked goods (but with spirit, enthusiasm, and spunk!)
Those are so adorable!! I am always amazed at the talent!!
Making them pretty! Don’t always succeed.. but that’s totally my favorite part!!
I like the baking part best,but I want to get better at making them pretty,so I have to practise! :)
I love your website, My four year old and I love waking up on Monday mornings to check out your latest creation! :)
I love the baking of sweets. I need practice at making it pretty still. :)
I like making them pretty! (spoken like a true cake designer)
I love the magic of baking, but the real fun comes with the decorating.
I love baking sweets, but making them look pretty is my favorite part!
I like them both, but baking is easier for me. Of course, if I win, I’m sure Bake It Pretty can help my deficiency.
I’m way better at baking them than making them pretty, so right now that’s my favorite. But I’d love to get better at making them pretty!
I love baking (& eating) them!
I love baking them for sure- not good at the making them pretty part! LOL
Baking for sure. I am always disappointed by the final result when I try to make them pretty…it’s never as good as I hoped!
Baking sweet is a must!!
but then, being outrageously creative, i have to make ’em pretty. :)
i really enjoy the process of baking my goodies, but decorating is THE thing that i enjoy the most bc it’s eye candy before it’s anything else! ;)
I love baking sweets :D I’m not really good at making sweets pretty… :(
I wish I could make them pretty but I haven’t had time to practice with a 2 year old running around. I really enjoy baking though and plan to get back into it and get the kiddo involved too.
I wish I could say decorating, because I love the idea of making things look pretty, but I’m much more talented when it comes to baking.
Love the baking but try really hard to make anything look appetizing!
i love making them look pretty :)
Gotta be honest I am all about the taste so I say baking! My piping and decorating could use a little work actually…
i like baking better right now…i’m still learning how to make things pretty!
Just found your site! Love it! I think making sweets look good is the best part! I enjoy all your creative ideas!
I love the baking! I love knowing that someone I care about is going to get a few moments of happiness from something I’ve created! I like to make it look pretty too, but my motto in the kitchen is that if it isn’t messy, it’s not fun! So if they aren’t as pretty as it could be, ohwell! It will still taste amazing! (besides, that means it has character, right? …right?)
I love the pretty party! Well I love the eating part too!
I choose C: Eating them. I want an adult-sized sugar cookie onesie! Yum. :)
I LOVE to bake and now working on the making stuff look pretty….just got into decorating a few months back.
I try really hard to make my baking pretty, but if it doesn’t turn out as lovely as I’d like it, I’d prefer it still be NOMlicious. Sometimes, I think I subconsciously mess up a batch here and there just so I can eat the ugly one all by myself. No need to expose anyone else to the tragedy. I’ll take one for the team! Om nom nom.
I love baking and making them look pretty. Am I greedy for wanting the best of both worlds? :D
I love making the sweets look pretty. I love seeing the reaction of others once I have completed my work. It is awesome.
Baking is my favourite part…I’m just not that patient when it comes to decorating…
Baking (and eating) sweets definitely come first!
I like to bake treats. I’ve always gone for the rustic look more than the perfectly trimmed appearance; 1. because I’m not very good at making things look pretty and 2. I like to remind people that they are homemade.
Forget baking and making them look pretty, I like eating them the best! lol But, if I have to pick one, I definitely like making them look pretty! :)
I love to make them pretty! I think a pretty cookie tastes even better :)
These look yummy and cute!
I much prefer making them look pretty once it’s all baked up!
I’m not huge into decorating all the treats I make (at least not yet), but I AM a little particular when it comes to making sure everything is the same size and shape… So I guess I’d say that I like making things pretty – just perhaps not in the sense of sprinkles and frosting :)
cuanto me gustaria saber hacer tanto o botones como las galletas, soy una principianta en todo esto pero cada vez que veo su ágina me digo a si misma, tu puedes y luego sale o no sale, de todas formas los dulce como cualquier cosa que sea haga con amor y carño, perecen la pena, felicidades por su página, aunque no se ingles, me las apaño con el traducir. felicidades
I like both processes!! I love to bake, and enjoy making them look pretty! Thanks for all the fun, inspiring posts.
Making them look pretty of course! :-)
I love baking treats best, I have a talent for making my treats taste delicious, and an even greater talent for making them look ugly!
This is looks like so much fun! This gift certificate would be spent in less than 24 hours :)
Too fun! Those are so cute, maybe I’ll have another baby just to make some…I guess finding a friend that’s pregnant and throwing her a party would be easier. :)
How could you make me Choose between Baking sweets or making them look pretty??
But I guess I have to choose making them look pretty.
I love those button candies! I am going to make those for my sisters Baby Shower!!! Well Done!
I enjoy making them look pretty, natch!
Baking them! I’m not so good at the pretty stuff…. but I bet some shopping could remedy that! :)
Eating is the best! Making them pretty is something I would love to be better at.
I like the baking part – I have a hard time with the pretty. Although when the pretty works, I feel like a million bucks!
My favorite part of baking is making it pretty.
I made your cake pops last week for my 4and 5th grade girls’ church club and they were a hit.
I am an artist, so making my boys’ birthday cakes into something unique is an extension of my art, and I love it!!
Of course, eating anything chocolate can’t be beat either.
i love baking sweets, making them pretty is Bakerella’s work!
but i do try!
i do love sweets but i think i love making them look pretty even more! and yeah, i love eating them too. :)
I love baking them! It’s a labor of love…including the dishes!
I love the challenge of the bake. I love manipulating the dough to see what it turns into. I am so new to really honing in the enjoyment of creating my thoughts, so I may change my mind later, but as for right now it has to be the baking.
I love making them look pretty. If only there were more hours in the day……