


That’s exactly what this is. Naturally I had to pick one up as soon as I saw it.

Pink. Cute. Tiny. Cute. Cupcake. Cute. Charm. Cute. Did I mention cute?

Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, it’s cute.


And look – the little oven door opens so you can get a better view at the cupcake inside.


It’s adorable from every angle.



And just look at this……………


I can’t take it.

Look at that plug. I think my heart started racing when I saw this.

It says “Bake me Some Couture” under the plug, too.


Here’s a little visual aid to get a sense of how small it is.


But, it’s not for me. I picked it up while doing a little shopping and thought one of you might like it.

Want it? It would look really cute hanging on a necklace, too.

Enter for a chance to win this super cute cupcake charm

• Leave a comment on this post and tell me … Would you wear it? Share it? or just stare at it in all it’s cuteness?

• Deadline to enter is Sunday, September 19 at noon ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.

• One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Sunday.

Good Luck and I promise not to say cute any more today.


We have a winner! Yay for Kait. #1443 – Congratulations – Your charm bracelet is going to be very happy – that is if I can bring myself to part with it. Just kidding.

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6,668 comments on “Charming”

  1. You might not be able to say cute again for a while, but I can!! *wink*

    Too CUTE!

  2. soooo cute!!!
    i’ll probaby just stare at it until it melts!!! =)

  3. I would wear it for sure! EVERDAY:) And then make comments like ‘hey good lookin, whats cooking?’


  4. I would wear it every day, except the days I might lose it.

  5. I’d totally wear it and brag on its itsy cuteness until someone begs me to stop!

  6. sooooo cuuute!! i loveeee it

  7. You’re right, it is very cute. I would definitely wear it, thanks for thinking of us!

  8. I LOVE this cute charm. I’d give it to our niece in law who owns two spas in London called Cupcake Mums – catering to expectant women and new moms.

  9. OMG I am a dessert baker and that has to be the cutest thing EVER!!! I would so wear it with my Diva Dessert uniform especially when meeting clinets and making deliveries!!! Love it Love it LOVE IT!!!!

  10. This is adorable! This is too cute not to share. Today I’m taking a shot at making the ghost and skeleton cake pops. Love your book!

  11. It’s absolutely adorable! Would make a great addition to my cupcake jewelry collection! Totally wearable!

  12. Oh my goodness, so cute! I have a couple other cupcake charms I would use it with in a cupcake charm bracelet and I would wear it!

  13. I definately have to wear it occasionally …then stare at it the rest of the time!

  14. Manda pra mim aqui no brasil,eu vou adorar usar, sou apaixonada por cuo cakes, e amo seu trabalho


  15. How adorable! I would keep this for myself but it would also make a great gift for my daughter, who loves tiny trinkets and happens to wear Juicy Couture clothes. What a cute match-up!

  16. That is so cute! I would give it as a gift to someone I know who just loves cupcakes.

  17. Wear it! It is just too darn cute. Of course, I would have to share it with my daughters. They love teeeny-tiny things. And cupcakes, too : )

  18. I would love to wear that- it has such great details! I love the power cord.

  19. I would totally wear it! It’s super cute!

  20. I would stare at it…then wear it! So cute!

  21. What a conversation piece, I would love to wear it!!!

  22. Super cute and U;d wear it just for fun!

  23. I would WEAR it all the time…Share it by showing it to everyone I know……and Stare at it every chance I got! This has to be THE cutest thing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. OMG! That’s to die for! I would hang it (somehow) on my computer at work so I can LOOK at it all day! That’s darn cute! Of course, I can always give it to my daughter … nah … my computer wants it!

  25. are you kidding? i would keep it and wear it myself! super cute

  26. OMG adorable. Yes! Absolutly- could see it as a pin.

  27. I’d probably just gaze in awe at it’s “cuteness” ;)

  28. Did you have to get a license to make something this cute? It’s definitely off the cute-o-meter scale!

  29. Im In Love With This….. I Know Im Not Going To Win So Where Can I Buy One!

  30. way toooooo cute. I would love it. Thanks for thinking of us.

  31. Very nice!! And yes, I would wear it!!

  32. My 18-year old daughter would LOVE this! She’s very much into miniatures and would totally wear this. And she’s as sweet and cute as this is… :)

  33. I would love to bring it everywhere! :D Just wanna say i really really really love your website <3 *throws sparklies everywhere*

  34. I would probably stare at it for a while and I difinitely would wear it.

  35. How could I not wear this? It’s so cute, you could make it go with any outfit!

  36. I’d give it to my girlfriend since she absolutely loves cupcakes!

  37. Oh my goodness this is adorable! I would buy a gorgeous little silver chain and wear it as a pendant… too cute :)

  38. Wear it or share it?? That is difficult. I would have to think about it for a while. It IS so cute. Hhmmmmm, wear it or share it? Still thinking. Louise

  39. i’d definitely wear it — so adorable! when not in use i’d have to display it somewhere. :)

  40. I’d wear and share it. I’d share it with my kids who would love looking at it and playing with it! Its CUTE!

  41. I am unsure if you would even send it over seas but
    I would love to win it! I am from Christchurch, New Zealand and recently got hit by a big earthquake (7.1) I am still very shaken but thank god am still alive!
    If I win this very cute charm it would defiantly make me smile :)

  42. I would share it. I love finding treasures like this to include with other homemade gifts & treats. I can just see this with a baking box for a friend that bakes or attached to a basket of treats for a friend who is just learning to bake (with a recipe for the treat). Too cute!!

  43. Love this! I would give it to my sister.

  44. I would wear it everyday! I work at a cupcake shop and I think it would be a great little accessory to show how much I truly adore cupcakes <3

  45. ITS SO CUTE!!!!! i would wear it every day with my charm bracelet! i love baking and most of all i LOVE CUPCAKES!!!! <3

  46. Oh that is sooo sooo cute. I would wear it! I have a charm on my necklace to represent each of my children, but haven’t bought one for my 1 year old yet. I bought a kitchenaid when she was born and have been baking madly (with her attached to my leg or on my hip) ever since, so the cupcake would represent her perfectly. I’m going to have to find one and buy it. It is perfect.

  47. How adorable!!! I would give it to my daughter, Kelly! She would love it!

  48. Yes, yes, yes! I love the adorable little charm! And I love your website! I stumbled across it via the Harrisburg Cupcake Cup.
    Oh, I hope you send it and all it’s cuteness my way! I’ll wear it to the HCC for good luck!

  49. Soo cute! I would wear it and so would my 2 girls!

  50. I would absolutely wear this!! Perfect for my charm bracelet and maybe, just maybe I might give it to my cupcake obsessed daughter.

  51. So flippin’ cute! I would definitely wear this little fella.

  52. I would love to wear it and tell every stranger i’d meet that i have the cutest thing on earth with me…:)

  53. Cute. And I love it. My husband always teases me for loving miniature things – and cupcakes. Two in one. Yes, I’d wear it, and my sister (who told me about your site) would be SOOOO jealous. Cute.

  54. That is just too….cute! My little daughter would love this, especially since we already call her “cuppy cake”!

  55. totally wear it!

  56. I would wear it- EVERYWHERE!

  57. I would ABSOLUTELY wear that!!! Too cute! :)

  58. My daughter in law would love this! And I know she’d wear it and show it off!!

  59. It’s realllyyy cuteee!

  60. I would definitely keep staring at it and make a few with fondant so I can put it on cupcakes :)
    I find it so cute that I would make many pictures of it so I can put it on my website.

  61. This is just perfect, in every way!
    Thanks for the chance to win it…

  62. I would definitely wear it…! It looks so cute!

  63. Wear it for sure!!! Especially when delivering some special cupcakes!

  64. My wife would love this!!

  65. That is the cutest thing ever <3 I would totally wear it, almost always, as I obsessivly stare at it <3

  66. I hope this is open to residents outside America? This is just tooo cute! I would put it on a necklace to wear. But I think I would also enjoy just looking at it! I’m in Australia btw.

  67. Love, Love, Love it!! Would have to keep it.

  68. Obviously I would be struck dumb by its adorablocity. I wouldn’t get anything done ever again.

  69. I would use it as a keychain charm – that way I get to see it everyday!

  70. It is so cute, I love the design, I would wear it on a necklace or something along those lines :)

  71. awwwwww! thats all that can descibe that really!

  72. That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I would have to share it with my sweet friend leslie who has a serious cupcake obsession!

  73. I would definitely wear it!!! Although I’m pretty sure I would look every five minutes to make sure it’s still there!!!!… It is without a doubt the cutest thing I’ve seen!!!

  74. you have an eye for every cute things! xoxo

  75. I think I would have to keep it! It would be a “sweet” symbol of the cake decorating business I’m getting ready to launch!!! How cool would that be?! ;)

  76. i would SO wear it!!!!!

  77. I would totally wear it. It’s adorablle!

  78. As a cupcake lover, I would totally wear it !! I already have the perfect chain !! xxx

  79. all of the above

  80. SOOO CUTE! How can you give it away? I couldn’t – I’d wear it.

  81. OMG! That is so cute. If i won i would definately put it on a necklace for everyone to admire :)

  82. Love love love it!!! Would put it on my daughter’s bracelet!!

  83. hmmm… I would probably marvel at it’s cuteness for a while, but then I would definitely wear it – how could I not share such beautiful eyecandy ;-)

  84. I would wear it! It would go well with my other pastry charms. :D

  85. I would wear it with a cute floral dress riding my beach cruiser in the middle of campus… in the rain :)

  86. I would definitely wear it. So cute!

  87. I would wear it its so super cute I love it!!

  88. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever see!!!!
    If I have this I proudly wear it every day!

    I want it!!!! ç___ç

  89. How precious! Thanks for the chance to win.

  90. I would stare at it for a looooong time, then quickly put it on a silver necklace and wear it for inspiration while making my cake pops!!!!! This is sooooo cute, cuter then cute!

  91. of course i would wear it!!! i have neverseen something so cute from juicy before!!!!! thanks for sharing it…

  92. I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!
    bought a silver chain yesterday and didn’t know what to put on it my prayers have been answered!

  93. I will never get a chance to wear it with 2 girls around!! too cute!!

  94. Hmm…I would stare at it. It’s way to cute to wear.

  95. Would wear it. Love it, love it, love it. And would let my mom borrow it because she’s the one that turned me onto this site. So CUTE!

  96. That is uber cute! super cute and funkilicious!

  97. I would LOVE to win this! It looks so cute! I would totally wear it. Even to school, I go to baking school so it would be so great to wear this!

  98. i would love it and wear it :)

  99. ? all things CUPCAKE ! i would love to wear it on a long chain or charm bracelet , p.s Love your Website keep up with the cuteness !

  100. It is just the most precious thing ever! i would wear it EVERYWHERE

  101. That is so cute! I think I would just stare at it… :D

  102. I work in a bakery, love pink, and loooove cupcakes so I would sooooooooooooo wear this!!!!!!!!!

  103. I’d totally wear it. And stare at it. Its too cute for words.

  104. That is possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I would definitely wear it – it’s too adorable not to show to everyone!

  105. I love that little charm….would use it as a necklace or put on an old charm braclet I have had for many years


  107. Aww, it’s so cute. It’s something I’d wear on a Sat morning/afternoon while out in the soon to be sunshine.

  108. I would wear it every day and tell everyone it’s a personal gift from Bakerella.

  109. I would most definitely wear it, share it, and quite possibly also just stare at it in all it’s cuteness!

  110. I would wear it and never take it off! so i could stare at it every day! :) xx

  111. I would just adore it! Put it on display.

  112. Go on. Just one more. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

  113. TOOOOOOOO cute!!!! Staring, wearing… I would do it all!

  114. Wow, this hanger is really cute!
    But not available in the Netherlands :(

  115. Looks like it would go perfectly on my miniature kitchen Christmas tree!

  116. Squeeeeee! I would worship It’s Royal Cuteness. I probably couldn’t wear it until my Oompa Loompa outgrows her Grabby McGrabberson stage, as I don’t enjoy being choked to death, and I break enough charm bracelets by hooking them onto things without her help thankyouverymuch. I’d probably frame it. I have shadowbox frames just to display jewelry… that I bought just to out in frames. >.<

  117. OMGOSH, It’s the cutest thing on Earth!!^^? I will stare and admire it for the whole day, then i’ll WEAR IT, DEFINITELY:D?

  118. OMGeezers…that is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. You can’t help but smile when you look at it. I think I would have to gaze upon it all day long. My girls would also love to look at it. Most likely I would be *forced* to wear it so that we could all enjoy it. like now, I have to go back and look at it again…

  119. I would definetely wear it. And I think it would love a trip to Sweden :)

  120. AH!!! I’m obsessed with baking and your blog! I would just have to stare at this little charms cuteness for hours and then wear it out for everyone else to enjoy too!

  121. I would…. share it!! My cockapoo puppy is called Cupcake, and I think he would look so dashing with such a sweet little treat clipped onto his collar xxoo

  122. Suuper LOVE it & would definitely WEAR IT!
    Major major obsession! <3 =D

  123. Wow! This is SOO cute!
    My best friend has a juicy bracelet & it’d be perfect for her!

  124. First look at it, I go “Wow” how nice it would be if I can have that. it’s cute. very. just got this cupcakes obsession two weeks ago when chance upon ur websites. totally love it.

  125. What a charming charm! While I’d LOVE to wear it myself, on the charm bracelet I’ve been building since I was 13 (I’m now 52) … I think my 11 year old step daughter Chloe would get an even bigger kick out of wearing it! My fingers are crossed to take the (cup)cake!

  126. O.M.Gosh! its so adorable and im dying to have it! I would admire its awesomeness, and i cant wait to open the little oven door! The plug is also an amazing detail. Such a pretty treasure sould be proudly on a thin silver necklace! :)

  127. I think I would wear it on a necklace everyday!!! But then it will cause me to want to bake all the time!! :]

  128. It’s great. I am totally smitten. But, I would give it to my newly pregnant sister as a congratulations gift – And if it’s a girl, we can give it to baby Lacy someday down the road!

  129. I love it!! I’d wear it while baking :)

  130. It’s too cute! I would put it on a silver chain to wear as a necklace!

  131. Holy moly that is a swell little thing. I would totally wear it and be one happy little lass.

  132. absolutely adorable! I love it! I would totally wear it… and proudly for that matter.

  133. Loooooooooove it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i would definitely wear it

  134. Yes I’d wear it…PROUDLY! Super cute :)

  135. That’s adorable! I’d definitely wear it, and maybe share it with my friends every once in awhile ;)

  136. I love this! i’ll totally wear it!

  137. I would wear it everywhere!!!!!!

  138. Yes! I would wear it!! it would look just so COOL!! Thanks for sharing it with us, I think that if I don’t get I will have to look for it and buy it!

  139. Oh, I would wear that adorable thing! So cute!

  140. I la la la la la LOVE JUiCY! And being the crazy baker I am, la la la la la lovE this charm even more!!!! Omg!

  141. I would definitely wear it!!!! Adorable

  142. cute, cute, cute, cute… and did I mention CUTE?!?!! can’t say it enough!! would TOTALLY wear it!!

  143. Ok – So I’ll say CUTE again FOR you!!!!
    It’s TOO cute!!
    I would def put it on my Juicy charm bracelet and wear it every day – my nickname is Isabella Bakerella!!! It’s Soooooooo ME !!!!

  144. this is sooooo cute! I love anything pink and cute! crossing my fingers that you pick me!

  145. i would love to wear that as a necklace, i like to wear a piece of jewelry to fiddle with at work, that charm would make me quite pleased! ;) Puff

  146. My chance to win is like 1 out of 6,000! I wish I can win =[

    My hopes are really low…I need to bake some cupcakes to make me feel better.

  147. … I would wear it. It’s the cutest charm I’ve ever seen ! So tiny and detailed ! Bakerella – you totally rock !

  148. I love it but I know my sister would love it more so I’d have to give it to her!

  149. love it! would wear it all to myself =)

  150. reminds me of the easy bake days when you spent 3 hrs baking a 1 inch cake with a light bulb—love it!!!!!!!

  151. So adorable :D

    How do you always find such cute things~

  152. That is TOO CUTE!!!!! I would totally wear it!!! It’s way too cute not to show it off!!

  153. OMG!!! I’m dying! It’s so fabulous!
    I’d totally stare at it first then where it! hahaha I love it so much!

  154. I would definitely WEAR it! it’s fabulous.

  155. cute cute cute, i would def. wear it!

  156. i love it its so cute i would wear it so everyone could see it . i dont have a lot so it would be a big deal for me to get it

  157. I would HAVE to wear this. This so reminds me of my adoptive father, (really my best friends father) he has been known to pick us up sweet “juicy” treats while traveling on business. I just love the mental image of him in the store trying to pick out something so girly. What a great guy.

  158. Cuteness overload! I would wear it 24/7. Ok not while sleeping It’d choke me hahaha.

  159. I love this! i’ll totally wear it!

  160. Adorable! Its super-cuteness is only matched by my 5-yr.old daughter….she would look so sweet wearing this! :)

  161. Ahhh, it’s so cute! x3

    I’d definitely wear it, probably on a silver chain while baking. :] I’ve gotta bake cookies for my flute section before every competition we have this season to get them pumped up!

  162. OMGGGG! this is the cutest thing eveeeeerrrrrrrrr:) ill definitely wear it

  163. LOVE IT! I would totally wear it! And when I’m not wearing it, I would put it some where where I could admire it everyday!

  164. definitely cute! my daughter would LOVE this!

  165. Is so cute!!! I would wear it on a bracelet as a charm so i can stare at it and admire it all the time!!

  166. I love this! So cute.

  167. Of course I would wear it! So adorable!

  168. Love IT would wear it any chance I get. Plus I would just have to show it to everyone.

  169. I would absolutely wear it, it is tooooo cute!!

  170. I just love cupcake accessories! I would most definitely make a cute necklace out of this charm :)

  171. I would totally wear it! So cute!!!

  172. I think I might stare at it and then share it!

  173. I would SOOOOO weaar this! After admiring it’s cuteness of course. :)

  174. stare at it in all it’s cuteness…just like I’m doing right now!

  175. LOVE IT – would be proud to wear it – here in Sweden we cant get there cute charms.

  176. Will be just the cutest thing to put on after I finish my daughter’s birthday party this Friday – she’s having a cupcake decorating party and I’ve baked about 40 cupcakes!

  177. Oh goodness! That is super cute. Mm, I have this urge to go bake some cupcakes now :]
    I have no idea what I would do with it, I suppose.. probably just stare..
    maybe find a way to attach it to something like my keychain. Or my phone.

  178. LOVE IT! love it! LOVE IT! I would wear it until the door falls off and the cupcake is gone!!!!

  179. Plug is what got me! That is so stinkin cute.

  180. Oh I would totally wear it! I teach Kindergarten and they would totally get a kick out of that fun charm. I would also wear it when I bake, just to feel fancy!

  181. i love it!! i would wear it and show it off to all my fans of my baking!

  182. There would be fits, lots of fits over who would wear this. My 3 yr old daughter or me… I’m thinking, ME!!!

  183. I would wear it to make all my cupcake-loving friends jealous. Also, I would wear it while baking and eating cupcakes.

  184. I would put it on my charm bracelet.

  185. i’ll wear this everyday!

  186. Love it sooo much…really want to use it for my sis bday party…..

  187. Yes Yes Yes! I would love it! How prec!

  188. That is so cute! I love it!

  189. I love love LOVE this!!!

  190. I looove it!!!

  191. hey bakerella (:
    if i were to be chosen to
    recieve this charm,,
    i would probably wear it.. x]
    make it into a necklace, or just
    a lopsided earring :]
    i would share it to people
    about it’s cuteness and probably
    stare at it forever during class haha ^^

  192. That’s soo CUTE!!!

  193. It’s adorable! Although I’d love it for myself, I’d have to give it to my incredible baker sister who showed me this amazing blog in the first place :)

  194. OH MY GOSH ! This little charm will create cup cake havoc wherever it goes! Bakerella, congratulations on your cook book and the pumkin cake pops on the magazine cover, you are simply wonderfull !!

  195. That is absolutely adorable! My sister just got married this past weekend and would love this little charm. I really would LOVE to give this to her, it’s so cute! (:

  196. So cute ^_^

    I would wear if for very special occasions and then I would have it on display on my mantel shelf in the living room where everyone could see it!

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