
Cha Cha Chocolate

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Here’s a super last minute idea or more likely – an early idea for next year. Just something quick and cute.

And if you don’t need any treats, you might want to mosey on down towards the middle of this post.


I made little heart chocolates. Hi.


And packaged them up like tiny candy bars. Too cute. And thanks for reading.

This is super easy. You’ll need a candy mold though. The product number is in the photo below if you want to search for it. I found mine at Cake Art. The squares are 1.25 inch.

And because I have a mini candy coating store growing in my kitchen, I decided to use some of it up for these.


Melt pink candy coating and then using a toothpick, draw heart shapes in the cavity of the candy molds. Let it dry and then pour melted chocolate candy coating over the top. Mercken’s is what I used for these. Fill the cavity enough so it reaches the corners without overflowing and then tap the mold on the counter to settle and even out the coating. Repeat with the remaining cavities. Place in the freezer for a few minutes to set and then pop them right out of the mold and place on wax paper. Repeat and repeat until you have what you need.

Of course, you make these even easier and unwrap existing candy bars to use.


Now the fun part. I had these pink foil wrappers that were lonely and waiting to cuddle something. They were really too big for the bars I made so I cut them in half.


Lay the chocolate on the wrapper, fold the two short pieces first and then the long ones.

The foil is super thin so you can press it pretty flat.

These are also fun to wrap up your cake pops if you do simple decorations.


After your bars are all wrapped in foil, you can add paper wrappers.

I created these with different sayings.


Even one for the pinterest lovers out there.

Here’s a pdf if you want it.


Making your own wrappers is a cute gift or favor idea. Use the same process and create your own wrappers for your theme. You can turn any candy bar into something a little more special.

But now let me tell you why I really made these.

I bought something for myself a few weeks ago that I thought was the cutest thing ever.

Or at least the cutest thing that week.

It was on sale thank goodness. Wanna see?

It goes with the theme so far.

And it’s really what inspired these tiny wrapped chocolate bars.

But this chocolate is a little bit bigger.

And sassier.


The good thing is it won’t melt in my hands.

Check it out. A Cha Cha Chocolate Clutch.


From Kate Spade.

Loving the label.


And look at the chocolate candy clasp.

I die.


And the inside lining. So cute.


It’s pretty big, too. Actually it’s a really big clutch.


Big enough to carry all my cha cha chocolates.


Thankfully it has a chain strap, too.


And yes, I couldn’t help but make little Cha Cha labels. It’s just too much fun to say.

But I haven’t mentioned the best part about this bag. It turns out I didn’t just buy one.

Yep. Right now I have one for each hand and that just looks plain silly.


So who wants to help me out and take one of these off my hands?



Enter for a chance to win a Kate Spade Cha Cha Chocolate Clutch.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and say something sweet about someone you love. It’s that kind of day you know.
  • Deadline to enter is Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day and good luck!

Okay, cha cha time. Let’s see who won the cute clutch. By the way, I’m so glad I didn’t have to choose based on your comments. I would have never been able to pick. So many of you have the sweetest sweethearts in your lives. It made me so happy to read your comments. Smiles and smiles.

But the random winner is………

chachawinnerYay! Congratulations Gayl! Hope you have fun with the clutch.

Note: Giveaway sponsored by moi.


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4,045 comments on “Cha Cha Chocolate”

  1. I am so grateful for my family every day but especially on this Valentine’s day. 2012 has begun as a big unexpected transition year for all of us. However, I know no matter where we all end up, we have a bond that is unbreakable. Love to my mom, dad and especially my sister Kim on this day.

  2. Chocolate and purses- what more can a girl ask for?? I guess maybe a pair of shoes too ;)

  3. Love it!!

    I feel very lucky to have 5 Valentines…My husband and 4 kids. They are my world. Im so grateful for everything they do and for making me feel extra special on this day! I dont know what I would do without them.

  4. I would have to say that my husband of 17 years is the best man in the world. My 2 kids are pretty awesome too.

  5. That’s such an adorable purse! My baby brother, 7, is just about the cutest thing ever! He does everything I ask, and sometimes even more! I can’t imagine what life would be like without him and I’m so glad that I’ve got him now! :D

  6. This is my 6th Valentines Day with my fiancé but we have never been able to spend one together. Our first year he was away at college and the next four I was. This year I had to go away on business and he couldn’t join me. I hope next year, we will be able to spend it together as husband and wife. =)

  7. I’d love to win this for my daughter. She’s had such a rough year starting high school and having her three closest friends move far away. She’s a good kid and a hard worker. She deserves something special like this.

  8. My husband of 7 years who makes me laugh every day, love you honey

  9. These are adorable! I might have to make them for a baby shower coming up!

    My family is my biggest valentine. <3 them!

  10. My husband is the sweetest, most Godly man I know. His unselfish love never ceases to amaze me!

  11. Definately going to give these a try – not only for next valentines, but maybe some other holidays coming up!

    My valentine and I celebrated our one year today. Yep, and were in it for a lifetime more of valentines. I love him more than anything, and am grateful for us just both being off today… while he plays xbox and i’m sneaking away looking at cupcake blogs… :)

  12. i love my hubby-he’s my bestest friend ever!

  13. My sweetie took me out to lunch. It’s our 17th Valentines Day together :) He’s still my favorite guy.

  14. I have the best and most wonderful 3 valentines, they give so much love. my hubby, beautiful daughter and adorable son !! that super cute purse would be a super fun bday gift for me which is the 17th :) thanks for inspiring so many of us !!!!

  15. My anniversary with my soulmate of eight months lands on Valentines day as well as my birthday. When I returned from my spontaneous trip to meet him on the other side of the country (I live in CA, he in PA), we decided that we didn’t want to let the odds gets us down. I told him he was the best birthday present ever. Last night, I found out I got accepted into Penn State Altoona, and we laughed and “OMGed” over the phone about how it was a great way to celebrate the two occasions. Although the talk with my parents did not go as well, I’m not going to give up. I want that clutch LOL.

  16. What an adorable idea! My sweetie is my dear hubby of 16 years! I can’t imagine life without him. He truly is one in a million!

  17. Adorable. I love your creations and photos.

  18. My husband and son mean the world to me. I feel like the luckiest person in the world with them in my life. They both can put a smile on my face just thinking about them. Happy Valentine’s to you & your loved ones!

  19. I love my little 4 year old boy. He’s the most precious gift God has ever given me. He makes me remember I’m here to be his mommy, to take care of him because it is a privilege to. His gigantic smiles when I pick him up from daycare, his constant sweet chatter and delight in just being with me, as flawed as I am, makes me feel so blessed.

  20. Happy Valentine’s Day Bakerella!!!

  21. i would have to say my..boyfriend! so obvious! he means so much to me. i never thought i would find someone that would actually be my ultimate partner in crime, but he really is! he understands me completely. i don’t know what i would do without him!
    p.s. i LOVE your website, bakerella. your page has been my homepage since i got my laptop..a long time ago. i have so much fun reading your posts! keep up the good work!

  22. The chocolates are so cute! I don’t eat chocolate myself but I love making it for other people! And one of those people happens to be my boyfriend/childhood sweetheart/best friend. There’s really not enough I can say about him. We’ve been together for almost three years (though I’ve only been in love with him since 7th grade, haha), long distance. It’s not always the easiest thing in the world being so far from someone that special, but I’ve never regretted a moment of choosing to be with him. He’s the one person I’ve met that I’ve been able to trust completely, and he’s always been there for me. I’m incredibly thankful for him every day.

  23. I love my friends, they make school a bit easier on me. :)

  24. I love the clutch! The chocolates just make it even better. My someone special is my mom, who I know I can always depend on.

  25. I love that my best friend is a million things to me: roommate, comforter, laughing buddy, etc. But my favorite part? My best friend is my little sister!

  26. The sweetest thing in my life thats always number 1 is my children Happy Valentines Day! and Happy Baking :)))

  27. Gorgeous chocolates and cute purse! My hubby is my sweet valentine and has been for 25 years!

  28. i had to pop 2 chocolates in my mouth after reading your post!
    my dear husband — you’ll always be “the one” for me…forever and ever!

  29. to my husband-the most thoughtful and loving man. you love me unconditionally (thank goodness!) you don’t complain about my love for jogging suits when you’d much prefer something silky. you think i’m beautiful even with no eyeliner (YIKEES!) and you gave me an airbrush compressor set to let me be super creative with my cupcakes. what a fabulous valentine!

    ps- i know my valentine would think i look super sweet sporting that sassy clutch!

  30. Cute, chocolate squares..a few in a box would be cute as a wedding favor.

  31. I loveeeee the little pink hearts! But moreso, I love my dear sweet husband and our little girl. They are positively inspirational. Having them in my life makes me want to be a better person, so I can fully deserve their love!

  32. My sweet husband and daughter are the loves of my life and have been so wonderful today.

  33. Those are adorable chocolates! And an adorable purse, too! I love making home chocolates and treats, and have bought a garage organizing rack to hold all of my molds. I am known amongst my friends as the person to go to for cake pops and chocolate lollipops! Thank you for all of your amazing inspiration!

    I can’t decide who is my most special valentine this year! I have the most wonderful, loving husband in the world, who shows me in so many different ways how much he loves me! For example, last Christmas, my 80 year old Grandmother had emergency surgery and had a lot of follow up appointments with her doctor, many of which I couldn’t take her to because it conflicted with my work schedule. My husband, who is a bartender, works 4 night shifts every week and very selflessly gave up sleep so that he could take care of her!

    My other special valentine is my very best friend that I have known since we were 15… nearly 20 years ago! She has blessed my husband and me with 2 beautiful Godchildren. We are struggling with infertility issues, and some days are harder than others. Even if we never have children of our own, I can’t tell you how much we love these little ones! But I am fearful of losing my best friend. She was diagnosed with an enlarged heart with her second pregnancy last year, and may have to be placed on an organ donor waiting list. If I am selected as your lucky winner, I think I would give the purse to her, to tell her how much “sweeter” she has made my life!

  34. My family. If we only had more days in the weekend to spend time together…

  35. I love cute clutches, especially ones that look so sweet!
    As sweet as this clutch is, the sweetest person I know is my 12-year-old daughter. This valentine’s day, I took my daughter to a pizza place and we watched her favorite tv shows at home. :) She’s growing up fast but she is still the most loving, kindest person I know!

  36. oh my! what a fantastic giveaway! well, i met my sweetheart on a cruise three years ago. never thought i’d meet anyone on a boat in the middle of the ocean, but it happened. and he honestly is just the best!

  37. OMG that clutch is sooo cute!

    I love my boyfriend, we’ve been together almost 3 1/2 years and he constantly makes me laugh. He’s my best friend, and what’s better than that? :)

  38. Love the wrappers!!!!

    Love my bf who is currently in another state n still remembered to send flowers! He’s stayed with me through so much n I plan to stay ith him as he travels for work

  39. I love these chocolates and thanks for the pdf!

    My special someones are my kids. Both inspire me to be a better person.

  40. my daughter is my valentine .she would love this purse

  41. soooo cute would love to make them :D

  42. My husband is my sweet Valentine. He works so hard and often takes a back seat in time and attention after our two little girls.

  43. Sending special love to all of my fellow military spouses! We rely on each other when our true Valentines aren’t in the country to be with us :)

  44. My someone special just went to take our daughter up to bed… he said, ” Now kiss Mommy and say Happy Thanksgiving”

  45. My son is the sweetest 7 year old on the planet. He was really looking forward to the Valentine’s Day party in school today but at recess he let a bad word slip out. He spent time in the Principal’s Office and his punishment was that he was not allowed to attend the class Valentine’s Day party. Devastation was his word of the day. He sat facing a wall for an hour while his classmates ate cookies, exchanged cards and had juilce while enjoying a bonus extra recess (this part was the hardest for him). But he came home and decided that putting candles into the pies I made for our special dessert would make the day ALL better. So we did. The lemon meringuq had 3 red candles and the chocolate silk had 3 pink candles. We blew them out and said wishes that should make tomorrow a better day for our family! That’s love and that’s Valentine’s Day!

  46. I love these chocolates and I love my coworkers…who i think I will have to make these for! Wonderful post – you make it look sooooo easy! :)

  47. My mom is the most amazingly wonderful I know. I aspire to be like her in all ways. I especially want to be able to love as perfectly as her. :)

  48. I love my whole crazy family, but especially my husband for not only putting up with me, but actually loving me back! Happy Valentine’s all!!!

  49. I have such a good friend named Callye. She lives in Texas and we don’t see each other much but we talk everyday. She is such an amazing person and makes this world a better place!

  50. My mother in law is the sweetest person on the planet. I was so lucky to get her when I married my husband.

  51. Love the chocolates and would love the purse! My sweet valentines is my hubby who gets the baby at 5am so I can sleep for another hour. love him!

  52. You have such great ideas! The love of my life is my 3 year old daughter. She is so much fun to see grow and learn and she says the funniest things! P.S. I also love my husband!

  53. This is a great idea. I really love the chocolates and the bag is pretty sweet too!
    My Valentine is my daughter. It is her 2nd Valentine’s Day, but she is my sweetheart everyday. My husband comes a close second.

  54. My someone special is my husband, Dale he makes my life complete. I never knew how happy and loved I could be until I met him. Even when we have a disaggrement I still know that he loves me unconditionally and would do anything for me and our girls. <3

  55. Cha cha ching! I’d love one!

  56. I luv my besty. I came home from work today and she had snuck in and left me a box of treats (red velvet cake balls!) on the table by the front door. She’s all kinds of awesome!

  57. I love these chocolates and they are so romantic I want to share with my wonderful husband who has had so much faith in me and my bakery at home. he is the man of my dreams and nit many women can say that after 32 years We could o out on the town and I could carry the clutch and then we would eat it toether share it with each other like our love

  58. The clutch and the chocolates look amazing! I’m spending Valentine’s day with my beloved family :) Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

  59. I have two valentine’s …my 16yr old son-a reluctant one at that..and 9yr old daughter …I made custom wrappers for their fav giant candy bars.

  60. I absolutelulove the idea of a clutcfh pocketbook done with chocolate I love the pink foil wrappers which I was unaware ypou could order I can’t wait to try these chocolates and have fun wrappin them and ivin them as ifts. The letter before my H is out and makin it difficult to type hope you understand. this would be so coool to offer brides as a thank you ift to their uest. thanks for the idea

  61. I have a lot of “sweets” in my life – my sweet husband who cares for me, does laundry and dishes…my sweet children who give me lots of love and hugs…my sweet parents who are always willing to love on my sweet children!

  62. I love my mom for tying shiny red balloons on my Valentine’s Day present. (and for everything else she does!)

  63. So cute!

    My sweet is my fiance. He’s always so thoughtful and we’re still mad in love almost 13 years later. Can’t think of anything more sweet than that! :)

  64. My 12 yo daughter…she is the moon and stars to me!

  65. gotta say I love my wonderful husband!

  66. my special someone is my fiance, nathan. he makes me laugh more than anyone i know and he is incredibly thoughtful. i’m a lucky girl :)

  67. My mom is very special to me. I love her so much. And I also love my Will-bear. Who I don’t know what I would do without him

  68. I love how my mom makes sure all three of her children know they’re her Valentine’s every year on Valentine’s day. No matter how old we get, there are always cards, chocolate, and warm hugs. xoxo

  69. Love the little snap at the top. It looks like a little crown!

    Mom would love this; she loves quirky things.

  70. Cutest purse ever! My wonderful son EB gave me a piece of his chocolate from his school party today. Love and chocolate go so well together.

  71. This is such a great giveaway!

    I’ll take a moment to talk about my very lovable mother. Today she sent me a teacup once belonging to my great-great grandmother. Best Valentine’s gift imaginable, from the best mom in the world!

  72. You are so talented! I love all your creations!

  73. love my husband!! instead of flowers for valentine’s day, i received a dozen mini cupcakes from my favorite cupcakery! i loved this v-day gift because i could share them with my friends at the office, plus my husband really knows me!
    love the kate space clutch!

  74. i love my mom, she is the best and she deserves the best. simple as that.

  75. Love those cute little chocolates:) I have to say that I love my husband very much–i am 30 weeks pregnant and feeling like a huge whale, and he has been nothing but supportive and loving through the whole thing. Maybe he’ll go out and get me some chocolate right now as well:)

  76. I am totally pinning these onto my recipe board on Pinterest!

    My special someone is my hubby. Who has been there for my good times, my great times, my bad times, and my worst times. And, he’s loved me through them all. I am super lucky to have him cause I totally don’t deserve him. He’s the best.

  77. That clutch is TOO stinkin’ cute!!!

    My Valentine’s are my mum and my kitty. My mum pretty much does everything for me (since I can’t). Don’t know what I’d do without her!!!

  78. OMG that clutch is the best thing EVER.

    my sweetie is my grandma. she is the funniest nicest most sarcastic person all in one! we never ever have a dull moment together. hours upon hours spent laughing at ourselves ^___^

  79. OMG! how cute! I don’t have a valentine….but i do have shoes!

  80. I too have a candy melt store in my kitchen… they are similar to rabbits, they just seem to multiply!

    My two sweethearts are my hubby and my baby girl. This is why they are so sweet, tonight (Tuesday, Valentine’s day) I noticed it was almost 7 pm CST and glee was starting, but I ALSO noticed my husband was watching the Blackhawks game, so I didn’t say anything, soI sat down, he changed it to glee at 7 – how sweet! And when I took my daughter up to bed, she said, Momma, you look just like Santana (on glee) but you are prettier! I love 4 year olds and 36 years olds too!

  81. i love my mother, always. im only 14, so i wouldnt really use a clutch, but may be on mother’s day my mom would . . .

  82. love my husband for getting me a treat today. and my cat for the purrs on my lap.

  83. Everytime my husband calls me his Honey-Bunny, I melt.

  84. Bakerella, I am going to say something nice about you! You show the most creative ideas for everyone. I am always so excited when I see a new post in my inbox! All of your fans were rooting for you this past year through your ordeal. I admire your courage and attitude, even when you did not feel well. We can all take lessons from your perseverance. You are so beautiful and I love following your delicious blog! I wish you many, many more posts. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  85. I love my sister because she always fills me in on your blog and makes sure I catch all the give aways!

  86. Even though I lust after this clutch, I love my daughter so much that I would definitely gift it to her….should I win. Thanks for your wonderful blog!

  87. I’m so thankful for Isaac – the man I love, admire and respect so deeply. I trust his judgment more than my own and am so thankful to have him to lean on and learn from.

  88. ahhh! what a ch cha charrrming idea!
    Both the clutch and choclates are delish :)

  89. In love with this clutch! I love my darling so much! We had a great Valentine’s Day.

  90. My special someone is my fiance… he is amazing and he deals with all my crazy pregnant antics… I love him!

    Can I have the clutch? I just love it!

  91. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these! Almost as much as I love my kids, but I do love them more! :)

  92. My darling girl child was so sweet of her friends forgot to bring her valentines to class to pass out and all on her own, my daughter offered to “share” her valentines (ie, they passed them out together so she didnt feel left out!) and she even gave the extra treats to her friend to bring home to her lil brothers. All of this on her own…bringing tears to my eyes now! she is certainly the sweetest person I have ever known and am I ever blessed to be her mommy!

  93. I love my boyfriend! I have been teaching him to bake and he is dealing with it really well! He has done so much for me, I dont know what I would do without him and his support.

  94. such beautiful ideas for valentines!!! . . . gotta wait till next year to try them out . . . cool clutch. ooh! alliteration ;P

  95. I have to say my daughter has been the sweetest little girl today. We made cupcakes and took them to friends and family and at each house, she would accompany me and then tell me how much she wanted to do this again. As we were driving by a gas station, she told me she wanted to give a cupcake to the guy pumping gas. She is just wonderful!!!!


  96. this clutch is too cute for words. My special Valentine’s are my three amazing boys in my life, Husband and two sons. I’m so lucky!!

  97. I love my other half. He’s the kind of guy that, no matter how much everything else completely sucks, just being near him makes me happier and lighter.

  98. Got to spend Valentine’s night with my three little angels watching movies, eating popcorn and of course, CHOCOLATE!!! Hubby had to work but it was still one of the sweetest valentines ever!!!

  99. I love all of my family, but my 8 month old, with her giant chubby cheeks, is the sweetest. You just have to kiss them.

  100. These chocolates look so professional!

    My valentine is my very generous and loving husband.

  101. I love both of my Valentines! My little is such a little heart melter<3 And my boyfriend makes my heart melt like a Popsicle on the fourth of July!!<3 lOVE my funny little Valentines!*

  102. I love the clutch, so cute, your chocolates adorable.
    I have two of the sweetest daughters in the world and 4 onery little boys grands, they are my Valentines this year.

  103. As each year passes I am more and more grateful for my precious family! I am blessed indeed.

  104. I have two valentines…my daughters! Between the three of us, we could take turns with this little pretty.

  105. You never cease to amaze me with your cuteness!! You are an endless source of inspiration. I am blessed to be married to the most wonderful fireman in the entire world who adores me not just on Valentine’s Day but every day of the year! I could go on forever about all the ways he makes me feel loved. And the beautiful roses and chocolates and balloon and romantic card today were great too! Every day is a day of love in our home.

  106. Oh my!! the clutch is so lovely!!

    My little girl is all my love! She’s as cute as a cupcke cake pop!!
    I love her so much!!
    Happy V-day!! XOXO

  107. These are so sweet! I wish we would have made them for my boys Valentines!… And speaking of my boys; I adore them. Their silly pranks and sweet faces make my heart melt and always bring a smile to my face.

  108. My heart fall in love with you as never before. This is the reason I love you even more. Thanks for be my husband and understands me each single day, in the happy and in the tough days.
    I love you sweetheart!!!

  109. You make the cutest treats! I’m sending my super-sweet Boyfriend a link to this page so he can see what I’d make for him if only I had the crafting ability to cut a straight line!

  110. You are too good Bakerella :)

    As for sweet nothings: I have a pretty sweet hubs who took my non-sleeping baby and got her to sleep in about 3 minutes. TALENTED!!!

  111. These are soo cuute! :DD
    I love my boyfriend more than winnie the pooh loves honeyy!
    (if you watched the movie, you’d get how much love that is ^_^)

  112. I am lucky enough to have three valentine’s today; my husband, my son and my daughter and I got a card from each of them. Two were handmade and one was beautiful and thoughtfully chosen in the store. And I love this clutch!

  113. I can’t think of a better Valentine than my mom. We always send each other cards on Valentine’s Day. It’s our special little tradition. Sometimes she even sends me two!

  114. I love my patients and attendings that are teaching me how to be the best doctor I can be everyday. I wish I had enough time to make them all the wonderful treats on your website! :)

  115. Cute!! I have to say that the sweetest thing was my little one picking out the daddy-saurus card and being so excited to give it to her dada today. I love my two sweet girls and wonderful husband!

  116. My dad is so amazing…he has this unconditional love for me and tells me at least once a day that he loves me. I miss him so much. He’s been going on business trips lately…I miss how he wakes me up every morning with a kiss and how he is so selfless and giving. He always puts me first. :)

  117. AWWW! What a cute clutch :)

    My Valentine is my darling husband….he add so much beauty to my life…he has given me two precious children that I love more than life. I am so blessed to have them all.

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Bakerella!

  118. I am so greatful for my sister. I really don’t know what I would do with out here. Love, Love this clutch.

  119. I love you, Grandma. Happy Valentine’s Day. Grandpa Gerry is looking down and wishing you a happy V-day as well, I know it.
    Lots of Love, Brenna

  120. D, our wedding is going to be wonderful!!

  121. Thanks Bakerella for your quick response today! Love this web site.
    The someone special was my mom and best friend! Best mom in the world. One year this month. Happy Valentines MOM!

  122. I love my husband because no matter how many times I leave 1 second on the microwave timer, he still loves me:)

  123. My little cousins bring me so much joy whenever they come over to my house. I love to spoil them and we love to bake together. (Actually, I’m doing most of the baking work, they just eat!)

  124. LOVE this idea. So fun, crafty and delicious!
    I gotta say that my friends are the sweetest people ever: we all made heart cookies, fudgy cake balls and chocolate dipped strawberries! Yum :)

  125. Sweet chocolate idea! Spending my 21st Valentine’s Day with my sweetie.

  126. my special someone today is my boyfriend, Sean. even though he had to work today he supplied me with my very own cha-cha-chocolate from Godiva. he knows have to treat a girl.

  127. Gotta be my mom this Valentines! She suffered a heart attack on the weekend and is recovering in hospital. Somehow like every Valentine`s day she managed to call me and wish me love! Thank god she made it through, I don`t know what I would do with out her!

  128. My husband is such a sweet heart! he makes me smile everyday and makes me feel special. I love him!

  129. My new husband and I celebrated our first Valentine’s Day. We’ve known each other for 20 years and just got married 6 months ago. He’s the finest man I’ve ever met and I’m grateful to be his sweetheart! Plus, I have a weakness for anything Kate Spade!

  130. My best friend is the most thoughtful, exuberant, and fun person I know. My life would be a lot more dull without her, and I am a better person for having her around (even if she is 1,000 miles away).

  131. These are adorable, my nephew is getting married in June and this will be a wonderful treat to put on everyones plate. Put a little mint in the chocolate and you have an after dinner mint. Thanks for the wonderful idea.

    My Valentine is my husband – no matter how many crafts I get into he is always encourging, patient, and even comes up with some really good ideas when I get stumped. I couldn’t have asked for a better and more wonderful valentine.

  132. I love this idea! It never occured to me to make my own chocolate bars genius!
    I want to shout out to my sweet kids. They brighten up every day of my life!

  133. I love your site and hubby does to because he gets to help hide the evidence of my experiments. We have been married 35 yeas in just 5 more days. He is a keeper.

  134. My Valentine’s day will be complete when my little sister comes home to get her Valentine’s gift. She’s a political science major and I bought her a box of chocolates and a Valentine’s card featuring Karl Marx :D I think she’ll get a kick out of it!

  135. My husband gave me a Valentine’s card that said, “You are a gift to me, you’re precious…” He does laundry, dishes, eats anything I cook (and all the leftovers)…and he gives me a foot massage every night. I am a lucky girl, and luckier still that I married my best friend.

  136. I love my husband who is taking care of me tonight as sick as I am. Happy Valentine’s Day sweetie. When I feel better I’ll make youbsome of these chocolates.

  137. Those are the cutest! My fiance is the sweetest man I know, his unconditional love and devotion are such a gift in my life! He works all day in a special education classroom, then comes home and showers me with compliments! Plus he’s always cooking for me, which is a quick way to my heart!

  138. I love my grandson Brody SO much that I could just EAT him!!!
    But, I’ll settle for some CHOCOLATE!!!!

  139. My someone special is my hubby…He’s still the most loving and understanding person I know!

  140. Love your own chocolates…

    Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite. To my hubby, my Valentine!

  141. I love my Mom.
    We’ve had our differences over the years, but now she is my best friend! I even find myself preferring to hang out with her than going out with my friends!

  142. I love my co-workers. 3 very special ones to me right now. They make my travels so much better.

  143. Love your chocolates!! They are so cute and so easy to make!! Thank you and Happy Valentines!!

  144. Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart, I know I don’t always say the right things & sometimes I don’t say anything. But the smartest thing I have ever said to you is “I Do” I love you with all my Heart!!!

  145. My bestie, Kerry, is just the sweetest friend a gal could ever ask for. She always eats my treats – even when she’s on a diet!

  146. My Valentine today was my son & my husband. My 5 year old Aidan is just so bright and amazing. He brings a smile to so many faces each day, I just love that about him. And my husband who always supports whatever I want to do with my life (or whatever baking task I’m taking on), he never has a bad thing to say about anybody, and is always an amazing father to our son. I really am the luckiest chick ever.

  147. My hubby is definitely my valentine, we have been together 24 years and married almost 18. He tackles everything with me and we are a great team…love him!

  148. I want that clutch ;)

    Who do i love? I had a crush on this one guy for a couple years until I realized he was the world’s biggest player. So that pretty much ruined my Valentine’s. I celebrated with my guy best friend, and he said he’d step in as my Valentine. So sweet! I love him because i just feel that he’s ALWAYS going to be there for me!

  149. my bf is the sweetest man in the world. he got me flowers yesterday so i could wake up to them this morning, and got me the sweetest card ever. he is the nearest and dearest to my heart. happy valentines day!

  150. I love that my mom sent me chocolate strawberries in the mail!

  151. “what a sweet purse” (pun intended)

    My daughters and I have discovered baking supply shops in our area because of your blog.
    We have had such fun trying new things and making amazing deserts for our family.

  152. Since my husband is very busy with work and had to work late, I spent the day with my mother. We went to the movies and I made her dinner and a special chocolate dessert. After years of her caring for me, it is nice to give back and do something special for her and with her. She raised six children. She deserves to be pampered.

  153. To my sister:

    The only reliable person I know that keeps me strong even when I have doubts.

  154. Cute chocolates and I love the clutch!

    Some people I think are pretty sweet are my kids. They both wanted to get each other valentine’s present and even though they are only 8 and 9 they really take the time to think about what would make the other happy. Love them!

  155. Those chocolates are adorable!!

    My someone special is my best friend, who knows when I need someone to listen to my ranting and when I just need a piece of cake to feel better. =) I can’t count the number of times she’s kept me sane over the years.

  156. Your chocolates are seriously just too adorable. Much too adorable. Love!

    My husband is definitely my special someone. He’s been my rock for seven years, and especially since we’ve moved 4000 miles from home to Hawaii! I’m so lucky to have him in my life =)

  157. 30 years ago today I became engaged to my lovely husband Doug. Tonight I put on the dress I wore that evening we won’t to dinner – I can get it on, bit I sure wouldn’t leave the house! Wouldn’t that clutch look just lovely with a new dress to celebrate our 30th anniversary in August? 30 years sure passes rapidly when you have fun with the one you love. Thanks for such a great website Angie!!

  158. my super sweet husband cooked pregnant me a wonderful valentine’s day dinner. extra healthy so baby eats well! :)

  159. That clutch is awesome!! I would love to win it!The chocolates are so cute! Valentines day is my anniversary – 21 years today- I am definitely making these for my honey next year! Or maybe next weekend…

  160. My best friend is the best friend I could ever ask for. She has been beside me through thick and thin! I love her!

  161. Love the super cute clutch and thankful for your generosity of allowing all of us a chance to win it!
    My sweetheart is the best husband, lover and dad a girl could ask for! Even though there are many miles between us on this “sweet” day, our hearts are together! Miss you lots!

  162. The sweet thing I want to say is about my husband! He has a beautiful and patient heart, an incredible loving spirit, and he is my rock! He told me he was going to marry me one day, on our very FIRST date! A little over 7 months later we were married! It has been almost 16 years since that first date and we have been blessed with three happy and beautiful kids! I still feel so lucky and I feel “rich” because of him– and it has nothing to do with money! How sweet this ride is! Happy Valentines Day!!

  163. Is is too late to enter?

    Bakerella, I am always blown away by how thoughtful and creative you are. You truly are a gift to the world.

    I love that you can get your hearts to look so similar in shape and size. :) I think I would straggle with that.

  164. My husband was paralyzed on December 4th. We missed Christmas, we missed New Year’s but today when I took the kids to our favorite fondue resturant, there sat a dozen roses that he arranged for me. We didn’t miss Valentine’s…Sweet:)

  165. Wow – love the candy but really love the clutch!!

    I am so blessed by my husband of 33 years and my two kids!!

  166. My husband and I just celebrated 20 years together this past summer (we went to England, Scotland & Ireland!!!). He is still my very best friend, the one I want to be with always and I love him very much!!! :)

    The clutch is ADORABLE!

  167. this is the cutest idea ever! i’d give the clutch to my best friend in the whole wide world, who is crazy for kate and crazy for chocolate, and is always willing to be crazy with me, which is one of the reasons why i love her so much!

  168. I love this clutch!

    I love how goofy my boyfriend and are around each other and the times when we he makes me cry because I’m laughing so hard.

  169. What a “sweet” post today! My daughter is turning 13 tomorrow and is one of the ‘sweetest” girls I know, I love her! Thanks “moi” for the uber cute giveaway!

  170. My fiance just recently passed the CPA exam and I am SO proud of him. We’re going to have a wonderful life together.

  171. What a lovely clutch!
    And there is nobody in my world whom I love more than my sister. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her. My brother is pretty awesome too, but there is nothing like the bond between sisters.

  172. I love my hubby! He is the best thing in my life!

  173. You really are unbelievable — these little chocolates are the CUTEST THINGS EVER!!!!! And I can’t get over the Kate Spade clutch! love it!

    My two boys are my very special Valentines. Even when they’re horsing around, I’ve learned to step back and love it, because they won’t be young forever and this time will pass all too quickly. I go into their rooms at night and kiss their foreheads and thank God for giving them to me. :)

  174. My boyfriend is the sweetest, kindest, most generous man I know. I am so lucky. And he knew who Bakerella was before we started dating.

  175. These are adorable!!!
    My valentine is amazing :) He treats me so well… better than anyone I’ve ever known. (and he spoils me :D)

  176. My little girl is 3 and has really gotten into the spirit of Valentines day. She has looked forward to it for weeks since we bought valentines for her preschool classmates. Today we had to call everyone to wish them a “happy valentimes day”

  177. Oh my goodness.
    Those are so so cute.
    You really have a knack for everything tiny and cute.
    And then you go and fill em up in that clutch.. man..
    And now to say something sweet about someone I love.
    I love every member of my family… but the one person I can’t say it to anymore is my Dad. And I miss him so much. Especially when work gets too hard, or I get too dumb, and I know he would be the only one to understand me..
    Sometimes, when he needed to tell me something, but thought maybe I won’t be able to take it in easily the first time around, he would blog about it because he knows I read his blog.
    I miss my dad.

  178. Hello! I love those chocolates! They look so cute!

    My Special SOMEONE!! My special someone..Is MY MOM!! She has always been there for me. Even though I might be a little tough and crazy, she still loves me!! She has always been there to support me through thick an thin. When I was having a tough time, she helped me. When I had a cut she helped bandage it up! When I saw a spider in my room, she killed it. She has loved me and cared for our family. She gave us strength and knowledge. This is why Mom is my special someone.

  179. Kate Spade makes the loveliest things. My Valentine is my husband who is coming home tomorrow after being away for a month. He is wonderful, caring and kind. The absolute best! And my little boy – so sweet and loving.

  180. My mom is the BEST! <3

  181. Those chocolates look amazing and what a fantastic job wrapping them up just so!!
    My Valentine is my husband and children, especially my sweet 1month old son!!

  182. I love my sister Vivy. She squishes my cheeks so hard I can feel it for days. And that’s a lovely thing!

  183. My sister is a wonderful person!

  184. bakerella is the sweetest, most genuine person i’ve never met but feel like i know. happy valentines day angie! love you!

  185. I love that he makes me smile with only a look. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met. <3

  186. I love you for being so generous with so many awesome giveaways!!

  187. Such cute chocolates. My parents, my love for them can’t be expressed through words.

  188. I love my boyfriend because when I bake he becomes by test guinea pig sampling all the treats! x

  189. Hugs and kisses to my four legged creatures (Cooper and Bailey). Always a listening ear, never holds a grudge, and loves to cuddle!!

  190. I love my husband more now then the day we first fell in love. He is the father of my three beautiful girls and he is my world. <3 him!!

  191. My boyfriend and I have been dating for two and a half years and he still surprises me every day. He likes being in the kitchen when I cook and has recently developed a habit of doing the dishes so he has something to keep him busy while we’re in there. He loves my food and I love to make it for him.

  192. I love the Cha Cha Chocolate purse. If I won this I would give it to my daughter. She is 27 and is the sweet chocolate in my life. We have fun together whether we are shopping, cooking, or cleaning out my closet. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.

  193. My mother, whom I don’t get to see much at all, sent me an e-card today, even though she’s not too great with technology and the internet; just brightened my day :)

  194. You make adorable goodies!

    On this Valentines Day I want to give a warm shout out to my best friend Marisa who has been living over seas in Italy for the past few years. The last time she was back in the states we missed seeing each other and it really broke my heart…

    Here is to long distance relationships all over the world that stay strong through thick and thing! Happy Valentines Day! XXXO

  195. Someone I love?
    My mom. Obviously.
    She’s just that one person I can’t live without. She’s been my strength for my entire life and I can’t imagine my world without her. <3

  196. I love the purse!! I came home from work tonight to find a huge card made by my 6yr old daughter. My 3yr old son gave me a kiss. Couldn’t ask for more =)

  197. I love my husband, he can always make me smile when I am sad and forget why I am mad. My niece and nephew aren’t half bad either. They say the cutest things and are always so smiley.

  198. That is so cute!! I love my husband…he is so sweet to me! <3

  199. My husband is the best husband EVER! He is kind, loving, patient and makes me laugh out loud daily. He puts up with my crazy hair brained ideas and pretends to love my spontaneity. Ha! And the best part? He’s super easy on the eyes if you know what I mean. Ha!

  200. My husband is the kindest, most selfless person who works nine nights in a row and still enables me to sleep in on one of the three days in a row he has off.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Happy Valentine’s Day!

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