
Chewy Chocolate Meringues


I want to show you this new book from Williams-Sonoma.

It’s filled with delicious photographs and tons of recipes including …




Pop Tarts.


And pies to name a few.

Are your taste buds warming up yet? Mine sure are. I could hardly stand to flip through the pages of this book without wanting to make everything in it.

Home. Baked. Comfort. Yes, please.

And guess what, else.


This book also includes recipes from several bakeries and bloggers across the country.

Like Smitten Kitchen, Tartine, Cannelle et Vanille, Flour, Baked…

And more.


Maybe even one from someone you know.

With all this yumminess, it was really hard to decide what to bake first. I flipped through the book several times before I finally decided.


When I saw that one of the featured bakeries was from Minneapolis, I knew right away that was the one to try since I’ll be in Minnesota and at Williams-Sonoma in about two weeks for a book signing. (Details here.)

And now, I may just have to stop by this bakery, too.

Salty Tart. Cute name.


And her recipe for Chewy Chocolate Meringues is delish.

And easy.

And better yet, only needs four ingredients.


Finely chopped bittersweet chocolate.


Five tablespoons cocoa powder.


Sugar and egg whites.

This photo kinda makes them look like egg yellows though.


Whisk together the egg whites and sugar over – but not touching – simmering water until dissolved.


Remove from heat and beat the egg whites until stiff and glossy.


Then fold in the chocolate and cocoa.


Scoop out the batter on parchment lined baking sheets and bake away.


You want to see cracks. That’s part of what I love about this recipe. No need to try and make anything look perfect. These are already perfectly imperfect.


And oh so good.

They are highly addictive, too. I don’t want to tell you how many I ate before I even finished taking photos…


…but let’s just say that this photo is missing quite a few.

I’m so glad I tried this recipe. I’ve never made meringues before because they never really looked all that appealing to me. But wow! These chocolate ones will be made again. And again.

Thanks Salty Tart.

Chewy Chocolate Meringues

Chewy Chocolate Meringues

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 18 minutes
Total Time 38 minutes


  • Chewy Chocolate Meringues
  • 1 cup (8 fl oz / 250 ml) large egg whites - about 7
  • 2 cups (1 lb / 500 g) sugar
  • 5 tbsp (1 oz / 30 g) natural cocoa powder
  • 4 oz (125 g) bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
  • 4 oz (125 g) cocoa nibs*


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. In a clean, dry heatproof bowl, whisk together egg whites and sugar. Set over, but not touching, simmering water in a saucepan.
  3. Whisk constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved and remove from heat. (I tested to make sure I didn't feel any sugar granules.)
  4. Beat the eggs on high using your mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Beat until stiff and glossy.
  5. Sift cocoa over the meringue. Sprinkle chopped chocolate (and cocoa nibs if you're using) on top. Then, fold together gently with a spatula until combined.
  6. Use a scoop to drop even amounts of batter onto prepared baking sheets about two inches apart.
  7. Bake for about 8-9 minutes. Rotate the pans and bake for another 8-9 minutes until the cookies are fluffy and full of cracks.
  8. Transfer the cookies, leaving them on the parchment paper, to wire racks to cool.


Adapted from Home Baked Comfort.

* I omitted the cocoa nibs because I didn't have any on hand and the cookies still came out beautifully.

The recipe says it makes about 2 dozen meringues, but I ended up with about 60 using a 1.5 inch scoop. I also used a scale to measure my ingredients exactly.


Home Baked Comfort by Kim Laidlaw
Photographed by Eric Wolfinger

Featured Bakeries
Baked, Brooklyn, NY
Floriole Cafe & Bakery, Chicago, IL
Flour Bakery + Cafe, Boston, MA
Huckleberry Cafe & Bakery, Santa Monica, CA
Pearl Bakery, Portland, OR
Salty Tart Bakery, Minneapolis, MN
Sugar Mama’s Bakeshop, Austin, TX
Tartine Bakery, San Francisco, CA

Featured Bloggers
Cannelle et Vanille
La Tartine Gourmande
Smitten Kitchen
and me : )

The book is available at Williams-Sonoma until February 2012. Then you’ll also be able to find it on Amazon.


Until then, want to win a copy?

You do. I promise.


Leave a comment on this post answering the following random question.

  • What is your favorite Halloween candy?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday evening, September 27th at 6:00 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good Luck!

Disclosure: Giveaway sponsored by me. : )

And the winner is……

comfort_winnerMyra – You’re gonna love this book.

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4,028 comments on “Chewy Chocolate Meringues”

  1. It’s not fair that some people introduce many different entries… Even if we have no chance of winning :) It is still a pleasure to come and visit.
    Such a talented person…

  2. Resses peanut butter cups!!!!!

  3. Reese’s Pumpkins!!!
    Congrats to you for being in the cookbook. :)

  4. Hands down….Candy Corn! Guilty pleasure.

  5. Popcorn balls, the good gooey kind!

  6. Popcorn balls

  7. Reese’s Peanute Butter Eggs – love the shape and so yummy! :)

  8. Well in Australia we don’t have many “Halloween candies” as such, but I LOVE the little bite sized milky ways!

  9. Mary Janes all the way baby!!! =D Nothing better!

  10. Anything with caramel!!!!!!!!

  11. chocolate candy any style! I’m from Italy so I don’t know what you mean when you say halloween candy, but I must have this book! ;))

  12. Almond Joy and Reece’s are my favorites, but even that is a hard pick.

  13. vanilla tootsie rolls :)

  14. I know a lot of people hate these, but my favorite Halloween candy is candy corn. They’re addictive and festive!

  15. Definitely Candy Corn…. And although not quite candy, Caramel Apples! :D

  16. Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins! Chocolate and peanut butter are a match made in candy heaven! I like to keep mine in the fridge for a nice, cold treat. Mmmm…

  17. Hmmm just about anything gummy…

    sweedish fish

    tootsie rolls

    twizzlers or red vines

    Oh and animal crackers anytime :)

  18. Usually I can avoid Halloween candy, but dont let me get near peanut butter cups. They are like crack to me. NO idea why! :)

  19. Chocolate covered marshmallow pumpkins.

  20. I love the fun sized Kit-Kats. Or any other chocolate, I suppose. :)

  21. Milkyways all the way!

  22. Definitely Reese’s :).

  23. Almost anything chocolate. Love all the miniatures: Twix, Reese’s, Krackel, Mr Goodbar.

  24. tootsie rolls!

  25. Candy corn and the little pumpkins

  26. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups……..and candy corn until I make myself sick from eating a whole bag!!!

  27. Caramel Candy Apple

  28. Fruit-flavored miniature tootsie rolls. I only ever got them when I went trick-or-treating!

  29. My favorite Halloween candy is a toss up between bite size Snickers and Reese’s peanut butter cups, yum!

  30. dots in the yellow box :-D or sour patch kids!!

  31. My favorite was always Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I used to trade my cousins for theirs and save for the very end. Too bad that often meant I forgot to eat them!

  32. Favorite is Peanut Butter Cups. :)

  33. Peanut Butter Snickers! Yum!

  34. SIXLETS! Yum! =)

  35. Candy Corn!!

  36. Hi Bakerella! I’d really like to try this meringue as a cupcake frosting! I’m thinking I could pipe it with a large round tip, similar to the way you pipe frosting on a high hat cupcake, and then bake it. Do you think that would work? Will the extra oven time dry out the cupcake beneath too much? Do you think it can be baked at the same time as the cupcake?

  37. Caramel apples! They’re also a great way to celebrate Fall :)

    Congratulations on your new book!

  38. The UK doesn’t go in for Halloween enough, but I go nuts for any holiday candy . This year I am making my own chilli chocolate truffle squares. Yum!

  39. My favorite candy (not just halloween!) is the little baby sized crunches! ;)

  40. We don’t celebrate Halloween here, but, well, you can never go wrong with chocolate, can you? :-)

  41. Candy corn :)

  42. My favorite is CANDY CORN…it brings me so many wonderful memories of my childhood.

  43. We don’t have typical haloween candy here in Holland, but I really love everything with chocolate!

  44. Candy corn, the classic. :) But there isn’t much as far as Halloween candy goes that I’d turn down. Maybe those ones that have just the black or orange wrapper. I don’t think I was ever even brave enough to try one of those. :)

  45. Bite-size Snickers, mmmmm… Or, peanut M&M’s, I’m hard-pressed to choose between the two.

    Love your blog btw, it’s one of the first baking blogs I ever started following–inspiring!

  46. we dont celebrate halloween in australia (not like you guys do anyway) something that i have made before is pumpkin pie which was so yummy, but i would love to try those corn things im not sure where to buy them from…xooxx

  47. Candy Corn!!! I miss it so!

  48. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!!!

  49. Peanut Butter M&M’s!!!!! I love the chocolate peanut butter combo!! yummm

  50. Wow, those meringues look delicious!
    I live in Holland and Halloween is just not such a big thing here. We don’t have special halloween treats (although some shops sell decorations for the last few years). But I am very curious about the candy corn. I always see this on American blogs but I have no idea how it’s taste like.


  52. Candy corn… just discovered caramel apple candy corn and love it!

  53. I love the little mini 100 Grand candy bars in those hard to resist red packages. When I was about 7 years old I would sneak into the paper bag that filled all of the candy my grandparents would give away to the trick or treaters and take a couple of bars. I still remember the crispy crunch and the gooey caramel.

  54. Butterfingers, for sure! Luckily, no one else in my family likes them, so I get them all! :D

  55. don’t really eat store-bought candy anymore except for certain dark chocolate bars, so I’ll go with homemade peanut butter cups!

  56. fudge! lollipops too! candy corn! yaay! wohooo! all the candy is good!

  57. Anything chocolate! But I guess if I have to pick one it would be… Snickers!

  58. I would love a copy! Thanks for sharing the book, and letting us know where we can find it if we don’t win. The pictures alone look amazing…

    Favorite Halloween candy: Depends on if I’m craving something fruity or chocolate! Either Twizzlers or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Usually peanut butter gets the best of me though. :P

  59. Candy Corn, just seeing it screams halloween.

  60. No hesitation here…my fave Halloween candy is Bulleyes…also known as caramel cremes. mmmm hmmm

  61. Candy corn! (until my teeth start to hurt!)

  62. Caramel apples are my fave! That, and anything that has chocolate and peanuts together!

  63. Chocolate of course! kit kats, Aero’s Oh Henry’s, Snickers, etc.. Mmmm. And yes I admit that when giving out candy I tend to go by the “two for you, one for me” philosophy. Lol.

  64. Carmel Apples, Caramel corn yum and all the bite sized chocolates YUM!

  65. Definitely peanut butter cups! :-)

  66. my favorite candy would be kit Kat the mini ones they are so good. Congratulations on being in the book I’m a huge fan of your website your really talented I still have to get your cake pops book so I can make some for my daughter. Hope your doing well.

  67. I just love Reese’s, especially their holiday ones. They are the perfect blend of peanut butter and chocolate. YUM!

  68. I love candy corn! The ones shaped like pumpkins are my favorite, even though they taste the same!

  69. OH MY GOD ! This book looks incredibly amazing :O
    Pictures are beautiful and recipes are looking so good !
    My favorite Halloween candy is Halloween Kit Kat :)
    But that would be awesome if you could show us how to make a Pumkin cake pop !
    Thanks for all you’re doing, your blog is amazing :)

  70. My favorite halloween candy that I always ate first following trick or treating is tootsie rolls! They are still my favorite! I think candy corns taste like wax!

  71. I’m 44 years old and still love Smarties!

  72. Mary Jane peanut butter kisses!

  73. Definitely, definitely any mini box of Junior Mints or small pack of Kit Kats. No fruits or granola bars!!! No thanks!!! :)

  74. I’m going to have to try that recipe out!

    Favorite Halloween candy is Bit-o-Honey :)

  75. Since I was a kid I would trade any candy for Reese’s — and I still can’t get enough of them. But since I can get them all year round, I’ll go with candy pumpkins — nothing says Halloween more than that mellow creme deliciousness :)

  76. The crazy black and orange colored nerds! mmm… Sugar!

  77. Candy corn, candy apples, mainly just all of the CANDY!

  78. I <3 popcorn balls,carmel apples & kit-kats ! Yum…..

  79. I love pumpkin peeps and kit kats!

  80. Candy corn, of course. But only the good kind not the icky kind. Also hershey kisseys and fun size snickers.


  82. mini snickers (frozen!)

  83. Anything chocolate, but definitely Almond Joy :)

  84. It’s a tie between Charleston Chews and Reese’s Peanut Butter cups

  85. butterfinger…yum yum.

  86. Mary Jane’s! Only eat them @ Halloween.

  87. Pretty much any miniature version of a full-size candy bar. For some reason they just taste so much better when they are bite size.

  88. Dots from the Tootsie Roll mix, teeny bags of chips!!

  89. Oh my Oh my . . . so many to choose from but I’ll pick those good ole candy corn! Can’t beat em!

    Congrats on your contribution to Williams-Sonoma’s Home Baked Comfort!

  90. This book looks fantastic! The meringues look pretty delicious too.

    As for my favorite Halloween candy, I have a soft spot for Reeses pumpkins.

  91. probably reeses pb cups…halloween is my favorite time of year! thanks for the giveaway looks awesome!!

  92. Mary Jane’s are my favorite! I love your blog and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL photos. Thank you for posting. :-)

  93. i love krackel bars. they only make them mixed in those dumb mixed miniature bags though. Guess I’ll have to make my own yumminess.

  94. Love love love the Chewy Chocolate Meringues recipe! My best friend can’t have wheat, so she will be so excited when I make these.

  95. my favorite halloween candy is the kind you can get for 1/2 off the day after… =)

  96. Candy corn mixed with peanuts and M&M’s. Halloween trail mix!

  97. Oh, caramel apples for sure. Nearly every year I grab a bag of caramels and sticks to melt down and treat my friends to some dipped apples. Simple and delicious!

  98. Candy Corn!!!! I love the three different layers. Candy Corn just screams Halloween!

  99. Candy corn & I also like to steal my kids Mr. Goodbars from their trick or treat bags.

  100. Chocolate!!! ‘Nuff said! :)

  101. Picking a favorite candy is like picking a favorite child, but I guess I’d have to say candy corns… they’re so festive!

  102. Anything with peanutbutter

  103. caramel apples!!

  104. Pay Day bars! My husband and I absolutely LOVE them! :-)

  105. Caramel apples, peanut butter cups, candy corn, Snickers, and Twix! I guess I like most kinds of candy….and Halloween because we get an excuse to eat it all!

    That baking book looks gorgeous by the way. Congrats!

  106. i love love love chewy sweet tarts (giant ones).
    candy corns are also a nice once a year treat.

  107. i love to eat peanut butter cups.

  108. Anything chocolate? This is hard since I love candy at any point in time and not only for Halloween. My favorite Halloween candy, though, is anything chocolate and fun-sized. LoL :)

  109. Most definitely candy corn! Now I really want some…

  110. My favorite Halloween Candy : Rockets (I am from Canada so I believe that they are called Smarties in the US, and Smarties in Canada are candy coated chocolate similar to M&M’s but better) Oh Canada!

  111. Any mini chocolate bars.

  112. The candy I loved to find in my trick or treat bag is Sixlets!

  113. no brainer – candy corn!

  114. So many good ones to choose from…Snickers, peanut m&m’s, twix, kit kats…

  115. Dots!!! Love em!! And i only think to eat them at Halloween!!

  116. 100 grand bars. nom nom nom!


  118. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!

  119. Candy corn! I wait all year for it!

  120. I <3 hershey kisses !!!

  121. favorite halloween candy? same as my every-day favorite candy. DOTS! :D

  122. Definitely candy corn and the new candy corn flavored M&Ms! Delish!

  123. candy corn of course

  124. Candy Corn – Has to be Brachs though. The other brands are nasty. Did you know if you mix them with salted peanuts they taste just like a Pay Day? Of course I could just buy a Pay Day but that’s not as much fun.

    BTW – Love the pictures in this post. I read a lot of cooking blogs and these are the most creative ingredients pictures I’ve seen. Love the closeup of the sugar.

  125. I love Williams Sonoma!

    I love the candy corn pumpkins!

  126. tootsie rolls, or the soft caramel squares.

  127. oh my… picking just ONE favorite candy! i’ll have to go with Snickers. So yummy!

  128. I absolutely LOVE candy corn!!! sooooo yummy!!

  129. almond joy

  130. those little square caramels in the really noisy cellophane wrappers!

  131. Milky Way Midnight miniatures. And the little Reeces Peanut Butter Cups, too.

  132. My favorite Halloween candy would have to be tootsie pops! But only the purple, red, and orange!

  133. candy corns and caramel apples… and cotton candy from the fair! The fair always comes a few weeks before Halloween. love it. I don’t know why but cotton candy reminds me of Halloween.

  134. I’m a sucker for the mini Kit-Kats and Reeses!

  135. They are all good but especially the candy corn.

  136. Me? Dark Chocolate Hershey Kisses…..wickedly, wrapped in PURPLE foil!


  137. peanut M&M’s :)

  138. Caramel apple pops – so very yummy!!!

  139. Bit-O-Honey!

  140. candy corn!!! can’t get enough of it :)

  141. Smarties…I miss “going” through my sons candy my hubby (for safety reasons of course) and fighting him for them!!

  142. I absolutly love snickers and reeses.Delicous!!!

  143. CANDY CORN! the seasonal-ness of it makes it that much better.

  144. Marshmallow Ghost Peeps or Pumpkins, Candy Corn and about anything covered in chocolate. How about chocolate covered candy corn, umm… haven’t seen that done yet but sure exists somewhere. LOL!

  145. Brach’s candy corn & pumpkins. But really, I love it all. Something about cute individual packaging does it to me every time.

  146. Halloween candy ! Pretty much any miniatures candy bars, but I do love delicious and decorated cupcakes or cookies ! I am hoping to explore pumpkin flavored things this fall ! :) also, I love your site and tell as many people as will listen about it.

  147. I would have to say that my favorite halloween candy is definitely candy corn. I used to pretend candy corn were teeth. This book looks delicous!

  148. Kit Kats!

  149. No way I can pick just one candy. I’m a candyaholic and love it! I used to take my kids when they were babies trick or treating just so I could get the candy. :)

  150. I love love love Twix! I know I can have them all year long, but I usually eat them the most around Halloween.

  151. I can’t find my favorite Halloween Candy anymore…the Marathon Bar. So, I’ll take anything with chocolate and caramel instead…Rolo’s or Milk Duds.

  152. CANDY CORN! I eat it till I get sick….and then a few more :)

  153. Kandi is my name…. My favorite, though, is Laffy Taffy.

  154. mmm my favourite is dark cherry ripe bars, can’t get enough of them at the moment. Don’t like the normal ones but the dark ones are fantastic.

  155. My favorite Halloween candy are definitely the little candy pumpkins made by the candy corn people. I could eat a whole bag if someone didn’t stop me!


  157. This book looks absolutely amazing! My favourite candies are twix, kitkats, butter fingers and the caramel apple lollipops. It’s so hard to choose just one!

  158. anything chocolate….yummmmmmmm, especially peanut butter m & ms

  159. My favorite Halloween specific candy is candy corn! I actually use to HATE this stuff as a kid. Then one day about two years ago when I began loving anything with honey in it, I decided to try candy corn again and fell in love. Plus, they are super cute and fun to decorate with!

  160. Halloween just wouldn’t be the same without CANDY CORN! It is, without a doubt, my favorite halloween candy. -Michelle G.

  161. Anything dark chocolate :)

  162. I love that cook book! I’ve already made the cinnamon rolls and they were fantastic. Check it out

  163. CANDY CORN!!!! Yummy!!!

  164. Caramel pumpkins….yum!

  165. I love the little square caramels! And also rockets – love the rockets!! :)

  166. Candy corn!

  167. Mary Janes! For some reason I only eat them around Halloween but I love, love, love them!

  168. It’s a tie, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and those cute little candy pumpkins! I eat way too many every year and get sick on them, but I always forget about it just in time for Halloween the next year!

  169. It woud have to be all the candy corn, except im in Australia. Not really celebrated. Definately missing out on the amazing candies and festivities!

  170. Reeses!
    But I think if one of these meringues ended up in my treat bucket, I’d be happy with that too.

  171. Definitely candy corn, and anything chocolate-mmm

  172. I would have to say the Mini Mars bars. It has the right chocolate to nougat ratio!

  173. Green apple lollipops that are covered in hardened caramel!

  174. My favorite is twix. Great job on those meringues–they look delicious!

  175. Candy corn! My husband laughs at my craving every October – I can’t resist!

  176. My favorite Halloween candy (year round favorite, really) is Reese’s peanut butter cups. Bonus points if they’re pumpkin shaped!

  177. Favorite halloween candy:
    candy corn

  178. I’m thinking it must be Snickers because I can remember that being the first candy I would “steal” out of my kids candy when they would dump their bag out on the floor after trick or treating.

  179. Wow this book looks like SO much fun! I LOVE baking so much. My favorite Halloween candy is Take 5. The peanut butter, the chocolate, the pretzel, the carmel.. Mmmmmm…

  180. We don’t really “do” Halloween where I live in Australia – but I love Time Outs!

  181. Any mini-chocolate bars :) mmmm mmmm mmmmmm!

  182. Candy corn of course! And those pumpkins from the autumn mix! So yummy

  183. Candy corn, or those little candy-corn-tastin’ pumpkins by Brach’s

  184. Reese’s Peanut Butter cups. I used to pick them out of my bag and they were the last to get eaten.

  185. Candy Corn. Best Halloween candy ever.

  186. Can I pick Two????
    Candy Corns and Pumpkin shaped Peeps.

  187. I think my favourite would have to be Sour Patch Kids. They’re so good! I love how after the sour, comes the sweet. I always eat the yucky red ones first before chomping down on the green and yellow ones though (:

  188. candy corn and caramel apples.

  189. I love mini Snickers and Reeses PB cups!! Yum!

  190. Technically not a candy, but I like caramel apples.

  191. Wow! You are so creative with food.

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