
Chewy Chocolate Meringues


I want to show you this new book from Williams-Sonoma.

It’s filled with delicious photographs and tons of recipes including …




Pop Tarts.


And pies to name a few.

Are your taste buds warming up yet? Mine sure are. I could hardly stand to flip through the pages of this book without wanting to make everything in it.

Home. Baked. Comfort. Yes, please.

And guess what, else.


This book also includes recipes from several bakeries and bloggers across the country.

Like Smitten Kitchen, Tartine, Cannelle et Vanille, Flour, Baked…

And more.


Maybe even one from someone you know.

With all this yumminess, it was really hard to decide what to bake first. I flipped through the book several times before I finally decided.


When I saw that one of the featured bakeries was from Minneapolis, I knew right away that was the one to try since I’ll be in Minnesota and at Williams-Sonoma in about two weeks for a book signing. (Details here.)

And now, I may just have to stop by this bakery, too.

Salty Tart. Cute name.


And her recipe for Chewy Chocolate Meringues is delish.

And easy.

And better yet, only needs four ingredients.


Finely chopped bittersweet chocolate.


Five tablespoons cocoa powder.


Sugar and egg whites.

This photo kinda makes them look like egg yellows though.


Whisk together the egg whites and sugar over – but not touching – simmering water until dissolved.


Remove from heat and beat the egg whites until stiff and glossy.


Then fold in the chocolate and cocoa.


Scoop out the batter on parchment lined baking sheets and bake away.


You want to see cracks. That’s part of what I love about this recipe. No need to try and make anything look perfect. These are already perfectly imperfect.


And oh so good.

They are highly addictive, too. I don’t want to tell you how many I ate before I even finished taking photos…


…but let’s just say that this photo is missing quite a few.

I’m so glad I tried this recipe. I’ve never made meringues before because they never really looked all that appealing to me. But wow! These chocolate ones will be made again. And again.

Thanks Salty Tart.

Chewy Chocolate Meringues

Chewy Chocolate Meringues

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 18 minutes
Total Time 38 minutes


  • Chewy Chocolate Meringues
  • 1 cup (8 fl oz / 250 ml) large egg whites - about 7
  • 2 cups (1 lb / 500 g) sugar
  • 5 tbsp (1 oz / 30 g) natural cocoa powder
  • 4 oz (125 g) bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
  • 4 oz (125 g) cocoa nibs*


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. In a clean, dry heatproof bowl, whisk together egg whites and sugar. Set over, but not touching, simmering water in a saucepan.
  3. Whisk constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved and remove from heat. (I tested to make sure I didn't feel any sugar granules.)
  4. Beat the eggs on high using your mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Beat until stiff and glossy.
  5. Sift cocoa over the meringue. Sprinkle chopped chocolate (and cocoa nibs if you're using) on top. Then, fold together gently with a spatula until combined.
  6. Use a scoop to drop even amounts of batter onto prepared baking sheets about two inches apart.
  7. Bake for about 8-9 minutes. Rotate the pans and bake for another 8-9 minutes until the cookies are fluffy and full of cracks.
  8. Transfer the cookies, leaving them on the parchment paper, to wire racks to cool.


Adapted from Home Baked Comfort.

* I omitted the cocoa nibs because I didn't have any on hand and the cookies still came out beautifully.

The recipe says it makes about 2 dozen meringues, but I ended up with about 60 using a 1.5 inch scoop. I also used a scale to measure my ingredients exactly.


Home Baked Comfort by Kim Laidlaw
Photographed by Eric Wolfinger

Featured Bakeries
Baked, Brooklyn, NY
Floriole Cafe & Bakery, Chicago, IL
Flour Bakery + Cafe, Boston, MA
Huckleberry Cafe & Bakery, Santa Monica, CA
Pearl Bakery, Portland, OR
Salty Tart Bakery, Minneapolis, MN
Sugar Mama’s Bakeshop, Austin, TX
Tartine Bakery, San Francisco, CA

Featured Bloggers
Cannelle et Vanille
La Tartine Gourmande
Smitten Kitchen
and me : )

The book is available at Williams-Sonoma until February 2012. Then you’ll also be able to find it on Amazon.


Until then, want to win a copy?

You do. I promise.


Leave a comment on this post answering the following random question.

  • What is your favorite Halloween candy?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday evening, September 27th at 6:00 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good Luck!

Disclosure: Giveaway sponsored by me. : )

And the winner is……

comfort_winnerMyra – You’re gonna love this book.

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4,028 comments on “Chewy Chocolate Meringues”

  1. I love candy corn :)

  2. My favorite Halloween candy is Twizzler’s Not the Pull and Peels, Not the tough hard ones, but the big fat fluffy ones (hollow in the middle) that you can only get in the Twizzler’s assorted candy bag. My girls get all of theirs taken away as a ‘mom tax’ on Halloween. :)

  3. Reese’s! They are my absolute favorite :)

  4. Fun size snickers bars are awfully delicious!

  5. mellowcreme pumpkins, of course! 10x better than their candy corn cousin. :)

  6. Charleston Chews-frozen! YUM!

  7. mini milkyway midnights!mmmm…

  8. I love bottle caps!!!

  9. When I was a kid, bottle caps and dots were always eaten first.

  10. gotta be reeses cups. Chocolate and peanut butter, yum!

  11. Candy Corn!

  12. So many choices! I love licorice and rockets. I also love chocolate too, especially crispy crunch :)

  13. I love mini Reese’s peanut butter cups and for some reason they taste better when they are wrapped in the fall colored foils.

  14. Candy Corn! I eat them by color…first the orange bottoms, then the yellow middles and save the white for last!

  15. Black Licorice or Peanut Butter Kisses!

  16. I love Nutrageous candy bars! For some reason they remind me of Halloween because it’s the only time of the year I can find them!

  17. I love Caramel Apples! It’s the only time of year I can justify eating one.

  18. Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins by the half-dozen

  19. My favorite Halloween candy is Rockets (called smarties in the US i think). But my favorite Halloween treat is homemade roasted pumpkin seeds with mulled apple juice! <3 ^^

  20. Mary Janes Peanut Butter Kisses. My Sisters and I have looked forward to these candies every year since the 1960’s.

  21. Reese’s peanut butter cup and candy corn.

  22. mmm Rockets!!!
    To clarify, not the US Rockets, which we call Smarties up in Canada but the candy that is like little tabs of powdered sugar.
    So yummy, so addictive!! Its like candy crack!! LOL

  23. My favorite is Starbursts!!

  24. My favorite Halloween candy Peeps marshmallow pumpkins. I love to put them in the freezer so the get hard and chewy.

  25. Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins!!!!!!!!

  26. I love Nerds!!! oooh and Peeps, preferably the bats!

  27. My favorite Halloween candy is candy, candy corn, candy cane, and syrup! (hahahah name that movie!)

  28. I love the candy pumpkins. They’re candy corn but in pumpkin cute shapes, I can’t resist!

  29. Indian Corn!!!!

  30. hmmmm…favorite halloween candy? I’d have to say it’s a toss up between PB cups, Reese’s pieces and little coffee crisp chocolate bars (cause they only come in the little format for halloween…more fun to eat!!)

  31. Reese’s pumpkins! Love me some peanut butter.

  32. i love snickers, any size is fine by me. put them in the freezer and i love them even more!

  33. Anything chocolate is good for me! i love 3 musketeers, but my other favorites are reeses peanut butter cups and hersheys kisses. i would love to win the book, and eat those yummy looking chocolate meringues. i would come to your house to eat all the yummy treats you make if i could. I think if i won the book, i would make the recipes and send you pictures of my successes( and failures)! but the good thing is, if you make a mistake, you can eat it up!

  34. Taffy!

  35. I only crave candy corn in the fall… Comfort and childhood memories!

  36. Kit Kats!

  37. Caramel apples :) Does that count as candy?

  38. Mini Coffee Crisps or those Halloween Toffee. Yummy.

  39. I’m not sure if I can pick just one, but just because it’s more Halloween to me than just my favorite type of candy, I’ll say candy corn =)

  40. nothing says halloween to me like harvest corn (or indian corn). all the goodness of candy corn with the addition of faux chocolatey goodness. mmmm.

  41. I love Sour Patch Kids and Hot Tamales! YUM!

  42. I love the candy corn and candy pumpkins.

  43. I think I’ll pick Tootsie Rolls if I have to pick just one. The book looks awesome.

  44. mini 3 tart packages of Sweettarts! I take, steal them from my kiddos!

  45. Candy Corn! They’re best enjoyed on sugar cut-out cookies shaped like pumpkins with orange icing and candy corn faces. Yum!

  46. I love the candy corn pumpkins and caramel apple pops!

  47. Candy corn. I have lots of candy bar favorites but you can get them all year round.

  48. My all time favorite Halloween candy is Oh Henry’s Bar’s I can’t find any more :( Does any one have them in their neck of the country?

  49. My favorite Halloween candy is classic candy corn! I know it’s available year-round if you look hard enough, but I only indulge in it during the Halloween season! I love it!

  50. In my house, candy corn is the ONLY Halloween candy :)

  51. My favorite Halloween candy is candy corn, the kind with one chocolate stripe. They’re hard to find.

  52. I’m not sure that I can pick just one… Reese’s PB cups, Twix, caramel apple pops, Pay Day, Cow Tails… yum yum yum…

  53. My favorite halloween candy would have to be the tiny boxes of milk duds you get in the bags of candy mix. You only get like 3 per box and no one else ever seems to want them but I love them.

  54. I’ve been completely addicted to TWIX lately, so they are now my favorite Halloween candy :) and those chocolate meringues look delicious!

  55. Candy Corn… Actually, not just for halloween, I love that they have the Valentine’s day and Christmas day ones tooo.

  56. Candy corn with salted peanuts mixed in. Very addicting!! :)

  57. Anything chocolate; but I notice that the Butterfingers are always the first ones missing from my childrens’ Halloween bags….what??!

    I love to make things out of popcorn to give the neighbor kids that I know. Last year I made caramel corn from the big red and white checked cookbook; and gave it out in zebra striped tin buckets that I found at Target. It was a big hit! The year before that, it was popcorn balls wrapped in orange cellophane and tied with purple raffia, which I think they liked too….though that was already 2 years ago and the memory fades….but we had fun making them!

    Love your blog! Our next door neighbor who left for college this year (wah!), brought us some whoopee pies that she had made per your recipe, and I was hooked!

    Keep up the good work!

    Leslie Rehlaender

  58. candy corn….especially the pumpkin ones!

  59. reese’s peanut butter cups!

  60. My favourite would have to be snickers! They were my favourite when trick or treating and its still my favourite chocolate bar as an adult.

  61. Mini peanut butter cups! I can’t get enough of them! Either in a bag, or wrapped up. I can sit and eat tons of them!

  62. Anything chocolate and miniature!

  63. Reese’s cups, for sure!

  64. Just like the meringues, my fave has to be chocolate and the darker the better.

    How to narrow it down to one??? Maybe a short list: Hershey’s Special Dark, Malted Milk Balls, and Pearson’s Mint Patties (because mint is about the best flavor you can possibly mix with chocolate).

  65. Mini snakers and candy corn.. Yaaay for being included in the book :)

  66. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! anything peanut butter is wonderful.

  67. Peanut butter cups…all year!

  68. My favorite Halloween candy are almond joy’s!

  69. Omg, that looks awesome! And, my favorite halloween candy is, of course, candy corn!

  70. I love the Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins!

  71. Candy corn and peanuts mixed together!

  72. Kit Kats – yum!

  73. candy corn! once a year, it’s tasty stuff!

  74. Gotta have sweet tarts!!

  75. My favorite Halloween candy…hmmm…twixxxx!!!! yumm!!!!

  76. Peanut M&M’s always!

  77. The first sweet that came to mind was candy corn, but I’m really a fan of pastel mint kisses -does that count as a Halloween treat?

    By the way, I love meringues! They’re called “suspiritos” in Spanish, which means “little sighs” but I think these Chewy Chocolate ones would leave many sighing a lot.

  78. Candy corn is THE best

  79. Fun sized snickers! My boyfriend doesn’t get how I can eat 5 fun sized bars, but won’t ever purchase a full sized candy bar.

  80. I love love love the pumpkins from the autumn mix. Don’t know what it is about them!

  81. Anything that says “Fun Size” on the package! :) Because…. it’s fun!!

  82. Halloween is the BEST!!! Love Tootsie Rolls.

  83. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! Also, as a Minneapolis resident, I can vouch for the Salty Tart–go check it out!

  84. Mary Jane’s!

  85. Almond Joy! I steal them from my girls, but it’s not really stealing, they won’t eat them anyway :)

  86. Of course I love the pumpkin shaped candy corn, but I also love the peanut butter taffy with little dabs peanut butter in the middle…mmmm! Thank you for offering the chance to win this awesome book. Look forward to meeting you in Edina next month!

  87. Twix and Snickers, mmmmmmm.

  88. pink starbursts!!

  89. Hmm…I think my favorite would be caramels. Or the mini boxes of junior mints. Yum!

  90. I love Starburst!

  91. I love the little pumpkins – they remind me of the jar my grandma always had of them. And, I know it’s not candy, but pumpkin seeds. As far as “give out candy” I love mini Twix and mini Kit Kat!

  92. Snack sized kit kats. Mmmmm. But not if stored with anything sugary (sugar-sugary not chocolate-sugary) because then the wafers start tasting chalky.
    What can I say? I’ve studied this.

  93. Resee’s Pumpkins! Yum yum yum.

  94. the little pumpkins that are a lot like the candy corns!

  95. Candy Corn! :)
    And those look absolutely fabulous!!!

  96. By far my favorite Halloween candy is candy corn pumpkins – but they have to be soft. Yum!

  97. My favorite candy is a snicker!

  98. Dem bones. :) The only problem is that they don’t make or sell them any more. I’ve been on a mad hunt for them since I was about 12.

  99. i LOOOOVE the caramel apple lollypops. but i also love the mini jolly ranchers and any (and pretty much all) chocolates!!

  100. Too many to name – Kit Kats, Baby Ruth, peanut M&Ms, Snickers..and caramel apples! Yum!

  101. my favorite halloween candy is candy corn or those little candy corn pumpkins.

  102. CARAMEL APPLES!!! I love them!!!

  103. awsome book! I love mini kit kat bars the best!

  104. Oh my goodness, that book looks like heaven in hardcover!

    As for Halloween candy, my favorite would probably be Reese’s peanut butter cups (although I do eat them all year long). I’m a sucker for anything with peanut butter and/or chocolate!

  105. Caramel apple lollipops… They’re only available a few months out of the year, so they are a great treat in the fall!

  106. In Canada (where I am from) they are called Rockets
    In the US (where I live ) they are called Smarties either way they are my favorites. As a side note they are my Children’s least favorites so I could always get them easily.

  107. peanut butter cups!

  108. I really love candy corn!!!!!

  109. My favorite Halloween candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. You absolutely cannot go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate!

  110. Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme bars are sooo amazing. I think those are my favorite. Caramel Apple Pops are a close second. *happy*

  111. Ooooh I love candy corns at Halloween!

    The photos of sweet salt chewy-chocolate macaroons is amazing.

    My new liver is well, so good to see yours is more comfortable too. I got a new knee now….one part and one day atba time.

    Lucie Mewes.
    Lucie dot Mewes at gmail dot com

  112. Hmm, I don’t celebrate Halloween, but I do love anything chocolate!

  113. Not regular candy corns but the pumpkin ones! So good I need to make sure I don’t eat the whole bag in one sitting!

  114. Candy Corn is totally my favorite Halloween candy!

  115. I love Bit ‘o’ Honey!! They are sooo good, and I only get them at Halloween. They are never a kid-favorite, so I always get every one :)

  116. Candy corn and mini snickers bars.

  117. My favorite would have to be the dark chocolate reese’s cups shaped like pumpkins! yummm
    OR practically anything that shows up after a night of trick or treating.

  118. It’s got to be Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for candy. For other Halloween items, it’s PAL bubble gum.

  119. My fave is the pumpkin shaped reese’s peanut butter cups!! mmm…yummy!

  120. Even though I am a chocoholic, I am addicted to those orange candy pumpkins!

  121. Candy corn for sure :)

  122. OMG this is SO sweet!

  123. I love the Reese’s peanut butter cups but any chocolate is great, in my opinion. This book looks delish!

  124. Caramel apples! I look forward to them all year long.

  125. A tie between Almond Joy and Jr. Mints. We don’t get many trick-or-treaters so we get to eat all the extras.

  126. i <3 chocolate bars… if that counts as candy…

  127. Candy corn but Almond Joy is my favorite from the candy bag !

  128. Mini-anything, because then I don’t feel so guilty when I eat two, or three, or six…….. :<}

  129. We don’t celebrate Halloween…but I do love the candy that comes out in the Fall! My favorite is candy corn and if you mix the candy corn with peanuts, I’ll love you forever!! LOL

  130. My favorite will always be the Heath bar. My littlest son is named Heath. For his first Halloween I made a Heath bar costume out of a sleeper and passed out Heath bars to the kids. Plus it is so yummy!

  131. There’s this fudge factory near my town in the area called Apple Hill… They may their own caramel and smother marshmallows in these little tiny plastic cups and you eat it with a little tiny plastic spoon. I love Halloween.

  132. Those are gorgeous, tiny and accesible. My favorite halloween candy is definitely candy corn! I love how it’s sweet and not too chewy.

  133. the vampires from HARIBO, so yummie!

  134. My favorite used to be Candy Corn but for some reason after having my son my taste buds changed and now I just can’t stomach them, but when I was a kid, I could eat my weight in those colorful little kernels of goodness.

  135. oh i’m all about the candy corn! I figure I can get most the other candy anytime( just in different holiday wrappers…) I usually have one candy corn binge and I’m good till the next Halloween!

  136. Snack size Snickers :)

  137. I love Peanut Butter cups! I use them in cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and even cheesecakes. But Halloween time, I love popcorn balls! Grandpa used to make them and I have his recipe, I think its time to make them again.

  138. caramel apple suckers!!

  139. I love candy corn!


  141. I love the reeces peanut butter cups, but I can get them year around but that is my excuse when i buy some :)

  142. My all-time favorite is candy corn…and I only eat it around Halloween cuz it’s just not the same any other time of year!

  143. my favorite candy for halloween are the marshmellow peeps and anything chocolate especially reeses peanut butter cups and almond joys and snickers…my list can go on and on :)

  144. Candy corn,and marshmallow pumpkins, yum!!

  145. Omgoodness, hand’s down it’s the little pumpkin shaped candies! Ate them like crazy when I was pregnant with my now 15 year old – who loves them too!

  146. I love kit kats, M&Ms, and Junior Mints in the little boxes.

  147. I love Williams-Sonoma! It would have to be Butterfingers….Love the crunch with chocolate.

  148. I am a sucker for all things dark chocolate, but I love my new found vice: Coffee Crisps as far as packaged yummies goes.
    {Shout-out alert: I used to live in NE Atlanta for over 15 years before meeting my Canadian hubby and flying north…LOVE your blog, it feels a little closer to home for me.}

  149. Slo Pokes, which I haven’t had since I went trick or treating. Why can’t I find them in the check out line?

  150. I recently discovered my undying love for york mint patties….I’m a snickers girl at heart, but mint patties are soo good! I love your blog bakerella!

  151. I love everything about Halloween! I eat the Reese’s PB cups and tootsie pops out of my girls bags! I need to stop buying them to hand out! Yum!

  152. Candy corn and those little candy pumpkins! yummy!

  153. Blue Raspberry Tooties Rolls!

  154. I love the resses peanut butter pumpkins.

  155. I love Sixlets! Or the pumpkin-shaped Reese’s.

  156. Usually snickers and reeses as always! But I LOVE popcorn bals and I die for caramel apples. Oh my, and anything that has pumpkin in it, is always so delicious!

  157. Such a chocoholic..snickers are my favorite! Though candy corn pumpkins come in a close second.

  158. You can never go wrong with a Snickers!

  159. These look so yummy!

    Favorite Halloween candy (and anytime)= Reese’s peanut butter cups

  160. Candy Corn!! If you eat it with cashews it tastes just like a Payday Candy bar! It’s so awesome lol…..might be a southern thang? haha

  161. I’m loving the Reese’s Fast Breaks this year! Really anything with chocolate & caramel works for me too!! :)

  162. Candy corn! But only in small doses… like a handful… because they make my teeth hurt!

  163. for sure candy corn… but too much makes me think that I have cavities because my teeth start to hurt from all of the sugar.

  164. flavored tootsie rolls!

  165. Bottle Caps… I swear they don’t make them any longer as I haven’t seen them in ages. But, I sure loved them as a kid!

  166. I love the fun size Twix. One bite, just perfect.

  167. I normally only eat chocolate when it comes to treats, but the little orange pumpkins are so amazing! I have already bought some!!!

  168. Reese peanut butter cups will always win :)

  169. My favorite Halloween candy is candy corn :) i LOVE when I see them in the store that it is a weakness of mine, lol!!!!

  170. Congratulations on being in the cookbook!

    I have to get some Mary Janes (those chewy peanut butter taffy-like candies in the black and orange wrappers) because my Grandma always gave them to me when I came trick-or-treating.

  171. The pumpkins that are made of the same stuff as candy corn, great for just eating but also looks adorable on top of cupcakes or an a halloween themed cake.

  172. Reese’s sticks…had them for the first time at Halloween last year…not the easiest thing to find so far this year…still looking!!!

  173. Like millions of others — my favorite Halloween candy is Candy Corn — fat-free and frivilous during the months of September, October & November…Mmmmm!

  174. My favorite Halloween candy are Paydays. It’s hard to go wrong with caramel and peanuts. However, my favorite fall food is a toss up between Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies (sounds weird, but so yummy!) and Pumpkin Muffins with Cream Cheese filling. Best time of year for baking!

  175. My favorite Halloween candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

  176. can’t get enough of 3 musketeers!! I dig through my siter’s goodie bag every year and take them lol

  177. Nerds! Definitely nerds! So tangy and cute. :))

  178. Candy corn of course!!!! <[:)

  179. It has to be starbursts! :)

  180. Twix are my favorite Halloween candy. I don’t know that they’re specific to Halloween, but when the holiday comes around I can buy a bag of mini ones “for trick-or-treaters” and not feel guilty if I happen to eat a couple!

  181. laffy taffy especially the cherry ones

  182. I LOVE CHOCOLATE! It seems the best stuff comes miniature and it always tastes better at Halloween!!


  184. candy corn!

  185. whoppers

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