That’s exactly what this is. Naturally I had to pick one up as soon as I saw it.
Pink. Cute. Tiny. Cute. Cupcake. Cute. Charm. Cute. Did I mention cute?
Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, it’s cute.
And look – the little oven door opens so you can get a better view at the cupcake inside.
It’s adorable from every angle.
And just look at this……………
I can’t take it.
Look at that plug. I think my heart started racing when I saw this.
It says “Bake me Some Couture” under the plug, too.
Here’s a little visual aid to get a sense of how small it is.
But, it’s not for me. I picked it up while doing a little shopping and thought one of you might like it.
Want it? It would look really cute hanging on a necklace, too.
Enter for a chance to win this super cute cupcake charm
• Leave a comment on this post and tell me … Would you wear it? Share it? or just stare at it in all it’s cuteness?
• Deadline to enter is Sunday, September 19 at noon ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.
• One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Sunday.
Good Luck and I promise not to say cute any more today.
We have a winner! Yay for Kait. #1443 – Congratulations – Your charm bracelet is going to be very happy – that is if I can bring myself to part with it. Just kidding.
I would 100% wear it. But before that, probably passing out from squealing too hard at its cuteness.
SO CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!! I would wear it and stare at it all day.
Would definitely wear it! But I would have to wear it on a necklace, not a bracelet, because it would get dirty when I baking! Thanks for sharing!
Que c’est mignon!! Je l’adore!! :))
I would totally wear it, and probably stare at it & all of it’s cuteness.
So cute!
That is too adorable to not wear! Definitely would wear it, but I also have a friend who would love it more than me! :-)
Wow, I think I wouldn’t be able to stop staring at it!
Definitely wear it. That is just soooo sweet :)
I would totally wear this and use it as my inspiration to bake sweets for my friends and family all the time! My daughters would love it too, but I wouldn’t let them wear it until they’re older. (They’re 1 and 3.)
I’d wear it :) I have a bun in the oven so I think it would fit perfect!
How cute!!! and I love the saying on the back, especially since I bake cakes (and cupcakes!) under the name of Cake Couture!! I would looove this!
Stare at it in all its cuteness!
I would give it. My closest friend of 22 years is a huge baker, (and the one who turned me on to bakerella!) and I know she would LOVE it. I’m sure she has already entered the contest!!! PICK ME! PICK ME! I promise to give you all the credit…
That is the cutest thing ever! I would either wear it or use it as a charm on my cell phone…so I could stare at it all day long!
A. Dorable! Love this. I would wear it!
That is adorable!! I would definately keep it ALL for myself, and wear it proudly on my charm braclet!!
I would definitely hang it on my cellphone. It’s too cute!
I would totally wear that! I already have cupcake earrings, bracekets, hair clips and necklaces! I would NOT share that! =)
*Blushing* I would keep it for myself, and I would definitely wear it!! It is ADORABLE!!!!
I’d share it, it’s so cute!!
I have never seen anything more cute! :) I would definitely wear it everyday! I love mini things with loads of detail! I appreciate the artist who created it.
I love your site and all that its turned out to be! I’ve been a follower for a while, and just got your book a week ago! I can’t wait for Book #2! -just saying! lol ;)
Oh! That is so adorable! I would definitely wear it. Jewelry making is my other love. I’ve been planning on making a bracelet out of some cute cupcake beads I found, and this would be the perfect addition to the bracelet!
I would stare at it and wear it!
i would defiantly stare at it all the timeeeeeee !!
and will ask my sisters t get me another one on my birthday so i can wear it without the fear of damaging it or anything wrong happen to the original one hahahaha
it’s sooo adorable !!
Oh man, that is the cutest thing ever! I have to admit though it is not something I would wear… I prefer to eat my cupcakes – heh heh. I have a friend who is trying to raise funds to build a roof for an orphanage she supports, so I’d give it to her to raffle.
I love this charm. I would wear it for sure. I love that it has a cord in the back.
That is soooo cute! I would definitely wear it! For sure, on a necklace, but as others have said – it would be cute on a bracelet!
Absolutely WEAR it!
This is TOO CUTE!!! I would love to keep it and of course wear it … but I would give it to my niece who is obsessed with cupcakes and Juicy.
I would totaly wear it. I love cupcakes
This is so CUTE!!!! I would stare at it for a really long time and then put it on my charm bracelet and show it off!!!
I’d wear it! That’s so cute.
my daughter, Fiona would love to wear it as a necklace
I WOULD WEAR IT!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Too cute for words.all my friends would love this! I would clip it onto my new cake pop book.
Pick me, pick me, pick me!!!!! I love teensy things and I will play with it as I do my work HAPPILY! I have a new charm bracelet, that would look even more charming with that adorable charm!
So cute! I have the perfect place on my charm bracelet for it!
WEAR IT!! at least sometimes.. wouldn’t resist it! and stare at it… all the times! :D
I would totally WEAR it, SHARE it, and Stare at it all day!! =)
OMG! That is the cutest baking charm EVER! It would look lovely anywhere but I’d have to spend the first few days just adoring it alone in all its glory! After that, I’d have to wear it so I could share it with everyone I meet…if I don’t win it, I may have to pursue owning one anyway! LOVE IT!
So cute! Would wear it while baking cupcakes of course!
share it, wear it, and stare at it!!
i love juicy and baking so this is perfect!! i would add it to my keychain collection (:
stare at its cuteness all day!! how could you do anything else!!
I would probably wear it as a necklace on a long chain instead of a bracelet. I feel like it might fall off or break if I wear it around my wrist.
So dang cute!! I would SOOOOO wear it!!!!
would sure love to cook my cupcakes in that
I would wear it, share it and sleep with it! So cute!
I would WEAR THE CRAP out of it!
This is adorable!!! I’d definitely wear this, show my cupcake pride!!
I would so totally wear it! I am cupcake bite making crazy woman!!
So sweet!! Love, love it! I’d totally keep it for myself and rock it with some cute tees! :D
I think I would hang it above my computer at work for some motivation!
I would probably just stare at it, I’m sure it would be cuter hanging in my Kitchen than on me!
I would so totally wear this! …and I would have to show everybody how the little door opens and the absolute cutest little plug on the back. Soooooooo cute!
It is very cute. My niece just opened a cupcake shop about 6 mos. ago so I would give it to her. Unless it is so cute I couldn’t bear to part with it. It is really cute.
love it! I would wear it and hope to pass it on to my beautiful daughter! So freaking cute!
PS – Love your website and all of your creativity!
Oh that is flippin’ adorable! Yes, I would wear it!
I’d most definitely be inseparable from that little trinket. I’m sure it would go with everything from jeans to suits to a little black dress… right?
Wow, this is really CUTE! I think I would have to wear it to show off its cuteness!
I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’d keep it for myself!
I would totally wear it!
I would be afraid to wear it, but i would hang it in my car for the world to see!
Oh my goodness. This is so cuuuuuute! I would have to do all of the above. Wear it…. Share it with my daughter, she is a natural bker at the young age of 9 and loves to make mini cupcakes….but first I would have to stare at it for all of it’s cuteness!
It is adorable and have just the perfect necklace for it !!
How could you NOT say cute!!! It is cute, and cute, and cute, cute, cute! Of course I would wear it, and stare at it, and play with it the whole time!
I would definitely wear it aroundtown, showing off the worlds smallest cupcake oven.
Cute, cute, cute!!! I probably wouldn’t wear it as then I wouldn’t be able to see how cute it is, so I’d prop it up on my desk so I could glance at it while I’m working and see how cute it is. :)
It’s like your pop cakes – too cute! and so yummy. If I saw it, I would have picked it up too. Definately would wear it so I could look at it a lot. How can you part with it???
Oh, I would definitely wear this – on my keychain, on a necklace. If I had my ears pierced, it’d become my favorite earring ever. Mind you, if I did win it, I would have a really hard time not staring at it all day. It’d be the cutest distraction in the world!
I would definitely wear it, but only after staring at it for a while! It’s completely adorable
This is adorable!!! I would definitely have to wear it. It deserves to be admired. :o)
Are you kidding me? This is the cutest thing I have ever seen. East answer. I would wear it around my neck and whenever I heard a ringing noise I would stop, open up the little door, and say, cupcake is done, any one want some?
I would totally wear it!!! Not because I love cupcakes but also it’s from Juicy Couture :)
I would wear it and stare at it in the mirror!
I will definitely wear it because I just love baking and I really adore those artists who put their heart into such details :-), I also want to get another one for my niece, her birthday is coming up and she just started baking and I showed her your site and she just love it!! :-)
I would keep it forever pass it on to my kids than to my grankids and beyond! I would just sit in the corner and stare at it all day please please please pick me I NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adorable! I would wear it, and my friends would drool!
My 3-year-old saw it and said “I want that for October” (meaning she wants that for her b-day which is next month) So she’d probably be the one to wear it. :) Definitely something to sit and admire, though. How adorably tiny!
SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!! I think I would sit and stare at it’s absolute adorableness for a while and then show off it’s adorableness to every person that crossed my path! :o) Just sayin’!
This is CRAZY CUTE, thanks for giving us a peek! You and your website are Amazing.
Keep up the great work!
That is the cutest cupcake charm I’ve ever seen! My gf is also a huge fan of your site, and I’m sure she would be excited to wear that (so I would give it to her)!
CUTE! Would love to have this! Katy
Oh yes, I would wear this! So, so cute.
SO CUTE!!!I would TOTALLY wear it! Love little things!
It would be so cute with OTHER tiny. pink. cute. Juicy cupcake charm!
I would absolutely wear it. I work at a daycare center and the kids (and my coworkers) would get a big kick out of it!
Oh gosh, this is completely adorable! I would put it on a necklace like you said and just never take it off! :)
Adorable! I’d wear it! To the office, where I share my baked goodies! They’d love it! Good find!
Ahhh, I LOVE IT! :] If I was being greedy :P I’d keep it all to myself and wear it ALL the time! If not, I might give it to my sister for her birthday, but gosh, once I see that cute little oven in person… it will probably be all mine! :P
It would look so cute on a chain around a neck, its so freaking adorable!:)
oh my! my daughter is in LOVE with cupcakes at the moment… cupcake bedspread, bookbag, books… well you get the point. She would love this!!
AH! You have no idea how badly I want this. I wear a necklace every day with charms that mean a lot to me, and this would go on it. Baking has been a huge part of my life, and I just love this!
Please please please please PLEASE pick me!
I cant believe how detailed it is for being so so tiny
I would share it with my daughters who are 6 &7, then I would display it to keep it safe. This is too adorable!
I would so wear it! So adorable
Oh my goodness!! That charm is sooo cute!!
Even though I absolutely love it, I don’t think I would wear. I would definitely stare at it and that would be fun. But eventually I would have to give it away and the first person that comes to mind, is my adorable co-worker who is the Red Velvet Cupcake Queen!
Oh, I would just look at it all the time! I would be too scared to wear it. With my luck – I would just lose it.
Can’t you say cute once more when it is just that cute?! :P I’d wear it, it’s gorgeous!
It would have to go on my keys. I could take a little piece of cute with me everywhere I go!
I would wear this!! TOO cute not to share it with everyone!
I would just have to stare at . Super cute!!!
I would wear it – it is too adorable! I have a charm bracelet that my husband gave me & it needs charms. Cupcake/oven is perfect.
That is absolutely darling! xx
I would wear it and stare at it in all it’s cuteness glory! I love minatures!
I would give it to my mom, who has made cake pops a tradition at many of our small town functions including school events and football tailgates
so darling! I would go out and buy a charm bracelet, just so i would have somewhere to display it proudly!
I would wear it! It is too darn cute to keep it in its box! :-)
I would wear it, but then would share it with my daughter. So darling!!!
I would probably just stare at its cuteness… and tell others all about its cuteness…and then wear it out on special occasions and point out its cuteness to strangers!
OOOOO this is just toooo cute, its to die for….well…..thats going to far, but….incredible awesome cutiepiepinkiewannahaveit . Thanks for showing us
Oh I would ABSOLUTELY wear it! I actually already have a Juicy charm bracelet, but only one lonely charm on it right now! I hope I win!
For a while I would starte at it. Then I would wear it so that everyone else could stare at it and see how cool I am. Then I think that I would give it to my 10 year old daughter who would treasure it. She would probably put it on display because it is *so* cute!
It’s Great! I would give it to my daughter,who is a Pastry Chef,then she could give her daughter Lucy,when she is older.Lucy is turning ONE on Sept.22nd.
HOLY PANTS! Cutest. Thing. Ever.
I want.
What is left to be said after 4,000 plus comments!? Freakin’ adorable *check* loads of mini character *check* wear it, share it, invite it to tea *check* Bakerella always amazes us with her clever finds :) It would be joyously delicious to win this cutie charm.
I love this sooo much, I would wear it all the time.
Oh oh oh I’d keep it for myself and wear it. It’s too cute. :)
Would definately wear it! Either that or add it to my phone charm collection.
I would wear it, then start a Juicy Cupcake Club where all members get one upon becoming members!
I LOVE tiny things and this is the cutest of the cute. I would put this on a chain and wear as a necklace for all to see!!!
That is really cute!!!!! My daughter would love it.
WEAR it!!!!
I would love it!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE juicy couture!!
Would ABSOLUTELY wear it!!! You should see the “sweet shop” room I’m designing for my girls. Cupcakes and candy, what more could a girl want? So after I wear it, I’m sure I’ll pass it down to my girls to wear!
Selfish as it is, I would keep it for myself because it’s just too cute!!
I would wear it, wear it, wear it. Especially on my baking days. Oh my gosh, that is the cutest little charm ever. EVER!!! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. LOVE it! Thanks for picking it up for m….er….someone who comments. ‘-) Oh, so cute!
I would definitely wear this. I would like to have it. It is so adorable.
i would definitely have to wear it and show it off!
Not just wear it, but love it, rock it, OWN it… :)
Must go on my charm bracelet!
I used to be a French teacher AND had my own cake-decorating business. So I find the ref. to “couture” and baking very good mixes of my two passions. What a great symbol to wear around my neck. I would also wear it every time I bake something for good luck.
Oh my! How can you NOT say CUTE!! I adore this and just got some juicy glassess–so this would rock as a necklace!!!! TY for the chance to win!! OMG! I need this!!! :)
btw, love your book! :)
I would probably give it to my house-mate, who absolutely loves to bake. So cute!
This is too adorable! Who doesn’t want something pink, cupcake related, and shiny?!
OMG…so CUTE!! I would wear it :)
I would completely stare at it in all its cuteness! Its too adorable! But eventually I’d give it to one of my daughters…then they would probably stare it too…;)
Oh my! That is too adorable!!!! I would definitely wear and stare at it… don’t think I could share it though;) well, maybe if someone asked really nicely and promised to never lose it. Oh… Random Number Counter thingie magig… PICK ME!!!!
I would definitely keep this one for myself! It would go perfect on the gold charm bracelet I got from my aunt for my high school graduation 12 years ago!
I would totally wear it, its too cute to pass on! :)
OMG too cute and I really want it!! I would so wear it!!
As much as I love this charm, I’d have to give it to my friend Sarah! She loves Juicy AND has a cupcake tattoo!
Great! I would give it to my daughter,who is a pastry chef. Then she could give it to her daughter Lucy,when she is older.Lucy is turning 1 on Sept.22.
oh. my. god. this is the cutest thing I have EVER SEEN in a keychain. Absolutely adorable!
this is the cutest thing!!!! it got me right when i saw it! i would share it but nobody i know loves to bake as much as i do! so i would put it on my key chain.
So cute!! I would definitely wear it!
I would love it and wear it. Then brag to everyone where and how I got it!
I love this!!! i would definitely wear it!
This is so seriously cute! I would deff. have to wear it just long enough for it to catch my niece’s attention – so I could gift it to her.
I would absolutely wear this…as a matter of fact I would buy a new bracelet just to accommodate it!
Definitely wear it. :) It’s adorable!
I’d totally add it to my charm bracelet. So stinkin cute;)
I would so wear it! I make jewelry for others, but some things just need to stay with me! Its cute and PINK!
so cute!!! i would add it to my keychains or wear it!
Good God this is cute, I’m definitely wearing it <3<3
oh my god that is soooo amazingly cute!!!!
my beautiful new flowery bag would wear it as a lovely charm so that i could stare at it adoringly all day long :)
I would wear it when we have our big 3-day bake sale at my church in November–I’m the chairperson, and what a cute way to promote the sale!
See, I can say cute too! :)))
I would so wear it!! I LOVE it!
How fun! My great friend Connie LOVES miniatures and she’s also a baker and chef. I would give it to her as I know she’s LOVE it!
This is the cutest charm ever. I have a charm bracelet that i have been adding to since I was 16 of places and things i love. This charm would be so perfect to add to my collection since my daughter is a cupcake-aholic!
Goodness! :O That is just about one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen! Things like that are surely not good for our sanity. XD I think I’d probably go around with it like a happy kid haha
I have just begun expanding my cake baking hobby that my mother embedded in me since I was very little. This little charm is as you said: “very cute.” It would be a wonderful addition to my charm bracelet!
I think it is adorable and I know someone who would absolutely love to have it. I think I would have to share it with her because it is perfect! So cute…
Love that charm! It’s sooo cute
Of COURSE I’d wear it…. if my 10 year old daughter didn’t claim it first (she wants to open a restuarant & bakery shop someday)
OMG!! Cute! Cute! Cute! TOO CUTE!!!!! I would would wear it– —- I would stare at it—I don’t think I could bear to give it away!! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!
It’s adorable! I’d definitely wear it :)
suuuuper cute :D
Plus my birthday is tomorrow and to win this would be keen indeed
Personally, I would wear it as a necklace rather than on a bracelet. It’s too delicate and too beautiful not to show off around my neck. It’s a real treasure and quite valuable.
Would def wear it! So stinkin’ cute!!!!!
That so cute — makes me want a cupcake now! I’m excited to move into a house soon so I can bake with a good stove! These apartment stoves just don’t do!
Wear it for sure. :)
You can’t have enough CUTE CUTE CUTE! I would absolutely wear this!
That is cute, no matter how many times you say it. :) I would wear it on my charm bracelet for the next few years. I plan on gifting the bracelet to my daughter when she turns 18.
i would wear it, admire it so much id probably run into trees while im walking. haha. :)
its adorable.
I would wear it forsure!! it’s the cutest thing ive ever seen!!!
I would wear it!!!!! How could I not? That is a necklace to plan whole adorable outfits around. (I’m not even a super cute kind of person, but I feel like that could change.)
I would definitely show it off and wear it to Cupcake Camp Oregon Coast…where I can’t wait to meet you!!!
i’m going to share it! my best friend has a cupcake business in OR and she’d LOVE IT! You can find her on Facebook by searching for The Sassy Cupcake. Ooo, Ooo, Pick me! Pick me!
TOO CUTE! Juicy couture always makes the best cupcake jewelry!
This is absolutely adorable! What detail! I would give it to my niece. She is a cupcake nut, loves to bake them for her friends. Love your site too!
OMG!!!! thats the sweetest! the oven is really what makes it.
I would definitely wear it. I love to find subtle ways of showing my love for baking without being tacky. This charm is so cute.
This is so me!! Love, love, love it! I would probably stare at it for awhile then wear it so I could show it off!lol
definitely wear it!
This charm absolutely screams to be fondled, touched, adorned, and coveted in the highest cupcake couture regard! I must have it! I think I will burst into little crumbs if I don’t win it! Then I will have to search it out and buy one. Thanks Bakerella for bringing it out for show and tell, and most of all for offering it up in a drawing for Bakerella enthusiasts to win. You are the best!
SUPER CUTE!! I would put it on my daughter’s charm bracelet!
Totally wear it!! How CUTE!
The charm is so cute! When a charm is awesomely designed into a small package, I’d love wearing it myself. XD
Love it!!! Cutest thing ever! I make jewelry, so I would definitely incorporate it into a necklace and wear with pride!
I love it! I still have a love for charm bracelets and this is one of the cutest charms I’ve seen in a while.
That is the cutist charm I have ever seen!!!! I would wear it!
I would absolutely wear it all day and be enamored with its cuteness!
So sweet! I would give it to my daughter…eventually. :)
wear it!
That is the cutest! I would totally wear it and stare at it! All the time!!
Oh my goodness gracious! I would love to sport the world’s smallest Easy Bake Oven… brings back so many memories of when my love for cooking started! :)
I would definitely wear it,stare at it while wearing it,and show it off to mom and everybody else! =D
i would just stare at it, and open the door and jiggle the cupcake, smile and then do it all over again! so cute!!