


That’s exactly what this is. Naturally I had to pick one up as soon as I saw it.

Pink. Cute. Tiny. Cute. Cupcake. Cute. Charm. Cute. Did I mention cute?

Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, it’s cute.


And look – the little oven door opens so you can get a better view at the cupcake inside.


It’s adorable from every angle.



And just look at this……………


I can’t take it.

Look at that plug. I think my heart started racing when I saw this.

It says “Bake me Some Couture” under the plug, too.


Here’s a little visual aid to get a sense of how small it is.


But, it’s not for me. I picked it up while doing a little shopping and thought one of you might like it.

Want it? It would look really cute hanging on a necklace, too.

Enter for a chance to win this super cute cupcake charm

• Leave a comment on this post and tell me … Would you wear it? Share it? or just stare at it in all it’s cuteness?

• Deadline to enter is Sunday, September 19 at noon ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.

• One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Sunday.

Good Luck and I promise not to say cute any more today.


We have a winner! Yay for Kait. #1443 – Congratulations – Your charm bracelet is going to be very happy – that is if I can bring myself to part with it. Just kidding.

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6,668 comments on “Charming”

  1. I would stare at it’s cuteness. Have you seen their other charms? They have lots of cupcake cuteness available

  2. Stare then wear!

  3. Well you’re right. It is just too cute. I’d have to wrap that cute thing up in a cute package for my cute daughter and put it in her cute mailbox for a sweet suprise.

  4. this is the cutest thing ever! i would definitely give it to my sister in law because she is all about the finer things in life….baking treats! I swear that girl is baking something new everyday.

  5. Say CUTE all you want! I agree, it’s CUTE! I have just the bracelet to put it on and will definitely wear it!

  6. I think I would just stare at it in all its cuteness :) It really is adorable!

  7. Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! Would most certainly WEAR it proudly! I’ve been in the process of starting my own baking business over the past year, and this would be PERFECT!

    Totally CUTE!

  8. Wow almost 6,000 comments, well hey you have to be in to win right.

    I would most definitely keep it for myself and would certainly wear it so I could enjoy it all the time.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. Sooo CUTE!!! Definitely Wear, Share and Stare! I think I’m in LOVE!!

  10. i would wear it to show off all of its glory!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. ohhh soo cute…yes I <3 cupcakes too! and would love to wear it! cute cute cute =)

  12. THIS IS ADORABLE <3! Omgosh, I saw this picture and the first thing I thought of was, WHERE CAN I GET THIS!? Anyways, it is sunday soon and I shall try another one of your recipes.

  13. So sweet it’s making cavities form…
    I would wear it as a necklace. Day and night. And possibly in the shower. And grant it heirloom status amongst my vast estate.

  14. Love it! Totally wear it! <3

  15. Super Cute!! I love cupcakes!!

  16. I love anything pink, cupcaked or Juicy couture!! I would love this soo much and I would put it on my car key chain! It would make the cutest charm!

  17. Yes, I would love it–fun, fun, fun!

  18. i would love to have that. it is cute

  19. I would put it as a pendant on my baby’s necklace and admire both cuties.

  20. I would totally wear this! It is SO CUTE!

  21. i would wear it every single day of my life!!!!!!!!!

    sooooo cuteeeeeeee

  22. This is the cutest keychain ever!!! i would add it to my collection and show it off!

  23. THIS IS SO CUTE. I love juicy couture – and it’d definitely look good on their charm bracelet!

  24. I would wear it. Totally cute!

  25. CUTE!!! I would totally wear this too!!!!!!!

  26. SO cute!!! I would give it to my 5 year old to wear!

  27. Miniatures are always cute to look at (uhummmm…cake pops!)…I’d wear it too, though…me wants!

  28. I actually have the juicy bracelet that goes with it , but i sure dont have THAT charm on it!!!!!

  29. I would give it to my friend who wants to start her own cupcake shop!! So adorable! =)

  30. I love Juicy Couture! And this just makes me love them more. Cupcakes are my favorite baked dessert, this is a great way to show some cupcake love!

  31. I have seen cute before but this is the cutest thing i have ever seen . I would be so greatful to win this lovily oven esp in my favorite color PINK wow could it be any nicer or cuter Thank you for the change. I have never won any thing and i would be so thrilled to say gee i won this oven and the cupcake from Bakerella wow have a great week and Thank you for the eye candy love Cheyenne Renard of Henderson Nevada its 100 today hot

  32. It’s the cutest thing I have ever seen beside your cute cake pops :-) . I for one wouldn’t be able to separate from it – I would wear it lifelong. Thank you very much for sharing it with us and giving us the chance to win it.

  33. I would give this adorable charm to my darling daughter Madeleine. Madeleine loves cupcakes and we make them all the time it’s her favorite treat and she thinks it’s the cutest charm she has ever seen.

  34. Oh my, that is seriously the cutest thing I have EVER seen! I would LOVE to wear it!

  35. That is so cute! I would give it to one of my good friends, she’d wear it everyday!

  36. Sooo…..stinkin……CUTE! I would stare, wear, stare, wear, stare some more, wear again. Repeat. It’s ADORABLE <3

  37. Oh, I would so wear it! My little girl’s nickname is Cupcake and so I would wear it and think of her everytime I look at it! It is just adorable!

  38. My 10-year old daughter would love this on her charm bracelet! She collects cupcake picks and has over 300 in her collection now. Oh, I hope I win!!!!

  39. That’s a tough one… I think at first I’d stare at it for a while, then I’d wear it for a while, then stare at it some more, then probably share it because my daughter would be dying to wear it & stare too! :) TOO TOO CUTE!

  40. I would definatly wear it…then maybe share it :o)

  41. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I can’t stand it!! I would totally wear it but would probably have to give it to my mom the queen of cupcakes for her birthday. Oh please let me win! If not, where oh where did you find this??????

  42. That is so adorable!! I can’t get over how cute it is. I would definitely wear that. Make it into a necklace maybe? I’m not sure, but I love it!!

  43. I love, love, love it!! Too cute! I would just love to stare at it and probably wear it because I couldn’t help myself! OMG so wish I could win it!

  44. i would give it to my mom because shes amazing and a great baker and i love her!! so cute!

  45. I would give it to my daughter in law, she is a baker! Its so cute.

  46. oh you better believe i would wear it!

    ::dies from cuteness overload::

  47. I would wear it on a necklace. I work in a bakery at a grocery store. Would be perfect I love my job.

  48. adorable..would put it on my key chain!

  49. It couldn’t be more cute. I would love to wear that!

  50. I absolutely MUST have this! It goes perfectly with my cake slice charm :)

  51. That is soo adorable! I would just stare it. I love it.

  52. Wayyyy tooo cute:)

  53. That is so stinkin’ cute!

  54. I’d wear this precious little charm every time I baked and for my weekly visits to Sprinkles bakery. Oh cupcakes, how I love you.

  55. I’d wear it, but not all of the time. The rest of the time it would sit in a teeny tiny jewelry case that I would design especially for it, it would make me feel all Thumbellinaish, only with bling.

  56. definitely wear it and admire it all day! haha

  57. love this!!!

  58. i would wear it!

  59. I would totally wear it! I have spent many an hour oohing and aahing over the super cute miniatures all over Etsy, and this is way cuter than any I’ve seen yet!

  60. I would make that little charm into a necklace and wear it all the time and show off to other people (:

  61. It’s adorable!

  62. I would wear it , then my daughter, then me, then my daughter….
    SOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!

  63. Do I have to decide right now what I’d do with it??? I’d want to share it but it’s so stinkin’ adorable I may not have a choice but to keep it.

  64. I would put it on my work key chain.. It would give me something to look forward to doing when I get home..

  65. I LOVE it! I am known by all my friends to wear food !

  66. I think I would stare at it in all it’s cuteness and then after the fascination wore off of staring at it I’d wear it! :)

  67. That’s too cute NOT to wear! I love it!

  68. Let the squeeing begin in earnest. I’d have to wear it in secret so my 3-year old didn’t get a hold of it.

  69. I would HAVE to wear it!

  70. Omigosh, I’d wear it for sure! My daughters would love it, so I guess I’d have to share. :)

  71. I would wear this for sure! It’s got to be the cutest thing EVER!!

  72. Can you say adorable!!! So is your site!

  73. i love it i would wear the hek out of it hahahaha :}

  74. I would wear it, in fact it is so cute that I ran out and bought
    one! It made my day!!!!!

  75. Love it! Pick me.

  76. Love this! It is so cute. I would wear it.

  77. I would wear it! It’s sooooo cute! I literally gasped when I saw it. Adorable!!!

  78. I’d wear it fo shizzle!


  80. Cuuuute!! I would absolutely wear this. On a cute bracelet, so I could look at it all the time. :P

  81. Ahhhhhhhh!! Wear it and stare at it!! So cute!!

  82. I would put it on my desk at work and stare at it all day long. :D

  83. It’s soo cute! I’m pretty sure I’d have to make a nice bracelet with it!

  84. I would share this… i LOVE it but i have a friend who would TREASURE it

  85. That is oh-so-cute! I would put it on my printers rack, which holds many souvenirs and tiny, little things that I have picked up through the years. It would be perfect. Of course, I would also wear it with my work uniform since everyone knows I like to bake…. Love it!

  86. So incredibly cute! I love miniatures. I would have to share as I have girls who love cute mini things as well. :-)

  87. Adorable! I would def wear it… attached to my sterling Tiffany bracelet with heart my husband gave me for my 30th B-day. I’m almost 38 now, so time to add a new charm :)

  88. I’d wear it! It’s my birthday this week so I think I’d deserve to keep some cupcake prettiness all for myself :)

  89. I’d definitely wear it. I’ve been baking cupcakes like crazy recently. :-)

  90. Dear Bakerella,
    I think I might do all of the above….

  91. Wear it! It’s way too cute to be in a box!

  92. You are so correct. it is very cute and I would love to have it if I could keep it away from my girls

  93. I would give this little cutie to my daughter, She is the baker in the family.

  94. You are such a sweetie to be giving this away!

    I would love to give it to my daughter Lesley, our family’s “cupcake queen”. Her favorite store is Sprinkles cupcake bakery, her favorite book is the Magnolia Bakery cupcake cookbook, and if you are one of her favorite people she will bake you your favorite cupcakes! ; )

  95. It’s such a cutie! Can I have it? Pretty pleaseeeeee!

  96. Oh my goodness! That is just tooo cute for words! I’d be torn between wanting to wear, share and stare at it (all at once). What an absolute treasure! :-)))))

  97. i would wear it !!!! its actually my style!!!!!

  98. This would be all mine! It’s just adorable!!!

  99. I couldn’t get in on the cupcake shoes, so I got them for my daughter. This would be fun to wear when she wears her cuppie shoes and we go out ona mother daughter trip…shopping…gabbing…eating…wearing our pink girly, frilly clothes.

  100. I would totally wear this, while staring at it all day long. I love love love this charm! :)

  101. Too darn cute! I love tiny versions of real household things. I hope whomever wins it will love it and giggle when they look at it.

  102. this is soo cute!! i would definitely wear it somehow to show off how adorable it is!!

  103. I love, love, love it!!!! Definately the cutest charm I have ever seen. I would absolutely wear it!

  104. I would totally wear it! I think i would make it into a bracelet, that way everyone can see it when i hand them their food at my cafe, so cute!!

  105. I would put it in a glass case and stare at it all day……its sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!

  106. I would give it to my sister, she would LOVE it! In fact, I’ll probably get her one for Christmas if I don’t win!

  107. I love everything about this!
    Will definitely wear it. All the time.

  108. Too cute! My daughter Samantha is a great baker–I would give it to her in a ‘care package.’ She is studying to be a veterinarian and is working so hard every day.

  109. OMG! This is THE MOST adorable charm I’ve seen! Got to have it!! Thanks for sharing the pic ;)

  110. Would definitely wear this………love cupcakes……sooooo cute!

  111. It’s too adorable. I would definitely wear it!!

  112. I would stare at it for a while first and then wear it EVERYWHERE :) It would be like my version of Julia Child’s pearls!

  113. I’d wear it — funky pendants are my favorite things ever.

  114. Woah! Way too cute! I’d love to give this to my sister. I don’t think anyone else I know would appreciate it as much as she would. Thanks for sharing :)

  115. Love this charm! I would put it on my charm bracelet and think of your blog everytime I wore it!

  116. I would give this to my daughter for graduation to add to her charm bracelet

  117. Need it, want it!! Super cute; I’d wear it all the time. =)

  118. I WANT THAT. Random number picking GODS choose ME please.

  119. Cute cute cute – I’ll say it for you. That is CUTE! I’m baking lots of cupcakes this week for a bake sale – this is just the accessory I need. Thanks!

  120. Too cupcake-adorable! I would wear it, share it and stare at it all day long!!!!

  121. I would DEFINITELY wear it! It’s adorable!

  122. I would wear it!!!!

  123. I would both stare at it in all of it’s cuteness and wear it!

    BTW, I almost SQEEEEE’D in delight for you when I saw the pretty little sidebar on Shelf Awareness the other day for your book! :)

  124. so adorable! I would wear it everywhere!

  125. I would totally wear it. I have the charm bracelet from Juicy Couture and it would be the perfect addition!

  126. It’s so 60’s, I would definitely wear it. I would add it to my charm bracelet I’ve had since the 70″s. Perhaps you can let us know where it was purchased for those of us who did not win. Thanks.

  127. I would DEFINITELY wear it!!! I worked in a cupcake bakery for about a year and I am obsessed! Anyone who knows me knows that cake is a food group to me!!

  128. Too sweet! I think I’d use it for a key ring.

  129. I would give it to my sweet daughter who loves baking as much as her mom.

  130. I would totally wear it!

  131. I would wear it and look super cute while baking!

  132. OMG.. so super cute. I would have to wear it ..maybe share it and oh yes I would totally stare at it!!

  133. Oh my gosh! Such cuteness!!! I would wear it for sure! Pick me!! It’s too cute!!

  134. This is so so cute! There, I said cute for you :) I would totally wear this, it would be wrong not to share its cuteness with the world!

  135. Adorable! How can you bear to give it away? Of course, I would wear it!!

  136. i would wear it – it’s too cute not to share!! Love, love it!!!

  137. This is so adorable!! I would love to just keep it for myself :P BUT I would actually give it to my 10 year old step-daughter. She not only loves Juicy but is into all the baking and decorating world!

  138. I would put on my keychain. It is so adorable I can’t stand it!!! There is also no shame in wearing it too. Cute find!

  139. I don’t think i’d wear it, probably put on my keychain with my keys or maybe just leave it on my bookshelf for others to adore.

  140. I would totally wear this! Its the cutest thing ever!

  141. Wow! I love that cupcake charm. I collect food charms, and I would wear it.

  142. I love it! your right, it’s cute cute cute! :)
    I would wear it every day, to show off my love of cupcakes.
    It’s to cute to keep in the box!

  143. that is cute! i would probably not wear it. i would put it on a shelf in my kitchen.

  144. Too adorable! I would wear it…that or maybe possibly give it as a gift.

  145. LOVE! I’d probably find a way to wear it… or possibly just put it here at my desk and admire it’s incredible cuteness.

  146. I would share it, stare at it and WEAR IT…its too cute!

  147. Oh my gosh how cute! How could you not want it for yourself?
    I would wear it in a heart beat…it would look great on a chain,love it!

  148. Good gravy…that is beyond cute!!!!! If I could stand not staring at it, I’d wear it for surre. :)

    But it so precious that I’ll probably keep debating myself whether to wear it out, haha!

  150. I think that after being horribly… HORRIBLY tempted to eat it… I would show off all of its cuteness to my friends !!!!
    I think I would sleep with it on my hands just so that it wont run away !!!

  151. Love it…would place it next to my work computer and stare at the cuteness! Can’t wait to see you in Nashville!

  152. It would go on my purse/key chain, along with all the other things I play with when I’m out, like my cupcake clock, my teeny ping pong paddle, and my buffalo that I got from the Corn Palace in SD.

  153. i put it somewhere where i can see it. because its very precious to wear!

  154. This is so Juicy CUTEture!!

  155. Would love to win this! It’s so damn cute! Fingers are crossed!!

  156. I would soooo wear this. I love it.!!!!! I am obsessed with CUPCAKES!!!! Oh yeah,I collect cupcake things too. :)

  157. Oh my hell I would WEAR IT!!!! Too cute not to share!!

  158. I’d stare at it and wear it!!!!

  159. I would wear it and share it. So darn cute!

  160. I am not going to lie, I would have to do two of the three, wear it and stare at it because it is so dang cute! LOVE IT! I hope I win!

  161. that is the cutest thing EVER! I think I would just stare at it. But would love to wear this since there i not much pink in a house of 4 boys and me… Absolutely Adorable!!

  162. I think this is super cute, and I would totally wear it! (probably ALL the time because it’s that cute) =)

  163. So adorable. I’d definitely gift it to my sister.

  164. You bet your sweet cupcakes I’d wear it! I love, can you save love, baking all things sweet. ?

  165. Wear it for sure! It’s so charming.

  166. I would definitely wear it! it’s such a cute thing!

  167. OH MY GOSH ARE YOU SERIOUS!?! This is SO amazing! I may literally pass out if I win this! Fingers, toes, strands of hair…all crossed!!!!

  168. The cupcake charm is CUTE! I would share it with my two daughters; who also charms, cupcakes and anything cute.

  169. I’d likely use this cute charm on my school lanyard. It would match perfectly!

  170. I would absolutely share it, my sister has caught the cake decorating bug and would die for it!

  171. So adorable! My daughter would love it!

  172. I would let my three year old wear it :) but only when I say she can!

  173. Too cute! Love little miniature stuff! I’d definitely stare at it’s cuteness!

  174. I would SO wear it! Adorable!

  175. ahhh! that is SOOOO CUTEE~~~~~
    usually I just like secretly reading your posts and I don’t comment, but this really got me to stop being a silent reader xD
    If I had it’s i’d stare at it all day WHILE wearing it, haha xD

  176. That is adorable! I love all things cupcake, so I’d definitely wear that one!

  177. I would wear it & stare at it! It’s super cute!

  178. Stare I think… It’s so freakin’ cute. Probably wear it, so I can show it off… and then stare some more. Not share – I’m not good at sharing really…

  179. would LOVE to wear this! i love itty bitty things.

  180. i would wear it. my grandmother left me her charm bracelet with all of her charms and i’ve been adding to it ever since. it would be a perfect addition to my collection!

  181. I would probably put it on my windowsill and stare at it all day in ( yes) all it’s cuteness!!!!!

  182. I would wear it for sure! I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to get anything done I would just be playing with the charm constantly :)

  183. I would definitely wear it. It is super adorable!

  184. Aaahhh I want it sooo bad!

  185. Love it and would wear it!

  186. Super cute! Would definitely share it.

  187. I would definitely wear it! It’s soooo cute!!

  188. so cute! love pink, love cupcakes, would totally wear it!!

  189. I would give it to my sister-in-law for her birthday because she is a fabulous baker!

  190. I would give it to my cousin, Tiffany, who is recovering from her 8th sugery, this one to remove a tumor from her spinal cord. She is a Bakerella for sure and is a HUGE CUPCAKE FAN!!!! She is actually the one who turned me on to your website! She would love it!!!!
    I think it is adorable too, and would wear it. BUT….she has been through so much and deserves it much more than I do!

  191. I would soooo wear it! Pretty much every day. I’m cupcake obsessed and this is adorable

  192. Super cute!! I would totally wear it everywhere! Cupcakes are the best:)

  193. Love it! Showed my husband the cake pop issue at the store today! He laughed. He loved the golf ball ones for the charity event that I made. Your recipe!

  194. i would wear it all day everyday!

  195. I would totally wear it! My b-day is in a couple weeks and I can’t think of a better present for my kids to give me :)

  196. How super cute is that! A master piece for sure!

  197. OMG the cutest thing ever … love it

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