That’s exactly what this is. Naturally I had to pick one up as soon as I saw it.
Pink. Cute. Tiny. Cute. Cupcake. Cute. Charm. Cute. Did I mention cute?
Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, it’s cute.
And look – the little oven door opens so you can get a better view at the cupcake inside.
It’s adorable from every angle.
And just look at this……………
I can’t take it.
Look at that plug. I think my heart started racing when I saw this.
It says “Bake me Some Couture” under the plug, too.
Here’s a little visual aid to get a sense of how small it is.
But, it’s not for me. I picked it up while doing a little shopping and thought one of you might like it.
Want it? It would look really cute hanging on a necklace, too.
Enter for a chance to win this super cute cupcake charm
• Leave a comment on this post and tell me … Would you wear it? Share it? or just stare at it in all it’s cuteness?
• Deadline to enter is Sunday, September 19 at noon ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.
• One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Sunday.
Good Luck and I promise not to say cute any more today.
We have a winner! Yay for Kait. #1443 – Congratulations – Your charm bracelet is going to be very happy – that is if I can bring myself to part with it. Just kidding.
That’s really neat! I would definitely wear it when I’m teach my cake decorating classes and probably when I deliver cakes as well.
It is so cute. Of course I would wear it.
My DIL will love it for her bday on Halloween!
That adorable charm would make a great additon to the charm bracelet I started when my eight month old son Clayton was born. I say started -two charms so far. One for Clayton and one for our wedding day.
That would be so cute for my sister who’s off I college! I miss her so much! She loves to bake, and she’s actually going to college for the culinary arts! It’ll be a great inspiration for her hahaa :] We are both huge fans for your work and we’ll keep supporting you :]
Too cute! I would be sure to wear it!
I’d give it to my friend Melissa!
I would stare at it in all of its cuteness.
It’s like adorable cupcakeness and Easy Bake Oven goodness rolled into the best charm ever!! I would wear it without a doubt!
ahhhhh!!!! how absolutely adorable!!!!! love love love this! my daughter and i are obsessed with baking and cupcakes for that matter! what an awesome opportunity to win! you rock!!
This cupcake is only for sharing, I would give it to my daughter Natalie who always help me bake. The charm is colorful and cute just like her.
I would totally wear it. It’s a piece made to share with the world!
aaaah! too cute!
i would wear it everyday forever!
SuPer aDorAbLe!!..wear it and share with friends!
So adorable I would totally wear this!!
I would totally wear it. Way cute!! Nice find Bakerella!
I think I’d stare at it first for some time. Then take a lot of pictures of it (although you’ve taken lots of pretty ones already). And then wear it!
I would wear it myself, but I think its better suited for my 3 year old daughter who just got into helping me bake. It would be a special gift from the mommy baker to the little helper baker ;) LOVE IT!!
i would give it to my daughter as a birthday present!
oh my gosh! I would totally wear this everywhere I go!! It’s sooo adorable!! (and cute!!)
Adorable! I would wear it for sure!
I would totally wear it! Too cute!
I am in love!!!!!!!!
I looooove this! I love anything that has that extra fun fancy ness to it. I think I would wear it but my little girls 7 and 4 would covet it so much they would be allowed a turn wearing it too.
I have a charm bracelet, so I’d wear them.
What sweetness ! Is this my lucky day ?? Hope so, thanks Bakerella ! xxx
Could it be any “cuter”. My students at school would get a kick out of me wearing it and my fellow teachers would just think it is appropriate for me.
I would stare at the cuteness :)
I’d have to wear it – no way something so lovely should stay hidden away in a box! :3
I have a friend who has a little place in OKC called Cuppies and Joe and I think this is perfect for her. I’d have to share, but only after I stared at it for a while. Too Precious.
OH MY GOODNESS! I would for absolutley sure add it to the new to me charm braclet I just purchased! My bracelet currently has only one charm on it so this would be so wonder and a great addition to my braclet.. thanks for posting it and for giving it away to one of us lucky people!
Very cute!!! I would wear it on my charm bracelet!! :)
So cute!
I would save it for daughter who is due this december, each of her older sisters have a charm bracelet with important events and this would be the perfect one to start her off with.
I think that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I would definitely wear it and love it!
I would do everything with it!! i love it!! very creative!!! XoXo
i would totally wear it!
Your Da Bomb, Bakerella Congrats on all your success!
Go Steelers! i love this charm. :)
Why wouldn’t you not do all THREE with it? Super cute!
I think it is very very very cute i would wear it as a charm bracelet!!!
This is very charming. i would wear it even in the tub!
I wanna wear it !!!!!
That is just so adorable–I would wear it, no question! I love the merging of jewelry and cooking.
I would absolutely stare at it, making little *squee* noises… and then wear it!
I would stare at it alll day long :)
I would clip it on my purse!
I would wear it, everybody would love it.
I would wear it when baking for my friends in the apron my mom made for me!
I would give it away, my fiance would love it
Dios mío, es preciso!!!!. Yo no prodría dejar de mirarlo y de presumir de él.
Cruzo los dedos para ser la afortunada.
I need that!
Recently, I was reminded of my beloved Easy Bake Oven from my childhood. And every woman in my office that I mentioned it to said the same thing, “I LOVED my Easy Bake Oven!” This sweet charm reminds me of that toy and that time. Yeah, I think I would wear it….
Wow.. way cute. i’d wear it of course…after i stard at it.
I can’t stop staring at it right NOW!!!
i think its a very inspiring piece! id stare at it and then want to create something like it! :)
can i do all 3?! haha I would definitely wear it (gotta show it off), stare at it in all its glory! and of course share it with my girlfriends, because i know they are all going to want to wear it themseleves!
I would wear it! Too Cute!
Awww, now that IS cute!! You can say as much as you want… :)
I love this! Thanks for sharing…I’d definitely wear it on a necklace. I’m known for my cupcakes at work ;)
Super cute! I would totally wear this!
I love this!!! I would wear it all the time, I love cupcakes!
It’s so cuteeee!!!! I’d wear it!!! I’m cupcakesholic!!! :D
I would definitely wear it!!
I would put it on display so I could admire it from every angle and just stare at it and then I might put it on a charm braclet to wear around and show it off to everyone:)
I would definitely wear it, the door opening and the cord is too cute.
Omg! This is too cute! I hope I win!!
How adorable!! I’d definitely wear it, can’t decide if it’d be cuter as a necklace or bracelet though, either way, SO CUTE!!
Adorable! I would give it to my best friend. She’s a cupcake genius!
Awww, so cute! I would wear it and smile all the time! :)
I would give it to my 9 year old granddaughter who just discovered she has diabetes and is dealing with all the overwhelming things that go with it!!!!! She is handling this in a mature and brave fashion and I want her to know how very special she is…also, this is one sweet she could enjoy without counting carbs or getting a shot…thank you…proud Grandmother Beverly.
mine mine mine!
this is quite possibly the cutest thing i have seen i want it x
It’s so cute!
I would wear that thing all the time! partly because it is so cute and partly because i’d want everyone ELSE to see how cute it is!
LOVE it! I think I wouldn’t be able to stop staring at it!
Are you kidding me ????How adorable does one thing have to be to qualify as being THE MOST ADORABLE ITEM IN EXISTENCE….aside of course from all of the babies all of us had ,have or will have.
I hope that whoever wins,will enjoy wearing their little precious oven.
hugs to all,
grandma Joanie
I would SO wear it, that’s adorable, not only do I love Cupcakes but I love Charms, it’s like a perfect present all rolled in to one!! :)
so cute :)
i would definitely wear it & probably share it, too! :D
I wouldnt know whether to wear it or to stare at it! Lol. Its SUPER Cute!!
ahh so cuute! I’d give it to my friend or wear it…everywhere!
i was just wondering, where did you get this? it’s so adorable!
OMG!!! TOO stinkin’ cute!
I would…wear it. Super Adorable!!! Love it!
Everybody needs a signature piece – this would be mine!! I’d definitely wear it……I’d buy a whole wardrobe just to coordinate with it! I don’t know if I could stand to share it……I’d just bake everyone a cake pop instead!
I’d wear it & in fact I can picture the outfit now…
this is too cute!!! i love cupcakes so it would be perfect! :)
My daughter would love that! :)
This is adorable! I would definitely wear it–as a single charm on a silver bracelet.
I would wear it, stare at it, hug it, and definitely NOT share it!!!! It would be all mine!!!!! So super cute!
I would share it! There is a girl that works for me, that will be moving to Montreal. She is a passionate baker – and would really LOVE this to remind her of all the baking she did for us at work :)
I would absolutely wear it!!!
C’est charmant! It’s sooo adorable! I would wear it with great love near my baker’s heart. (-:
That is just too cute! I love miniatures and that ‘takes the cake’! I ‘m and avid baker and have quite a reputation among my co-workers and friends. I even have a body spray that smells like cupcakes. I’ve been told that’s exactly what I should smell like.
I saw a costume at WalMart for Halloween that is a giant cupcake and want to get it to wear to work. This charm would complete the outfit.
this is really cute!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! It is CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!! I would definitely wear it! ALL of the time!!!
Sooooo CUTE!!! I would definitely wear, and even allow my daughters to borrow it.
I would wear it once, snap lotsa photos and lock it up so I can preserve it forever!
I would LOVE to wear it!!!!
I would wear it everyday, everyday! That is too cute and retro :)
i would totally wera this!!! i would wear i every day, and admire it’s cuteness all day long, and at night i would store it in a glass box lined with gold!!! (not really, but you know whta i mean)
Too cute! As the club moderator of our brand new baking club (with 166 members) at the high school I work at, this made me think of my students and their love for baking. Our first fundraiser, a bake sale, is Tuesday, and I have a big batch of “Cupcake Pops” planned to bake for it. This charm would be a great inspiration!
Wow! so many comments! I would wear it every day as a necklace! SO CUTE!
That is so adorable! I would definitely sport that.
Ohhhhhh so C U T E! Ohmigawd, I would TOTALLY wear it and stare at it all day and then wear it some more… I need to get one of those, it is just TOO CUTE to be true!
LOVE it! I think I would wear it, then pass it on to my daughter once she gets old enough..because, you know, she’ll always be my little cupcake.
I love it – so cute! I would wear it or add it to my keychain so I always could look at it. SO Darling!
I would totally wear it!
This is perfect!!! My 4 granddaughters and I always make cupcakes together. I need to know where I can buy this. Great christmas gifts for them. Our cupcakes is something we look forward doing together. We don’t live close to each other and only see each other a couple times a year but this is all the girls talk about. Love it!
I love it! I would totally wear it! Alllllll the tiiimmmeeee!! <3
I would share it with my sisters – each one taking a turn at wearing it.
Couldn’t believe that, it is so generous of you to give away this precious charm, I wish I can win and of course I win wear it with my best chain, and I will show it to all my friends and let them see how cute and elegant it is. It is absolutely pleasure to share with others what arts is really meaning. Thanks, even I know there is little chance to win, out of over 5000 entries of emails already sent in. I really enjoy your blogs, it is informative and refreshing.
Cute.cute.cute.cute.cute! I would totally give this to my sister. She would love it!
WOW 5k comments! hope I get lucky….I would stare at it for as long as I could it is so darn cute! then ware it on my neck :)
Adorable! I would absolutely wear this :)
That is too adorable! I think I would actually gift this to my close friend. She is a SAHM that does baking as a side-money maker and I think she would absolute LOVE it!! You always find the cutest things!
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! How absolutely adorable and wicked cute!!! I would wear it and stare at it. I might let other people touch it…after a week or two.
this is ADORABLE!!!!! I’ve been looking for a necklace charm. I love cupcakes (my family calls me the cupcake queen) and this would just be perfect. yes, I would wear this!!!
I would definitely wear it!
I would wear it because it’s cuteness cannot be contained!
I would stare at it in all it’s cuteness. SO CUTE!!
I would want to wear it, but be so afraid of losing it in all of it’s itty bittiness that I’d probably just stare at it.
I would do both. Stare at the cuteness, AND wear baking with my “Flirty Apron” on!
That is so adorable!! I love little charms like that
hello!! totally WEAR it! and possibly share…..
Too cute! Would totally wear it!
too pretty to wear,
I’d just stare xx
I would have to give it to a friend who possibly loves cupcakes more than I do…or maybe I can hold it hostage until she bakes me some?!
Awww! So adorable! I’d definitely have to stare then wear
Super CUTE! I would wear and maybe let my daughter wear it too!!
How fllipping cute it this charm? I don’t know if I am more excited that it depicts baking or because it it pink! I am a Bakerella virgin…I found your website after picking up the recent fall cooking magazine at the grocery store check out! I am always looking for ways to wow my guests! Love your creativity!
oh my that is soooo cute I would WEAR it
I would definitely wear it! :)
I would wear it AND share it with my daughter!
this is just so adorable!!! i would wear it everyday! this is so darn cute.
I would wear and flaunt it for the world to see
You can’t hear me but I’m squealing like a little girl. So cute!
This is the cutest thing EVER! I think I’d stare at it for a while, then NEVER take it off! Too adorable for words.
that is seriously the cutest thing ever, i would wear it everyday
This charm is so cute!!!!! I love charms. It would go on my charm bracelet.
I love tiny things!
I love it! I would wear this 24/7, how could you have a bad day wearing that? I especially love the little door
I’d give it to my friend :) Her birthday is the 19th and she’s all the way in a different continent so I wanna make her day a little brighter with a gift !
oh my, I would love to wear this.
Usually, juicy odd colored purses and jumpsuits are not for me, but this is amazingly CUTE!
oh em gee!! too cute! i would absolutely wear it! not sure how you could possibly part with it but thanks so much for the chance to win!! :o)
Oh I would have to wear it, its so adorable. I wonder if they have them in the UK yet?
Oh my that is possibly the cutest thing i have ever seen! I would show if off to everyone i know!
That is so cute! I would wear it.
That is just the cutest little thing~ever! ….I would most definitely wear it. :)
My 4 year old daughter and I would absolutely wear this OFTEN….we’d probaby fight oer her would get to wear it…..would love to win it.
Ohmigosh, that is so adorable! Definitely wear it.
i would wear the crap out of this. :P
this is just the bees knees! i love it!
It’s so cute! My friend would love this kind of thing!
i would so wear it! only when baking… ;)
I’d wear it for sure! They should find a way to make it smell like cupcakes baking in the oven…although then I’d just crave them all the time. Very cute!
I am a sucker for anything tiny and this made me AWW out loud!
I’d put it on display and wear it on special occations, can’t let anything as cute and wearable like that go unworn!
I would wear it! and maybe share it…. and definitely pass it on as a heirloom. SO much cuteness!
HOW adorable is that!!!!!!!!!!!!! you find the best things. love it! i would definately wear ittttt everywhere lol.
I’m already obsessed. Love it!
Adorable!! Definitely would wear it, and I don’t do girly, girl jewelry :-)
OMG – I will SO wear this in all its cuteness!
love it!!!
O.M.G. SO DANG CUTE. I think I would have to wear it…but I’m not sure. I will be thinking of other things that I could do with it. ;)
I would wear it! My customers call me the cupcake lady….I take them every few visits! Btw, LOVE the book! Made my first pops today! :o)
Charming my dear!
I would definately wear it, who wouldn’t?
I would so wear this! So completely adorable!
I would love to wear it! i have an awesome shirt that would go with it ~
Adorable!!! I would definitely wear it. While eating cupcakes. :)
OH my YES I’d wear it!!
And I can think of just where to wear that cuteness.
I am going to the Food Bloggers Festival in SF in Nov. tell me that wouldn’t be a hit! And of course I’d share that I won it from you & your cupcake-goodness :)
fun fun fun!!
I love it! I would totally wear it! So cute.
Wow! So stinkin’ cute!! Would totally love it!
I wish I could share it, but its just so cute! I want it for myself
wow. thats adorable.
Omg with something that precious, I would never wear it. Just have it around to look at! It’s what happened to my cupcake Chucks! :p
IT IS SO CUTE AND SMALL!!!! I would wear it :)
That is too cute, I might just have to keep it for myself and admire it!
LOVE IT!!!!! I don’t think I could give it away! I would totally wear it!!
I would definitely wear it!!!!
I would not only wear it I would flaunt it!!
That is too cute, I might just have to keep it for myself and admire it!
I want it, I want, I want it!!!!!!!! to start my charm bracelet collection :)
I’d wear it, I have a charm bracelet with all things pertaining to my family and to me. I love it.
I would TOTALLY wear it!! What a great statement piece!
That is so CUTE! I would so wear it.
Seriously cute! WOW!! I’d plop it on my desk so all my kids can ooh and ahh all over it and open the door and ask if it works and yell and holler and crack me up!
I would share it with my daughter. We love cupcakes and she LOVES Juicy!
I will wear it and love to try and replicate it for cakes. It is too cool. Thanks for sharing.
I would totally wear this! Along with my little pan of blueberry muffins charm that I bought on Etsy! Soooo so so cute! I love how detailed this one is.
I would most definitely wear it on my charm bracelet, with hopes of one day having a daughter who likes to bake with me and using it to start her a bracelet of her own :)
I know for a fact my girlfriend would love this and I would definitely give it to her
Love it! I would wear it and stare at it’s cuteness! Love Juicy Couture!
Double WOOP! This is the cutest trinket I have ever seen. LOVE IT!! Please say you’ll help me spread the love of all things cupcake to the UK…..!! Here’s wishing……. xxx
ok…this is too cute! Would I wear this – yea…as in every day. Would I share it? Um…no.
Oh my goodness! This is absolute gorgeous and of course adorable.
I wold TOTALLY do all of the above!! Not sure I’d share it, though… LOL Unless my daughters promised to be extra careful with it!!! ;) I collect little boxes (I live the limoges-style ones like this), so this would be lovely either on my shelf or on my arm!!!
This is so cute!
I would wear it and tell everyone I met that it was a souvenir from my time in Lilliput