
Check out these chicks!

Farm Chicks 1

Have you heard of these chicks before? I hadn’t until a few weeks ago. It was really kind of a weird little coincidence. I was in the bookstore picking up Pioneer Woman Cookbooks for a recent giveaway and my eyes locked in on a book called The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen. Loved the title and the design, but because I was over my limit on books for the day, make that month, all I did was thumb through the pages really quickly before I made myself leave.

But then, just two days later I received an email from none other than Serena, one of THE Farm Chicks. Seriously. Out of the blue. Two days later. Does stuff like that happen to you, too? Strange coincidences? It does to me all the time.

(Hmmm… The Pioneer Woman and The Farm Chicks. That’s kinda weird, too. Okay, I’m moving to the country.)

Anyway, it was a really short email message that said she wanted to send me something.

Curious, I said, ok. (I like surprises.)

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And boy was I surprised when several days later I received a package full of all of these sweet, sweet gift tags.

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Some with little cakes.

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And others with sweet messages.

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Plus there were all these fun recipe cards. (Forgive me for the extra blurriness. I was playing with different settings on my camera.)

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Some even had Christmas themes.

I had no idea they had all these cute products plus a cookbook. Impressive.

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Speaking of their book, I had to run out to the bookstore and get it right away.

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Wish I had seen this before trying to make a pie last week. Could have come in handy.

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The Farm Chicks love some pie. And the book has several yummy ones like this.

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Plus, it has fun, do-it-yourself projects throughout. I’ve never made scones, but if I do, I want a scone cozy to go with them. Cozy scones. Yes. I want my scones to be cozy. Adorableness. Cuteness doesn’t quite cut it here.

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Hi Serena. Thanks for sending me all the fun stuff. I love it.

Especially the necklace.

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys about the necklace. Well, it has a cake on the front of it and it’s just darling.


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And, since Serena sent me two of them… well…

Would you like one? Then, we can both look super cute, adorned in cake.

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I’ll even throw in some of my gift tags and recipe cards, too. I’m a sharer.

Enter for a chance to win some fun Farm Chicks stuff
(necklace, recipe cards and gift tags)

Just leave a comment on this post and let me know:

  • What’s your favorite sweet or dessert at Christmas?
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, November 30th at 7 p.m. ET
  • TIME’S UP!

  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck! Now, I’m off to read up about Farms and Chicks. If I’m not back soon, look for me in the country. I’ll be the one lost with lollipop sticks.

And, here’s the winner…
Wow, wow, wow, I am going to need the rest of the year to go through all of your favorites. So many things I like, too… especially fudge and so many that I have never even heard of. You guys should take a look through them if you get a chance and want some ideas for something new. Thank you for sharing. And the winner is… #2670… That’s you Heather. All you have to do to get your prize is send me some of your dad’s Keeflies. Just kidding. But really, I just looked those up and they sound great.


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3,171 comments on “Check out these chicks!”

  1. I love Christmas cookies!

  2. It’s just not Christmas without cut out cookies!

  3. Molasses Crinkles. From the old, old Betty Crocker cookbook.

  4. Snickerdoodles! I only make them around Christmas and I have to make a lot because everyone in my family loves them.

  5. I think it would have to be my Mom’s Jam Cake which gets better by the day. BTW, saw you in Better Homes and Garden, that’s crazy.


  6. My favorite treat is brownies with peppermint ice cream & hot fudge sauce! It’s so simple but so good.

  7. my absolute favorite christmas cookies are chocolate crinkles. however, there is just one problem, my mom lost the recipe. i remember her making them for me growing up. i ask for them every christmas, and i swear we try a different recipe every christmas, but they just never turn out the way i remember. mabye you can help us out?!!?

  8. I am so excited to get my Christmas baking underway! I’ve even contemplated the Cowgirl Cookies you featured to accompany my treat baskets. But with Christmas colours instead!
    My favourite treat at christmas would have to be Mint Nanaimo Bars. Though I can tell you I’ve recently tried the Alton Brown recipe for “The Chewy” (Chocolate Chip Cookie) and we’ll be making those to leave out for the big guy this year!

  9. My mother makes a cherry crunch and it is delicious- the only time of year we get it.

  10. The better question for me would be won’t don’t you love. I love all the Christmas goodies. It’s the one time of year you can really let loose and eat as much of the good stuff as you want without feeling guilty.

  11. Buckeye balls! Nothing better than peanut butter covered in chocolate, yum!

  12. Cake Cookies!
    My mother bakes them every Christmas. she sprinkles a little powdered sugar over them.Delicious.

  13. My favorite Christmas treat are Buckeye candies! We make them every year. But, I also love the peanut butter mini Ritz dipped in white chocolate and butterscotch haystacks!!

  14. I like GINGERBREAD. (I’ve already gone thru many a gingerbread man, and it’s not even December…)
    This stuff from the Farm Chicks is very cool!

  15. white chocolate covered pretzels – that sweet/salty thing gets me every time.

  16. I LOVE baklava and am looking forward to having it in the house this Christmas now that my 17 yr old son has learned to make it himself. While not a dessert, I also love Chex Party Mix. Can eat my weight with that stuff, which has resulted in a long standing tradition of my family hiding a stash of it somewhere in the house so others can partake.

  17. I love my Mom’s homemade chocolate bon-bons! They are the BEST!!!!

  18. My favorite holiday sweet is caramel pecan pie :)

  19. A few years ago I came across a recipe for Peppermint Dessert. Think crushed candy canes in no-bake cheese cake on an oreo cookie crust. So yummy!

  20. Peppermint in December.

    It’s not a real dessert, but it should be..

    Any kind of peppermint… in candy canes, in hot chocolate, in chocolate bark, atop holiday cake. You can’t go wrong, nor can you get more Christmasy than peppermint.

  21. I love christmas sugar cookies!!!!

  22. I love making my white chocolate candy cane cheesecake. Then eating it for breakfast. Oh wow.

  23. I can’t choose…hot apple pie? Sweet potato casserole with marshmallows? Divinity? Chocolate truffles?

  24. Frosted sugar cookies!!!

  25. My favorite Christmas treats would have to be Monkey Bread Christmas morning for breakfast, and cute frosted sugar cookies all through the season.

  26. I am going to have to go with homemade sugar cookies with Cranberry Eggnog on the side. You can’t go wrong with this combination! It’s delicious.

  27. I have 2 favorite sweets at Xmas time. 1) my mom and I get together and make candies, some to pass out as gifts and the rest to set out at xmas dinner 2) my girls and I bake and decorate homemade cookies. :)

    I LOVE all the little tags! Too cute!!

  28. I looove White Trash. It is so good it’s horrible. I could sit and eat a vat of it in one sitting. Bad very bad..

  29. My mom’s sugar cookies. Hands down the best sugar cookie recipe I’ve ever tried.

  30. I love my Hitz with a Ritz cookies. So easy yet so yummy! 2 Ritz crackers, peaut butter on one of them (the curvy side so the cookie lays flat) then the other Ritz placed on top and the whole thing dunked in white chocolate. Mmmmm, might have to start these early this year. :-)

  31. During the holidays I make a lot of different cookies and candies. But my favorite has to be dark chocolate pecan fudge.

  32. My favorite around Christmas time is fudge! But, for the sake of my diabetic mother, the pumpkin-cream cheese-pecan pie sugar free style that I made for Thanksgiving this year was pretty darn good!

  33. My favorite Christmas dessert would have to be my Mom’s sand-tarts. They are so little and yummy and they always get me into the holiday spirit.

  34. Pumpkin roll cake:]

    email please.

  35. My husband makes a family candy recipe called “handrolls” everyone loves them but they are super hard to make!!!
    Beth –

  36. I love mini pecan pies! They are so yummy and I could eat like 10, right now!

  37. Haystacks. Marshmallow, dipped in caramel, rolled in krispies:

  38. CandyCane Cookies are the best!

  39. just pumpkin pie………

  40. I recently discovered a Cola Cake recipe on the Coca-Cola Heritage site and made it for my first Thanksgiving with the in-laws this year. IT WAS A HIT! It was sooooooooo rich and yummy! I was trying to figure out how to make it into cake balls but I think it would be better off as mini cakes. It’s too sticky to roll in chocolate, I think.
    Either way, it’s my new favorite holiday recipe!
    Those farm chicks sure know how to deliver on the cuteness! I’ll have to look for their book!


  42. They’re adorable! I love lots of different christmas cookies and a good chocolate too!

  43. Steamed pudding with hard sauce. The one desert both my grandmother and mom made at christmas. They are both gone now but the memory lingers. Must be one of the New England things.

  44. My favorite treat at Christmas is what we call Dirty Snowballs. It is the crushed Oreos and cream cheese made into balls, then covered with almond bark. Yummy!! It is that time of year to start making them.

  45. All of this is making me very hungry.I love to cook and I’m always looking for new ideas in the kitchen.Cooking with my two little ones is the most fun for me.I enjoy seeing them get excited about what we are making.I love love love the cake neckless and gift tags.Sweet way to show some baking love <3

  46. My favorite holiday treat has got to be puppy chow!! I dont’ know why, but Christmas season always seems like the best time to have it!

  47. Peppermint Cheesecake!

  48. My grandmother made old-fashioned molasses cookies every Christmas. She had an old coffee jar (yes, coffee used to come in glass jars) and she’d store them in this jar. She gave the jar to me before she passed away along with the cookie recipe. I make these cookies every Christmas in her memory.

  49. My favorite sweet is this stuff my sister in law makes. It’s cereal and pretzels covered with white bark and colored ball sprinkles. She calls it snow candy. I hide it when she gives it to me!
    (There is a recipe in Serena’s book for potato soup that is WONDERFUL! It has become a weekly thing in our house. What a fun giveaway!)

  50. Favorite Christmas dessert is cannoli!

  51. I love chocolate everything!!!

  52. Homemade peppermint marshmallows! My family and I love them, esp. in hot coco or dipped in chocolate. YUMMY!

  53. i guess Ill just call them….Cap’n Crunch Crunchies…
    1 pk almond bark
    1c or as much as you like capn crunch ceral
    1c creamy peanut butter
    1 c peanuts, im partial to honey rosted
    1 c mini marshmellows
    ..melt the almond bark, mix in peanut butter, i use the microwave, but a double boiler does awesome..stir in nuts,cereal and marshmellows and drop spoonfuls on wax paper. I love these, theyre easy..and i alwasy make tons and give them away!
    I love you! you are a total celebrity to me:]

  54. It’s not really a dessert but Portuguese Sweet Bread is wonderful

  55. SO many sweets. So many! I have a strong Scandinavian heritage so I love rosette cookes and real almond spritz cookies. My birthday is this month, too, and this year I’m determined to try a torte cake with a whipped ganache filling. Yum yum! Thanks for the chance to win such cute stuff!

  56. My favorite Christmas treat has to be my grandmother’s sugar cookies. They are the best ever. Every year my grandmother makes dozens of assorted cookies and after dinner on Christmas Eve we sit around and pig out then take a plate of cookies home.

  57. I love my Grandma’s Pecan Brittle!

  58. We love almond cranberry bread, and often make lots of Amish Friendship bread, and take it around to our neighbors (we are DEEP in the country) on Christmas Eve.

  59. I love to make Chocolate Bourbon Balls (I think their official name is “Al’s Chocolate Whiskey Balls”, but we’ve always used the more generic one.) They’re deep dark chocolate and sinfully rich, but one is all you need.

  60. Scone Cozy! What a super cute idea. Thanks for sharing! I am adding this book to my Christmas wishlist!

  61. I love chocolate anything. My mom always makes chocolate pies from scratch and you just can’t beat them. Of course there is chocolate chip cookies too.

  62. My mother-in-law’s gingerbread man cookies!

  63. Oh, my favorite Christmas treats are my Grandma’s “chews”…little bites of carmelly nougaty goodness! And she only makes them at Christmas…I hope there’s some under her tree for me this year since I have tried to make them and failed miserably! :)

  64. Anything with plenty of cinnamon, nothing beats gooey cinnamon buns smothered in cream cheese frosting on Christmas morning!! Yummmmm-o

  65. I think it would have to be the Christmas cutout sugar cookies. It’s nothing special but it is my favorite especially with the holiday sprinkles.

  66. Fudge is my favorite, it’s the only thing I make every year.

  67. Linzer cookies made with my Grandma’s delicious raspberry jam! Yum yum!

  68. My favorite holiday treat is homemade orange rolls and apple pie. A new favorite this year is Pumpkin cheesecake!

  69. My favorite Christmas sweet is my mom’s Christmas tree cookies made in the cookie press. They aren’t fancy, but they are amazing. They tend to disappear long before Christmas Day arrives.

  70. My favorite christmas treat is the homeade tamales my family makes each year. I know its not a sweet treat but I love it because it brings my family together which is sweet to me :)

  71. I love pepermint bark!!!

  72. i make ‘puppy chow’ every year-chex cereal slathered with peanutbutter and melted chocolate then tossed with powdered sugar-yum! and a double batch makes plenty for sharing! thanks for sharing all the great people/links you find! leslee

  73. So cute – what fun stuff!

    I LOVE homemade peanut butter balls and puppy chow (a.k.a. Chex Muddy Buddies)!

  74. My favorites are frosted sugar cookies and my mom’s peanut butter fudge.

  75. I love Chocolate dessert. It is a chocolate mousse with peppermint whipped cream and marshmallow topping. It is so heavenly!

  76. Red velvett cake is a family tradition, I want to make the red velvett cake balls but my first attempt was not good. I need a couple more practice attempts before Christmas.

  77. I like anything with chocolate and pb together. They’re the perfect combo for my sweet tooth!

  78. My favorite sweet thing to eat at Christmas time is homemade peanut butter fudge… Oh my!!! My father-in-law has a secret family recipe that he shared with me… and it is oh so amazing!

  79. Every year we make my families traditional Christmas cookie recipe. They are very simple sour cream cookies and we use the cookie cutters that have been in the family since my mom was a little girl.

  80. I have a few favorites, but the fruitcake is undoubtedly the winner of the season, and everything else that has chocolate in my top 5.

    This Chicks are so chick and cute, nice work babe, Bakerella i’m so thankfull of you because you always bring new things that truly, make me love more and more baking

  81. Ummm, I love chocolate chips cookies and blueberry cheese tart!
    They are so delicious!

  82. My favorite would be chocolate chip rice krispy cookies! YuM!

  83. I love peanut brittle.

  84. Fudge! Especially with walnuts. Yum!

  85. Peppermint frosted chocolate cupcakes are delicious! Also love an assorted box of chocolate truffles. I take a bite out of each one!

  86. Definitely sugar cookies! YUMMO!!!

  87. Peppermint candy with the little Christmas tree in the middle. I start buying it as soon as I see it out around late November and I stock up on it for the rest of the year. It’s so good!

  88. I love warm chocolate chip cookies! We try to save some for Santa but sometimes it doesn’t work out.

  89. I can only pick one?? hehe
    I love Christmas cookies…any kind of Christmas cookie…YUM, YUM, YUM!

  90. I love all things sweet…it’s a sickness, I swears it!! ;) My favorites during the holidays are iced sugar cookie cutouts. Yes, they’re simple and plain compared to most, but when I was little, my grandmother would have my sister and I over to make the iced sugar cookies for the family gathering. I’m sentimental, so I have kept on with the tradition with my girls…other than that, I think homemade fudge tops the list! :D

  91. Homemade hot buttered rum. Mmmmm…… Sweet, cinnamony goodness. ;) I grew up on a farm in IL and was transplanted to AK in my teens. I miss the farm life and try to bring it to my family and lifestyle when I can.

  92. Gingerbread cookies, for sure!
    Love, love decorating them with my boys for family and friends!

  93. For me, it’s all about the deserts that are clearly meant to be eaten with your fingers – because it’s what we did together as a family when I was young, getting ready for the big Christmas party that my parents aways had. Nowadays – it’s what I do with my kids as gifts for family. With the financial times we face now – my crafty and thrifty nature is more accepted. It’s always been a mostly handmade Christmas – and they didn’t always get it, especially the in-laws. But they do now – it all comes with lots of love…always. (And allows me to live in my lovely Christmas memories of the past.)

  94. Spritz cookies, lefse and rice pudding. Love them all!

  95. Peppermint Bark does it for me!

    *fingers crossed*

  96. So many to choose from, but I guess I will have to go with Cherry Cheesecake. Yum!

  97. Peanut butter balls–I may even decorate them Bakerella style this year!
    sylviarj at yahoo dot com

  98. My favorite Christmas dessert is my grandma´s chocolate fudge. I can´t get enough!

  99. Lemon meringue pie! Not very Christmas-y I know, but we started it as a nontraditional tradition. As for that necklace, PLEASE send it to me!!! Cake artist by trade, I would HAVE to wear it, haha. Thanks.

  100. I love Frangos!!! We get them at Macy’s around here.

  101. DOH! Forgot my email: acwfoster (at)

  102. My favorite dessert is….there are two of them…A sweet nuts and bolts (Munchie mix)….and candy cane bark…Yummy

  103. I’m a very big fan of my grandmas marshmellow peppermint dessert. But in the absence of that peppermind bark is my favorite! This year I think I am making a peppermint cake (from my WW magazine). Are you seeing a theme?
    This looks so very cute!

  104. Chicken Bones… the candy. Only available in these parts at Christmas. Old fashion candy from my childhood :>

    sassi_02 at

  105. I LOVE making Spritz cookies – butter cookie flavored with almond extract, and pushed through a cookie press into cute little shapes. As a kid my job was to decorate them with silver nonpareils, colored sugar, chocolate jimmies, etc. Now I’m the Mom and my kids do the decorating. I can hardly wait to bake them for this Christmas!

  106. My mother makes a terrific shortbread and it is my favorite treat at Christmas… Being a military family my mom always sends a few tins full of shortbread whereever we happened to be stationed.

    You can contact my by email when I win!

  107. Caramel marshmallows rolled in Rice Crispies.

  108. My favorite treats to make are the red velvet cake balls. YUM! Followed closely by pecan tassies and pumpkin pecan pie.

  109. We always make pies, my favourite is the raspberry sour cream pie that i make. It’s super easy and very yummy!

  110. Christmas cookies made with my Mom! It was always a toss-up between cutout cookies, and what we called birds nests. Melt chocolate chips, butterscotch chips together and then stir in those crunchy Chinese noodles… drop by spoonfuls on wax paper, and let harden/cool. Yummy!

  111. Homemade sugar cookies cut into holiday shapes, and decorated with icing and sprinkles!

  112. My favorite holiday treat is pumpkin pie. Yummy! Although I did just make a pretty awesome gingerbread the other day, so that’s working it’s way up!

  113. My mom makes these great hazelnut cookies. They are baked in a loaf first , then sliced thin and roasted. They’re the best ever!!!!

  114. My favorite holiday dessert is homemade caramel! You can do so many things with it, or eat it by itself! I love to make caramel corn with it!

  115. My favorite sweet is sugar cookies around Christmas time. They are easy and fun to make with the kiddos! Deocorating the tree tonight with a batch of sugar cookies.

  116. My dad’s cherry pie – there’s nothing like it in the world. All the sour cherries and sugary goodness of it!

  117. My favourite dessert anytime of year is cheesecake! I love to experiment with Christmasey flavors!

  118. I love peppermint ice cream at Christmas time, plus it means that cabbage burgers are around the corner for New Years:)

  119. My families favorite dessert for is the christmas holiday is by far the hands down winner is Darigold butter cookies. The cookies are a family favorite.

  120. I can’t get enough cheesecake swirl brownies. They’re amazing!!

  121. There are too many to choose from, but I’d have to say my mom’s almond cake….almonds, golden raisins, and amaretto. LOTS of amaretto. Heaven!

  122. Sugar Cookies. Plain and simple, they are my fav Christmas dessert. With frosting and decorations. yum.

    However, West Indian-style Christmas Cake (known as Black Cake) is a close second – dense and sweet, with loads do alcohol and packed with various pureed fruits (currants, raisins, etc. soaked in brandy/vermouth for months!). This stuff is addictive!

  123. I think it would have to be homemade iced gingerbread cookies.

  124. Fudge! And “puppy chow” – Chex cereal with peanut butter/chocolate/powdered sugar. YUM!!

  125. Truffled pie, it´s super sweet! And I make it every holliday!

    Actually, I love pie, any kind of pie, apple pie, lemon pie… nham!

  126. I would have to say the monster trays of cookies my family puts together. Over 30 or so kinds and around 3,000 cookies total!

  127. Hmmmm…. I think I love all desserts. But cookies (snickerdoodles)are great because they are portable and you can mingle around… holding a couple in your hand. NO silverware ! The best.
    Mary N

  128. I love to make sugar cookies with my kids.

  129. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin dessert, pumpkin cheesecake … heck, anything pumpkin!

  130. I like an old recipe that I have….I think it came from a Pillsbury cook-off cookbook…it’s called Oatmeal Carmelitas. I also like any kind of shortbread cookie rolled in powdered sugar….balls or crescents, etc.

  131. I love “Mexican Wedding Cookies”….almond cookies with lots of confectioner’s sugar!
    I make them into little crescents and enjoy them every year!
    If you want the recipe please let me know…I’m sure you can make them even better :)

  132. I’d have to say anything with holiday flavors is my favorite. Like gingerbread, ginger cookies, pumpkin spices-pie, breads, cookies. And peppermint amd eggnog, too. Can’t forget those.

  133. my mom makes these amazing homemade chocolate turtles that are to die for. can’t wait.

  134. Sugar cookies are a must in my household — decorated with 6 different colors, hand-piped with love!

  135. I love homemade, decorated sugar cookies! Yum!

  136. my fave Christmas treat is Naniamo Bars – Mmmm Yum!

  137. I love Date Pinwheel cookies! My mom passed down the recipe and i LOVE them! Unfortunately for my hips :)

  138. My absolute favorite thing that seems to only get made this time of year are peanut butter blossoms. =)

  139. Hi, my favourite is gingerbread cookies…I love it!!!

  140. Besides all the visions of various types of sweets…I love to have Christmas Plum Pudding, without the plums of course…just a combination of finely shredded potatoes, carrots, flour, raisins, etc., …steamed and served with lemon sauce on top. Quite a bit nummier than it sounds actually—no hint of the potatos so don’t be scared. Thanks for the insight into Pioneer Woman and the Farm Chicks. I think I might be able to make room in my home for one or two more cookbooks. :)

  141. Well, pretty much anything my mom makes. Or cookies. I love cookies. And now I just discovered a fabulous recipe for whoopie pies, so that might become a new favorite. Or your cupcake balls. My family LOVES those! :-)

  142. Cucciadate, kind of an Italian fig newton, only better

  143. I love cheesecake.

  144. My Favorite Christmas dessert is my Mom’s Buche de Noel (yule log cake). She makes it every year and I bet I eat about half of it to myself, LOL.

  145. Divinity! My grandmother’s recipe… I finally worked up the courage to make it after she passed away and it worked! Now I carry on her candy making tradition at our family Christmas.

  146. My favorite holiday treat is caramel! My mom’s best friend makes it ever year for the holidays and it is the most coveted treat in the house. Onve it arrives it is often stashed away where no kids can get it, but is always found by sticky fingers.

  147. Love at first sight – I want to be their friend!

    I’m a cookie girl. In fact I wish I were a little less of a cookie girl! Like 50 lbs less.

  148. my favorite christmas desert is the christmas log, it’s a chocolate cake roll with more chocolate on the top :P xoxo

  149. Sugar cookies are definitely my favorite for Christmas!!

  150. I love love love pecan brittle.. I can only talk my grandma into making it at Christmas because it is tricky and time consuming..

  151. I have three small children and we all love to get out all of the different cookie cutter shapes and cut out as many as we can. I think I take the original recipe and times it by four, so you can imagine what my kitchen looks like after the morning of cookie cooking. But as soon as the extended family knows that we have made cookies, it is great to see them all come running over for a “little” taste.

  152. My favorite is definitely chocolate covered pretzels. Almost time to make them again! Yummmmmmm. :)

  153. Sugar cookies…with cherries in the middle. Yum!!!

  154. my favorite cookies at Christmas time are pecan sandies. my mom made them every year when I was young, and now, its not Christmas without them.

  155. My Grandma’s homemade cookies! Crescent moon cookies, pizzelles, chocolate crispy cookies… yum!

  156. I grew up in Australia and had Pavlova for a Christmas dessert. This is my favorite plus french macarons!

    I love the scone cozy. Where can you get these?

  157. Definately Ema’s (my Grandmother’s) Red Velvet Cake. She makes it every year for Christmas Day.. the Icing recipe she uses is what makes it stand out. YUMM..

    Though, I should also give a shout-out to my future Ma-in-law’s ice-box fruit cake.

  158. I love making fudge & no bake cookies! We snack on them almost all month long. Thanks for sharing!

  159. A favorite holiday dessert? I have to pick a favorite?! There’s the pies, and cheesecakes, and gingerbread, and all those wonderful holiday cookies!!! I can’t choose just one… :)

  160. Every year we get a package with my father in-law’s homemade fudge. He has got it down to a sceince where it just melts in your mouth. Also can’t forget the little peppermint cookies that my mother in-law makes. These are the most loved sweets in our house during the holidays!

  161. Pepermint bark!

  162. I love my moms cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning before the kids have awakened.

  163. i love homemade sugar cookies with royal icing. and popcorn balls. and my grandmas homemade hard candy. oh and peanut butter balls/buckeyes!

  164. My favorite dessert is Russian Tea Cake cookies! Yum!

  165. My favorite Christmas treat has got to be the fudge – pretty much any fudge. I al smart enough to not make it any other time of the year because I end up eating w-a-y more than I should!!

  166. Ok, like many others… Narrowing my favorite Christmas sweet won’t be easy,,,, But I’m going to say CORNFLAKE WREATHS are at the top of my list! And I am excited to try a new fudge recipe (Andes Creamy Fudge)! ^_^

  167. Christmas cookies…..we spend the weekend at my sister’s with my 2 nieces and 2 nephews. We have done this since they were little…and at their ages now, one would think they would blow us off! But no, Andy 24, Matt 22, Alli 20 and Julie 18. still look forward to their cousins weekend full of cookie making and laughs….life is good!

  168. My favorite holiday treat are the chocolate peanut butter balls. They are rich and delicious. They are just rich enough that if you eat one or two you’re satisfied. :)

  169. My mom’s pecan bars – home-made gooey goodness! They’re soft and caramelly, mmmm. . ..

  170. crispy chewy buttery cookies made with chopped Andes candies… the recipe is on the back of the bag and is one of the best chocolate chip type batters I’ve made.

  171. My aunt Marion made the BEST decorated sugar cookies ever! She was old, and had poor vision, but managed to turn out the raddest cookies I have ever seen. Each one decorated perfectly, with the cute lil cinnamon button noses or silver ball eyes or green sugar grass. FUN! I looked forward to those every year…*sigh*

  172. Homemade caramels!

  173. My favorite Christmas sweet is Love Food that is made by a local candy shop. They have been around for ages and make their own chocolate and all their candy is from scratch. It’s delicious! Melts in your mouth.

  174. My favorite dessert at Christmas are buñuelos. My mom and I used to make them every year, along with tamales and tortillas. Hopefully this year I can contribute a pretty cake!

  175. love the Spritz cookies – our classic

  176. Nuts, anything with nuts, My favs for christmas are the thumbprint with raspberry jelly and a butter pecan cookie I bake in a madeline mold.

  177. Hands down Chocolate Cake. Any ol chocolate cake but of course I will be making PW’s Best chocolate Sheet Cake Ever this year. Happy Holidays!

  178. I make Cookie Dough Truffles and they are my favorite holiday treat (Taste of Home recipe, but I believe Paula Deen also has the same recipe).

  179. my favorite dessert is a Pecan Caramel Chocolate Tart (its like Pecan pie, but better- with Caramel and Chocolate!)

  180. My favorite sweet at Christmas is Red Velvet Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting! They are the best and my 13 motnh old is amazed with the red color!

  181. those look so cute!

    I love steamed carrot pudding with rum sauce. It’s a family tradition. It’s more moist than a carrot cake and it has pecans in it. yum! That and all the homemade candy my mom and I make every year. Fudge, nut brittles, toffee, truffles . . . .

  182. I love the Farm Chicks! I ran across their blog this summer and love it.

    My favorite holiday dessert is… pumpkin pie! I’ve also been making yummy oreo truffles the last couple of family gatherings and they disappear. Quickly.

  183. Fudge, because I never have it otherwise.

  184. My favorite would have to be peanut brittle!

  185. My great grandma’s shortbread cookies are what I make every year… sometimes it’s the only thing I’ll bake, but Christmas isn’t Christmas without them!

  186. My favorite treat at Christmas is something called a “Hello Dolly Bar” my mom used to make it for me! It’s the bar with the graham crackers, condensed milk, and chocolate chips!! It’s my FAVORITE!!

  187. anise flavored pizzelles

  188. I absolutely love my Daddy’s homemade peanut butter fudge…so smooth and creamy! Too bad we are states away!

  189. I love chocolate cake! I guess its not really a holiday favorite, just an any and everyday favorite. The holidays are just an excuse to eat extra : )

  190. How cute! I love pumpkin cake and pistachio pudding salad! Yummers!

  191. My all time favorite is gingerbread men. I know it’s dark and twisted, but I love eating off the limbs. It’s so fun and tasty. Living in Denmark I’ve become a fan of æbleskiver. They’re a traditional cake made from a batter similar to pancake batter. The original recipes call for sliced or minced apples (the name translates to apple slices), but modern versions leave them out. I’ve started putting in other fruits and berries for kicks, and they’re great!
    Æble skiver are baked in a special pan so they’re ball-shaped when finished. They’re served warm with powdered sugar and black currant jam for dipping.

  192. My fave treat is my Mom’s sugar cookies!

  193. Strawberries dipped in dark chocolate are my husbands favorite.

  194. Cinnamon rolls! Love that smell in the morning!

  195. Triple Chocolate Gingerbread Cake…it’s a doctored cake mix, but it’s SO good!

  196. My favorite dessert is a big batch of peanut butter cookies with Hershey’s Kisses on top. Mmm…

    kimberweeme at gmail dot com

  197. Growing up in Louisianna there is nothing better than a holiday version of bread pudding. My favorite is the Palace Cafe White Chocolate Bread pudding! Recipe can be found in the “Cooking up a Storm” cookbook put out by the Times Picayune after Hurricane Katrina.
    Thanks! Christy

  198. I get the most requests for my Sweet Potato Casserole. My family actually saves it for desert. I’ve made it for almost 28 years now. I also love a good Spice Cake!

  199. Aww! I’d never heard of the Farm Chicks but I’ll DEFINITELY have to check them out. Personally, I love anything with chocolate and peppermint in it. That’s how I know the holiday season is fast approaching!

  200. My moms shortbread cookies with a little slice of cherry on top! Nothing says Christmas like that.

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