


That’s exactly what this is. Naturally I had to pick one up as soon as I saw it.

Pink. Cute. Tiny. Cute. Cupcake. Cute. Charm. Cute. Did I mention cute?

Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, it’s cute.


And look – the little oven door opens so you can get a better view at the cupcake inside.


It’s adorable from every angle.



And just look at this……………


I can’t take it.

Look at that plug. I think my heart started racing when I saw this.

It says “Bake me Some Couture” under the plug, too.


Here’s a little visual aid to get a sense of how small it is.


But, it’s not for me. I picked it up while doing a little shopping and thought one of you might like it.

Want it? It would look really cute hanging on a necklace, too.

Enter for a chance to win this super cute cupcake charm

• Leave a comment on this post and tell me … Would you wear it? Share it? or just stare at it in all it’s cuteness?

• Deadline to enter is Sunday, September 19 at noon ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.

• One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Sunday.

Good Luck and I promise not to say cute any more today.


We have a winner! Yay for Kait. #1443 – Congratulations – Your charm bracelet is going to be very happy – that is if I can bring myself to part with it. Just kidding.

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6,668 comments on “Charming”

  1. I would so wear this–so cute!!!

  2. Oh my goodness, I would wear it!!

  3. I would undoubtably wear this! Its adorable.

  4. OMG that charm is adorable! I would definately wear it every day! I’ve only just discovered this delightful site after reading the page in Family Circle magazine about the super cute Cake pops, which directed me here! Great web site and that is a fabulous charm! What a find ;)

  5. toooooo stinkin cute!!!! I would give it to my daughter, she turns 6 on thursday and it would be so cute on a little charm bracelet for her =D

  6. It is too cute not to stare, wear and share. First I would stare at it, then wear it, and when my daughter is old enough not to lose it, I would share it with her!

  7. I would love this forever!!!!!

  8. I would wear that little cutie!!

    PS I just bought your cake pop book I LOVE it!!!

  9. i would definitely wear it and worship it every day! it represents my two obsessions in life – miniature versions of things and baking :D i’ probably cut my hand off before ever taking it off because my ultimate dream is to become a world renowned pastry chef and it would definitely provide me with the inspiration and motivation to keep pushing on :)

  10. I would wear it! Too cute….

  11. I would give it to my co-worker dot… she makes the cutest cupcakes and cakes and brightens our days :) sooooo cute…

  12. this is soooo cute i love it and i wouldn’t wear it but just stare at it all day <3

  13. I would wear it. And then bake cupcakes. And then eat them.

  14. It’s not only CUTE!!! It’s absolutely ADORABLE! It’s Adorably CUTE!!!! I would definitely give this to the most darling girl who I have been helping to start her own cake business. (She’s doing an excellent job, btw) If I don’t get this, I definitely want to buy one. Thanx for adding cuteness to my day!

  15. That is rather fantastically squee.

  16. I would wear it, until my sister “borrowed” it and I never saw it again.

  17. I would absolutely wear it! It would go on my list of items to save in case of fire!

  18. I love it! I would wear it! I love baking! And charms :D

  19. I would definitely wear it. So cute!

  20. I would love it! I love love love absolutely love juice couture! I swear that brand was made for me =D. I would be too scared of losing this to wear it. But i definitely would show it to everybody and stare at its definite CUTENESS.

  21. SO CUTE! Totally wear!!! ;)

  22. I would totally wear it! I have an array of cupcake paraphernalia and this would add to my sweet obsession!

  23. I would probably just stare at it since its so cute!

  24. i love it! i would wear it on my neck all the time! im obsessed with cupcakes!

  25. SUPER CUTE! I love it love it love it! I think I’d hang it off my phone! sweet!

  26. I would just stare at all its cuteness!

  27. I would stare at it…then wear it…then stare at it WHILE I’m wearing it. (Not good if I am driving.) It is so painfully cute!

  28. If I could ever stop staring at how cute it is :) I would wear it!

  29. I would wear it, and meanwhile I’m wear it, I would stear at it all the time.

  30. I would eat it. No! I mean WEAR it… I think.

  31. I’d definitely wear it! Talk about cuteness!

  32. love it! i would absolutely wear it. i’m known for making mini cupcakes so it’s perfect!

  33. I love it. I have a lot of beeds and loveeeeeeeeee them.

  34. Love Love Love it! – um did I mention I love it? & you too? ;-)

  35. I would do all of them !!!!!!!!!! ;)

  36. Ahhhhh :D , im in love !

  37. too cute… i would stare at it’s cuteness. Likely put in on display somehow.

  38. This is the cutest thing ever! I would totally wear it! :)

  39. I love this little item, it will make my Mom so happy. Little things like that do…She is so simple, and this charm even though it may look so fancy, is tiny and in some weird way it remind me of her, simple, beautiful but it goes straight to your heart, who doesn’t love a cupcake. Baking, cooking is where the heart is , right…Wish me luck…

  40. Hi sweet Bakerella:)

    My oh my, how adorable!! No wonder it would appear here on your wonderful blog ;) I would actually share it if I won; I´d give it as a gift to my Dearest Friend – she loves to make cupcakes and the just gave birth to a Baby Boy :) Unfortunately she now lives in England – and I´m still in Norway, so we don´t get to se eachother that often. We miss easchother terribly and it wolud put a smile on my face to know that she was wearing this and be reminded of our Friendsip :)

    Thank you for an inspiring blog – your sweets are being baked even here in Norway – isn´t the quite cool? :))

    Have a lovely day<3


  41. omg that is adorable! I would definitely wear it. If not I would give it to one of my friend who LOVES cupcakes.

  42. I would give this baby to my wife :)

  43. I could possibly trade the beautiful necklace my honey gave me for this!!!!

  44. OMG! It really is SO cute! I would definitely wear it.

  45. Oh so cute! That’s brilliant. I LOVE tiny versions of things. I think it’d be given pride of place somewhere in my kitchen to bring good luck. :-)

  46. You know, some of us have days, like today for me- not that easy- but when you look for things that make you happy, a tiny thing like this can make the difference, it may sound- OMG are you kidding me- but I can say that today, this little tiny cupcake made me SMILE…Good luck to the winner…LV

  47. So Cute!! Keep it for self!!!!

  48. I’m not sure I would wear it, i’d be to scared to break it or lose a piece! It is so darn cute… and pink…. and cute!!! Love Juicy… and Bakerella !!

  49. Share it. Have a friend who is down on her luck and this would perk her right up . Love it :)

  50. This is too cute!! I would definitely wear it. Cupcakes rule!!!

  51. I would share it~my 10 year old daughter loves cupcakes. She has a dream to open her own cake shoppe and promised she’d make me a birthday cake :)

  52. I have a pair of juicy shoes! Soooo cute!
    Don’t know cuteness could be made that small!!!!

  53. I would wear it soooooooo cute!

  54. Oh my….I absolutely love it!! I think I would definitely fall into the ‘stare at it in all its cuteness’ category. It’s too cute for words.

  55. I would definitely wear it! It’s absolutely adorable, and it looks delicious!

  56. i would use it a just a keychain so i have something with my keys since i’ll be driving soon

  57. I would totally wear this! I have a little collection of cupcake necklaces. My favorite is from Etsy, a little cupcake pan and measuring spoons. Would love to add this to my collection!! AND it’s my anniversary tomorrow (19th) so I can say its from my husband who is overseas with the Army!!

  58. Oh, that’s CUTE! This is what I said when I saw it……. If I could keep it away from my 7 yr old daughter then I think I would wear it, look at it, display it and take pictures of it!

  59. wear it for sure! love it!

  60. I think I would either wear it or put it on my shelf at work so I can be inspired to come home and bake at the end of the day!!! Soooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!!! (there, I said it!)

  61. I would wear it! My mom and I love to bead necklaces and it would look way cute with some pink and turquoise beads!

  62. I would wear it in all it’s cuteness on a necklace.

  63. The cream cheese frosting on that cupcake looks so delicious… definitely going on my shelf of cute miniature collectibles (after showing it off, of course!)

  64. I want this??? I Love it!!!!

  65. Cute! Cute! Cute! I would definately wear it so I could just stare at it all day. Love it!!

  66. i would wear it. my family knows i love baking and would think i have just gone over edge and am now even wearing baking jewelry. you do find the cutest things. got the fall baking book at the grocery store. haven’t order the book yet. (not working- will have to wait to back to work) thanks for all the great stuff you post. have a great day.

  67. It is soooooo insanely cute! I would probably wear and stare!! So cute!!

  68. I would give it to my darling daughter.

  69. As a grandmother to 4 little girls, I would totally wear it! It’s adorable for sure & I am known for my cupcakes [that I make for all my family’s birthdays]. It would look sooo cute on a chain with my tiny cupcake charm. It really is too cute!!

  70. OMG!!!!!!
    I LOVE MAKING CUPCAKES and WEARING cupcakes necklaces :D
    i have two cupcakes necklaces and i WOULD love to HAVE juicy CUPCAKE CHARM …!!!!!!!
    wearing those kinds of necklaces make me feel like a princess ^_^ ..

  71. I would definitely wear it…but probably have to share it also with my 9 and 7 year old daughters! SO CUTE!!

  72. OOOOH so wear it! And totally show it off to everyone! SO cute!

  73. Wear this! No question. I love bakerella!

  74. LOVE this! I would definitely wear it so I could stare at its cuteness all day :)

  75. OMG! SO CUTE!!! I would definitely wear it so everyone else can admire it too!

  76. that is soooooooooooo cute!! i absolutely love love juicy couture!!

  77. I would wear it or display it with all my cupcake stuff!

  78. I love it!!! I would wear it on a necklace one day, then a bracelet another. I’m a teacher and my kids always love to see my jewelry as I wear a different Disney pin everyday. They would love this!!!!! :)

  79. I would quickly add the darling thing to my charm bracelet!

  80. I don’t think I’d EVER take it off!

  81. I would share it. My Daughter Alli-Kate Plans to be a cupcake baker when she grows up. She is going to call her store alli-bakes. She would where this everyday!

  82. I’d be lying if I said that I would give it to my sister or my cousin. I would keep that all for myself. I would wear it everyday and be distracted by the little door that opens and play with it all day. It reminds me of a little moveable bear I had on a necklace when I was a kid, which I also played with all the time. I get distracted by shiny things, especially if they are cute and little like that. That is the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen and it’s very generous of you to part with it.

  83. Seriously, super cute! I would wear it all the time :)

  84. There are 2 reasons why I would definitely wear that adorable charm! First of all I have a fetish for miniatures, they just get the best of me and secondly, it’s so me, I bake any chane I get and cupcakes are totally my thing!!!

  85. I would totally wear this everyday! What a great conversation starter, and it is super cute!

  86. I’d put it on my charm bracelet where it would be the center of attention!

  87. Oh id definitely wear it, i havent seen anything like it… id be the envy of all my friends… mwahaha.

  88. LOVE IT! I would totally wear it! It has a cupcake in it, PLUS it’s pink! HOW CUTE! <3

  89. I’d wear it & share it with my 4 year old J.C lover =)

  90. Share it!! My BFF JUST opened her own bake shop and she would LOVE this!!! Great giveaway!!

  91. Cute Cute Cute! I would wear it with my daughter’s cupcake charm on a necklace when I am baking!

  92. I would wear it on a necklace or bracelet! Its soooo cute ;D
    hope to win this,love love love!

  93. It is so cute :o

    I would definitely wear it. Hiding such a beauty for my own pleasure would be such a waste :o

  94. I would totally wear it! Something that cute has to be shown off! :)

  95. I’d give it to my daughter to wear. She’s planning on opening her own bake shop some day…she’s only 11, but she loves to bake and cupcakes are her favorite!!

  96. Too cute! I might just buy a ton and send them as thank you gifts for my clients!

  97. I would definitely wear it. I am so obsessed with cupcakes.

  98. omg!!!!! that is too cute the second I saw it I couldn’t stop looking at it !!!!

  99. EVERYDAY. It is way too cute to be kept in a box :)

  100. I’d give it to my friend; she’d love it!

  101. Would have to wear it, so I couldn’t see it. Other wise, might try to eat the delicious mini cupcake…

  102. OMG this is so adorable. I’d have a hard time trying to decide whether to wear it or just sit & keep looking at it. LOL Maybe hang it on the mirror in my car since I’m in my car over 2 hours a day.

  103. totally wear it! would probably have to fight with my 5 year old over it though!!! too cute!!

  104. That is adorable! I’d definitely wear it.

  105. I would sooooo wear it!!!! It is too cute for words LOVE IT!!

  106. I would absolutely wear it! Adorable!

  107. I’d totally wear it!

  108. I would give it to my daughter is absolutely LOVES anything miniature!

  109. I would wear it for sure! Too too cute!

  110. I would stare at it in all it’s cuteness AND wear it! I would NOT share it!

  111. It is sooo CUTE!!! I would give the charm to my daughter. She is the baker in the family. My mom was the baker then it skipped a generation. She bakes fabulous decorative cakes with characters and themes using fondant. Her dream is to own a cupcake shoppe!!! She just bought your book “Cake Pops” . I really hope I win so I can give it to her…. Thank you!!!!

  112. I’d just stare at it.. . . how cuuuuuute is that!

  113. I would wear it because it is so cute.

  114. Please be kind to me I really like bakerella’s posts! I hope I can win this so I can wear this everywhere!

  115. I would have to wear it…and make all my friends jealous!!

  116. I would wear it. It is way too cute to sit.

    LOVE IT!!

  117. What an adorable charm!!! You always find the most amazing things. TOTALLY wearable!!!!!

  118. Adorable…I would wear it for inspiration to bake and bake!

  119. My daughter is taking a culinary arts class. I bet she’d love this. It totally takes the cake! It’s the toast of the blogosphere! :0)

  120. Absolutely would wear this! It is too darn adorable!!!

  121. i’d wear this… super cute!!!

  122. Would take out the little hook-thingy and put and earring on it instead. Would wear it on it’s own or with a silver butterfly in the other ear. And the rest of the time it would sit in it’s little box on it’s own, outshining all my other earrings. Even my flashing-lights-christmas-angels ones.

  123. Ah I saw this too! But I just couldn’t justify the $58 price tag. This would hang on my keychain and go everywhere I go!

  124. i’d totally wear it :) so cute, thanks for the chance to win it.

  125. OH MY Goodness – it is soooo cute!!! I would have to arm wrestle my DIL for it LOL It is darling – it would be sooo loved :) :)

  126. I would wear it for sure! Too selfish to give it away!

  127. That is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen! I would wear it all the time!! It’s just CUTE-what else is there to say?

  128. I would definitely wear it! Maybe it would keep me from eating too many real cupcakes… maybe.

  129. I’d wear it or keep it just to look at! Its so cute.

  130. I would so wear it. Its adorable and so unique!!! I would have to stare and admire it when I was not wearing it though!!!

  131. Commenting about my crazy baking skilz, my former boss once called me Betty Crocker on Acid. I think I need that crazy-cute oven charm.

  132. Wear it and stare at it. It is too cute. I love it!

  133. I would have to share it….my sister loves cupcakes and I know she would love this!!!

  134. That is way too super cute! Tomorrow is my birthday and I would totally wear it! It would take turns with my skate bearing necklace.

  135. I would share it with my five year old daughter for all the times she helped me bake!!!!

    Too cute

  136. Soooo CUUUUTTEEEE!!!

  137. I would wear it and eventually sew it onto a new apron! <3

  138. Love it! Would wear it everywhere. :)

  139. Wear it on my charm bracelet! I love to bake and decorate cakes so it would be fitting :)

  140. I LOVE THIS! This will make a great birthday present! I am hope I am lucky enough to win this :) Please let me win this!!!

  141. I would so wear it! at least once, then it would probably end up on my keychain. :)

  142. cute cute cute, I tiknk I would wear in on my label so everyone could see it and admire it. its cute cute
    Jane S

  143. That is sooooooooo cute!

  144. I would give it to my mom that loves baking! she’s amazing!!

  145. So cute! I would definitely wear that!

  146. I would wear it as my baking muse!!!

  147. So cute! Definitely a bracelet or necklace so I could love it all day. Or, to put on a necklace for a good friend, to make them happy.


  148. I would definitely wear this on my charm bracelet, but it might inspire me to make cupcakes too often! Is that even possible?!

  149. SUPER CUTE! I love itty bitty things… I could use it … or I know a lot of friends and family that would enjoy it just as much… now I’ll have to check out juicy to see what else they got! LOVE it! :)

  150. I have a charm bracelet with charms I’ve collected from places through out the years and this would look adorable on it!

  151. Would totally wear it!!! Love it!!

  152. I would soooo totally wear it, stare at it, and share with my daughter who loves cupcakes as much as I do !!! Loving your new book !!!!!!

  153. I’d wear it, or share it with my daughter, who loves to bake!

  154. I love all the details! It is too cute for words. I think I would stare and play with it all day

  155. I absolutely luv it! It’s so adorable. I would luv to find out where you got it. I can think of many different things I would do with it including…putting it on my keychain, a cellphone charm, make it into a bookmark since I luv to read and/or dangling from my mirror in my SUV and that’s just off the top of my head!
    BTW, I really enjoyed your website!!

  156. I love cakepops and the oven looks sooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! :>

  157. why would not anyone love to have this most charming cupcake charm.?…Anyone who loves to bake would be in heaven with this….and I as well…good luck to us all

  158. oh my gravy!! my best friend would just DIE over that charm.

  159. Oh my!
    It would complete my cupcake themed charm bracelet my boyfriend got me!

  160. I would wear it!

  161. That little charm just gets cuter every time I look at it.

  162. That is freaking cute! i would totally wear it!

  163. Oh My GOSH!!!!! I need this, not just want it, NEED it! Thanks Bakerella for this cute giveaway!

  164. I think I’d wear it! It may seem selfish not to share but it is so cute! I absolutely love to bake and that charm would look so cute with the dark blue scrubs I have to wear to work. Lil splash of pink! Perfect!

  165. I would love to wear it…….too too cute, I would have to fight with my daughter tough

  166. I would give it to my sister in law who started a cupcake business! She has been going through some rough times, and I know she would enjoy it!

  167. I would wear it and share it. It’s such a cute charm.

  168. Hey.
    It’s definitely Cute with a capital C.
    I’d definitely keep it, for about a week when my daughter will steal it, like she does all my beautiful things.
    Ah the things we do for our kids… (of curse I’d sneak back int her room one night and steel it back but that’s another story altogether…)
    Fuzzy Logic

  169. Would give me an excuse to buy a bracelet!!

  170. I’m secretly searching for my easy bake oven as soon as I can pry myself from staring at the adorkableness that is that charm. Love it in all it’s tiny, tasty, and sweet pink glory.

  171. Stare at it in all it’s cuteness!

  172. LOVE IT!! I would totally wear it!! I am sure the kids that I work with would love it!

  173. So adorable!! I hope I win!!! :)

  174. I collect miniature items so I’d probably put it in my collection, but I’d also wear it at times. I LOVE it!

  175. OMG! I would totally wear it!!!
    I have a juicy charm bracelet and collection and I need this adorable thing now! :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  176.! if i won this (doubtful as i’m in the uk? anyone?) i would set up a viewing like, place where people could line up and see it. and then have one of my cupcakes. they’d have to pay, of course. the only dilemma would be which one of my adorable nieces would get to keep it. can you honestly see anyone agreeing to share ownership?!

  177. I would totally wear this! Proudly!

  178. I would wear it! It is the cutest thing evah!

  179. So cute!! …I would first stare at it for like 2 days straight and then I’d wear it. I’d definitely not share it :D

  180. I would stare at it in all of it’s cuteness…you got me!

  181. so cute. love juicy :)

  182. I would wear it to work!

  183. That is the cutest thing in the world! I would definitely wear it and think of sweets all the time.

  184. Love it alot!!!!!! I would wear it and love it! It is so girly just like me and my baking.

  185. Maybe I’ll wear it; maybe I’ll share it; maybe I’ll just look at it and enjoy its cuteness. All I know is – I want it. :D Too cute!

  186. I would wear it! I think I would have to start a charm bracelet with that one! But I doubt I could find charms that would not get blown out of the water by this one….maybe it would have to be a one charm bracelet.

  187. That is way too cute!!! I wonder if it will fit on a Pandora bracelet. LUCKY GIRL to have found that!!!!

  188. Love it! Would wear it and stare at it all day long! :)

  189. I would give it as a gift to my friend, Jenn, who is obsessed with cupcakes (no matter how much I’d want to keep it for myself so I could stare at its cuteness).

  190. I love it SO much!!!! I would definitely wear it, no sharing here!!!!

  191. I would totally wear it! SO CUTE!!!

  192. I would so wear this- it is super cute and adorable! Thanks :-)

  193. OMG! I would love to have this…I’m a teacher and for the superhero spirit day at school I made my own Cupcake Girl costume to wear :) I loooove cupcakes. I would definitely wear this charm and probably stare at it all day too!

  194. Wear it! A perfect addition to my bracelet!

  195. I would definitely wear it. I love cupcakes! And things that are tiny and cute.

  196. i would def wear it! so cute!!

  197. It’s too adorable! I’d just stare at it in all it’s tiny cuteness!

  198. Omg cutest thing ever!!!

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