That’s exactly what this is. Naturally I had to pick one up as soon as I saw it.
Pink. Cute. Tiny. Cute. Cupcake. Cute. Charm. Cute. Did I mention cute?
Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, it’s cute.
And look – the little oven door opens so you can get a better view at the cupcake inside.
It’s adorable from every angle.
And just look at this……………
I can’t take it.
Look at that plug. I think my heart started racing when I saw this.
It says “Bake me Some Couture” under the plug, too.
Here’s a little visual aid to get a sense of how small it is.
But, it’s not for me. I picked it up while doing a little shopping and thought one of you might like it.
Want it? It would look really cute hanging on a necklace, too.
Enter for a chance to win this super cute cupcake charm
• Leave a comment on this post and tell me … Would you wear it? Share it? or just stare at it in all it’s cuteness?
• Deadline to enter is Sunday, September 19 at noon ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.
• One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Sunday.
Good Luck and I promise not to say cute any more today.
We have a winner! Yay for Kait. #1443 – Congratulations – Your charm bracelet is going to be very happy – that is if I can bring myself to part with it. Just kidding.
I love this! It is too cute, and I would wear it everywhere! Plus, it’s the perfect accessory to wear while I’m making cake pops :)
That’s adorable, I’d love to wear it!!!
I would first indulge in a special necklace to show off this adorably cute little work of art perfectly, then would wear it as my three boys and I baked up a batch of cupcakes or…of course, CAKE POPS! Love it!!! You find the neatest things!
I love it! I am addicted to cupcakes myself, but I think I would give it to my sister who just had a precious baby :)
That is soo cute…….i would totally wear it!
Love it! I would definitely hook it to my purse.
All my coworkers would understand…it’s just “me”!
…of course their waistlines will attest to that fact anyway! LOL
Oh goodness I can’t handle that amount of cuteness! I would definitely put that baby on a chain and take her out for a spin!
Oh yeah…wear it, stare at it….and might share it.
Too cute. I would have to share it with my niece…I get to be girly with her! (I am blessed with 3 boys!)
I’d totally wear this on a necklace. It’s so cute!
OOOh, I would so wear this!!! Love it!
That is adorable! I would definitely wear it!
Hmmm . . . I would wear it and also hang it on a cute little hook somewhere in my kitchen a watch it dangle in the sunlight. :)
°°••..Omgoodness!..••°° Thank is one of the cutest things! I would have to say that I would share it as well as stare at it’s cuteness! Simply adorable! And since Monday (9.20) is my birthday, I would have to say, that would be one awesome gift! :)
I would wear the hell out of this!
Cute, cute, cute! (Well, you weren’t going to say it anymore…)
I am a great fan of charms, so I would certainly add this to my bracelet… but, I might have to fight my daughter for it!
I would wear it,if I could wrestle it from the hands of my girls!!
I would definitely wear it! It’s too cute not to.
That is just beyond adorable! I hope its me cause I just LOVE IT!
Oh my goodness, it’s sooooo cute! I’d have to keep it on my kitchen window where I can see it all the time.
AWWW, so frickin’ cute! I would give this to my bestfriend. She LOVE cupcakes!
I would share it with my niece. She is becoming the cupcake queen in the family. She had cupcakes in a jar as favors for her wedding.
I would def wear this
I would soooo wear this on a bracelet
Love this…don’t you think it’s cute?
I already wear a cupcake around my neck, so YES!!! Maybe it’s time to upgrade to couture…
It’s too cute!
I would set it on my shelf on my craft desk for a month or so and look at it every day and then hang it on a necklace to wear to share it’s cuteness with others :D
OMG It is super cute I could stare at it for loooooooooooooong time .
Absolutely love it!!! I’d wear it occasionally (wouldn’t want it to suffer any wear) and definitely show anyone who would look. :)
It is so cute, cute, cute!!
I have my own cupcake bracelet, so I would wear it on that bracelet.
Every day.
And I would show it the whole High School. Everybody would be jalous. ;D We don’t have things like that in Holland, unfortunately…
(Sorry for my bad English)
Absolutely adorable! I would totally wear that around my job (I work in a bakery). How appropriate! <3
I would wear it and admire its chaming cuteness throughout the day!
Definitely would wear it. And probably will take a little bite out of it every now and then :)
I would wear it AND stare at it all day!
I want this so much! I would definitely wear it. And then I’d have to buy them for my nieces.
I would both wear it and stare at it – it’s adorable!!! I love how the door opens. So very cute!
I would wear this and stare at it!! too cute for words!
Love love love it. I have been wanting a charm bracelet for myself and I think this is the perfect way to start it!
I LOVE that! My husband bought me a charm bracelet for my 50th birthday and this would be PERFECT on it! LOVE LOVE IT!!
I would bake lots of cupcakes #ifonlyihadanoven
That is so cute!
I’d love to put it on a neckless and wear it myself, but I have someone in mind who would totally love it.
I would definitely wear it! Then when my granddaughter is a little older, I would give it to her. Soooo cute!
This is BEYOND CUTE!! i love it! I would wear it ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE! I know my daughter’s would want to wear it too! Too cute!
Cute cute cute cute cute !!!!! ;)
Love it !!!
I would hang it in my kitchen!! Soo cute!
Love it! Wear it for sure!
this is absolutely the CUTEST ever!! I would have to wear it and stare it all day!! :)
I’d wear it! But otherwise it would be somewhere in sight, to sweet a charm to be locked away in a box!
OMG so stinking cute
Oh wow…I’m a sucker for mini things!! And this thing is all types of adorable and cute!! I would so wear it, nonstop, all day long without a doubt.
Wearitwearitwearit!!!! I NEED THAT THING! AAAAHHHHH!
L0VE IT!!!
I soo would wear it and share it with my daughter when shes old enough andshow it off to my future costumers when i am become a pastry chef soon…
Very cute, I agree.
Charm-ing! This would look so good on my desk. You are so sweet to gift this pretty little charm.
Oh, that’s ADORABLE!!! I would definitely wear it, but with my crappy luck, it seems like I will just DREAM about it… :/
It is too cute for words!!
Too cute…would love to add it to my collection!
m ^..^
This is too cute!! It is just asking to be a front and center Christmas tree ornament! (don’t wear necklaces, but this would definitely need to be shown off). Thanks for all your inspiring ideas – especially for the holidays!
OMG! That is so adorable!! I would totally wear it! That has to be one of the cutest charms I have ever seen! Thanks for the chance!
it would be the perfect way to start a charm bracelet! totally wear it, such a conversation piece too!
I would give it to my daughter-in-law. She’s studying to be a pastry chef. It would be perfect for her.
I would give it to my sweet sister-in-law. She is starting a cookie business
OMGoodness! Wear it… Definitely! So adorable!
I think i’d wear it, or maybe use it on a keychain, but considering how small and adorable it is, i’d lean more towards the wear it.
I would wear it and stare at it while I am wearing it. It is adorable.
I would it proudly wear it making cake balls of course!
It’s cute!!
I would put it on a charm bracelet. Just think of the other trinkets you could add to make this a total theme on cupcakes!
Oh, I die! It’s lucious, fabulous, endearing, adorable, precious and dare I say it, cute!
That is seriously adorable! I would love to wear it to help promote my new bakery.
*Squeal!!* It is so cute it almost hurts! :D
Darling!! I would share it with my 24 year old step-daughter who is CRAZY about cupcakes. :)
That is so stinkin’ cute! I would probably stare at it for a while but then would have to wear it. Too cute to just let sit around!
Eeek, love it ! Would definitely keep it for myself and wear it :)
This might absolutely break my heart… but I would share it. I don’t think I would ever wear it myself if I kept it because I would be so scared to lose it! It’s absolutely precious.
I’d wear it! I’m not all that into pink, but it’s totally cute and I could put it on a necklace with a few beads. :)
I love it!! I would wear it in a bracelet or necklace and take it everywhere!
Love it. I would wear it.
Way too cute!!! I’d definitely wear it and STARE at it!!! ; )
Too cute :) will stare
Lovely !!
I would wear it !
HAHAHAHA you know you made me laugh with your “CUTE” comments :)
i agree it is a nice cute piece to wear :) just liked to share my comment as long i am not living in the states so i dont have the chance
I’d give it to my sister who would bake me some couture :)
I would, at first, stare at it, because its way too cute to not to. And then I’d wear it everywhere on a lil’ chain around my neck.
I’d totally wear it!!!
Wear it wear it wear it! <333
Yes def would wear this, too cute!!!
This is basically the cutest thing ever…I think if I had it I would be too afraid to wear it haha :)
Love it! Would definitely wear it, probably as a necklace charm.
I have plans to hopefully open a cupcakery after I finish grad school. I’m a teacher, but as there are a serious lack of jobs right now, I might get this other passion out of my system before I settle down into routine classroom life.
I would wear it. Definitely! My daughters would go crazy over it too. We would probably end up sharing it too.
SOO darling!
I’d put this on my chunky charm bracelet and wear it everywhere!
I would SOOO wear this and guard it from my daughter!!!
Share it. I love to share!! :)
As much as I love this charm, I would have to give it as a gift to my new sister in law. She is such a loving soul and collects charms for her bracelet- this would be the perfect charm for her and is quite fitting as we both are going into business together making mini deserts of all kinds and We both share a love for cupcakes and both have been craving them during our pregnancies– we frequently meet up for tea and cupcake dessert dates! Love how perfect this is!
My teenager would love this!!! She’s starting the baking program in college soon.:)
OMG, it has a tiny plug! I’d dangle it from my DIY watch and then see all my friends turn green with envy :)
Wow ! I would just stare at it in awe ! Talk about CUTE ! it’s so tiny, i love it ! <3
I’d wear it, I’d share it, I’d love it and hug it and name it “George” … it’s so cute, I have to look away to compose myself.
Oh my gosh thats so CUTE!!!! I would definitely wear it!
That is absolutely adorable!! I would have a REALLY hard time deciding whether to keep it or give it to a friend who LOVES to bake!
i would probably use it as a key chain or something. it is very CUTE!
So cute! I would give it to my niece.
I would totally wear it, all my coworkers would be so jealous!!!
I love it. I would definitely wear it!! <3
If I get this, I will make cake pops in celebration!
I think I would hang it from my car’s rear view mirror. That way I would get to see it everyday!
so cute! i’d stare at it in all of its cuteness. and i’d wear it. it’s too cute not to!
i would wear it to show it off because it is sooo cute!!!
deffinetely wear it =)
That is the cutesy thing I have ever seen!!! The detail throughout is astonishing. I would 100% wear that all the time.
Adore it! Would wear it!
Oh… I loooove it! I’ll have to share it with me kid! Love this webpage. Since I discovered this place (2 months ago” i’ve become cupecake addict!!!! (excuse my english.. I’m spanish) Thanks for all your good taste! Are you coming to Spain?
i would wear that little sucker everywhere! it is absolutely adorable! my favorite part is the plug in the back!
Thats too cute! I would wear it as a necklace (cant’ wear bracelets at work) it would just give them another reason to call me “cupcake” (besides my super cute cupcake scrub hat!)
i would stare at its cuteness all the time and then wear it on my birthday!! and probably other times of year just to go with my cupcake earrings. just because i can.
So cute! I would share it with my sis.
sososo cute. i would wear it and share it with my sister.
Cutest thing ever!!! I would just stare at it’s awesomness!
oooooh, cute, want it now please!
with a cherry on top!
Oh, I’d love to bestow this upon my daughter — who is my very best cupcake maker!!
I would definitely wear it while sharing it with all my baking friends. It is absolutely adorable!
I’d probably set it on a shelf, but that’s only if it was given to me. I don’t particularly plan on shelling out $500.00 for something that is really cute, but useless.
I’d give it to my girlfriend. Cupcakes are our thing
I love it, it is so cute. Thank you for the chance to win. I love your site.
would have to do all of the above… only after i make a big, chunky, bling necklace for it to hang from!
i love this. i love pink. i love cupackes. i love bakerella!
So I am a cupcake maker by trade, thats what I do everyday!! So why not ahave a cute charm, this is absolutely adorable :)
Adorable! I would totally wear it…I love baking cupcakes!
Oh it is cute!!! I’d give it to my sister who has a love for cupcakes.
Cute cute cute!!! I’d definitely wear it!
Whoops, hit enter without an email address :)
This is grotesquely cute. I would probably just hold it and giggle…. while I ate a cupcake.
How can anyone not love this. I would have to give it to my daughter who is 9 and loves all things little. But, I might have to wear it myself occasionally!
I would have to say WEAR IT & SHARE IT! My sister would drool over it too much for me not to share the wear time!!!
i would wear it ALL the time!! oh my its SO CUTE!
I would totally wear it…then stare at it in the mirror! That charm is too cute!!! Love it!
I would TOTALLY wear this – or fight over it with my 13 YO DD… This is just TOO CUTE!
So beautiful! I would give it to my big sister, who is a patisserie chef and having a really hard time at the moment with unemployment. I think she would cry if I gave it to her!
I would try really really hard not to eat it.
This is adorable!
I like it a lot for a gift…really cute to have it…also I’ll like to wear it it…why not?? :)
thanks a lot for show it..
That is so cute!!! I would definately wear it and stare at it.
I would share it…It’s my little sister’s sweet 16 this year so I’d give it to her
I would give this to my daughter, she’s 11. EVERY weekend, we bake cupcakes and she decorates. She told her teacher she wants to either be a vet or a cupcake shop owner!
Would love to wear it with my new cupcake shoes!!
This is great, thanks for the chance to win! I would give it to my 16 year old daughter, and would ask that she share with me so that I could wear it as well!
It is CUTE and I would wear it on my charm bracelet!
Of course!! I love it!
I would keep it
I love it!! It’s so cute!! I would stare at it most of the time I think. And I would open and close the oven’s door every 5 minutes. And it’s pink … I love it :-)
I’ll never take it off if i have this, I promise!
OMG that is SO adorable!! I would definitely wear it! :)
I would give it away! I have a friend who wrote a cupcake cookbook and she would love this!
OMG this is just ADORABLE. I would definitely wear it. But since my 2 year old loves to bake with me, I would give it to her.
While adorable and completely wearable, I’d give it to my best friend Kim. She loves to bake and make cakes and cupcakes…she was elbow deep in fondant when I called her last night! I just know she would love it.
well, i’m afraid i WOULDN’T wear it, as i rarely wear jewelry of any kind…, BUT it looks SO like my best friend, Polly, that i would give it to her :) She is the best cook i know and, if she lived closer to me, i would be SO much more roly poly than i already am! besides, she is all about rockin’ the pinks and yellows and i’m all about the jeans and boots!
I would wear it on my charm bracelet. I am known for baking cupcakes for friends and family so this would be perfect!!! It is MORE than cute!
That is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. As a dedicated cupcake baker and frequent quality control taste tester for others (it’s a tough job but someone has to do it) I would wear this proudly on a daily basis! My friends would die!
just stare at it since it so cute…
Too cute! Love ur blog!
I love this charm! I think it would go nicely with my daughter’s cupcake charm she already has. It’s a match made in heaven.
I am so happy!!
I got ur book!!!!! yay!
***doin the happy dance***
Gotta get home and peruzzzzzzzzzz…
adorable!! Id share with a friend who luvs to BAKE~!
Love, love, love!!!
I would totally wear it as a necklace!
Love it, I collect keychains as a hobby would love to add to my collection it is so cute!!
Where do you find such cute things? I love it! I’m not sure if I’d wear it or display it in my case so that I can stare at it all day long! Okay, I’d display it and wear it on special occasions. Thanks for a chance to win an amazing prize!
I would love to wear it! I love miniature things and it would be so adorable. Of course, I would have to hide it from my daughter who would love it too!
Share it!!! My daughter, who is four, loves cupcakes and would proudly wear it!
I love, love, love this charm. It would have a special place on the bracelet that my grandfather gave to me 20 years ago and I still wear it. I would wear it, stare at it while wearing it and share it by letting others admire it on my wrist! Love it loveit!
I’d give this to my 8 yr old daughter who loves jewelry, all things pink, and cupcakes!
That is too CUTE! I would love to keep it for myself and wear it but I would give it to my sister who loves cupcakes in any shape or form
So cute! I would totally wear it when I deliver cakes! Love it!
Sooo cute!!! Would be able to stare, share and wear it all at the same time!
That’s awesome! Super cute — I hope you pick me!
I would wear it I love all things sweet and pretty! Thanks for the chance.
STARE at it!! This is the most amazing charm that I have ever seen…I LOVE it!!!
I would wear it loud and proud! Too cute! <3
So cute! I would definately wear it. I have the perfect necklace for it too!!
On my charm bracelet it would go!!!! So I could stare at it and others could drool over it! ha
That is sooo cute : ) I’d definetly put it on my charm braclet.
It’s ADORABLE! I would totally wear it, but I also might give it to my best good girlfriend – who’s quite baker (and loves pink).
Its very CUTE and Sweet, I WOULD WEAR IT!!!
Oh my goodness Bakerella! I’d add this to my keychain or maybe even a necklace! SO ADORABLE. I have some of the other cupcake charms from Juicy on my Christmas list this year.
I’de share it by wearing it everywhere I go!!! XOXO
I would wear it!! Every single day and think of the beautiful, talented bakerella!
This is the cutest thing. And my daughter loves that brand!
I want to wear it! It is so perfectly sweet looking and I can’t believe the detail involved in it! It would really attract some attention!
SUPER CUTE! I would soo wear it on a necklace! It’s too cute to not be worn!
This is one of the MOST adorable things I have ever seen. It is so little and perfect. If I had one, I would probably stare at it as I opened and closed the door for hours. But, if I won one, I think I would give it to my adorable, cake-baking sister in law to add to her charm bracelet.
I wants it!!!!!lol
I am obsessed with cupcakes! This charm is the cutest! If I don’t win maybe Santa will leave one in my stocking.
Definitely wear it, and probably stare at it all day as well! How sweet is that???
So sweet! I would wear it, and my daughter would love to borrow it from me! :)
Um I think i would try to eat it…and when that didn’t work, definitely wear it, it would match my ice cream cone charm!
I would wear, share, and stare :)
i would share it with my aunt because she is an amazing baker and i know she would love it
How cute! I want one!