
Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate or Vanilla

Which would you choose?

Would it matter if I wasn’t talking about cupcakes that you eat?

What if it was something that you wear?

Johnny Cupcakes

Hmmm? I wonder what’s in there.

Well, I ordered something a few weeks ago from Johnny Cupcakes. They sell tons of cool shirts with their cupcake logo in all kinds of designs.

And this one is really cute. Like super cute. At least I think so.

As soon as I saw it, I had to place an order online.

Frosting Cans

And then these arrived a few days later. Magic.

They’re frosting label paint cans. But instead of paint or even frosting, they are filled with a fluffy t-shirt in chocolate or vanilla.

I’m a sucker for cute packaging and these are over the top.


The shirts are designed to look like the packaging label and would be adorable on.

That’s if you can bring yourself to open the can.

Me? I would have to sit mine on a shelf unopened with the shirt cuddled inside so I could look at it all the time. And especially after I found out these frosting can t-shirts were printed as a limited edition. When I bought them, I didn’t realize they only printed 200 of each. And, yes – they are sold out. All sizes. All colors. Gone. They had strawberry too, but those were scooped up first.

The good news is I have two of them. I was going to keep one. But since I’m only going to put it on a shelf and look at it. And since I don’t even have a bookshelf to put it on – I thought I would give them both away.

So which would you choose?

Chocolate Frosting Can


Vanilla Frosting Can

Or vanilla?

Frosting Cans

Enter for a chance to win
A Sold Out Limited Edition Johnny Cupcakes Frosting Label T-shirt

(in a super cute can – Size XL)

  • To enter, just let me know which flavor you’d like to have in the comments section here on the website. Easy.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, June 6th at 6 pm ET. SORRY, Time’s Up! Winners announced below.
  • Two winners will be chosen at random and announced on this post at the end of the week.
  • The first person chosen at random will win the shirt and can in the flavor of their choice and the second winner drawn will win the remaining flavor. And if we’re lucky they’ll be both person’s flavorite!

Good Luck!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

We have winners. And a lot of chocolate lovers. No surprise. I wish I had time to create a chart to show the comparison from all of the entries… that would be interesting. But luckily this little giveaway worked out great and for both winners.

The first winner is Charlton (comment #1927). Congrats! You’re getting the chocolate shirt.

And the second winner is Tami (comment # 301) Yay for you too! You’re getting the vanilla shirt.


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4,215 comments on “Chocolate or Vanilla?”

  1. Chocolate!

  2. Definitely chocolate all the way! I have always been a chocolate girl!

  3. Vanilla. :) packaging!

  4. Vanilla, its the cutest!

  5. Vanilla!

  6. Super cute! I’d have to say VANILLA! :)

  7. Vanilla all the way!

  8. I’d LOVE the chocolate, but the vanilla would be great, also!!

  9. Vanilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Chocolate, but either one is too cute!!

  11. I would choose the chocolate!

  12. Definately Chocolate. (although white would be good too.)

  13. I’m a vanilla kind of girl. :-)

  14. I love vanilla ….with a tall glass of ice cold coke!!!

  15. Chocolate :)

  16. Vanilla!

  17. it has gotta be VANILLA!! <3

  18. Chocolate!

  19. A delicious and fingelickin’ chocolate tshirt! :)

  20. Vanilla of course! always a classic!

  21. For icing it has to be Chocolate on a Vanilla cake…Yummmmy!!!

  22. Vanilla… can always add chocolate sprinkles….

  23. Vanilla!

  24. Love anything chocolate!

  25. Vanilla!

  26. Vanilla

  27. Chocolate is my middle name!!

  28. It’s gotta be chocolate for sure. I’m a chocoholic!

  29. Vanilla!!! I love JC

  30. Vanilla!!! I love JC

  31. Chocolate :)

  32. I’d have to go with vanilla :) Just because you can never go wrong with just vanilla.

  33. Chocolate!

  34. chocolate!

    jcc is a hometown guy!

  35. CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

  36. No questions asked … CHOCOLATE!

  37. Chocolate!

  38. Love the chocolate shirt! The cupcake and crossbones logo is just awesome.

  39. Chocolate…. I’ve always been a chocolate kind of girl- cake, brownies, candy… LOVE it!

  40. Definitely vanilla!!

  41. Just went this past weekend to a Department 56 affair
    and they had little cupcakes chocolate or vanilla. I took
    vanilla first and went back for a chocolate. Either would do.
    Love them both.

  42. Cho-co-late!!!

  43. chocolatechocolatechocolate <3

  44. I’d go with chocolate! (:

  45. Vanilla – a classic, nom nom nom

  46. Chocolate, but both are cute

  47. I’d be happy with either! Vanilla I think though… :)

  48. Chocolate! Yummy!

  49. Chocolate first and then vanilla. How can you choose? Isn’t a balanced diet a cupcake in each hand? So I’ll need choc. in one hand, and vanilla in the other, lol. Cheers!

  50. Vanilla but both are sooo cute!

  51. Chocolate !!!! All the way. Thanks!

  52. I am always a ‘vanilla person’. so, vanilla it is…

  53. Chocolate!!!!

  54. Vanilla! Honestly, I’d be fine with either. Both look great. (:

  55. chocolate–that’s easy!

  56. Oh my gosh, WORST decision ever. Always has been. lol

  57. Vanilla – my favourite!

  58. I love Johnny Cupcakes!! The store is always so fun to visit!!! I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!!! :)

  59. I just love chocolate over vanilla !!!

  60. Chocolate please!!!

  61. Without a doubt, CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  62. Vanilla! (But I’d definitely still be happy with chocolate!)

  63. Chocolate!!!


  65. They’re both adorable but I like the Chocolate one just a smidge more.

  66. Vanilla please!!

  67. The Luv of Chocolate :0)….gifted to a friend who can no longer eat it due to allergies but still enjoys baking & gifting brownies to friends.

  68. chocolate, of course!! :)

  69. Chocolate!!!

  70. That vanilla shirt is too cute! And coincidentally, I would eat a vanilla cupcake over a chocolate one.

  71. Chocolate!!! : )

  72. I love vanilla but for a shirt I would have to go for chocolate.

  73. Vanilla c:

  74. Chocolate!

  75. Chocolate!

  76. CHOCOLATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  77. Definately chocolate!!

  78. Chocolate, please, always!

  79. Adorable! Chocolate of course!

  80. Chocolate, always wins with me!

  81. I love Johnny Cupcakes! Chocolate without a doubt!! I’m a sucker for chocolate. :)

  82. Its a tough choice! If I HAD to pick one it would be vanilla :)

  83. Chocolate!!

  84. I love the chocolate t-shirt. It is so cute. You could wear it to bed and wake up in a pretty good frame of mind.


  86. chocolatee please :D

  87. You may want to ignore all my comments if they are chosen. I actually probably shouldn’t have commented.

  88. I’m sure i wont win! I cant believe how many posts you have but definitely a chocolate Woman!!!

  89. Vanilla, please!! =)

  90. Chocolate, for sure!

  91. Chocolate :)

  92. They are both cute, but I’m definitely a CHOCOLATE girl…

  93. Vanilla! I prefer vanilla frosting on chocolate cake. Yum!!!

  94. vanilla, because it’s blue.

  95. My Dads name is Johnny and he loves Vanilla so Vanilla it is. However either one is just fine with me. Thank you and have a great night.

  96. They are both cute but I’m a CHOCOLATE girl…

  97. Chocolate for sure! :)

    (are there actually other flavors out there? I always get sidetracked by the chocolate before I can read that far…)

  98. Definitely Chocolate!

  99. Chocolate!! YUM!

  100. Oohhh…chocolate for sure!

  101. I don’t discriminate. I LOVE chocolate AND VANILLA!!!!!

  102. OMG those are so cute to bad they are sold out! I’m a chocolate person but i also like the vanilla!

  103. i love me some chocolate! :)

  104. I’m a vanilla girl!

  105. chocolate!

  106. Chocolate, of course!

  107. Chocolate, of course.!!!!

  108. oooh – I love the vanilla. The packaging is AWESOME!!! thanks for the offer!

  109. Chocolate! Totally adorable.

  110. Oh they’re both really cute! I guess I’ll have to say chocolate.

  111. I’d say vanilla for wearing and chocolate for eating. But I’m not too picky! I wouldn’t turn anything down, so I’d understand if you want to just send me both ;)

  112. Chocolate..decadent.

  113. So Cute!!!! Vanilla!!!!

  114. Vanilla is my favorite…no wait chocolate! Nevermind, I can’t decide, they’re both too cute!!!

  115. think i’d have to go Chocolate

  116. ooo vanilla!

  117. Love Vanilla. Hmmm it is super yummy.

  118. Vanilla, no question!

  119. Vanilla!!! But I’d be okay with chocolate too

  120. Chocolate!!!! Always Chocolate!

  121. I think that the Vanilla one is super cute!! I love the way the blue looks on the white. That shade of blue is my favorite color!!

  122. CHOCOLATE!!

  123. I think i would go with Chocolate Because CHOCOLATE IS AMAZING!!! I LOVE CHOCOLATE AND I CANT DENY IT!!! CHOCOLATE I LOVE YOU!!!

  124. CHOCOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE nom nom nom nom nom. But I would be grateful for vanilla. Actually anything sweet right now would be AWE-SOME

  125. Chonilla!

  126. I love Johnny cupcakes! Vanilla for sure!!

  127. I LOVE the chocolate one!! Love youre website!!!!! keep doing the GREAT job!

  128. Vanilla please.They both are so cute.Fingers crossed.

  129. For a cupcake, I’d choose Vanilla, but for the shirt, I prefer chocolate!

  130. Hands down CHOCOLATE!!!

  131. Chocolate! Always chocolate!

  132. Chocolate!!!!!!!!! :)

  133. chocolate and then a vanilla chaser!

  134. chocolate. always chocolate!

  135. Chocolate!

  136. vanilla to wear…. chocolate to eat, yum!

  137. Just love vanilla!!!

  138. They are both so cute! I’ll say vanilla, though.

  139. Chocolate!

  140. I’ve got to go with what looks to be the majority… chocolate! How cute those are. I love the packaging too, especially the dripping frosting. Too cute!

  141. I want chocolate and it is kind of obvious because chocolate is WAY yummY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMYUMYUM


  142. How about marble;) I can have both!

  143. Easy! I would go for the yummy chocolate…which would compliment my ‘spray tan’.

  144. Chocolate for sure! I love the packaging – such a cute idea!

  145. Chocolate, please and thank you!

  146. I would choose chocolate! No day is so bad that it can’t be fixed with chocolate or a nap!

  147. They’re both so beautiful I couldn’t pick…but after thinking about it I think I’d have to go with chocolate :)

  148. Chocolate!

  149. Vanilla all the way! I agree w/ everyone else. These shirts are super cute! Thanks for sharing.

  150. Chocolate, yum!!!

  151. Oh it would totally have to be chocolate!!! Thanks!

  152. Chocolate please

  153. i like chocolate more, but i feel like vanilla is healthier, so i eat vanilla more

  154. MMMMM has to be Chocolate allll the way !! x

  155. Chocolate! Although vanilla is good too!

  156. Oh my goodness… it’s all about the CHOCOLATE!

  157. Vanilla! I love chocolate for eating, but definitely vanilla for wearing.

  158. Ohhhh nice. Got to love a cute tee like this. I’m a vanilla girl myself.

  159. Chocolate! It’s the best ever :)

  160. It has to be chocolate everytime!

  161. It would have to be chocolate, it even look cosey and comforting like a big chocolate cupcake. Yum yum!!

  162. Chocolate, chocolate!!!!!!!

  163. Both are super adorable but I’d be more inclined to wear the chocolatey goodness! ^^

  164. It’s tough, but I think chocolate wins!!!!

  165. I would luv vanilla pweez xx

  166. Hmmm thats a hard choice! Chocolate is so yummy but the vanilla one is so cute with the blue! Id have to say chocolate with vanilla coming in EXTREMLY close! Both are adorable and either would be greatly loved :) <3

  167. Definitely CHOCOLATE! But both are super cute!!

  168. Chocolate ALL the WAY! My husbands the vanilla almost 99/100 and i’m just the opposite!

  169. Definitely the chocolate, it’s too cute to pass up.

  170. Chocolate Frosting!

  171. Vanilla!!!!!!!!!

  172. AWESOME!!! Isn’t that the age old question chocolate or vanilla? I absolutely adore both but I have special place in my heart for CHOCOLATE! :D

  173. Chocolate please :-)

  174. ~~~chocolate~~~

  175. Definitely chocolate!!

  176. Chocolate, of course!!

  177. VANILLA :D <3

  178. totally chocolate. would look so cute in my new shop!!!!

  179. Chocolate :)

  180. Cute Shirts!! VANILLA! I mean CHOCOLATE! Maybe VANILLA….no, no CHOCOLATE….VANILLA (final answer)…..I think…

  181. Chocolate or vanilla? That’s tough. If I was eating it, chocolate for sure. For a tee shirt, I think I like the vanilla one better :)

  182. I am a huge fan of both companies! I would love the VANILLA!!! I love you Bakerella!

  183. Chocolate! They are adorable!

  184. Chocolate

  185. Chocolate, for sure!

  186. chocolate is my first pick but I do love a good vanilla….vanilla is the one I pick.

  187. Both are wicked cute but I love the CHOCOLATE!

  188. Vanilla!

  189. Love Chocolate!

  190. Definitely chocolate!

  191. Chocolate – for sure!! So cute.

  192. chocolate!!
    SO cute!

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