
Cookies and Cream Cupcakes


I had a package of Oreo cookies that I have been waiting to use for a while now. I think since February. I know. I know. Unheard of. But, I was planning on using them for a Valentine’s treat, and for whatever reason… I can’t remember now… I didn’t. And on top of that, I’m not much of a snacker, so they’ve just been sitting on my counter as a constant reminder that I need to make something with them.

So this weekend I decided a good way to get rid of them all would be to make Cookies and Cream Cupcakes with cookies in and on top of the cupcakes.

So I got busy baking.


First the flour.


Then the sugar.


And cocoa.


Soda, salt and powder.


A quick whisk together. Fluffy and pretty.

Forgive me for all the close-up photos, but I just think the ingredients look so luxurious.


Next, add the milk, eggs, oil and vanilla and mix all together before adding the hot water.


You can fill the cupcakes with cookies two different ways.

With broken cookie pieces or with one whole cookie.

Then add the batter and bake.


Oooh. I like the look of these.


Yes, yes I do.

All they need is a little frosting.


Or a lot.

I usually make frosting with butter and powdered sugar, but for these, I tried it with shortening instead of the butter. I wanted to make sure the frosting came out white instead of off white. It looks prettier against the cookies and shows off the crumbs that are mixed with it. But I still like regular buttercream best.


Top each cupcake off with a whole cookie.


You can also apply the frosting in a mounded shape and dunk them in a bowl of cookie crumbs to coat. These cupcakes have the whole Oreos inside.


Just place a cookie in the bottom of each baking cup. The batter I used was very liquid. I thought they would stay on the bottom of the baking cup, but they actually rose to the surface before they went in the oven.


And I liked how they looked when they baked that way.

Now I just need some milk. Yum!

Cookies and Cream Cupcakes
Yield: one dozen cupcakes

Cookies and Cream Cupcakes

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 18 minutes
Additional Time 20 minutes
Total Time 58 minutes



  • 1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup natural unsweetened cocoa
  • 1-1/4 cups sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup hot water
  • 24 Oreos, plus more for crumbs


  • 1 cup shortening
  • 1 lb. powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3-6 Tablespoons milk
  • 2 or more teaspoons Oreo cookie crumbs


  1. For the cupcakes: Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line tray with 12 baking cups.
  2. Place one whole cookie in each cup or break apart at least 12 cookies and place the broken pieces into each cup.
  3. Mix the flour, cocoa, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a large mixing bowl using a wire whisk.
  4. Add the eggs, oil, vanilla and milk and mix well until thoroughly combined. Add the hot water and mix until combined.
  5. Transfer the batter (it will be very liquid) to a large measuring cup and then pour batter into each baking cup so it's about three quarters full. You should have a little left over. Bake for 16-18 minutes.
  6. For the frosting: Beat the shortening in a mixer until smooth.
    Add vanilla and mix until combined. Add the powdered sugar in three additions, scraping down the sides after each addition. Add a Tablespoon of milk at a time and mix together until you achieve the consistency you like.
  7. Add the cookie crumbs and mix until completely combined. You can add more if you like, but I just wanted a light speckling to show off the white frosting.
  8. Place frosting in a decorator bag with a 1M tip and swirl on top of each cupcake. Insert a cookie on top of each cupcake.
  9. You can also apply frosting on each cupcake in a mounded shape. Turn upside down and roll the top around in a small bowl of cookie crumbs to coat.


Note: If you choose to pile the frosting on high like I've shown here, you should double this recipe to make sure you have enough.



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479 comments on “Cookies and Cream Cupcakes”

  1. Hi My oven is 220 and max. which temperature do i have to cook it? thanks

  2. OMG CUTE!! But can you mix it by hand or u have to use a machine

  3. How many weeks is the shelf span of this? how many weeks can we preserve this after we made it?

  4. awesomeeeeee :’9 can’t wait to try it.

  5. I made these recently for a friends babyshower, and everybody loved them!

  6. does the oreo texture soften when you bake the cupcake?

  7. I was searching for oreo recipees for my son’s 10th Bday. These look great and easy enough for a working mum mid-week! Strangeley enough I am the nurse manager in a dialysis unit. I assume you had a transplant. It is wonderful to see you truely living life and giving joy to others. Bless.

  8. i just wanted to know whats the liquid mixture ingredens ?????????????

  9. If I just omit the cocoa powder will these taste good as a white cake mix with oreo cookies in it? Or will I need to add something else like more flour or more vanilla?

  10. I’m making these I hope they taste good they look so cute and decadent

  11. Hi.. I’m from New Delhi India and I made these today.. They were a hit with the family.. Thank u so much..can’t wait to try more from ur website

  12. My buttercream frosting always comes out gritty. I use butter, not shortening. I add the powdered sugar a 1/2 cup at a time, making sure it’s well blended. It comes out soft but the next day it’s gritty. It’s also too soft and piping it becomes a disaster. I could really use some suggestions. :(

  13. So good.. Really Liked the Cupcake cookies Recipe. I found another good one here for chocolate cupcake. but i am going to try both today both are different in same category. Lets see who will win my family heart..:)

  14. What kind of shortening?

  15. hey I was wondering if I could just mix the Oreo’s with a different chocolate cupcake recipes, or would it completely mess it up it up?

  16. This is (no word :-) all I have to say is OMG

  17. Hey these look great but I am South African just wondering if 350 in C of F
    and what is shortening??????

  18. These look delicious. Could you leave out the cocoa and have a yellow/white cupcake base? I don’t know if that would work What do you think My son wants chocolate and white oreo cupcakes.

  19. cookies and cream

  20. These look AMAZING!!!! My fourteenth bday is next week and i have to try them!! Can’t wait!! Thanks for sharing! :)

  21. hey(((: the sugar you used is it just normal sugar or caster sugar and you wrote vanilla in your ingredients…it refers to vanilla essence right?

  22. I wish I had the skills to make a frosting precisely like that…

  23. thank you very much, i am going to make these for my boyfriend’s birthday!

  24. Awesome Cupcakes!!!

  25. I just made these! I was a bit sceptical about the hot water but OMG these are awesome and I think the hot water makes them lighter, will definitely be going in my bookmarks. I also made mini versions of this with just regular buttercream, vanilla and six crushed up whole oreo = amazing!! Thank you Bakerella your the best!

  26. Just made these and ohhhh how delicious. My husband thinks they are a little sweet but not me. They are awesome.. I made them with buttercream icing.

  27. Those are so cute and look delicious! The frosting on top looks divine. I made this Chocolate Oreo Cake recently and it was reaaally good. Gotta love Oreos. Thanks for the recipe :)

  28. Those are so cute and look delicious! The frosting on top looks devine. I made this Chocolate Oreo Cake recently and it was reaaally good. Gotta love Oreos. Thanks for the recipe :)

  29. Wow!! these cupcakes look sooooo yummy!! :) (and i luv oreos!!)

  30. These cupcakes look that delicious, I want to eat them now! keep going!

  31. I’m sorry but I’m from the Netherlands and I don’t understand some words your using. I don’t know what shortening is, but I think the product just isn’t available in my country. And what do you mean exactly with ‘cup’? Is it a coffee cup you should use or something?

  32. at least 12 cupcakes?! i got 26 cupcakes!!

  33. Just found this recipe and my daughter and I made them this past weekend, they are yummy

  34. hey. has anyone made this into a cake??? i made the cupcakes and they were AMAZING, but i would love to make tis into a birthday cake… any suggestions before i dive in??

  35. These looked so good! But only problem was that the Oreos rose really high and kinda made the cupcake top look ugly, but it was fixed by the delectable frosting!

  36. These look fantastic! I have a huge box of Hershey’s cookies and creme bars in my pantry, and I am thinking of topping them on the frosting!

    I have a quick question. Can I substitute butter for the shortening? How much butter would I need to use?


  37. I made these yesterday and they were terrible! I don’t know what went wrong with the recipe for me. I followed it to a t, but they just never cooked. After an hour an a half in the oven they still had not risen and the insides were still wet. Such a failure. I tried two batches and followed the recipe exactly, I think it was just far, far too wet.
    I switched up the recipe for the icing and just added vanilla and a crushed oreo to whipped cream, and I was happy with this lighter + less rich variation.

  38. These look great! My sister actually told me about these and hinted that I should bake them. Shes got a birthday coming up in a week, I think I will bake these for her!

  39. I am going to try to bake these cupcakes tomorrow I can’t wait:)

  40. These are fantastic. I was a little nervous about just how thin the batter was, but it came together in a moist, delicious cake that the oreo chunks floated in perfectly. So decadent, and so good.

  41. i love how they look

  42. That frosting looks amazing….. SO DO THOSE CUPCAKES!

  43. hi, have you tried using cream cheese for the frosting instead of shortening?



  46. I tried these out and they were great! Thanks!

  47. Is it best to use brown sugar or granulated sugar?

  48. I adapted these into a vegan recipe and they came out amazing! Easy to adapt? Delicious… Absolutely amazing.

  49. Hi, I discovered your page and I am loving it. I personally put less sugar in all cupcakes and in the future I will substitute it with splenda.

    I did my version of these yesterday. I put black color in the dough and melted dark chocolate to get darker oreo like color cupcake.

    Also my icing was different and it was perfect as it was very runny but still oreo flavor as I mixed in the oreo filling. So the cupcake got its moisture with the icing. The only thing is I got more dough than I wanted. made double of what I expected. but then again I did use double stuffed oreos. Thank you for this website it is a great inspiration for me. I am keep thinking of ways what else can I put in to make different cupcakes.

  50. May I ask how big are the cups used for this reciepe?
    Is 200ml cup ok? Or a smaller one:)
    Thank you! I can’t wait to make them!

  51. Made these today. They turned out GREAT! My 11 yr old daughter said these are worth pulling your hair out for! Not sure I know what that means, but I’m pretty sure it means they’re really good! LOL! Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  52. Tried them and LOVED THEM! You rock! Hope you feel better:)

  53. I’m from Brazil and I love cupcakes.

    locura, locura cupcakes são demais!!!

  54. omg you are amazing! i love how you use oil instead of butter as well :)

  55. I made these cupcakes and everyone loved them. I made them both ways. The whole cookie cupcakes had way more of a wow factor but weren’t very moist compared to the crumbled versions which weren’t as cool to look at. Will be making these again!

  56. My girls and I just made these! They are cooling now. Thanks for the fun recipe!

  57. Hi!
    I just wanted to say I stumbled on your blog about 2 months ago, and I am obsessed with all your recipes!
    I’ve made this cupcake, and the result was FANTASTIC! on some of them, I even put the Oreo straws, and they look so fantastic and taste even better.

  58. OMG i love to bake i am so going to make these

  59. Adorable! How on earth do you get the frosting to pipe like that? I would love to know how to do that! Thank you for the inspiration :)

  60. Hi.. These look lovely and delicious.. What’s the taste like fr this frosting compare to buttercream frosting?

  61. mmmmm that looks scrumbchius idk how u come up with it but great job

  62. I love your website especially the cupcakes my family and I love Oreos. So I will be making these soon

  63. i LOVE things that Burger King makes scrumdiddlyumptios

  64. I did these for a charity drive ! and everyone couldn’t get enough … they are simply amazing… and this is coming from someone who hates chocolate :)

  65. I made these last night.. yummy..

  66. i am fatima from u.a.e. in the 7th grad i love cooking .
    today i tried cake pops but it didnt work asi expekted…………….
    so i will try this one

  67. im so making that :D

  68. I love these delicious cookies .Thanks for sharing.

  69. can you explain what 1 lb means? is it tablespoon?

  70. Wow, look at those! I love the chunks of cookies in them! They look almost like brownies with Oreo cookies in them in that picture. Love the frosting, too. How cute :)

    I made another version of cookies & cream cupcakes, only they were MINI…and CHEESECAKE!
    Those are here:

    Hope someone checks these out, too, because they were a big hit. Thanks for this post!

    ??Tisch from Rocksterize

  71. I love chocolate and so many people ask me to bake them their favorite cupcakes all thanks to you bakerella

  72. I love your cupcakes I wish I had tons of time to make them all your recipes :)

  73. Totally awesome, all my little ones LOVED! I did too (:

  74. I’m sure going to try this, my husband, 3daughtets n my lil boy LOVE chocolate. Thank u for all your receipts they sure look delicios :-)

  75. These were a huge hit at my company’s charity bake sale..thank you!!

  76. Could I use Granulated Splenda instead of sugar ???? Hope you could answer. Thanks :)

  77. What tip did you use for the frosting? It doesn’t quite look like the 1M

  78. Hi I’ve just tried your cupcake recipes and frosted them with cream cheese frosting and used mini Oreos instead of regular ones to top the cupcakes. Super cute! My friends and I love the cupcakes to bits and pieces :) thanks for sharing such an awesome recipe!

  79. kiki you can use butter or kremelta :)

  80. Can I substitute SHORTENING with anything else? I just cant find shortening here in Australia =(

  81. I found this website online, when searching for a cookie and cream cupcake recipe. This is my first “Bakerella” recipe. I just made them today and OMG they are AMAZING!! You MUST try them. = ) Thank You Bakerella!!

  82. Rarely do I follow a recipe to the T and I just usually find a way to alter it. However, I followed this recipe exactly and am so glad I did. I have made these several times, and they NEVER fail to please. I’ve tried both methods (whole cookie and crumbled up cookies). Not only are they a big hit, but they always end up looking amazing! So glad I found this recipe and website – looking forward to trying some cake pops this weekend :-)
    On a side note – when I’m trying to conserve some Oreos, I cut them in half and place just a half cookie on top as opposed to a whole one.
    Thank you thank you for this awesome recipe!

  83. Just made them!!! AMAZING RECIPE!!!

  84. I tried it and it was greatly delicious thank you for the recipe

  85. Oh girl, I just made these for a “cupcake fundraiser” this weekend. They were very well received…and sold out! Thanks for the wonderful recipe. Everyone loves the cookie surprise inside!

  86. Why isn’t the cafeteria food as good as this?!?!?!?!

  87. That is so…………. Oh it’s too……,.,……. Words can explain how that makes me feel. Combining a cookie and a cupcake is the best invention since the iPod 4!!!!!!!!! To the kitchen!

  88. I made these for my church last sunday and it was a hit! Everyone loved it! Thanks Bakerella!

  89. hahahahahahaha @cherise metcalfe

  90. I am making these this afternoon and cannot wait!

  91. I made these this morning for my son’s birthday and brought them to his class. They are AMAZING!!!! So yummy! Thank you for the recipe and the pictures etc! Love love love them!

  92. thay look yum could u make a filling like buttercream?

  93. Is the oven at celcius or farenheit???

  94. Yummmmmmmm! We’ll be making this for our cafe unit in Food Tech at school… YAAAAAAAAY!

  95. Hey there, I’m so gonna make these tomorrow if I can. When you put down that you’re using the cookies crumbs in the icing are you removing the filling before crushing and adding it or do you just crush them with the filling still in? I’ve never really done anything with oreos before but these just look so delicious I thought I’d give it a whirl.

  96. What tip did you use for the frosting?

  97. If I don’t have shortening for the frosting, can I use another ingredient instead of it?
    I would be pleased if you answer my question :)
    anyway, great recipe :D

  98. i love these cupcakes they r the best. Try these

  99. Its so nice to see you back again…We miss you!

  100. I’ve made these Cupcakes today, and they’re awesome! .

  101. I made these for my moms birthday this weekend, they were so delicious…but mine didn’t look quite as pretty as yours. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  102. I loved the recipe, but dont know what is Shortening! I’m from Portugal Can someone help me! thankssssssss

  103. I’ve made these Cupcakes today, and they’re awesome!
    I’ve used your pictures for my blog entry, because I forgot to take some! I hope you don’t mind, but I linked to your Page!
    Send me a message if you don’t agree, then I will immediately delete them!
    Greetings, Kim

  104. Just made these today with my dad! The cake is very moist and good. The cake may be a little too sweet for me but overall this is a very yummy and creative cupcake!

    I had trouble with the frosting because I adjusted it with butter instead of shortening–and it didnt turn out good I may have over beaten it, not sure bc it was my first time making frosting from scratch.

  105. I just made these cupcakes for the girls on my dorm floor, they were a huge hit! Everyone loves them!

  106. Just baked these and have no idea what i did wrong. my batter was not runny and my cookie didnt rise :( still tasted fantastic. will be trying them again tomorrow. see if i can get it right this time. in the meantime i have 23 oreo cupcakes left to eat.. nom nom nom

  107. looks delicious and taste AMAZING thanx for sharing <3

  108. Yummy – just had these with strawberries and blueberries for tea. They cheered up a rainy English Summer day! Thanks for the lovely recipe.

  109. These are beautiful. Really lovely photos, as always. Glad to see you back!

  110. i made these cupcakes and took them to work. What a hit!! they were wonderful. thanks for the recipe.

  111. I saw the picture of these cupcakes and just had to make them – I honestly think they’re the best ones I’ve ever done. They were so delicious so thank you for the recipe!!

  112. hi – i made these this past weekend and everyone loved them! thanks so much and hope you’re feeling back to your old self!

  113. Would it be okay to use olive oil ?

  114. These cupcakes were amazing!! I enjoyed making them :)

  115. I must say that I LOVED making these cupcakes! They were delicious and a big hit with all of my friends-not a child in sight. I preferred the whole cookie version which floated to the top of the cupcake. I also made mini-cupcakes using mini- Oreos and they worked out just as well.

  116. Those looked so good i could die! That’s my favorite flavor

  117. tried the recipe today…the cupcakes turned out great. thanks for sharing, Angie!

    I baked them for my daughter’s teachers and classmates, am sure they will love the cupcakes! :)

  118. Hi…. I have been following your blog for a very long time, and I love it… When I saw this great recipe and thought of making it. OMG!!!! it is lovely!!!!!!! My friends loved them too…

    I love the texture of it and my cupcake cases didn’t come away from the cake. Could I kindly ask you whether I can use this recipe without the cookies as a chocolate cupcake recipe?

    Many Thanks for sharing it!

  119. These looked sooooo good, I had to try them! (And yay for you back in the kitchen again!!!! Stay strong!) I made them this week with my 5- and 7-year old nephews, and they came out just like your pictures! (Well, except for the look of the frosting, hahaha!) I loved how the frosting reminded me of the Oreo filling, and I confess, I had a spoonful or two. Great recipe, and one that will stay in the recipe box! Thanks for always sharing your creations!

  120. My friend and I just made these and they are absolutely delicious! I don’t even like Oreos and I really loved these cupcakes!

  121. My granddaughter and I made these cupcakes today; they were easy and delicious!! Thanks for sharing. I hope you’re doing well!!!

  122. I’ve followed food blogs for years, but never gotten to the point where I HAD to make something…until now! They’re in the oven now, smell delicious, and were so easy to put together…may have to try this baking thing again! Thanks!

  123. Made these this morning .. was concerned about the liquid batter but there was nothing to be worried about .. AMAZING .. SO MOIST AND YUMMY!!

  124. Oh and! I did not have shortening so I just replaced it with butter and the frosting turned out a lovely white and tasted perfect.

  125. I made these yesterday and they turned out perfect. So yummy! Thank you =o)

  126. Wow…now I need a cupcake. I think it will have to be these!! Thanks goodness I have Oreo’s in the pantry!

  127. I have a batch of these baking as I type for my girls night in tonight. I had to use mini Oreos because I’m from Australia and Oreos are considered a specialty item in these parts. But I bet they’ll be delicious anyway!

  128. I’m going to make these tomorrow for my Mom’s birthday. Yum!

  129. Hello. How does this frosting recipe goes with butter and with less powdered sugar? Can the right consistency (like yours) still be achieved? I tried my best everytime I do frostings but the consistency is always runny :(

    Thanks :)
    & am glad to hear that you are well and started baking. I enjoy making your recipes :D

  130. wow look so good !! my english lvl is low so i cant really understend all the recipe

  131. Made these tonight, but I need 24 so I doubled the batter – HOLY BATTER BATMAN! I made 36 cupcakes and an 8″ round. Since I ran out of oreos some were plain chocolate – YUMMY! The batter is great even without the oreos in it!

  132. Looks so tempting! yum-yum.

  133. I am making these as I type,,, they smell delicious as they are raising & baking!! The neighborhood’s all time favorite dessert is the Brookies that I learned how to make from you!!! These just might take over the title!! Keep the delicious recipes coming-and I continue to pray for your good health!!

  134. What tip do you use for those cupcakes?

  135. I made these last night and they came out fantastic! I made 24 total and theres only 4 left! My mother bought some to work, I bought some to my boyfriends, and the rest are gone! Thank you for this idea!

  136. These look absolutely delicious. I hope you are getting better……Am also very glad to see you back in action:) cheers…..

  137. I made these last night and they’re AMAZING! I’m not sure if I should start this comment by saying Dear Bakererlla – I love you and thanks for the amazing recipe or Dear Bakerella – how on earth am I supposed to fit in my skinny jeans now! And thanks for mentioning that the batter is runny….I would have thought I’d completely messed up if you hadn’t said that. And I hope you and Mom are all recovered now. Happy Baking!

  138. Oh my God, it’s soooooooooooo yummy, thank YOU !!

  139. Thanks for the inspiration! We made these last week for the concert at the park. Then at the store…we saw Orange Creamsicle Oreos! Oh, had to try them! We made orange sundae pops with the oreos crumbled and mixed in cream cheese. So yummy!

  140. I made these this weekend, they were awesome.

  141. I just made these and I think they are going to be my new fav to make! LOVE THEM!

  142. Your photos are so impressive, and I am definitely making these cupcakes asap!

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  144. Wow, I´m speechless! These cupcakes look so good! Thank you so much for sharing!

  145. happy anniversary and i’m happy to see that you are baking. xoxo

  146. THANK YOU BAKERELLA! I always love your ideas and photos, but I think this might be the 1st recipe of yours I have tried. They are perfect! Soft, light, moist, rich and delicious. Thank goodness we get Oreos in England! I think my husband loves you nearly as much as he loves me now! This recipe will go straight in my recipe notebook and become one of my ‘classics’ . xxx

  147. ooohh mmyyyy gooood! I WANT THEM!!! :D aaah!

  148. These look awesome…right up my husband’s alley! He LOVES Oreos! Glad you are feeling up to posting again! :)

    Take a look the cowgirl crispy treats I posted today. They are fun for kids. Have a great weekend!

  149. These look amazing. And what, FORGIVE you for the close-ups?! I love those!
    The pictures are great and those cupcakes look absolutely delicious… Glad to see you’re back! :)

  150. Yum…I would never have a package of oreos sitting around for 5 months though. I get why you did not eat them but you didn’t seem all that tortured knowing they were there. I would have had to give them away to get them out of the house.

    Glad to see you are feeling well enough after your surgery to be baking.

    Be well…stay well…

  151. My mom’s birthday was july 28th and you inspired a oreo cake for her birthday! I used your cupcake recipe and baked in two 9 inch pans. made a frosting with cream cheese, homemade whipped cream, 1/2 cup of cream cheese, 10 oreo fillings (save some of the cookies for topping) and 12 crushed up oreos and 5 of the cookies from the topping. Make a chocolate ganache with semi-sweet baking chocolate and butter. assemble like an oreo, poor the chocolate on top and sprinkle with oreos!

    Thank you bakerella! The cake recipe was super yummy! I love your blog!

  152. I’m so glad you’re back to business!!!!

  153. Can you make a cake instead of cupcakes…If so would you have to adjust anything???…I am so excited to try these for my fellow nurses at work and family! Thanks So Much! :)

  154. Wow! Those look amazing!!! I’m so glad I found your website and can’t wait to try these cupcakes!

  155. Holy cow…these need to be made right away. I’m baking to raise money for a breast cancer walk I’m doing and these would be a perfect addition to cupcake menu. I love the chunks of cookie that rise to the top.

    Please support me as I walk 60 miles over 3 days in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure! Visit my personal site at

  156. Just finished making these! My batter made 20 cupcakes – just FYI. Delicious!

  157. Let me tell you how happy I am to see you back and baking and how good these look! I will have to make these soon. Glad your back!

  158. Yeeeyyyyy!!!! you are baking again, I so happy for you and for us ;o), I was wating for this moment. So glad you feel better. God bless you. Those cupcake looks delicious.

  159. They look amazing!

  160. Oh my gosh those are so delicious. Now I want to bake some and I need to go off sugar.

  161. Una disculpas soy la de arriba no me di cuenta y te deje el comentario como anónimo, pero soy yo la que compro tú hermoso libro, gracias.

  162. Hola vivo en la Cd. de México y el día de hoy al visitar la tienda Costco me he llevado una grata sorpresa, tenían a la venta tu hermoso libro y sin mas me lo he comprado que hermoso esta, no puedo creer que lo haya encontrado, mil gracias por todas las cosas hermosas que nos permites aprender, un abrazo con mucho cariño.

  163. I miss this kind of post where you actually bake!!! It is so nice to have you back!!! :)

  164. Hi! I referred, and included a link, to your blog in my last blog post, at, and just wanted to check that you are happy with that. If not, please let me know and I’ll remove it. Thank you!

  165. Yes Please! Those look fabulous, and who doesn’t love an Oreo!

  166. Welcome back! Just finished piping the frosting on the last cupcake and then eating one, of course. Delicious (and super pretty!)

  167. Oh my goodness, *Oreo* cupcakes.. I loooove Oreos, always lick the icing in the center off first, and always order an Oreo blizzard when at Dairy Queen. This Oreo concoction looks amazing!
    I am definitely doing this with my students at school (I’ll be their favorite teacher with these, that’s for sure!).

    On another note, so happy to see you baking again, Angie!

  168. so happy to see you baking again! this cupcakes look delicious and so clever!

  169. Hi Bakerella,

    I’m a huge fan of yours! It’s really good to have you back and healthy :)

    By the way, I was wondering what piping / decorating tip do you use for your icing?


  170. OMG! So excited! I’m new to this website and stayed up all night when I discovered it last week reading sassan back! Think I’m going to try these tomorrow or the Oreo kisses from the valentines day post! It’s my hubby’s birthday tomorrow and having some friends over for a BBQ. Wish me luck! if I mess up, there are lots of bakeries around me :)

  171. Hi Bakerella,
    How do you ice your cupcakes like that? Which tip do you use?

  172. You are my hero! These look amazingly tasty and awesome.

  173. that looks absolutely fantastic – there’s NO WAY I’m gonna be ablr to make these, I’ll eat them all in one sitting!! But I’ll anyway. Just because they look delicious =)

  174. It’s good to see you baking again! Yay! :-D

  175. I am making these tonight!!

  176. Good to see you baking again!

  177. EEEKKK, these look soooooooooooo very good….do you need an extra taste tester ? ? ? I’m in Ga. also…hint hint…

  178. These are so pretty and have me craving oreos and milk! :)

  179. So glad to see you baking again :) I must make some of these Oreo cupcakes, haven’t made any in ages!! haven’t had time today though as i’ve been busy working on a post for my blog making butterbeer cupcakes in honor of the Harry Potter films now that they have come to an end.

  180. These look like so much to fun to make (and eat). Looks like I’ve got a baking project today!

  181. How funny… My wedding anniversary was the 25th and my hubby LOVES anything cookies and cream! Ill have to make these for him now! Thanks for sharing!

  182. So glad to see you’re up and baking. I hope your recovery is going well.

  183. Missed your baking so much!! Welcome back! These look sooo good, and I am not even an Oreos fan, will bake for my family though!

  184. Oh wow, these looks so delicious! Can’t even decide which ones I like better… although those with the whole Oreo inside look so perfect…

  185. These look adorable and yummy – but my question is, where did you find those TARDIS blue cupcake patties?? I have been looking for ones of that exact colour everywhere! :)

  186. Thank you for posting this. I myself have a box of Oreo cookies sitting on the shelf that needs to be used.

    Glad to hear you’re recovering well.

  187. Ok, I have been thinking and dreaming about these little yummies since I saw your post. I was finally able to pick up some Oreos and bake a batch. I was pleasantly surprised when the recipe made 22 cupcakes, instead of 12 :) Thank goodness, since I don’t think 12 would’ve been enough to go around in our family ;) This is a great recipe! Thank you!

  188. I am so glad you are feeling well enough to bake again! I can’t wait to find a good excuse to make them!

  189. These look so yummy! I am going to try them. Glad you are feeling better. Welcome back to baking!

  190. These look too good to be true! Glad to have you here baking again!

  191. Yummy.while im reading it and looking to those picture, make me more hungry i must try it.tnx for sharing coz my sister kids always waste there oreo now i can do something that they will definitely not waste.

  192. OMG! I’m on a diet and now I’m itching to make these…YUM!!!

  193. Ohmygoodness, I made these yesterday and they are INCREDIBLE!!! Thank you so much for sharing this!

  194. You have no idea how happy I am to have you back!!

  195. That looks absolutely delicious. I like how the oreo rose up. it’s the perfect treat.

  196. Wow! So excited to try these. Thanks for sharing.

  197. So happy you’re back to baking again — we missed you mucho!!

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