


That’s exactly what this is. Naturally I had to pick one up as soon as I saw it.

Pink. Cute. Tiny. Cute. Cupcake. Cute. Charm. Cute. Did I mention cute?

Yeah, I guess I did. Anyway, it’s cute.


And look – the little oven door opens so you can get a better view at the cupcake inside.


It’s adorable from every angle.



And just look at this……………


I can’t take it.

Look at that plug. I think my heart started racing when I saw this.

It says “Bake me Some Couture” under the plug, too.


Here’s a little visual aid to get a sense of how small it is.


But, it’s not for me. I picked it up while doing a little shopping and thought one of you might like it.

Want it? It would look really cute hanging on a necklace, too.

Enter for a chance to win this super cute cupcake charm

• Leave a comment on this post and tell me … Would you wear it? Share it? or just stare at it in all it’s cuteness?

• Deadline to enter is Sunday, September 19 at noon ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.

• One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Sunday.

Good Luck and I promise not to say cute any more today.


We have a winner! Yay for Kait. #1443 – Congratulations – Your charm bracelet is going to be very happy – that is if I can bring myself to part with it. Just kidding.

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6,668 comments on “Charming”

  1. stare at it all day! it’s so adorable i might even wear it too :)

  2. I would stare at this fabulous charm for a few days and then I would find an amazing chain to put it on and wear it for all to see!!! :)

  3. Sooo cute, I would totally wear it, and stare at it!

  4. Oooh I would wear this petit Itsi Bitsi tini ouini, tout petit petit cupcake in heaven -oups- in oven. If he might fly so far.

  5. So cute!!! I would either put it on my charm bracelet or wear it as a necklace! And then keep it on my shelf when I’m not wearing it :)

  6. I would definitely share it with my 13 year old daughter! I have to pass on my cupcake love! What a sweet giveaway!

  7. Would give it to m y daughter who at 8 has a passion for baking already.

  8. I would have to wear it. My husband and friends would surely tease me, but I would have to wear it. Thanks, Bakerella!

  9. I Love it and would totally were it!!!!:)

  10. I would wear it and then when my precious Jayla wanted to wear it I would share it with her for a while. It is so CUTE!!!!

  11. I think I would just stare at it. It’s adorable!

  12. I would SO wear it! I’m taking cake decorating courses and am soo excited! I think this would be perfect!

  13. It would go on my purse. After I stared at it for a few hours, of course. Then I’d take it off and give it to my best friend from when I was a kid, as it just screams her.

  14. Love!!! This is so cute! :D

  15. Too Cute!! Would definitely wear it!

  16. I would wear it!

  17. Um, WEAR IT! It’s awesome!

  18. I would wear it! And then I would bake some cupcakes to eat while I wear it! :)

  19. I would totally wear it, of course! Actually, I would sleep in it also.

  20. I loved this so much. But as much as I loved it, if I do win- it will go as a gift to the friend who introduced me to this website…

  21. A-DOR-A-BLE!!! I would so wear it!!!

  22. So cute!!!!!!!! I would wear it or give it to my sister!

  23. OMG!!!!! So adorable, its the cutest thing ever!!! I’d wear it everyday!!

  24. I would add it to my charm bracelet and absolutely wear it!

  25. So cute! Wear it on my lanyard and work

  26. Totally love this. Anything tiny w/cupcakes is a must have for me! I would have to wear this & admire.

  27. Oh my goodness that is adorable!!!!

    I would definitely just hold this and stare at it. Maybe hang it on my bulletin board in my sewing room and just enjoy it and all its cuteness!

  28. Wear it for sure! On a very sturdy chain. Sooo cute.

  29. I think it is sooo stinkin cute! I would wear it, stare at it, and share its adorableness with everyone!

  30. I would wear it and stare at it. I love miniature anything. It is adorable.

  31. I would total wear that! I have the juicy charm bracelet already :) But I would probably play with it a lot hehe

  32. This is super cute! I have a friend who loves to bake cupcakes and this would be a wonderful christmas gift for her! I am sure she would wear because collects wonderful cupcake items!

  33. This is sooo adorable! I really hope I get to wear it!!

  34. I would definATEly wear it! My daughter and I check your websit eeveryday, She LOVES when I make cak/cupcake pops for her class!!

  35. I would so wear it on a necklace!


  37. I know I say this a lot but that is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

  38. Oh my yes, I would absolutely wear this! Though probably not too much, I’d be too worried about damaging its cuteness. So lots of staring would happen too!

  39. I would wear it like everday, no matter if it matches my outfit!

  40. It’s ADORABLE! I would give it to my sister, who is even more of a cupcake lover than I am. Plus it’s retro looking, which is totally up her alley.

  41. Sooo cute! I would wear it…..? Or just stare at it it’s cuteness!

  42. LOVE IT!! Stare,wear and show off!! definiety!!! <3

  43. I love love love it! Put it with my ‘heart’ charm!

  44. LOVE!!! I would display it…and at christmas I would turn it into a tree ornament!

  45. That is just as cute as a bugs ear! I would totally wear it! LOVE!

  46. SOOO CUTE!!! I would definitely wear it! It perfectly describes who I am!! :)

  47. How adorable! Anything pint sized is a must… oh my and pink, it’s a must have! I hope you bought one for you!

  48. I would first stare at it, then wear it, then I would share it with my nieces who would LOVE it even more than I do!

  49. Adorable!! I think I’d give it to one of my closest friends, she’d most definitely wear it more than I and it suits her so well.

  50. I would wear it. This is the kind of cupcake that is kind to your figure. Definitely, wearing it.

  51. That is just too stinkin’ cute! I would give it to my daughter who would flip out ’cause it has a cupcake in it!!!! LOL! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win it!

  52. I would absolutely wear this! It’s a total button! Just the thing to hang around my neck!

  53. I would wear it and share it with my daughter! She looooooves cupcakes! (and so do I ) thanks for a chance to win!

  54. I would wear it for sure. It’s so cute!!!

  55. Absolutely precious! I think I would hook it to my purse.
    Thanks Bakerella!

  56. Definitely would wear this, while keeping my 7 month old son from eating it. I prefer everything in miniature.

  57. I’d definately have to wear it- but maybe on my work bag so all of my colleagues at work would be jealous of the gorgeous charm it is!

  58. That is super cute- it would make a great charm! I know the perfect person for this :)

  59. I LOVE little things!!! Tiny things are sooooo cute =D


  61. I would indeed wear it!! I’m the cupcake queen of the family…make them all the time and love trying new recipes!!
    Too stinkin’ cute!

  62. Wear it!!! I never learned to share…

  63. Wear it! (And probably look at it in the mirror a lot!)

  64. OMG! I love it! I would totally wear it, it would go with anything!

  65. That is the cutest charm, so fabulous! I would wear it for sure… but I’d let me sister borrow it if she wanted to :)

  66. Oh My Gosh! That it so cute!! I would wear it on a charm bracelet or a necklace!

  67. Love it….so adorable..
    Cupcakes are so in right now…………..would love to wear this & show it off !

  68. i would wear it with my charm bracelet (which has 0 charms to accompany it at the moment) because this is way too adorable!!

  69. Stare at it in all its cuteness!

  70. OOoooOOOhhhh… cute!!!! ^_^
    I’d stare at it,then wear it…looking in awe at it….=D

  71. I would def wear this! Probably as a bracelet charm! CUTE!

  72. So sweet! So cute! So adorable!! I would most definitely wear this!

  73. Ohhh!! I would stare and share. It is very cute.

  74. How cute is this!! I absolutly LOVE it, but I would most likely give it to my amazing cupcake baking mom!!

  75. I sooo love it and would give it as a present to my mother in law to remind her of me!!!!!! or i would keep it and wear it on a necklace mmmmmm keep it !!!!!!

  76. i would say i would keep it but my daughter wants a charm bracelet for christmas I know it will end up on it if I won

  77. I would so wear this! and stare at it when i wasnt,. I love it!! Way to cute!

  78. Charming is right! Love this, it’s completely adorable.

  79. I would totaly wear it if I won, but I suppose this is reserved to US only… :(
    It’s so cute I could even try to make one!

  80. Ahhh oh my god I’m in love I would wear it a piece of sweetness for ever and one day love it love it lovvvvveee iiiittt

  81. That is absolutely adorable! I’d definitely wear it, even though it’s so different from my usual choices (none at all). It’s just too cute to resist!

  82. Okay….I would wear it, but my girl, who keeps me stocked up in cupcakes, covers my grandbabies birthdays and my special parties is such a sweetie, that I would give it to her.

  83. I would wear it everyday! LOVE LOVE LOVE 1: tiny charms 2: Cup cakes/anything baking 3: Juicy!

    Also I love this blog, I look forward to it every week :)

  84. You are so right, it’s SO cute! I would give it to my daughter for her birthday. I decorate cakes and cookies and cupcakes as a side job so that I can stay at home with my beautiful babies. My oldest, Hayden, loves to help me in the kitchen and I know she would just adore this for her upcoming birthday in October. LOVE IT!

  85. So cute – I would totally wear it!

  86. I would definitely wear it. I’m all about charms. The right charm for the right occasion–football helmet for football games, flip flop for summer, and a cupcake charm for…eating cupcakes!

  87. This is precious! I would incorporate it into a necklace made of other small, less cute charms!

  88. TOOOO CUTE!!!! I would definitely stare at it while I am wearing it……I love the little plug in cord!!

  89. I would probably wear it some, but most likely it would sit on the shelf with all my other cupcake stuff. LOL But soooooo cute.

  90. Would give it to my friend or maybe keep it and admire it for hours on end.

  91. I would give it to my friend Shannon because she cooks the best cupcakes I know and is having a rough week at work and this would really cheer her up!

  92. Seriously?!?! That is so cute. I would have to give it to my sister.

  93. I would totally wear it!

  94. I would give it to my classmate Kelli, she adores your site, and cupcakes!

  95. Adorable. I would give it to my sister. My husband is quite the baker, but I don’t think he would wear it for some reason…

  96. no this is seriously too cute-maybe the cutest thing i’ve ever seen-i would love this-where did you get it?

  97. Darling! I’m not much of a jewelry girl, but I could totally see this adorning my purse.

  98. Oh yes I would wear it :-)

  99. I would wear it!

  100. I would wear it and think of cupcakes all day. Upping my daily cupcake intake ;)

  101. wear it !!! i cant stop looking at this adorable little charm, super cute :) makes me want to smile :)

  102. So very cute! Love the door that opens and closes.

  103. So cute, I would totally wear it and I’m sure my daughter would fight me for it, so we might share it.

  104. Little bitty with big time cuteness!!

  105. Love the itty bitty details; would definitely wear it. :)

  106. I WOULD SO WEAR IT. How can you NOT?! It’s adorable!

  107. That is so very cute. I would definitely wear it, unless my daughter decides to make it hers.

  108. All of the above! Ha. I would definitely wear it and stare at it…but the sharing is up in the air!

  109. I would probably display it on my desk in all its cuteness. That way I could stare at while I work.

  110. Oh I would totally wear it!

  111. I would give to my daughter Katie, who is away at college. She loves cupcakes

  112. I would give it to my 23 year old daughter who introduced me to cake pops and this blog.

  113. Way too cute!!

    Would definitely display it in my kitchen – would look totally cute as a ceiling fan pull!

  114. too cute!!!! i would totally wear it!

  115. totally cute! i would SO wear it!!

  116. That charm is so dang cute! I would totally wear it!

  117. That is the cutest charm I have ever seen!! Im in love with all things cupcake.

  118. I LOVE THIS! I am obsessed with cupcakes so of course, I would wear it!

  119. My head says to give it to my friend Peg, but my heart tells me I would keep it for myself to wear. :)

  120. I would hang it somewhere at home and stare at it!!! and wear it occasionally to show it off!!!! sooo cute :)

  121. i think i would share the cupcake charm! it is super adorable but my best friend anna would DIE over it!

  122. oh… so cute! I would totally wear it!

  123. Super cute!! I would totally wear it! Or maybe I’d share it and buy my own. Too many decisions!

  124. I would wear it EVERYWHERE. People could awe at its cuteness

  125. I would stare at it….it’s so cute…then share it with my daughter!

  126. O gosh. I’m dying!! I would totally wear it. I think my middle school students would be jealous of it :)

  127. My 7 year old fan of baking and all things cupcake would wear it everyday!!

  128. I’m still transfixed by the cuteness. I’m gonna have to go with “stare until my salivary glands are empty of drool”.


  129. I would totally wear it and hide it so my daughter wouldn’t steal it!

  130. I would definitely wear it!! I have a new obsession with baking and cupcakes!!! I’ve considered quitting my job and dropping out of school to follow my obsession…but I figure I should at least finish school (only one yearleft).

  131. It’d REALLY be a tough choice between keeping it for myself or giving it to one of my best friends because I instantly think of her when I see items like that! Oh my gosh, I’d have to flip a coin lol.

  132. Oh my word…this is precious!!! I would love to win and give it to my dear friend who has a cake baking business.

  133. Love love love it! Whether I win one or not I might have to buy some for gifts … too cute!!!

  134. Oh my goodness!! This is so incredibly adorable!! I would put it in my kitchen and show everyone how CUTE it is!!

  135. I would TOTALLY wear it. In fact, I’d make it the first official charm of my new charm bracelet, which my boyfriend is buying me for my birthday. Hooray! Cute charms! :D

  136. OOHHH PICK ME!! :D

  137. I would admire it for a while then give it to a chef/baker I know who LOOOOVES cupcakes!

  138. Love it! I would totally wear it, so cute!

  139. LOVE this adorable charm! I would wear it, stare at it, and show it off constantly. It’s definitely too cute to not wear!!

  140. Hi! Oh my goodness this is beyond cute, it is just darling! Typically I would never bother to comment, assuming I would never be randomly picked, BUT tomorrow is my birthday and I’m feeling lucky!

    I would D. All of The Above! It is too sweet not to wear, share AND stare! Have a fabulous day and thank you for your wonderful and creative blog!

  141. Ooh, it would be hard to part with such a cute charm!

  142. Love this! If I win, I’ll give it to my 4-year-old daughter. :)

  143. I would definitely wear this around, it’s so cute and wittle! =P

  144. That’s adorable! I’d put it on my charm bracelet that I’ve been adding charms to since 1973!

  145. I’d give it to my other as a gift

  146. Next to my children, this is one of the most adorable little things I have ever seen!

  147. Sooo precious!! I think I’d stare at it for a while, then wear it so all my friends could stare :)

  148. I would totally wear it while I was baking to give me inspiration and good baking vibes! :-)

  149. I have to say I would wear it, and mybe share it with my daughter!

  150. Absoloutly adorable, I would give it to my gorgeous best friend at her wedding at christmas as her ‘something new’ :)

  151. So stinkin’ cute!! I love it & would wear it, but a good friend of mine has a HUGE cupcake obsession & I always try and find something cute for gifts for her w/cupcakes!!!

  152. I would love it for myself! Known as the cupcake queen of the family, I’d LOVE IT! But I’d give it to my sister…she all of a sudden started making fondant covered cupcakes/cakes, and with no classes at all, makes the best looking and tasting cakes ever! :) Besides a gift from Bakerella herself, how special would that be. :) God Bless, have a great weekend everyone!

  153. what a cute charm, i love it!!

  154. not a big fan of Juicy, but gosh darn it! they sure turn out some cute stuffs that i can’t resist! i LOVE this charm, so even if i don’t win, i might have to buy it! i would WEAR it!

  155. I’d wear it! And when I wouldn’t wear it, I’d keep it in the box on my bookshelf for me to adminre all day

  156. I would wear it on a necklace and cherish it!

  157. Love it! Would absolutely wear it.

  158. OK, first, I cannot believe how many comments are on here. Second, love love love! Chances are slim, but here I am. :):) love you Bakerella!

  159. that bad boy would be worn for sure. its too cute to keep in a box. It needs to be shared, daily, with the world!

  160. I would definitely wear this!!! So cute!!! Thanks for the chance!

  161. OMG!!! Just when I think you’ve found THE cutest thing…you go and find something even MORE cute!
    I’d wear it, then when not wearing it I’d hang it in my kitchen window so I can stare at it while I bake. Then I’d wear it some more!!!
    LOVE IT.

  162. love it love it love it (all in tiny fonts to match its tiny cuteness)

  163. I would have to play around with it to be sure, but I think I would use it as a zipper pull for my fav. purple zip-up hoodie. I this it would look SO cute!

  164. I would definitely wear it! It’s too cute to not show off!

  165. Oh my goodness! This is the cutest thing EVER! I LOVE little things. I would so wear it! :)

  166. I would totally wear it! I have a perfect set (more like 4 sets) of cupcake earrings to wear them with.

  167. OMG! That’s just so irresistably adorable! If I win, I’ll certainly be wearing it on days when I am baking!

  168. Oh wow, that is so cute! I would wear it on and show it to everyone!

  169. I would wear it, I love cupcakes!

  170. Of course i would waer it…with a black skirt, black shirt and light-blue tights…

  171. Adorable!!!!
    I would give it to my daughter who loves you!

  172. Oh my goodness that is just too adorable for words! I would totally keep it for myself! And MAYBE I’d let my sister borrow it…maybe!?

  173. Wear it for sure! It’s so cuuute!

  174. I think i would definitely stare at it in it’s cuteness!

  175. Adorable:) I should absolutly wear it, my kids at work would love it. I work with kids 6-9 years old.

  176. I have a Christmas tree that I would hang it on. Or, better yet, I have a glass jar that I keep sprinkles in (or candy sometimes) this would be cute dangling off of it on a ribbon!!!!

  177. That is too cute! I would wear it on a necklace for sure.

  178. I loveeeeeeee Juicy Couture, but especially love baking cupcakes!!! So cute!

  179. It’s too cute . . . my daughter would love it!!!

  180. Oh my goodness! I would totally wear that–and that plug would have gotten me too! So cute!

  181. This would totally go with my outfit for my senior photos! I would wear this everyday (except when i’m playing volleyball). But other than that, THIS IS SO CUTE. Bake me a cake!

  182. oooo and with those cupcake converse it would go great!! to bad I never found them in adult size!

  183. I would just look at it

  184. OMG, so, so, so cute! I would stare at it in all its cuteness AND wear it!! Oh, please, please, pick me!

  185. SO CUTE :) if I dont win it I wanna go buy it!! I would put it on a long necklace with a plain white shirt where it was the star of the show!!! adorable.

  186. OMG that is to cute. I need it and more so I need to buy one for a friend that adores cupcakes.

  187. Oh I would definitely wear. How stinkin’ cute!

  188. I would wear it and maybe let my best friend wear it once or twice too!

  189. This would be a great addition to my smurf village!!

  190. Absolutely adorable! I would have to give it to my niece-she is wild about cupcakes

  191. wear it, wear it!! just too adorable not to wear it!! :)

  192. Id be too afraid it would fall off if I wore it, so I would keep it safe on my desk and stare at it forever!

  193. First of all, kudos to you for being strong enough to have something so CUTE in your possession and GIVE IT AWAY! You must be really strong! : ) Anyways, I would totally wear it- it is absolutely adorable, and the plug on the back would have gotten me, too!

  194. So, cute. I’d give it to my best friend………..she loves butter cream as much as me

  195. LOVE THIS!
    I would wear, stare at it and share with my mom. It is too adorable!

  196. I LOVE IT!! This little “bling” would be so cute around my neck.

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