No, I haven’t taken up sewing. (Not yet anyway.) These adorable little buttons are all candy.
And, umm… they are like handmade.
Not by me, but remember my crazy talented, cupcake fanatic friend, Julie?
She made them for a friend’s baby shower using a fab tutorial from Bake it Pretty.
They are just about the cutest things I’ve ever seen.
The tutorial even includes a pdf for the labels so you can print them out at home and make your own packaging.
Julie made yellow, pink, green, orange and blue buttons with colored candy melts.
Just melt the candy and pour into a button mold. Let them dry and pop them right out.
Place them in small plastic bags and attach the labels. Just fold them in half and staple them together.
Or, if you’re crazy like Julie, then you make the labels work with your own wooden custom candy button display that your awesomely talented husband built for you.
Yeah, I’m sucking up in case he reads this and wants to make one for me, too.
So, instead of folding the labels in half, you can fold them in thirds. Two-thirds in front and one-third in the back so you have enough room to use a hole punch on the labels without messing up the graphics. And then just use a little double-sided tape to attach the labels to the bags.
Easy and like I said… cute as a button.
Julie also made these onesie sugar cookies for the shower. I’m gonna work on her to get this recipe because they were really good.
Okay, back to buttons…
Here is the Candy Button Tutorial from
Check out the site when you have some time. Cute stuff for baking AND for decorating!
Guess what else…?
The guys that run the site gave me a gift voucher code to shop at their store last year. I forgot I had it until Julie showed me these buttons and I remembered the email they sent me. I decided that since I had not used it yet, I wanted to give it away to one of you guys. Hopefully it still works. And if not, I’ll buy a new one for you. K?
Enter to win a $100 Gift Voucher to
Leave a comment on this post and let me know what you enjoy more…
Baking sweets or making them look pretty?
Deadline to enter is Monday, February 1st at 6:00 PM ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Announced Below.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.
Good luck!
And the winner is… comment #1326.
That’s you, chakins! I’m glad you love to bake. Now, get shopping and start decorating.
Making ’em look pretty! :)
These are so very cute! Thanks for the opportunity to win the gift card.
OH my! Buttons? I could use that for my cupcakes! :) So many ideas are running…. :)
Making them look pretty! Sometimes that is the only consolation for when the treats have turned out to be a nasty-tasting flop!
I love eating sweets. :)
I love baking and making them pretty. I really want to make the cute onesie cookies for my new granddaughters baby shower. So work some magic Bakerella and get us that recipe. Thanks for all the inspiration!
Making them look pretty (and eating them!)
I enjoy baking sweets. I’m not all there at making them look pretty, not enough working counter space in my kitchen to get a whole lot of pretty :(
I love baking things but have a harder time making them pretty. They don’t usually last long enough because I have low self-control.
definitely baking. sometimes i don’t have time to decorate them since i want to devour them right away! =)
I love the baking best of all, because my pretty isn’t so pretty! I’m still working on that part. Don’t they always say that inner beauty is best?!?
Adorable buttons and cookies, as usual. :)
For sure it’s the “making it pretty” part that’s the most fun for me.
My hubby is a better baker anyway, so it works out pretty well. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love to make them pretty and than eat them. I need these buttons cause I received gingerbread men cutters recently – they are missing parts. One the head has been chewed off, the next an arm and the last is missing his leg! It looks all raggedy and funny where the limb/head is missing. The buttons would be awesome on them!!
Oh, Bakerella, you’re too sweet =) That’s a TOUGHIE… I think I like making them look pretty the best, though!
I LOVE making baked goods look pretty and then devouring their deliciousness and cuteness all at the same time!
I definitely like making them more than worrying about their looks. They all look the same in my belly!
I love trying to be creative….but don’t always pull it off greatly. I love to bake, but eating??? MMMMMMmmmmmm, I love sweets and treats. Thank you for your site and all the wonderful ideas…
Super cute- I love to make baked goods but then also decorate them cute- I love things to look spectacular and taste spectacular!
Well, of course I love baking treats, but I’m more interested in attempting to make them look adorable! I’m always excited to see the look on my boyfriend’s face when I bring him fresh baked goodies that look like his favorite comic book hero or cartoon character. :)
Right now, baking sweets is my thing, but only because I haven’t gotten the right decorating tools…I obsessively think about them, however, so guess what I would do with the voucher ;-)
I like baking better than decorating, but I am particular about how my baked goods look. I use a cookie scoop to make the cookies all the same size, and a larger scoop for muffins.
I’m not so good at it, but I love making them look pretty! When you’re done and you stand back and look at them all, it gives you such an awesome feeling…and then you get to EAT them! LOL, that’s the best part of all ;)
Making them pretty is good but of course the ones that aren’t so pretty are eaten first so prettiness is a trait that enables them to survive longer hee hee hee!
I prefer making them pretty, but sometimes I have to bake. When I get to play around with new recipes I like to bake. Now my husband does the baking so I get to do the pretty part!!! What a perfect match!
Of course I want them to taste great, but I think it is equally important to me to have them look cute! I wouldn’t want to throw a party and have ugly food. No way.
I’m all about the baking! There’s just something about mixing some ingredients together to create something that tastes so good to eat. I love, love, love the baking!!
Baking the sweets is the best! But seeing the look on people’s faces as they enjoy them is also great!
Making them pretty FOR SURE! i eat with my eyes!
Making treats pretty for my kids is my favorite thing to do. They’re very forgiving and get so excited about special treats even if I’m not completely satisfied with the pretty factor :)
It’s all about PRETTY! I think a little color, a little sparkle, and a great presentation makes everything taste better… Stirring in a spoon full of love into the mix doesn’t hurt, either :-)
I would have to say I love to bake rather than make it look pretty. But the pretty stuff is so appealing that I might just have to try to make stuff look pretty sometime. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love baking, the smells make me so happy!
Baking is usually as far as I get because of time, but looking pretty makes the whole party/dinner better.
I love baking, and eating it! most of my creations don’t look professional, I start eating them before I finish decorating.
For me it’s somewhere in between…I love when the baking is done and everything is fresh out of the oven, and then right after they are decorated and you see your hard work pay off.
Tasting is the best part for me!
I love baking sweets, usually I want to eat them before I make them look pretty! I did have a ton of fun making the Christmas tree shaped cupcake bites though so it’s a tough call :)
Baking, probably, because it’s just incredibly satisfying for me. I go off into my own world. I love to make things pretty too, but that tends to be something I have to concentrate on.
Baking–I’m terrible at making them pretty! :)
How adorable!
It’s a toss up for me between making and decorating; taste testing is a definite first though!
Baking sweets just incase they don’t turn out pretty ;)
Making them makes me happy all by itself..though pretty is very nice..
For me it’s both. If it’s not pretty most people don’t taste it. If they taste it and it’s not good, they will spit it out.
I love baking and am currently taking cake decorating classes to try to make things more pretty. I love when things look pretty but haven’t mastered it yet!!
I like baking…since I am not very artistic, I’ll leave the decorating to someone else! =)
I’d much prefer something to be delicious than pretty, but I do have an exception to the rule – cupcakes! I won’t serve a batch until they’re gorgeous.
That’s a toss up for me. I definitely enjoy making treats- especially trying all kinds of new recipes. However, I know I enjoy something so much more when it comes wrapped and packaged so pretty. So for me I always try to do both! It might be a challenge, but it’s so worth it!
These are THE cutest little things ever! Love love love them!
I would have to say taste takes the cake no matter how beautiful something is if it doesn’t taste good who wants it.
Neither!! But my 13 year old daughter LOVES to do both, and she is good at both. Lucky me :) She would be so excited to have $100 to spend just on baking goodies!
so cute. I love the buttons. I like making them look pretty! Easier said than done sometimes!
I love to do both! Bake and make pretty. I just discovered Bake it Pretty yesterday (from another baking blog) and also saw the cute buttons they make! I would LOVE to win this!
Well, I like to make them look pretty that is for sure but, I have to say what I like most is making them though..I have made some yummy things that make people smile that are not so pretty! Pretty is very nice though!! LOL!
baking sweets or making them look pretty?! How about just EATING THEM! I guess I would have to say baking them. I don’t have a lot of patience for making them look that pretty – moderately pretty is ok with me as long as they taste good.
Pick me (I know it’s random) because I’m in Alaska and I almost always miss the cut-off for voting!
Love your site. Always creating and inspiring! :)
I LOVE making things look cute!, but I also need for them to taste amazing as well (so, that’s quite important). At the end of the day though, I choose the recipe which is going to yield the cutest result! ;-)
BTW: It looks like she covered those cookies in fondant- extremely yummy, and much easier than trying to ice the cookies freehand!
I’d have to agree with everyone else and declare this one a toss-up. While I no doubt love baking, presentation is just as important as the flavours, so making it pretty is a vital process!
I love making them look pretty! If you find a great recipe and you make it look beautiful you’re sure to make someone’s day. Thank you so much for the chance, and have a great week!
I prefer baking treats, which is good because my husband usually tends to start eating them before I ever even have a chance to make them look pretty.
baking them definitely.
I definitely prefer baking sweets, but I wish I was better at making them look pretty.
I enjoy baking sweets more… because for some reason, they never look pretty!
making them pretty!! :D
I used to enjoy baking the sweets but now I have gotten really into decorating them
While I like both baking and decorating, I enjoy making the baked stuff look pretty the most.
I love making things look pretty!
Making them look pretty. Hands down. Though I’m still a novice making them look pretty is a new challenging thing. So I focus first on tasty so no matter how bad they look they’re still nummy.
Baking! And then if I have time, making it look pretty. :)
I love the tiny details of making them look pretty! I get a lot of grief (nicely though) over how much detail I like to do – is perfectionist a bad thing? I think not!!!
while I love trying to make my baked good look pretty they rarely come out as planned – so I guess I would have to say I love baking them a bit more, no matter how they end up looking they always taste good :)
I enjoy making things look pretty. I’m very creative, and can cook like no other, but I cannot bake to save my life. I feel that if they look pretty, people won’t care what they really taste like.
The fun for me is in making them look pretty – thanks for all you cutie cute ideas! If they look good, they’ll have a better chance of tasting good – right?
I love your blog, it makes me smile! These buttons are too cute! I wish I had a baby shower to plan right now!! On a separate note, I’m making your S’mores cupcakes today…I hope they turn out as good as yours!
Ooh I love making things look pretty! Talk about sprinkles and cute looking muffin cups! It just tastes better when it looks pretty!
I imagine making treats look pretty but I never can find the time so I would say, I like to bake the treats the best
You always make the cutest darn things!
Definitely LOVE the decorating part!!
Yes I love to bake too but making them pretty is more fun.
I don’t often have much time to make them look pretty, but it is fun to do. It’s hard to decide which I like more, but I think baking sweets and then making them pretty is how I like to go. You have the most talented friends.
love making it look pretty !!
I love baking sweets. It’s so stress reliving, especially in college. Studying so hard for a test your brain starts to fry? Pop in some chocolate chip cookies or a cake and I feel instantly better and my roommate likes me a little more.
I love making the sweets look pretty! Baking is definitely awesome but when they look pretty everyone is fighting to get one :)
Baking no contest!!! Mostly because I am much much better at baking than decorating. :)
Baking sweets, they normally don’t look pretty!
I love baking the sweets, mostly because I don’t have as much time as I’d like to make everything pretty. One day perhaps!
ok one more time…..I used to be all about the baking, but it has evolved into more the making them look pretty. (Plus I can use boxed cake…less work, less mess, and if it looks cute people dont care!!)
Thats hard to say!!! I think that I like them both so much to the point that I might make up events or reasons to have to make something and make it pretty!!! I did see someone else’s comment that they like eating them best, haha, I love that too!! If I were brave like you I would blog about the stuff I like to make, I take pictures of everything anyway(im nerdy like that)! Love your site!!
Baking, for sure. I don’t care what they look like as long as they taste delicious.
Definitely the baking for me…quickly followed by the art of pawning them off so I don’t eat everything. I have a long way to go on the road to making everything picture perfect!
How about eating them? That is truly my favorite. I like to attempt the pretty part. With practice, I’ll get there!
Oh my! I just found the website yesterday. I prefer to make the things I make pretty. While I love to bake, nothing beats making it pretty!
So fun. I love doing both, but I think making them look pretty is my favorite part. I have just started taking some cake decorating classes and I am loving it!
Making it pretty — that’s the fun part!
Baking. But I like looking at pretty ones!
baking them! both therapeutic and delicious (since i eat whilst baking!).
When it comes to cakes, I’m all about making them look pretty!! The baking part is just a necessity. With other treats, though, (y’know, brownies, pies, lemon bars, cookies, etc.) it’s definitely about the baking. As long as they taste good, I’m not so concerned with how they look.
Baking them…. but definitely eating them! =)
I am so goin to make some of these buttons. What a great idea! PLUS,
I love both, baking and making things pretty! But at this point, I’m really more into presentation, since it’s so much fun! If I had found the button mold in time, I would have made buttons to decorate my son’s 2nd birthday cake! I didn’t have enough time to get it delivered, or find it locally :( I would totally use this voucher to get it and other molds and fun stuff! Love your site, and bakeitpretty too!
I enjoy both, but with 2 young kids and 1 more on the way, I don’t get to make them pretty much anymore other than birthdays and special occasions.
Those onesie cookies are too too cute! Wow…
I like to eat them best, cook them second and decorate them third. :)
Both. Baking is great, but making them look pretty always makes it taste so much better!
I’ve the baking part down (if my co-workers are to be believed) so I’m focusing now on the the pretty part. There is just something to creating edible works of art.
Omg how presh!!! Definitely making them look pretty. The decorations are what top off an already tasty treat like with the cake pops. :D
So, I think I like baking them the most…with 4 little kids I don’t have a lot of time for pretty…someday…
i love to make them taste good. maybe because i’m still perfecting my talent of making them look good!
Definitely the making it look pretty part! So much fun
I do believe that i like making them and eating them, more than I like ‘making them pretty’. Because if I made them well, they should naturally turn out pretty. ;)
Thats a tough one. I would have to go with making them pretty… it’s all about the presentation!
How adorable! I sew with friends at least once a month and these would be so cute for our next get together. I guess I’d need to put down my sewing to do these, but they’re too cute.
I love eating sweets the best, but baking would be my pick. I’d love to say making them look pretty, but I just don’t have that much time right now. Your blog has inspired me to “make them look pretty” someday.
i love making them look pretty!
but of course, i like to make things that are pretty straight out of the oven. no work required ( :
I love to bake and I love it when they look pretty but I find that I don’t have the patience to do the pretty stuff so I stick with the basics
I like making them look pretty :) So much that my bf always gives me a hard time about it. I think it’s because he can’t eat them quicker.
These are adorable! I love baking, but I’m a sucker for presentation and decorating. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I love BAKING them. My daughter is my partner in crime! We bake and eat and decorate and eat. Enjoying the goodies and the time spent together!
I love to try and make things look pretty. I always have a problem with getting lazy towards the end but I am usually able to turn out something cute :)
Baking, I love to experiment with recipes and bake up all kinds of goodies. I really WANT to make them look pretty, but what I have in my head and what actually happens when my stubby fingers get in the way are two totally different things!
1. Eating them
2. Making them look pretty
3. Baking them
well, #1 is the most important!!
hmmmmmmmm, i think baking yummy flavours then showering them with glitter does it for me :)
It’s all about the looks. I love making treats look pretty…eating the beautifully decorated treats is just an added bonus.
I like baking sweets, I love putting different ingredients together in an experiment that may end up very good, or very disgusting….haha.
i love making them look pretty but i thoroughly enjoy making them. the best part above all is seeing everyone enjoy them!!! i love those buttons!!!!!!
I do enjoy baking, but my favorite is making things look pretty. If I worked in a bakery, I’d definitely be the decorator and not the baker!
These are adorable! I think I enjoy the baking the most. My kitchen is TINY so trying to do pretty while your elbows are knocking into things is no fun.
I love baking sweets because normally I eat them before I even have a chance to make them look pretty!
Making them look pretty definitely!!!! It’s sometimes my only outlet for my creativity.
I enjoy making them pretty! I dont even care if they get eaten! Crazy I know
Definitely making them pretty! There is something so satisfying about the WOW factor when people see your work of art.
I would say I enjoy baking more since I’m not good at decorating yet! YET being the key word. I find peace in baking for some odd reason.
Baking! Well actually eating is my favorite part. But it’s more important to me that treats taste good than look good.
At the moment, baking them so they taste good…I’m still practicing at making them look pretty!
man, that’s a hard one. I love making things look pretty, but sometimes I just want to bake an ugly cake that tastes like heaven:)
I like baking them because i enjoy the uncooked product as much as the cooked!
As much as I’d like for my baked goods to be pretty- in the end, it’s the taste that matters!
I love the smell of them when they are baking, but making them pretty is my all time favorite! It is my therapy… :-)
im such a perfectionist. I love to make ’em look pretty!
Making them look pretty. Sometimes I think I obsess too much over it….
I love making them look pretty, although I am note very good at it!
I love making sweets and eating them too!
Right now I like baking, but that’s mostly because I haven’t had enough practice decorating yet! But I’m getting started!
For now, I definitely enjoy baking them more. But I’m working on the making them cute thing!!! I can decorate well, I’m just not creative – so stuff only comes out cute if I have something to model it after!
I love to make them look pretty! But I want them to taste good too! There is nothing better than surprising someone with their favorite goody!!!
I like the baking. Although I love the decorating, I am just better at the baking (and eating)!
I like baking sweets. I’d rather make sure they taste really yummy instead of looking pretty and not tasting great.
Baking sweets! Who can resist the batter (and the batter isn’t always pretty.) lol
I love baking the best. Since making them pretty usually means they taste good, but don’t look so good. But with the right tools, I think I could conquer the pretty :)
I’m not a good decorator but I like things to be pretty so that would be my choice. If they taste good, too, it’s a bonus.
Love this site – keep up the good work!
Well, I really prefer baking, it is easier! But every week when I read your blog I am thinking about trying to make my sweets as pretty as you do :)
WOW really?!? What an A-mazingly generous giveaway! Those buttons are adorable and those cookies are to die for! ‘SEW’ CUTE!!! ;-) I have always baked for taste but I am now learning how to make things pretty. So to have both would be awesome! If I win, I will definitely be purchasing some pretty making supplies. Thank you for the chance to win and for posting so many creative ideas. I love your blog!
I love to Bake, I am only moderalty talented enough to do that! Making them look pretty is a skill I have yet to garner! Though fresh fruit and a sprinkling of powdered sugar is always lovely and it hides a multitude of sins;)
Those buttons are *sew* adorable! Thanks for the giveaway – what fun!
hmmm thats a tough one. i enjoy the whole process… but i guess making things look pretty – its so rewarding!
Tough question!
I’ve never seen the point in taking the time to elaborately decorate something bland, and being OCD, I like to do everything from the baking to the plating myself.
But If I must pick one, I’d go with decorate.
I like best making delicious treats that also look pretty. I see a plain frosted cake, I must embellish it!
This question makes me crazy because who wants to spend all that time making something look good if it tastes yucky? I am a stickler for using good recipes for cakes and cookies — frosting, too. Everyone has a story about picking up a cookie from a bakery or buffett that was beautiful but ended up tasting terrible. Let’s have both looks and taste!
Can it be both?? Baking is my favorite part, but I always want them to be pretty too.
I’ve mastered baking yummy sweets. Now I just need to learn to master making them look pretty.
I think I enjoy making the actual sweet to prettifying it because I’m still learning how to do that and if I try they aren’t very pretty.
I LOVE making them pretty. :) (I also love baking them…and eating them! LOL)
I like to make it pretty, I’m just not that good at it…..yet!
I’m all about “the pretty” but with a 3 1/2 year old and a 5 month old, baking something yummy is my end goal. plus with little helping hands, “rustic” is the only style we have now. At least my son loves to bake/cook right? =)
That would be fantastic!! I’ve got a baby shower coming up that I am trying to plan. This would be so great!
I wish I were better at making them pretty, I have a good time trying. My husband always encourages more practice…and he loves to eat my mistakes!
i swoon over bake it pretty daily. amanda has the coolest stuff!
Making them look pretty for sure!! I love people’s reaction & appreciation when I take the time to make my sweets look pretty!
Definitely making them pretty! Or else why should I eat them?
I like to experiment on making things look pretty and unique. It doesn’t always turn out like I had envisioned….but, the more I practice the better they begin to turn out. Thanks for all your fabulous ideas and recpes.
these buttons are the cutest. i have been eyeing the mold since i saw how death by cupcake used them in her flickr stream
as for me what’s the best part, baking or making them look pretty. I love BOTH!!!! its the cleaning i hate :-(
Baking sweets, I just don’t have the talent to make them look pretty. Though I can make your cupcake bites after seeing all of the pictures you posted. So many you can make me a decorator after all. LOL
Eating them….
Baking but of course I like for everything to look pretty :)
I can spend hours making by baked goods look pretty!!!!
I love the baking the best!
making them look pretty – but without sacrificing the taste!!!
I love baking, but I ADORE making things look pretty and presentable. I love hearing ohhs and awws when someone sees what I’ve made, and that it looks just as good as it tastes.
“Apron off”, decorating is the most fun, but you can’t decorate with baking first!!!! I just love seeing my family and friends face’s when I bring a treat to the table. Thanks Bakerella for sharing.
This is such a hard question! Seriously, I love spending the quality time baking with my friends but decorating is extremely fun! You see everyone’s personal flair come out with decorating. With that said, I think I chose decorating.
I enjoy baking them for now but I am working on learning how to make them pretty. I want to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love to bake. I wish I had the flair to make it as pretty as it tastes. The candy making sounds like an awesome way to “do pretty”
I love adorable baked goods, but I’m pretty hopeless at decorating so I stick to the taste factor. Can’t go wrong there!
I love baking treats! its a little hard to make them look pretty… thats why I LOVE your blog… great ideas! thanks tonz
I love everything about treats, the baking, the decorating, the eating – but i HATE HATE HATE the cleaning!!!
I love baking them, but even more I love making them look pretty….. especially when you can make things all work together! Thanks so much for the great giveaway. LOVE reading and seeing what you do.
The little buttons are sooooo stinkin cute. and i think making them look pretty is way more fun
First, it has to be the actual baking. That’s where my first love is. What if it looks wonderful but tastes horrible??
I love to bake when I’m at home but I work for a wedding cake bakery so I get my fill of prettiness when I am there. I’ll bake at home and bring my things in to the shop to decorate. Probably something about the right tools, the space, the light and the motivation. Thanks!
I wish I liked making them look pretty, but by the time i get them made I just want to eat!
I enjoy baking, the mixing and preparing are theraputic…the decorating is stressful…but, your site gives me great ideas and that makes it a lot easier!
I absolutely love your site. I am in the process of planning a 1st birthday for my 1st born and came across your information from tomkat blog. Love love the buttons what a cute idea and the wooden stand awesome. I am going to attempt to make your cupcake pops for her party, hopefully they come out great. You rock bakeralla!!!
I love to bake goodies and make them look pretty. I still have a lot to learn about how to make them pretty though!
Oh me please!!
Ooh how fun!
I love baking the treats. i definitely love dolling them up too (don’t get me wrong!), but I love perfecting a recipe and watching people go back for seconds… and thirds… etc. That’s my favorite :)
Hmmm…I like to bake them because I like to eat them. Making them pretty is fun, but then I almost don’t want to eat them because they look so nice!
baking sweets— it’s hard for me to get beyond that point without eating . . . however I LOVE pretty sweets too!
OMG, that is too cute… I love all your great ideas and your friends great ideas and I’m so glad that you share them with us as well. Thank you…Thank you.. Thank you.. Keep up the great job!!!
I like baking and making them look pretty. Both are equally satisfying. :)
Making them pretty for sure! That’s second best to actually eating them of course :)
Since eating them isn’t an option, I will say making them pretty. It’s nice when you share and people comment on how beautiful things look. It also is a big part of the fun of baking!
Is it possible to say that I enjoy eating them the most? Second best would be baking them!
Definitely making them look pretty! (And then of course eating them.) :-)
I love baking them…and am working on making them beautiful! This post (as many others) inspires me to get to work on that, pronto! :)
baking them!