I want to show you this new book from Williams-Sonoma.
It’s filled with delicious photographs and tons of recipes including …
Pop Tarts.
And pies to name a few.
Are your taste buds warming up yet? Mine sure are. I could hardly stand to flip through the pages of this book without wanting to make everything in it.
Home. Baked. Comfort. Yes, please.
And guess what, else.
This book also includes recipes from several bakeries and bloggers across the country.
Like Smitten Kitchen, Tartine, Cannelle et Vanille, Flour, Baked…
And more.
Maybe even one from someone you know.
With all this yumminess, it was really hard to decide what to bake first. I flipped through the book several times before I finally decided.
When I saw that one of the featured bakeries was from Minneapolis, I knew right away that was the one to try since I’ll be in Minnesota and at Williams-Sonoma in about two weeks for a book signing. (Details here.)
And now, I may just have to stop by this bakery, too.
Salty Tart. Cute name.
And her recipe for Chewy Chocolate Meringues is delish.
And easy.
And better yet, only needs four ingredients.
Finely chopped bittersweet chocolate.
Five tablespoons cocoa powder.
Sugar and egg whites.
This photo kinda makes them look like egg yellows though.
Whisk together the egg whites and sugar over – but not touching – simmering water until dissolved.
Remove from heat and beat the egg whites until stiff and glossy.
Then fold in the chocolate and cocoa.
Scoop out the batter on parchment lined baking sheets and bake away.
You want to see cracks. That’s part of what I love about this recipe. No need to try and make anything look perfect. These are already perfectly imperfect.
And oh so good.
They are highly addictive, too. I don’t want to tell you how many I ate before I even finished taking photos…
…but let’s just say that this photo is missing quite a few.
I’m so glad I tried this recipe. I’ve never made meringues before because they never really looked all that appealing to me. But wow! These chocolate ones will be made again. And again.
Thanks Salty Tart.
Adapted from Home Baked Comfort. * I omitted the cocoa nibs because I didn't have any on hand and the cookies still came out beautifully.
Chewy Chocolate Meringues
The recipe says it makes about 2 dozen meringues, but I ended up with about 60 using a 1.5 inch scoop. I also used a scale to measure my ingredients exactly.
Home Baked Comfort by Kim Laidlaw
Photographed by Eric Wolfinger
Featured Bakeries
Baked, Brooklyn, NY
Floriole Cafe & Bakery, Chicago, IL
Flour Bakery + Cafe, Boston, MA
Huckleberry Cafe & Bakery, Santa Monica, CA
Pearl Bakery, Portland, OR
Salty Tart Bakery, Minneapolis, MN
Sugar Mama’s Bakeshop, Austin, TX
Tartine Bakery, San Francisco, CA
Featured Bloggers
Cannelle et Vanille
La Tartine Gourmande
Smitten Kitchen
and me : )
The book is available at Williams-Sonoma until February 2012. Then you’ll also be able to find it on Amazon.
Until then, want to win a copy?
You do. I promise.
Leave a comment on this post answering the following random question.
- What is your favorite Halloween candy?
- Deadline to enter is Tuesday evening, September 27th at 6:00 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
- One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.
Good Luck!
Disclosure: Giveaway sponsored by me. : )
And the winner is……
What candy don’t I love?? Since most candy is available all year… I’ll say that I love these seasonal staples: candy corn and caramel apple lollipops!
I LOVE Halloween candy! But if I had to choose one it would be…Reeses peanut butter pumpkins :P
Caramel Apple Lollipops~ Yum!
Thank you!!
My favorite would definitely have to be chocolate candy corn!! The regular ones are good too :)
Oh, gosh, those meringues look amaaaaazingggg! Forget boring ol’ regular meringues when I can make them gooey and chocolatey!!
My favorite Halloween candy HANDS DOWN are the peanutbutter chews…. Oh em geeeee… =)
Candy corn pumpkins! They are by far the best!!
My favorite Halloween candy? Hmmm….so many to choose from. I’d have to say out of all the candy around on Halloween, my favorite is Candy Corn!
I love candy corn. I can eat it until I am sick. I also love the fun size Almond Joy bars :)
Candy corn mixed with peanuts!
I love the mini Hershey’s chocolate bars. So good on smore’s!!
The kids automatically know when going through their stash, to give the Snickers to mom, cause I’m going to take them from them anyway whether they willingly or begrudgingly hand them over! :)
I love candy corn. Sometimes I’ll mix it with peanuts to make it taste like a PayDay :)
Peanut Butter Cups (Pumpkins)… they are the yummiest. Glad they didn’t have them when I was a kid!
Definitely Clark Bars . . . or Peanut Butter Cups . . . or Butterfingers . . . Ooooh, and candy corn! I gained 10 pounds just thinking about it . . . and looking at this page!
i love the candy pumpkins, they taste just like candy corn but in bigger pieces! yum.
Hands down, nothing else compares with Candy corn. But when I was a kid, I would trade my siblings for their kit kats :)
Candy corn…of course!
Those cookies look yummy!!
My favorite candy is Almond Joy! :)
Sorry, I love lollies waaaay too much to pick just one! But it would definitely involve chocolate ;)
Candy corn is THE Halloween candy! I love it! And any caramel with apples…
Reese’s Peanut Butter cups!! Can’t have them in the house too early or the kids will never get any! : )
I LOVE mini snickers bars nut mini kit kats are a close second!
Candy Corn, best halloween candy ever!
candy corn, hands down!
candy corn!!
Mini snickers! And pumpkin seeds, I know that’s not a candy, but I love sweet & salty!
Caramels!!! best fall candy
Candy corn :)
Reese’s Mini Peanut Butter Cups!! Even though they are available all year round, somehow it’s just extra yummy during Halloween :) btw there is only one way to eat them – freeze ’em, so you get the “crunch” of the chocolate with the creamy peanut butter – ooooh my my!!!
Orange, green and black M & M !!!!
My favorite Halloween candy…Caramel apples or those ghostly Peeps! =)
mmm Swedish berries!
okay…I’m really going to show my age…caramel apples. Yeah back in the day we use to get REAL treats!! LOL
Oh, it has to be those little snickers bites.
candy corn. :)
Those classic little orange pumpkins that come in a bag with candy corn :)
My favorite Halloween candy would have to be the mini candy bars — Reese’s, Butterfinger, 100 Grand — you name it! I actually used to convince my little sister that those dreadful “peanut butter kisses” (in the black and orange wrappers) were actually better than the candy bars and would trade her for chocolate. :)
Anything with Peanut Butter…YUM!
Reese’s Pieces!
I love the fun sized Twix! Yum!
Definitely Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!
candy corn!! tis the season!
Yes, please! My favorite Halloween candy is Smarties. There are so many options for eating them, all together, one at a time, I used to even crush them so I could eat them like the insides of a pixie stick. Thanks for a chance!
When I was a kid, I really didn’t care too much for hard candies or overly chewy candies, my favorite was pretty much anything chocolate. I was always very excited when a few neighbors put candy bars in my bag. Now, it seems more common to have chocolate thanks to “fun size”. I noticed someone said caramel apples… I love caramel apples as well…
I like the tiny German gummy bears best
My favorite Halloween candy is candy corn and the candy pumpkins. I just love the candy that you can’t get year round. Thankfully my kids are learning to love the same candies too. I would love to win this book, that recipe looks amazing.
Kit kats!
Ooh… tough one. Perhaps candy corn? I pretty much like anything that is dressed up for the occasion, like orange and black m&ms or those orange kit kats…
mini twix, the perfect amount of chocolate, caramel, and cookie…plus they’re so small you can eat 4 and still not feel guilty.
My favorite Halloween candy may be the mini Snickers!
candy corn and pumpkins from brach’s autumn mix and york peppermint pattie pumpkins are very yummy
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, always!
Take 5 and Payday’s
Nothing means halloween more than candy corn, but its not my fav to eat…so I love to “snitch” the good stuff from the candy loot (snickers or baby ruth) dont tell anyone :)
Candy corn and candy pumpkins by Brach’s!!!!
Well……twix I think, but milky way is sooooo good. Really I love anything chocolate and caramel….so I have to buy what I don’t like or it will never make it to Halloween!
Favorite Halloween candy is the little snack size kit kat bars. Mmmmm…
Caramel apples although they might be considered more autumn but still yummy!!! :-)
Anything with peanut butter and chocolate!!!!! YUMMMMY!
Candy corn and candy apples!!!
Reese’s peanut butter cups or kit kat!!!
Candy Corn for sure!
Candy Corn! What else is there?
I like 100 Grands. Yumm..
Also Reeses! And Milky Ways!
All of the snack size chocolate candy bars, but baby ruth always comes in first
Candy corn and caramel apples!! all sweet and yummy halloween treats!
Candy corn!!!
Pretzel m&m’s are definitely my favorite!!
As a kid, any time I had kit kats, candy corn or milky way bars in my pumpkin, it was a winning night :)
My favorite? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and anything else found in my boy’s Halloween bags!
Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins!! The seasonal ones are SO much better than the normal PB cups!
I’d have to say kit kats..regardless of the holiday. =)
I love the funsize Twix. I don’t even like big Twix much but something about the tiny ones and how they get a little frozen while trick or treating makes them so delicious!
Bit-O-Honey… duh?! What else is there?!
I love meringues. My great aunt used to make them all the time. I’ve never had chocolate ones but they look delicious so perhaps I’ll give them a try!
I always used to love the gummy sweets, but I don’t eat them anymore. Now I’m a chocolate girl! Something I’ve never like though is toffee apples.
100 Grand Bars–Yum!
My favorite halloween candy is butterfinger. Peanut M&Ms are pretty good too!
Two flavor skittles!!! Soooooo yummy!!
Candy corn mix…there was always some little one that tasted like maple. They were cute little shapes too. Pumpkins, corn, little leaves!
Milky Way bars. And then I freeze them!
Ohhhh, those look SO good! My favorite Halloween candies are Candy Corn, Rolos, Whoppers, mini Twix, and nerds.
Anything with chocolate…really.
twix will forever have my soul..and it can have it. :o)
Candy pumpkin corn and homemade pumpkin cake with delicious homemade cream cheese icing. Yum yum
Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins for sure!
Candy corn, all of the strange combo they have been coming up with lately! Love to buy a hodge podge and mix them all up =)
I’m not a huge fan of candy (unless it’s pure chocolate), but I will do almost ANYTHING for a nice piece of pumpkin pie or anything that has those spices!!!!! Yummy!
I never win but I love your posts so why not. Candy Corn! any time of the year its my favorite! I am off to the store for chocolate so I can try these lol! hugs and hope all is well with you and your mother!
The mallocream pumpkins!
reese’s peanut butter cups
Although there are so many yummy candies, I’d have to say candy corn since it’s pretty much a seasonal thing, especially the ones shaped like pumpkins. I actually just used some when I made some Halloween themed cake balls for a guest post in October I’m doing on a blog called Doodles & Doilies, so we got to eat the extra candy, yum. :) Congrats on having your recipe in the book, and thanks for the continuing inspiration! :)
I love anything chocolate! but the best is homemade candycorn, make it yourself and you will never ever go back to buying it from a store!!
Mini chocolate bars – twix, kit kat….I love them all!
I love anything chocolate! Especially the pumpkin Reese’s and the Kit Kats
candy corn, of course!
Those little pumpkin candies that taste like candy corn = so addictive and so easy to overdose into a sugar coma!
I love those little pumpkins that are like candy corn. But only like them in the fall and during Halloween. No other time of the year!
I always have to buy one bag of candy corn when it first shows up in the stores. I might not finish the bag, but I can’t resist getting some when I first see it!
SKITTLES…taste the rainbow! :D
I love kit-kats in mini form! Far less guilt!
Definitely candy corn!!
I love candy corn at halloween time! :)
Mini Butterfinger bars. Really, they’re my favorite candy any time of year, but I get the best access to them at Halloween.
Congrats on being featured in the book!
I’m a Snickers fan. :)
My favorite is a mix my Mom used to always make and now I make: candy corns, peanuts, and red hots (I use hot tamales). Yum!
Do you sent it abroad? :) Portugal to be more exact? (Really hope so!!!)
It it pumpkin cups with lots and lots of dolce de leche!!
Cat from Portugal!
Love the Kit Kat bars!
reese’s peanut butter cup
Reese Pumpkins… yum!
My favorite halloween candy is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. YUM!
My favorites are Reese’s Peanutbutter Cups (in any size and presentation) and snickers bars. Chocolate with peanuts are the best combination ever made!!!
Love you blog.
Any candy that has chocolate…always chocolate.
I love reeses peanut butter cups!
Bit-o-honey. I only eat then at Halloween. They remind me of falling leaves and cold nights but warm days.
Reeces Pieces! I love the fall colors and the chocolate/peanut butter sweetness.
little butterfingers! love them!!!!! (and my kids don’t…so bonus :)
My favorite Halloween candy is definitely Reese’s peanut butter cups…but then again, I love those all the time!
This one is so hard to answer! I think blow pops are my favorite Halloween candy. But I’d prefer some pumpkin gooey butter cakes over any candy. Yum.
Any with peanut butter… Reese’s cups are awesome to find in the kids bags!!!
Hands down – Reese’s PB! I have to keep them far away or else I’ll eat the whole bag!
I love Whoppers. I don’t get any all year and then I raid my daughter’s Trick or Treat bag for them.
I steal everyone’s almond joys!
My all time favorite Halloween candy is candy corn. YUMMY!!!
I would have to say the classic candy corns!!! I love ’em!
Those candy corn pumpkin things. lol
Candy Corn – with Reese’s coming in a close second!
I love, love, love the candy pumpkins!!!
TWIX candy bars! :)
Reese’s pumpkins
caramel apples, homemade of course!
Reese’s peanut butter cups. Since my kids have peanut allergies, it’s the only time I get them!
Bottle Caps! I guess you can buy them year round, but I only remember having them at Halloween.
Caramel apple lollipops!
Take Five’s!!!!
I like the little pumpkins….mellow cremes…mmmm
My FAVORITE Halloween candy is Milky Ways. I love the caramel soooooo much! Okay, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. :)
Mini-anything. If it’s itty-bitty enough to be cute and not cause too much guilt, I’ll probably eat it. And I usually have a minor craving for caramels in the fall.
I really do like them all – but anything with chocolate are the ones that are eaten first in our house.
I love caramel!! Just the really simple, little pieces of caramel candy :)
My favorites are candy corn or the candy pumpkins! Thanks for the opportunity :O)
Candy Corn! I mix with roasted, salted peanuts and eat my way through in the month of October =) One Halloween proper, I like to eat any candy with Reeses in the name!!
Hubby will love these chewy chocolate meringues!!!
reeses mini. i actually keep them in my freezer year round but i like that they are individually wrapped so i can avoid buying the 3 packs from the store and scarfing them down all at once = /
My favorite is candy corn! I can’t get enough.
toss up between milky ways and reeses peanut butter cups…
oh and of course candy corn – the original kind :)
Chocolate flavored candy corn!
Penut m&m’s and reese’s & brach’s more than one favorite.
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!!!
snickers or candy corn…tough choice!
My favorite halloween candy is rockets, sometimes called smarties. Oh I love those.
My favorite Halloween candy has to be Heath Bars. I know, not necessarily a typical choice, but that just means it’s that much more awesome when you get one in your bag.
I ‘m not sure if some would consider it candy, but caramel apples…..yummy!!!!!!!
Russel Stover used to make little orange candy pumpkins filled with a delicious creamy orange cream, packed singly in a little foil package. I haven’t been able to find them for years, but still on the prowl! They were heavenly.
I like the Brach’s Candy mix. The caramels, especially. :)
Candy Corn !
I love all of the mini chocolate bars, but miss Crunchie bars that I grew up with in Canada-this country needs to start importing those!!
Reese’s Peanut Butter cups. The big ones. Although, several mini ones will do, in a pinch. ?
my favorite by far… carmel corn!!!!
Hmmm… It would have to be my Mom’s sugar cookies that she decorates for the season. Yum!
I have a huge addiction to Candy Corn!
Milky Ways! Nothing better than the classic choice!
Candy corn!! Yum!!
Such a cool book! My fave halloween candy is Twix!
I think the general consensus is candy corn. Eat that stuff till I’m sick!
Candy Corn this time of year, but usually snow caps.
Reese’s PB Pumpkins!
It has to be candy corn, and the mini pumpkins. I look forward to them every year.
My favorite is actually sugar cookies that I bake and then decorate!
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups or maybe Butter Fingers, I just can’t decide.
How fun to be in a book–you go girl!
Looks yummy! Fav halloween candy? Kit kats! I only usually eat them around halloween!
Candy! I like it all! gooey, chewy, Chocolate, you name it ! What a great time of year, and all the fun that goes with it!
As an adult, I wait for Halloween every year to enjoy the caramel apples covered with chocolate and nuts that (speaking of) Williams-Sonoma carries seasonally. They are soooo delicious!
I love candy. period. but i really like bit-o-honey at halloween. it’s hard to find otherwise.
Yeah, I don’t think it’s possible to pick a favorite Halloween candy. I’ll have to go with candy corn, since I don’t shy away from buying my favorite candy bars at other times of the year.
Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins!
Happy Halloween!!!
Teeny tiny boxes of Smarties ~ the Canadian kind, yummy!
Mini Dark Chocolate bars!
I’m not sure I could pick just one…. I love chocolate but my neighbor gave me a little pumpkin filled with candy corn and roasted peanuts last year, you eat one of each together and it’s like a whole new take on a salted nut roll. I’ll be making up some of the same treat to share with friends this year!! :)
Dark Chocolate Milky Way Bars!
I love candy corn…and mini reese’s…and mini snickers…the list could go on!
Baby Ruth bars!
I love the pumpkin shaped Reese’s peanut butter cups and candy corn!
Snickers! I love all the mini candy bars – Doesn’t make me feel as guilty when you eat the little ones :)
Favorite Halloween candy… those orange and black wrapped peanut butter taffy things. But not the cheap ones, I need the ones with real peanut butter inside.
The book looks wonderful, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the opportunity.
I LOVE Bit O’ Honey! Mmmm. I have to limit myself or I will eat the entire bag in one sitting.
Good chocolate, and caramel covered suckers.
Reese’s *anything*. Snickers are a close second. Thanks!
Plain M&Ms
My favorite Halloween candy is anything chocolate! But favorite treat is popcorn balls!
I love Tootsie Roll Pops
Candy Corn!!! :)
I LoVe Tootsie Rolls!!! Not the little ones but the medium sized ones. The ones you usually only get on Halloween!!!