No, I haven’t taken up sewing. (Not yet anyway.) These adorable little buttons are all candy.
And, umm… they are like handmade.
Not by me, but remember my crazy talented, cupcake fanatic friend, Julie?
She made them for a friend’s baby shower using a fab tutorial from Bake it Pretty.
They are just about the cutest things I’ve ever seen.
The tutorial even includes a pdf for the labels so you can print them out at home and make your own packaging.
Julie made yellow, pink, green, orange and blue buttons with colored candy melts.
Just melt the candy and pour into a button mold. Let them dry and pop them right out.
Place them in small plastic bags and attach the labels. Just fold them in half and staple them together.
Or, if you’re crazy like Julie, then you make the labels work with your own wooden custom candy button display that your awesomely talented husband built for you.
Yeah, I’m sucking up in case he reads this and wants to make one for me, too.
So, instead of folding the labels in half, you can fold them in thirds. Two-thirds in front and one-third in the back so you have enough room to use a hole punch on the labels without messing up the graphics. And then just use a little double-sided tape to attach the labels to the bags.
Easy and like I said… cute as a button.
Julie also made these onesie sugar cookies for the shower. I’m gonna work on her to get this recipe because they were really good.
Okay, back to buttons…
Here is the Candy Button Tutorial from
Check out the site when you have some time. Cute stuff for baking AND for decorating!
Guess what else…?
The guys that run the site gave me a gift voucher code to shop at their store last year. I forgot I had it until Julie showed me these buttons and I remembered the email they sent me. I decided that since I had not used it yet, I wanted to give it away to one of you guys. Hopefully it still works. And if not, I’ll buy a new one for you. K?
Enter to win a $100 Gift Voucher to
Leave a comment on this post and let me know what you enjoy more…
Baking sweets or making them look pretty?
Deadline to enter is Monday, February 1st at 6:00 PM ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Announced Below.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.
Good luck!
And the winner is… comment #1326.
That’s you, chakins! I’m glad you love to bake. Now, get shopping and start decorating.
Making it pretty! What a fun idea!
Making them look pretty definitely!! I am infamous for eating the decorations instead of putting them on the cupcakes :P
I’d have to say baking them. I’m not good at decorating anything. But if you really want to know what I’m good at, it’s EATING all the yummy baked/decorated goodies.
I guess if eating them isn’t an option, then I like decorating them the best! Love getting out my piping bags and sanding sugar.
Those are the cutest things!!
I love to bake them! I wish I was as good at making them look pretty as I am at eating them! :-p
Baking them!
I have to say I’m better at baking the sweets, but I’m working on making them prettier too!
Thanks for the opportunity!
The answer to this one is so easy because what i bake NEVER looks pretty. I make it soley so it will taste yummy and I can eat it;)
OH I can choose.. I like them both. but man those buttons are adorable! Ok.. the buttons.. I like the buttons more!
I love baking sweets…cupcakes, cake balls, cakes, brownies. Love trying new recipes. I have mastered the baking but still working on the decorating concept!
Happy baking!
Baking since I don’t have the artistic talent to make things pretty! I try but not as good as I would like to be. Staciele(at)netins(dot)net
I like making them look cute! Although Im no master at it yet, lol. Its the best when someone says “Are those from a bakery??” Thats when you know: mission accomplished :)
baking – i’m terrible about decorating. that’s why i like to look at your blog so much! :)
I like the baking more… I’m not that good at making wem pretty :-(
I think I like making them pretty the best. I can’t wait to try the buttons. Thanks!
I like baking sweets best. But, I’m getting into the making them look pretty thing too.
I’d have to go with baking. I love it when they’re pretty, but I’m challenged in the skills to make them so. Better good at baking tasty treats than bad at tasty and good at pretty. :)
This is the cutest idea!!! And those onesies are darling. I love looking at your site to get great, creative ideas! Keep ’em coming…we love them.
I love to collect buttons, make things with buttons, so now I’ll definitely have to bake some sugar cookies with these adorable edible buttons!
I love baking and prettyfying my baked goodies!!!! I’m training to be a pastry chef this year!
I would say making them pretty if I wasn’t completely hopeless (my attempt at royal icing decorated cookies for christmas is hard evidence) so I would like all the help I can get- especially with my daughter’s birthday coming up! Cute site!
I love to make pretty cookies and cupcakes! And then to make pretty bags and parcels for them and give to friends. I have an even better idea for the buttonlabels; sew them together to keep the theme!
I love the baking part, but I’m lucky to have a husband who is good at making them look pretty. We make a good team. :-)
I love to bake but sometimes flavor wins over pretty.
Baking them! But it is fun when people oooh and ahhh over them!
Baking them! If they don’t taste good it doesn’t really matter how they look!
I love making them look pretty, but they have to taste good too!
That is an easy one for me….if I could have someone else bake them for me so that I could just make them pretty (or try anyway) that would be wonderful!!!
I am more of a cooker, than a baker, but I do love a great-tasting treat every now and again…..
Making them look pretty!!! :)
But baking them is fun too, the pretty part is 1st priority. unless it’s cookies, those don’t count, since they just look flat.
As a sewer, I love these! I love cute, unusual things. Making them pretty is what I would do.
definitely making them look pretty! who can resist eating something that looks too good to be eaten!
So I like to bake them but I really like to eat them!
I LOVE to bake, but it’s a toss-up. I love to get compliments that not only they taste good but look good too. Give me the pretty, and then someone to clean up. Love your website!
Definitely baking sweets….I need a lot of practice still on making them look good!
I love both! Depends on if I need to satisfy a baked good craving or have the time to make things look amazing:)
As many mentioned before me, I definitely like *eating* homemade sweets best!
As for your actual question, I enjoy baking them… but mostly because I don’t have the patience for making them look pretty. Especially not as pretty as your sweets and goodies! But your blog definitely makes me want to learn more pretti-fying techniques!
baking them, but im working on my skills of making them look pretty… i think my absolute favorite thing is eating them though!!
I like making them look pretty but baking is so fun too! I love all of your ideas!
Eating them!
Well since that wasn’t one of them, baking them. My decorative skills are severely lacking
Making them pretty!
TOTALLY baking them. I learned from my Grandma that baking is 99% of the fun – as long as you can bake it right and it tastes good… who cares if they’re a lil messy lookin??
I’d have to say it’s a toss-up. I love baking the treats, but I love making them look gorgeous too! If I absolutely HAD to choose…I’d go with making them pretty :-)
Making them pretty, for sure! (But it also helps when they are yummy too!)
The fun is the challenge to make things both pretty and delicious. If it’s pretty, it draws people in. But if it’s also delicious, it keeps them coming back for more.
I definitely enjoy the act of baking more than the plating or styling of the food.
Making them pretty–the way I figure, the box mixes have it pretty spot-on, but Better Crocker’s frosting leaves MUCH to be desired. If you already know the inside’s going to taste great, you might as well spend the time making sure it’s visually appealing (read: STUNNING!) for people to -want- to eat!
I love making them look pretty, presentation is key and intices people to try it. I love your site, I love finding new things to make for my friends and family.
Baking is the best, but I like to decorate as well if I am “in the mood”.
I love making my treats look pretty! I like eating them most of all all but nothing beats the excitement and awe on your friend’s faces when you present them with pretty goodies!
Definitely making them pretty. There’s nothing better than creating something so adorable and seeing how shocked everyone is at just how CUTE they are!
i like to spend time making them cute and pretty… with the occasional taste-test (of course!)
I love love love baking! But I would have to say that making my yummy baked goods adorable is the best part!!
Hmmmmm….making them look pretty! If it looks ugly nobody wants to eat it :)
I love making them look pretty, but these days with two little ones, it’s hard to get past the baking step! Your site is inspirational, though! Love all of your ideas! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
That’s a tough question because I like both. But I guess I’d have to go with making them look pretty because if I spend time baking something and it turns out ugly then I am just sad.
I am just starting out as a baker, and am lucky enough to have a mom that is incredible at baking! So I love decorating anything she makes, and attempting to get her recipes down so I can be as good as her! =)
I sew and I bake. Great combination for these cute cute buttons. Can’t wait to try making them!
I love making them look pretty :)
I love the baking. The best reward is when others compliment you on a job well done:)
Love baking – but REALLY love making it look pretty. I guess that’s the artist in me.
I am just teaching myself to bake so I enjoy making yummy things for right now. Hopefully one day I will be able to make them super delicious AND gorgeous but the belly comes first!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I like baking most but when I can get the pretty in too, so lovely!
I really enjoy baking, but the decorating is the extra fun reward you get for making something that tastes really great!
Definitely enjoy baking more than making them pretty. Mostly because I’m not good at the “making pretty” part. If I had skill in that area, then I’m sure I’d enjoy it more! Cute buttons!
Currently, I love baking more than decorating. The end goal is always something pretty and delicious, but my decorating skills are very poor, so I get very frustrated as I go. I think I may be too ambitious for my own good. The end result is usually okay, but never what I want it to look like. Thankfully it (usually) tastes good!
Baking sweets because I’m not to artistic, that’s why I love your pictures and instructions.
I love baking. I find trying to make things look pretty is very stressful and I never meet my high expectations! Making the treats taste good is easy.
Pretty and Tasty! Because if they’re pretty… they’re going to taste a whole lot better! I think it’s a phsycological thing :)
i love making sweets look pretty… i rarely ever eat the stuff i bake, i just make them for my bf and make sure they look gorgeous!
Baking, I think, since I’m too anal to enjoy making them look pretty if I don’t get it exactly how I want it the first time.
I love baking sweets and eating sweets that others have made pretty!
I love decorating the cakes. I feel like baking is just the first step. The final look is such an accomplishment. But really my favorite is eating the treats :)
I would love to make them pretty and sometimes they do turn out pretty, but sure do love to make them… and eat them too.
Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)
This one is easy – making them look pretty. No question about it.
I LOVE making them look pretty. Just the reaction of the people who you’re giving it to makes you feel good. :)
I love making sweets look pretty, but they absolutely have to taste delicious!
Baking is so much fun to me and I truly love watching other people enjoy what I’ve made =)
I like baking them and then, try to make them look pretty!!
So love ALL your ideas and your friends ideas too!!
Nothing beats pretty sweets!
I LOVE making sweets & making them look pretty!! So then that means I dont have to make them look ugly either. haha I just love baking! But it always a plus if they look pretty :)
Definitely baking … making them pretty is proving more difficult! I’d love to be better at making things pretty … and I’m improving but its taking some time.
Baking them for sure!
Baking sweets–its hard enough to get that to turn out right, pretty is still too far away for me.
I love the baking, Im still working on the decorating
Baking. I don’t practice the pretty part enough so it ends up being scary!
I like baking more than decorating, I think b/c I’m better @ the baking part…..but I do long to be a better decorator, too!
Wow — that is a LOT of comments. I like making things look pretty, but I think I’m better at just making ’em.
It’s pretty even in my book, but if I’m pressed for an answer, I’d have to say making things look pretty. I love it when people see something I’ve made and praise it. It’s such an ego boost!
I love baking things! I think it’s so fun to mix everything together and taste samples as you go. : )
I like baking them more because I’m never satisfied with how “pretty” they are. I guess that’s why they invented the pan-dowdy and the slump.
Making them look pretty!
I like to bake them… sadly… I am not super talented at the decorating!
Hard choice. Although I love baking sweets, I’d have to say I enjoy making them pretty even more.
I love baking, but I do want things to look pretty. I honestly like more than both though, seeing people faces when they get something made especially for them. I think that watching a person’s eyes light up and knowing that they feel special is the best part.
My favorite is baking it makes me relaxed and calm. But decorating and eating are a close tie for second. Such lovely things, thanks for sharing
baking, definitely! i love mixing the ingredients and sneaking a taste…for quality control of course! believe it or not, it’s my boyfriend that gets a kick out of making my cupcakes pretty!
Those are too stinkin cute! I’m much better at making the dessert than at making it look pretty. I can barely frost a cake without getting crumbs in the frosting!
OH MY GOODNESS! I love everything vintage and those are just adorable!!! Thanks for the tip off on the excellent site, bakeitpretty….all of their stuff looks awesome! :)
This is a tough decision. I think making them look pretty is my favorite. However getting to eat the goodies might be on the top of my favorite list!
I definitely enjoy baking more but only because I mainly just bake for my family, so they aren’t particular about how pretty it is. I would love to learn more about how to make them prettier though!
Making them look pretty! My boyfriend is a wonderful baker, though, so we’re a good team!
In my opinion you can’t have one without the other. I think it is equally important to bake something yummy and make it super cute! I love doing both!
By the way, I love your website so much. You always give me such wonderful inspiration :-)
Baking and eating sweets.
Baking them! I let the kids do most of the decorating. They have so much fun that I don’t care what the end up looking like. It’s all about the memories.
Both!! But I think I like the actual baking part a little bit more. :)
Baking for sure. I’m not that great at the making it look pretty part!
I just like bakng them….I am not a fancy it up kind of girl….
Making them look pretty! We’ve been renovating our kitchen so I have not had a kitchen for 6 months now! I can’t wait to bake again!
I like baking them the best.
mmmmm baking sweets for sure! I “try” to make them look pretty, but they never do…sigh! Oh well, they still taste delicious!
Whew – awesome! My favorite is baking the sweets.. this might be because I’m not all that great at making them look pretty. Much better at eating them :)
baking them is the best part. b/c even if they aren’t pretty-fied yet, they’re still DELISH!
I love baking…no matter how they turn out-the most always still taste yummy!
I love to bake but also love to try and make them look pretty. It’s just so much more delightful to give them away when they look great!
WOW I could never imagine chocolate buttons, very cute idea… the cookies are very cute too :)
I WILL do this some time, maybe when my cousin has her first baby shower :)
I just love your blog,
I have to choose something for next Sunday for the birthday of my cousin’s husband, but everything is so cute! I don’t know what to bake :).
baking! i love the feeling of satisfaction you get when you pull a perfectly baked cake/cookie/brownie out of the oven. even better is eating it!
I would have to say baking as I have not perfected the non-messy decorating yet, there is much work still needed in that department!
My wife LOVES to bake, and I would love to win this for her :)
I love baking them! I leave it to my roommates to make them pretty. :-)
Making them pretty is by far my favorite!! I love to get creative with my sweets!
Baking them! I’ll leave the pretty to you!
thanks –
Eating it silly! How was that not an option?
I love making my sweets look pretty!! It is definitely my favorite part!
I think I enjoy making sweets pretty! If the baking part was mess-less and instantaneous, I’d bake all the time!!! :D When I was a kid I used to spend HOURS on a single pan of cutout cookies…Mom would tint some egg yolks and I’d use a brush and paint on the designs…when they baked the egg yolks puffed up into these glorious stained-glass designs.
I love looking at all your sweets!! :-)
I love baking things best. I like to make things look pretty, but it is still something I am working to get better at.
I love baking sweets, but I also love making them look pretty. I like the reaction i get when my friends and family get their first look at my new creations :D
I LOVE pretty edibles, but I have to admit, that is not my strong area!
Those are amazingly yummy and sooooo cute. I’ve never seen one before. I thought they were being sold at store when I saw the hanging hook thingy. LOL!
I just love working with colored frostings! Love using pastry bags and jillions of sprinkles and I would looooove to be the winner :)
I would have to say just baking sweets (and maybe eating them). I have only recently tried to work on making them pretty. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love to make them look pretty but w/ 3 little ones I feel pretty good when I just get to bake something
I love the baking….the making pretty not so much. Probably because I am not too good at that part :)
Baking for now. I’m still perfecting the art of decorating. I’m working on it though and having fun doing it, so maybe it’s a toss up :]
I love to make them look pretty! Especially when my sweet, little 2 year old helps mommy!
I enjoy making them look pretty (even if it can take FOREVER sometimes! ) :-)
I enjoy baking VERY much!!! SO much that so that I have gained 10lbs in the last two weeks!!! I would love to learn how to make them pretty, but I am not in a city that offers decorating classes!
Actually, I enjoy EATING sweets the most… Besides of this, I prefer baking stuff, because I like the process of transforming different things into one delicious piece of food.
I love to bake them so much!! I wish I could make them pretty but I really can’t!
I enjoy baking the sweets more! Who cares if they’re pretty if they don’t taste good.
I love baking the sweets the most. It’s the part that my kids enjoy and help with. They always disappear when it’s time to decorate. Hmm.
I love both, but I have to say making them look pretty is the funnest one for me!
baking cause the pretty never turns out like I think it should
I definitely prefer baking to beautifying mostly because I love eating and something doesn’t have to look gorgeous to taste delicious (although it never hurts).
I love baking them more because I can never seem to make them as pretty as you do! I just like to savor them before anyone else has a chance to look at them.
Definitely the making it pretty part!! Things always taste better when they look good :)
Love it! So cute and fun.
That’s a tough question- I guess I like to make them pretty, but I am probably better at baking. Need more practice with the pretty part!
Bake it tasty first….then pretty comes second!
Baking sweets…I’m still practicing making them look pretty.
I like baking sweets. I need a lot of work on getting them pretty!
I love baking the sweets! I’m usually too exicted to eat to spend time decorating, but I really want to start honing my skills.
That’s a tough call! I think I enjoy baking them more…but I enjoy eating them the most!
So cute! What a great shower favour!! I love baking and making things look pretty but I think tasty treat win for me! I am still working on the pretty!
I love to make them look pretty but I have to say baking them is better
I love to bake. I try soo hard to make them pretty! but even if they arent awesome looking, they always tast awesome, and they all land in the same place right??
I like the baking part and then I let my little ones do the decorating. I’m not so good at making it pretty and they don’t care if it looks perfect–so it’s a win win.
that would be baking, but really you needed a third choice . . . EATING them. :-)
DEFINITELY EATING THEM!! But if I have to choose between baking and making them pretty, I’d say making them pretty! We’ve had a lot of fun the past few months playing with Royal icing and such…and you and this website are a great inspiration to me!!
I like making them look pretty, but then it’s so hard to eat. I still eat them but it’s hard lol
Making them look pretty, absolutely. I tend to make a mess when I’m baking…but when I’m decorating, it’s just me in a relatively clean kitchen with these delicious little treats already made….
I am a perfectionist! So, I would have to say making them look pretty… but you have to bake to make them pretty.
I love these they sure are” cute as a button” I love to make sweets, but its all about how preety they are
So I try my best to add the pretty
I like making them look pretty to take to my friends when we get together. This Sunday we are getting together for Super Bowl and I am making the little football truffles for the party!
I love the buttons! I can’t wait to make some! I make button bracelets and wouldn’t it be fun to make a hard candy in the mold and make bracelets with them?
I REALLY enjoy your site and I LOVE Baking sweets and really love making them look Pretty especially since I have all of my nieces and nephews call me Pretty Aunt Becky!
I am all about making them look pretty – but honestly – I have to have both!
I love to make them look pretty!! I think that if it looks pretty enough, it will taste great too, regardless!
Too, too CUTE!! I honestly love the “making them look cute” part the most. The baking is fun, and I am not a big sweet eater, so decorating them for the ones I love, or the ones paying me, lol, is definitely the best part!!!
These are sooo cute! I’m giving a baby shower next month with a turtle theme. Do you have any ideas for making cake balls that look like turtles???
As much as I love baking, I like decorating even more. If it looks pretty I’m more likely to get people to be my guinea pigs for new recipes I come up with.
I like them pretty for everyone else, but the unpretty ones are also my faves, as those are mine!!
I like baking them. It’s so much easier!
i love making things pretty – but i’ll take an ugly but amazing tasting dessert any day of the week!
I love baking, but making the goods look pretty is just so much fun!!
I definitely like making them pretty the best. I don’t mind the baking as long as someone else does the clean-up!
Baking! I am not artistically-talented, so the decorating never quite matches my vision…that’s why I read blogs like yours!
I love making them look pretty the most, though I’m constantly looking for the “perfect” cookie/cupcake recipe = lots of baking.
Right now it’s baking! Building up my repertoire of favorite basic recipes has been hit and miss, but I’ve learned a lot about how each ingredient works.
I love to make things look pretty but they sure better taste good too.
I love Bakerella and I love Bake it Pretty! Two of my favorite sites! :)
I love making them look pretty, but for me I won’t serve them if they don’t taste fantastic. When it comes to candy melts, how do you get them to taste good? I need a lead on the best flavorings to use. Hope I win!!!
I definitely prefer the decorating. You get to be creative!
making them look pretty – 100% without a doubt!!
ohhh, i love the baking BUT i really love making them look pretty!
I think I like baking better than making them pretty. I love having the things I make look good, but it doesn’t REALLY affect the eatability.
I want to win! :)
Anything that i bake with my granchildren is special…but “pretty” does add to the fun!
I like to make sweets look pretty, although they don’t always look as good as I would like. :) I LOVE your site!! :)
making them look pretty, although eating them is the best
I love the baking part, and I wish I were better at the making things look pretty part.
i love making sweets and if i had the money to buy decorations i would go all out!
but i think baking is the best.
Both! I want something to be pretty AND taste yummy. That’s why I love your website! It shows me how to do both!
I probably focus more on taste because I feel like i have more control over that. my baked goods don’t always cooperate when I try to translate vision to reality!
BAKING them ;)
oops, to answer the question, definitely making them look pretty.. I’m more into the colors and decos than the baking part. is that bad?
making them look pretty! I love artsy foods :)
Baking them! They all eat the same, dressed up or down. Dressed up is more fun though…!
I like to think that I can make pretty looking treats, but I usually give up about halfway through, and reassure myself with “well, at least everything will taste fantastic!”
The decorating for sure, it’s always nice seeing people’s faces when they get it!