That’s exactly what this is. Naturally I had to pick one up as soon as I saw it.
Pink. Cute. Tiny. Cute. Cupcake. Cute. Charm. Cute. Did I mention cute?
Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, it’s cute.
And look – the little oven door opens so you can get a better view at the cupcake inside.
It’s adorable from every angle.
And just look at this……………
I can’t take it.
Look at that plug. I think my heart started racing when I saw this.
It says “Bake me Some Couture” under the plug, too.
Here’s a little visual aid to get a sense of how small it is.
But, it’s not for me. I picked it up while doing a little shopping and thought one of you might like it.
Want it? It would look really cute hanging on a necklace, too.
Enter for a chance to win this super cute cupcake charm
• Leave a comment on this post and tell me … Would you wear it? Share it? or just stare at it in all it’s cuteness?
• Deadline to enter is Sunday, September 19 at noon ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.
• One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Sunday.
Good Luck and I promise not to say cute any more today.
We have a winner! Yay for Kait. #1443 – Congratulations – Your charm bracelet is going to be very happy – that is if I can bring myself to part with it. Just kidding.
I would totally wear it – or maybe attach it to my keychain – is SUPERCUTE and would be a great conversation starter!
i would stare at it all day in awe of its ridiculous cuteness!!
You can keep saying cute, I am! :) I would stare at it in all its cuteness.
It is so cute. I surely wear it.
Eeeee! I’d like to say “I’d wear it every day!!” but I have a friend who would never take it off, and her birthday is just around the corner…
I would WEAR it! Everyday. It is pink and has a cupcake…it is perfect!
I forgot to fill in the comments! #5583 is me, if this # comment gets picked then please disregard because that’s unfair!
Would be a perfect addition to my six year old egg-allergic daughter’s charm bracelet. We bake egg-free cupcakes together all the time … just got your book and can’t wait to try making cake pops, too! And I call her “Cupcake.” Too cute.
… that’s so cute… i want itttt
I would love to say “wear it” but I HAVE to “Share It”! This looks exactly like something my bff Natasha would L.O.V.E. Hope I win it!
Wear it!
I would wear this around my neck on a necklace! You are right this very very cute!
I would definitely wear it, but I would want to stare at it too! It is so adorably cute. I can’t take it :)
IF I actually won, it would have to go to my BFF, she’s a baker (even though I aspire to both her & your greatness!) & she’s a mini freak too…
Then I’d have to go get myself one so we could match!! LOL
I would totally wear it, but my daughter would enjoy it even more, so I’d probably share it with her!! So cute!!
It is so cute!! I would add it to my charm bracelet my parents started for me when I was born!
I would wear it and share it with my wonderful cake decorator daughter.
I would wear it with my cake-printed dress, because it just makes sense! I love anything cupcake-themed, especially when it’s so pink and dainty and cute. Actually, scratch wearing it with my cake-printed dress–I’d wear it with everything!
Wear it….YES! Share it…it may have to be a timeshare between my sister and two nieces! Just stare at it…a definite possibility between the other two options! Thanks for the opportunity.
Wear it!! It’s too adorable NOT too….
I love this! I would give it to my 4 yr old daughter. She loves to bake with me – and without me in her play kitchen. Cupcakes are her favorite non-ice cream dessert too. :)
Adorable! Super Cute! I would wear it so I could share it with everyone I see or sees me!
I would bake it the logo of my bakery!! So cute!!
Absolutely! I love a cupcake, in every form!
Definitely wear it, and then constantly stare at myself in the mirror!
I would wear it every day. Every single day, even if I just clean guinea pig cages.
Super cute. I would put it on my desk to look at.
I would so wear it! Too adorable!
Oh, I would wear it all right! Way too cute not to;)
So cute!
I agree- very wearable.
I think I would stare at it a while to enjoy it’s perfect cuteness and then I’d wear it. It was made to be worn, I wouldn’t want to hurt it’s feelings!
cute cute cute! i would give it to my 16 month old daughter b/c we call her ‘cupcake’! she is so cute and small for her age, the name just fits!
wow, that IS super adorable!
and I’m just amazed at all the details!
I would wear it with EVERY outfit!
omg, too cute for words! i’d proudly wear it every where i go!!!
Absolutely I would wear it – it is adorable!! And my daughters would be so jealous. =)
That is the cutest little charm. I would LOVE to wear it myself!
This is absolutely adorable! Love the attention to detail. I think I’d wear it as a necklace. Thanks for the giveaway!! I’m not sure how you’re going to give it up!
Too cute!! I think I would try it out as a keychain! :)
I would LOVE to wear it!!! It’s super cute!!! I love to bake. I’m not a professional, i just bake for enjoyment and for family and friends!!
I would wear it everywhere!!
Oh how I would love a little cupcake in an oven. I could wear a cupcake each day and dream about cake pops for sure.
i would give it to my wife she loves everything cupcake
I might put it on the same chain where I put my keys. And that way I can see that cute little charm everyday!!!!! :)
I would wear this and play with it, I love interactive jewelery! Not to mention the CUPCAKE!!!
I would definitely wear this! It’s too cute not to be seen
Too cute!! Love it!
Oh my god that is so cute. If I were the winner, I would wear it !
It would be a waste just to leave it on display with it being all dusty =(
Hehe you’re great for doing giveaways like this !
Definitely wear it-on the charm bracelet that was my moms.
OMG…Cute isn’t even the word to describe this little charm. It is CUPCAKEALICIOUS!!!
I would definitely wear it, stare at it and show it off!!!!!
Love, love, love it!!!
Julie M. Hicks
All You Need Are Cupcakes, LLC USA
LOOOOOOOVE!!! I need this to go with everything cupcake that I own!!!
I saw this and about died!!! With me starting my own cupcakery here in GA, I well… I just want it!!! :) It is adorable and gorgeous! Would be great!
I would, So Give It! To my own little Cupcake.
So adorable – would give it to my daughter who’s just started baking and would love to give up work and do it full time. She’d be really chuffed.
This is the cutiest thing!!!!! I cant afford this cutie I’m sure, but it would be fun to get one. I bake cakes and cupcakes etc. Love your website! Looking for your new book. Congratulations to you and all of your success. Thanks for sharing all that you have with the rest of us. stand back and smile, because you have made me smile.
OMG! I would wear this every day… I would wear it to work, I would wear it to church, I would wear it out to dinner, I might even have to wear it to bed :D
OMG!!! I want it, i need it eeekkkk so cute
I would so where this necklace and when not wearing it I would display it for all to see… super cute!
This is only the beginning! next will be pie’s, cakes, muffins, and stinkin’ cute cookies coming out of the Juicy oven. Now, we just need something to the likes of Wonka Vision to make these desserts real.
I would add it to my keychain collection and show it off cuz it’s sooo cute!!
This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!!
I want it!
LOVE IT! Would wear and make everybody stare at it’s adorable cuteness!
I would wear it and then when not wearing it I would stare at it from the shelf of my Gram’s antique dish cabinet which sits in my kitchen and holds all of my baking whimsy. LOVE it!
That is the cutest thing EVER! Seriously. I would definitely share it. My best friend is obsessed with Cupcakes!
That is the cutest thing EVER! Seriously. I would definitely share it. My best friend is obsessed with Cupcakes!
That’s adorable!!! I would either give it to my mother or stare at it forever!!
that is the cutest thing! i would totally put it on a chain and show it off! ADORABLE!
I would wear it when I’m feeling very SWEET!
I think I would wear it on a necklace but I also think I’d be looking at it all day!!!! :D
OMG! I actually squealed when I saw this charm. I would definitely wear it on a necklace. It needs to be seen by as many people as love cupcakes.
Oh my goodness! That is the cutest thing ever! I love cupcake everything and I would wear that sweet little thing ALL the time. Even to meet the Queen of England if I ever got the chance. Its just too sweet. <3
I don’t think you could say cute enough times to describe this amazing cute cupcake charm…I can’t imagine anyone that reads this blog would dare give it away…personally I think it’s a keeper…if I don’t win it, I may just need to buy it myself.
This is the cutest thing! I would definitely wear it!
I just stare at it in all it’s superb cuteness for a long time… after a while I will try to find out how to get some to give them as Chirstmas gifts to my lovely ones here in Panama, Republic of Panama, Central America.
I would definitely have to share it with my daughter, the cupcake princess!
OMG It is so perfect! I love different charms like this! I’d probably wear it every once in a while, but I’d be too afraid of losing it so I’d put it in one of those little glass thimble display boxes when I wasn’t wearing it! You can say cute as many times as you like if you keep showing us things that are this cute!
I ould give this to my best friend whom has a slight obsession with cupcakes (as do I).
It is her b’day soon and since I have moved very far away such a small but perfect gift for her would be perfect :3
I would just stare at it in all it’s cuteness ;-) Then give it to my daughter. Adorable!
i would wear it around my neck and tell everyone bakerella gave it to me!!
I think I have a space on my charm bracelet that needs that charm!!!
omg that is too cute! I would so wear it!
I would wear it and share it so that I can stare at it. It is so adorable
First I’d stare at it for a while, marveling at its cuteness.
Then I’d wear it. Probably while baking some cupcakes.
It’s adorable! Hope I win the lottery!
Wear it!
Oooooooo! How to choose, how to choose! I think I’d stare at and adore it for a long while, then put it on a chain to wear when I make cake pops and ultimately consider giving it to my daughter who is holding a Cupcake Wars event for her and lots of friends. Thanks for such an awesome blog, cake pops and the opportunity to win!
Oo oo! I’d definitely wear it! I’m obsessed with the little details on things (and cakes – I’m a cake decorator) so I’d LOVE to have this and all it’s perfect details! :)
I would definitely share it. My bestie has a b-day coming up and she LOVES to bake!
It’s so sweet! Yes, I’d definitely have to wear it!!
I would wear it after staring at it for a while! So cute!
wear it!!! so cute!
Are you KIDDING? I would definately WEAR it, and then I would SHARE it with my cupcake-loving daughter, Becky!
It’s so cute! I want to wear this everyday for the first month, then let my daughter wear it for a month, then back to me for keeps! I hope it comes to my home!
I love this! The tiny touches are so spectacular!
wear it everywhere!!!
I would wear this cupcake close to my heart! How stinking cute!!!! Fingers crossed I need it!!! ;)
This is so cute! I think I’d just stare at its’ cuteness…thanks for the chance to win!
I would share it, with my daughter, who is sitting right next to me telling me to enter for her! :)
Must have!!! This is TOO CUTE!
Everyone I know already thinks I am cupcacrazy, and this would prove they are RIGHT!!
Please, pick me!!! :D
I think my 4 year old daughter and I would have to share it. I would want to share with her, but I don’t know if I’d be able to part with it. I thought mothers were supposed to be selfless…
i think i would wear it on a necklace, especially while i’m baking!!! :]
wear it! it’s go perfect with the tiffany’s cupcake my hubby got me when i graduated culinary school!
I would totally wear it!
that is awesome!.. As much as I would LOVE to wear it I think I would def have to share it with a good friend who just had the guts to start selling her cupcakes at a local farmers market. I hope it takes her places!
I would save it for my baby girl to wear when she gets older.
Stare and smile at the cuteness!
I would total wear it! It’s way to cute to have it hide in my jewlery box!!!!!
Totally wear it. That is ridiculously cute!!
I would let my daughter wear it. She’s a mini Bakerella in her own right. I posted a picture of her on your FB page today.
It is so cute!!!
Too cute!! Hmm…that’s hard…I think I’d have to keep it for myself though!!
Hope this is open to Australians… :) I’d definitely wear it!!! LOVE it!!
Definitely wear!!!!!!! :) Too cute!
Adorable….I would soooo wear this!!
toooooo cute!
i would def. wear it.
I’d wear it! It’s too cute!
I’d wear it or use it as a purse charm! It’s adorable!
That is unbelievable!!! Too cute! I have thoroughly enjoyed following your site!! It is a great excuse not to study! Not that us Aussie’s need an excuse!!
I would just stare at this adorable little cupcake for hours and have to take it with me and show people wherever I’d go! It’s far too adorable to leave at home!
OMG I would just stare at it all day! Wouldn’t want to break it!!!
I would want to create a little shrine to it’s cutness in my kitchen! After that I would give it to my friend Jane who is a maniac for minatures. Adorable!
I think I would probably just stare at it!!! I think I might be too afraid to wear it out at the chance I might lose it :)
It’s just so CUTE!!
I would pry the little cupcake out and eat it, it’s so cute.
So cute!!! I am surprised you can part with it!!! :)
I would totally put it on the charm bracelet my mom and dad got me for Christmas the year I moved from Canada to the US.
It would be my “just graduated culinary school with a 4.0” charm!
So cute, I’m a “bake-aholic” so I would LOVE to wear it!
1. I would stare.
2. I would stroke.
3. I would wear.
4. Repeat steps 1-3.
I love this! It’s perfect! I would definitely have trouble not wearing it everyday :)
Hummm….There would be lots of wearing and staring! By the way…I went and bought the book today!!! I love every bit of it!
It’s really cute! i’d so wear it :D
As much as I would love to just put it on a pedestal and stare at it, I would probably give it to my friend (who is in love with cupcakes) for her birthday as a present. She would definitely adore it!
I would share it…my almost 16 year old has rediscovered her charm bracelet and would be more excited to add this to her collection :)
ok…that is too cute, how to do you find such adorable things??
SOOO cute!! I would have to give it to my daughter. Even tho
she is 20, we love baking cupcakes and then of course, eating tthem!!
too cute not to wear it.
I Would total wear that, it’s way to cute to hide in a jewlery Box!!!!
I would give it to my daughter as a gift. She has taken up baking and decorating cakes for friends as her hobby and this website is one of her favorites for inspiration. This is so cute I can’t stand it.
rocking that cupcake charm would be a dream come true! ooosooo precious… i’m in love!!
This is too cute! I’m definitely envious of whoever gets this XD I was just out looking at hilarious designer shoes and my immediate thought was that if they have star wars why not cupcake wars too?
I would totally wear it! so cute!
i LOVE this. Absolutely the most adorable charm i have ever seen!! must have :) great ideas for my upcoming birthday :) thanks for posting!!
sweet!!! I’m a HUGE fan of yours AND of cupcakes.. you rock!
OMG. I covet this super cute charm.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO adorable! My daughter would love it. She has no idea what Juicy is but she would adore it anyway! :)
this is sooo cute!!! I would give it to my friend because shes an amazing baker (:
I WANT to wear it…I WANT to stare at it…but I’d probably have to give it to my friend that is obsessed with cupcakes.
Words cannot describe the absolute adorableness of this charm! To evoke a childhood favorite with some minor edits:
I would wear it in a box.
And I will wear it with a fox.
And I will wear it in a house.
And I will wear it with a mouse.
And I will wear it here and there.
Say! I will wear it ANYWHERE!
Good luck and cheers to all!
Oh, my! That is adorable! I would have to stare at it first for awhile simply to admire that teensy tiny cord…oh my…then we’d talk about wearing it.
I will be wondering if I can make a pop cake that looks exactly like this? :)
That. Is. So. Cute! I would wear it every day.
Get out of here! That is probably THEE most adorable charm I’ve ever seen. I’d stare at it for a pretty long time, show everyone I come in contact with then eventually give it to the sweetest cupcake maker, baker, designer (whatever they’re called) I know. She is always making and sharing the most delicious cupcakes. It’d be awesome to finally give one to her!
I would totally wear this. It’s pink & it symbolizes breast cancer in that aspect and my best friend’s mom is a survivor so I wear a lot of pink to support her. The fact that it has a cupcake makes the charm even more…well…charming.
This is the cutest thing!!! I love love love it!!!!!!!
This is adorable, the little kids I work with would be all over this! :)
I would wear it! Or maybe give it to my best friend for her birthday! So cute!!!
I would wear it and stare at how cute it is! I just can’t believe the oven door opens.
Of course I would wear it! I am a hair stylist and I am very passionate about my work of art. I always sit and wonder where & what would I be in life if I wasn’t a hair stylist, I love everything about my career and can’t imagine getting tired or over it. I love making people happy once they see there end result don’t get me started on how great I feel when I see there face light up & just knowing that I made some ones day makes me a better person. And thats exactly how I feel when i bake cupcakes for my loved ones so that being said now i know what I would be if I wasn’t a hair stylist and I would wear that charm every day to remind me that its not too late to become something else in life. A cupcake artist
That’s so CUTE ;) I wish i could win it but unfortunately i don’t think i will.. :( xxx
This is way too cute.
I would wear it as a necklace and probably just hold it and stare at it all day. I’m not sure if my boss would be too thrilled with that…hmmm.
totally just stare at the cuteness of it!
Bakerella…you are generous and talented! The charm is super cute! but I LOVE your new cookbook! Cake Pops! I have my own copy here in St. Louis!
THAT IS POSSIBLY THE CUTEST CHARM I HAVE EVER SEEN EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. i would totally bring back the charm bracelet and wear it…ohmygosh. my friends would be so jealous! love juicy <3
I love this! I would wear it!!!!
I’d wear it of course! Or I’d put it on my phone as a little key chain! That’s so adorable!
Oh my goodness that is sweet! I’d love to wear it myself, but would probably gift it to my niece who is the SWEETEST, and also a huge lover of the juicy couture. :)
This is too cute!
Stare at it in all it’s cuteness, then wear it and keep looking at it, cute, pretty, charm that’s designer. omg would love it.
Oh how cute!!!!! I would WEAR it!! I think it is so cute and tiny and cute and priceless and cute and funny and did I mention I thought it was cute??!! LOL I teach school and I think my kids would really think it was cool! Drop my name in the box and pick it tomorrow!!
I would totally wear it! I would want to make everyone else jealous of it’s cuteness
I would wear this every day of my life! ahh its amazing! i would definitely make it into a necklace! love love love love love!
Oh My GOODNESS! How sweet is that!!??
I NEED one of these!
You always find the BEST things!
I would TOTALLY wear this!! I even have a charm bracelet already. My hubby and I getting ready to open a cupcake bakery and i really , really need (ok want) this!!
This is the most adoreable charm ever – I love this. I would love to know where you found this. I hope I win!!!
It is absolutely adorable! I would give it to my beautiful, 5-year old cupcake loving daughter!
i would share. My school has a Baking Club and I would offer it for a drawing prize!
Could I somehow put it on my christmas tree? LOVE it.
Oh my goodness…that is so cute! I would probably wear it on a necklace or use it on some other special project! Love it!
I would put it on my desk and stare at all of it’s cuteness!
So cute, I think I would stare at it in the box set up on a shelf for awhile and then would probably where it sometimes. Thanks for the chance to win.
It’s super adorable, I would wear in on a necklace or perhaps give it to one of my little girls to wear!
OMG how cute is this! i so want this, I’d hang it on my neck proudly! :)
I would love to wear it. It’s adorable!
This is the most adorable charm I have EVER seen! I would definitely wear this, show it off to all my cupcake loving friends! :)
How adorable is this tiny little thing. I would so wear this, and might even share it, so that others could be so cute too.
Miniatures are so addicting and this one is so very detailed. I would love to wear this. I have a necklace collection and this would be wonderful to win.
Totally ADORABLE!!!!~definitely would have to share all of it’s cuteness!
I forgot to say that i would definility wear it and adore it but i would be selfish with it and not share it!
I love this!!! I would wear it and show it off!!
Adorable, I’d wear it while looking at my new Bakerella cookbook!!
So cute!!! I’d make it into a keychain!
Cutest thing EVAR! Not joking. Would totally wear it every. stinkin. day!
I would so wear it!!! Love it!!
I still can’t believe that it is so very small, yet all the details are perfect. Great work.
I would do ALL THREE…wear it, share it, and stare at it!
That is adorable! My girlfriend would ADORE that!
Oh my gosh – have a friend named Patti and we call her Patti cake cause she is always making cakes for our wonderful donors who donate blood. Would love to give to her this as a present.
I would wear it. Super cute!!! I love it!!!!