
Comfort in Cookies


I love having cookies around. Whether I need a little pick me up or just a quick sugar fix. Having cookies handy is comforting. And knowing I can have one and be good or eight and feel good, cookies equal comfort for me.

And chocolate cookies. well they just make it all even better.


Chocolate cookies with chocolate chips.

Uh huh. That’s the stuff.


I found these dark chocolate chips at the grocery store and had to use them right away.

I guess they’re new from Nestle. It’s about time they joined the party. I love dark chocolate.


Oh, I forgot. The cookies are kissed with peanut butter, too.

Yes. Yum.

Start out by creaming the butter, sugar and peanut butter.


Add the eggs and vanilla.


Beat it all together.


Add whisked cocoa, flour, baking soda and salt to the creamed mixture.


Then add in those dark chocolate chips and stir it all together. Oh yeah.


Take the cookie dough and roll into small balls roughly 1 1/4″ in size.

Place on parchment paper and bake away.


They’ll be on the smaller side, but they’ll bake up nice and thick.


And oh so good.

Help. Me.


If you’re a nut lover, you can also roll them in chopped pecans right before baking.


Just like so.

I baked some plain and some with pecans to play.


But, I like the plain ones better. Plain, slightly under baked and warm – right out of the oven.

Hard to resist. Basically, I like to torture myself. Then I can seek comfort with more cookies.

It’s probably good to be alone when you take them out of the oven. No one needs to see that behavior.

Just curious. Raise your hand if you’ve ever eaten an embarrassing amount of cookies before they can even cool.


Dark Chocolate Chip Comfort Cookies
Yield: about 30 2-inch cookies.

Dark Chocolate Chip Comfort Cookies

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes


  • 1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup natural unsweetened cocoa
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup butter, slightly softened
  • 1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 10 oz. dark chocolate chips
  • chopped pecans, optional


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a small bowl, mix flour, cocoa, soda and salt using a wire whisk and set aside.
  3. In another bowl, cream butter, sugar and peanut butter until light and fluffy.
  4. Add eggs and vanilla and mix until combined.
  5. Add flour mixture to creamed mixture and mix until combined.
  6. Stir in dark chocolate chips.
  7. Roll cookie dough into 1-1/4 inch balls. (If desired, roll balls in chopped pecans.)
  8. Place on parchment paper covered baking sheet. Bake 10 minutes.
  9. Place cookies on cookie rack to cool.

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281 comments on “Comfort in Cookies”

  1. i made these and used half dark chocolate morsels and half peanut butter chips. SO GOOD!!!!! thank you for my new favorite cookie recipe!

  2. I added peanut butter chips in! So delicious.

  3. Hi Bakerella!
    Just baked those cookies, but something wrong happened. Don’t know what… lol They didn’t stay tall like yours, they kind of spread all over the pan. Did you put the dough in the fridge before making the little balls? Cause mine was all sticky and impossible to ball like yours. They were delicious anyway! :)

    I posted the result on my tumblr. I just recently started to bake, still need to learn a lot.

    Thanks for the lovely recipe!

  4. Is there a substitution for peanut butter (due to food allergy)?

  5. My mouth is watering just looking at the cookies!! Can’t wait to make them! btw…don’t know if you know..but if you go to and “Like” their fb page, you can receive 5% off your entire order. I get all my cookie bags and cake boxes from them.

  6. These were SO good! I used hazelnut butter instead of PB, and they were wonderful. I think my dough turned out a little soft (there was no rolling, way too gooey) but the finished product was excellent. In the permanent recipe box.

  7. Dear Bakerella,

    First of all, thumbs up for you and your wonderful work. I love trying your recipes and the yummy results! :-)

  8. I just made these and they are AWESOME!!!!

  9. I made these this afternoon, (with regular semi-sweet chips, I couldn’t wait for a trip to the store for dark ones!) and they are absolutely SINFUL. These will be going in my cookie pkgs. at Christmas!

  10. I substituted the peanut butter with Nutella and they were so good. They probably needed a bit more flour to compensate for the consistency of the Nutella, but they were still so damn good. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  11. Wow, Bakerella! Who are you and where have you been all of my (baking) life?? These cookies look amazing! I just need to find some good-quality cocoa. I ran out recently. Thanks for sharing!

  12. i don’t really like dark chocolate.. yet, these look DELICIOUS. would they still taste good if i used milk chocolate chips?

  13. Those look DELICIOUS! I want one… NOW…

    I may have to make these :)

  14. I know a lot of people have asked whether it is acceptable to remove the peanut butter. Yes, i am aware it is a heinous crime to strip cookies of their pb, but i want to bring these to school tomorrow. I also don’t have any nutella. I don’t know what I’m going to do! I need to make these!

  15. Hi Bakerella…..
    can i just ommit peanut butter…..allergic to peanuts….do reply really wanna make em asapppppp…..

  16. these are so good! they just came out of the oven and im already eating them! Best cookies i have ever done!

  17. These look amazing – I could eat just the dough!

  18. I baked those last night and man I loved them !
    Definitely going to bake some for my friends one day

  19. OOOOOMMMMGGGG!!!!! I got new apron and had to bake something so I could wear it. So, I decided to try your latest post. These are the MOST delicious cookies I have ever baked or tasted! This will now be my “go to” cookie recipe! Thanks for bringing this chocolate goodness into life!

  20. I had to make these right away. I took them to work and everyone drooled…

  21. These cookie look incredible. I love dark chocolate and peanut butter.

  22. I am about to die!!!!! These looks so light and amazing!!! Oooh! I am going to defiantly try these. :)

  23. I made these this weekend and they are WONDERFUL! And yes, it was a good thing I was alone as they came out of the oven….it was an ugly, yet delicious, scene. Had to bring the rest of them to the firemen down the street to keep myself from eating them all!

  24. Amazing cookies! Sooooo yummy, everyone loved them! Baking second as I write, & they taste amazing with milk choc bits too & with both dark & milk! Delicious

  25. Made these over the weekend. Maybe I rolled them a little smaller, but I ended up with over 100 cookies! I loved that they don’t spread much, so you get these little fluffy nuggets of chocolatey goodness!

  26. I just finished baking these cookies (and inhaling about 4 of them) and they are DELICIOUS!! Great balance of peanut butter and chocolatey goodness :)

  27. I made these for my family and they absolutely loved them!

  28. Those cookies are amazing, i love them !!

  29. I just made these and they taste just as heavenly as they look! I substituted oil instead of butter and it tasted perfect!!!

  30. These were going really well until I got to the dark chocolate morsels … I am afraid I really don’t like them! They seem really waxy and cloying compared to Hershey’s dark chocolate bars.

    Unfortunately I’d already mixed in half the bag, so I added 1/4 t of cayenne pepper and 1+ t each of cinnamon and nutmeg in an attempt to cut the effect of the chips a little bit …

    And then I took them to a party so everyone could tell me how delicious they were! (They were delicious.) Thanks for the recipe :D

  31. Saw those chips in the store this weekend and bought them…then saw this recipe and knew it was meant to be. I used dark cocoa powder and scooped them with my new favorite kitchen tool…a small cookie scoop…instead of rolling them. They were ready in no time. Great recipe. Thanks!

  32. Made these cookies yesterday. They were so good that I included them in a blog post:

  33. You’re meant to wait until cookies cool to eat them?! I’ve been doing it wrong all this time. I think these cookies shall be my next hot dessert though (if you call it that then it’s okay to eat them before they cool, yes?).

  34. These look so yummy! They’re making me hungry! Have to try these soon : )

  35. They look perfect!
    How delicious!!
    Can’t wait to make them… perhaps for my husbands birthday?

  36. I just baked these cookies with semi-sweet chocolate chips, and my God they are AMAZING! The last pan in still in the oven, and I’ve already eaten like 4 of them. Sooo good.

  37. Just pulled them out of the oven, used semi sweet instead because I had them on hand. They are going to be my newest addiction :] Thanks for sharing.

  38. I just made these, it’s actually the first time I’ve made cookies from scratch! I made them with chunky peanut butter and milk chocolate chips (only about 3 oz because they’re so sweet), Norwegian stores don’t have the best selection when it comes to baking supplies, but the cookies turned out great. I will definitely make them again :) Thank you so much for the recipe!

  39. So glad that I’m not the only one who eats a gross amount of cookies before they’ve even made it onto that wire wrack. I always double a recipe but generally end up with the amount stated in the recipe for just one quantity ……..if that makes sense.

  40. Just pulled these out of the oven and it’s taking everything in my power not to dive into them right now! Can’t wait to serve them at my mom’s birthday tonight!

  41. Made these last night….NONE LEFT! My family snarfed them right up.

  42. Its 12.50am & I’m baking these cookies right now. I just tried one from the first batch out of the oven andand I’m in heaven!! Just the right amount of sugar .. They are super yum.. Thanks a ton for this recipe.

  43. Those pictures are so beautiful. They are like instant cookie craving. I hate you, but love you at the same time for sharing this. I must not eat dozens of cookies. And with peanut butter too. My husband hates peanut butter with chocolate so I’d enjoy/be cursed with the whole batch of cookies.

  44. i take comfort in having cookies around too – luckily i was just at a wedding where they had a “cookie table” you could bring home a bunch. they’re in my freezer now!

  45. I made these last night, half to bring to the office and the rest to bring for my hostess at the New Zealand Food Bloggers Conference, and I have just two words for them. Dee. Vine.

    Thanks Bakerella for another winner!

  46. I am with you as far as finding comfort in cookies! And these look great-I love the addition of peanut butter!

  47. Cool?!?! How about before the cookie dough ever goes in the oven?!?! No, I’ve never done that.

  48. Okay, I’m hungry now. Yum Yum. This site should be marked as fattening!

  49. it’s early. i retract my comment . . . . :)

  50. did you use cocoa instead of cocoa powder? if I use cocoa powder, would I need to add sugar (depending on how sweet I like my cookies I guess)

  51. oh yeah!

  52. These cookies look irresistable! I’m going to have to try whipping up a batch soon. I, too, am guilty of consuming way too many cookies before I share with others :D

  53. I baked these and they came out without a bottom!! What did I do wrong!? I was so bummed…

  54. Mmmm…just finished making these and I lost count of how many I’ve eaten (the down side of making smaller cookies). The peanut butter is a genius idea of counteracting the 2 chocolates so it doesn’t get overwhelming. Thanks for the recipe, I will definitely be making these again!

  55. Hand Held High- can’t keep my hands off the warm, fresh outta-the-oven cookies! Yet, I swat my little kiddo’s hands away and tell them they will ruin their dinner… the joys of being a parent. These cookies look amazing, LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate and peanut butter!!

  56. Very tasty! Mine needed to cook a smidge longer than 10 minutes (and yes, I am a believer in slightly undercooked cookies but these were too undercooked after 10).

    And for those prepping for Christmas, you can make dough-balls and freeze them. I made a cookie recently where the batter was too runny for that – I was bummed! But this dough is freezeable!

  57. I JUST baked these cookies!!! I am vegan, so I veganized the recipe…and they are DELICIOUS!!! Thank you thank you for sharing!

  58. *Raises his hand*

    These look delicious, I’ll make them ASAP, thanks!

  59. What’s embarrassing is that I’m constantly burning my mouth on cookies straight from the oven. Yes, I’m that impatient!

  60. Just wanted to let you know I tried these and they turned out perfect! I needed a recipe for a good, chocolaty cookie that would be good to take to workl. The last few recipes I tried produced flat cookies. These are very pretty and puffy– suitable for company! I love that I can always trust your recipes to work the first time I try them!

  61. Yummy… thank you for sharing. I’ve been looking for a chocolate chip cookie recipe that’s “just right”, I’m going to try these :)

  62. Both hands unabashedly raised (try to ignore the cookie crumbs on the fingers) XOXO

  63. Love the recipe! Hands are raised wayyy up high!
    How many calories would you say one cookie has?
    And, when you say butter do you mean unsalted butter?

  64. *hand goes up*

    *heads to oven to preheat*

    *head to pantry for ingredients*

    … see where this is going……

  65. I have definitely eaten too many fresh out of the oven cookies before. I’m almost afraid to make these because the same thing will probably happen

  66. I love having warm cookies right out of the oven! Can’t wait to try these!

  67. funny enough I was just thinking about chocolate cookies this morning…..well, a chocolate cookie recipe my neighbor used to make when I was younger…they were so good and I have never found anything to compare as of yet…BUT yours look gooooooood! Seriously Chocolate, peanut buttery good!!!!

  68. dear bakerella;
    im a thirteen-year-old fan who just LOVES your blogs. just to note, im not american…:-*
    i love ur cookies and i want to make them straight away, but, oh well, my brothers have G6PD, so they cant eat anything to do with peanuts, so it would be crucial to eat the who thing myself, specially that i hv four brothers and no sisters and all of them hv G6PD,
    so i was just hoping, will you please, please, please, get me a recipe of chocolate chips cookies WITHOUT peanuts??? thnXx

  69. OMG, those are amazing looking and yes, I’ll be making them one of these days (unless you’ll be mailing me a batch :)

  70. Um, you had me at chocolate. And then you added the peanut butter? OMG. Oh, and I am sheepishly raising my hand because I have been known to eat an embarrassing amount of cookie DOUGH before it ever reaches the oven. :)

  71. I made these tonight. Best ever!! Everyone loved them. Definitely a keeper recipe.

  72. You’re not alone, I ate 8 pumpkin chocolate chip cookies before the second batch was even out of the oven!

    These look delicious, peanut butter and chocolate is my favorite combination :)

  73. Made them this afternoon… My husband and kids loved them…definitely will continue to make these…Thank you for sharing this recipe.. :o)

  74. Made them, yes better than NUTS!

  75. I just made these… They are incredible. The cookie sheet is taunting me right now I would eat all of them if I could.

    They are indeed, comfort cookies.

  76. those would look absolutely delishious if i wasn’t laying on the couch sick. I hate being sick.

  77. I feel the need to try these right away!

  78. Well… these look delish! Whenever I’m at my friends house, we laways like to make her mom’s old recipe of chocolate chip cookies. we get sick before we bake them though, because we eat so much cookie dough! then when we finally make them, we catch eachother sneaking them for the rest of the day!

  79. My mouth is watering looking at those photos!

  80. Love chocolate and chocolate chips together! Chocolate and cookies make everything better! those cookies look devine!! YUM

  81. I believe I have to make these cookies tomorrow! Dark chocolate AND peanut butter…be still my heart. Yum!

  82. Raising my hand high! Your pics are so good I can almost smell and taste them! Hope to see you in Orlando, FL, this weekend at Barnes & Noble!!

  83. Hi Bakerella!!
    The moment I saw this recipe I just had to make it!! They really are soooooo perfect, my husband loved them! And they are definetly comforting!!
    I´m from Brazil, I follow your blog and love your recipes!!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  84. Mmmmm, dough in tummy, first batch in the oven…

  85. I haven’t even made these yet and I’m in love with the recipe. I’m thinking I might try rolling them in some cinnamon sugar or even just regular sugar before baking. Oh my god, yum.
    I teach and I’ve got a field trip coming up. These are going to be needed after that trip.

  86. I am getting ready to make some right now! can’t wait :)

  87. Laurel: Yes, Dark chocolate is not the same as semi-sweet…

  88. I’m making these right now! I only have about 1/2 of a dark chocolate bar though (although it was kind of big) so I added oats and coconut! They’re delish!

  89. Slightly undercooked cookies are amazing

  90. Do you, by chance, have a favorite brand of cocoa that you use? These cookies look d.i.v.i.n.e.! :-) Can’t wait to make them. Thank you for sharing!

  91. Definitely making these in the nearest possible future.

  92. My hand is raised! :D haha These look so good!

  93. I have to admit – I totally suck at baking (and cooking…and cleaning…and organizing…) but these look SO yummy that I have to put on my big girl pants and just give it a try! Thanks for the recipe! Hope you are well! xoxo

  94. just made a batch. YUM!!!

  95. I can imagine cookie dough on a stick and not even have to worry about baking them ;)

  96. these look delicious! I’ll have to switch up my typical cookie routine next time I’m in the mood. Who can resist chocolate and peanut butter? Mmm.

  97. Yum, those look delicious. I think I need to invest in a small scoop to make those nicely sized balls. Thanks for the great recipe. ~Heidi

  98. Hi Bakerella!

    Those cookies do look really scrump! You may like these ones as well from Joyous Health’s site

  99. Best chocolate chip cookies i’ve ever done!!

    I like how they hold their shape. Just take them out of the oven, they’re so soft :) thank for the recipe

  100. Your step by step photos are always so yummy! I could just stare at the butter, sugar, and chocolate all day :)

  101. My hand is up!!! Who hasn’t????????? These look awesome!! Thanks for the recipe! Can I put my hand down now??? LOL

  102. Oh my, I’m going to have to look fore those chocolate chips next time I’m out and about.

  103. I was planning on snacking on pepper slices today, but these look much more satisfying.

  104. It’s settled! This is what I’m having for dinner tonight :)

  105. Raising my hand way up…I especially love those slightly underbaked, chewy ones when they are too warm to hold in your hand. Nobody knows that but my dog, and she won’t tell! These look great!

  106. I’ve totally done that *raising hand*

  107. You are making me hungry :( I love dark chocolate ANYTHING!!!

  108. Oh my goodness! SO have to make these soon! :-D I LOVE chocolate and peanut butter, especially together! =P

  109. Oh dear… sadly, I have literally gobbled down an entire batch of cookies **intended** for someone else, then had to make more so I still had some to give away. These look so good! I LOVE how thick they turned out.

  110. Great cookies, with the dark chocolate, peanut butter and nuts = yum!

  111. Thnak you, I’m hungry!!!!

  112. Love love love your photography which makes me want to immediately make whatever cookies you are showing? I am in the “warm out of the oven” club – I don’t care about eating the dough.
    Thank you!

  113. One word, because my husband might find this and compell me to bake: Nutella!

    My husband would love these (though not as much as I would). I haven’t eaten a horrendous number of cookies straight from the oven since I was in grade school. I’m way more likely to shape them and a freeze them, so I can have one or two piping hot gooey cookies right from the oven.

  114. Oh YUM! I’ve been craving some choc chip cookies these last couple of days…looks like I’m just going to HAVE to go there ;-)

  115. I Love cookies….and I think they are the best thing I can cook. I have come up with a couple recipes of my own…Robin’s Cowgirl Cookies – a variation on Cowboy Cookies and a Cherry Cheesecake bar – which is almost cake like so you get a cookie and a cake all in one!

  116. I just got an oven not too long ago, i’m gonna try these out for the first bake in my oven!
    Thanks, Bakerella! <3

  117. My hand is raised high! I’m kind of a chocolate chip cookie purist, so I’ve never tried chocolate ones before…but I may be making these before the day is over:)

  118. I have a confession. I keep raw cookie dough (made with egg replacer) in the freezer for when I need a cookie fix.

    These look like great cookies. Can’t wait to try them.

  119. One time I made some coconut macaroons knowing full well that my 2 little ones and husband wouldn’t eat them (don’t like coconut). I figured I’d give some away to friends, which I did…but my recipe makes a ton of cookies, so I still had lots left over (like a few dozen). I think those cookies were gone in less than 48 hrs. Yes, I had a tummy ache. No, I didn’t care. Yes, that incident probably accounts for some cavities. But, oh, were they divine.

  120. Totally making these this morning during a study break. Mmm mmm!

  121. Thanks for the laugh this morning. I need to run out and buy those dark chocolate chips! I can’t wait to make those yummy cookies!

  122. These look sooo yummy! But do you use salted or unsalted butter? Want to add these to my Christmas baking list!

  123. Bakerella,

    I’m dying to try a new baking ingredient from Williams-Sonoma. Technically, it’s for making hot chocolate, but it’s just a can full of chocolate shavings. Last year I got the plain version, and mixed it into cakes, cookies, and brownies. The little flakes of chocolate just melt right into anything.

    However, this year they have come out with a chocolate peppermint version, and the one I’m really excited about, Salted Caramel! I can’t wait to incorporate it as a new ingredient. If you come up with any great ideas, I’d love to hear them.

    (Just search for Hot Chocolate on Williams-Sonoma.)

  124. Your pictures are always gorgeous, but the one of the swirled cookie dough and the one with the chips going into the dough make me want to whip up a batch of cookies instantly, to get my cookie dough fix!

  125. What no stick!
    Your photographing skills are comming along. Wowwy! Good for you…
    Sylvie G Toronto

  126. Joan, there’s a print button right at the bottom of the pic of the cookies that says “enjoy” (above where the comments begin). press it, it takes you to another screen and then scroll to the bottom and hit “print”

  127. If I wasn’t typing this I would have both hands raised! How many times a fresh cookie has burned my fingers or tongue and yet I reach for another one! I will definitely try this recipe for my Christmas goodie trays.

  128. I am not a huge baker but these make me want to give it another chance!!

  129. Those look amazing! I needed something to bake for the Austin Fire Training Department for letting my cadets use their equipment, and I just found it. Then, I’ll try to make them gluten free – for me.

  130. I figured it out, just copied and pasted to notepad, but I guess I’m still curious if there’s a print button somewhere I just haven’t spotted. Thanks for a delicious recipe.

  131. Just raised two hands. And a foot. Or two.

  132. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite….especially chocolate chocolate chip! These look so cute! Tiny, yes, but that just means you can eat more of them :)

  133. Is there a way to print just the recipe?

  134. Oh I love how thick and chewy those look. and I will admit to nothing on the interent! How many cookies I do not eat is no ones business ;p

  135. So yummy. I want some NOW. Question though; what if using peanut butter is not an option?!

  136. These sound delish! Wish I hadn’t read this post on the bus to work. :-(

  137. Raising two hands and waving. I love baking cookies and happily have lots of friends who like being gifted with them, I always try at least one when I take a batch out of the oven. Have to test them, right??
    I am happy to see Nestles is finally making darkchips and your cookie recipe seems a perfect place to use them. Can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you And your mom are doing well!

  138. Yum! These look delish :) Love that they have a hint of p’butter too. . .my kids love the stuff — ha! I was thinking about rolling them in powdered sugar?? I just made a chocolate cookie recently and blogged about it. . .that’s what gave me the idea. I also discovered the dark chocolate chips for that recipe — I think they made all the difference.

  139. They look fantastic! I’ll have to try these when I start doing my holiday baking, thanks for the recipe!

  140. Big fan right here! These sound awesome!

  141. Oh man. I have a bunch of pecans to use up. I think this may need to be what I use them on. These look soooo good!

  142. I certainly have!! And then I wonder why the recipe didn’t make as many as it said it would…. :)

  143. * Raises hand also *

    These cookies look SO yummy!

  144. *raises hand sheepishly*

    Yeah, i’m WAY guilty. Mmm, cookies right out of the oven, ya cant beat that. They are definitely as good the next day. But still good. Cant wait to try this recipe! Thanks Bakerella!

    Ps. OH MEH GAWD peanut butter and dark chocolate?!?! To die for!

  145. *raises hand*
    Basically I’ve turned into such a cookie snob that once the cookies cool I will no longer eat them. I only like them warm out of the oven, all melty and gooey.

    Thank goodness my family doesn’t share in my snobbery or there would be a lot of wasted cookies!

  146. I am embarrassingly raising both hands.

    Cookies really are so comforting. I almost always have a batch in the freezer. In fact. we just moved, and my husband doesn’t understand how we don’t have any cookies on hand.

  147. You had me at “chocolate”. I used some of the new dark chocolate chips a couple weeks ago when I made your triple chip cookies (with the dark chocolate instead of the butterscotch b/c I was out). They are truly awesome.

  148. oh yummy!! can’t wait to try this recipe out! :)

  149. I only eat cookies just after they’ve come out of the oven. Once they’ve sat and cooled down they’re just not the same. :)

  150. Nothing like cookie comfort.

  151. These look super delicious – Cookies are my comfort food too :-) And yoir photos make me wanna make some right now!

  152. I don’t even like dark chocolate… but you’re making me!

  153. As soon as I can figure out what to sub for the peanut butter (I’m allergic) I am making these! Think I could just nix the pb without subbing it, or would that mess with everything?

  154. Guilty – raises hand! Sat here with coffee and homemade cookie thinking how yummy yours look – definately a must try recipe!

  155. Oh my gosh! these look so so so good ! I am going to make first thing tomorrow . Thank you . I hope you are feeling great after your operation

  156. Before they are cool? No way! I sometimes eat half of the dough if it’s not even baked! It’s so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe, as a real cookie addict I’ll try this soon! Have a nice day!

  157. I feel like picking one,…:)

  158. who can resist a warm cookie, fresh from the oven? ya gotta be crazy! love ’em!!! love ’em a little – or a lot – too much! ;o)

    these cookies look YUMMY! i haven’t baked cookies for a while but i may need to make these. chocolate and peanut butter… omg!

  159. “Just curious. Raise your hand if you’ve ever eaten an embarrassing amount of cookies before they can even cool.”

    I let out an absurd cackle/chuckle when I saw that. Not because the mere thought was just that ridiculous, but because I can relate in such a ridiculous way. Thanks for that, Bakerella. I hope I didnt wake up my kids.

    Thanks even more so for another recipe to try! My little dudes are going to flip their sugar-crazed lids when they hear about these. Youre such a cute little ball of talent and I love the recipes/ideas you always share! ^_^

    I love you long time<3
    ….not my backside though…that part of me tries to hate you :p

  160. you need to make more recipe books!! one on cupcakes and another on cookies!!!

    i heart bakerella!


    PS these cookies look oh so yummy in my tummy like my daughter would say!

  161. I’ve eaten more cookies than I care to admit while still tongue-scaldingly hot!

    I find that cookies with peanut butter taste divine right out of the oven, and while still good the next day, they lose their magic to a greater degree than most other cookies. Maybe they are just that amazing fresh-baked that anything else seems like a let-down!

  162. * hand raised *
    I too am a sucker for the right out of the oven so hot you can almost not stand it cookie! That is why I love to keep homemade dough in the freezer. We love to put in 8 or so for a nice fresh baked dessert. That would be for two adults and 1 5 yr old. Now the twins r almost 1, we will have to make more!

  163. Mmmm those look so good! I will definitely have to make some :)

  164. Oh. My. Goodness! Yummy! I must make these!

  165. I agree, cookies are comforting. You can’t beat a cookie fresh from the oven. Love this recipe!

  166. Peanut butter and chocolate mixed together in one amazing cookie? It’s like I’m destined not to lose any weight this week!

    Oh well. Cookies come first.

  167. It gets pretty ugly in my kitchen, when the cookies first come out of the oven. My boyfriend has been banned from watching me gorge because, apparently, I overdo it a little.

    In my defense, they taste the best FRESH out of the oven, too hot to even touch.

  168. Oh my, yummy yummy yummy, just my kind of cookies. I can no longer eat a dozen at a time now that I’m older, maybe 2, sometimes, 3. How sad! They look fantastic.

  169. Those are some decadent looking cookies. Need some. Pronto!

  170. I raised my hand! Oh so bad but it feels so good!!!!! :)

  171. you had me at chocolate peanut butter. Yum!

  172. Peanut butter makes cookies awesome!

  173. Oh my! Those look so good! I will definitely be making those! Thanks for sharing!

  174. Yes! Cookies do spell comfort for me. Had a really bad day today, so I whipped some chocolate chips cookies up, and (raises hand) I ate a hole bunch. I did share some with my 3 year old. I’ll have to make these next time.

  175. Those dark chocolate chips are the BEST! I keep them in a glass jar with a lid on my kitchen counter, if you don’t have cookies around a few of those will usually hold you over!

  176. Oooo YUM! My hand is raised so high it is touching the sky. Biccies straight from the oven are something I can’t resist. Sounds great can’t wait to try them out.

  177. Um YUM! I want!

    Do you deliver?

  178. I am allergic to nuts too…can we just leave out the peanut butter? Do we need to sub it with something else?

  179. Angie, do the dark chocolate morsels taste different than the semi-sweet chocolate morsels?

  180. *raises hand*
    *slinks down in my comfy cozy bed and thinks about eating the rest of the baked goods in the house just so i can make these tomorrow*

  181. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

  182. it looks so yuuuuuuuuuummmy. i try this recipe. :)thanks

  183. Forget baking them. I would probably eat the dough before I could get them in the oven! Yummy!

  184. Those look so GOOD!!! ;)

  185. They look amazing! Unfortunately I don’t like peanut buttet, but I might substitute for nutella :)

  186. Love these chips from Nestle. I was actually at Target today and discovered the “limited edition” dark chocolate and mint chips, also from Nestle. Good Lord I love this time of year!! ;)
    Oh, and I regularly eat an abnormally large amount of still warm cookies. Good thing my 2 year old is my only witness!! :)

  187. I’m gonna make ’em NOW! After my poppyseed bread and milk chocolate banana-pecan bread cool…

  188. YUM!! these look so good! I will have to bake these soon :)

  189. Umm yeah making these tomorrow.. Just bought these perfect little morsels…. Mahahahahaa! Thanks fer the plan man…

  190. i’ll be making these this week…yum!

  191. ooohhh that yummy chocolate comfort looks so good! Wish I could have one now! Thanks for the inspiration.

  192. Gotta make ’em!! Thanks Bakerella..they look YUMMY!

  193. My Husband and i have been in a terrible habit of eating warm cookies every night this past week (after the kids are in bed, of course). *Hangs head in shame*
    These cookies look divine!

  194. oh so yummy! I will admit to eating way too much cookie dough every once in a while!

  195. Mmm~ I was in a trance looking at the pictures and actually reached for my screen to grab a cookie~ They look so delicious!! I can’t wait to bake some up to really eat them~! Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe~ =D

  196. these look sooo good but I’m allergic to peanuts .. boo!

  197. * raises hand *

    * sneaks off to kitchen to bake your cookies even though I’m in my pajamas and have already brushed my teeth *

  198. You had me sold at chocolate cookies with chocolate chips. But add some peanut butter in too?! I could probably eat the whole batch myself!

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