
Cupcake Bites Made Easy!

Cupcake Bites

Okay, I think you guys will love this. But hate that I don’t have better pictures to show you. This is for anyone who wanted to make the Cupcake Pops but didn’t feel up to the task. They are based on the Red Velvet Cake Balls I’ve made before. These Cupcake Bites are just as cute and don’t need a cookie cutter to shape. But you will need a candy mold. They are easy to find though. As a matter of fact, here’s a link. So instead of lollipop sticks, you can package them in little boxes and wrap with ribbon.

So, if you’re a first-time cake baller/cupcake popper, you may want to start with a cake mix and ready-made frosting. (These proportions work right for me everytime.) Then, you can try with your favorite cake and frosting recipe once you see how the proportions and texture should come out. Here’s what you do:

Easy Cupcake Bites
1 box cake mix (cook as directed on box for 13 X 9 cake)
1 can cream cheese frosting (16 oz.)
1 package chocolate bark (or candy melts for cupcake bottom)
Colored Candy Melts (for cupcake top)
Candy Cup Mold
Sprinkles and m&ms for decoration

  1. After cake is cooked and cooled completely, crumble into large bowl. (The texture should be fine/fluffy)
  2. Using the back of a large spoon, mix thoroughly with 1 can cream cheese frosting. (It may be easier to use fingers to mix together, but be warned it will get messy.)
  3. Roll mixture into quarter size balls (make sure they are smaller in diameter than that of your candy mold) and lay on wax paper covered cookie sheet.
  4. Chill in the freezer for a few minutes, until they are slightly firm, not frozen.
  5. Melt chocolate bark and candy melts in microwave per directions on package.
  6. Using a spoon or squeeze bottle, fill each mold cavity with a small amount of chocolate. Sorry, I didn’t think to measure how much. But as soon as you fill the cavity, go ahead and place one of your rolled balls into it. Carefully push it down until the force causes the chocolate to push up and fill in around the sides of the ball. You may have to experiment with a couple to get the right amount. Stop pushing once the chocolate reaches the top edge.
  7. Place the mold tray filled with cupcakes in the freezer for just a few minutes to let the chocolate set. Remove and then gently pull up on the cake ball top to release from candy mold.
  8. Now, holding the bottom of the cupcake, dip the top in another color of melted chocolate.
  9. Decorate.
  10. And, probably impress your friends and family.

Makes about 50. Store in an airtight container and they will last for several days.

Cupcake Bites

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308 comments on “Cupcake Bites Made Easy!”

  1. Thanks for this version, they are way easier than stuffing the cake balls into the cookie cutter. I just made a bunch for a friend’s birthday and they were the cutest. And I ate about a million of them. No joke. My butt is not happy with you (nor me) but my mouth is.

  2. I recently made these for a birthday party and they turned out so great. I made the cake balls that Thursday and Friday had two friends help with the chocolate part. This def made it go by faster and was lots of fun, so if you have some bakey friends get an assembly line going and crank them out.

    Cake tip- I lined the pan with parchment paper since the cake was gonna get smashed and the sides did not matter. This turned out great and provided a super easy way to carry and dump the cake into the mixer.

    Balls- I used a cookie dough baller to get a 1 in. ball and then broke that in half to make small balls. I actually got like 70 but it was a good size for the Wilton pb cup molds.

    Packaging- The BD Girl got a takeout box for herself, and we brought the rest in a shirt box lined with tissue paper.


    Thanks, Bakerella! We are huge fans.

  3. nope. the cake is cooked and the frosting from the can, is fine. go for it.

  4. Quick question-do these need to stay refrigerated? I wanted to send some in the mail, but don;’t want to give them food poisoning!

  5. Natasha – that’s awesome.

    choosingsimplicity – they are really pretty. good job.

  6. I am just in LOVE with these, you are a genius! I didn’t have a peanut butter cup mold, but I did have some candy cups on hand, as I use them for homemade caramels. So I lined a my mini-muffin tin with them and proceeded as instructed, they turned out great! I did have to dip the tops twice, but I’m sure that’s due to how I shaped the cake balls. Here are some pics:

  7. I already bought some after originally seeing your post with the smiley face ones, so I guess now it’s just a matter of seeing how well I can pull it off! :) I actually looked around to see if you had already made cow ones that I could look at for inspiration, but the closest I saw looked like pigs as far as I could tell. Way cute, though! Oh and I sent the cupcake bites to work with my boyfriend and the 4 people working that night ate the entire batch(except about 10 I reserved for home). Apparently, they sat around the break room table analyzing them and trying to figure out what was inside them. Also, he’s been instructed that I have to make them again. One person even said I should start a catering business and sell them! In other words, glowing reviews!!..despite mine are much uglier! If I stop procrastinating and take a picture before the last few are gone, I’ll post it so you can see how mine look. :) Thanks again!!

  8. Natasha – You can buy black candy writers to help you make the cow spots.

  9. I made these today(well, over a few days, but today they were finished) using devils food cake and they taste great, but the appearance leaves much to be desired. I think I’ll try the ones on a stick next time..seems easier for dipping and such instead of getting my hands practically covered in it. I partly made these now because my daughter’s first birthday party is in a couple weeks and I was debating between cupcake bites and cake balls and I think I’ll stick with the cake balls for now. I’m actually going to do red velvet with white chocolate and draw on cow spots and maybe a purple “A” for Addison. Hopefully those will turn out a little more attractive! ((I think I might do the sticks on those so I don’t have to get my hands so close with the dipping!! Thanks for all the awesome ideas, I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

  10. Go for it Mara!

  11. Im going to try these for my next party!!

  12. Enedina – glad to help

  13. I was looking for a long time the recipe of mice chocolate that Im was test, and your recipe of bites is the recipe of mice! =0
    OMG, you are my heroine!!!!!
    thanks for the recipe and thousand kisses from you……

  14. Stacey – Good luck.

    Mitzi – Great pops! And the photos are so cute.

  15. Thanks for the darling idea. It was a big hit at my daughter’s first Birthday!

  16. I just looked up Hobby Lobby online and sadly it isn’t within my state.

    I saw the ones you showed on amazon and I wish I could find those around here. I could buy the ones you showed me but I don’t feel like it’s worth just to buy a candy mold online.

    I think the best chance I have is with the Wilton ones. The craft stores I’ve been to are Joanns and Michaels and they only carry that brand. Thanks for the help though. I’ll be making these weekend, I hope they turn out well!

  17. Samie – try swirling your hand in a circular motion. It will help the chocolate settle and smooth out.

    Stacey – probably. Try Hobby Lobby, too. the ones I use are similar to miniature peanut butter cup proportions. Not flat like the regular reeses peanut butter cups.
    I have a link in this post to some on amazon that you can look at.

    MasonScrapMom –

    Sorry they didn’t turn out like you hoped. Give them another try, though. I think they taste best on the second or third day. And if that doesn’t work, consider adding less frosting next time. Maybe they are too moist for you. It might just be the texture.

    What brands of chocolate were you using? That might be another factor. Mercken’s is pretty good for the melts.

    And then, it’s possible that you just don’t like the combination.

    But, if you like the cake and frosting and chocolate, then it stands to reason you should like the balls.

  18. I tried to make these yesterday and needless to was a disaster. I used Red Velvet Cake, Betty Crocker’s cream cheese icing to make the balls. Then I used milk chocolate to make the cups and pink candy melts for the top of the cupcakes. For some reason, they did not taste good at all. I was so disappointed. I am a sweets lover especially chocolate. Any ideas as to what may have gone wrong???? They look so nice and I would love for them to taste as good as they look.

  19. I plan on making these later this month for a friend’s birthday and as I was looking for a candy mold I found one by Wilton.

    Now their peanut butter candy molds is much shallower than the ones you are using. How would that affect the cupcakes I would be making?
    Would I have to make the rolled out batter smaller?

  20. Hey Bakerella!

    Well..I’ve been making these cupcake Bites for a while now. :) I just thought I’d let you know that they’ve been a HUGE hit with all my friends, family and just about anyone I’ve given them to!

    Here is a photo of one of my batches I made for my teachers at school. They really are fabulous and I admire your creativity SO much!!

    I do have one question though. How do you dip the chocolate on top without getting a sort of extra little chocolate chip like top? I can’t seem to get rid of it…but when I tried to smooth it out, it ruined the chocolate.

  21. That’s fantastic. Can’t wait to see.

  22. I just made these last night and OMGosh are they amazing! Bakerella…you are my hero! I made them for a baby shower for Saturday and the mommy-to-be wanted yellow cake and milk chocolate frosting, so I obliged. I used a store-bought yellow cake mix and then I made my own milk chocolate frosting for the inside. I will take pictures and add them to my blog after the shower — I can’t before or she will see them and they are are surprise!

  23. aliyah – thanks

    Rebecca – you didn’t do anything wrong. The texture is VERY moist because of mixing the cake and frosting. If you think it’s too moist, go buy a cupcake at the store and mix in the cake part to equal it out. Or next time, add less frosting.

    Don’t throw them out though. I think they’ll still be ok even if they are too moist. Once they are coated, on the second day they will be less moist inside.

    Hope that helps some.

  24. I am so upset! I am trying to make these for a party tonight and I have somehow ruined them. I’m not sure what I did wrong either. I baked the cake last night and it cooled overnight. I crumbled it up in the food processor and just now mixed the cream cheese frosting in. It is absolute GOO! And I am out of eggs so I can’t even try again!!!! How sad!

  25. i love you ideas they look so good

  26. Candy melts are colored or flavored candy coating that come in the shape of small discs. You can see them here from

    In a pinch, you can try substituting regular choclate morsels or baking choclate. You may need to add a couple of drops of veg oil to make it smoother.

    The melts/wafers/discs are good because they don't melt to the touch like the morsels do.

  27. Hi! I love all your recipes and I’ve seen you with Martha Stewart – super awesome.
    I can’t wait to try these Cupcake Bites.
    The only thing is, what exactly are candy melts?
    I’m from Australia and I’ve never heard of them. Can you buy them here and if not do you know of a replacement I could use that they sell here in Australia??

  28. 80smom – I think you’ll be fine. Try less frosting and let the cake cool completely before you crumble.
    Also, I think they taste the best a day or two after you make them.

    Jodie – You did a good job. I agree cute food is more fun to eat. Check back soon and see some I’ve done for Thanksgiving.

  29. Thought I’d pop in and give you a link to my cake balls. My second attempt anyway. The first time was an utter disaster – which was totally my fault. But the second time was much better and I wanted to tell you they were pretty, and they were delicious!
    I made these for my daughter’s 4yo. birthday party and they were enjoyed so much that I’ve now been sequestered to make them again for Thanksgiving. :)

    Here’s the link:

    Thanks for sharing your recipes! I love eating cute food.

  30. ps I love love love your site. I studied it for two days before trying them. Your site and creativity is awesome. and I love the cool photography, my other hobby!

  31. My sister in law buys these all the time!! So I tried to make them, and they are really mushy. I did them while the cake was warm, maybe I need to wait until cool? Or not use the whole can of frosting? I used carrot make mix and cream cheese frosting. was great, but kinda mushy.
    Any suggestions?

  32. She’ll definitely love helping you eat them.

  33. Hello. This is my first time to your blog and i cannot wait to make these mini cupcake candy bites! I think my two lil’ girl will love helping me! Looks like so much fun.

    I look forward to seeing whatelse you post! hugs, Ellen

  34. kels –
    1.Make sure you are using the plastic molds for candy making… not silicone or metal

    2. Place them in the freezer for a few minutes to speed up the drying time.

    Remove and just twist the hard plastic sheet/mold so that it helps them break away from the sides. Then holding by the cake, just pull them out carefully. Or turn the sheet over and let them fall out.

  35. I have tried twice to make these, but i seem to have a problem getting them out of the mold with out destroying the cakes. And that makes it very difficult to do the top part. Any suggestions?

  36. Yay! Yay! and Yay!

    You should stock up on the bark. It lasts a while.

  37. Bakerella!! you’re SUCH an inspiration. I finally made these tonight (it was surprisingly fast to make 50 of ’em). Your directions were spectacularly easy to follow. (And I FINALLY found Almond Bark at Walmart of all places–they only carry it during the holidays, I guess). I’m sending 25 of the ‘bites to work with the wunderhusband, and taking 25 to my job! Thanks for all your lovely ideas and sweet, funny blogs!

  38. pandabearz – It comes with practice, but I bet the frosting look makes them seem more real.

    Cheryl – Sounds fun. Glad you enjoy them.

  39. These are wonderful and the directions are so easy to follow! I finally joined the Bakerella club and made these bites for a friend’s birthday party. Everyone loved them! I’m looking forward to making these again and experimenting with different flavor combinations. I’m thinking spice cake with cream cheese frosting for the holidays, maybe orange topped for Thanksgiving.

    Thanks again for being so generous to share!

    My cupcake truffles on flickr:

  40. I made these tonight, so sweet and adorable! I made only a few to try it out. How do you get yours looking so smooth on the tops? mine were quite messy and I couldn’t really dip them in the candy, I had to more or less “frost” them….

  41. Cathy at Wives with Knives – Hope you have fun!

    pinkcimmanon – you have to use special food coloring for candy. The regular ones contain water and will mess up your chocolate. You can find pre-colored candy melts in craft stores, though.

  42. this is sooo kool…so if i wer 2 make the top part of the cupcake can i just use food coloring in white chocolate? i luv it <3

  43. These are soooo cute. My children will love them. I’m making them for our next family party. Thanks.

  44. Katy Potaty – Hi there in Australia!!!
    you can use any frosting you like. Canned or homemade. You will need approx. 2 cups. So atart out adding most of it and then mix. You may not need all of it. Just enough to make the mixture able to hold its shape and still be moldable.

    Sweetrebel712 – I think they will be alright frozen, but to be honest I’m doing my first real test right now and I won’t know until I take them out. Which will be after your party. They do last for a several days in an airtight container. So why don’t you practice them this weekend. Freeze them. And then take them out Thursday morning to thaw. If they don’t taste right, you would still have time to bake a cake on Thurs evening and then do the dipping and decorating on Friday Evening before the party.

    Hope that helps.

    Sandy Smith – I’m no candy-maker either, so go for it!

  45. These are so precious! I’m not much of a candy-maker, but they are just so cute, I’m going to have to try them. I just saw your little Cuppies over on CakeSpy – TOO CUTE!!

  46. Hello!! okay so i tried these cupcake bites at a friends baby shower and they were soooo good! and i have recently baught all the ingredients to them for my niece’s upcoming birthday party! which is october 11..i was planning on making these cupcakes this weekend october 4 or 5 and i was wanting to know if the cupcakes will still be good and taste fresh if i freeze them until the 11 and then thaw them out before the party? im so worried they are goin to go bad or taste frostbit…please please please let me know what i should do! ive never made them so i wanted to to make them this weekend just incase i mess up you know and i would still have time to make another batch! please help!! thnak you sooo soo much!

  47. Hi there, from your number 1 Australian fan!

    I am having difficulty finding tinned cream cheese frosting, do you know of a similar product which produces the same results in this recipe?

  48. angelabarton – If you are using the molds, you don’t have to let them get firm. You can go ahead and push them into the chocolate that is in the mold. Then let the chocolate harden in the freezer for a few minutes. The size should be smaller than the mold size so the chocolate will slide up the sides when you push the ball in. And the ball can stay in a round shape. Hope that makes sense.

  49. I haven’t tried these yet, I’ve got all the stuff to make them. The last time I tried, my ratios were off and it ended up being way to sticky and gooey, (I made home made cream cheese icing instead of store bought so I had way more icing than I had cake!) BUT never fail, I will try again! Love the candy mold idea!!! Much better than the cookie cutter thing that was a complete mess on my end! BUT here is my question…after you roll the batter in balls and let them harden do you push them into the chocolate cavity round or do you roll them more oblong so they can fit better? Similar to your technique with the cookie cutter effect. Thanks!!

  50. you’re welcome. glad they were a hit.

  51. Hi Bakerella! I LOVE these! I made these cupcake bites for a party we threw and they were awesome!!! They were a HUGE hit! Thanks so much!

  52. They might be lumpy, but I bet they still taste yummy.

  53. Your pops are wonderful! I experimented with some this week. Well, let’s just say mine are not really balls but bumpy balls, lol. Also, about the blue cake, The Wilton paste will change the taste if you use a lot of it. Try to use as little as possible to get the right color. hth.

  54. Thanks anonymous. I’m sure I would love them with chocolate cake.

  55. Great recipe. I know this post is pretty delayed but here goes…
    I made these for a friend but did have any candy molds, so I used Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for the base; for those of you concerned about the peanut butter taste with red velvet…it’s still delicious! If you’re still concerned just go with a chocolate cake mix.
    This worked very well; I would just recommend freezing the Reese’s before hand, to make them easier to handle; otherwise they get a little melty. Also, use a little bit of icing as glue to stick the cake ball to the Reese’s cup and pop in the freezer for a few; this will help prevent the top falling off when dipping.

  56. Holly – you’re welcome.

    baybedaul – cream cheese frosting, or chocolate frosting … whatever you ususally like with choc cake.

    And they’ll last for several days in an airtight container on the counter.

  57. Just stumbled across your site yesterday – LOVE IT! Went on a shopping trip today to start making some of your stuff… I’m starting with the Cupcake Bites Made Easy. What frosting flavor do you suggest mixing with chocolate cake? If I want to keep a few days, should I store them in the fridge or at room temp? I look forward to following your blog!

  58. Awesome! Those are PERFECT! Thanks so much for the link.

  59. Holly – I used the make n mold brand. They come in a lot of colors.

  60. Hi there. I am a big fan and long time reader. I am commenting on this post for a specific question. Can you tell me what color(s) you used to make this purple? I am planning to make these for our Relay for Life and I LOVE the shade of this purple!!! Thanks for any specific tips you can offer on the color.

  61. Sarah, Sean, and Caroline Connors – they are about 3/4 inch deep.

    Anonymous – sure would.

  62. will this work with buttercream icing?

  63. Hi!

    I am so looking forward to trying these out for an upcoming baby shower. One question – How deep should the candy cup mold be? I bought one (Wilton) and it looks pretty shallow – but maybe it should be?

    Will definitely let you know how it goes. Thanks!

  64. Nicely done Celia!

  65. Oh, and here’s a link to my end results.

  66. I just made these for a little stamping party. They were very cute. Thanks!

  67. Thanks for the kisses lotta!

  68. I’m not sure how I found your site. But I kiss you. I kiss you for your awesome cupcake recipes!

  69. Hi sarah,
    I am not a member either so I can’t view your cupcakes. Is there another way?

  70. Oh Sarah – I’m not a member, I can’t see your pics.

  71. Check out my first attempt:

    I’m a fan!

    Thanks Bakerella!

  72. First off, you may just need to let them dry longer. I usually don’t have a problem with that. But if you still do, try these candy making gloves. You can get them here or at craft stores.

  73. Thank you so much! These were a hit at my husband & son’s karate studio! I made them with carrot cake/cream cheese frosting & triple chocolate fudge cake/cream cheese frosting. I’m not sure if all candy melts are white chocolate but the ones I used were and everyone loved them. I just had a question, how do you prevent fingerprints on the bottoms when dipping the tops? Thanks again!

  74. That’s clever. I’ll have to remember that one.

  75. These were so much EASIER to make!!! And I figured out a way to make them as cupcake pops. I took a turkey skewer (knew it was good for something besides cleaning my steaming wand on my coffee maker) and heated it over a candle – I then made a hole in the bottom of the chocolate with the heated tip of the skewer. I then placed the lollipop stick in it and – then you have a cupcake pop…They are great – check out my pictures on my blog at stickycakes.

  76. Kapu – Wow… 300. The most I’ve done at one time is 200 or so. Good luck.

    If you have air conditioning inside, it should be just fine. It will stay moist inside for several days in an airtight container on the counter. But for such a big event, you may want to do a test batch beforehand.

  77. I just had a quick question. Does the inside harden up the next day? Or does it stay kind of soft? And just they be stored in the fridge or just in the air tight container on the counter. I’ll be making this in Hawaii for my brother’s wedding in September. Very hot.

  78. Hi, I finally made them. They are so yummy and I wanted to add my picture of my finish cupcake pops. I will be making them for my Brother’s wedding. 300+. Wish me luck.

  79. Vicky – I’ve made the oreo truffles, too. You can certainly do either. Or the peanut butter balls.

    Neicey – the cake mixture will be very moist. You are mixing cake and frosting, so it will not be dry. Also, once you bite and compromise the chocolate that is essentially holding everything together, it may come apart from the stick. But they only last about two bites anyway, so it should not be too bad. Just hold your hand under to catch anything. If you don’t like it that they come away from the stick, then try this version. This post explains how you can make the same idea just without a lollipop stick. Hope that helps some.

  80. Hi,
    I made these last night and thought they were not that great…I want to know if the cake mixture should be a mushy/soft truffle like consistancy? and will the cupcake fall off of the stick when you bite into the hard chocolate and cake?
    Thanks for any input to help me make these GREAT!!!

  81. I made these even easier: I’m not sure if anybody’s tried this but I made oreo truffles instead of cake truffles (no baking involved). I’m not good at dipping the truffle balls but just dipping the tops of the cupcakes was so easy! Love them! Thanks for the ideas!

  82. Very cute Dorothy

    Chinouk – good, it’s working.

  83. Oh My Gosh. This blog’s making me só hungry!! =)


  84. My sister and I just finished making these using strawberry cake mix and cream cheese frosting. Thanks for the very helpful tutorial!!!

    Dorothy (Lafayette, Louisiana)

  85. Sharon – Glad to have you.

    Laura – you’re welcome!

  86. Oh, I finally made these adorable minis and they are fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

  87. So, you already have 113 people telling you how fabulous these are, but count me #114. I’m not sure how I haven’t discovered your blog sooner, but I’ve already spent WAY too much time procrastinating and browsing your site. :)

  88. What a great photo set. I’m impressed!

  89. so i took the plunge!
    they are all nestled carefully in my fridge for the party on sunday. i got giant chinese takeout boxes to decorate and give them out in (three birthday babies getting 20 cupcakes each).

    so much fun! though, mine aren’t as pretty as yours, obviously.

    mini cupcakes

  90. Megan Dinsdale – Really great job!

    kbwhat – I’m jealous! that sounds like so much fun.

  91. LOVE the cupcake pops – I have given out your blog to soooo many people who want to try to make them too! My daughter took them to NYC last week for a Sex and the City party and they were a HIT! Now onto your cupcake bites – look a little easier??? I’m ordering the molds right now…thanks!!!

  92. Thanks! I made them for a Memorial Day BBQue yesterday and everybody was more than ‘probably’ impressed. They aren’t as great as yours…but not bad for a first timer. You can see them here

  93. Rebecca – YAY! Glad you like them.

    dorothy – I love those sprinkles too. They are found in the grocery store (Kroger) ice cream condiment section. The brand is Mr. Sprinkles but you may have trouble finding them in these colors. I think they just recently switched to a “no artificial color” formula which is just not the same. I hope they keep making these because they are perfect for the cupcake pops and bites.

  94. Your work is amazing! I’m so jealous :) Planning to make the cupcake bites one day, when I actually have an occasion to make them for. Maybe my cousin’s engagement party…
    Loving the sprinkles you use–can you tell me where you purchase them from? The colors aren’t like any I’ve seen anywhere!

  95. I made these last night and they turned out soooo cute!! Thank you!! You give wonderful instructions, keep the ideas coming!

  96. lauberdauber – I’m glad you’re having fun with them.

    Glenda – you can also just wash your hands in between.Having them a tiny bit damp helps.

    Damselfly – thanks

    chantilly lace – glad you like it!

    pineapple – I think they’ll be fine. You can refrigerate or keep in an airtight container for several days. You can also make the cake one day and then do the other steps the next.

    Cherry Blossoms – they’ll get prettier as you go.

  97. Made these for my husbands graduation and everyone went crazy over these…I will say mine didn’t turn out as pretty but they were delicious! Definitely will make these over and over again! Thanks BakerElla!

  98. these are FABULOUS! i’ve been obsessing over them for weeks now.

    question: i want to make them for a birthday shindig on the 1st, and right now i have 3-day weekend ahead of me, and a very busy week. how long would you say i could keep them? like if i made them monday, refridge? ziplock? tupperware until saturday?

    would that be too long?

  99. OOOHHH…….everything you make makes my mouth water. I LOVE your blog!!!! You are so so talented!!!

  100. Pure genius.

  101. Bakerella,

    You are awesome, I love all your cute ideas, I made these cute little cupcake bites today. Mine are not quite as cute as yours, but still cute. I did have problems rolling the cake into balls, the cake kept sticking to my hands. So I sprayed a little Pam on my hands and that did the trick. I posted them on my blog with a link to your site.

  102. oh bakerella, I didn’t think that these could get any more fantastic, but this new idea makes them so much easier – and tons more adorable!

    I think that I might be addicted to making these – now I’m trying to find any excuse possible to make them… a birthday? I’ll make ’em! A new baby? I’ll make ’em! It’s Tuesday? I’ll make ’em!

    I did find that the candy mold that I bought it is a little shallow – it’s a little difficult to hold on to them when I attempt to dip the tops… but luckily I’ve only had a few casualties (and darn, I had to eat them!)… I think I’ll try a deeper mold.

    You’re fabulous!

  103. Alison – Yay!

    Kristen – I usually do it that way because if the cake is warm still, it will get a little mushy when I crumble it apart before I can even mix the frosting into it. I just think the texture is better if it’s cooled, but do what works for you.

    beverlyanne – you’ll find you always want to have those melts handy in case you decide to make more.

    Anonymous – I found them at Kroger, called Mr. Sprinkles in the ice cream condiments section.

  104. wondering where you get the sprinkles you use for the mini cupcakes– I love the blue in them! Thanks

  105. I made a batch of these and they were so much fun!!! My friends think I “have too much time on my hands on the weekends”. They are being enjoyed as we speak. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas. I used a boxed “confetti cake” for the filling and it worked fine. I will be making these again real soon. Time to buy more candy melts. :p.

  106. I’m so excited to try this ! Just a question….you said to wait to mix the baked cake and frosting until the cake is cooled…why does that matter? I’ve always mixed the warm cake with the frosting and then chilled…

  107. Wrong link! (Although that’s the first photo in the set!)

  108. I made these today and brought them to a BBQ – they were a HIT! Here are some pictures:

  109. Sarah – cream cheese frosting tastes like heaven. Fondant isn’t necessarily gross. But you’re not gonna jump up and down over it.

    Natalie – thank you!

  110. These are just adorable! How awesome!

  111. hi, what does cream cheese frosting taste like? and is fondant really gross?

  112. Anonymous – Did you put them in the freezer for a few minutes? They should release pretty easily after that.

    Saucy – definitely fun.

    Christi – thanks

    Angie – cool. You should do great then.

    Laura- I haven’t tried freezing them yet. They get eaten too quickly.

    plslade – -you must.

    Laura – no problem

    lorena – I’ll see what I can do.

  113. Bakerella…
    w/graduation around the corner, what ideas do you have??? please keep us posted

  114. Oops, I just read “air tight container for several days”…..sorry for my redundant question.

  115. ph my goodness… these look insanely good! MUST TRY this weekend!

    SO CUTE!

    Wait, I’ll have to go find a cupcake candy mold.

  116. These are adorable! I can’t wait to make them myself to share with family and friends. Can these be made ahead of time and frozen? If so, at what stage should I freeze them? before or after dipping in chocolate? If freezing isn’t a good idea how long do they stay fresh and how do you store them? Thanks for all your tips!

  117. I just found your blog through Blissfully Domestic!

    I have been making cake balls for about a year or so now, but this is a fabulous idea! How cute! I can’t wait to try them out.

  118. Oh my word, those loos DELICIOUS – and so cute. Definitely on my to=do list!

  119. Bakerella! This looks like fun! And kiddie-friendly, if that matters at all.

  120. I made the cupcake bites last night!!! They turned out great, so cute…the only problem I had was it was really diffucult to get the cupcakes out of the mold… any suggestions, they really wouldn’t pop out easily. Any thoughts for next time? Thank you so much!

  121. Katie – they sound cute!

    lorena – I just dip the tops in and then turn them right side up and wiggle it a little to let the chocolate settle and smooth out. Make sure you are heating the chocolate in the microwave per the directions (30 sec intervals and stirring in between) Don’t get it too hot. Also, I’ll let the chocolate set for a minute and thicken so that it is less likely to drip down the sides.

    What brand of chocolate are you using. Also have you seen the video on Martha Stewart? Search cupcake pops. It may help you.

  122. hi there i love these and i’m making them for my dad’s 60th bay on Sat the 17. please please please can you be a bit more specific on how to get the tops nice and smooth… i tried the cake pops they came out messy but super cute and yummy cant wait to try these!!

  123. I made these for a co-worker’s birthday and they were a total hit! THANKS for the idea! I made them with a strawberry cake and topped them with mini kisses – they wer adorable. Lots of fun, thanks again!

  124. amy – your chocolate may not have been hot enough. Did you melt it in 30 sec intervals or all at one time? It works better heating a little at a time until melted. Also, make sure the cake balls are chilled before you dip them in the chocolate for the tops. That helps them keep their shape.

    Destiny – I’m so glad you guys enjoyed them.

    Katie – You’re welcome.

  125. I made the cupcake pops (left the stick off) for a baby shower and they were a huge hit! Thanks for sharing!

  126. Thank you so much for your wonderful recipe! I made these over the weekend with my husband’s assistance, and everyone loved them including us. We made ourselves sick snacking while we cooked. :) We made Dark Chocolate with pineapple cake and cream cheese frosting. You can see them here:

  127. two more things, for the person who asked, you can also thin the melted coating with a bit of vegetable oil, just don’t add too much or it will end up tasting funny, also, if you have a kitchen aid stand mixer and use the paddle shaped mixing blade, it works great for mixing the cake with the frosting and is so much less messy and turns out smoother than trying to mix it by hand!

  128. i’d earlier made just the red velvet cake bites from your blog, and anted to try the cupcake pops, but never got around to it. when i saw this post, i knew my mom and i would have to make them over the weekend. well, we made them all right. but they turned out kind of wonky, and aren’t nearly as cute as yours. we had problems when we were dipping the top (cupcake) part into the melted coating (i made a mistake and used white melts to cover chocolate cake!) as the coating seemed to grab onto the cake so fiercely that i had a hard time pulling the thing back out wothout losing my grip on the choclate bottom part or worse, squeezing it too hard and cracking the chocolate. at least they tasted good, though!

  129. joanh – well hurry back and make some so I can see.

    verabear – that’s the problem with them, they’re addictive.

    lovesweetlove – I’ll check it out

    Infarrantly Creative – full-size – I may have to try that too!

  130. I made full-size ones last night…check out my blog. Thanks for the inspiration. I make those Oreo truffles (I call them Oreo BONBON balls) all the time I did not know all the cool ways to shape them though. I will have to try those. Thanks again!

  131. I made full-size ones last night…check out my blog. Thanks for the inspiration. I make those Oreo truffles (I call them Oreo BONBON balls) all the time I did not know all the cool ways to shape them though. I will have to try those. Thanks again!

  132. I just made these this weekend. I updated with them on my site. :)

  133. Oh but you have the best of ideas! I must try these too, but I’m still stuck with the oreo truffles. I’ve so enjoyed making them and people have been asking me to make it for them nonstop too! :)

    THanks for all your wonderful ideas!

  134. that is seriously too cute. i can’t wait to get back to LA so i can pick up the supplies to make this.

  135. Scribbit you sure can!

    cupcakesordeath – thanks!

    Robyn – that’s about right. Happy Weekend.

    talesfromanopenbook – make something yummy!

    Kim – Yep, perfect way to use scraps. Glad you liked them.

    The Flirty Girl – glad to hear it. Bake away.

    Colleen – you’re welcome

    Stephanie – chocolate, definitely

    HoneyB – thanks HoneyB

    Jane – yeah these are easier, just no pops

    Jenn – You’re welcome!

  136. I just wanted to say thank you for this recipe. Made it for mothers day and it was such a hit.

  137. Thanks for this! I tried to make the others with the cookie cutters. Mine weren’t quite the right size and I was all thumbs! I look forward to doing these!

  138. You have the most awesome ideas and the greatest looking treats!

    Because I made your cupcake pops, and because I was tagged with a “Look what I made” (food from other blogs) I mentioned you in today’s post. :)

  139. These are adorable! Along with other comments, I thought of peanut butter cups as the bottom of the cupcake, and cake ball on top. I think I’ll have to try these both ways. Though I think that with the peanut butter cups, maybe a chocolate cake would work better – chocolate and peanut butter, yum!

  140. I can’t wait to try these. Super yummy looking! Thanks!

  141. Your blog is my most favorite blog ever. I think you are so amazing! Add me to your fan club :D

    You are inspiring me to make the time to bake! I’ll try making these in a couple of weeks. Thanks so much for sharing.

  142. These are a great way to use cake scraps! I made a layered red velvet cake for Mother’s Day today, and had to do something with the rounded portions that I cut off. I just used a little less cream cheese frosting for filling, and made these.

  143. I love everything about this blog! I only wish I’d found it sooner! Keep the great ideas coming! I’m running out to buy some chocolate chips now!!


  144. Giiiirrrllll….doesn’t your thinker ever start to hurt? I can only imagine the dreams of Bakerella at night….literally visions of sugarplums MUST dance in your head!

    Happy weekend from your #1 fan! LOL

  145. Goodness! You’re fantastic! Post after post, I wonder what you’ll come up with next and you never cease to amaze me.

  146. Adorable! And I can actually make these!

  147. piyo-chan – thanks, you should do it.

    Anonymous – I’m so glad they’re a hit in Sweden. Send me some pics if you have any.

    Leah – thanks!

    Anonymous – Glad you like them.

    rachelksy – I have not tried Wilton brand yet, but you can use paramount crystals to thin chocolate.

    Have you watched the Cupcake Pops video on Martha That may help too.

    shephalli – same great taste, only cuter.

    RecipeGirl – I think I’ll work on one. I’ll let you know.

    Tracey in WA – Yay, glad to help.

    You can use another flavor cake mis on your own homemade cake.

    Poppy Cede – thanks!

    Zombie Jellyfish – Glad to shake things up for you.

  148. I hope you understand that you have altered my worldview considerably. Knowledge as potent as this should be sought after by diminutive hairy people bearing rings and such.

    I LOVE IT.

  149. Oh my goodness, those are so cute!!!!

  150. you are amazing!!!, i just have a problem, in my contry there is no REd velvet cake mix, can you recomend me something else?? can it be any chocolate mix? one made from scrap??

    I dont know what is the caratheristic of the red velvet chocolate mix…


  151. I am LMBO as I had seen this mold and wondered if it would work but I never thought to put the chocolate in first … you are brilliant!!!!

  152. These are so very cute! Time for a cookbook!!

  153. I Love These!! I have tried the cake balls before but have never tried the cake pops! I will definitely have to try these for my next book club meet!

  154. hi angie, i have the same problems as sarah!! i tried using wilton’s candy melts but the consistency is too thick and i cannot get a smooth finish to the cake balls. is there a way to thin the chocolate?

  155. You are totally amazing with your ideas. I can’t wait to try them. I made the oreo truffles again for Mom’s Day BBQ tomorrow. I get so many compliments on them. And I tell everyone where I got it from. You totally ROCK!!!!

  156. Wow, I just love your ideas. I´m a 27 year old Swede who always loved to bake and decorate cakes, cookies and bread. When I first saw your site I got amazed by your fantastic ideas. And you keep surprising me. Thank you for your fantastic inspiration!
    I tried to make your lollipop cup cake for a friends bridalshower. They were a real success and people even talked about it at the wedding. I told them about your blog of course but I was quite happy they had not seen “the real thing” (the original) first. ;-)

  157. awwww it is soooo cute! :)
    I would love to try this!!! yummmm

  158. BeachMama – That’s funny. Actually, this was the first attempt at them this way.

    Lauber – thanks!

    Sarah – it’s usally a little thick. Email me and I’ll try to help. What brand were you using?

    georgia – I’m glad they went so well.

    Anonymous – You are welcome.

    Miss Alaska (hardly!) – Hope you like them!

    Jen Ballantyne – Come back any time.

    cakesbyjess – thanks, I like the purple, too. Kinda different.

  159. Your creativity is neverending. Those are about the cutest little things I’ve ever seen!!! Love the purple color and sprinkles!! You are my hero. :)

  160. I am very glad I found this blog, it is just delightful, I adore these cakes, what a brilliant idea. I will be back, I don’t know that it will be very good for my thighs but I will be. Take care Jen B.

  161. I just found your site the other day and LOVE it! My sister and I are going to attemt these in the next couple of days. Thanks for this post, it makes it seem easier! We keep talking about how yummy they are going to taste. Can’t wait to try!!

  162. Thank you so much for finding an easier way to make your FABULOUS little creations!

  163. Oh my gosh! Im sooo excited to try these this weekend. I made the cupcake pops last night and OH BOY- You were right about it being so time consuming. They were great though and I got soooo many compliments. I was testing them out for my baby girls first bday party which is cupcake themed.Now I have an easier way!!! THANK YOU! You rock!

  164. Okay, I made the cupcake bites with my daughter the other day. Everything went great, except when we tried to melt the candy mold chocolate “things,” we could never get the consistency thin enough to actually dip. We microwaved it at 30 second intervals over and over. When that didn’t work, I tried a new package of candy mold chocolate “things” in the double boiler. Still,it was really too thick for that smooth finished look. What am I doing wrong??

  165. Excellent idea! I can’t wait to try it!

    You’re amazing. I’m not sure if anyone has told you that today (I’m sure they have if they know what’s good for them), but there you go :) Thanks for sharing such great ideas with us!

  166. Wow, you did it again!

    How many times do you try something before it turns out perfect? And really, can it happen the first time you try it?

  167. Cyndi – thanks, I’ll try to keep them coming

    Emi – not really, you still need something round to shape the top.

    Melissa Lewis-Off The Wall – I love red velvet too! One of my faves.

    Jimmie – yeah, these are a lot easier, just no lollipop sticks.

    Nao – she’ll love them.

    Nanette – I don’t know maybe we should try it.

    Rose – that’s sweet of you.

    dessertobsessed – yeah, that pie, oh that pie calls to me too.

    Jams – cool, huh.

    nicisme – I doubt it, but I never thought I would have been on the show the first time.

    Grace – oh, I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant that sometimes people are hard to impress. I’m sure you can do a great job.

    Jenn – no, I just dipped it straight in and then turned it upside down. You can wiggle it around a little, though, to help the chocolate smooth itself.

    rpelephant – thanks so much.

    Patricia Scarpin – and you are very sweet for always coming back.

    Just Desserts – thanks!!!

    sheila – thank you

    cookienurse – you are too nice!

    jeanetta – or make them for yourself.

    Shealynn Benner – can’t wait to see.

    morgana – thanks, my friend.

    Anonymous – thanks!

    Nicole – Oh, good luck.

    lovesweetlove – you’re already ahead of the game then.

    lfamily5 – you’re welcome.

    Melissa – you are very welcome.

    sharyl – I don’t know about that. He is AWESOME!

    the southern hostess – very tasty!

    Miss Theresa thanks, I’ll take a look.

    Mrs. Cupcake I’ll take a look at yours, too.

    Anne-Marie – thank you

    Lisa You got it, I didn’t do any painting on these.

    CHLOE N. – I used the Duncan Hines brand for both. And for the Brownie Bites, you would probably have to use a bigger cup size and then place a little bit of the batter on top. I’m just guessing. I’ll have to try that one. And don’t think that. Just get out there and try stuff.

  168. Hi, I was planning to make your red velvet chocolate balls this weekend.. do you know where I can find red velvet cake mix? I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen it at the store. I’ll look for it this weekend though. Also, can you show me a picture/ brand of cream cheese frosting?

    And about the Reese’s brownie bites.. is there a way to have the Reese’s HIDDEN inside of the cupcake, instead of showing on the top?

    You are amazing Bakerella! Ever since I found you on flickr (while searching up cupcake pictures out of boredom) I’ve been back to your site and reading all the blogs multiple times! :)

    I want to try all your recipes! But I don’t think I’m that good of a baker..

  169. Thank you! I sent you the pics of mine earlier in the week and had the big cutter issue. This is perfect and I love how they look so perfect and neat! Definately doing this!

    Quick question – did you just fill the bottom a little without “painting” the sides of the mold? I assume it just squeezes up. Can’t wait to try them. And I love the purple!!

  170. Truly adorable!

  171. I wish I would have done this yesterday! I used your recipe to make flower pot cake balls… a candy mold would have been so much easier – Thanks for the idea – I will now do it this way!! :) Awesome work, just love your blog. Check out my flower pots if you have a second.

  172. Amazing! Those look so great. I have been experimenting with your recipe. Thank you so much. I need that candy mold! Here is a link to my second attemp.
    You inspire me.

  173. Terrific idea and I’m sure it’s tasty too!

  174. i was just gonna try my hands on your cupcake pops, but these are just toooo cute! way to go! u should have ur own show, move over Ace of Cakes guy!

  175. You are a genious!!! I hope you decide to put a book together. Your ideas are so fabulous!! I have been a fan for a while but havent made the time to try the bites yet. THIS one I know I will do!! It will be perfect for my twin’s 6th bday party next month. :) Thank you again for sharing your brilliance!!!!!

  176. What a great idea! I love the way you think! Thanks for sharing!

  177. So stinkin’ cute!! I even have the perfect mold to use for these already. I’ll try them out soon.

  178. These are great! So glad I found your blog. Definitely going to give these a try for mother’s day.

  179. you rock bakerella!

  180. Wow! What a good idea!! Well, as good as allways, of course.

  181. Ok, these are so awesome, and I WILL be making these next week for my daughter’s cupcake theme birthday party on the 17th! Will blog pictures, and link you to it. THANKS for the amazing ideas. :)

  182. i am always so impressed by your creations. i love them all. i keep wanting to make them for my kids classes but they have a silly rule of only store bought goodies. no homebaked. where’s the fun in that. but these are too cute…. maybe for the brownie troop?

  183. You are incredible!

  184. Love this!!

  185. you are my hero.

  186. These are so delicate and cute!

  187. Wow! You are so creative! Thanks for this tip to make them easier! I love making these cake bites and trying the new ways to do them and trying out varieties of flavors! Yummy! I just started watching your blog this year and I absolutely love it! Keep up the good work!

  188. These look fabulous! Do you smooth over the top (purple) after dipping? Whenever I dip something, I end up with a choc-chip like top on it.

  189. “and, probably impress your friends and family.”

    i like how you threw that probably in there. chances are good that i’d screw this up magnificently and impress no one. :) yours are awesome though, nicely done! i will aspire to create something resembling them a little. (gotta keep my expectations low…) :)

  190. Fabulous! You always have such great ideas. Martha will be knocking at your door again!

  191. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and a camel! What an idea!

  192. Omg, these are SO CUTE!!! you are so creative! my roommate and i can’t stop drooling over your blog! we look at the pictures of the chocolate chip cookie pie EVERYDAY (i need to make it soon…). and now i have to add these adorable cupcakes to my list of things to make!
    i hope martha features you on her show again!

  193. I do believe you are a “Cupcake Genius!

  194. Oh, very cool!

    And I was thinking along the lines of Emi, too. Before I read the instructions, I thought you had placed the cake ball on top of a mini peanut butter cup. (Although red velvet and peanut butter don’t sound that great together…)

  195. So cute!
    I would like to try this for my neice’s birthday!

  196. Wow, this is great! I will definitely have to try this one…the cupcake pops, while super-cute, scared me away because of the amount of effort required. :-) Thanks for all the wonderful baking pictures and ideas!

  197. Oh, those look so fabulous. You always have the best ideas.

    And I love red velvet cake:)

  198. As I see this, I am wondering, could these be made on top of a warm mini peanut-butter cup? Would that skip yet another step?

  199. Unbelievable! Your creative ideas for sweets never cease to amaze me! I am definitely going to be making these cuties in the very near future.

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