No, I haven’t taken up sewing. (Not yet anyway.) These adorable little buttons are all candy.
And, umm… they are like handmade.
Not by me, but remember my crazy talented, cupcake fanatic friend, Julie?
She made them for a friend’s baby shower using a fab tutorial from Bake it Pretty.
They are just about the cutest things I’ve ever seen.
The tutorial even includes a pdf for the labels so you can print them out at home and make your own packaging.
Julie made yellow, pink, green, orange and blue buttons with colored candy melts.
Just melt the candy and pour into a button mold. Let them dry and pop them right out.
Place them in small plastic bags and attach the labels. Just fold them in half and staple them together.
Or, if you’re crazy like Julie, then you make the labels work with your own wooden custom candy button display that your awesomely talented husband built for you.
Yeah, I’m sucking up in case he reads this and wants to make one for me, too.
So, instead of folding the labels in half, you can fold them in thirds. Two-thirds in front and one-third in the back so you have enough room to use a hole punch on the labels without messing up the graphics. And then just use a little double-sided tape to attach the labels to the bags.
Easy and like I said… cute as a button.
Julie also made these onesie sugar cookies for the shower. I’m gonna work on her to get this recipe because they were really good.
Okay, back to buttons…
Here is the Candy Button Tutorial from
Check out the site when you have some time. Cute stuff for baking AND for decorating!
Guess what else…?
The guys that run the site gave me a gift voucher code to shop at their store last year. I forgot I had it until Julie showed me these buttons and I remembered the email they sent me. I decided that since I had not used it yet, I wanted to give it away to one of you guys. Hopefully it still works. And if not, I’ll buy a new one for you. K?
Enter to win a $100 Gift Voucher to
Leave a comment on this post and let me know what you enjoy more…
Baking sweets or making them look pretty?
Deadline to enter is Monday, February 1st at 6:00 PM ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Announced Below.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.
Good luck!
And the winner is… comment #1326.
That’s you, chakins! I’m glad you love to bake. Now, get shopping and start decorating.
Is eating an option? lol
My vote goes for making it look pretty!!
Baking! With making them pretty a close second :)
EASY!!! PEASY!! PIE!! lol
I LOVE LOVE LOVE to bake – I like to decorate too – BUT I think it all comes down to taste – you can make anything look pretty but how does it taste?
There is nothing like tossing some ingrediants into a bowl and make something SPECTACULAR!!!! I’m a Proud Baker! lol
I love both! first baking its exciting bc u need a tasty product and then the decorating part is sooo much fun!
I love making them pretty but I’m not very good at it. My favorite thing is actually eating the treats
The buttons are sooo cute. I want to make them for a friend’s baby shower.
I prefer baking them over making them look pretty.
is eating them an option? lol
I would vote making it look pretty, although I am not very creative! That is why I just love your site!!
i love baking and really love making them look pretty BUT i have more fun eating them!
I love sweets that look pretty, but it’s so time-consuming and fleeting. So most of the time, I just bake and eat!
I LOVE THESE!! what a great use for the chocolate left over after cake balls!
thanks for sharing, it is so fun to get new ideas! very nice of you to share!
I can’t decide. Baking sweets is my absolute favorite hobby, but the presentation of making the sweet look beautiful is the second gift of love I like to contribute when completing the baked good. The entire process is so great!
I love eating…I mean baking sweets :) But I think I love to eat them as much as I love baking them!
Making any creation look pretty is key…it’s the grand finale!
I make things taste yummy, but I’m not very good at making them pretty. I’m still working on it thought and hopefully one day they will look as good as they taste! :)
What a cute idea! I like the baking. Usually by the time I get to the “making it pretty” part, I am tired and just want to eat it!
I think my goal is to make them pretty, but I really like baking. I don’t think that everything turns out pretty, but most things are tasty!!
baking sweets! But making them look pretty is the icing on the cake. ;) These are so cute it almost makes me change my mind!
I enjoy baking the most. Cute little candy buttons.
I love to make them pretty the best. I find that people are so much more impressed when the treats look neat. I also like using my artistic side too.
oooh- that’s a tough one! I prefer making the sweets, but I’m learning how to make them pretty, too!
It’s so hard to decide, but I think baking the sweets is more satisfying but beautifying them is more fun!
I’m more into the baking part. I’m working on the pretty part, but it’s not working out so well for
I love making the sweets and making them pretty, Your blog just has so many ideas and I love visiting often. Thanks for the chance to win!!
I love baking AND making it look pretty. Especially since we don’t have ANY bakery stores within 600 miles of us…we just use what we have around the house.
i enjoy making them! but what i enjoy even more than making them OR making them pretty is eating them…YUM! :)
Baking them! But surely eating them is the BEST!!!! Of course, they do taste better if they’re pretty!
Right now, I’m better at making sweets so I enjoy it more…but I Love making them look pretty, I’m just not as experienced. Hopefully now I can be!
super cute! I love the baking part, but making them pretty just adds to the fun. But I have to say the best part is EATING THEM!
Making them pretty!!!!!
I love photographing them and finding the perfect packaging for them.
Both if I could! But, if I had to choose….make it look pretty!! :P
I like it all including the eating afterwards!!!!
baking!!!!! taste over looks hehehe
Baking for sure!!!!
Can I pick both? I love cute sweets, but if they taste fabulous, I forgive the look…!
I am working feverishly at making things look pretty (thanks for all the help with that Bakerella) but
until I master it I’ll settle for the baking!!!!
Definitely making them pretty. But not so pretty that I can’t bring myself to eat them. :)
eating them…. I think baking them, but I really want to get good at the making them pretty part too!
Yeah it’s pretty even for me.. but if I had to choose I guess it would be making them pretty!! These buttons are ridiculously cute!!!
Sad to say, it’s probably the baking part that is best, because that part turns out best. I’m a terrible decorator… I haven’t mastered the pretty yet either. Thanks for the giveaway!
PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY! Even though I’m not as creative as you, I’m pretty good at copying. Thanks for all the cute ideas.
Definitely baking them… It seems like they are almost all eaten before I ever get a chance to make them look pretty.
So cute! I love baking the sweets, but making them look sweet is also part of the fun!
I love making them look pretty! I’m totally into the icing and piping and fondant-ing and sprinkling. I love making things tasty and adorable!
I like to do both. Baking sweets and making them look pretty…
Yummy in my tummy.
Why isn’t eating them an option? I would say baking them.
My favorite is decorating my baked goods. I made your cupcake bites this past weekend for a get together with some friends and they were a huge hit!
oh- I much prefer decorating to baking.. I ‘ve even started fooling around with different dog- friendly icings for my dog treats. There’s just something about making them unique…
1- making them pretty
2- eating them :]
3- baking them!
thanks for the cute as a button idea!
I love the process of baking and find it therapeutic. Making them look pretty is just a bonus for me.
Hmmm… Probably baking it, because if you screw u and it isn’t pretty, it will still taste good!!
P.S. Do you know of any companies that make peanut-safe candy melts? I made some cake balls last week, but I could only find Wilton candy melts, which aren’t safe.
deffinetely make them look pretty!!! i love making something creative out of food.
I REALLY, REALLY want to win this!!! I love baking more than anything, but my sister loves making them pretty more than anything, so we are a great team. =)
I love to bake, and I love to decorate. I get the most satisfaction out of a kid’s face when they see the cake or cookies or cupcakes I’ve made for them… so I would go for making it look cute!
I love making them look pretty when I can but usually just baking them is as far is I get.
My favorite part is making them pretty. In fact I get my husband to do as much of the actual baking as I can. :)
Definitely making them look pretty. I spent 4 hours decorating sugar cookies this past Christmas, mixing up different colors of icing and putting sprinkles on with tweezers. My mother was in the background insisting “They’re just cookies, people won’t even notice what they look like before they eat them.” Au contraire. My boyfriend’s family was incredibly impressed by my pretty, pretty sugar cookies, which makes it so satisfying to decorate them.
My sweets always tasted better than they look. Love for them to be both, but usually they contradict each other.. so i rather they taste good, that way it’s what matters on the inside! hehehehe
love making them pretty… because it makes them more delicious to eat!
Thanks again, not only for the smile, but the contact. Since family relocated, my “mold” and glitter connection has been severly hampered! Have not been able to find the lightweight foil or lustre dust locally…thank you for hookup to “BakeitPretty”…and since most of my cakes fall because of my lack of patience..I definitely prefer the “make it pretty part”..the baking just has to be done before the fun gets started.
Gratefully yours,
I enjoy baking, but making it look pretty is more fun. Thats when all of my creativity shines through. We eat with our eyes first anyways.
I enjoy making them look pretty more, but now with two little ones in the house, I consider myself lucky if I get the sweets baked. :P Ask your friend where she got the adorable onsie cookie cutter; I love that idea for a baby shower! :)
i think baking is my favorite, trying new flavors and experimenting… but making it cute is just icing on the cake :)
Making it pretty… presentation is huge!! :)
Definitely making them look pretty – SO much fun!
I like the decorating part the best, because everyone can join in! Baking is fun, but is usually a one person deal (at least in my household–they like to avoid the dirty work!).
While I would love to make them look pretty, mine usually taste better than they look.
Making them pretty is my favorite part. Baking is part of the process, and I enjoy it, but nothing beats setting a cake on a turntable and dreaming up all the fun ways to enhance it. Something that looks good always seems to taste better.
I think I will answer both. It has to look pretty and taste great at the same time. :)
Baking! But I also do love making ’em look pretty… even though I fail at times ;)
I wish I was as good at making them pretty as the baking itself! Prettying is a challenge for me!
So pretty sweet idea!!! I’m from Italy and I love your work Bakerella!! ;)
I love Baking!!! When I get a chance, with 2 year old Triplets it’s a little hard:)
So loving this! Darling!
Hmmm. Toss up. I guess I’ll go with baking them b/c more often that not they end up tasting better than they look.
Ohh… That’s a tough one! I love the actually process of baking, getting lost in the ingredients and seeing something wonderful come out of a few simple things. I think I might prefer making them pretty the most though, I love seeing the look on someone’s face when you present them with a pretty baked good.
definitly baking!!!
Oh my friend just had a baby girl. I will have to try these candy buttons for her ;)
My favorite part is definitely making my sweets pretty … except I often get to hungry to get to that point. heh.
I enjoy baking them, but making them pretty does it for me. Definitely.
It’s a toss up…but I think making them pretty wins out! :)
I really enjoy making them pretty, I just wish I was better at it =)
It is SO hard to choose! I love when I can make something pretty but since I can’t do it all that often, I must love the taste of what I bake, too. So for me, they’re tied.
I think the most fun part is making your baking pretty, especially when you impress yourself! However there is nothing better than seeing the delight on peoples faces when they sink their teeth into a lovely treat you perfectly baked. So if I had to choose I guess I would say making it pretty :) By the way, love you site, and am sooo impressed you have like thousands of comments! Way to go!
I would have to say both. I love baking children’s birthday cakes, so of course they have to look pretty! I’ve not yet mastered sugar cookies, but these onesies are soooo adorable.
I love to bake and get even more enjoyment out of the decoration process. Not a creative pro like you, but I enjoy it!
I’m all about decorating! Not too great at it yet but improving with every try!
baking!! my food is frequently not visually attractive…
Definitely baking. I try to make them look pretty but my patience wears thin, I just want to taste them, or eat several and then feel guilty and try to pawn the rest off on others. ;)
Oh I looooove to bake! Not artsy enough for the ‘make it look pretty’ part, but I can appreciate when someone puts in the time and hard work to decorate goodies.
I definitely like making them pretty best! Anyone can bake–it’s just following instructions, but it takes talent to decorate.
I like both! I love baking and trying new recipes. But I love making them look cute/pretty, I think it give it that extra touch that people will know you took time to make them extra special. Thank you for all the great posts, I look forward to my Bakerella emails!!
I like baking best, but it’s fun to make whatever your baking pretty!
baking sweets! : )
Absolutely Adorable! I love the buttons and the cookies! I have an upcoming babyshower that I would love to make these for.
Too cute! :D
making them look pretty but that wouldn’t matter if I also didn’t love to bake!
I love trying to make things look pretty. They don’t always turn out, but I enjoy the challenge!
Definitely baking! I’m still working on my decoration skills, or rather, lack of. I made my sister a cake for her birthday, and there was this lull after everyone saw it and then my dad said, “Well, I’m sure it tastes delicious!”
I think I subconsciously try to make my baked goods look bad, since my mom always let us eat the sad looking stuff if she was taking something to a friend’s.
this came just in time!! planning my sisters baby shower!!!!
Those are soo cute!!
And I like things too look pretty. :)
Making them look pretty for sure.I am all about the tools, trinkets and tricks that make cakes, cookies and cupcakes look yummy. I have more gear than I could possibly ever bake for but I love it!
The little buttons are so fun! What a wonderful idea! I am in the planning stages for a Baby Boy Shower… will use these in “blue” for the cookies!!! Very clever! I love to bake and also having new and clever ideas for decorations!
I am all about the taste, it can be as pretty as could be, but it needs to taste fabulous first.
I love making them pretty. I feel like homemade makes it tasty, but creativity, passion, and effort make it pretty
I love trying to make things look pretty. They don’t always turn out how, but I enjoy the challenge!
It’s a draw. I like baking and making them pretty. The most important is taste and the least fun is clean up.
I love to bake, but I am inspired by blogs like yours to make them more than just taste goo–but look good too!
I love the baking of sweets, but I think I enjoy making them pretty just a tiny bit more. Plus you are that much closer to being able to enjoy the finished product! What could be yummier?
(I think a third aspect that I almost equally enjoy is the planning – scouring cookbooks and websites, coming up with fun combinations, designing the look.)
I love both. To me baking is as fun as the decorating!
I love baking sweets AND making them look pretty. As ong as I get to eat them in the end, it’s all good :p
Making the things you bake look pretty is totally more fun than the baking itself!
I like making them look pretty more. And as a close second I like giving them to someone. I love Bake it Pretty! Thanks!
Make them look pretty!
Both! I am a bit of a messy baker, though, so maybe making them pretty is better :)
Baking! The prettiness is a bonus, but doesn’t matter much if they don’t taste yummy :)
Well, since eating them wasn’t a choice I’ll have to choose making them pretty. Can’t say I’ve mastered that, but I sure have fun trying!
…Baking them. Only because I’m confident it’ll taste good….not so much about the pretty part.
oh I definitely like baking them the best – if they are pretty, all the better – but sometimes with a 1 year old in town there isn’t all the time in the world i’d like to spend on pretty-ing them up…..if i had all the time i wanted, then i’d definitely like them to be lovely before gobbling them up!
I enjoy both, but sometimes find myself obsessed with making things cute. I am glad to learn about CUTE stuff.
Hard choice – I love baking, but also want them to look good. I guess I could live with something that looked so-so as long as it tasted good, while the opposite would not be true. So, have to go for baking.
Definitely making it cute – only to hide how terribly I bake! Love these cute buttons, and the labels are darling!
They have to be made pretty. Love the expressions on faces at first site.
I love baking. I wish I had the time to make everything look pretty, but if I start then my perfectionist nature kicks in and hours have passed.
Decorating is fun, but I’m not all that talented. So I’ll go with just the baking part!
Can’t choose one, so both!
I love baking them. I get so obsessed with making them look pretty that i never think they are pretty enough. So Baking!
Baking sweets!
I LOVE to make sweets look pretty! Not only sweets, though, I’m a huge craft maker too!
I love baking pretty things. The problem, though, is that by the time I’m done I never want to eat them anymore! So, I like my coworkers love it more when I bake pretty things.
I like the baking most (only if eating them isn’t one of the choices), because, like a few others’ comments I’ve seen, I haven’t quite mastered the pretty. I do like to try though!
Baking is fun, but anyone that knows me would absolutely agree that I completely light up when decorating. It is my passion, my creative outlet, my relaxation. Of course it still has to taste good, that is the whole point :P
Wow! I would have to say baking! But most of all its the eating that goes with the baking! Oh yea Baby!
I like making them look pretty the best. Baking is hard, and you can mess it up by adding the wrong amount of flour, baking soda, etc. But decorations you can ALWAYS fix.
you’re going to make me decide?
if i had to pick i guess i would go with baking them cause you get to taste test earlier
So adorable. I think I’ll make some for a bake sale my moms club is having for our community service project.
Definitely the baking. If I can leave it to my daughter to make it pretty, we end up with the best of both worlds!
I like doing both! But I think I enjoy making them look pretty best! Those are the cutest little buttons ever!
Definitely making them pretty, but both really!!
I definitely enjoy the making it pretty part best. The baking is the hurry up and wait part for me! :)
As much as I love to bake, I would have to say that the decorating is definitely my favorite part. I’ve got the baking part down, so I’ve been working on the decorating and it’s just a lot more fun then mixing up batter and putting it into pans, haha.
Btw, this post gave me some cute ideas for a double baby shower that I’m hosting for some co-workers this spring. Thanks! :o]
Awesome prize!!!
Making them look pretty!
Baking them and definately eating them as they come out of the oven hot… yum
Button, button whose got the button. Wow!!! My grandson is the sugar freak who would love these.
I would say baking because there is nothing like the delectable smell wafting from the oven. Plus, I am creative, but, sloppy, lol!
I love baking sweets. I would like to make them look pretty, but I’m not that good at it.
Baking is fun my my absolute love is making the pretty. Not only is it a creative outlet, but it’s also relaxing almost like meditating. Either way anyone that knows me would agree that my face just lights up whenever I’m decorating. Of course it has to taste good, that’s the whole point anyway :P
I like to bake but I absolutely LOVE decorating and making it look pretty
I prefer the decorating. If I could get away with never baking again – I would be in heaven.
I love the buttons, they are so cute!
definately making them look pretty
I love the decorating part… and the eating part!!! :-D
is both an answer? I love the looks I get when people see my pretty sweets, but it would be worth nothing if they didn’t taste sweet, too.
I love making sweets because there is nothing more relaxing than being in a kitchen with lovely ingredients, following a recipe and giving the treats to the ones you love!
I have to say making them. It makes me happy to know that people enjoy the baked goods – no one ever complains they aren’t in a pretty container…..
I like to bake the sweets but would like to improve on making the look pretty :)
These are so cute. Love them! I’m all about making them look good.
I love making baked goods look pretty, but making them taste great is the best part!
pretty, pretty, yummy
Both! I love making something pretty…but making them taste delightful is just as important. :)
I enjoy baking sweets…..the making they look pretty part isn’t my strength and frankly it stresses me out! But as long as they taste good everyone loves it!
I hope i win the gc!
I like baking sweets since when i try to decorate them, they don’t always turn out! But practise makes perfect. :)
I like to bake them better, it gives them character if they arent all the same, and I am not that talented. I like not conforming everything in my life.
I like making cakes pretty, but with cookies and stuff, I just like to bake them, so it’s both. :)
Pretty presentation makes the ordinary an extraordinary treat!
Inspiration from talented people like you is necessary though.
I like the baking part.. I am also a sewer so these are too cute to me.
I love love love making them look pretty it’s my favorite
making it pretty
Of course, baking sweets is really fun, but decorating them and/or making them look pretty is even more fun! You want to ‘wow’ the people you’re making them for :)
I love doing the baking… the is the easiest part! When my husband and I do a birthday cake he is the one to decorate it.
My theory is why spend so much time making it look so pretty when your only going to eat it!
love the baking! and the snooping dough part too ;) but looking pretty is really cool too!
Wow – your site just gets better and better. I visit often – have made several of your pops and ‘wowed’ the folks at work . . just wait until I show them the buttons . . . it just keeps getting better and better . . .
Thanks for all the good ides
I love both, but making them pretty is probably my favorite!
I like making them look pretty! My boyfriend is better at it than me though…
Baking! I’m never able to pull off decorating.
I think I liked baking them. I still need some practice in the “making them look pretty” category, so it doesn’t come as easy yet. Thanks, Bakerella!
as much as i love to (try) and make sweets look pretty, i’d rather have them be tasty and delicious =)
I think I enjoy both equally. Maybe the pretty just a little bit more, but I am learning new baking techniques and that makes it exciting too.
Baking them! But really I prefer eating them!
I love baking but my favorite part is making them look pretty. Although I would never decorate something that didn’t taste good!
Would have to say I love to make things “pretty”, but that takees time…wish I had more of it to spend that way. :-) Cute buttons!
I like baking them best…I wish I was better at making them look pretty :)
Baking was always tops until I discovered your blog (and after yours, the whole world of baking blogs… amazing!). Now I have to say, I love the decorating too.
making it sweet
Baking is always awesome… but Making it look pretty is definitely the best and funnest part! =D It’s almost as if making something prettier makes it TASTES better =P
Making them pretty! Without a doubt!
decorating, and eating them..
Right now, I enjoy baking them more, but I’m practicing my decorating skills!! :-)
i enjoy eating them the best!
but… i guess making them look pretty is fun too! :)
Making them look pretty would be my favorite part. And it’s my 4 year old’s favorite part too! Thanks for the chance!
Baking the sweets and licking the spoon of course!
I use to simply like baking. But since discovering your blog, I like making the goodies look pretty too. It’s all about the presentation!
I love baking and decorating! I don’t often have time to experiment with the decorating though. Maybe when the kids are a bit older I’ll have more time to play. For now, baking is fun and everyone likes to eat the results, pretty or not.
How very cute!!! I love the idea!
I def enjoy making things look pretty,people look at appearance before eating them and even if it doesnt taste good people will still enjoy them because they look cool :D
I think I like making them look pretty a lot more because that means I’ve finished the baking and just onto the fun stuff at that point!
Making them look pretty… decorating when I get a chance.
I LOVE the pretty part!
Love baking sweets and I love those buttons.
Definitely making them look pretty. I mean I like trying new recipes and things…..but I hate the clean up!