No, I haven’t taken up sewing. (Not yet anyway.) These adorable little buttons are all candy.
And, umm… they are like handmade.
Not by me, but remember my crazy talented, cupcake fanatic friend, Julie?
She made them for a friend’s baby shower using a fab tutorial from Bake it Pretty.
They are just about the cutest things I’ve ever seen.
The tutorial even includes a pdf for the labels so you can print them out at home and make your own packaging.
Julie made yellow, pink, green, orange and blue buttons with colored candy melts.
Just melt the candy and pour into a button mold. Let them dry and pop them right out.
Place them in small plastic bags and attach the labels. Just fold them in half and staple them together.
Or, if you’re crazy like Julie, then you make the labels work with your own wooden custom candy button display that your awesomely talented husband built for you.
Yeah, I’m sucking up in case he reads this and wants to make one for me, too.
So, instead of folding the labels in half, you can fold them in thirds. Two-thirds in front and one-third in the back so you have enough room to use a hole punch on the labels without messing up the graphics. And then just use a little double-sided tape to attach the labels to the bags.
Easy and like I said… cute as a button.
Julie also made these onesie sugar cookies for the shower. I’m gonna work on her to get this recipe because they were really good.
Okay, back to buttons…
Here is the Candy Button Tutorial from
Check out the site when you have some time. Cute stuff for baking AND for decorating!
Guess what else…?
The guys that run the site gave me a gift voucher code to shop at their store last year. I forgot I had it until Julie showed me these buttons and I remembered the email they sent me. I decided that since I had not used it yet, I wanted to give it away to one of you guys. Hopefully it still works. And if not, I’ll buy a new one for you. K?
Enter to win a $100 Gift Voucher to
Leave a comment on this post and let me know what you enjoy more…
Baking sweets or making them look pretty?
Deadline to enter is Monday, February 1st at 6:00 PM ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Announced Below.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.
Good luck!
And the winner is… comment #1326.
That’s you, chakins! I’m glad you love to bake. Now, get shopping and start decorating.
I’m about the baking because it makes people happy. The making it pretty is a work in progress.
Those are adorable!!! Would be so cute for a kids birthday party!! Btw thank you Bakerella for all of the cakeball recipes and ideas! I made some for a babyshower on Saturday and they were the hit of the party!! You are my inspiration! Keep on baking!!!
I love decorating and making it pretty, but it is mostly about what I’m baking – so I’d have to say baking is really where it is at for me. The buttons and cookies are adorable!! I ordered some stuff from Bake it Pretty last year and have loved it all!!
i can’t believe eating baked goods wasn’t a choice! ha! i guess baking sweet things rather than making them look pretty is my favorite.
I love both, although I am definitely better at the baking part.
Baking, but I think I might like eating the sweets more :)
For sure the baking is my favorite!! I am not very goo at making them look pretty either!
My Favorite part is making them look pretty.I may be an amateur but, there is nothing like seeing a finished product.I tend to get lost in decorating baked goods!!
I am better at baking than making them look pretty. It also takes more time to make them super pretty. I love it when I can do both.
I’d love to say I like making them pretty more, but I think it’s baking them. I’d LIKE to make them pretty, but I usually don’t have time … or the stuff!
Omgosh those buttons are ADORABLE!
I like making sweets look pretty :)
I love baking the sweets and trying new recipes, especially on your site. However, I do enjoy making them look pretty but have not mastered it yet. I have a lot of fun working on it though. And my kids love the decorating part the best!
Love to make baked goodies look pretty! And this blog has provided sooooooo much inspiration! Thanks for all you do!
I love making them look pretty! Sometimes it’s a work in progress but I’m okay with that. It’s usually just for my family so they love when I practice. ha ha.
Tough question..I think making them look pretty is more fun than baking them :)
I always enjoyed baking until I fell in love with Bake It Pretty via your site. Now, I can’t decide which I like more!
Hope you had a great weekend Bakerella! Love the buttons! :)
Definitely baking them. I am not very artistic so my patience trying to make things look pretty runs out fairly quickly!
toooo cutee!!!!! I would love a chance to pretty up some sweets! Thank you!
I love the baking, my daughter loves making them look pretty. It all works out. :)
Making them look pretty is something I love trying to do – this fun prize would go a long way toward encouraging me to try even harder :-)
I definitely enjoy making treats look pretty, though it doesn’t always work out that way! In which case, I enjoy eating them! :)
I do love the baking, but I probably enjoy making them look pretty more…even if it’s just plating it on something cute with small finishing touches.
These are so adorable!! I’d have to say I love them equally! It’s a 50/50 tossup. Of course when the decoration doesn’t come out great (:/), I’d have to say the baking part. xo
I think I’m WAY more about baking sweets than I am about making them look pretty. Thankfully my four-year-old daughter likes to spend time in the kitchen with me and I let her have at it when it comes to decorating!
Oh, my favorite part is eating! My second favorite part is making them look pretty. Remember, the eyes eat first!
I love making things look pretty…I’m trying to think of someone who is pregnant right now…
Guess it would be baking them. Pretty is as pretty does, to paraphrase. But with a gift certificate I could certainly sharpen my prettifying skills!
I love the baking process – decorating comes if time allows!
I enjoy baking them more just because I haven’t mastered making them pretty yet, but even if they don’t look pretty, they still taste delicious! And that’s the best part. :)
I’d rather spend time making them look pretty!!
I think I like to make it pretty , or at least try!
Those are so cute! As far as sweets go, I love baking AND making them pretty, but I would never give up flavor for decoration. ^_^
I love looking at pretty, decorated sweets, and it would make me even happier if I made them that pretty… But, sadly, something always goes wrong and so they don’t end up so pretty. But they always end up delicious, and that’s more important (I’d rather eat something ugly and yummy than pretty and not-so-yummy). So I guess that means baking! :)
Oh Bakerella
Pretty is so important!!! But I guess flavor is too…hmmmm…
I LOVE Bake It Pretty..pick me!!!
*Just made Cupcake bites last night….yummy and pretty!
I like to do both! =)
Oh I am sure that eating should be first but seeing as that is not an option…..Baking!
I love to bake them but the decorating bit is usually a bit slap dash.
I would love to do it better but time to eat usually wins out.
I’m more apt to say that I like the baking process more but I do enjoy getting my decorating groove on if the process is straight forward and not fussy :)
If I have time I love making things look pretty. If timenis tight ID rather just bake something super tasty.
I fall into the “decorating” camp!
why not both? I love the whole process!
Tough call! I’d actually have to say eating the treats… Seriously, I think I would rather bake than decorate.
I LOVE this idea!
I have made cookies for a baby shower for a friend. I will have to wait for my other friend’s baby shower this summer and add the buttons…too cute
Hmmm…I think I would have to say making them look pretty! Baking is fun but it’s more fun to plan how to decorate the baking to make it look pretty.
Thinking I am a little more patient with the baking part- need a little help in the pretty dept.
These are just tooo cute! The detail in everything, packaging and display. I am in awe! =)
Both! But when it comes down to it, baking because even if it doesn’t look pretty then at least it’ll taste good still! Those buttons are adorable and I can’t wait to make them for the next baby shower I host!
I love baking, there is something so therapeutic about the process of making delicious treats. I have only just started getting into the decorating part- so I am totally still learning there!
Thank you for this opportunity- so generous!
i *love* baking & *love* the finished product to look pretty!
most of my decorating & packaging comes from bake it pretty…amanda & her team are great!
thank you bakerella for including me in this great giveaway!!
all the best…making for cake pops for super bowl party!!!
I love to decorate and make things look pretty. I love your blog. Thanks for the inspiration!
I like baking sweets because by trying to make them look pretty I sometimes end up with an epic FAIL. These buttons though look easy enough that I might succeed at both making them AND making them pretty!
On most days I just enjoy the baking process. I like to make things pretty for parties or other occasions.
I prefer making them look pretty! I’m not saying that I’m really any *good* at it, but I do try :)
I like the baking. I usually don’t have time for the making them look pretty part.
Those buttons are adorable.
I haven’t yet learned how to make them look pretty, but I absolutely love baking!
Those buttons are just cute as a button! I just LOVE to bake, but I think it’s the decorating that puts me over the edge! It’s like wrapping a GREAT gift into beautiful packaging. Makes it even better!
As a single full-time mom working from home and homeschooling, I am lucky to get them made, but I sure wish I had time to make them prettier! Those onesie cookies are adorable!
I like to make them dazzling! Pretty packaging and presentation! Thanks Bakerella for all you do!
oops, didn’t answer your question the first time… Baking the sweets, then making them pretty!
I’m more about the baking part. I wish I had the imagination and talent to pull off the stuff you do.
I love the onsie cookies! That had to have taken lots of time! So cute though.
I love baking sweets, because I have usually eaten half of them by the time I get to the “making them look pretty stage!” Love the buttons!
I would love to win this on my birthday! (which is today Feb 1st)
I love to make sweets look pretty. However, I am horrible at it. I am very good at eating. I am glad that most of the people I do bake enjoy the taste more than the appearance in some instances. ::)
I love the onesie cookies. No baby shower should be without them!
Making them look pretty! And eating them of course.
Sometimes not everything turns out to be as pretty as I want it to be, and sometimes the making it pretty is stressful but rewarding.
Either way, I love the zen-like state I’m in when I bake better than when I’m making things pretty. After all, a cake doesn’t always need two layers of icing to hold up your amateurishly made fondant, does it?
I say both. I want it too look good and taste good! But if I could only really choose one, then I go with taste! No point in eating it if it taste yucky but looks pretty!
Love the creativity and that you are sharing it!
Definitely making it look pretty, but it MUST taste good too – that way I don’t feel so bad about the less-than-great ones.
I enjoy making them look pretty. I think this is a challenge to make everyone look so different and original. Love your ideas you post.
baking…not so good at the cute.
I wish eating them was a 3rd option. As much as I love baking, I love decorating even more. I feel more creative since I am not following a recipe.
Making them pretty, of course!!
I enjoy both!!
I’m all about baking the sweets – I just don’t have the talent to make them look pretty – but at least they taste yummy!!
Baking is important along with taste. But I think making it pretty takes the cake. What a fun giveaway.
i love making them pretty but they never seem to look as pretty as yours!! as long as they taste yummy!
Such a tough call! I love taking a good looking cupcake and making them look pretty. Nothing like seeing who you made it for light up when they see how much thought and effort you put into what you baked.
Such a tough choice! The first time I make a recipe, it’s the baking part. Once I know how it will turn out–making it pretty! Love the buttons–so cute!!!
Making them look pretty. Anyone can bake, but it is a real art (that I am still working on) to actually make them look pretty!
Well, I think I am good at baking and as much as I’d LOVE for my creations to look as great as they taste I have definitely NOT mastered that talent. Perhaps some day…. In the meantime you, and your friends, continue to inspire me. Wow!
I love baking and have recently gotten into making my desserts look sweet and pretty…so I guess it’s a tie, lol.
I definitely enjoy baking them and watching others enjoy them after they’ve been made to look pretty. Bake it Pretty has adorable items to help with that!
Can I say both? I love love love baking cupcakes… but I equally love making them look beautiful! I really love the “wow” factor when someone sees the cupcakes and then the “wow” to the second power when they bite into them.
I like baking them the most…I am still working on making them look pretty! These buttons will definitely help :0)
Bake it sweet!! I’m horrible at the make it pretty!
My favourite part of baking anything is making it look pretty, sweets included! :)
I’m definitely all for making them pretty! I just need to improve my pretty-ing skills so that they match my ambition :)
The buttons are adorable! I definitely prefer decorating to baking – so much so that I’d rather get someone else to bake the cakes so I don’t have to bother! :D
I love making things that look pretty and taste delicious, too!
i definitely enjoy the baking more, although i wish i could make my sweets look as pretty as all of yours!
Definately making them look pretty!! Since I’m eternally dieting I almost never get to eat my creations.
definitely making them pretty! :)
oooh, tough question. I love to make them look pretty, but I’m not the best at it. I bake all the time, but occasionally I have the time to make some really pretty & cute things!
So cute!
Making them look pretty is what I enjoy. :)
I have to say that I prefer baking to making them pretty, but I am learning to like that part more!
That is so cute! I can’t believe how talented your friend is. It kinda makes me jealous :p
I hope you get the cookie recipe, I just bought an oven and I’d like to try sugar cookies.
I’m a baking gal primarily. Of course, things taste better when they look cute, so I’m all for decorating too.
I like making them look pretty, but I do appreciate it when people say that they taste as good as they look!
Making them pretty and eventually eating them! Licking the bowl is up there too.
I like making them look pretty the best! If they look pretty, people are more apt to eat the deliciousness underneath!
I love to do both… But I am not very good at the “making them look good” part. Because of your site though, I’ve been practicing and practicing… You can tell by my hips though….LOL
I like the sweets I make to look pretty… but I definitely like baking best!!
My grandma taught me that is doesn’t matter what it looks like, it just needs to taste fantastic. That being said, my perfectionism wants me to make sure what I bake tastes and looks great. =)
Baking sweets. If it’s too pretty I just can’t eat it!
Ohhh so ADORABLE!! I’m a crafter…and I’m always thinking of new little things to do for gift bags for the kids’ parties for school and at home. These are perfect. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Too cute.
Your site is always sooooo inspiring!
I love both!! Making them look pretty is my favourite part but only when I have the time since I get a little obsessive about it.
Baking of course because you can create beauty via baking goodies ^^
I love doing candy melt treats…the kids love them also. I look forward to your posts everyday. Thank you.
Oh my those are just too cute. Plese share the biscuit recipe if you are able to get your hands on it – those look so yummy too. My favourite is the decorating part. I don’t do much decorating, but when I do I fiddle around until it is just right. I am definitely going to try my hand at those sweets and the packaging.
I always enjoy making my baking look pretty!!! These are too cute!
making them pretty and luckily my sons will eat anything with sugar in them so even if its not my best work, theyll still eat it!
I love baking but even more decorating. also love seeing pictures of decorations like yours and your frind’s!
Making them look pretty :)
Baking or making it pretty? That’s like asking if I’d rather clean my house or decorate it… no comparison! I’m a “make it pretty” gal all the way!
I’d rather make ’em than make ’em pretty. I’m a big fan of cookies and brownies–they don’t have to look great, just taste good. ;)
i love baking more! mainly because no matter how hard i try, i won’t ever get my goodies too look as good as i want them to or think they need to be!! at least i know they’ll always taste good! :)
Both! If I have to choose one, I’ll pick making my sweets look pretty. It’s always a triumph when you impress someone!
While decorating is really fun, I think I enjoy baking sweets far more. There’s a zen-like joy to layering, scooping and such.
Definitely making them look pretty! Oh, and I guess they better be delish too… But don’t you just love it when something looks great!
I guess I like tastier treats because I have not mastered the art of making them perfectly beautiful. But I try!
pretty! :-)
I like baking them….sadly I have a hard time making them look pretty. I guess I need a lot more practice.
I love making things pretty…although some of them don’t turn out exactly the way I planned… ; )
Is it okay to say both? I love to bake, but when I have the time, I can spend an awful lot of it on the pretty details. It’s just that I don’t always have the time!
I enjoy the baking process more. I think it has to do with the fact that I always have a helper at my side (my four year-old daughter). It’s so fun to watch her measure the sugar than sneek a little sample!
I have to admit, I enjoy baking and eating what I’m baking more than I enjoy making it pretty…I REALLY just don’t have the patience!
Thanks Bakerella!
I’d have to say I enjoy making things pretty more, but I’m better at baking. :)
I love making sweets and if I can make them pretty then all the better :)
Bakerella ~ how can you forget you have a $100 gift voucher?! ;-)
I just love baking period. It has to taste great, but if it turns out pretty, too ~ it just makes it that much better.
Definitely making them look pretty :) I love people’s reactions when they see the sweets looking pretty :)
These buttons are adorable! Baking them for sure…. I’m not as talented as you in making them look pretty!!
Although looking pretty is great, I more enjoy the baking process!
I love to make them pretty, because I love to see people’s reactions when they see all of the fun/pretty things you can do to sweets!!!
Definately making them look pretty!
I love baking! It is my stress relief! And since I am on the unemployment line, I have been baking A LOT lately. My husband’s staff loves me for it :) But unfortunately, I can’t make anything look pretty! Tastes really great, but not always pretty :)
I need my sister to start making babies so i can make these for the party!! (may be a little weird to make them for any other kind of party)
Aw, very cute and clever idea!
I enjoy both. I love to decorate more though.
I love making the sweets look pretty. Because my eyes see them before I eat them.
I love baking and making it pretty! I just wish I had someone to clean up the mess when it’s all over!
I am new to baking sweets.. But making them look pretty is so much fun!
I like the making pretty part of baking. But I need a lot more practice!!
Making treats look pretty is fun, but baking them is my favorite, great tasting food is pretty no matter what it looks like!
Oooh, I love making things pretty! I also love feeding them to other people because I usually taste test all along the way and then I’m not hungry for the treat when it’s done!
my mom and i always have a kick baking and decorating together. i’m in china so i can’t do that with her right now. i’ve been perusing ‘bake it pretty’ and would love to send her a bundle of goodies to enjoy while i’m away.
it’s a cheap answer, but it’s totally a draw between baking the goodies and making them look pretty. you can’t have one without the other!
Right now I prefer baking—-mostly because if it doesn’t taste good, it’s not worth it in the first place. However, I am learning to really enjoy making things pretty. I’m not sure that my baked goods qualify as “pretty” yet, but we’re getting there!
I love baking sweet things, making them looks as spectacular as I can, and then, my favorite part, SHARING them!
I love to make and bake but I must admit, I absolutely love decorating cookies and cakes. It’s my therapy!
I like making the sweets but I am getting better at making them pretty.
Making them look pretty for sure – I love the baking too and sometimes it doesn’t need to be pretty – sometimes rustic or simple work well BUT I’m a glitter girl at heart and love making things sparkle :P
Making them look pretty for sure!
Baking, definitely. I’m sure if I had any talent at decorating, my allegiance might switch, however one of the best things about baking is that all the stirring, mixing, beating, folding, and pouring really provides me with the necessary recharging time that involves not thinking, a mind blank and at peace, that only really happens when you’re making some physical, vaguely repetitive motion (which is good, because, like most students struggling to even find somewhere in college with an oven, there are no mixers to be found. And no mixes, for that matter. It’s a hard life here in England).
I’m not really good at making things pretty. I haven’t got the tools and the products to practice, but with a $100 voucher…. ;-)
Usually I’ll just make sure that the taste is so good they won’t notice that it’s not very pretty.
Depends on what I’m making but usually pretty.
Making them look pretty
baking sweets is always fun, but decorating them is my favorite!
baking the sweets and sharing them with friends. :)
Making them look pretty for sure.
Life is too short for ugly food!
Bah – I like to eat the treats!
Definitely making them pretty! I love the “wow” moment when something turns out really well.
I love making things look pretty, but my baking has a tendency to do un-pretty stuff like fall over :p So although I love the pretty aspect, I think ultimately the taste is the most important part!
I love baking sweets. I don’t decorate much when it comes to the sweets itself, but I do like to package them all nice & pretty.
I LOVE making sweets…but I have to say… I love making them look pretty tooo. (Always hoping for pretty and taste good!!!)Working on some Irish dance shoe decorated sugar cookies for my daughter!! They are a work in progress! Take a look..I put them up on my blog! :)
i like baking things and making them taste tastier than how they look ( because i lack the creative hands & skills to decorate like you bakerella!)
hi from singapore!!! (:
Love it :) buttons are adorable!
Baking sweets!
BOTH! but whatever they look like they must taste great!
Those onesie cookies look fabulous! Julie is amazing!
9 days out of 10, I like the baking better (although I always strive for good-looking) but on that tenth day, I love to sit down and really spend some time to do the labour-intensive pretty-making
I love then bake it pretty website, I could EASILY spend $100, if not more.
Definitely baking….I enjoy sites like this for the “lookin’ pretty” part! :)
hmmm…am undecided, i like baking, but i also like making pretty, just not as great at as you are….my baking is better, so I guess I’ll go with that
thanks for the link to the tutorial- SUPER
We eat with our eyes, have to make them pretty.
I really just love to bake, my husband doesn’t care if things are pretty, but it is a fun to spend a little extra time every now and then.
My mom sent a care package from here last summer, but i just now visited their site!! I had to add a lot of things to my “buy someday when money isn’t an issue” list…a $100 gift voucher would help.
I think I enjoy both processes equally as much. I love the baking because it is so precise, but I love the decorating because there is freedom to try new things.
Making them look pretty of course!
I enjoy baking them! To me it’s sometimes even more fun than eating!!! However, decorating is also one of my favorite things about making treats ;)
I definitely enjoy making things look cute. Baking is fun, but things taste better when they’re cute.
I love making them look pretty. and i hate to eat them after I put so much work into them! But its so great to watch someone else enjoy them!
I like both but love making them look pretty!
Oh, Bakerella… those buttons you featured are adorable! My best friend is having a baby and these would be adorbale! What a great idea! Too bad we have already picked out the favors… my good friend, who religiously reads your site, has offered to make sugar cookie favors (much like the onesies your friend made). I want to go into a sugar coma just thinking about all the great stuff!!
To answer your question, I like making sweets look pretty above all else! Baking them is fun too, but the wait for them to cook or set gets to me and I just want to decorate! :) :)
Making them look pretty!! It’s a great creative outlet :)
Hard one! I definitely love baking, but I have to say that making my creation look pretty takes the cake!
Gasp! They’re so cute! I wish they sell candy melts here. I wish my hubby was as creative.. LOL… ehem… But anyway, Sweet stuff.
I love baking sweets, my sister in law makes then pretty, lucky artists.
I definitely prefer baking, but I do love watch photos of pretty treats.
I prefer to eat the things I bake. I like to make these cute, but sometimes you just want to eat the yummies!
I really enjoy making them. I never thought I was good enough to decorate them the way that I like until I just looked at all the things at Bake it Pretty and realized I wasn’t using the right stufff!
Normally it’s baking sweets. But lately it’s making them look pretty. I tried my first decorative sugar cookies this week…they weren’t so pretty but I’ll keep trying:)!!!
Oh, let’s try to get a chance !
Baking for me. Not that I prefer it, it’s just that I’m simply *not* able to make sweets look pretty !
Definitely making them look pretty! Don’t get me wrong, I love baking and making tasty treats but I ADORE making them look extra special. I’m never happier than when I have an piping bag in hand :)
I mostly think long and hard on the decoration but than when I start baking them, I have spent too much time on thinking that there is too little time to decorate them as I wanted to.
making them pretty!
My partner likes to bake things, and I like to make them pretty. together, we fight crime!
Baking sweets!!!!
I love making baking sweets and make them look pretty, though I don’t always get them looking like I imagine…
Baking! Especially when I don’t have to clean up!
Making them look pretty. It’s fun to see people’s reactions when they realise the little things you did to make it just that little bit more special.