
Chocolate Adventure Contest… A reminder

Time’s running out if you want to play. Hurry!  You have until 11:59:59 PM Pacific time on January 2, 2011 to submit your Chocolate Adventure Cupcake.

I sure hope you do because I’m helping judge this year’s contest and I would love for one of you guys to win.

And win big. Like ten grand big.

That’s right. Ten thousand smackeroos for first place. Seven thousand for second and three thousand for third… plus other fun prizes.

To enter, just combine Scharffen Berger artisan chocolate with one or more of the 14 adventure ingredients below. Then create a recipe that you think’s a winner and submit it before the deadline.


You can do it.

Here’s my contest announcement post for a quick rundown or visit the Chocolate Adventure Contest Website for full details. You can even explore the ingredients for some helpful tips. Have fun!

P.S. The cupcakes above are some I made a couple of years ago. I can’t remember the recipe or why I didn’t post about them then, but now I wish I had. They’re looking pretty darn good to me right about now. Figures.

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60 comments on “Chocolate Adventure Contest… A reminder”

  1. Wow! Seems a Grand Contest held here. I missed the opportunity. Is there any upcoming contest? I would like to take part.


  2. Why would you enter it????? Its stupid

  3. Hi:

    I love your cake pops but I don’t love canned frosting. Is there a homemade recipe you could recommend that would work well instead?



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  5. My grandma would love to enter it she LOVS baking cakes, cookies, pies, (etc) It sounds fun!!!

  6. Yeah my mom would win this so you people who are entering BE AWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I entered 2 cupcake recipes. It was so much fun. At my last family gathering, I had my family members acting like food critics! I used ricotta, meyer lemon, sumatra coffee beans, buttermilk, chocolate stout beer, and molasses.

  8. I’m glad I came across this post… I entered the contest creating 2 cupcakes in less than 6 hours. It was certainly an adventure- my husband & I had a blast & the cupcakes are delicious.

  9. Bummer that these chocolates are not sold anywhere near me. :(

  10. I entered 10 recipes. I’m most proud of the ones I can up with for the fresh beet and bee pollen.

    My friends did love the “tasting party” where they got to taste all the recipes I came up with and offer suggestions. They have helpfully suggested that I enter more contests :)

  11. I wish this contest was open to the rest of the world!! sigh… Maybe .. just maybe one day it will get to Korea.. I will just have to make my own at home and get some ginuea pigs to try them out^^

  12. I found out about this just a hair too late, which stinks. I even bought my meyer lemons for it.

    I will just have to make adventure cupcakes for myself and my honey.

  13. Working hard to “perfect” my recipes. MY hubby is LOVING all the experimentation and even if I don’t win the contest, he thinks they are winners!!!

  14. I missed the first announcement so thanks for this reminder. Having one day to create a cupcake was a challenge in and of itself, but I just finished creating my cupcake for submission. I had a lot of fun too and am so excited being a part of this challenge.

  15. oh, darn!
    I was going to try and work on this over winter break and totally forgot about it!!!

  16. I guess I ave to just sit around and wait for March 5th to roll around. Doo-dee-dooo…… la la la…….

  17. This is awesome! I think I’ll have to try this as well! Man, Jan 2 is just around the corner!!! Here’s my giveaway for the new years if you guys are interested in entering to win by commenting:

  18. When are the winners announced? I entered. I fixed my coffee cupcakes and added cinnamon mocha frosting. They are delicious!

  19. This contest is way out of my league…… BUT I just found the cutest cupcake lamp at Home Bakerella YOU have to have one of these!!!!!! Just type in cupcake in the search window of the homepage and it will wonderfully appear!!!!!!!

  20. I am totally pulled toward this contest! My best friend and I are going to rock it out tonight!!! Spatulas are ready!!!

  21. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was trying to make some coffee cupcakes with cinnamon frosting, but they turned out HORRIBLE. *sob*

  22. There’s a restaurant up here – a pizzeria that has a “Pipeline Stout Chocolate Cake” on their dessert menu. I bet it would be awesome as a cupcake with Scharffenberger…

  23. This has nothing to do with the chocolate adventure contest but I found this website and I thought you should feature it on your blog. Its a mom who made a mold for cupcake pops and has a really cute video with her kids in it. :)

  24. been working on it!!! trying to make the deadline! ahhh!

  25. Done! Thanks for the reminder! For some reason I had the deadline as later in the month.

    I think my family is ready for me to move on from chocolate cupcakes. :) They’ve been such sacrificing troopers as I’ve fine tuned my recipe!

  26. I think coconutmilkcupcakes would be good.
    What about Chocolatecupcakes with coconut-pieces and coconutmilkfrosting? YUUUUUUM!!!
    Think I will try!

  27. i wanted to enter this- but it is open only for Americans it seems..

    oh well nothing to stop me from playing in my kitchen!!

    I was thinking tonight how i might try to do up some of your cake pops with chocolate cake but instead of icing mix in some nutella to the *batter*….maybe dip in chocolate with hazelnut pieces on top?.. i dunno just playing with the thought- but so far the thought process is making me all kinds of happy.

  28. shame that its only residents, I was cooking up ideas already :(

  29. I got up the courage and entered. :O) Look for Chocolate stout cupcakes with coffee canoli filling and topped w/ chocolate stout ganache. :O)

  30. That sounds like fun. I’d definitely go for the mollasess

  31. I entered!! Crossing my fingers!

  32. I’m a urban bee keeper and bee pollen is very easy to use. Would not be a stand out ingredient like chili pepper but you can use it. Adzuki bean is a sweet bean that is used in Japanese desserts. A very good choice to something out of the main stream.

  33. i’m just chiming in for the very first time ever, to thank you for all this year of wonderful adventures—like Alice (but no Duchess, no yelling) and Narnia (no battles or scares) and the very best scenes in Willy Wonka and Candyland and The Pillsbury Bake-Off and through the Dorothy-door to Oz..

    Every post inspires an AWWWW and every picture a smile.

    Thank you for your talents and your work, with many happy wishes for a bright, SWEET New Year!


  34. What is an adzuki bean? Need to google that one. Maybe you meant Gad-zuki bean ; )

  35. That money would solve a whole lotta problems for me! But I’ve never heard of this kind of chocolate before!

  36. You are my inspiration, Bakerella! I’m breaking out of my shell and submitting a recipe!

  37. this contest sounds so fun! saffron in chocolate? yes please :)

  38. I entered one recipe already. Perfecting a couple more this weekend–hope I can beat the deadline!!!

  39. I wish I had the time and the chocolate to do this! I’m working all these days and so wont be able to enter but do love the Berger cookies!

  40. i entered a while back! What an amazing thing that would be to win!

  41. It’s all about BUTTERMILK BABY! =D

  42. I just wish i could find Scharffen Berger chocolate at a store near me. Or Meyer Lemon too. I live in a small town.

  43. oh wow…definitely going to attempt this!! i’m free all day friday and saturday…who can guess what i’ll be doing?!

  44. I really wish that there were contests like these for people under 18 to enter. Who knows? We might surprise you :D


  45. I’m entering, going with molasses and stout beer.

  46. i think im going to give it a try sounds fun and imagine those prizes woooow!!!

  47. Wow, wouldn’t it be terrific to win a big money prize for a cupcake!!! I can think of several ingredients that would make a pretty tasty cupcake!

  48. How fun! I’m not inventive when it comes to baking, but I look forward to hearing about it!

  49. how about Canolli cupcakes.
    Ricotta in frosting and maybe a filling
    and candied Meyer lemon pieces
    and chop up a chocolate bar instead on mini chocolate chips
    and maybe some pistachios for garnish

  50. Bee pollen, that’s really out there. I would love to taste something made with it, is it sweet? I wish I could concoct recipes, I can barely follow them :) Good luck to all the contestants!!

  51. OOOh if I do it’s going to have to be fresh beet and/or coconut milk.

  52. I’m in. Starting on it tomorrow. <3

  53. BEE POLLEN?!

    Oh man.

    I didn’t even know that was a viable cooking ingredient.


  54. Awww I’d totally enter if it wasn’t restricted to US residents only. =/

  55. It’s not open to Canadians :( But I’ll probably end up trying something on my own. hehehe

  56. Fun. I think I’ll try.

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